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Good Luck with the new partner, it usually works better second time, for a few reasons, you learn to appreciate the other more, you are older and wiser, and you don't want to split all over again so you make sure it's right.


But the Avatar is awful, i can't see what it is because of the speed and find it too distracting, giving me a headache.




Lovely sunny and warm day. Got some grass cutting and strimming done.


You sound like a glutton for punishment Mike?


Thanks for all the pics Hicky.

I presume that squirrel's not in your garden?

The Mars pictures are fantastic aren't they? Could easily be a barren area of Earth. Completely different to pictures of the Moon, because Mars has an atmosphere, albeit a much thinner one than Earth.


Hi Mollie. Did you treat yourself to another raspberry ripple today?

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.


It looks like another hot one tomorrow as well & Saturday/Sunday, That tub that the squirrel is on is in the link i gave for the website, thats one of the Fit tree tubs with the water stored under the plant with a watering tube and an overflow 3.5" from the bottom of the tub.


I think we have enough problems on earth why pay billions to worry about Mars, to me it's crazy.

Half the population of earth is undernourished, and we are bothered about Mars.


Good evening all



love the pic of the squirrel.   And Mars one too. Don't fancy going there for me hols though. Hope work was not too busy today.



good luck from me too regarding the new partner.



Glad you too got the good weather, so managed to get some jobs done.

Very hot and humid here for last 2 days, not good for sleeping though.I had a Cadbury choc ice on a stick on the seafront last night for a change from the ripple ice cream.


We went to see a male voice choir at local theatre last night, not usually into male choirs even though they are traditionaly in this area, but made an exception for these becasue they are so good. They are very sucessful now, a sell out for 2 nights, the choir leader I recognised from seeing him on the last Britains Got Talent. He also leads Only Boys Aloud, who came 2nd.

They were excellent, here is a link, if anyone interested...


Wonder who will be evicted tonight? I hope it is not Deana.

Wish Sara was up, she so irritates me... such a postie works hard, and so does my dustmen.. I'd like to see her walk 7 miles a day in all weathers for their wages. And ÂĢ8 an hour is not a lot of money when you have to pay the rent, and bills , especially if living in the south east. I think she is a spoilt little madam who should think before opening her mouth and insulting the workers.


But hope Ashleigh leaves tonight.

I also find her irritating.

Still like Deana though.


have a good evening.

Enjoy the eviction show





Hi Mollie and Hicky.


Another lovely day. Very warm and sweaty working though.

I'll have to work tomorrow.


Glad you enjoyed the male voice choir Mollie. Don't think it would be to my taste. Not enough girls or guitars.


Hi Hicky.It may seem a bit wasteful to spend money on exploring Mars in this economic climate, but if humans never get off the Earth, they will very quickly deplete all the resources of this planet and be in a terrible mess. At least if we have developed the capability of going elsewhere then there may be alternatives, and we may not die out as a species.

That's how I look at it anyway.


Scott and Ashleigh out. That was the right result.

Haven't decided whether to vote for Deana or Sara for the winner yet.


I do like Sara Mollie. She may say things without thinking, but I don't think she said anything too bad against posties etc? She just said they shouldn't go on strike in these times.

I think she was just guessing at what they might earn? I've no idea what posties get in reality, although ÂĢ8 per hour sounds about right? It would be quite a big wage round here, but wouldn't go far down south, I grant you.

I don't think she means any harm anyway.


They just seem to be repeating things from last year. First the friends and family noms, and now BBBOTS from the garden. Looks like they've run out of ideas?


Last edited by emptybox

Hi Emptybox

yes, the best result I reckon tonight, glad the insiders have remained in tact.


Well if you are unsure, I of course, would advise to give the vote to lovely Deana.  

She has constantly had a lot to put up with in there, the way she was singled out and yet acted with dignity. 

But as I have already said, I do not like Sarah.., the way she has floated from one person to another constantly saying they were her best friend, even whilst nominating them..   ... and had no hesitation in leading the bitching against Lauren very early on, that time in the bathroom. And as I said I don't like the way she made out the posties etc got overpaid when she did say all they did was walk up the street for 6 hours. My postie has to do a full 8 hours plus each day, with an early start,  because he has to sort before leaving. 


But you still have time to decide yet with a few days to go...and that is part of the fun of BB, we all see different things in the HM's.


No I didn't imagine Only Men Aloud would be your (or HIcky's scene), but I told you and Hicky because I thought you might find it interesting from the BGT viewpoint, when I recognised the conductor after seeing him on that show.

However, you would probably of appreciated the support singers, 3 very pretty young lady singers.


You might be interested in seeing my son's female guitar teacher playing. She is brilliant.  We have videod some onto a CD. Is it possible to post some of a CD to here? if so, I can ask son to help me do it?

Do you still play your guitar regular? Did you have lessons originally or pick it up yourself?


Glad to see Tom Daley just made it through to tomorrow.

Although it was close, think he was very nervous. (as to be expected in the circumstances)


Goodnight both xx


Hi Mollie.

I'd like to see the video of your son's guitar teacher playing if poss.

As long as the video is on the computer it should be straightforward to upload it to Youtube and post the link here (or in the Dialog bit).

I've never uploaded a video myself, but I'm sure your son could work out how. You need to open an account first.

The alternative would be if any of your family used any cloud storage sites like Dropbox or Skydrive etc. You could upload the video there and make it public, and we could download it.


I've never had any lessons on the guitar. Well a couple of lessons in secondary school maybe. I can't really play at all, but I mess around most nights, playing vaguely along to my favourite songs. I'm pretty dire.


Didn't realise Tom Daily was still in any events? I was watching some of the athletics earlier. The British girl hammer thrower was quite pretty.

Last edited by emptybox

Hi Emptybox

well as long as you enjoy playing your guitar how you want to, that is what matters.

thanks for the video hints. Will see what I can do,


Yes it was tonight when BB was on that Tom was competing for a place tomorrow and managed to get through. He is on again at 9am tomorrow. didn't see the girl hammer thrower, did she get through?

Watching a bit of livefeed now. A much nicer atmosphere now the troublemakers have gone.




Good morning all


Nice day so far weather wise, and it is a bit fresher here today, thank goodness, the heat and humidity has been uncomfortable last couple of days.  Hope it is good weather wise for you 2 as well.



thanks for adding a few more hints for videos.

Sphag bol night ?

thanks for the video link, will take a peak when diving ends.



hope you have a good Saturday.


Unusually for me I am at home on a Saturday morning.... couldn't resist watching this morning to see how Tom Daley gets on. HOpe he gets through to tonight,.. although its looks impossible for anyone to actually beat the Chinese though.


Have a good day both xx



Lovely day here. Cut my grass and went to the supermarket.


Watching the closing ceremony. Have to say it's lagging a bit at the mo.

I thought there was going to be more live music than there has been?

And where are the Spice Girls in their taxis?  Maybe they are on at the end?


ETA: Ah the Spice Girls turned up after all. But Jessie J was the star.

Last edited by emptybox

Good Morning Mollie & Emptybox.


Didn't realise i hadn't posted., omg, strange.


Have been a bit busy in the garden, moved my 3 Fig Trees, bought their new pots, have been getting the rest of the stuff needed to implement the new method but in the meantime i have taken the bark off the top of the tubs and replaced it with organic farm manure, have sloped it up and fitted a rain run-off sheet and fixed it under the bungee cord.


They should be happier where they are now and will get a lot more sun, i can get to the back of them as well.


Have planted a few lettuce as there was some space left.


The slug killer is working fine.


The garden is a no-slug zone now.


The final tonight, can't wait and CBB starting Wednesday.


It's been so humid, very uncomfortable trying to sleep.


Have seen some of the Olympics, i admire them all for what they have achieved, fantastic performances.


My Lad arrives on the 5th Sep for a few days, he said he's back again at Christmas.


He wants to buy our house off us, don't know how easy that would be though.

He says then we could live in it.

He's going to look into it but with the banks the way they are.


Have recorded bots and the Closing Ceremony for tonight.

Originally Posted by *mollie*:

Hi both



Glad you got the good weather again.

Yes I thought the closing ceremony was not as good as the opening one, and there was a lack of live upbeat music.

Liked the Spice Girls in the taxis though. Shame Posh never looks happy though.



Not long until your lad is home then. How long is he back for?

That is good that you got rid of those pesky slugs.

Still very humid here too.

Is your lad buying your house because he is fond of his old family home, do you think? He probably won't have trouble getting mortgage off bank, if he has good deposit.


I am getting behind with my tv viewing after watching the closing ceremony, and have been very busy with my mum. The agents are appalling, they sent her an arrears letter for 2 months rent, and she had paid right on time, to the day, and they had lost it. I caught her on the phone to them, and they were trying to get her to pay again. It really upset and scared her getting an arrears letter, so much so she got a stomach upset. So had to go to chemist for tablets yesterday, and bought her 2 litre bottles of water to make sure she doesn't dehydrate.

I have demanded they confirm in writng it was an error, and a written apology.


Right I am in need of a nice tv evening right now after all this stress.

And BB cheering me up now, as I see the Outsiders are the final 3.

Hooray !!!  I have really enjoyed seeing these 3 together.


Enjoy the show.  xx



I'll find the rest of the parts, had them somewhere today.

Here's the set of the Launch, I dug them out.



Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5



My lad comes home on the Wed 5th till Sat, he is going to a wedding somewhere but first a lads night out abroad.

He's coming back home for a time at Christmas i think.


They are awful keen getting their money these days.

It's ridiculous


I see Luke S won, wanted Deana myself..

Last edited by Hicky


Bit cooler here today but not bad. Got quite a bit done.


Bit disappointed with BB result. Adam was OK but I didn't think much of Luke A. I was hoping for a Sara/Deana 1/2.


Your Mother's agents sound terrible Mollie. You'll have to make sure she gets receipts or some form of proof of payment for the future.


Hi Hicky. That's interesting, that your son wants to buy your house. As long as he doesn't want to charge you too much rent?


Evening All.


Evening Emptybox.


It's been a cracking day, all changing tomorrow though.


Was working on some of the fruit tree tubs, have got a new idea for them.

Need more organic farmyard manure and John Innis No. 3.

Am going to put Pond liner over the top to keep the rain off.

That whats ruining the fruit trees.


Have got the 2 girls again from the 19th for 3 days, they will love that.


Went for a Carvery for Tea, nighty Night, work in the morning.


Good evening all



glad you managed to get a bit done today.


Yes whilst I was really pleased to see all the Outsiders in the final, I would of preferred one of the others over Luke to of won, but never mind, at least it was not an Insider.



glad you enjoyed the weather today, and was able to work on the fruit tubs.

Yes Emptybox is right, you would need to sort out how much the rent would be if you sold on your home.   (especially if eg your lad got married).

I love going to the carvary, now you have said that, I am sure to follow soon.


thankfully my mum managed to eat a piece of bread and eat a biccie tonight she has eaten nothing except the odd biccie since Thurday, so I was getting worried, but hopefully she will improve now. She has these vitamin drinks from docs and she should be able to go back on them tomorrow.


No BB tonight, but all is not lost.. with it coming back tomorrow.

And I am going to watch BBOTs in a mo, to help with the withdrawal symptoms.


Goodnight both xx


Evening Mollie and Hicky.


Fantastic sand sculptures Mollie. Don't know how they get the detail? The sand must be like clay?

Glad your Mum's appetite is improving.


Good weather here mostly, and very warm. Although there were heavy showers floating about.


You'll enjoy having the girls staying Hicky.

Glad you got the good weather for your garden work.


Good morning both



gosh you posted late last night. Glad you liked the piccies, The sculptors who did that come from all over the world, as well as local. Yes incredible details, considering it is just sand and water.

Glad your good weather continues.

it is pouring with rain here, but I think it is supposed to move on later.


I bet the girls are looking forward to staying with grandpa and grandma as much as HIcky and OH are looking forward to having them stay.  I hope the weather is nice so they can get out and about.


CBB tonight then.

Let's hope we get some interesting HM's this year.

Watched BBOT's, what an awful show, the only bit out of the whole hour worth watching was when they gave you the percentages. The Outsiders were certainly very popular.


have a good day.

looking forwarding to your thoughts on CBB contestants.



Evening All.


Couldn't get on at work with FF or IE.


here's the Episode 3 from Oz.


Great sculptures Mollie.

Heaven knows how they do that?


I'm working Friday instead of Monday as I'm off Monday and Tuesday next week with having the girls.


Weather not been good today, but i had 5 parcels delivered.

I've almost got all the parts to make my Siren for the strange phone calls and O/H has gone Ex Dir and changed the number.


We get loads of international calls, no number, now we get 00277811457 number from somewhere.

Just googled it and it's some country offering loans.

And we get calls with number withheld.


But they keep ring and as it's a computer you can't do much.


Hope your Mums coming along ok.


CBB has started now.




Not too bad a day until about 5pm, when the rain came thumping down. Got soaked trying to finish off someone's grass.


A siren Hicky? Why are you building a siren? Is it to try to blast the eardrums of these nuisance calls? Can't you just do a high pitched whistle down the phone?

If I see "Withheld" or "International" on the phone display I don't bother answering.


CBB looks quite promising, although I wish they wouldn't give them a cringey task on launch night.

You'll be pleased to see Julie Goodyear Mollie?

Like the look of Rhian myself.



Hello guys and Mollie

    hope you are all well ,yes Hicky, Lauren is lovely always my favourite,

I would have liked DEANA to win though,people where saying she was spiteful in the last few weeks think I would have been after her treatment with Conor

nothing will convince me he deserved the ÂĢ50k ah well at least the outsiders won.

I'm liking CBB give us a few hours of live feed and it will be great at least some great looking girls for you Hicky and emptybox.

Mollie hope you are well and your family and little dogxx

      Take care all speak soon love frodo


Mollie I should read back so sorry to hear about your mum

I went through all that with my mum,she had the telly on loud sometimes

and the house next door was rented ,they put an awful letter thro'

instead of knocking and just asking her to turn it down

she got frantic with worry ..the ironic thing is they did a moonlight flit

owing loads of rent she was left distraught.

         my thoughts are with you take care xxx


Hi Mollie, Hicky, Frodo.


Not bad day here, a few small showers.


I was going to work on Saturday, but I just got a call from my Brother asking me to  babysit my nephews this weekend. They have booked a weekend away and their babysitter is ill so I've got to go across there tomorrow.

Means I'll have to try to get as much done tomorrow before I go, then catch up with the rest on Monday.

Not looking forward to grappling with their gas stove again.


I'll have to try to catch some CBB over the weekend.

I'll try and get on here as well.

(don't like plans changing at the last minute. )


well what a farce last nights BB!! 30mins of catch up ,

the thing is the show is shown six times in all twice on the night with +1

twice at lunch the following day and then at teatime surely thats enough


I'm still enjoying it though it takes time to get to know people so I'm keeping an open mind who I like and dislike.

Julie's giving her jaw some exercise with that chewing gum wonder if she sticks it to the bedpost at night

hope everyone is well ,hope your weekend isn't too bad emptybox don't blow yourself up with the cooker

         speak soon Frodo


Good evening all



shame you got soaked the other day doing the garden, what a summer, eh?

Yes, you are dead right that I am pleased to see Bet Lynch on CBB, and I am also pleased to see Heather from Eastenders, ... think there are going to be a few interesting characters this series. I somehow guessed you would like the look of Rian.

What a shame you have to go away with no notice. I hope your brother appreciates you, you are good to him and his wife, the way you help them out with the dog and the kids. Good luck with the cooker, couldn't you avoid using it and just use either the microwave or just the oven, or get a take away? 



thanks for the Oz link again, haven't had chance to watch it yet. Have you watched it? If so, what do you think? We used to get lots of junk calls, but it improved when we  registered with TPS. Have you done this? If not you can do it online.

Hope your new number helps with the problem.

As Emptybox says, how does the siren work?

How was work today?  I heard your place mentioned on the radio, saying that they have started night shifts again , because of all those orders they have fro the rich in China.



good to see you call back in here again.

how is your connection now? Hope your problems with it have improved.

Thanks for the lovely piccies, Who is the good looking fella?  And how cute is the doggie and kiddie piccie.


Your poor mum and the telly, some people are not so kind to our old folk, and they get so easily upset, because things are so confusing for them. When my mum lived in another flat some years ago, a horrid neighbour complained about her tv too, and she only even had it on in the day, and these people used to be really noisy late at night.


Thankfully my mum is eating again now and starting to feel better again.


Couldn't post yesterday, because I spilt coffee on my lappy plug and crashed all the electrics in the house. Son had to clamber up ladder to do something with switches.  Then when I switched it on, it did it again. Son not impressed..., up the ladder again, he had to go.

He told me not to plug it again, and when I shook the plug there was still some coffee there. Left it to dry for over 24 hours and when OH plugged it back today, it is fine, so here I am again.


Went out to pub for dinner last night for our anniversary, I had a lovely bean chilli, rice, with nachos, sour cream and mashed advoatodo. Very nice.


Looking forward to CBB soon, I see on the Sky planner, it says thee is a show for nominations. Should be interesting. I feel we don't even know them, though before it is noms time


Have a good evening all xxx






Mollie the hunk is jake Gyllanhaal

happy belated anniversary, never tried avacado must buy some and have a go

 I,ll always post on here Mollie ,well unless anything drastic happens I like this


Just watched the face to face noms ,didn't go down to well I'll not say in case you havn't watched.

          night Mollie Hicky emptybox and anyone else around xxxxx



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