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Evening Everyone.


Don't i just love a bacon butty.


Took my lad and his crew for brekkie at Morrisons, that was good.


This afternoon took them to a garden centre were we had some food and drink, bought a few bits.


Checked the temperature reading from the thermometer i put in the dish washer, it was in a plastic bag inside a zipped plastic beg, it read 25C.


If yours wa getting hot Emptybox surely it wouldn't leave fat on anything.


Haven't had any rain today but a lot of cloud.


I see this BB task today is 3 teams, Conor & Caroline are the Marshall & Deputy.

Team Good is Scott, Sara & Luke S.

Team Bad are Adam, Deana & Ashleigh

Team Ugly are Lauren, Luke & Becky.


Think it's over 2 days, one team should win immunity from nomination.


Good evening all.



hope the garage do fix the leak for free and don't try and get out of it. Do you have enough salt in the dishwasher? I know ours didn't work well once , so OH put extra salt in and it was ok. Glad to hear you got some dry weather at last, you really needed it to catch up workwise after all the rain didn't you?



at Caroline and the chopsticks hair.  Thanks for the new task info. By conincidence, they are just talking about it on BOTS.  Plenty of costumes she said, good I like it when the make the effort for tasks.

What griller did you go for? Are you pleased with it?  I might get one. My halogen oven has gone again, bulb went, so am not replacing it again, too expensive for something that only lasts about a year on average. Glad you enjoyed your Indian food.   We too  went to a help yourself Indian recently when we went to the guitar teachers evening. There was even some food I liked, even though I don't like spicy stuff or meat...I ate the rice, sweet and sour sauce,  and chips though... then some of the lovely deserts, they even had a chocolate fountain, the kids loved that, I am not keen on choc deserts, but loved the fresh fruit.



thanks for the Lauren video.   I quite like her, but do not like it when she does child like strops and cries a lot. I do think the other HM's are being really horrible to her though, so I hope she does better than a lot of them in there.


Had a busy weekend, son's show went well, It was a modern day version of Under Milk Wood.

We went to Cardiff theatre to see Chicago yesterday, Very good, I think you fellas would of appreciated some of the ladie's costumes.    One of the Nolan sisters played the Mamma in it and somone who used to be in Corrie was brilliant on it.

Dry most of the day here at last, so doggie got long walk on seafront. Lots of people around today.


I so hope Connor is up this week, he is so nasty towards towards Deane, awful temper he has.



Hope you are not too busy at work tomorrow HIcky



Morning All.


Another damp day here by the looks of it.


I thought you only needed salt in the dishwasher if you had hard water, ours used to be soft, not so sure now.

The water is now leaving streaks down the inside of the loo bowl from the lip down to the water.

Don't think soft water does that, or maybe they are putting something in the water now.


The grill is one like this Mollie.


I'll be going back to that Restaurant again, loved that food when you just get a plate and help yourself, wow, thats heaven.


This Video of Deana is funny, there's a few really but we don't get to see much of her.


You're right Mollie, Chicago sounds OK, especially costumes.


I hope Conor is up also, had enough of him.


Not too busy at work.


Got a Docs appointment Wed afternoon, so will have to ask boss whether he wants me to go early or swap days.






I agree Lauren can be a bit stroppy at times,but I've liked her from the start

also Adam,Deana and Luke A,never known such a bitchy house though a little fun

injected in would be nice.

Must be lovely living near the sea I envy you in a nice way of course,wonder

 how the nominations will go to-day?hello to emptybox and Hickey hope all are well

speak soonx




Hi Frodo.


I'm only 1 mile away from the sea, have always lived by the sea anyway.


Here's the BB  tweet page:


Here's the DS WHATM page which keeps up to date with video's etc and the BB tweets all day.


I like all the HM's really, think Conor is mean to Deana.

Most are going worse as time goes by.

Can't really see what all the problems are.


The Noms sure will be interesting this week.




Quite a nice day here, so I got a lot done, but I'm going to get behind again because I take my van to the garage first thing, so will be without it for one day at least.

I'm definitely going to mention the brake fluid leak in my Jag, and hopefully they'll take it in after they've done the van.


Think I've got plenty of salt in the dishwasher? I topped it up a couple of weeks ago, also the rinse-aid.


I used to live near the sea and loved it. I now live among the hills about an hour's drive from the coast. I found it a bit claustrophobic at first, but am used to it now.

Maybe I'll retire to the coast?


So Lauren and Luke A up? Not particularly keen on either, so doubt I'll bother to vote.

I see there were rumours earlier that Lauren had walked out, but I think they were just nonsense.


Hi guys.

Sunny day here, but there's rain forecast for tomorrow.

The van being away I did some work in my own garden. Cut the hedge and strimmed and generally gave it a much needed tidy.


Got my van back at 4.30pm and swapped it over for the Jag. Think they're going to fix the leak tomorrow, but they didn't say anything about it being their fault, so I'll have to wait for the bill to see if it's done for free.


Not sure if they had to do much to the van because the guy that MoTd it had gone, but they've welded a patch on one sill, and there's a couple of advisories about the other sill, so I'll probably need new sills next year.

I also told the guy that it was making more noise at tickover than usual, and that's quietened down, but they maybe just squirted some talc at the belts or something.


Thanks for the Chantelle pic Hicky. The baby looks healthy enough anyway.

Glad your vac arrived. Did you have to go and collect it, or did they realise their mistake?


I see there's been more ructions in the BB house, with Deana being caught out talking nominations and falling out with Adam.


Turn Back Time again BBC1 9pm, at the same time as Superstar, so I'll have to record one. Not that Superstar is that interesting? I mean they're all blokes.  

Still, I suppose there's always Meander Holden to look at?

Last edited by emptybox

evening emptybox Mollie, Hicky

thanks for the lovely photo of Chantelle Hicky the baby looks cute,good luck to

her and Alex.

I was disappointed that Lauren and Luke A where up things are getting really spiteful in the house think I'll give it a miss to-night.

Glad you got your van fixed emptybox did you say you had a Jag(wow) I'm in the posh thread

I'm on around three different forums wish I had found this one before now .

Hope your new vac is ok Hicky fancy going to the wrong address

      see you soon frodoxxx     


Evening Everyone.


Been a miserable day really, very little sun.

Went to B&Q, got a parasol and a couple of hanging baskets.

Oh, and a couple of sets of Screwdrivers, we have our own.


The driver had dropped off the Vac thinking it was the right house, he never asked who was signing for it, the house owner was in because they are getting a new kitchen fitted, instead of looking at the address label properly  they took the phone number and rang it.

Amazon put it on the label for the driver.


Belts don't make much noise unless they are slipping, but you can tell that anyway.


I think and hope Frodo that Lauren will be saved.


Yep, Mollie has a doggie to take walkies.


Love this track, although it isn't really talking about the girl.

'Please help me find Mollie'

Very catchy.

Cedric Gervais.


Good evening all


thanks for all those links, very interesting, I so love it when BB is being screened, so much for us to discuss.


Hicky..How cute is that wee baby girl of Chantelles, and Chantelle looks good too in the pic. I read somewhere she has given a shoot with New mag, Do you know if that pic is from it ? I hope Alex is part of this baby;s upbringing and helps her out.

Thanks for the griller details, is it working ok? Looks like a good one. Hope you are pleased with the new vauum despite them delivering it wrong.



hope your van didn't cost too much and that they sort the car out for free. Not surprised to hear of more ructions in the house, they are such a disagreeable lot this year.

I am not pleased with who is up this week, I so wish it was that nasty Connor.


I too watch Turn back Time and Superstar, but agree that Superstar is not that good.



I bet you hope Lauren stays don't you? I think I too would prefer her to stay. the other HM's have been so nasty to her, it would surprise them if she did.

Yes I enjoy living by the coast, I have lived in the city , the country and the coast and my fave has to be the coast. Do you live close to city or country?


Been drizzly on and off here today and a sea mist, but did manage a walk down seafront with dog and did not get wet. Windy again, but not as bad as yesterday. More like an October day, than a July one thoug.


have a good evening all xxx


Hi Frodo and HIcky

your posts appeared after I posted mine, take me awhile to submit mine, with all the family interruptions.



thank you for the cute doggie piccie, Yes I have a litle doggie, and we have a bunny too. I love animals.

Yes you are right, the BB house is now getting uncomfortably spiteful. However I do like the tasks, especially when well thought out, and with costumes.


I am glad you did find us here.   It is good to have you join us here.

Us 3 have posted together for years now, originally from the Channel 4 BB site. Hicky and Emptybox are like real life best friends to me now, and are special to me.    All 3 of us have had our difficult times and fun times over the years we have been posting together, but have stuck together.



well now you have bought that parasol, I am hoping the sun will come out soon so you can get good use of it.

Thanks for the link to the track,     I will go and listen now.



morning all

the weather is undecided here,what a summer poor wildlife

gardens are begining to look like rain forests wth the humid weather and rain on top of it.

Watched most of BOTS last night and it was quite fair for a change almost admiting that Conor (rigged) oh sorry chose his favs to be immune and that

not many people dare nominate him to his face.

Ah well too late now to moan hope you are all well and chipper this

morning .

          back later




Thanks for the video Frodo. Wouldn't say it was a "perfect day" here. It's been raining this morning. Perhaps I'll get out this afternoon if it clears up?


Wouldn't say I was at all posh. I inherited the Jaguar from my Dad. Mind you, I did have a Mercedes before that.........

(the Merc was an old one)


That was a lovely post Mollie. Must admit I would miss chatting to you guys if we didn't have this place. I speak to my family once a week or so on the phone, but to you guys almost every day.


Hi Hicky. Hope you get on OK at the docs. Is it a blood test or something? Let's hope the doc remembers even if you can't.  

A bit optimistic buying another parasol, but they do say that we might be in for a spell of better weather. Mind you, they say a lot of things....


Good evening all x



Hope the docs visit went ok. Was it a check up? Glad you are pleased with the vacuum. Did you manage to squeeze in a brekkie out today?

I bought the New magazine and it did have the Chantelle and baby pics in it, like the one you posted. They are lovely.



Raining too here most of the day. Hope it stopped a bit for you to get some jobs done. I know how quickly these gardens are growing in this rain.

Yes Emptybox, we rarely miss our daily chats together here do we? Even on those days we don't do a lot. I couldn't wait to get back here when I was kept away due to  illness.



Thanks for the Perfect Day video.

,,,hope you have had a good day today.

I think that is right, that no one wanted to nom Connor to his face.


Started raining yet again when we took dog out, so didn't go far today.

Getting behind with paperwork so must try and catch up tomorow, else the weekend will be here again.

HOpe the forecasters are right and that we are in for a good weekend weather wise.


have a good evening all. hope BB is a good one. Would it be too much to hope for for some laughs instead of nastiness from the HM's?







Yes I can verify you indeed are definitely not posh.
... and like me, I think we both have certain relatives who would also definately not dsecribe us as posh, by the way we have to do our housework before they come to visit us.
Originally Posted by emptybox:

Wouldn't say I was at all posh. I inherited the Jaguar from my Dad. Mind you, I did have a Mercedes before that.........

(the Merc was an old one)



Evening Frodo and Emptybox.


It now turns out Caroline was showing Conor her cards before the  voting.


Not been a bad day here, brekkie out and just had a takeaway.


It was lung tests Emptybox, forgot what they called them.

The docs went great, my lung capacity tests for sucking and blowing is up 13%, wasn't expecting that, nurses were very pleased.

All tests fine.

Next check-up in 12 months.


Still haven't put the Gazebo up, depends on weather.

Need some good weather for the grape vines.

Can only assume they are behind now.

Had good growth on all fruit tree's and vines and Fig trees.


Think i need to dig my spuds up, maybe at the weekend.


Onions are drying off well.


work tomorrow.


Did you see the bad news about the old lady who broke down in the middle lane of the M40 and got hit from behind, unfortunately she was in a petrol car i think so didn't make it.



evening Hicky emptybox and Mollie

 thanks for the video Hicky naughty but nice wow grapevines lovely.

can't beat homegrown spuds yummy.

Seem to like your food Hicky so do I but have to watch it chicken kiev

and chips to-day for me and just eaten a cheese toasty.

Watching and taping BB Caroline in floods of tears crocodile ones no


Yes read about the lady on the motorway what a horrible way to die

my heart goes out to her family.

Nice to hear you Mollie and emptybox have posted to-gether for years

and become good friends.

heres hoping Lauren  stays fingers crossed,watching bots nowxxx


hello guys and Mollie

just made some bread love kneading takes out your frustrations was thinking

of Caroline and Conorso didn't take that long; waiting for it to rise now.

Watching the pet shop boys on sky arts at the moment,hope you are all ok.


Twas chucking it down earlier on but that UFO in the sky has shown its face

hope we will eventually get some summer weather.


Enjoyed BB and BOTS last night usually watch Borgen but it was on at 12-30

and I fell asleep.

          see you later 


Good afternoon Everyone.


This site is giving problems, the Forum/Thread, takes so long to load, keeps getting stuck transferring info from Gaga.


Hi Frodo, I've got lots of tree's etc growing, this wet spring/summer has taken it's toll.


Hoping the Fig tree's will be ok, some good growth but hope they start producing some fruit soon.


I like the odd Chicken Kiev, very rich so can only take 1.


I'm hoping Lauren says as well.


Odds at the mo are.

Luke A - 4/11

Lauren - 2/1


Weather should be better for the weekend, till then, misery.


forgot about that Hicky your right of course


*hopes were high dashed again*only one more night then we'll find out


 ps hope its a good edit for her to-night dont get me wrong I like Luke A

but not as much as Lauren, hope I,m not putting people off talking too much about BB. 

Last edited by Former Member

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