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Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


I bought a new pair of saw blades that i hoped would fit the old saw, didn't, tried to make them fit but no joy so binned it.


Hoping these blades fit the new saw.


Will have to see how the new vines do.

Amazing how there are so many different idea's on training them and pruning them.

These 2 vines are only young so won't get grapes for a few years.

The other 3 vines are doing ok.


The NatWest problem seemed to be a software upgrade.

Thats one of the hardest things to do, it all needs testing first and i don't suppose you can.


I will check on the Toby Brekkie, not sure were they are.


I don't know why i'm buying a saw either Emptybox, just nice to have and to help them out.


Hope the RBS bank doesn't mess you about.


Hi Hicky.

Hope the blades you bought fit your new saw.


Sunshine and showers here today.


I checked the fluid level in my battery. It seems OK going by the guidelines in the manual.

I'll see what my Brother says, but I was looking on the Halfords website, and a battery for my car would cost ÂĢ120.

Maybe mine can be kept going for a while longer. I'll probably see if it lasts till next weekend?


Got some ironing to do now, before me supper.


Good afternoon all



hope your brother came up with some ideas about the car, another ÂĢ120 is a lot of money to find after all you have just spent.

Hope your payments went in.

I am with Nat West and couldn't get online on Sunday, but today it is ok and my child benefit was paid in today.



Work day today?

shame you had to bin the saw, hope the blades fit the new one.

HOpe you get some nice grapes off your older vines, I bet home grown ones taste lovely.


I have my appoitment with the surgeon later today, I am hoping my problem has not grown back at all. I have typed out a sheet of queries to give him, helps make sure I don't forget anything. OH leaving work bit earlier to come with me, so I don't forget all the surgeon says to me.


Still enjoying BB. I hope we don't lose a big character this week, I am not keen on Luke S or Connor at the moment.


Hope it is dry enough for you to get in your gardens Emptybox. Quite a nice day here today so far.


Have a good day both xx


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Can't get through to phone banking to check my account.

Wanted to order another Chinese knife/cleaver for another canteen worker but couldn't get to the account.

I'll have to wait till they sort it.


My new Bonsai base with the compost came today.

Waiting for a load of deliveries now.


It was work today, sorting out back vat they say we owe, boss was claiming vat back for non business things, and of course now they want the vat when we invoice.


I've made a few changes to the accounting software to take the changes into consideration.


Hope the results from the surgeon are ok Mollie, fingers crossed.


Conor warned about his comments regarding Deana, BB not happy.

Much trouble on forums, twitter etc, writing to ofcom.

They think he should be kicked out.

If Deana heard what he said she would be distraught.



Overcast here and muggy, but otherwise dry. Was able to get on a bit anyway.


Yes, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you as well Mollie.


My bank account is affected as well.

I was able to check the balance online, but when I tried to see details or make any transactions, it just said "service unavailable".

Plus the direct debit to Orange hadn't gone through today.

It better be sorted by the end of the week......


My uncle phoned near the end of BB so I missed what Connor said, but I see Aisleyne getting aerated about it on twitter. She's on BBOTS tomorrow, so no doubt will have something to say?


Making changes to your accounting software Hicky? I hope you have better luck than RBS. I'm sure you'll be much more efficient.


My brother says you can get batteries much cheaper than Halfords. He put me on to an online site that I'll have a look at later.


Deana and Lydia up. Again I can't really decide, so probably won't vote.

Last edited by emptybox

Morning Emptybox.


It was Sunny earlier, at 6.30 a bit dull now, just had a rain shower.


I couldn't get through on the banking phone line, have a few quid in my pocket so i'm ok for now.

So annoying.


I'll get you what conor said, horrific.


Conor's Atrocious Transcript

For anyone that wants to remember exactly what was said...

Conor - Get your epilator, stick it up your ass. We don't give a f**k, cause i'm gonna (inaudible). I'll give her a fun game, i'll stick this up her f*****g minge the stupid bastard. I'll give her a f*****g epilator (pushes brush upwards)/ I'm gonna play loadsa pranks on her.
Because she's a f*****g piece of s**t. I don't care if i get pulled up to the diary room.

Ashleigh - What if she chucked water on ya

Conor - I'd punch her in the face. Just knock her out (punches the air) I'd say, get up off the mat you piece of s**t.
Salv* is online now 

You can see what i mean.


As long as you get the correct ampere size for your car you should be ok.


My Bonsai dish and compost came, have re-potted it, sorted the roots out, freed them up.


oh no, just lost long post...


and it is so late, so Hi both xx


got on ok at hospital, have to go back for blood test.


not happy with who is up for evcition, wish it was awful Connor or Luke S


sorry you both having bank problems, disgraceful, these banks can't be trusted with our money, they have already been given billions of our taxes that they gambled away and spent on bonuses.

I cannot see this being sorted for a long time yet.



goodnight both x


Hi Mollie and Hicky.


Not too bad here today, until the rain came on about 5pm. Been raining most of the evening.


Glad you got on well at the hospital Mollie.

I can access my account online now, but there's still no sign of the missing direct debit, so no doubt Orange will charge a late payment which I'll have to try to reclaim.


I was going to try to pay the bill for my heating oil online, but I chickened out and will send a cheque instead.

Rather than risk losing the payment in the ether, I'm going the traditional route, and risk losing it in the post instead.


Ash was good on BBOTS. Bit over enthusiastic with the water maybe?


Glad your bonsai stuff came Hicky.

Conor is a nasty piece of work right enough.


Good morning all



did you manage to find a cheaper battery for you car? Good idea to play cautious by use of a cheque for the oil. How annoying that your D/D has gone missing, Yes, you need to watch they don't charge you a late payment. I think I had best ring BT and Sky to see if our DD's went through.



glad the bonsai came, I'd love a piccie of it when you get chance.

Hope you managed to sort the banking stuff out ok.


Emptybox...I know you are a fan, but I am afraid I still cannot take to Ais. I thought instead of making a valid point with what she was saying about Connor, she just made herself look completely OTT, with both her use of bad language, but especially how she later threw a glass of water all over Ian. Extremely rude to soak someone's clothes like that. 

I thought she looked very different...her face (or lips?) looked swollen.. botox perhaps?


Although I do agree, Connor is a very nasty piece of work.. in the past someone would of been thrown out for saying what he said. I also think Luke S is a nasty piece of work.

I know Lydia goes on and on, but I think she has a point, and Deana seems somewhat aloof , but does not deserve all the nastiness.

The wrong 2 are up for eviction this week imo.


I felt rough most of yesterday, headache and throat did not feel good, after surgeon had pressed it around. Although I was relieved the growth had not come back, I was disappointed the surgeon told me,  when I asked about discomfort/loss of sensation/restricted movement in neck, he said he thought after 2 throat ops like mine, this was probably as good as it gets recovery wise. But as daughter told me, what discomfort I have now, is better than not being able to breathe!

Headache gone now today, thank goodness.


have a good day both x


Cloudy and dull here today, but at least it is not pouring.





Afternoon Mollie & Emptybox._


It's let me post again at work, confusing eh.


I can't access my bank on the phone line.

Have ordered another Chinese knife for another member of staff.

Had my new wiper blades delivered.

Also 1 spray for the vines, another to come.

The Copper strip hasn't come yet.

Also waiting for a shredder as the last one jammed up so bad.

Also waiting for the new electric saw.


Will watch last nights bbbots tonight.


Called in the bank as i couldn't on line.

I tried the cash point outside first and asked for ÂĢ20 and a summary.

It showed quite a lot of money, which was a shock so i went in the bank, it was a rebate on my expenses.

Very nice too, will give O/H a couple of hundred to keep her happy.


I'll take a pic of the bonsai in the new pot, you don't get a saucer with them, strange.


I agree the wrong 2 are up, but i wouldn't put any of the girls up.


As far as your throat goes, i would think it would get better in time, why not?


But if he's going to make it worse by pressing around why is he doing that?


It's handy being able to breath and must be thankful for small mercies but we always want more, thats the way we are.




Dull, drizzly and muggy today. Didn't stop me working, but the grass was very wet.

Sorry you weren't feeling well yesterday Mollie, but glad your headache has gone,
Must have been a bit disheartening when the doctor said you might not get back full movement of your neck, but they can be wrong, so don't lose heart.

Glad to hear you got a bonus when you checked your bank balance Hicky. That'll be rare in the UK this week.
Hope all your deliveries arrive OK.

Haven't done anything about a new battery yet. I'm waiting to see whether it lets me down this weekend. Then I'll know whether it's something urgent or not.

I love Ash Mollie, but I've never claimed she was sensible.
Don't know what the water throwing was about, but to be fair, she was taking her cue from Iain Lee, who threw water first, and they'd probably discussed what they were going to do in the green room earlier But I doubt Ash was supposed to soak him?

Her face looks fine to me, but she does sometimes use botox I think.
Here's a picture of her and Jet in the green room, so you can judge.

And a screen-cap, for good measure.
Think she's just overdone the colour on her cheeks?

Yes, definitely the wrong two up for eviction. Should be Luke S, Conor or Arron.
I see Nicola McLean is on BBOTS. Another of my faves.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.


Have seen half of last nights bbbots, ran out of time.


I got some expenses back then a demand for money up front for Jan 31st 2013and the figure to pay up front for the 31st July 2013

Might have to ring HMRC and see how i can pay, still paying This July's payment.


My new electric saw has arrived, also the new shredder, also the 2nd spray for the garden, and the copper tape,


I would expect Deana to go friday really, think they will keep Lydia in.


Evening both.


Had rain off and on today.

Got all my onions and garlic up, just trying to dry them out.


Next door had 400 roof tiles for his garage, it needs the roof redoing.

Helped him take them round the back, they were in a pallet on the grass out front, we used my 4 wheel hand truck, carried 100 at a time.


Sorted out my payment (direct debit) back to HMRC, i have to pay next years 6 months in advance.

Because they don't tax the state pension i have to pay them the tax owed back every year in advance.


Went to B&Q today, found a rough log saw blade for my new Bosch PFZ500E, no wonder you don't get that one with the saw it cost ÂĢ16.98.

But i needed it for tree stumps.


Got the school run in the morning, will see if DIL wants to take baby for brekki, she only has a coffee but baby likes his sausage on toast.

Will get a bit of shopping as well.



Very wet here. thunder and lightning this afternoon.


Glad your deliveries came Hicky.

Your tax stuff sounds complicated. It's ridiculous that they want you to pay tax in advance on your pension.


I think Lydia is still likely to go, but it might be close.


Because of the wet I got a chance to watch some of the tennis. Glad Murray got through.

Nadal got knocked out unexpectedly though.


Good morning both xx



Shame it was too wet to do your gardens, but at least that meant you got an excuse to see the tennis.   Hope the battery keeps going over the weekend.

Ais pics...I like the brightness of the dress.. I do think her cheeks and forehead look pumped up compared to how she used to..botox not for me, but each to his  own.. I hate the thought of huge wrinkles too. but don't fancy stuffing my face with stuff that deadens the expression either. Think i will stick with drinking lots of water option instead.



how ridiculous they want the tax up front, guess us ordinary folk have to pay up,so the rich can get away without paying much. Glad to hear you got your expenses back though.

Lucky you could help your neighbour with all those tiles, sounds like he had a big job on his hands with that.

Hope you and the babe enjoyed a brekkie out today.


At last I feel a lot better again.   Swelling did not come back until end of the day yesterday, and I did run around a lot yesterday, I know.


Hope Lydia stays tonight,  I know she is a bit bonkers, but I do like her as a HM. Unusual looking girl, but very attractive, I think.

The men are a let down this year, nasty bunch on the whole.


Going to hospital soon for blood tests..tyroid/bones...then off to Cardiff, will sit in my fave cafe for awhile , so don't overdo their vanilla lattes with toffee sauce on top.   I am sure it is ladden with calories, so it has to be counted as lunch for me.   Surgoen thinks with my problem it is easy to put on weight, so that explains why I have to eat so little to keep weight even. Never mind, at least I don't have asthma, and he didn't tell me I need to lose any weight.


have a good day both.


not too bad weather wise here so far, but at those floods around Newcastle, those poor people.


enjoy BB tonight... I won't be happy if we lose Lydia.






Hi Mollie.

Hope the blood tests went OK, and you enjoyed your latte.


Mixed day here. Some sun, some rain and some wind. Managed to get quite a bit done anyway.

Watching Federer at the tennis as I'm typing this.

Think I might have a pizza for my supper?


I think I agree with you about Lydia. I think she would be the biggest loss, even though Deana is stunning. Lydia is attractive as well, and as mad as a box of frogs. I still like Caroline, but I don't really know why.



Good Afternoon Mollie & Emptybox.


A mixed weather day again here, sun/rain/sun/rain


My last parcel came, a Chinese knife for one of the canteen girls.

She'll be pleased with it i'm sure.


Rang the tax budget plan line the other day to sort out what i had to pay them on the direct debit, to pay off what i owe for this July and next Jan i need to pay ÂĢ55 a week back.

My wages comes under the business company side so thats paid by corporation tax which doesn't effect my normal income tax.

My little private pension loses 50% in tax, they would take 10% but they can't go past 50% because thats the highest tax band.

I wish they would take it all then i wouldn't owe so much.


Anyway, i got a self assessment tax demand yesterday for ÂĢ632 to be paid by the 31st July.

I rang them up to tell them i have a budget plan in place and any interest is included.

After half an hour they agreed, phew, what a life.

I'll have to start all over again in January.


Got called into work Friday at 11.30 to write an email, they then gave me loads to do so got away at 5.30.

I get paid for the day though,


Have lent my new saw to the lad next door to cut some tree stumps up.




Sunshine and heavy local showers today. Managed to dodge the showers enough to get a couple of jobs done plus my own grass cut.

More or less caught up now, apart from one job, so hope the weather next week will be fine.


Hi Hicky. Not quite sure what a chinese knife is? They seem to use a chopper for everything.

Those tax demands sound stiff. But I guess you've got to be earning in order to owe it.


Lydia is a big loss. She's been really good in all her interviews.


Morning Emptybox.


Awful weather here lately.


This is the Chinese kitchen knife, some call it a cleaver, this one isn't for chopping bones, just meat and veg.

It's fantastic to use, have always used one.


The tax owed isn't off my wages thats covered with the company accounts, this is just my state pension because it isn't taxed.

They purposely don't tax it at source so they can keep you on the tax books and keep you filling in tax forms whatever age you are, it's like putting a tag on your leg.


Hope Mollie is having a good weekend.

May be busy with her Mum.


Hi Hicky.

Yes, that's what I meant by "chopper". Cleaver's a better name for it. The chinese use them for everything, don't they?

I haven't got one, but I've got a good set of 'Sabatier' knives that my parents had.


Some very heavy showers here.

My car started no problem, so the new battery obviously isn't an urgent purchase. Until it lets me down next time.

I've connected it to a solar trickle charger to see if it can keep it charged during the week when it's not being used. Can't hurt anyway. I had the trickle charger from when I had the Merc.


That'll be the finish of the footie tonight, so Mollie will be pleased to get her normal programmes back.


Good morning both



what a pain that tax office is, glad you got it sorted ok though. But it makes me mad how after working all your life, they tax your pension, about time they put effort into tackling all these high paid tax dodgers instead.

Bet your neighbour is glad you are are an ,owner of this new saw, and are willing to lend it him.  And I reckon the canteen lady will be pleased with her knife. I always have knife problems because I am left handed,



glad you got a few jobs done inbetween the showers. Did you enjoy your pizza? What sort do you have? I generally have a plain thin one when I have them.

Hope the charger keeps that car battery going.

You are dead right, I am pleased y Corrie is back and all that footie is over at last.


And I agree Lydia was a big loss for the BB show, but last night Deana does seem to of got more interesting. Standing up to LukeS however is bound to get her up again for eviction with his crowd of followers. I guess Lauren will be the other one up, because Ashleiigh gets so jeolous of her?

I would like to see the back of Connor though , or LukeS instead of one of the girls.


Yes had a busy weekend with helping my mum, been out to shops quite a lot too, and walks with dog,

Also had a great evening out with all the family last night.. son's guitar did charity evening for Alzheimers. It was in a help yourself Chinese resteraunt, so nice food all evening, daughter loved the chocolate fountain.His teacher is a brilliant guitarist.  Used to be professional as a child, toured US and Japan, then lost her nerve, last night was her first public come back, She was full of nerves for 1st 2 songs, then did brilliant. Hopefully she will be ok again now she has her nerve back again.


Raining here again... COME BACK SOON SUMMER !!!

have a good day both x




Good Afternoon Mollie & Emptybox._


At work, been busy, end of 2nd quarter for vat etc, and a load of invoicing.


Ordinary knives are nowhere near as good as this, you don't think 500 million Chinese use them for no reason, you put a thumb and forefinger each side of the blade and 3 fingers around the handle, they are left or right handed.

You can cut so straight and slice so thin and you can't really cut yourself because for most cutting jobs you use your second knuckle to rest the blade against, and with it being a big thin blade it doesn't jump up and cut you.


The problem with leaving the car on a trickle charger is you won't find out if the battery is no good until it's too late.


I agree Mollie, Ashleigh is jealous of Lauren, but as Deana said, Luke S doesn't really want her.

She might get hurt.

Think she knows they aren't compatible but doesn't want to see him go over to Lauren.


don't like any of the fellers anyway.


Sounds like you had a busy weekend, but if the guitarist still had bad nerves after all this time can't see that changing, unless she seeks some form of help.


Won't talk about the weather, it's just awful.


It will be interesting to see who gets nominated today.

I might see if there's any news.


You've said enough Hicky.
Might even vote for D to stay this week.

Showers and dull here today. Managed to get a bit done regardless, but the grass was soaking.

Hi Mollie. Glad you enjoyed your night out last night.
I like a pepperoni pizza when I have one.

Talking of brilliant guitarists, has your son ever listened to Joe Satriani? Can't get better IMO. I've got all his albums.
Joe Satriani- Made of Tears (Youtube)


Hi Hicky. Pity you were busy at work with your VAT and invoicing.

I think I've more or less accepted that the car battery will need changing before long anyway, so doesn't matter if the trickle charger disguises the fault for a while. I don't think it'll strand me anywhere hopefully? Got jump leads in the boot just in case anyway.


Evening Empybox.


Been afwul all day again.


Had brekki out with O/H, took a load of rubbish to the tips, had some new tubs for plants and swapped 5 with canvas ones i wanted to scrap, the drainage holes where too high.


Went to MIL's to sort her laptop mail program, Outlook, she uses the touch pad and it can change things you don't want changing, hate them.


Then O/H did the school run tonight, then we went for a Carvery, fantastic.


I hope Either Conor or Arron goes.


I suppose if you keep the battery charged it should be ok.

The system uses a lot less power in the summer to start anyway.

The oil never really gets thick so the engine turns easy.

Thats what takes all the power, starting and the rest of the car consumption is provided by the Alternator.

When you engine is running the car never uses the battery, it doesn't need to, unlike the old cars when i was young before the ac Alternators, they had a DC Dynamo but the output didn't go to the battery until the engine revs reached about 1,000 revs then the voltage was high enough to connect it to the battery.


Work tomorrow, hoping it won't be too busy but the firm is very busy.


Good evening both



Sounds like you had a busy day off, glad you had a good brekkie to start off your day, and a nice carvary later in the day. Hope you are not too busy tomorrow. I am surprised those knives are for left or right handed, because all the other knives that the ridged end only on one side. They look huge, are they heavy?



my lad likes pepperoni pizza too.   Nuisance about that soaking grass, bet that slows you down a lot. Thanks for the guitar link, I will show son this and have a look myself, OH took video of our guitar girl, so will get son to see if I can upload it here to show you. Hope that battery lasts a bit longer.


I hope Connor leaves this week. Don't like him at all.

Managed to take dog a walk inbetween showers, and tried to help son put together his assignment.


Enjoyed BB show again tonight, am watching a bbc1 programe where families go back to the 1920's /30's to live like then, and they follow their real ancestors way of life.


Goodnight both x



Evening both.

Just a quick post before bed.

Dry here, but very dull and muggy, and the flies were awful. But managed to get a lot done.


Hope you managed to sort your MiL's computer woes out Hicky? Glad you enjoyed your carvery.


I've been watching that Turn Back Time series as well Mollie. Makes you glad your living today, despite all the economic problems?


Yes, I hope it's Conor that goes as well.


Morning Mollie & Emptybox.


Glad you managed to get out Mollie, these showers are so often lately.


The Chinese knife is specially designed for right or left handed people to use.

It has a fairly thin blade and can be used to slice veg or anything very thin indeed.

It has a lovely slow point central and is easy to sharpen.

Never cut food on a plate with a kitchen knife, only on a chopping board.


Where most knives find it difficult to cut through veg in a constant manner this is fantastic and a lot safer to use than knives with shallow blades.

You hold it with your thumb on one side of the blade with your index finger on the other side, wrap the remaining 3 fingers around the handle, the knife isn't heavy at all, it slices though meats, chicken anything with ease and very little pressure, with a normal knife you have hold of just the blade so you are forcing weight onto the blade with your hand, you don't do that with this knife because you hand is over the blade as well.


I hope Conor leaves as well this week, it sure is looking that way anyway.


Should be interesting next week.

See Here:

Who gets the Diary Room.


I didn't see that program on the Ancestors.




Another dry day here, and even a bit of sun, though very dull this evening.

At least it's allowing me to keep up with far.


That looks like quite an interesting BB task Hicky. Especially as only one team will get to nominate.


Was watching that 'When I get Older' prog on BBC1, with Tony Robinson and Gloria Hunniford. Some pensioners have to survive  on virtually nothing.


Good evening both xx



thanks for the knife info, I will have to give one a go, and thanks for the BB info.

How was your day today? work or day off? Is your neighbour pleased with the saw you lent him?



Didn't see the pensioners programme, imo we should look after our elderly. Easy if we could make the rich pay their fair share of tax should easy sort that.


Love the BB task, this is really going to mix up the house dynamics.


Looks like all 3 of us are in agreement and want Connor out on Friday.

I so hope Deanna doesn't go.

How awful and nasty were Connor and gang in the bathroom on tonights show?   


It stopped raining this evening in time to take dog a nice walk , and it actually wasn't blowing a hurrican for once either. Looks like we have lots of rain still to come over next few days though.


Do either of you watch the A and E show on C4?  It is on Wednesdays. Really good show..., those A and E staff are amazing. One working on there says you deal with life and death all the time and when you work there, come to realise and ignore the small problems in life because they are nothing.


Goodnight both x


Afternoon/Evening Both.


Off today but they want me in tomorrow again.


Not a bad day so far, keeping my eye open for rain, am trying to dry the onions out and they keep getting soaked.


Planted 9 special plants on Tuesdays, baby Calabrese or something but 7 have been eaten all ready, some of those i grew from seeds.


It is a good task, i'm keeping up with it all day, the WHATM thread on DS is good, i was doing that the other day at work.

You get the info from the BB tweet site and post it.


Went to Morrison's and Costco earlier, got some good food.


The problem with the government pension is it goes by what you have paid in over your lifetime.


I used to pay an awful lot of tax and insurance every month, and i delayed my pension for 3 years and never took a lump sum, that was the only way i could build it up.


I think you would love the knife Mollie, for most stuff it's fantastic.


I don't think there's any chance of Deana going, hope not, she's top fave to stay.


I've seen a few of the A&E but it's hard for me to watch.


Brought a couple of boxes of Mango's from Costco and 2 massive Pineapples, never seen them so big.

Giving half the neighbour at the bottom of the garden, his Mrs loves fruit'


Got King Scallops and fresh Plaice for tea.


Here's an interesting BBlink.


And here the WHATM thread.


Police arrest person who twittered racism to Deana.

Last edited by Hicky

Hi both.


Lovely sunny day here with just the right amount of breeze to make it a perfect working day.

Worked until 7.30pm because the forecast isn't good for the next few days.


Glad you enjoyed your day off Hicky.

Pity your plants got eaten before they had a chance. I can't plant much outside because it just gets eaten by rabbits. Luckily they don't seem to like potatoes, or I wouldn't be able to even grow those.


Thanks for the BB links. The green team seem to be winning all the rooms.

Watching BOTS. Imogen looking gorgeous.


Hi Mollie. Hope you had reasonable weather today.

I've watched some of that A&E prog, but usually if there's nothing else on. But it's a good programme.


Morning Both.


Major weather flood warning today, torrential rain expected for most areas.


Recorded last nights bbbots, just hope Conor goes, wish Arron went with him.


I'll have to make some protection frames for the new plants, not sure what eat them but they left the stem just ate the leaves and growing tip.


My fruit is splitting with all this rain, Nectarines, Cherry's ruined


Glyn has got a job as a teacher.

Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky.


Yes it's been pouring with rain and thunder this morning here.

Seems to have stopped at the moment, so I might get out later?

I've got paperwork to catch up on anyway.


Pity your fruits have been affected by the weather, but I think it's the same all over?

I heard that we might have a veg shorgage because the likes of broccoli and potatoes etc have been affected by the greater than usual rainfall.


I hope it's Conor out, but I almost feel sorry for him, because of the terrible reception he'll get.


Good evening both xx



shame your plants got eaten? What is a Calabrese? How was work today? Is it still busy there?

I didn't know they had that thing following BB, will have to read that. So thanks for the link. Thanks for the other links too. I have tried to watch the videos before, but it won't let me, something to do with ads?

How very interesting about Glyn getting a teaching job. That area is a valleys area , about 35 miles from us.  He will make a good Welsh teacher, as like my hubby, it is his first language.

Sounds like you got a good supply of food from Costco. Will all those mangos keep long enough for you to enjoy them?

All this rain is ridiculous, such a shame it has split your fruit. What a summer so far.



good job you worked late with all this rain today. Lucky it didn't start here until about 4.30pm today, so the dog got her walk on the seafront.   I heard some places had a months rain just this afternoon.

Did you catch up on the paperwork , or spend the day sciving on the net?


Like you both I so hope Connor goes. In the past anyone who behaved like him would of been kicked out. He is so arrogant, he needs to be knocked down a peg or two. Do you think his reception will be that bad Emptybox, if he does go?. I seem to recall the young blokes are usually hard to vote out, because young women often vote to keep them in, so perhaps his reception would just be mediocre?  But it would be a shame if Deana had to go and he stayed.


Oh no, if they are talking about a veg shortage, I am guessing that will be a perfect excuse to shove the prices up.


Well fancy that, we have a finalist in the Wimbledon.   I heard this has not been achieved since the 1930's, so well done to him.


Enjoy the BB eviction show.





Hi Mollie.


I got my invoicing done, then I got a few hours work in this afternoon, so I won't have to work tomorrow.


Great to see Murray in the final. Can't say I like him much, but it would great if he won. Last male winner was Fred Perry in 1936.


It's good that the rain stayed off long enough for you to give your dog a walk, but I think there's a lot more rain to come.

At least with Wimbledon having a roof, the finals won't be disrupted.


Well it's either Conor or Arron out, so that's a result.

Don't think the reception will be bad for Conor now, because the eviction crowd seem to be mixed?

Last edited by emptybox



Wet here most of the day.

A little dry patch this morning, and I got both my vehicles washed.

Then I've mostly been watching the tennis since then.


So we've got a British winner even if Murray doesn't win.

I think I'll go to the supermarket early tomorrow so I don't miss any of the match.


Hope the weather is not too bad for you two?


Hi both x



Glad you had a good day at work, hope your Saturday went well today.

Never heard of a celebrese before. Did you go out for brekkie today?  We went to the Toby again, great as you can help yourself.



That is good you got your paperwork done and the vehicles washed between the showers.

Weather was wet on and off today, but not as bad as in some parts, we did have brief breaks in the rain. I saw on the news there had been 150 flood warnings.

Yes good idea to go shopping early so you can get in the Wimbledon viewing.

HOpe you enjoyed your sphag bol tonight. We had French stick, brie and grapes today.


Think we will go to Cardiff in the morning.


Shame we did not get rid of the obnoxious Connor, but good to at least see the girls kept in. I like both of those girls and didn't want them out. One girl I do not like is Caroline, what a little madam, seems she has nothing nice to say about anyone.

Have a good evening both.


Wonder if it will rain again tomorrow?


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