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Oh dear what a really bad edit for Julie....hello guys that's gone and put the cat among the pigeons,bout time it all came out lol.

Good episode that was no flirting no siree,yes it all came out to-night  let the games begin ,seriously its about time a few housemates where put in their place,hope Rhian was watching .

                     night all Frodo xx 



Wet this morning,but I got some work done this afternoon.

Hi Frodo. Do you like ballet? Don't know anything about it myself.
I see Julian had to go to the dentist yesterday.

Hi Hicky. Not sure about house prices near you, but I doubt if that would buy a nice house like yours round here? About the price of a 3 bed bungalow here.

Watched a bit of the Paralympics earlier, but I don't think much of the CH4 coverage.

I've voted for Danica to stay on Friday, but I quite like Colleen as well. Hope Samantha goes first.

Aisleyne at the National Reality Television Awards tonight. She was presenting an award.

And before you ask, I don't know what her tweet about being pregnant, but it being bitter sweet means? 
I know she's had something like three miscarriages in the past, but not sure if it's got anything to do with that? She always keeps her private life very private, so I don't even know if she's got a current boyfriend?

Last edited by emptybox

hello emptybox posted a reply about your Bolognese sauce on the other page yes I like a bit of ballet now and then,they are doing a task about ballet that's why I posted it .


I'm sorry about Aisleyne didn't even know she had a boyfriend and I havn't been on twitter much .hope she is alright nice girl always have liked her.


must toddle off four posts in one day  tired me out 

    take care you three and anyone else around xxxxx


Good morning all



nearly time for your lad to start his long journey home. Does he land in Manchester? Good idea to invest in a gold mine,   I believe in the safety of gold long term, especially with how fiat currency is being destroyed in this crisis right now.



how is the housework going?  Are you up to date garden wise now? Our gardener came yesterday, and it took him a lot longer to cut the grass as it was so wet after all the recent rains.



I bet it was a cold night again up there last night. It was cool here last night for August, but it is lovely here now and sunny.


I hope Coleen stays tonight, I like her.

I do not like Danica, not only for leading the fellas on, but even more so after we saw her riffling through other people's possessions. So disrespectful.

And Julie just seems to get worse.

I think if Julie and Danica went, we would get to see a lot more of the other HM's,  But the HM's are probable scared to nom Julie (like Coleen admitted), so looks like she will be there until the end.


i am enjoying this CBB the least of all, as the nastiness and lack of humour seems to be getting worse. Oh well, it finishes soon.


hopefully it looks like good weather for us all this weekend.


have a good day. xxx


Afternoon all


Hello Mollie lovely bright sunny day here too are you busyShopping smileys


shopping this Friday for the the week-end?


I still like Danica think it's because she lost her mum eight years ago so she would only have been about sixteen,she has a twin sister I think she runs her twitter page while she is in the house.From what I have picked up they were going through the drawers for sweets that had been put there.


Two people I didn't like Colleen and Julian I am now rooting for.I felt really sorry for Colleen last night and I think she will stay to-night.


September to-morrow lets hope we have an Indian Summer.


Emptybox lovely photograph of Aisleyne it keeps disappearing  though it was on there this morning.


Is it this week-end your family come? hope you have a lovely time if it is, Spag Bol at the ready yummy.


Hicky hope the weather stays fine for your son coming over its a long way to travel he'll be worn out and jetlagged.


Hope the eviction is good watching to-night....Frodo



Well it was dry this morning, and even a bit of sun, but it's raining steadily now.

That means I'm getting behind with my work again, but at least I can get to the supermarket to get provisions for my visitors tomorrow.

Could have done with working tomorrow, but hey-ho, it's a good excuse.


Looking forward to tonight's BB. Hope Sam goes first, but not too bothered whether Danica or Colleen stays, although Danica would be more entertaining IMO.


I think I was still trying to put the Aisleyne pic up when you made your post lastnight Frodo. I tried from my tablet PC and it didn't seem to work, so I had to try again from my desktop. Perhaps that's why it seems to disappear? 

("Shouldn't have bothered" says Mollie )

Ash is now saying that it wasn't her who put the tweet up about being pregnant. Seemingly someone 'borrowed' her phone-----who knows?


I think the housework is more or less up to date. I like to put out all fresh towels and drying-up cloths just before they come, so it looks like I keep everything freshly laundered. And I've broken out a new dishcloth and pan scourer. Also I've cleaned all the brown out of the teapot, cos my siL always peers in there.


Oh emptybox you had me laughing about the teapot good job I don't own one

(well only for show) I hope it all goes well for you


To be honest I'm not bothered who goes in those two part of me wants Colleen to stay.


You know I cant believe I am saying that about Colleen!!! it must have been last nights highlights.Stopping Mike nominating as thay have could turn the show on its head.


Is it eight left to-night the gang of three means only two can vote even with Julie they will be outnumbered,bet they didn't think of that when they turned on the girls.

        see you later    frodo


Evening All.


It's been pretty miserable today, started off at 8am fine, since then all downhill.


Had a nice steak tea, used the onion from the garden thats stored in the garage,

Had some spuds last night from the garden.


Just had cooked plums and custard, Plums from Garden.


Put one of the big square plant pot saucers under the apple tree, it takes about 1 hr, have to use 16 short ends of decking wood and 10 pieces of decking about 70cm long.

I end up with the Tub sitting on 2 pieces of wood, then slide the saucer under the pot then in reverse lower the tub into the saucer, it's easy enough just takes too long.


It seems strange having 3 up for eviction and 2 going, why don't they just put them all up, this is stupid.

It's obvious what games are being played to ensure who is there on the final day.



Good evening all



pity it rained and stopped you in your tracks work wise.

Phheewww, good job that housework of yours is more or less up to date now, and even the tea pot is ready for inspection.

Reminds me of last time my SIL visited. We spent hours and hours doing housework to meet her standards, did loads of home cooking and son even cut front lawn, but couldn't do back because it started raining. Well SIL sat at table to eat all this food we had duly served her and she said "the back garden needs a cut".



I  like the shopping smilie. Yes as you guessed a bit of shopping was done today, but not much because I got main things delivered yesterday with Asda. I bought 2 vest tops for half price and daughter a red hoodie with our tescos vouchers today though. OH was supposed to swop his vouchers for itunes cards, but the silly Tescos computer system was down.   Do you get shopping delivered or do it yourself? 

yes September tomorrow, and I noticed tonight how it is getting dark earlier. I do love autumn colours though. 



shame you too got the rains today. It did stay dry all day here, but did cloud over later in the day.Sounds like you have been busy in the garden.

I bet your own fruit and veg taste lovely.


Yes strange having 3 up and 2 to go. I agree, all of them should be up by now.


Far too short on fun this series imo.  Seems one HM or another is constantly crying, and I didn't like the way Danica tried to play the bullying card. If anyone is doing the bullying,  I think it is Julie towards Coleen, but in a subtle way. I too felt sorry for Coleen last night, so hope she stays tonight.


We went out for a nice tea in Harvester today.

Hicky.. have you ever tried Harvester? It is lovely, help yourself salad and rolls, to go with your meal.


have a good evening all. xxx

does CBB finish next week?

Wonder what we will find to watch and discuss after that?



Hi Mollie & Frodo.


Thought those 2 would go, that was what the betting said anyway.


I liked Danica, not Sam.


I can tell the nights are drawing in, getting dark quite early now.


Mollie, You don't think 3 fellers ganging up onto Danica is bullying?Danica thought so, what else would you call it?


Haven't been to Harvester, i don't go round looking for places to eat, i go to the usual ones, there's so many of them.


There's a double eviction next Wednesday and the final Friday.


Morning. just watched the eviction I taped that and the live feed last night,poor Julie looked a bit shell shocked,who the heck did her make up ? it looked pretty grim, the eye shadow was scary I ended up feeling sorry for her ( will I never learn )


Emptybox is this you  Cooking smileys  this Saturday hope you are enjoying yourself.


Its a dull day here,hang on I see a bright spot peeking thru'.Bought a pack of DVD's

 Tesco's own the first four have been dud ,they kept being rejected due to scratches

neary tore my hair out last night with them.Good job I had some decent ones left.


Hello Mollie going to have an egg and bacon sarnie in a moment .Wasn't that interview with Sam boring last night she was annoying so I speeded that bit up F.Forward as they say.Going to have a lazy day and watch the live feed I taped .Forgot to say White Rabbits it's the first of September to-day. XX


Hicky well they lost the pretty girls only two ladies left now no eye candy for you and emptybox lol

                                may see you later Frodo 


Hi guys.


Not bad day here, and warmer than the last few days.


Visitors fed and gone home. The bolognese went down well.

That little video is uncanny Frodo, almost like you'd installed a camera in me kitchen.


Watched a bit of X-Factor. The guy that sung 'Whole Lotta Love' was great, as was the girl that sung the Janis Joplin song.


What's this White Rabbit thing Frodo? Seen a few people saying that on twitter. Also some people saying "pinch punch"? Must be a tradition that passed me by?


Yes Hicky the nights are definitely drawing in. Getting dark at 7.30pm now.


Hi Mollie, glad you enjoyed your Harvester meal. Don't think I've been to one either?


Hi all



what a pain about those dvd's, typical of Tescos, I have found that store has really gone downhill lately. OH tried to by itune card Friday, and spent ages at checkouts, only for them to say, their system was down for itunes and phone stuff, and so we couldn't buy it, I also seem to find more and more their shelves run out of stock, Prefer Asda/Sainsburys/Morrisons now.

I didn't watch livefeed, must admit am not finding this CBB as good as past ones.

I agree about Julie's make up, I too almost felt sorry for her, and sometimes wonder if due to her age, she forgets the mics pick up all she says, whilst the others are more aware of this?

I still like Coleen though.



how is the garden going over weekend?

Yes you do have quite a few places to choose to eat, but we don't have many round here. So the Harvester is a good option for us, and there are a few round here.


No I didn't think Danica was being "bullied" as such, even she admitted her over use of the bullying word, and that her flirting was excessive when it was shown back to her. Imo, the "bullying" was just the HM's cottoning on to her OTT flirting/teasing, and is the reason why she got evicted, and evicted to large boos, (I don't like booing though). Shame because I reckon if she had not started this "love triangle" flirty stuff , she would of stayed in till the final, and been an interesting HM.  (although I didn't like her rifflying through others drawers either). She is smart though in that she has done alright for herself though, as Brian said, another ÂĢ6000 was  added to her gifts whist in the house.


A shame Sam had to go too though, because we now have too many males to female ratio left, and I am not keen on Ashley or Harvey.


Think Martin and Julian are my faves at the moment. Don't know who is the bookies fave to win though? Fredo, you say Coleen is 3rd fave? Is it those 2 I mention in front of her? Don't think Coleen is the sort to get cocky, so hopefully she will stay in top 3? 



Glad to hear the meal went down well with the visitors. I thought it would.

I agree with you about X factor, It was a good show last night, "whole lotta love" was a brilliant version, and the Janis Joplin girl great too.  

Yes I have heard, you are supposed to say "white rabbits" on the 1st of every month. so here is one, (but a day late)...

Not keen on the pinch and punch someone for the 1st though, so I will forget about that one.


Been raining here all morning, but clearing up a little now.

All we can hope for is an Indian summer now, which I think we will get after all the rain we had this summer.


Went to concert with OH and drama son at local theatre last night, hosted by a a Radio Wales presenter we liked. Very good singers, and some good girl dancers too.


have a good day all xxx


Afternoon guys,

watched big brother earlier on,BB really have stitched Julie up,this talking about people and the nominations has been going on since day one,with all of them.


Harvey,Ashley and Mike have been the worst culprits ,but they have been more 

underhand and sly about it, I would have liked Julie to go uot with her dignity intact,

cos however I feel about her, she has been a great house mate .

Emptybox ..White Rabbits is something you say first thing three times on the first of the month,supposed to bring you luck, but it may have different meanings to other people.


I always say *Bless You * if anyone sneezes  that's in case your soul tries to fly out.


Did your sister-in-law look in the teapot to see if it was clean? LOL tickled me that did.


Hello Mollie its been a lovely sunny day here really warm its almost 5-30pm as I am posting and the sun is in full swing ,putting on a show as they say.


Could not take to Samantha I thought she was useless as a housemate I forgot she was there, as you say what will we talk about after BB I'm sure we will find something


The nominations are out for Wednesday I wont say as a lot of people prefer to wait.


Hello Hicky hope you are well if it's fine round your way no doubt you will be in the garden.


               Take care may pop back later xx 






Last edited by Former Member

I'm not that good at copy and paste but here goes



2 hours ago

Rhian and Danica dominated the wagging tongues of the House's gossip-mongers when they were in the House and now they're both out, well, they're still a talking point. The Jules, Lorenzo and Coleen waxed lyrical about the girls earlier today.

As we know, Julian was a supporter of Danica and Rhian, and thought that The Situation and Ashley were silly billies, for want of a gentle term. He expanded on this, saying that what got to him was how the boys rallied round each other and got involved in each other's business, saying that even if Ashley was upset at Rhian, it wasn't the place of The Sitch and Harvey to tell her off.

He also thinks he knows exactly why Danica and Rhian were nominated; "they wanted to punish them" for the rejection, even though the girls had repeatedly said they had boyfriends. Lorenzo said; "that's 100 per cent what's an ego thing", and Julie, though not exactly a big fan of the glamorous ladies, had to nod in agreement.

The group also agreed that without them, the House is a duller place, because Rhian and Danica "brought a lot of fun" and that The Sitch, Harvey and Ashley didn't really think it through properly, and have ended up making their days a little less interesting.

Coleen and Lorenzo caught up a bit later and continued the conversation, with the former saying she agreed, and Lorenzo confiding that it was Harvey's behaviour that angered him the most, because it was totally unnecessary for him to get involved. He took issue with the MC acting like The Situation had called dibs on Danica "like she's a piece of property! She's a grown woman!" and expanded that "the way he treats women is wrong".

Interesting to hear, though we can't help but wonder if it's a little bit too little, too late..



Been a nice day here too, and warmer than of late.


Thanks for the copy and paste Frodo. They've obviously got the right angle on it. That's what I think about the girls as well 

Didn't see whether my SiL looked in the teapot this time, but she certainly has in the past.

I'm not at all superstitious, so that's probably why I haven't heard of those traditions before.


Hi Mollie. Glad you enjoyed your concert.

I wish it was Ashley and Harvey up, but no such luck. Another double with only three up. Bit silly.



What's really annoyed me about to-nights episode is Colleen, has she forgotten how Harvey/Ashley/Mike all nommed her for *jumping ship * as well as Julie .


Harvey is one of the sneakiest house mates of a CBB  I have come across as soon as he heard the boos he jumped ship, Ashley's not much better,so hope they are the first out.

 on Thursday

                                      night all xx is the final Thursday (not sure)?





glad you got a nice sunny day there.

It stayed greyish here, but can't complain, we got to enjoy a nice latte and cake on seafront sitting next to the cafe wall to shelter from the wind.

I didn't know you were supposed to say white rabbits 3 times, but I had heard about the bless you after someone sneezes.

You copied and pasted that fine, I too struggle with copy and paste at times, and get lost trying to post piccies.

I ended up liking Samantha a lot more than I thought I would than when she first went into the house. Yes I agree she didn't do much as far as being an entertaining HM, as she  seemed fairly quiet, but it sounded like she did a fair amount of her share of the cooking/cleaning.



was it nice weather up there today?

I briefly caught something on the news about some poor beached dolphins not far from your area dying. What a shame, wonder what caused that? 


They haven't told us yet who is nominated have they though?

But unfortunately I don't think they will nominate Ashley or Harvey.


No Hicky yet today?  Hope that means he has been too busy to post today because the weather has been good and he has been out and about, or in his garden. His lad arrives in a few days too.


I enjoyed tonights CBB much more without the love triangle.

Prince and Mike funny in diary room in silly shorts, and LOL at the bright colours they wore at the party. At least they seemed to be enjoying themselves for a change. I prefer to see that , than HM's arguing. Difficult for Ashley to decide who got the letters though, but think he did it as fair as he could of done.


goodnight all xxx








Morning Everyone.


Didn't realise i hadn't posted, not much interested in CBB now Danica and Rhian have gone, the 3 lads will run the show now, nothing will stop them.

The letter thing is a joke really, they have only been away a couple of weeks


Had a lovely roast dinner at my lads yesterday, the same as a Carvery.


Been cooking plums, they aren't as sweet as they should be, probably lack of sun so added sugar and cooked for a few minutes, very nice.

They are falling off the same at a constant rate, was hoping a few would still be on for my lad to see Wednesday.


He finished work Friday, was flying to Singapore, stopping there overnight then starting the long haul home, O/H and another lad of mine will pick him up from Manchester airport Wednesday Morning.


I Have got a l;ot of the tree tubs on saucers now with a pipe through the tub handle into the saucer, my 6mm water nozzle with spray tip is pushed into the pipe and the computer turns the water on at set times.


The rotary blade i ordered to fit my electric mitre saw has gone missing, should have had it weeks ago, it was sent on the 14th August, no idea where it has been delivered to, it was only sent Royal Mail 2nd class.


And No Mollie, not a chance in hell of Harvey or any of the gang of 3 HAM being up.

Last edited by Hicky

Good morning

It's a lovely warm sunny start to the day here Mollie the nominations are out it's


Julie,Martin and Lorenzo.I didn't post them in case you wanted to watch the programme,I always like to know straight away .I don't know how you work it on here

didn't want spoil it for anyone


What a laugh when the letters were opened ,for goodness sake all that sad piano music in the background lol, they've only been away a fortnight, what happens when they go on tour or in plays for heavens sake get a grip guys 


So it's bye bye Julie and Lorenzo then  ahhhh I like Lorenzo

                                           sees you laterxx


Good morning all



that is interesting that the plums are not so sweet this year, But as you say, they have not had much sun this summer. That is a good thing for you lad to stop over in Singapore, we too always liked to do that, as it really breaks the journey, and Singapore has such nice hotels for a reasonable price. But then, as you say, it is such a long flight after that. Bet you can't wait to see him again.

Your computer/saucer set up sounds like another of your great inventions. I bet no-one has such a high tech private garden as you have.

Annoying how your blade has gone missing. strange how stuff can vanish in the post. My daughter ordered a book recently from the US, and it didn't turn up, so she had to get a refund. She usually has no problem when she has used them before.

Shame we can't break up this HAM stuff, don't like it at all, especially the H and A part of it.



nice and sunny here today, so the washing machine is working overtime here today. 3 pairs of trainers that were stained in orange mud from the walk in Puzzle Wood amongst them.

I like hearing the letters from home, because I feel like I am being a bit nosey when we get a peak of their family backgrounds.   But I do agree it is all a bit OTT with the music ,and them only being away for a short time. I never take this show too seriously though, it is just light entertainment. But I have heard there are some forums that do. I don't visit other forums about BB though, and I don't watch BBOT, but I did used to watch BB Little Brother, I think that show was ok with Dermot, but this one that replaced it, not very good.

So I don't generally know who is up for eviction before they announce it on the show, but as I said I don't take the show too seriously, so if either you or the lads let on here, I am not bothered.



hope you have this dry weather there too, I know it is your busy cutting season. Are you still finding the grass very wet when cutting it?  As I said our gardener did this time.


Missed one of my Corries again this week. i wish they wouldn't keep changing the days/times because of the football.


back to sorting the washing, then a bit of paperwork.


have a good day all xxx


Hello  I have been trying to find something for Hicky as he seems to be a wizz on


the computer. I'm hoping we see some more photo's of the garden mine is mainly grass,bushes and trees,must be lovely to pick fresh fruit and veg; yummy.  



I have just done some washing Mollie sort of fluffy rug I have ,well two but they are cream so one or other is in the wash all the time.


I haven't watched Coronation Street for ages,I caught up with Inspector Montalbano on the iPlayer yesterday.


Hope you are ok emptybox  is it back to work to-day ?

                                                            may see you laterxx







Hi Mollie, Hicky and Frodo.


Lovely day here, so I got a lot of grass cutting done, although the grass is still damp.

Picked up a new customer along the way.

The forecast for the rest of the week seems good, so I might get caught up a bit.


Not sure who will stay on Wednesday? Probably Martin? I've given Lorenzo one vote, but that's the extent of my caring. Colleen is my favourite now.


I saw that in the paper today, about pilot whales on a beach in Fife Mollie. Probably about two and a half or three hours drive away from me?

I think something interferes with their navigation system?

Last edited by emptybox

Morning Everyone.


At work today again then off till next Monday, yippeeeeeeeeeeeee.

My other lad has got it off as well, great stuff.


Doesn't time fly?


My Lad is pleased to b getting a Lie in this morning in Singapore, not sure what times the flights are.

He seems to have his 3 days of meals planned out.

He loves his food, he's a good cook as well.


still hoping some plums will be left on the tree, if we have winds there won't be.


I have frozen most of the last lot of plums i cooked, O.H said she got heartburn from eating them, she loved them though.


They are sorting another blade out for me to replace the missing one.


I bet when my lad sees the carrots he's want some of them as well.


The apples (Coxes) are big, he can try one of those as well..


Will be shielding all of the trees from the rain next year, the veg, chilli, peppers, tomato's i can't really protect very easy.


So the lads are through to the final day & Coleen, not bothered who wins now really.


Bots is pointless as well, and it's on late, have boycotted it.


Hi Hicky Emptybox Mollie

I taped BB last night but I havn't watched it yet , there's no fun left for me in it, all 

backstabbing two facedness its endless .I suppose it should be taken with a pinch of salt Channel 5 has made it more of a pantomime, its unreal.For diehard BB fans *its sh*te* to quote Julie.


Hello Mollie


I do take CBB seriously they can make  some celebs look like idiots thro'  the editing 

Julie as I have said on numerous occasions isn't doing herself any favours , but to cast her as the bad guy is laughable , the editing is terrible...they have all been two faced ,

never thought I'd say this but it's time it was rested.


The Indian Summer has arrived yeahhhh bout time too!!!! lol, we will soon be talking about the Christmas word shhh love it.


Autumn is my favourite time of the year,although I live in an urban area all I can see out of my front windows are trees...lovely.


It's  back to school round these parts, I'll bet a lot of mum's are breathing a sigh of relief lol. take care Mollie.


Emptybox hiya


not much fun in the house now is there ? Rhian and Danica were fun not much of that now.


I made pizza's on Saturday.what a disaster,cheese.ham and tomato ,but somehow it all went wrong ,never mind back to the drawing board.


Does your work slow down now or are you still as busy as ever ,I hope you are having the same glorious weather where you are xx 


Hicky hello


Bet you can't wait for your son to come home and I hope that you enjoy your days off, here's hoping the plum tree stays intact so your son can see it.


The garden sounds wonderful hope we get to see more pictures of it ....enjoy your Christmas dinner  hoping to hear all about it.


I grew a few chillies in pots but the greenfly got to them.


                               take care byeee for now xx


Hello again it's Julian to win for me , he's the only one who hasn't called Julie and has been very kind and caring. perhaps because his parents maybe around Julie's age


I have never liked him ..but he has changed my mind completely *Go Julian * will deffo

give you my vote

                                          ta ta for now 


Evening All.


Evening Frodo.


I've missed a few bots, pointless really, too staged.


Not sure what you could have done wrong with the Pizza.

Did you mess the base up, can't see you messing the filling up.


At a guess i would say part cook the base first then add the filling, put in a hot oven direct on the bars if the base is strong enough.


Unless there's strong wind tonight he will be able to see the plums on the tree.

He can probably take an apple off as well.


If he wants some Carrots out of the garden that's ok as well.


You have to spray against greenfly on chillies early on before they get too good a hold, then respray a few days later if they aren't dead.


I have a few pots with chillies in, they aren't easy to grow.


I'll be growing them all different next year, i want all my tree's etc watered from below.


I've got 3 tables set in the front room, the large wooden table will be used for putting the food dishes on, 2 other tables end to end will seat 7 of us and the baby in his high chair feeder thing.


The Turkey will take almost 4 hours to cook so am starting off at 12.30 pm.


I'll get a picture of the setup if i can.





Hope you have a lovely break from work, good to know your lad is on his way home, I'd love a few nights break in a hotel in sunny Singapore right now, wouldn't you? Bet he enjoys the break there. Sounds like he is in for a real treat with all the home grown goodies you have available now.   Fingers crossed those plums don't blow off. Weather forecast looking good for your time off too, so looks like your lad could be sitting under that new parasol in your garden with the rest of the family soon.

Hope we get some piccies of his visit.



that is great that you picked up another customer, and just in time for the good weather too.   How did you pick up the customer? I am guessing by personal recommendation, because I know how pleased your existing customers are with you.  

I too wouldn't mind seeing Coleen win. I like her.

Don't mind Julian or Martin either, but Coleen first choice as winner for me too.  

did they show us who was up last night?  I don't remember seeing them announce it, must of fallen asleep, as all of you have seen it.   I was feeling really tired last night though.



did your rugs dry ok?  That is the trouble with cream colour, they soon look dirty. Our doggie has a white rug, which she loves lying on, and it is forever in the washing machine, but I have to dry it quick, because she misses it.  

I love autumn too, all those lovey coloured leaves. And nice rust coloured clothes in the shops.

Shame those greenflies got to your chillies. Maybe Hicky/Emptybox has some suggestions?


Not a bad day here today, bit grey, but sun came out end of day, in time for us to go for a walk with doggie. I had a strawberry cupcake at the seafront cafe.


Nearly CBB time.


have a good evening all xxx








Lovely day here, but a bit windy.

Worked till 7pm to try to get a bit caught up. Won't be able to do that for much longer.


Still as busy as ever Frodo. It'll be October before it slows down.

Mollie, the new customer is just up the road from me. The guy that did his garden has had to give up through illness, and another neighbour recommended me. It's just a small garden though.


Hi Hicky. An awful long journey home for your lad. Bet he really appreciates his Xmas dinner.


Thanks for the pics of Rhian and Danica Frodo. They really are stunning girls, and nice with it.


Glad the sun came out for your doggie walk Mollie.


Pity your home-made pizzas weren't a success Frodo. I've never tried to make them because the ones from the supermarket are so good.


I'm getting a lot of lovely tomatoes from the greenhouse, almost too many at once, so I'm having tomatoes with everything at the mo.


Hi All


Hope HIcky is having a lovely time with his lad, and hope he had a good journey.



that was a long working day for you, bet you were glad to get home and get your feet up.   I thought your new customer would of come through personal recommendation. That is good.

Enjoy your tomatoes, hope they keep long enough for you to get through them.


Gosh nearly missed CBB tonight. Didn't realise it was on at 8pm.

Wonder who will leave?


Another lovely day here today, so hope it was nice for all of you too.


I am going to watch Dallas after CBB.


Just back from nice walk down seafront with doggie, had my fave ice cream with raspberry sauce on top, but only have childs one, to save on calories.


Have a good evening all. xxx





Evening All.


Had a great day, Plane from London kept getting delayed, instead of landing from Heathrow at 9.55 it was about 3 hrs late.

Crazy, all other planes were fine.


He loved tha garden, picked a sweet juicy plum while passing.


Had a great Chrimbo dinner with my other lad as well and his lot, so that was 8 in total.


He brought me a lovely Australian Leather Card Wallet


I've been working in the garden as well, got the 6mm nylon installed to the fig trees, it goes alongside the divider between grass and stone, it gets covered.


The extra saucers arrived today and they are in now, need some more nozzles from B&Q tomorrow.



I thought you would end up being unable to resist having a peak at Dallas. It was good though.   Although I must of got tired right at the end, and didn't quite understand the bit on the football pitch.  

Pity you didn't get much sun today, but at least it stayed dry for you to get your mowing done.


Well you got your wish and Julie is off. but as you say Martin has not done much. Not much of a great bunch for this final, with (although likeable), the too quiet HM Martin, then Ash and Harvy, a pair who I am not keen on at all.

Good job we have Coleen and Julian though.


Yes and Happy Christmas to Hicky and his family from me too.


goodnight all xxx




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