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Lovely day here so I got all my jobs done.

Means I can take my day off tomorrow. Mind you, I think the weather isn't going to be good this weekend anyway.


Pity Caroline went. I didn't think it was fair that they carried on the voting after Caroline and Luke S were announced as the bottom 2. That meant that anyone who didn't like Caroline just piled on votes for Luke and made sure she was evicted.

Ah well, at least Sara survived.


Mostly been watching the Olympic ceremony, but just turned over to see who was out.

I thought the ceremony was going to be cheesy, but it was quite spectacular; in part anyway.


Hi Hicky, sounds like you had a busy day at work?

Glad you enjoyed Yesterday. Pity they sent the wrong part for your thermostst.


Evening Frodo & Emptybox.


I returned the stat, received the new one this morning.

I'll get my lad to give me a hand to install it, you need an extra pair of hand really to hold the part and the fridge plate and the stat has a 1m tube attached which has to be inserted into the tubs inset in the fridge wall,


Humidity here tonight 87%, just either wear less in bed or put less covers on.


I didn't want Caroline to go, as you say Emptybox the voting method probably aided it.


I'm watching some bits of the Olympics but multi tasking really.


Hope Mollie is having a good weekend.


I'm glad Caroline went sorry if we don't all agree ,she has had the priviliges

most of us can only dream of ,wow what a lucky lady,sorry 20 years old is no excuse,the swearing in her interview the disdain for other people,the utter contempt ,sorry but I just cant find the words .

I have my own favs (am I biased)no this big brother is the nastiest I have seen

channel 5 need to get a grip this programme is going down the drain fast.

Honestly watched it from BB1,  and Ash was hated but in her interview she turned the public around .watch it all the time 


Hi Frodo and Hicky.

Sunshine and showers here today.


Went into Galashiels hoping to buy a rechargeable, telescopic hedge trimmer from Argos, but they had none in stock. Looked in B&Q as well but nothing. I thought it would be a useful addition to my armoury, but I'll just have to send away for one I guess?


Been watching some of the Olympics. Freesat have 24 dedicated HD Olympic channels, so there's no excuse for missing anything.


Hi Frodo. Embarrasingly I can't really remember what Ash said in her interview with Davina, although I remember she came over well. I loved her friendship with Michael in the house. They're still friends I think, but don't see each other very often nowadays.


Hi Mollie. Hope you are having a nice weekend?


Evening All.


A lot of rain here today, it cleared up later.


Haven't done a lot, took my lad and his couple for brekki.

O/H took them to get a couple of 2 seater sofa's.


My lad from Oz is going to buy them a car as he crunched his.

Also a few other nice things.


He'll be here early September i think.

He's in Singapore at the mo on his way to Sumatra to work for August.


I still like Caroline but don't mind if no-one else does.


Work tomorrow.


Have decided to give the fridge another week to see if it behaves before replacing the thermostat.


i see the Family's are doing the nominating this week.


Good morning all



enjoyed looking at your garden pics again, it is a lovely garden after all your hard work. Your lad still doing a lot of traveling I see. That is nice of him to buy his brother a car.   Hope you are not too busy at work today and manage to find some food with the canteen being closed.Fingers crossed that naughty fridge of yours behaves. Our fridge was naughty not long ago, but OH moved it around a bit and we shuffled the food around and it seemed to stop leaking. Hope it stays ok now.



Shame about not being able to get your hedge trimmer. Why don't you use the store checker on argos to check/reserve before you leave? have you tried Tesco extra? You can click and collect instore with them too. Hope you manage to find one.


haven't watched any sport of the olympics but apart from the athletes procession, (watcehd BB recording during this bit), I did watch opening ceremony, which I enjoyed, especially MrBean and the Queen.

I will try and remmeber to watch Tom Daly today though, he is the only one I know of.   He was torso of the week in Heat this week too.


Caroline was a bit of a madam, but wished that really awful Connor or Luke S had gone instead.


Hicky... families nominating... could be interesting, because as we know they will know what has been said behind backs?  Who do you reckon this will cause to be up? Hope Deana stays.She was so determined in that task too. I like HM's who show committment in tasks, so well done to Adam too.


Sara really irritates me as well as Connor and Luke S. I saw some of livefeed, she was horrible to Deana, and she keeps saying she is supposedly her friend.


have a good day all, bit cloudy here, but dry and sunny at the moment.


Evening guys.


Sunshine and showers here. Even had a heavy hail shower about mid day.

Set to be cold overnight as well; 6 or 7 degrees. Funny old summer up here anyway.


You must be looking forward to seeing your lad again Hicky?


I see the results of the nominations are in, and it's Deana, Becky, Luke A and Ashleigh up.

I'll give Deana a few votes.


Hope the good weather stayed with you Mollie?


Trouble with ordering stuff online and collecting in store, is that you'd have to give them notice to get the item in store and know you were going on a particular day, whereas I only tend to decide on the day that I'm going into town.

Also, although Tesco Extra has something suitable online, the Gala store doesn't have any gardening stuff in the store. Not sure if that matters?

Anyway, if I'm going to order online I might as well just get them to deliver it to me? Gala is over 20 miles away, so the petrol cost to and from would be greater than the delivery charge.

Not in any hurry anyway.


Don't think GB is going to get a huge haul of medals this time? Haven't even got any golds yet.

I was quite enjoying watching the female beach volleyball on Sunday though.


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


The rain this year hs really spoilt my expectations in the garden.


The boss bought the food again, bacon & egg on toast.


Defo cooler, didn't even put the air con on at work.


Can't wait to see my lad again.


Heavy rain last night or this morning.


I put the B&Q buckets under the drip holes in the gazebo roof sections, 6 off, they were full tonight.

 a lot of water.


hyMollie ,emptybox ,Hicky

         well mmm go-on then Mollie yes got to give you that,to be honest I think

it was a little harsh of me to be so nasty of Caroline I'll give in cos we all think different,and you are right Conor or  Luke S should have gone .

   emptybox my dvd recorder went to pieces had some left and she is on it

Aisleyne with those big hair rollers in...haha and spiteful Richard..boooo

oh happy days and wanting to go out the back door.silly girl she came 3rd

should have won .hope you are well Hicky (how do you retweet)

        night all xxx


Morning Frodo.


I see Lauren is in Nuts this week, good body, mind you i knew that.

I'll post a pic in a minute.


To retweet a tweet, put you mouse over the tweet and you get 3 options, reply, retweet, favorite.

If you are using 'TweetDeck' then you can retweet and edit and add more comments to the existing tweet.


I'm pleased with the F&F's nominating this week and Adam. Dean, Becky & Ashleigh being nominated.

I heard it was a double eviction, but we'll see.


Some of them are a bit peeved about the nominations.



Amy Childs


And some more.

For Emptybox.

Last edited by Hicky

Good evening all



hope you got your gardening done inbetween any showers today.

I heard on the news that it was down as low as 1 degree last night up in Scotland, so as you say, it is indeed weird summer weather this year.

If you do need anything at Tescos Extra, it does not need to actually be in store, you just order online and collect free using the collect onstore option,when you are ready to go in, But as you say, if it is 20 miles, it is not really making a saving on delivery costs as you have to pay for petrol.

at you watching the female beach volleyball. I must admit though that I did enjoy watching the mens diving. Shame Tom and partner just missed out on a medal though.



Glad the boss got the food in, hope he continues to do this while canteen is closed.

Yes I bet you are counting down the days until you see your lad again now. I am sure he has lots to tell you.

I am not happy about noms, still no Connor or Luke S up, the ones I dislike most. I guess out of the ones up, I would prefer Ashleigh to go.


If Laurne pics were nuts, perhaps they were too risque for here, or perhaps nuts don't allow pics to be copied?


Hi Fredo

Shame your dvd broke, did you get a replacement?  How has your broadband been lately? Hope it is behaving. Whereabouts in the country do you live? The 3 of us here all live in different countries... England, Scotland and Wales. If you live in Ireland, by any chance, that would mean we cover  all UK countries?


managed to fit in doggie walk inbetween showers today, feels rather humid now.


VAT quarter time, must not leave it till last minute this time, but I always seem to find an excuse not to start it.


BB time, enjoy the show all xxx


Evening Mollie.


It looks like the picture/link was removed from the other end somehow.


The code was still in here when i looked into the html code.


Weather is crazy, July has passed so quick.


Be great to see my lad, don't think he's even seen my garden, except online.


I did the vat last week, it was 450k but we had invoices for 300k  so only had to pay 150k

Figures on the return were excepted anyway.


Just watching BB.


Hi guys.

Actually turned into a lovely day here, sunny and quite warm.

cut some hedges and did some grass cutting.


Thanks for the Amy pics, she looks great. I may have glanced at the Lauren pics elsewhere anyway. Didn't like her but she's quite photogenic.


I'm kind of glad my turnover isn't big enough to have to register for VAT. It would just be extra administration.


Hi Frodo. Yes Aisleyne had terrible panic attacks in the final week because she thought the public was going to hate her, silly girl.


Did a bit of skiving this morning and stayed in to watch some of the equestrian event. The team did well to get silver, but pity Zara got a few faults. 


Evening All.


Evening Emptybox.


Been at work, not busy, they are .


Boss bought the bacon/egg on toast.

He must get about 12 a day.


The vat is a nightmare as you are just doing it all for the government.

Takes quite some time as well.


This white room is a farce in BB, hopeless.

And it's on all week.


Lauren just tweeted this pic of herself.

I'll see if it's removed or not.



Good evening all



Glad the weather meant you managed to get some work done, but good that you squeezed a bit of a scive in too.  



Glad you aren't too busy at work and that the boss is keeping you well fed.

Hope the long named pedicure thing helps sort your toe. It is certainly coming from a long way away.


Not sure what the white room is supposed to be, but my sky things shows it on tonight, and the highlights show is showing as being on longer tonight.


OH spent ages sorting out paperwork for the vat stuff tonight, and I should be able to work on it tomorrow, such a pain. Good job you don't need to do it Emptybox.


Son has put the photos on my lappy of the sand sculptures, now all I have to do is to try and get them on here.


Hi Frodo .. if you pop in later, hope your broadband is ok.


have a good evening all xxx



Not as nice today. A bit cloudy and windy with spits and spots of rain. Reasonably warm though.


Watched a bit of Olympics and did a bit of work.

At least we've got a couple of gold medals now.


That pic of Lauren seems to have taken Hicky. Glad your boss brought you some grub.

Sounds a very complicated toe gadget? Hope it stops your toenail sliding off.

I think my big toenails are begining to improve after I finished my course of pills? Will take months though.


Hi Mollie. I don't think this whiteroom has gone the way they planned? I don't see any reason for the extended show? They haven't done anything live. Perhaps plans were changed last minute?


Good luck with your VAT tomorrow. Look forward to those sand photos, if you upload them.


Evening All.


Got to work tomorrow now, boss rang at 5pm.


My lad got his car, it's an -5 Citron.

Big enough to fit them all in anyway.


Been wiring my Bonsai tree, want to force the branches to where i want them.


The nail rasps are just to file away the nail as it slides off the toe.

I can't control what it's doing.


The weather is up and down, awful really.


Think the white room was a failure last night.

There just have been a live intervention but it fell through.

No idea what it was supposed to be.


I wonder if Conor or Luke S are going to get a pass to the Final.

If Conor gets one there will be ructions.


Good evening all



Glad the toenails are improving a little, as you say, it does take time though. I agree, this whiteroom stuff was awful and dull this week. Stupid idea to separate the HM's at this stage with so few left. And boring tasks too. They certainly didn't need to add another 15 mins on this week, when other weeks have been far more interesting.



hope work went ok today and that the boss sorted your food out ok. Is your lad pleased with his car?


Connor certainly does not deserve a pass to the final, he should of been chucked out weeks ago for those awful things he said about Deanna.  Just why is he given so much leeway? Makes me mad how others were chucked out for less, and he seems to be constantly rewarded and favoured.


Wonder who will be evicted tonight?  Hope it is not Deana.


Me and OH been to M and S food hall this afternoon, bought a load of junk, the lady on the reduction counter was very friendly...she was passing stuff to me as soon as she had put the reduced sticker on it..."try this, you'll love this" she said, she offered me cheap hot cross buns, iced buns, and hot choc fudge pudding, and a 10p yogurt.   So in my basket it all went.    The family are all in for a few extra treats.

Have a good evening xxx


Evening guys.

Sunshine and showers today.


Some work and some Olympics watching.

Actually we're getting more golds than I thought. Real pity about Rebecca Adlington though, but great for Victoria Pendleton and the other winners.


That's good that your lad got his Citroen C5 Hicky. They're good cars I think.

Have you got your bonsai trained now?


You seem very pleased with your cut-price treats Mollie?  Does the sales lady know you, or were you just in the right place at the right time?


So Becky is out of BB, and Mr McIntyre gets his ÂĢ50k? Funny old night?

Not quite so keen on Deana now, but she and Sara are still my favourites. Can't warm to Luke A.


Evening All.


Boss did get the food Mollie, the normal B & E on T.


Glad Becky went, it was either her of Ashleigh.


Can't believe Conor did the dirty on Luke S and pressed the buzzer.


Had to laugh at you on the discount counter.


My lad loves the car, auto lights etc, push button start, auto hand brake.

At least he can get around now.


I like Deana, she will come out now Becky and Conor have gone.

She's very funny really but they don't show it on the HL show.


Can't follow Sara, she talks absolute rubbish, and if anyone asks a question she goes berserk.


I've done the Bonsai, fed it and wired it, i want more spread..

Had some success with the slug pellets, they die on the way back to their hideout.

Found quite a few that never made it home.

It's this one.


Bought too much Indian food last night, cost ÂĢ22 now i'm still struggling to get it eaten, i doubled up and then added another meal,


Hi Hicky.

I'm sure you'll manage to polish off that Indian food somehow.


Horrible weather here this afternoon. Thunder, lightning and torrential rain.

And as the icing on the cake we had a 3 hour power cut.

Luckily it came back on in time for me to make my bolognese as usual.


Fantastic day at the Olympics. Jessica Ennis is a super hero.

And the possibility of 2 golds for Murray at the tennis tomorrow.


Forgot to say yesterday, but I managed to break my good set of specs. They slipped off the sofa and I trod on them when I stood up. Luckily the lenses were OK, and the frames, but the cords holding the lenses broke.

The good news is the opticians fixed them in about an hour, and didn't charge a penny.


Bit behind with work now due to the weather, and my Olympic skiving, so hoping for good weather next week..


Well I had another two and a half hour powercut this evening. Had to have a cold supper.

I think I've said it before, but they must make the powerlines round here out of paper.


I saw Murray winning the singles gold, but missed the mixed doubles match.


Don't know whether you saw on the news, but Jedburgh town centre was flooded. That's 10 miles from me.


Evening Emptybox.


It's all go up your part  of the world eh,


Power cuts flood, what next?

I saw Jessica, wow how good is she.

Saw the Tennis, never thought i would see that. great,


Bad news about your specs, not a good place to leave them.


We've had some thunder storms, have put a big single post parasol over the clothes rotary dryer so O/H can put the washing out to dry without it getting rained on, it works fine.


I've pulled the Fig Tree tubs out from the fence line by about 6".

I think while the Fig line is close to the fence it hinder growth of certain brances.

It's growing very well this year.




Good morning all

didn't seem to get chance to post over Sat and Sunday as was out so much in the nice weather.



glad to hear your lad is well pleased with the car.

Hopefully your bonsai will do well with you looking after it. I hate slugs.. 

at you and the Indian food.

That is the good that the figs seem to be doing a bit better this year.

I could do with one of those parasols so my washing can avoid the showers. I tend to shove it in the conservatory between showersnow though, because it gets very hot in there as soon as the sun comes out.



   How annoying to keep having those 3 hour power cuts. Gosh, hope those floods don't get any closer. Glad you at least managed to see Murray get the gold, and you did not miss out on your sphag bol.

That was a lucky escape with your glasses.


I am fuming that the nasty piece of work Connor, gets rewarded for his thuggish behaviour, by being given as much money as the person who gets voted by the public was the winner gets.  


I am with Hicky on Sara. She so annoys me each time she opens her mouth, She is contradictory, confrontation and aggressive, and spouts utter garbage.

I think Deana is great though. Intelligent and classy, and has been so easy going all through considering what she has had to put up with. (and she looks really good when dressed up too).

Even though she was very funny when drink, I think she would be wiser to keep away from it. Luke S does not like to be reminded by Deanna, the one he accused of being money mad, of how gutted he is that he lost out to another snake.

I so hope she wins.


Wonder who will be up today?

Hope it is Ashleigh and Sara.


Had a busy weekend, bought some more clothes bargains, but kept away from the junk food bargains in M and S. I didn't know the  and S bargain sales lady, she just seemed proud of her bargains.

Then we took dog long walk down seafront,


And Sunday we had full day out in wms again, it is only about hour and quarter from here and we met my aunts who were on hols there. It poured with rain part of the way there on the M5, but then was lovely all afternoon, so we were able to eat chips on sea front and go onto the pier, They all liked playing show the 2p.


Need to do some more on the vat today.


have a good day both.xx

Hope the boss had fed you by now Hicky.





Good Afternoon Mollie.


It says its getting hotter to the middle of the week then cooler again to the weekend.


I would like either Ash, Sara Luke S, they would be fine.


Not so busy at work.


Been reading a Fig Growers website.

Wow he has many hundred tree's.

And the way he does the pots is very interesting indeed.

I might be able to follow his method, not this year though.



Click on the little pic and it opens up.


Have had my bacon Mollie, but no milk for the tea.


Have orders some of that Osmocote slow release plant food, it lasts 6 months.


It's all good fun.


Glad you had a good weekend Mollie.

Went to Costco for a few bits, nothing exciting.


Just remembered, my lad wants a Christmas dinner the day he comes home so O/H bought a Fresh Turkey Crown for ÂĢ38 i said why not get a Frozen one, she said no she doesn't like them.

We put it in the Freezer when we got home.


Had to defrost one of the freezers in the garage as the door hadn't shut properly and had hit one of the middle baskets, what a mess, but when you have 4 of them it's not really a problem.

Soon sorted.


Hi Mollie and Hicky.


Still some water and mess on the roads, but easily passable now.

Got one job done before the rain came down again, but I think the forecast is better from now on.


Went to the supermarket this afternoon.

Then I've been watching the Olympic cycling.

I see we've got a showjumping gold as well.


Glad you had good weather this weekend Mollie, and enjoyed the day with your aunts.

"Shove 2p"? Is that the up-dated version of shove ha'penny?


Had a look at that fig page Hicky. Very interesting. It always amuses me the way Americans say "dirt" instead of earth.

I think you gave your lad a 'Christmas Dinner' the last time he was back? He must really like Christmas? Don't think I'd want it unless it was the correct date.


Seems it's Deana, Adam, Scott and Ashleigh up, so Sara is safe on Friday.

I like Sara. Not keen on her voice. I usually like Scottish accents, but hers is of the harsh variety.

Still, I think she's a nice girl, but is trying to play it safe in there, and I think she was right to get annoyed at Deana for trying to show her up in the politics debate.

I like Deana as well though, and hope that she wins the show.


Aisleyne on BBBOTS again 10pm 5*.

She's in danger of becoming indispensible on that show.

And Hicky will be in for another treat when he gets his Nuts mag tomorrow - Chanelle.

(do you still take Nuts Hicky? )


Evening Emptybox.


We are doing very well in the medals table, proud of them.


I've been looking at the Fig page, going to do the same, think it's fantastic.

It works on the reservoir system and i can link it to my auto system as well.


My Lad just love Roast Dinners, he even wants the Prawn Cocktail as well, will be getting another of my lads over with his family.


Not keen on Sara, she is too confusing, she will talk for hours bu will never answer a question.


Aisleyne looked good tonight.


Will get the Nuts tomorrow.


Was pretty slack for most of today when boss rang at about 3pm and wanted me to make sticky labels numbered 1 to 82 x 9 times and a sheet of numbers from 1 to 82 with a tick box.


Then he said when you finish those you can go.

I was a bit late getting home.


Good evening both x



Glad to hear the arrangements for the Christmas dinner for you lad are all going to plan. I remember when we lived in Oz, they sometimes used to have Christmas meals in July, because it was too hot in December for them. There will be quite a crowd of you for this special meal then?

I liked the Fig tree link. Lucky you found it, so you can get some hints.

Shame making all those sticky sheets meant you left work late.



hope you got a bit of dry weather to do your jobs today.

Yes shove 2p is the old shove halfpenny. In fact there are some real halfpennies in the machine and my lad managed to win one, so he has kept it.


Well I shall not be watching BBOTs if Assleign is on it again.

Whilst I know you liked her on BB Emptybox, what I saw last night, just reenforced to me why I found her so very dislikeable in the BB house. IMO she was extremely nasty  last night with the remarks she made. To keep calling someone herpes is offensive because it is a name calling insult based on someone's personal medical condition. There was no need for it.  And as for the "if Ash was a puppy, I'd kick it in the face remark"    Just plain horrible...even Emma pulled her up on that one. 


Time to watch tonights BB. Deana better be careful with the teasing of Luke, else she will blow the possibility of a win here, which is a shame because I think she deserves to win.


had a bit of a boring day , paperwork, house jobs and too drizzly to take a walk down the beach today.


have a good evening both xx






Nice day here so I got lots of grass cut. Some places have had trouble with standing water so have been very spongy to cut.


Fantastic medal haul in the Olympics.

Funny how we've completely dominated the cycling this time, but hardly got anything at the swimming, which we did well at in Beijing?


I know we won't agree about Aisleyne Mollie, so I won't try to change your opinion. I think the "puppy" comment has been misunderstood, but you are probably right about her calling Ashleigh 'Herpes'. She likes to give the HMs silly nicknames on twitter, but should probably have left that one there.


Pity you got drizzle today, but hope you got through your paperwork?


Hi Hicky.

That was a strange task your boss set you?  Did you find out what it was in aid of, or did he just think you were idle?


Afternoon Mollie & Emptybox.


I'm in the process of buying whats required to change my 3 fig tree's over to the new pots and new watering sytem.

we already know the system works and i have used the idea before, we had 3 hanging baskets that ran for a year like that, just put water in the tube,

I'l be able to let my auto system do that.


Think Ash was trying to score a few points with her remarks.


The labels i made Monday are still lying on the desk where i left them.

One person passing through said was i going to laminate them, you can't with stickt labels anyway.


They are to stick on the steel frame of a vehicle floor carrier on our new floor pan store, each section that can hold a car floor needs to be numbered, and there's 9 lanes.

They probably shpuld be engraved labels using plastic and fixed with a screw or rivet.

Quite expensive to do that.


I've logged in useing IE, could get Firefox to connect properly to Gaga.


Not too busy.

Forecast looks quite good for thje rest of the week.





Hi Mike.

Yes I remember your username. Don't remember that flashing avatar though?


Lovely day here, very sunny and warm. Some of the grass is still wet though.


Hi Hicky. Hope you get the watering for your figs sorted.

I ate the first of my own potatoes last night. Not bad at all, although they are a bit small. Nadine was the variety this year.


Not much of BB left? I think the final is on Monday or something? Then are we straight into the celebrity one?


Good evening all


Hi Mike

yes of course we remember you, but as Emptybox says, not the flashing avatar.   How are you? Hope you are well.



typical, after you stayed late to finish that job, no one has even used it yet. Oh well, as long as you get paid for it, is what matters. Glad you weren't too busy today. Let's hope the forecasters are right if they are predicating good weather, about time we got it, as it is summer after all.Good luck with the figs.



Glad you got the nice weather too today. Good to hear you got to enjoy your own potatoes.Did you do any gardens today, or are they all too wet?


Nice day here today to, so doggie got her walk and I got my strawberry ripple ice cream down the seafront.


Yes not much of BB left, I must say ,I think this year has been a bit of a let down now, and it has not been one of my fave series at all. Too much nastiness this year, and ridiculous how the winner does not even win any more than that horrid Connor did.


Oh well, still hope Deana wins, but not so sure if she will.


have a good evening both x





Good Morning Everyone.


Working again today, can't be helped, all the more for my garden.


Hi MikeOxlong, can't say i remember you.

Dreadful Flashing Avatar i know that, so off-putting.


Hi Mollie & Emptybox.

Am using Firefox again, it worked fine, very confusing.


Have moved on of my Fig Trees so it's gets the sun for longer.

In the process of getting all the materials for the spring replant of the Fig trees.

I need 3-off 80 litre tubs, drain pipe, waste pipe, Aluminium mesh, damp proof membrane, bungee cord, sacking, pond liner, slow release food, granular lime.

Mind you i've ordered the food and the lime has arrived.

It won't cost much and will give me something to do, i have to keep creating things, just the way i am.


I've got quite a few potatoes that were dug up, but O/H keeps buying them.

My Cauliflower etc are ok, this slug killer i'm using is fantastic.


Yes, the final on Monday, CBB starts Wednesday the 15th.


Last edited by Hicky

It's been pretty quiet today, everyone's so busy as there's day and night production from Saturday/Sunday this massive job of ours has to run after tomorrow.

It's being tested now and has been for days.


I've been updating the WHATM thread today with the BB posts from the house.



Have also been on the web looking at materials for the garden and tree's.


And when last winter it was hard to find winter tyres, now there's loads of my size in plenty of makes, strange.


think it's been a beautiful day, haven't seen outside since 5.50 though.



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