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Hi guys.


Dry this morning, but heavy rain this afternoon.


Well the Situation is safe. Probably Prince Lorenzo will go.


Because I was away last weekend I didn't get to the supermarket, and I'm running short of food. I've used all my bread this evening. Have to do a big shop tomorrow or Sunday.

I've arranged to cut someone's hedge tomorrow, if it's dry, so I'm kinda hoping it's wet.


ETA: Oh! Cheryl evicted? That was a bit of a shocker?

You mustn't have voted enough Mollie?

Last edited by emptybox

hello allI have sort of read through the forum had to skip loads of pages did this thread start when channel 4 forum closed? you all seem so close and thats good.I am just wondering why so many people left it is such a lovely place took me ages to find it through a forum search.

pehaps I'll get used to the other threads on here ,I do post in the film thread.


Yes Mollie I do have children and I am on my own


Funny cos I like the situation its Harvey I dont like he cheated on his wife

Alieshia Dixon with her best friend Javine had a baby then cheated on her as well ...he can't understand why Danica is in there ,ditto for me with him.


Its lovely you are such good friends how long have you been posting to-gether

must go night hicky ,mollie emptybox


Hi Frodo.

Yes this thread has been going more or less since the CH4 forums closed, although I think this forum has had a couple of different owners?


We started off as a thread supporting Chantelle and Preston on the CH4 forums, which I joined in early 2006. I think Hicky and Mollie were already posting on it, although I think Mollie was on holiday at the time, if I remember correctly?


There were more people originally, but they drifted off. We're very boring dontcha know.



at you hoping for the wet. Well if it is, at least you will be able to get your food in. It wouldn't be a Saturday without you having your sphag bol.



You are doing a difficult job there bringing up the children on your own, I bet you don't have much free time, but I am glad you are able to get in here to post. I originally joined C4 BB forum around 2002, think it was when Cameron won, so a very long time ago now.

Then when I met Hicky and Emptybox on the Chantelle thread in 2006, I found I enjoyed posting with them, so carried on posting mainly there with them, then as Emptybox said we moved over here when C4 closed down.


As Emptybox says, if you have read back , you have probably found we are very boring.


I don't mind the Situ either Fredo, but didn't want to lose Cheryl. But I do find it irritating how he is like a silly puppy around that Danica woman.


I did not like the way that crowd bood Prince... it was not deserved, he has not been nasty at all. Oh well at least by staying in shows the crowds boos are not reflected in the public's opinion.


I am watching a bit of LF, but am getting tired, so might go to bed soon.


goodnight all


morning all 

Mollie my kids have flown the nest  well not really cos their never away

I don't think this forum or thread is boring at all ,it's nice and friendly

(thinks i before e)


Mm Danica needs to stop sending out the wrong signals to him.

I agree he needs to stop simpering round her.


Coming down in buckets here and my washing is out oh well wow the heavens have opened.


Yes I was surprised Cheryl went but they arn't showing much of the action at all it's

nearly half an hour of catch up, none of that seen in her highlights was on the show


I love Julian he is funny that will be fun if Jasmine's mum goes in

       hello to emptybox and Hicky    Frodo


Evening Mollie, Frodo, Hicky.


Well it's been raining here all day, so I didn't get the hedge cut.

I did some housework then went to the supermarket.

I can now have toast and butter with my spag bol.

I do like toast and butter with my supper.

Plus my Brother gave me some bottles of beer as a thank you, so I shall have one of those.

I do like......well you knew that.


The task is already over, and Jasmine's Mum has been and gone. I won't say how it turned out, if you want to see it in tomorrow's show.


I'm finding it amusing how Danica is playing both the Prince and the Situation.

Amazing how some flirting from a beautiful girl turns mens' brains to mush.

Don't think I would be immune either?


Enjoy your ice-cream Frodo.

I'm going for a bath, then I'll make my supper. Well, I'll put the bolognese in the oven before I go for my bath, then do the spaghetti after.


Good Evening Mollie, Frodo & Emptybox.


Been quite a miserable day today, but got some work done in the garden this afternoon.

Have now got 7 tubs covered but only the fig tree's are in saucers so i can water them from the saucer.


I'm waiting for more saucers to be delivered, without them i can't get the computer to water the saucers for me.


And the 3 figs are ok but i need to run the 6mm nylon pipe to water them.

The main line LP water is 16mm OD & 12.5mm ID and i don't have a reducer to to able to connect the 6mm OD Nylon pipe.


I've got to tidy the garden up for the 5th when my lad comes home, but it should be ok, i'll have to take a trip to the recycle centre.


Mollie, my lad wants to buy the house private, he says he can put a ÂĢ45k down payment at Christmas the pay it off in 2 years.


I was surprised Cheryl went but was quite happy with it.


Heard about Jasmine's Mum going in, what a waste of time.


I'm trying to get O/H to come to a vineyard with me, i want to see the vines growing, there are over 160  in the country, have found one not too far away and am trying to arrange the visit.


Hi All


Not too bad here weather wise, a bit of sun on seafront when we took doggie out anyway. There was a wedding party having pics taken standing on the rocks.



glad you still get to see the flown the nest kiddies. I am not looking forward to when my lot leave home, it will be far too quiet.

hope you enjoyed your ice cream treats.

that is the trouble with all this showery weather this summer, not good for drying the washing.Glad to hear you enjoyed the Maeve Binchy film.



lucky you got your shopping to enjoy your bread and butter with sphag bol. Please to hear your brother showed his appreciation of your efforts with some beer rewards. I know that will be enjoyed.



good idea to take a trip to a vinyard, should be interesting for you to see how they do things. Ask you OH if she has heard how a glass or 2 of alcohol is especially good for women because it helps their bone density... (see link)


Generally I don't drink but now try and have one glass of wine with dinner for health benefits.

Yes I thought it would not take your lad to come up with the cash to buy the house, whilst he has this good job abroad. Good job with the banks being so tight on lending now.

Bet you are counting the days down now until he is back home.


Don't like the sound of Jasmine's mum going in.

Yes those fellas are definitely being played good and proper by those girls. Danica appears to of ditched the rich young American, when she found out the prince was even richer and had palaces. 

Yes indeed Emptybox their brains have turned to mush to not see through those two.


Went for brekkie in Asda today, very nice. Managed to resist buying clothes for once, but only because I couldn't find anything I liked in the sales. and I won't pay full price.


goodnight all xxx






Good evening all


nice day here weather wise all day, hope it was for all of you too.


We went to Botanic gardens, must admit found it a bit dull and rather colourless to be one of my fave days out. You need to be a mad plant fan to enjoy it, and whilst I do like colourful flowers/plants, not keen on rare plain looking plants. The highlight was the ride on the landtrain and the magician on the lawn. At least we did not have to pay the ÂĢ8.50 fee to get in, because I used our tescos vouchers.


Not a good forecast for tomorrow unfortunately.


Anyone know when next eviction is? Wednesday?


I hope one of the female flirt/teases go, I am just fed up of this showmance stuff.

Wonder who will win? I am guessing Julian.


hope you all had a good Sunday. x




Good Evening All.


A very cloudy day here for most of it, some welcome sun patches though.


Was working in the garden till 3pm when we all went for a Chinese Eat all you want Banquet.


CBB is a bit boring with no Live Feed, we don't really see anything, out of 1200 hours of recordings a day we get to see an edited hour, it's a joke really.


Going to a Farmer Market tomorrow all of us, should be good.


Nominations this week, probably for Wednesday.

Danica, Rhian, Sam & The Situation.


I'll tell O/H about the Wine & your bones link.


I usually love ice cream, but it has got to be hot weather.


Can't understand BB putting Jasmines Mum in, Jasmine was bad enough.


Hi guys.


Nice day here. Got my grass cut, and some ironing.


Hi Mollie. Pity the botanic garden didn't live up to expectations.

Yes, I do believe a modest amount of alcohol does you good.


Hi Hicky.

Glad you enjoyed your chinese meal. Hope you buy all you want at the Farmers Market.


Are you not enjoying CBB Frodo? Must admit I didn't like the segment with Jasmine's Mum. Jasmine as horrible as ever.


I agree that Danica is flirting and teasing, but I don't think Rhian is. She's trying to get away from Ashley without hurting his feelings.

I'll be voting for Rhian to stay anyway. Hope that Situation goes.


Evening Frodo & Emptybox.


Hi Frodo.

CBB is disappointing to me as well.

What a stupid thing to do putting the awful mother of an awful house mate in.

Don't follow that, it wasn't to stir it up it was to embarrass them all.


Not sure who will not get the votes, probably The Sitch.


I got the dates wrong on the Farmers Market, it was at the weekend and O/H forgot about it, maybe because my lad said it looked small.

I thought 140 stalls was quite big.


Of course Danica is flirting so is Rhian, can't understand why they even let girls in the house with commitments, pointless, just causes massive problems.


Good afternoon


oh dear.. this is the 3rd bank holiday Monday in a row, we have had awful weather here.   OH and I went to local designer outlet for late brekkie, and the car park was full of people driving round looking for spaces when we left. Must be all the holidaymakers who have gone shopping instead of to the beach. I had a nice cheese and onion toastie with coleslaw and salad. It had crisps with it too, but gave those to OH because of all the calories.  



shame about getting the dates wrong for the marekt. 140 stalls does sound big enough though.Will you try and go next time? There is one near us too, but I keep forgetting to go.



Glad you too got the good weather, so you could do your own garden. Are you enjoying the beers your brother chose you? My OH sometimes has those bottles of beer with fruit in them, they smell nice.


I don't like Rhian or Danica. I think both are men users/teasers, and BB caught them talking in the bathroom saying they need to keep friends with the others, because noms were coming up. Crafty pair.


I agree with all of you, putting in Jasmine's mother was a ridulous idea, all done to stir up trouble, I would prefer to see the HM's having fun, and doing decent well thought out tasks, than being nasty all the time.


And I agree with you HIcky...waste of time putting in flirty women who are already in steady relationships on the outside. Again done to cause trouble, so they lead the fellas on, then make the fellas look fools. I heard Coleen say that Danica's fella is even staying in her home looking after her dog whilst she is in the house. 

They haven't told us yet who is up, but hope it is Danica who goes. Looks like Mike is at least onto her games now though.



so it looks like we all agree, CBB going down the pan right now, as producers are deliberately trying to stir trouble between the HM's.  Hope the show improves.


enjoy the rest of your bank hol all xx




hello Molly Hicky emptybox

happy bank holiday Monday to you all I gave watching CBB in despair the other night I have always stood up for Mike the stuation or table whatever,and I have commented on Danica's flirting (it doesn't do her any favours).But what the heck are the Big Brother producers doing ?allowing Jasmine and her mum back in and then she Jasmine called Danica a whore and her mum actually repeated it ,heaven knows what she would have said had Danica followed her outside.



As for Mike posted the news on him this is his sixth season in Jersey Shore they are in a house every summer I think you would be shocked if you knew how they acted its half male and female house they sleep with each other and anyone they sort of fancy they take back there.


I like to judge them fairly on how they act in the house but after this last episode its taken a nasty turn, I think that BB finally realised if they let them pass the task there would have been an uproar.


So its changed my mind I want him to go but that's  unlikely I think it will be one of the others.I love toasties cheese and onion too yum.x


Hope you are well emptybox did you enjoy your spag bol and your bottle of beer ?


I know you like Rhian she is very pretty ,not as nice as Aiseleyne tho'?  lol

take care x


Hicky you arn't enjoying it much either, perhaps this new task will get us all back into it,will your fruit tree survive in the winter in pots or do you have to cover them with something?x


                                         take care all Frodo


Evening All.


And Hello to Mollie and Frodo.


Mollie, it was O/H who got the dates wrong, my lad came round this morning with his 2 lads, he cut the grass then we all had brekki at our's.


He mentioned the Farmers Market and said it was on Sunday and Monday so we decided to go this afternoon.

We all donned wellies and rain gear, we needed it, it was all in fields but it had some of that clip together walking plastic slabs.

It was hard going for the push chair with the baby.


It really was good, we had loads to eat and bought all types of bacon and sausages, also 2 bit Salmon, 2 for ÂĢ20.

I filleted the salmon then we cut each fillet into 3 pieces, had to de-bone it as well with a pair of long nose pliers.


I had a reply from an email i sent to the Fig man in America, well chuffed, he answers my questions.


Frodo, i have to cover all the fig trees up, i use fleece and sacking and then try and keep the rain out.


The ordinary fruit trees are ok, will have to wrap up the Peach & Nectarine though because you don't know how bad it will be.


Working tomorrow.





glad you were able to get to the market. yes I can imagine that can't of been easy with the buggy in the wet weather. Sounds like you got a bargain with the salmon, and it's very good for you too.

That is good that you got a reply from the fig man in the States, hopefully his advice will supply you with some great figs.


Hi Fredo

yes the ring was a real mover, wasn't it?


Well I did enjoy CBB more tonight, with Julian and his story, and the dogs too.   At times his humour is a bit crude for me, but have to admit his story was funny and he was quick wittted making that up as he went along.


Felt sorry for poor Sam, must of been hard cooking dinner for them all knowing they had nommed her. I like her, so hope she stays.

Not that mad on Mike, but still hope Danica goes.


Sounds like the weather forecast is better for tomorrow, typical now most are back to work. Oh well, I guess at least it means Emptybox can get his gardens done.


goodnight all  xxx




Wet here all day so no work done.

As you say Mollie, there's a better forecast tomorrow.

Don't think it was a bank holiday in Scotland? But we didn't get any post anyway.


Did some more housework. Got my bro and SiL coming on Sat, so I have to make sure the place is clean.


Hi Mollie.

I like all sorts of beer, but I'm especially keen on a hoppy IPA. I know the type of beer you mean, with the fruit, and quite like those as well.


Hi Hicky.

Sounds like you got a lot of good stuff at the farmer's market.

That was good that your fig fella replied.


Hi Frodo.

Good job you got rid of the ring. You would always have the temptation to wear it, and you know what trouble that can lead to?


Hello Hicky Mollie emptybox

put a disc in last night to record it and it went kaput!! so I watched it to-day.

How did Julie get away with influencing the men/lads/babies into nominating the girls ?

very clever ,but it didn't do her any favours at all


Some of the threads out there are awful, I don't mean on this forum ,others out there and on twitter are saying really nasty things.Jasmine has called Danica a whore and a 

prostitute and been allowed to get away with it CBB has a duty of care,and those girls are being villified ahh well they never learn.


Mollie I like Julian I don't mind his sense of humour and yes he was lovely with his dogs blowing a raspberry on it's tummy


Been a great sunny blowy day here Mollie just the weather for drying washing.

Hope your mum is eating better and you are not too worried about her .


Is it back to school/college this coming week you'll surely be busy if it is take carex


Emptybox  yes good job I didn't fancy wearing the ring on the other hand I could have become invisible .


I like beer and I also like a glass of pear cider only one as you say may have some pasta for tea havn't decided yet xx


Hicky your market shop sounds fantastic love fish and most things from the sea never

tasted oysters or squid though,the salmon sounds lovely ,how will you cook it?


Talking of fig trees never tasted fresh figs either am I missing out?xx

               see you all later Frodo


Good Afternoon Mollie & Emptybox.


Buggies and mud don't go too well together.

It was hard going.


I filleted the 2 salmon as soon as we got home, then froze it.


Have asked the Fig man a few more questions. hope he doesn't mind?


Think it's been a nice day today, it waits for me to come to work.


Been busy today, invoicing.


Hope i've had more deliveries, order so much stuff but the holiday delayed things.


Didn't watch Bbots think it's getting pointless, it's too staged, Emma is told what to do and what to say by a producer in her earpiece, it's getting boring.


What i'm finding annoying is that all the HM's are spending their time talking about Danica & Rhian, whats it got to do with them, same with Julie, why doesn't she keep out of it, it's all going tp backfire.




Good afternoon all

Much nicer day here today, so they got it right Emptybox.

So bet you are busy doing the gardens today.



Are your visitors just coming for the day? With nephews or without? What are you planning menu wise?  Good luck with the housework, dead boring doing that, before someone visits, isn't it?


Hope you are not too busy at work today Hicky.


Hi Freddo

hope you are having a good day.


Tax office yet again sent me a letter saying had not paid some tax, which we had, thankfully I can just shove this across to the accountant. She had to sort same problem out last year.


just had a shower here.

Oh well at least dog got her walk earlier today.


hope we get a humourous CBB tonight.


have a good evening all xxx


Hi Fredo/Hicky

your last posts appeared after I had posted mine.



thought you might be busy at work after the bank hols.

I am sure the Figman will be pleased to help you with your queries. As he has a facility to do this on his website, he must enjoy helping others with his fig interest.

Yes BBOTS is such a rubbish show, can't be bothered with it, unless it just happens to be on.



yes a good drying day today, But I had to just rush to get it in when a shower arrived, Lucky it didn't get very damp.

My mum lot better now thanks.


I too am fed up of the Danica/mike/Rhian/Ashley rubbish, will be glad to see the back of the 4 of them (and Harvey too), then perhaps we can have some other storylines instead of this, and a bit of humour and tasks.

We have not seen much of Martin at all, have we?


Daughter just made an Eton mess for me, very nice.


have a good evening xxx




Hi guys.

Sunny here but decidedly windy. Seems to have been the same all over? Also getting much chillier here. I had to have my electric fire on in the lounge last night. First time for a long while.


Got the hedge cut that I should have done on Saturday, and a couple of other places' grass.

My visitors are just coming for the day Mollie. Not sure if the nephews are coming? I suspect the older one will stay at home with his girlfriend, and the youngest one will be brought, to keep him out of trouble.

I'm going to do Spag Bol. I made a big batch of bolognese on Saturday, and froze it, so it will be quick to make.


I agree that Julie was very sneaky using the Situation and Ashley as reasons to nominate the two girls. in the Rhian and Ashley thing, it seems to me that it Ashley at fault rather than Rhian. Her only fault is being too nice to tell him to push off.


I also agree with you Frodo, that the girls are being unjustly vilified, with BBBOTS being   a big culprit.

I do think Danica is playing a game, and is flirting in order to keep herself in. But then it is a game show.


But I also agree with Mollie, that it would be nice to see more of the likes of Martin, Samantha and Colleen.

Last edited by emptybox

Just a quick post as my broaband is playing up to-day,Its been dodgy all day.

thought my DVD player had gone haywire but It's ok now.Mollie I agree about Martin and some of the older ones  but!!! they have been that busy flying under the radar instead of a mature person coming up and saying*enough

stop this silly nonsense .Martin has finally shown his hand and explained to

Harvey....the ringleader and Ashley that they should calm it down,


Its fun fun fun we need in big doses .On a happier note eton mess love it ,I ended up having salad so I may have a chip buttie later with brown sauce


OOH empty box having to clean for family coming  its a pain ,but the company will be great,do you make your own sauce or just open a jar as I do sometimes


Agree with you about Rhian she has done nothing wrong.Danica has been more flirty but I like her I like both of them.


Hicky you sound really busy were you back at work to-day

          anyhow two messages in a day Im lucky with this broadband at the mo' bye for now     


Hi Frodo. Pity your broadband is playing up.


Bolognese? What I do is make mince, to my Mum's recipe, with minced beef, onions, mushrooms, celery and condensed mushroom soup.

I have one portion as mince then I make the rest into bolognese by adding a jar of dolmio sauce and more mushrooms, black olives and a little chilli powder to taste.

I have sometimes made it without the dolmio, but using a tin of chopped tomatoes and some herbs like basil instead, but I prefer it with the dolmio.


Evening All.


Got my new plant saucers delivered today, also the tube of pool liner sealing glue, it's to seal the holes in the bottom of the new pots for the spring when i transplant the fig tree's for the new watering method.


Have got someone coming tomorrow to give us an estimate of the house price.

We need to get some idea for my lad.


Went for a Carvery tonight, fantastic it was, going for brekki with O/H in the morning.


Mollie, how can the tax office mislay your payment, i suppose they get millions, it may be hard to find one.


Emptybox, i don't really like Julie, like Danica & Rhian though.


Why all the HM's spend day and night talking about them i don't know.


Yes Frod, was back at work, it gets me all mixed up when there's a bank holiday,  my working days change.


Your Spag Bol recipe seems great Emptybox, have you tried a drop of Worcester Sauce, fantastic with tomato dishes.


Evening All.


Had a busy day really.


We have one of my lads coming home from working in Oz & Sumatra, he's home for someone's wedding in Birmingham, they are having a stag do abroad but he's at ours for 3 days.
We are laying on a Christmas Dinner on the day he arrives, the 5th Sep.

We got a new Parasol from B&Q it can swivel 360 deg so is ideal, can't see one on the web to show you.

I can swing it out over the rotary clothes line in case it rains or turn it over the decking an have tea outside.
Mind you i now have 4 Parasols and a Gazebo


O/H wanted some nice tubs making up with flowers so we got packs of flowers from the garden centre while we had brekkie, got 120 individual ones.


We got 4 50L bags of compost, went B&Q for the Tubs, they are 40L black builder 2 handled ones, brill.


O/H has taken 2 of my round 50cm round saucers.

She has put 3 Tubs out front and 2 on the decking.


Work tomorrow, hope The Situation goes tonight.





I declare you the king of the Sphag bol.  I am sure your visitors will enjoy joining you for that. hope the housework going ok.



hope your broadband is behaving itself today.



good idea to get someone in to do a house valuation. Might be worth getting a few in, when we got ours valued, we had vastly different values from all 3 agents. So we ended up taking the middle one,

Hope you enjoyed brekkie out. A good way to start the day.


Just going to watch eviction, hope Danica goes, do not like her at all. Think she manipulates the fellas. Mike is growing on me after last nights episode.

From the loud cheers, from the crowd already, he sounds popular.

Going off the gulliable Prince though.

Still hoping to see a bit more of Martin, I like him.

And did not think I would like Samantha, but I do like her in the house.

Like Coleen too.


Wonder when the series ends? We will have to find some other show to discuss then.



Had a big thunderstorm this afternoon.

2 houses got struck by lightening in Cardiff.

Curtains go burnt in one house and one fella got an electric shock, but fortunately he is ok, just has a funny feeling in his arm.


Have a good evening all xxx


Hi Hicky

posted same time there.

Not long till your lad arrives now. Bet you can't wait.

Your parasol sounds great. Fingers crossed the weather perks up, I think it looks hopefull going on the forecast.

You will have to add some more photos of all the plants when it is all done, I bet it will look just lovely.


I can see we all like different people on CBB.

I don't want Mike gone, and don't think he will go. I don't think he has been nasty to anyone.

Danica or Rhian to go for me.


Meant to say, I am not keen on Julie, a bit of a disappointment for me as  a Corrie fan.


back to the show.

next eviction Friday?

1 or 2 out I wonder?




Anyone watching this Dallas show on C5?

Looks like I have found something to watch when CBB ends.

This is an introduction show with John Barrowman.

Sue Ellen is looking good for age 70.


CBB..Shame Danica stayed...thought she was just horrid going through other people's property in their drawers when they weren't there, to nick their sweets.  

Not looking forward now to the continuation of the boring "love" triangle with her.

I want to see more of Martin, and stuff like the Julie/Coleen thing. I can't understand what  Coleen has done for Julie to keep going on about?

Hope Rhian goes now.


Goodnight all. x

won't be staying up to watch rubbish BBOTs, my magazine read in bed calls.


did you manage to do gardens today Emptybox, or did you too get all these storms?




Raining on and off all day here, some of it very heavy. Flooding in some parts of the Borders again.

Sounds like it was bad with you as well Mollie.


Really sad that Rhian left, but I think she'd had enough. That stupid boy Ashley ruined her BB experience.

I wanted Mike or Sam to go. Must admit I've gone off Sam a bit.


Hi Hicky.

Not long till your lad is home.

You're making a real collection of parasolls it seems.


Not sure if I'm going to watch Dallas Mollie. I used to watch it in the eighties, but I think I had my fill of it then.

Watched a bit of the paralympic opening ceremony, but it obviously didn't have the budget of the ordinary Olympics.

Probably watch some of the sport though.


Morning All.


We only wanted an Idea Mollie, it's just for my lad, he wants to buy it, O/H was thinking of around 180k anyway.

He says it will take him 18 months to buy it as he is investing some of his money in shares in the new gold mine.


Glad Danica stayed, sorry to see Rhian going.

Don't like Julie or Mike.


My Lad arrives on the 5th for 3 days.

I am taking those 3 days off anyway, so will be working Mon/Tue next week.


I watched the original series of Dallas, loved it, but wouldn't watch again.


Yes Emptybox, a lousy day, but with all my Parasols we can work under cover.


I see Danica, Sam & Coleen are up this week, eviction Friday and 2 going.


It's all the lads voting out the girls.


hello all really cold here to-day we haven't had much of a summer have we?

Emptybox that's sounds like a good recipe for Bolognese sauce I usually make mine very similar but with peppers in as well,never tried it with the condensed soup tho'

and I just add chopped tomatoes everything else more or less the same,going to try it your way for a change.In a way I glad Rhian went last night,I felt really sorry for her she wasn't given a chance,thought she came over as a really nice girl hope things go well for her on the outside.


Mollie hope you are well,yes I have gone off Julie all the spite she's bringing out.That chewing gum drives me bonkers she's either chewing or puffing on a ciggy nuff to turn you off.


Sounds as tho' you have had some awful weather at your place apart from the lightening its not been much better here.Your programme sounds good will have a look at that.Yes we all seem to like different people in CBB I think that's good I hope Julian wins it I like him a lot I could not stand him before this series 


Hicky your garden will look fantastic 4 parasols and all the flowers,glad your son is coming home for a while Christmas dinner in September cant be bad.


Yes I wanted the situation to go spoilt brat. three women up again and two to go

I think Danica  and Samantha will go .what do you think

                     off now see you later xxxxxx 


p.s came back to put the y in Hicky missed it off hope that Danica makes the final i

think she is great think she will go Friday though

Last edited by Former Member

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