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Evening Mollie, Hicky, Frodo.


Posting from my Brother's.

I did grapple with the stove to make chilli-con-carne, well heat it up anyway. They've left a menu for a take-away for tomorrow night. Obviously only trust my cooking so far.


Didn't get any work done today. It was raining heavily this morning. It did dry up a bit this afternoon, but I decided to get a new battery for my car before I set off. Didn't want it conking out on me. ÂĢ90 fitted. Cheaper than Halfords anyway.


Watched the face to face nominations. Really hope Jasmine goes, but I think it could be Rhian.


Glad you enjoyed your anniversery meal Mollie. Bit naughty of you blowing the fuses not once, but twice.


Glad you're enjoying CBB Frodo. Yes it'll take a while to get to know them all. I like to judge them only on how they act in the house.


morning all

glad you grappled with the stove emptybox,I dont think anyone of them have had a blameless past,thats why I was surpried at Jasmine being so catty

I only judge on how they act in the house so I agree with you .


Danica to me is stunning to look at and she seems pretty nice up to now

I do hope we can have a few days of goodwill after all the bitchiness of the

last few weeks 

          speak soon xx


Hi Emptybox

Glad you managed to cope with the cooker and get the boys fed. Hope you enjoy the takeaway tonight, I take it you are joining the boys for the take away? What  is it going to be? It should make a nice change from your sphag bol, but I am sure it will not live up to your usual home made sphag bol. Hope the boys are behaving for you.


Hope Hicky is having a good Saturday.



glad to hear you intend to stay around. Yes this is lovely friendly place to post.  

I too hope this CBB lot are nicer to each other than the last lot of HM's that just left. We need a fun series, and hopefully after a promising start we should get it.

The HM's I am finding the most interesting so far are the real, Martin, Julian, Julie. I think to call think Rhian, Danica, The Prince celebs is pushing it a bit,


It has been raining here all morning. But stopped now, so hopefully will stay dry to take doggie a walk.

We went to the cat rescue centre open day today, The vonunteers so far have rescued over 1700 cats this last year. Some people are so cruel, just dumping these cats in boxes or moving out and leaving them. So we like to help support their open days, I bought some home made cakes, so the kids are pleased, and we bought some nice 2nd hand cut glasses. The cats/kittens were so cute.


have a good day all.


X factor starts tonight, so I am looking forward to that, as well as CBB.


hello Mollie and guys 

                            I love Julie always have and agree about the celeb thing 

the only thing that annoys me is when Rhian .Danica and Jasmine went in the house the boos where horrific,Mc Harvey who allegedly cheated on his wife with her best friend gets cheered.

       I'm giving them all a fair chance so far I'm really enjoying it.

Its the last two episodes of Wallander to-night so I'll watch CBB to-morrow.


Hope you enjoy your takeaway to-night emptybox let me know what you get 

had a chinese takeaway Thursday

hope Hicky is well plenty of eyecandy for him at the moment

                                     take care speak soon

Mollie can't stand cruelty to animals in anyform I always donate and give what I canxx 


Afternoon Molly Frodo & Emptybox.


I'm sticking to the papers on my desk.


Enjoying CBB so far

Like them anyway.


The pts or whatever don't work for calls from abroad Mollie.


The siren was to go in a box and put the phone in and turn it on with nuisance calls.

But she's had to change the number as the calls where continuous all day every day.


I've been doing some work in the garden, worked Friday so i can have Monday and Tuesday off with the girls & O/H so we can places.


I went out for brekki to Morrison's with Son and his lads this morning.


Have taken pics of the garden.


Click on first pic then use arrow to see next one, etc.


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What a lovely garden and house Hicky,the work you have done is amazing

do you have help?you must be proud loved the squirrel resting ,

are you enjoying CBB...I'm loving it up to now. 

I'm ex directory but I still get silly calls .most companies are strapped for cash 

where do they get your number from?

Wonder why Jasmine went in so bull headed just asking to be nominated silly woman

calm down dear ,then perhaps Mike the Situation may have been nominated instead


Had to laugh when he (the situation ) was shocked at Danica's job he is in

Jersey shore where they live in this house and have different girls back everynight

talk about X rated  and yes I have watched itits naughty


Afternoon Frodo.


I can get a lift of my lad if needed, i usually manage with a bit of knowhow you can move a large load with very little effort.


I'm loving CBB, always do, but without LF we won't see anything.


They don't get your number form anywhere, they are computer generated and they just search until a phone rings.


Strange isn't she, Jasmine, but the reasons for nominating where pathetic.

I didn't think it fair asking them anyway.


The sun has been out here for a while now, great.

I need to go buy some more pond liner to cut up for covers on the tree pots.


Hello Hicky 

          yes live feed would be fantastic (sighs) all of the BB  die hards agree

but I love BB SO I sort of put up with it !!! do I campaign in the background YES

I also realise some folks don't care so I keep my opinions to myself and support people who are trying to bring it back .

But what drives me mad  is people putting Rhiana down while praising the man in question takes two to tango

that's all ,I'm not a prude lets face it a lot of the girls on BB  have posed for men's magazines , yet they are booed ,some of the men on there have pasts as well

urrgh I'm sounding like women's lib but I'm not like that at all just fair play to 





Started off raining, but turned into a sunny day.

Haven't done much except took the dog for a walk this afternoon.


We had an Indian takeaway this evening. I had Jaipuri chicken (or something). Wasn't very good TBH. The boys just had pizza. Probably a better choice.


Watched a bit of the X-factor and then BB.

Not liking Jasmine at all. Rhian's lovely.


Garden's looking fine Hicky.


I'm @emptybox43 on twitter Frodo. I don't tweet much, but any more followers are welcome.


Morning all, thought these might be nice for your chat room

to new to call it mine as well yet 


Going to watch CBB  as I missed it last night looking forward to it

happy Sunday all, hope everyone is well  

                       see you soon

ps emptybox i prefer Rhian ,Jasmine isn't doing herslf any favours at the moment


just watched CBB 

Jasmine has really taken it badly the nominations that is ah well I suppose no-one 

wants to be the first out,Rhian seems to have taken it well and I hope she stays.


Thanks for the tweet tags but think I'll let myself get used to it more before I branch out not too good at it yet.


Sorry your meal wasn't that good emptybox I like Indian food but sometimes you can get a dud one.


Hope Mollie and Hicky are well, off now to have a lazy Sunday


Evening Frodo & Emptybox.


Had a great day, there was 2 car loads of us, went to the Candle Factory and The ice cream farm, a great day, some good food.


Shame about the Indian meal Emptybox, i so love Indian Food.


The flowers are lovely Frodo, thanks, they do look good.


Jasmine really made a mess of that display against Danica, it always means there's lots in the closet.


Hope Mollie & her mum are ok this weekend.


I've got the little ones for 2 more days, we will have a fine time.


Just watching CBB & Bots at the mo.


Hello Hicky emptybox Mollie

thought Jasmine was really out of order calling Danica a prostitute I'm

enjoying it ,like you say a little live feed would be nice.

Whatever is in Jasmine's past that makes her want to lash out like that isn't doing her any favours, I like Rhian as well ,in fact at the moment can't say I dislike anyone they all deserve a chance,

So goodnight to all in Hicky's chat room ,the roses smell nice don't they


hyah all ,

another sticky humid overcast day here,hope you are all well

hope your mum is ok Mollie and everything in Hicky and emptybox's world is fine.


Wonder how the eviction will work out as there is one Wednesday and then Friday

do you think whoever leaves chooses who is nominated for the Friday?


Oooooh wait a moment the sun just came out (black clouds though)

take care T.T.F.N 


Good afternoon all



thanks for the latest garden pics. It is looking lovely and looks like your fruit is coming along well too. Hope you and OH are enjoying the girls company. Fingers crossed weather ok for you to take them out. Looking forward to reading how you have been entertaining them. I am sure whatever it is, you will think of something fun for them to do.



Sounds like your weekend nephew sitting has been pretty uneventful. (which is probably a good thing). Yes I can imagine your take away was not up to the standards of the cooking you do for yourself. Hope you had a good journey home today.

Have you got a lot to catch up with work wise now?



thanks for the Deana link, will watch it when I post this.

Nice roses and choccies piccy.

My friend posted me some Thorntons ones that looked like that a couple of weeks ago. Yummy they were. They were called the summer Collection.


I too am enjoying CBB.

Yes I too thought it was a bit unfair to force them to do noms so soon and in front of each other. I guess it was done to cause controvosy, and it certainly has.

And I agree, nominated someone because they are a mother is not a valid reason to nominate someone.


That is interesting Fredo that we have 2 noms this week. Maybe one is task orientated? Could be interesting if they have to work to avoid noms. Or maybe as you say, one who leaves chooses?


My mum still not right, but she is eating bit better now , so hopefully she will improve as time goes on.


We had nice day out in Forest of Dean yesterday.

This place was great, Tolkien went and they think he based middle earth on can walk for ages around it.. so weird, and so natural though. Some nice animals there too. It was really muddy in places, from recent rains, and steps and steep, so I had to cling onto someone, because I am clumsy.
Then just up the road, we went here.. that too was good... Lovely and cool down the caves though.


did you all enjoy x Factor?  I did? The young Asda lad was great, as was the girl who wrote her own song I thought. But I did not like Mel being so rude, especially to the elderly man.


have a good day all.

A mix of sun/cloud here today, but a good drying day.

Which part of the country are you in Fredo?


Enjoy CBB all.


Hello Mollie, sorry to hear your mum isn't eating very much,would she take those drink supplements instead? I'm sure you must have tried everything,I've never been to 

The Forest of Dean but it sounds lovely Tolkien fascinates me and the animals would be a bonus you take care Mollie x I live in yorkshire its a pity there arn't any pm's

or dm's on here.but look after yourself,I love your posts and look out for them.

Hicky or emptybox where am I going wrong? I'm on google chrome and I keep ticking

*keep me signed in * on this forum my e-mail and twitter but it doesn't .

I have different passwords and keep getting myself into a kerfuffle as as soon as I leave ,I have to sign in over and over again.

any suggestions ,hope you are all well, Hicky isn't in his chat room much, I keep 

tidying it up for him.

I so wish people would stop calling Danica a prostitute and lets judge her on how she acts on c.b.b none of them are angels .off for a while now 



Wanted to tell you Mollie ,Saturday night on BBC4,they almost always have a detective

series on subtitled ,but they are so good much better and more realistic than our 


Montalbano starts this saturday an Italian detective small bald and his legs are a bit bandy,he is the sexiest man on telly for me ,you would have to watch to know what I mean(told you there should be a pm on here) lol so I don't watch x factor

I watch him instead and tape it you know my dark secrets lol




Evening Frodo. Mollie & Emptybox.


Been kept busy with young ones.


They didn't get up till 10am O/H and DIL took the girls to get them new clothes, bought them each about 4 outfits etc.


I went to MIL to collect all her pictures from the computer onto a memory stick for her.

Think she wants to print some.


I then took the girls to Water World as i needed more pond liner then to the garden centre for organic farmyard manure.


Of course we had a meal while there.


I had them helping in the garden marking out the circles for the pond liner and then cutting the circles out.


I don't use Chrome Frodo, i use Firefox.

I don't understand, you say as soon as you leave, leave where?

All my threads and urls are on Tabs, i never leave anything, they are always active.

I only sign out at work, i never sign out at home and only have to sign in when i reboot the computer.

If your computer loses connection to a thread/forum you will be logged off.


I haven't really seen much of XFactor, not to worry.

These CBB HM's are crazy.


Not bothered who goes really.


Thinking of going to North Wales tomorrow, taking MIL as well as the girls.


Hope you Mum picks up Mollie, even a little food is something.


Evening guys.


Got back home late last night, and it's been work as usual today. It's been a lovely day, so I've got quite a bit done.


Hi Mollie.

Pity your Mum is still not 100%.

That Puzzlewood place looks super, and the caves as well. I've heard of the Forrest of Dean, but couldn't put my finger on where it is?


Hi Frodo. Not quite sure why you keep getting logged out of here? I use Chrome,and it generally keeps me logged in. It must not be saving cookies for some reason? Unless you've got it set to clear cookies or browsing history after each session?


If you want to talk to people privately on here there is a 'dialog' facility top right. You open a new dialog then it asks who you want to include. You can choose any number of people, then it becomes like a private thread that only they can see.


Hi Hicky. Glad you're enjoying your time with the grandkids. Not quite sure what an ice-cream farm might be?

At least you get some little helpers for your gardening.


Watched CBB. Have to say Jasmine is becoming one of my most disliked housemates ever; alongside the likes of Sezer, Shabaz, Dennis and Alexandra.

Unfortunately the public might keep her in.

Last edited by emptybox

Morning Hicky emptybox Mollie

            oh emptybox I agree with you about Jasmine lasts night C.B.B

was awful ,we have all those weeks of bickering and nastiness and now its more of the same,Ive got this feeling the public may keep her in which would be a disaster,this is one lady who needs some help;thats how its coming across to me.

Where is the fun they have some great characters in .its turning into 40 mins of who

fancies who everyone bursting into tears,so would love some live feed to really know whats going on.

   Hicky sounds like you and the girls had a lovely day  , its not that i want to talk privately emptybox its just giving info on the internet thats all ,dont mind telling 

perhaps just over cautious thats all ,

  anyhow have a good day, see i'm on TIBB but have a different user name

take care all love Frodo


Good evening all



I too have to log in each time I come onto this site, even though i never log out, and I use Firefox. My lappy does remember who I am though each time, with those ball things for my PW, so it is lucky I don't have to look it up each time, because I can never remember my PW's either.

Yorkshire is great.

We had a lovely holiday in Yorkshire a couple of years ago, and loved it.   We stayed in Easingwold, and visited the Moors, my OH's niece who lives in Scarborough, beautiful York and the cathedral, Robin Hood Bay. It was March time, so cool and frosty , but lovely and dry. We had an outdoor hot tub at the hut thing we stayed in, and it was covered in frost, but lovely and hot each morning, with steam coming off it.   Yes I know what you mean about not being too specific on public forums, but I think general chat in here if fine.

Yes my mum does have those meal replacement drinks, they are great for someone like her who is so skinny and doesn't eat much. She was unable to even take these for a few days though with this upset tum.

I am pleased to say that today she says she is eating again though, and managing to take her supplement drinks , so feels a lot better. It is always a worry at that age about whether they will be ok when unwell. But hopefully she will be ok now she can take her drinks without feeling sick.



glad to hear you and OH are enjoying the girls company. I bet you all got to enjoy ice cream at that ice cream farm.   And I guess they also loved helping out in the garden. Did you make it to North Wales today?  If so, hope you had a lovely time. There will certainly be a crowd of you again, with MIL coming too.



I bet you were glad to get home after being away for a few days.

Did you see much of the boys, or did they spend a lot of time in their rooms, as teenagers tend to do?

Glad you got some good weather to help catch up after your few days away. Forest of Dean is inbetween South Wales and England, by the Severn Bridge estuary. Very pretty place, good views on the way over the estuary and Severn bridge.


I am loving the oldies on CBB, but the youngsters are getting on my nerves..Jasmine just plain rude and OTT, the other 2 girls and the younger lads..the usual rubbish... flirting .. ..who fancies who...I'm not talking to kid type stuff..... They need to chill out and enjoy themselves. Too desperate to get attention and win I reckon, some of them.

Shame both of those women aren't being evicted.So don't really care which one goes.


but having said that, am still enjoying the series.   think it is great...

Cheryl...  Julian ...  Julie...  

I have always like Coleen, and Prince seems nice, as does Samantha and Martin too.


have a good evening all.


time to watch and enjoy the show again.



hello Mollie glad you understand how I feel ,you Hicky ,emptybox have been friends for years ,know each other probably inside out ,so I'm not cautious on here just would not reveal my real name on the internet thats all ,on twitter I can sort of let myself go

never be rude and I'm so passionate about animals any creature that is ill treated I hate ,and before anyone berates me I donate to children.


Yes Yorkshire can be wild yet stunning i am sort of urban but saw a young fox in my garden, wildlife is my passion.

I havn't read back so know very little about your mum ,but from what I can gather 

you have your hands full ,it must be hard and my thoughts are with you take care Mollie xx.


Emptybox hope you are o.k after your week-end bet you are glad to be back home


Hicky havn't a clue why I have to keep signing in but I do ,clear my browsing history and it all goes kaput not to worry I have all my passwords etc in about three 

different places.

This C.B.B  could and would have been fantastic zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I am bored out of my mind,why do they insist on fake romances night all  Frodo








Nice day here. A few spots of rain but not nearly as bad as was forecast.


I am glad to be at home, because it was very boring at my Brother's. As you guessed Mollie, the nephews spent most of the time in their rooms.

Glad your Mum is able to eat again.


Quite enjoying CBB but I'm not particularly following it. Definitely want Jasmine to go though.


Good Morning All.


Had a great day with the girls and MIL yesterday at Llandudno.

Hard work trying to park but found a pay and display one in the end.

Had a nice meal in a restaurant.


The idea i had of putting the Figs on temporary big saucers seems to be working, the tree's seem to be getting the water by capillary action ok.

you have to start them off by watering from the top to fill the saucer then when you stop the water flows upwards.


I'm going to have to sink some small pipe into the edge of the divider strip so the computer can fill the saucer for me every day.


I will be ordering more saucers as i think this system is needed for next year.


I have missed a few of the bots programs but they really are a waste of time.

The eviction will be interesting tonight, Jasmine is fave to go, hope she does really.

Jasmine is 2/7

Rhian is 5/2


So as far as the betting is concerned Jasmine should go.


The Ice Cream Farm is so called because it is a real farm and you can see the cows getting milked etc, they make their own ice cream on site.


The Candle Workshops, it's been renamed.



The Ice Cream Farm.








Wet here this morning, but drier this afternoon.


Glad you enjoyed your day in Llandudno Hicky.

Actually that ice-cream farm sounds good. Hope you brought back loads of product? 


Really glad Jasmine has gone. Perhaps the house may be a bit duller, but we stand a better chance of finding out about the others now, without having to deal with her volatility.


hello Hicky emptybox Mollie oooh that ice cream!! is that last box rum and raison?

one of my fav flavours .Bought some cadburys caramel cornettos,trouble is once you've 

eaten one you want more.I was feeling really sorry for Jasmine thinking she was so frail,then she comes out with the nasty comment on B.O.T.S saying she thought Nina was dead

         See the nominations are up but in case you havn't seen it yet I wont say lets hope they have some fun now ,trouble seems to be brewing between Julie and Coleen.

Hope all is well in your world Mollie and you Hicky and emptybox.

                                                see you later


Hi all



thanks for the links, Did you see the laughing policeman in the penny arcade? Me and the family love those sort of places.

Emptybox.. I thought it was co-incidence how CBB did shove 2p the other day, after I had recently discussed with you when we did that in wsm.

The ice cream farm looked great fun for the kids, I have just spent ages following it round on the site.

Glad you made it to Llandudno too. I know that area well because hubbie from around there. Did you make it up the Orme at all? Such a lovely view from up there. That is good that the saucers seem to be working for the figs.



Yes I had a feeling you would be glad to be back home again.   But you have been good to them again, and done them another good turn.

Yes hopefully we will see a bit more of the other HM's now.

But I hope we do not get a show full of the 2 bikini blondes and their flirting,  with those 2 gullable males...Ashley and whatsisname.

i hope we get some fun tasks, and the HM's are enthusiastic doing them.

at Julian telling poor Coleen she was fat. I read in a mag that she has just  dieted like mad and lost 3 stone before going into the house.



I love wildlife too. That is nice that you saw a young fox in your garden. I have not seen a fox in our garden here, but we do get squirrels quite often.

Yes my mum is 82 now and getting forgettful, so I was worried when she became ill with this stomach upset. Glad to say she seems quite a bit better now though. I have to help her quite a lot now though, .. eg do her shopping, help with paperwork, tidy up etc. She is not happy if she can't do stuff herself though, so it is not easy.

I didn't know that did Caramel cornettos, that sounds like one to add to my shopping list then.

I have just had some of my home made blueberry crumble, with custard, lovely.

I only saw beginning of BBOTS last night, so missed it when Jasmine spoke to Nina. I too had been feeling sorry for Jasmine, but sounds like she was not nice to Nina.

I don't know who is up for noms, so CBB should be interesting tonight.

Yes strange how things are simmering between Coleen and Julie. I wonder if there is past history there, or is Coleen just upset because Julie nommed her?


Been busy helping my boy sort his certificates and cv out to go to college open day tomorrow, He hopes to get onto a music course, so will see how it goes, and if it is suitable.


Took doggie a walk down seafront, quite busy today with holidaymakers, but at least it was dry.

Had fish and chips from chippie for a change, Yummyy..


have a good evening all xxx







Not bad day here. Had to dodge a shower this afternoon, but got plenty done.


I know who's up, but I won't say. Not very interesting anyway. No need for me to vote.


Don't know why Colleen doesn't like Julie and vice versa? I think Colleen thinks Julie is acting. Well I never.


Hi Frodo. Years since I last had a cornetto.


Oh yes, I'd forgotten about your shove 2p when Jasmine did it Mollie. I was just thinking how horrible Jasmine was.

Funnily enough I don't mind the 'bikini blondes'.


Evening everyone.


Thats 2 days at work and 1 boss phoned up to say will i go in tomorrow as well.

He's on nights, with the factory working 24/7 now we have to man the equipment 24/7 as well.


I've got the Fig tree's to get their water from the large saucer i have put under them.

When you water from the top with a saucer and stop the top watering the water then turns round and flows in reverse.

Have just ordered more saucers, 2 round and 6 square.


Have got some 6mm nylon air pipe from work and will run it around my garden divider sections that separate the stone from the grass, it clips into special plastic hooks pre-installed.


Glad Jasmine went, what an awful woman.

Nina said she was a rep on something or other and got sacked for being rude to the guests.


I like Julian, the nominee's are Cheryl, Coleen, Julian, Lorenzo & The Situation/Occasional Table as Julian calls him.


Morning Everyone.


It wouldn't let me post, played around and it will now, was just going to log out again.


Hi Emptybox.


Jasmine was very skinny, couldn't do any modelling like that.

I imagine she is always that direct and rude, but saying things about Danica that she is making up is wrong.


I think The Occasional Table will go tonight, can't see many voting to keep him in.


Was busy yesterday, apart from making out lots of Bacs remittance advice sheets for them to pay invoices they wanted another 27 sets of sticky numbers 1 to 82 and 3 sets of 1 to 165, what a job that was, one of the bosses was giving me a hand in the end.

It was ok printing and cutting them in the guillotine but putting then in 30 stacks of numbers in order, wow, some job.


My plastic cutting saw came from the USA yesterday and the 5mm bungee cord.

Have got my Satay marinade now so should be making some at the weekend.


We went out for a meal last night but the place we went was busy with all the celebration of exam results from the schools.


My Lad says he wants to try and buy our house private so he is looking into that, the bank wouldn't lend to anyone overseas anyway.


Afternoon all

hope everyone is well another eviction to-night wonder who will go?


I made a mistake about the Cadbury cornetto they are called cones just the same though they also do fudge ones


Glad your mum is eating better Mollie ,you must have your hands full.

When you spoke about your son before I thought he was around eight with the concert at school so i'm guessing 16 maybe? if he's going to music college well done him.


You live near the sea ,lovely I envy you ,in a nice way do you take your dog on the beach? take care x


Emptybox I'm glad Jasmine went such a spiteful lady,at least you have Rhian for eye

candy she is really pretty ,not as nice as Aisleyne though


Looks as though there is trouble brewing between Julie and Coleen that spilled over into B.O.T.S (I didn't watch it ) Coleens sister Linda having a go at Julie's husband

from bits and bobs sounds as though she was pretty nasty to him.


Hicky will you leave your lovely Garden and your house lol at the sqirrell making itself at sound as if your really busy at work ,bet that was boring all those labels


Yes I like Julian think its shocked him a bit being nominated ,perhaps he'll make more of an effort with the others now ,was it5 noms he got?


               bye for now all take care Frodo













gosh you do sound extra busy at work. I did hear on the news about them going onto round the clock hours because of all the range rover orders. Well I guess it gives you a bit more pocket money to spend in the garden.

We too found ourselves in a crowded resteruant when we went for our anniversay, because it was A level result day. Hope it didint spoil your enjoyment of the meal though. Do you mean, by buying private, that he will buy the house from his savings, instead of a mortgage?  Yes i have heard banks are strict with lending now, They lent to too many people who never had a hope of paying it back in the past, so they could get themselves a nice bit of commission.


Hope you are right and the occasional table goes, so boring he is, and I am fed up of the flirting. Or 2nd choice the Prince, who I also find boring. (even though he seems a nice guy).



at you liking the bikini girls. But that is what they aim to do....., get the fellas to appreciate looking at them and it is a job they do well. Personally I find them  boring flirts and shallow though , would prefer the real celebs.

Lucky the weather was passable for you to get on work wise. A bad forecast round here for tomorrow, we had thunder this afternoon too.



yes, my family are all older me too now unfortunately

My lad got his place on his music course, so that is good. Do you have any children Fredo? I saw the caramel cones today, but haven't seen the fudge one, Didn't buy them today because I already have my choc fingers treat for tonight and I can't risk buying in too many treats, else the fat gets worse.

Yes Julian did seem shocked at being nommed, poor thing got 5 noms too. Sure he wont go though, so that is good.


right, time for the show.

hope you all enjoy. xx




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