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Evening All.


It's been a beautiful day, sun all day, very surprised as well.


Not done a lot, my lad wheeled his power mower round and did the grass.


Have put the rain protectors back around the big pots to keep a bit of the rain off.


Loved the eviction, really wanted Conor out tbh.


The task today is for the Secret room, Blues won.

But Conor was disqualified for talking about nominations so greens have it.


Good evening both



glad to say it has at last been a lovely day here too today, 

That is good that your lad helped out with the lawns.


I haven't seen anything yet about a secret room on BB.. wonder what that is about?  Connor would of gone mad if anyone else had messed the task up.



hope you too had a dry day. Did you get your shopping done in the morning, so you could watch the tennis?  Shame he lost, he played a good game though, didn't it? Felt sorry for him in the end... looked very upset.


Went to Cardiff today, the shops have stated reducing the summer clothes, I guess the weather has not been good enough this year to sell a lot of it. Got a flowery dress with reduced to ÂĢ5, from ÂĢ15.

Took dog nice walk on seafront, it was busy because it was sunny, but rather windy.

Am watching Corrie, then that new Andrew Lloyd Webber show that started last night, some quite good singers it had on it last night.


Have a good evening. xx


Hi Mollie and Hicky.


Mixed here. Rain this morning, but a bit of sun this afternoon.

Watched all the tennis. Pity Murray lost, but he wasn't good enough. Or more precisely, he wasn't good enough for long enough.

Not sure if there's anything he can do about that really? He's 25 now, so not sure if he can increase his stamina for subsequent years?


Glad you both had good weather, and that you found another bargain Mollie.


I'm recording that 'Superstar' prog and also 'Wallender' on BBC1.


Morning Both.


It was quite a good weekend weatherwise, but think the rain is back this week.


The problem with the High Light show Mollie is that it's 24hrs behind whats actually going on in the house.


I get the minute by minute tweets from BB.

If you look on DS the WHATM thread you will see.

It's called BB13 WHATM's Little Brother; Links'n'Chat.

All sorts of up to date video links, the lot and it's not 24 hrs behind.



Pity about Murray but you have to be super human to beat the feller.


The summer has been a disaster for many shops and if they sell their stock now because they need money then if the weather picks up they are sunk.


You get what you can Mollie.


Ah well, another day at work, hope it's not too busy.


I see Russia has had a lot of people killed due to floods and landslides.


A feller who does the electrical work for my lad who install central heating was killed Saturday in a sky diving accident, his chute got tangled and he left it too late change to the standby one.



Well it's been raining here all day.

Done some dusting and I'm now about to get the hoover out.

Might go into town to get some diesel and some tomato feed for my tomato plants.


Read about that sky-diver in the papers. Interesting that your lad knew him Hicky. Anybody who thinks these kind of things are risk free are kidding themselves IMO.


I haven't really got into BB this year enough to follow the FB and twitter feeds, which means I'm lost trying to follow discussions on DS as well. Trouble is I don't have a favourite, so can't really get into it. Just enjoying casually watching the highlights shows and BOTS.


Good evening both



hope your work day was not too busy today, you do need free time to get on the forums whilst there.  

Thanks for the BB link, I 'll take a look.

Wish we had a bit more livefeed, I enjoyed the half hour on Friday night.

Very sad about the parachutist, as Emptybox says, it is a risky thing.


pity about all the rain. Sounds like you have got a nice clean tidy house out of it all though.  

I don't really have a favourite on BB this year either, but still think it is a good series, some good tasks. I look forward to the highlights show, and sometimes watch BBOTS.

I do however have an unfavourite HM this year, and that is Connor.  The things he said to Deana were just annaceptable. 


Not been a bad day here wether wise, which was good for getting a bit of washing dry. Took dog round town and for a walk down seafront. plenty of people outside cafes and many walking their doggies, Dog loves it busy, so she  went on strike today and yesterday when it was time to come home, by plonking  herself flat down, and refused to walk in the homeward direction.    I ended up having to carry her.

bought some lovely raspberries again, they must of had a good season this summer, the British ones are lovely at the moment.

Did you know that a new series of Britains next Top Model starts today at 9pm, and repeats on plus one. I usually like this show, so will watch after BB.

have a good evening both xxx


Hi both.


Raining all day again.

A complete waste as far as work is concerned.
I hope I can get some work done tomorrow because I've a dental appointment on Thursday morning, so won't get much done till the afternoon on Thursday. 


Did my monthly accounts and am just about to do some ironing.

Made an appointment to get my van MoTd next Tuesday.


Comes to something when you take your dog for a walk and end up carrying her Mollie?


Turn Back Time on tonight, and also Who Wants to be a Millionaire.


Evening Emptybox.


Not done much today, rain held off but clouds all day.


Tried to mend the vacuum cleaner but the parts came to more than the price of a new one, so ordered one.

It's an Electrolux.


Also ordered some half coconuts filled for the birds.


Paid for the car tax online for another year, ÂĢ270 it keeps going up ÂĢ10 a year.


Just watching HL show now.





Good evening both



Day off today? Hope you had a good one.How are the fruit trees going? the dancing video, not the most advisable place to dance to Michael Jackson though.



shame about the rain again. Wasn't too bad here today , just an odd short shower, still windy and cool though. Fingers crossed you can get work done tomorrow, so you don't get too behind, and let's hope Thursday am, is not the only dry time this week. Good luck at the dentists.


I saw Turn Back Time.. very interesting.

This series makes your realise how easy we have things now.


Been to one of son's drama pals charity evenings tonight.... a charity show to give money to kids hospice. Very good singing, dancing and comedy.  Son busy rehearsing rest of week for youth drama production due this Friday, expect he will be out for 14 hour days again now. which is fine because he enjoys it.

Managed to get out between the showers to walk dog , it was chilly in the wind though, but dry at least.

How horrid was Shevaugh on BB tonight?  Poor Deana. Glad it is her and horrible Connor up to leave.

Goodnight both xx


Morning Mollie.


Fruit trees not so good, lost the pears, got about 6 apples left, 1 cherry, ate 1 but that was split.

Plums seem ok for now.

Fruit tree leaves being attacked, growth ok though.

A couple of Nectarines split, rest ok.

Peaches, got a few left, leaves subject to peach leaf curl, terrible, left it too late to get sorted.


On the betting Conor and Shievonne are neck and neck, so it could be either.


Hoping for a quiet day today so i can be on the web/forums.


Got a school play thingy to go too Thursday, not sure if it's this one or next week.

It's one of the Granddaughters, she's 7 ish.


Didn't see Turn back Time.


Those are long hours for your lad to rehearse aren't they?


Good evening both x



hope you got your necessary forum time in at work today. 

What a shame your fruit trees are not doing so well this year.

Hope you enjoy your grandaughter's play tomorrow. I bet they will be so cute as she is only age 7.

Should be an interesting eviction, if they are both neck and neck. I won't miss either of them, but would prefer Connor to go.


Found out son only rehearsing from 10am till 9pm tomorrow, as it is not a musical this time, so rehearsals not so long. 

Had busy day today....helped son find outfit for his play in charity shops, and went with him for hair cut ..,,mum phoned me endless times over trivia, (she keeps forgetting things), managed to do lots of   because it was dry, took doggie a long walk on seafront also  as it was dry, and a big grocery delivery from asda arrived... neck is puffy and swollen tonight, so tv time for me now.. rest of jobs will have to wait.,,,


hope you got a bit of dry weather too, so you aren't too behind at work.

Good luck at the dentist tomororw.

BB time now.

Wonder how much endless woffle Shevougn will put us throough tonight?

have a good evening x


Hi Mollie and Hicky.


No, no dry weather for me. The third day in a row of unremmiting rain.

I see there are flood alerts for the Borders so I'd better go to my dentist appointment early, just in case of diversions etc.


Don't know how I'm going to get on with work if this wet weather continues?


Pity your fruit has been affected by the weather Hicky. I guess it's the same all over? Could be a disasterous summer for food production.

Hope you enjoy the school play tomorrow.


Glad it was dry for you Mollie.

Hope your son does well at the drama.

And I hope your neck is better tomorrow.


Watched that show 'The Town that Never Retired' on BBC1. Thought of Hicky for some reason. Dunno why?


Rain all day again here. Getting seriously behind now.


Got to my dental appointment OK. Nothing needed.


I noticed the brake fluid getting low in my car, so I might have a leak.

They did a lot of brake work for the MoT 2 months ago, so prbably something to do with that. I topped it up, but will keep an eye on it.


Don't really care who goes in BB tomorrow. They can get rid of both, as far as I'm concerned.


Good evening both


and welcome to the thread Frodo.

and yes feel welcome to join in.

I can't make up my mind whether I want Connor or Shevaughne gone, don't like either of them, but oh boy, doesn't Shevaugne go on and on and one, once she gets going?



glad the dental visit was problem free.

Shouldn't the garage fix that leak for free if they probably caused it by doing some work on it recently?

Shame about all this rain making you behind at work, let's hope it doesn't carry on for much longer. It was fairly dry here this morning, then tonight we had torrential rain again.


Hope HIcky had a good day off today.


Had good news off the surgeon today, thyroid and calcium tests came back normal so his letter said I don't need meds "at the moment". I will do all I can to keep eating healthy and trying to keep up the calcium intake, as I don't want to take meds if I can help it.


Anyone watch Hotel Inspector?

I think Alex is really good on this show.


looking forward to BB next.

Son just home from rehearsals, back tomorrow at 9am. He enjoys it though.

other lad had guitar lesson tonight and we went to Tescos for a bit of shopping.


have a good evening, xx




Evening Mollie & Emptybox & Frodo.


And Welcome Frodo.


Been nice all day again.


Just seen one of the grand daughters in the school Olympic play form Roman times.

Very good.


It looks like Shievonne will go, don't like either.

Like all the rest of the girls though.


Doctors surgery rang, need to go for a check-up, might be my breathing.


School run in the morning.

Going to an Indian Restaurant tomorrow with my lad and his O/H for a Banquet.


Just watching HL's.


Afternoon Everyone.


It's a big night in the house tonight with Shievonne and Conor being up.


The dynamics of the house will change whoever goes.


Think Deana would prefer Conor to go.


I'm not bothered who goes.

I've never watched Frodo so not up with it at all.


It's like the tropics here.

The birds are growing webbed feet.


Have ordered a new vacuum cleaner, other packed up,

Have ordered a new grill/toaster.



          Frodo Baggins is a *Lord of the Rings *character

a hobbit with hairy feet,just an easy name as I am on another forum and use a different name.

Coner or Shievonne really undecided who should go,ask me a week ago and deffinatly the former with his foul mouthed rant,but I love Lauren and

Sheivonne seems determined to set the house against her.

         stocked up for to-night crisps,

wine check .

          by for now  



Evening guys.


It was actually dry here today. Overcast, but you cannae have everything. Got a full day of work in. First all week.

I'll have to work tomorrow as well, if it's dry.


Shievonne gone (well going). I'm fairly pleased about that.


I like all that Tolkein stuff Frodo. Read the books, watched the films, and I can't wait for the Hobbit film to come out.


Yeah, we sometimes like the same BB people on here, but not very often. But we don't argue about it. We just accept that my choice is the right one, and move on.


Hi Mollie. Yes I would hope that if it turns out the leak in my brake system is something to do with the work the garage did, then they would fix it gratis, but they could always say it was a new leak because the MoT was 2 months ago, and I only noticed the fluid was low a couple of days ago.


It must be a big relief that you can come off the medications. Hope you continue improving


Hi Hicky. Bet you're quite pleased at the opportunity to get some new gadgets, now that your vacuum and toaster have packed up?

Your Indian Banquet sounds yummy. Had mince, tatties and carrots meself.


Evening again, Frodo & Emptybox.


Just going to see Shievonne on bbbots now, not looking forward to seeing her really.


Glad you were able to get some work done, this rain is dreadful.


The new grill/toaster isn't a replacement, just an addition.

The big grill in the large fan oven isn't easy or quick to use so i thought a smaller one to put by the toaster would suit better.


Ordered a couple of submersible min/max thermostat as i want to check if the heater is working in the dishwasher as it comes on when i'm going to bed and it sometimes leaves the fat in place, and i assume if the heater is coming on it would have melted the fat.


Mince tatties and carrots, love that myself.


Have a Haggis in the fridge waiting to be eaten as well.




Here's a little reminder of the original BB13 HM's.

When they looked OK before they went in.


The original 16 HM's in BB13.
Deana Uppal, 23 from Birmingham.
Arron Lowe, 23 from Manchester.
Caroline Wharram, 20 from Esher, Surrey.
Shievonne Robinson, 28 from Lewisham, South London.
Conor McIntyre, 24 from Derry, Northern Ireland.
Lauren Carre, 20 from Jersey, Channel Islands.
Luke Anderson, 31 from Mold, North Wales.
Adam Kelly, 27 from Dudley, West Midlands.
Sara McLean, 22 from Edinburgh.
Scott Mason, 21 from Macclesfield, Cheshire.
Ashleigh Hughes, 20 from Romford, Essex.
Luke Scrase, 25 from Stoke-on-Trent.
Lydia Louisa, 25 from Watford.
Benedict Garret, 32 from Manchester.
Chris James, 21 from Luton, Beds.
Victoria Eisermann, 41 from London.


evening Mollie emptybox Hickey

          thanks for the facts on the housemates Hickey good to have an update,watched BOTS this morning Aaron trying to shush Luke when he told the truth about Coner,I'm all for giving people a second chance but the things Conor said beggars belief,think most people are still surprised he is still in! that temper of his will be his downfall.

On a lighter note hope you are all well just been reading the rules on here seems like a nice little community 

          speak soon xx



yes agree about the bitching Hickey uncomfortable to watch

methinks Lauren will be up this week ,she's not everyones cup ot tea

but I like her, think somehow BB will step in if two many of the outsiders are up

can't have their favs all up can they?,really enjoying it though would be nice to have longer live feed.

          goodnight to you all sleep well sees you to-morrowxx


Hi Hicky and Frodo.

Was mostly dry here, so I got some gardening done, but the rain came on about 4pm, so my work was curtailed.


Some classy pics there Hicky from the Daily Express, even Caroline looked quite presentable.

Don't think my dishwasher is very good with fat either. It's always leaving white residue on the butter knives, that I've got to wipe off afterwards. Think it's set to 65 degrees, which might not be hot enough?


Thanks for that video Frodo. Can't say Lauren is my cup of tea. I find her a bit childish and irritating. Takes a good photo though.


Hi Mollie. Hope you are having a good weekend?


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