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Hi Mollie and Hicky.

Another nice sunny day here. Not particularly warm, but good for work.

Blasted customers keep phoning up wanting me to come to them asap. Surely they can see the weather has made things difficult, and can take their turn?

This job would be great if it wasn't for the customers. Tea and biccy providing ones excepted of course.



My back is improving by the day. It's worse first thing in the morning but not bad once I get going. Thanks for the link to the Tens machine Mollie. I'd heard the name before but didn't really know what it was. Surprised it's so cheap. I get a bad back quite often, but they usually only last a few days. Don't usually bother taking anything, but might consider getting one of those machines?


Glad your Mum has now got her phone connected.


Hi Hicky, that's a nuisance about the car-park. You should insist on getting your own executive  space, as near the door as possible.

I hope your vine survives.


Evening Emptybox.


It was raining earlier and we've had rain today, watering system says the watering had been turned off by the rain sensor.


Should have had a payment in at work for 420k but it never arrived, something to do with a bank in London.


That's the problem with the weather, get behind and they all want you.


The car parks used to cope with as many as 14,000 employees now there's only a fraction but a lot of parking area has been taken for other things.


My new plants have been sent but helping the neighbour clean out his fish pond tomorrow, weather permitting.


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Weather not too bad today, bit of a wind but Sun all day really, turned to rain at about 6pm.


My new vine and pomegranate plant cam, in ok condition from Anglesey Tropical plants.


Planted the new vine, need to get some nice new pots.


The pomegranate grows to 1m tall but need a pot for it.

Was going to swop pots with the Peach but i've taken the bad leaves off so will give it another year.


Looking forward to BB tonight.


School run in the morning.


Good evening both



glad you can get on at work with firefox now, I use firefox here too.

How annoying about the car park, I know it would not be good for you to come in later, because you will hit the traffic, such a shame. Last year, the same thing happened to my OH, takes him a lot longer to get in the office. He has to parks some way away, but they do provide a bus to the car park, but sometimes he wastes a lot of time if he just misses a bus.

Pomegrantes.. wow, you are now growing some exotic foods. I bet they will be nice, glad your delivery fom Angelsea arrived in good condition. My OH came from an area not far from Anglesea. Very nice up there.

Hope the school run goes well. (ie no heavy downpours!!)



Glad to hear the back is improving. Yes i would definately recommend using a TENS even if you just get a niggle, it stops it in its track then.

Sounds like you are proving to be a tad over popular on the work front right now.   Hope you get plenty offering you the biscuit and tea. I always offer any workers a drink and a nice snack. No one can work well on an empty stomach.


Mum settling in well, thank goodness, still working on some of the paperwork, and setting up direct debits etc. Need to work out the bus times for her next.


Son and OH just come back from seeing Men in Black they enjoyed it.


Looking forward to BB now , really enjoying this series so far, a great selection of "extrover"t HM's.



Hi Guys.

Not bad day again. Some sun, but a chilly wind at times. Got a full day in anyway.

In a way it's a pity I've got visitors on Saturday, because I could do with working to get caught up, and there's too much to get through tomorrow.

Ah well, it'll just have to wait till next week.


Glad your Mum's settling in fine Mollie.

Is there a good bus service for her to get around?


Good luck with growing your pomegranite Hicky. Are you hoping for fruit on it, or is it decorative?


Managed to slice open my pinky this morning, trying to get the blade off my mower to sharpen it. Not too bad a cut, but fair throbbing it is.

And I still haven't managed to get the blade off, the nut is jammed on.

It'll just have to stay blunt for now.



Good Afternoon Both.


Got called into work, went to pick them up for school but my lad was there, was waiting for a job call, we were going to take him to school then go for brekki with the baby.

But i couldn't, baby wasn't too pleased that i didn't take him out of his high chair as i normally do.

My lad took the little one to school so i came in.


Had a reprieve on the car park situation, i have been put down as being on the 3 shift system so can use the normal car park.


As far as i know this pomegranate plant has edible fruit, but the label doesn't say that, may get in touch with them before i get too attached.


Glad your Mum is settled in Mollie, such a worry.


Why don't you put your visitors off Emptybox, work comes first .


Oh dear, nasty, just hate getting a cut, so easy though.

Get some WD40 on the thread area if you can and let it soak in for a while.

Use the correct spanner, ring spanner if you can as any other may damage and round the nut, then your stuck.


Eviction tonight, don't have a clue who may go, not that bothered as they are both fellers.


Hi Hicky.


It's been raining here all day, so no chance of any work.

At least it's given me the chance to go to the supermarket and do some hoovering before my guests come tomorrow.


I'm not going to put my guests off. They seem to be busy most weekends, so it might be months before they could come again. Anyway it's a good excuse not to work.


Yes, I'll need to try again with the bolt on the mower, and spray it with WD40, but I'll wait till my pinky is less tender, and I'll wear gloves the next time.

Trouble is, this Mountfield mower only has the one bolt holding the blade on, and you have to have it very tight or the blade will just twizzle round. It's supposed to be held put with lugs, but they've worn away. The Honda had 2 bolts, which was a much better system.


The pomegranate should get fruits, but I think they are native to the middle-east, so doubt they'd ripen over here, except in a greenhouse?

I'm glad they've made an exception for you in the carpark situation.


No, I've no interest in who goes from BB tonight. Don't like either.


Good evening both



So glad to hear you got a reprieve for your parking space.

Shame you got called into work so the baby had to get disappointed.



Hope you enjoy your day tomorrow with your visitors. Sounds like you are well prepared now you are well vacuumed.   You can always blame your injury if you have missed owt.

Sorry to hear you have cut yourself though, not good that. I always have a supply of silver plasters, highly recommended for quicker healing,   Here's the ones I use, comfy, cheap and does the job well.


Has your toe nail started to improve at all yet?  I know it does take a while to clear this.


OH pleased with daughter's lappy because the new sound fixture thingie was only ÂĢ20, so we did not need it to get fixed. Went to pizza hut for their early dinner deal. 


BB time...


have a good evening both xx


Hi Mollie.


Glad your daughter's laptop has been fixed.

Thanks for the link to the silver plasters. I've just got an ordinary waterproof plaster on it at the mo.


I can't see the slightest difference in my toenails yet, and that's after taking the tablets for over 6 weeks. Must take a long time to work their way through to the nail? Either that or they are going to have no effect whatsoever? I'll see the 3 month course out anyway.


Enjoyed watching Kirsty and Phil on Million Pound Drop.

Watching the BB eviction now.


Good Afternoon Mollie & Emptybox.


Had brekki at Morrison's with my lad and his lad, baby was asleep so left him.


Glad Chris went last night, what a loon.


Those plasters are ideal, i've still got plenty of that special plaster left.


I've emailed the company about the pomegranate plant as it says on the lovely label for display purposes only, but it shows the lovely fruit on the front.

If it is the right one i will get another as they will look nice in pairs.


Just off to garden centre for a couple of pretty pots for the pomegranates.


And the last remaining tomato plant won't arrive as it's been cancelled, it failed to grow,

I'll buy one part grown, it ws only the cherry type.

The grafting must have failed.


I should have received a notification.



Guests gone now after a successful visit. My Brother even helped me get the blade off my mower.

Poured with rain all day though.


You sound as bad as David Cameron Hicky. Leaving the baby at Morrisons.

Yes I think two pomegranates would look better than one.

Pity your tomato didn't work out. You can always buy part grown plants, as you say.


Watched BB on +1. Caroline was quite funny pretending to be "The honourable...."


Morning Emptybox.


Got my Lad and his lad round for brekki, got so much stuff, need to eat some.


Sun just come out, was miserable earlier.


Glad you got the blade off, not a good design really.


Left the baby at home, not Morrison's.


Got an email back about the Pomegranate, that was the only label they could buy, they don't make labels, just buy them.


Have ordered another plant now.


Got 2 lovely big pots from the garden centre and some more John Innis for planting stuff out.


Bought 3 more advanced tomato plants to make up for what won't come.


Loving BB, find them all good so far, love Caroline.


Hope Mollie is having a good weekend.


Evening Emptybox.


I sent a tweet to Alex when he tweeted the news, Chantelle will be over the moon as you would expect.


Had a lazy day, went round to my lads late afternoon, we moved his gazebo over the 8ft trampoline.


They are selling some cheapish decking at B&Q 2.4m x 97mm x 27mm buy 2 get 1 free.


will get him some more Wednesday.


Potted the Pomegranate.


My lad brought me a Bonsai tree, an evergreen Ficus Retusa.


Morning Mollie & Emptybpx.


Roll on Summer, never seen so much rain, they have lifted the hose ban from wherever it was.


Don't think the plants are too impressed.


Not too busy at work today, so far.


Looking on the forecast for this week, it shows a couple of sun streaks tomorrow 9am & 4pm.

It's just changed to 1 sun spot 9am, but no rain, strange.


Bad about Jack Osbourne having MS, horrific for the whole family, he's only 26. 


Good evening both x



Yep not much like summer weather right now. poured here too most of Saturday. Yes very sad about Jack, just as his career was doing well and he had got a baby too.

Glad to hear you didn't leave the baby in his high chair in Morrisons.  That's good you have been able to get out to the garden centre to carry on with your gardening purchases. I love those bonsai trees.  



sorry to hear the toenail hasn't cleared up yet, let's hope it will as time goes by.

Thanks for the Chantelle news. I am sure she will be delighted with her little girl baby.  Let's hope Alex does his share too. Glad to hear the visit went well. Did you cook them some bolgonaise?  Handy that your brother was able to help with the lawnmower. How is your workload? Hope the weather doesn't make you behind again.


I agree that BB is great so far this series. I really do look forward to watching it, especially as I am fed up of the endless repeats and footy on the rest of the channels.


Had a busy weekend, helping mum sort out the buses and her paperwork. Didn't feel too good Saturday, seems I now feel cold and dizzy if I skip meals and am rushing around. This never used to happen pre-op.  I was always hot pre'op, and didin't bother about when I ate, but I was told the thyroid affects metabolism, so will have to be e more careful now.


Better day yesterday weather wise, so we went to Cardiff and later took doggie walk on seafront.  Lots of people around enjoying the sun.


Looking forward to tonight's BB wonder who will be next up for eviction?

I am liking Lydia, very interesting HM.

I quite like Lauren too, even though the rest of the HM's don't seem to.


have a good evening both xx



Evening Mollie and Hicky.


Lovely day here. Just right for work.

Hopefully I'll get caught up before the wet weather returns?

Course after managing to sharpen the blade at the weekend, I hit a stone first place I visited. No damage though.


I think bonsai trees are fascinating Hicky. I'm jealous. You'll need to show us a piccie of it. 

Bad news about Jack Osbourne.


Hi Mollie. That doesn't sound good, if you are getting cold and dizzy. You'll have to watch that, and eat regular meals.

Glad you enjoyed your Sunday.


I didn't give my visitors Spag Bol. They always come on a Saturday, so I wouldn't want to give them the same thing everytime.

I gave them Birdseye cod in tomato and rosemary sauce with new potatoes and sugarsnap peas. Seemed to go down well anyway.


I see it's Lauren and Benedict up this week. I suppose I'd prefer Benedict to go, but I'm not sure about Lauren. She's certainly one of the more interesting ones, and is a game player, but I don't like her laugh and her strange hoarse boomy voice.

I like Carloine, but there are some things about her that irritate me as well, so I don't really have a favourite yet. On the males, Adam and Luke A seem OK.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Mollie.


Been sunny all day but poured down early evening.

I can leave the Bonsai tree out for June / July from what i've read.

Think it need re-potting as it's 3 years old.

Will have to look for a bigger pot, it's only teeny.


Hope Alex & Chantelle are going to be all right with the baby, she'll need a lot of support.


As far as i know it's Lauren & Benedict up this week.


I like all the girls though so don't want any to go.


Hi Emptybox.


You posted as i posted.


Yes, awful news about Jack but at least it's no a death sentence, you can manage through it, although there's no cure yet.


Your Birds Eye Cod sounds nice and with new pots lovely, also the veg.


I like Lauren, wish i knew what happened with the voice box.

I like them all anyway, girls that is, not interested in the lads.


Good evening both x



That was a nice meal you thought of, for your visitors.   Bet you will really enjoy your Sphag bol next Saturday after a break from it for a week. Pleased you are getting the nice weather too. We had a lovely day here again today.

Yes fortunately there is a good bus service near to my mum for when she needs it. Whilst she settles I have been delivering all her shopping, but she will get the bus to the chiropodist next week, and hopefully will find it convenient. 

How is the workload going? All up to date, so happy customers?



Yes, good idea of Emptybox's, it would be great to see a pic of your bonsai.

When we went to Cornwall  a few years ago, we went to a Japanese garden/bonsai centre, they had lots of bonsais there. ,,,amazing they are.

Here is the link to pictures of some of the bonsai's they have there.



BB...I am interested in both the girls and lads, I think the episodes they did some time ago with just women was awful. Interesting to see how they interact.

Like you Emptybox, I think I prefer Adam and Luke A for the males.

Yes a few of the women are rather irritating.

But I do quite like Lydia and Lauren too despite her faults. Not keen on Deana, she always looks so miserable.

But in all , a good series so far, they are an interesting bunch, some complicated characters amongst them.


Got lots of washing nicely dried again today. Much prefer sheets dried out in the sun, than in the drier I have to use in winter.


Fed up of footie and repeats on tv now, and my fave Corrie being nicked for footie....  thank goodness for BB though...

Out of the 2, I'd prefer Benedict to leave.


have a good evening both. xx








We had a bit of rain here this morning but it was nice and sunny this afternoon.


More or less up to date workwise at the mo. Did some grass cutting, some strimming and some hedge cutting. As I predicted my repaired hedge cutter is shaking itself to pieces. I managed to lose the screw that holds the air-filter cover on, but I found another that fits.


My little finger is bothering me as I'm working, making that hand weaker, and is sore if I hit it against anything. The cut is healing fine, but I think it's more the bang with the spanner that it got.


Watching BB. I think I like Lauren less now. She always seems to be crying to someone that nobody likes her. I still quite like Deana, but have to admit that's mostly because she's so pretty.

I see Lydia recruiting Deana, and yet she just nominated her. Lydia is obviously a big game player.


I've no experience of bonsais, but they are basically trees that are kept small by being restricted in a small pot, so I would read up about what you are supposed to do, before you repot it Hicky.


Afternoon Mollie & Emptybox.


Firefox would let me Reply again.


Am in IE8 but Gaga says browser not recognised get IE8/9.


Weather not been too bad.


Lovely Bonsai tree's.

You are supposed to repot them after a few years, it's a bit small for me.

Lovely branch structure bu i need more growth.


I hope Benedict leaves, i want to keep all the girls in.


Thats a blow, your finger, you don't realise how you will miss it.


You'll have to take your hedge trimmer in for repair.


I still prefer all the girls, not intersted in the fellers.


I'll sort out the Bonsai, the Pomegranates look like Bonsai as well.

They have lots of leaves and flowers but inside is a lovely branch network.


My 2 Goosberry bushes are growing well, it says on the web to leve them for 2 years before you prune.


The Apple tree and pear have gpot a lot of new growth, i have had to prune the plum and the cherry as i don't want the branches too long.


Good evening both



Sorry to hear the finger is making work difficult for you. Good the cut is healing fine, but no wonder it is taking a long time for the pain to go, as you banged it with a spanner.Try to be extra careful with that hedgecutter, as it is playing up.

I too am going off Lauren.. always crying and whinging..

Lydia's gameplaying very interesting, but I am doubtful of how sucessful it will be.   Also interestingly that Connor who had not doen much until now, but seems to be onto her gameplaying. I do like to see a bit of thought out gameplaying though, as long as they do not get too nasty towards others.



shame you had problems posting again.

Glad to hear your fruit trees are doing well.


OH had a day off work today as the weather forecast was good for today, but not so good for the weekend, and I had traded in some Tesco days out vouchers so all of us went to a nice Farm/zoo place near Saundersfoot. Lovely place..giraffes, monkeys, piglets, giant bunnies etc.. all so cute. We had a ride on the big wheel, and tractor train there, lovely view from top of big wheel. And went to Saundersfoot after, gorgeous beach, harbour there. Quite a few families playing on beach, and in the sea. Had nice ice creams there.

I had to make good use of my TENS machiine to keep rib aches at bay, but it helped and I managed to make do with no tablets, so that is good.

Looking forward to BB tonight...

think I am changing my mind and would prefer Benedict to stay , as Lauren is just getting more grizzly, whilst Benedict seems weird but I think this weirdness might make for an interesting HM. 

Continues to be a good series though, which is good.

have a good evening. xxx


Originally Posted by Hicky:

Big Brother Live‏@BBUKLive

8.14pm: BREAKING NEWS: Big Brother has gathered the HMs to tell them that they can no longer discuss nominations


Thanks for that news HIcky...that is such a shame , that will bring an end to these interesting gameplaying tactics....and it is now going to be extra hard for this lot not to discuss them after just getting used to being able to. I bet we can expect a few punishments to come.



A nice day here, but a bit chillier this evening.


I had a shot with a customer's ride-on mower today. He's had it for a couple of years but never let me use it before. But now he's decided it would be quicker than using my own mower.


That place sounds like a weird mix of zoo and funfair Mollie? Glad you enjoyed it.


Don't think I've ever seen a pomegranate plant Hicky. They sound interesting as well.


Quite glad they've stopped nomination talk. I'm not keen on the overt game playing. I prefer it when they are a bit more subtle.

I can't see me doing much voting this series. I only vote when I care who goes or stays, and at the moment I just don't care.


Morning Mollie & Emptybox.


Raining here early on, it's still miserable now.


That sounds like a nice day out Mollie, just wish the weather was more constant, hard to rely on.


Benedict is just playing a clever game to gain air time, playing it well.


I still prefer the girls in the house.

Benedict does nothing for me.


I don't mind then discussing noms, but it's going to be hard for them now.

Rule changes always are.


Bet that ride on mower is fun, pretty expensive as well, thought you might have had one Emptybox.


I won't be voting until live feed comes back.


Good morning both x




As it is the first day of summer, wishing you both a Happy Summer, fingers crossed for some nice warm weather now.



Guess you have nothing to lose if your customer is offering you use of the sit on. Gives your legs a bit of a rest for his lawns at least.   But I guess buying one for yourself would not be any good because you would have to lift it in and out of the van?

I too have never seen a pomegranete plant.

I enjoyed the noms talk whilst it lasted, but I know what you mean, this lot were getting a bit obsessed with it. I guess they could always bring it back if things got dull?


Benedict and his impersonanions make me    Hope he stays now, am fed up of Lauren crying all the time.


Have a good day both x


A bit grey , but dry here at the moment.

have to take son to guitar lesson soon, then my shopping will be delivered from Asda.


hope you have a nice day off Hicky




Pouring with rain here all day, and bloomin' cold.

A very poor excuse of a longest day. Seem to recall it was the same last year?

Thanks for the Stonehenge pic Mollie. Not sure it'll bring on the warm weather though?


Went into town to pay my paper bill, get my lottery tickets, and put in a repeat prescription for the final month's worth of toenail tablets.


A ride-on mower would be great for the big jobs, but as you say Hicky, they are very expensive, and I would need to buy a trailer to transport it about. I'd need to charge a much higher fee. I prefer to keep it simple.


Watching BB......


Good morning both



yes indeed, that was a poor excuse of a day as far as weather was concerned for the Summer solstice.Hope it improves soon.

Fingers crossed the last months tablets do the job, and it clears up.

Hope this weather does not mean you are getting too far behind.


Work day for you today HIcky?


Thought Benedict on BB last night  was hilarious, especially when he said he couldn't even do that full power if it was Caroline... I think the task writer is great this year, am finding the tasks very entertaining.


Really windy here today..certainly not like summer.


OH's half day today, so expect we will go wonder round shops and for coffee, it is not nice enough to go walk down seafront.


have a good day both.xx


Morning Mollie & Emptybox.


Weather awful yesterday and today, flood warning given.


Haven't been able to do much outside.


Hoping July/August will be ok.


Have ordered a new bigger Bonsai pot with some Bonsai potting compost and gauze to stop insects climbing in through the drain holes.


Been off since Wednesday, till Monday.

Had brekki with DIL and baby this morning after dropping youngun off at school.


Don#t like Benedict at all.

And after putting curry powder in that big container of health food, horrific, it's ruined now,


I would have thought a trailer with ramp would be ideal for ride on mower, the amount of lawns you could get done with that, you could get your money back by doing bigger area's that you can't do now with your little one.


Like the windy picture Mollie.


One of the posters we chat too on the DS threads, (Baldrick Phd) died suddenly on the 16th, don't know why, he wasn't in good health, he was 48, such a shock.

We were all wondering where he was, RIP Balders.




Pouring with rain again. Useless!


Coupled to which, my Jag is refusing to start.

Not sure if it's the battery or the starter motor? I'm charging up the battery now and will try to start it later. If not I'll try a jump start, and if that doesn't work I'll have to contact the garage.

Don't see why the battery should run down, as I haven't done anything differently lately? But it might be the starter motor anyway?


Not a good idea to charge it up in the rain maybe, but it was dry when I put the charger on first thing, but it's been raining ever since.

I put a plastic bag over the plug, and put the bonnet down over the charger, so it should be OK.

After costing me ÂĢ650 to get it through the MoT you'd think it would give me a break for a while, but no. It seems determined to cost me even more money. Perhaps it doesn't like living with me anymore?


Enjoy your break from work Hicky, and have fun with all the bonsai stuff.

Pity about your DS pal. Don't think I'd ever talked to him, but sad when anybody dies that young.


Hope it's not too windy for your walk around the shops Mollie?

I expect the BB eviction will be close tonight? 


As an update, I managed to get my car started after having it on charge for 7 hours or so. I took it for a run, but the engine warning light is on all the time, so there's obviously something wrong with it.

It seemed to run fine, but the handbook says if this light comes on, then you should take it to a service agent.


I'll not use it over the weekend, and see if it starts on Monday, but I'm obviously going to have to take it to the garage..again!


Evening Emptybox.


Had loads of rain today, a washout.


Bad news your Jag not starting.


Saw your next post.

Was the warning light on the last time you used the car?

Is it the Batter/Alternator light thats on?

If thats on it means your Alternator has no output and the battery is putting the light on, it should be extinguished by the output from the Alternator.


The car shouldn't be using any power when standing.

It takes quite some power to start the car, less in summer though.

It takes very little to run the engine.

Most power usage is from the lights

If you use quite a bit of the power while driving it may not start the next time you want it to.

It would of course start with a push, a tow or a jump start.


Just been for a Carvery, yummy.


Eviction tonight, i wonder who will go.



Hi Hicky.

No it's not the alternator/battery light that's on, it's the engine malfunction light. I'm fairly sure it wasn't on before.

I suppose it might have come on because the engine wouldn't start, and now needs to be reset?

Either way it means a visit to the garage.


Benedict out.

Not sure how I feel about that? Lauren's very irritating really. And I don't buy any of this 'bullying' nonsense. Ashleigh and Sara might not trust her, but we haven't seen them do anything to her.

Don't like Ashleigh either, but I don't mind Sara TBH.


ETA: Glad your new vine arrived OK. That looks like a good 'un.

Last edited by emptybox

Showery today. Every time I thought I was going to get out to do a job the rain came back on.


I've been out in my car though. The engine light has gone off, so it must have reset itself. The car started and ran fine, but I've had the multimeter on it, and it seems to show the battery is weak.


At rest the reading is between 12 and 12.3v. If I turn the lights on it goes down to about 11v. If I turn the engine on it's about 15v with or without the lights.


I think that shows that the alternator is fine, but the battery should really be 12.6v at rest?

It's the original battery, and must be over 8 years old now, so I might be as well to get a new one?

I'll consult with my Brother when he phones tomorrow.


Went to the supermarket while I was out, so that's one less job for tomorrow.


Evening Emptybox.


Didn't realise you meant the engine fault light.

They can be misleading.


W e don't really see enough of the HM's to know what they do or say for 23hrs a day.

The rain has held off today so far.

Planted the new vine


You need to check the water level in the 6 cells of the battery if you can.

Thats the biggest problem with batteries.

If the water level is down then it's can't charge properly or retain a charge.


If the water level in a particular cell is low then the battery is US


12.4 to 12.6 seems to be normal when the battery is at rest

It's not easy to test a battery, i've had batteries that passed all the tests but still failed to start a car, even had the discharge test done, it passed that.

Had to replace it to solve the problem, so it goes to show.


A lot of my onions from my autumn planting are keeling over telling me to pull them.

Have done so, got to let them dry out now.


Meant to say, i've order a set of wiper blades for the Land Rover.


And also ordered a Bosch PFZ500E All Purpose Saw.

  This one, free delivery, do me.

My lad needs to borrow one and next door needs one, I don't though.

Nice to have for others.

Last edited by Hicky

Good evening both x



Shame your car is playing up, so infuriating after all that money you have just forked out on it. Hope your brother comes up with a solution, and you can sort it out ok soon. Sorry to hear this awful weather means you are unable to get on with your work. Raining here too again.



Hope you are pleased with your saw when it comes, but remember to always take extra care whilst using it. Thanks for the vine link. Hope it comes on well. Wonder if you will be eating grapes or crushing for wine soon?


I am not sure who I like or who I don't like this series of BB, but as Hicky says, we don't know the HM's much at all really.  Shame we don't have any livefeed at all.

I am enjoying the series though. Let's hope for some amusing tasks now.


Not a good day here weather wise again. What awful flood there seems to be around in some places again.

Had trouble with our nat west account for a few days too.   I read they sacked the IT staff and sent it cheaply abroad recently, so no surprise it all went wrong. They still seem to have enough money to give those at the top huge bonuses though. ...


Too much football on telly again tonight, roll on BB.


OH and I went for a Toby brekkie today. Do you have a Toby near you Hicky? Their help yourself brekkies are good, like their carvaries are too.


Have a good evening. xx






Hadn't thought about checking the fluid level in the battery Hicky. I'll have a look at that.

Not sure why you had to buy a saw, if it is others that need it? But have fun with it.


I'm with RBS, but I haven't checked if there's a problem with my account yet. Seems a pretty poor state of affairs though. Luckily it's a quiet time of the month, because most of my direct debits go out at the begining of a month, but my broadband might not get paid, as it usually goes out around the 24/25th. I'll check next week.


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