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Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


I thought you would be run off your feet, it's too much really, but what can you do?


My Eye is back to normal which is great.


I think i am working Friday, but the company is working every day, they have so much work that needs doing when the factory is closed for a few hours.

The production is working Saturday and Sunday so it's hard to get work done.


Emptybox, with the prescription think it's new rules on how much you can have and how long before it runs out that you can reorder, it's all cost saving.


I've ordered a new vine and planted the new seeds, have a packet to pick up in the morning from the PO collection place, not sure what it is as i can that much delivered.


Tomorrow forecast looks like cloud cover all day.


The Apprentice was OK, bye Adam, a good talker.


Hi Mollie and Hicky.

Bleeping pouring with bleeping rain here....Bleep!


I can imagine that you've been very busy Mollie, but at least your Mum's in now.

Good luck with your hospital appointment tomorrow.


Glad your eye is back to normal Hicky.

My ear is back to normal as well. The scabbiness is all away now.


I'll probably have to work on Friday and Saturday if it's dry. Not sure if I'm going to take Monday and Tuesday off? Depends on the forecast I guess? But I'd like to take at least one day off.


The Apprentice was good. I'm glad Adam was fired. He might have been very enthusiastic, but was mostly clueless.

Phil Spencer Secret Agent then Long Lost Familys tonight.


Morning Emptybox.


Got my packet from the GPO, it was a saw tooth setting tool.


Went to Morrisons for brekki and got a few tasty meals, Indonesian style.


It looks like cloud and light rain all day here today.

In fact forecast shows no sun for a week.


Here a 10 minute video of the new house.




Working tomorrow, still get plenty of days off though till next Wednesday.

Last edited by Hicky

hi both

another busy day for me sorting mums stuff at the flat, and buying things she needs.



Pleased to hear your eye is back to normal again.

thanks so much for that great BB house video. what a great looking house. Not long to wait now, I bet there are a few nervy HM's to be, hiding somewhere.

What is a tooth thingie? At first I thought it was something to do with your mouth, but now I am guessing it is something to do with a saw?

HOpe work is not too hectic tomorrow for you.



hope you manage to fit your day off in over the hols. Looks like it is not going to be predict which days you will be able to work now though, with the weather becoming more up and down now.

Bit of a nuisance how you can't collect all your tablets at once, but hope it does eventually do the trick for you. Hicky is right, they do really restrict tablets now, Sainsburys check out woman on one occasion would not let me buy paracetomol for us and my mum, and some anti histamine at the same time. Ridiculous really.


Gone much cooler here today, have ditiched the summer frock again and dug out the jeans again.


Cardiff hospital for me tomorrow, I enjoy going to the shops after, especially Primark.


have a good evening both. xx




Evening Both,


Was expecting cloud and rain all day but it cleared up in the afternoon.


Couldn't get on at work again, don't know whats up.


I love the house video, fantastic at first glance.


The saw tooth setter is for putting the angle back onto each tooth on a steel wood saw.


But it can't do the hardened teeth as they won't bend.

I've a few saws to sharpen as well so have ordered the files to see if i can make a difference.


Work was ok as 1 boss was busy and didn't know i was going in.


I've thrown a strip of tablets out in what i though was the empty box, there a 2 week strip missing with the box.

I was 4 weeks ahead once, now i'm 2 weeks with 1 tablet and 4 weeks with the other 2.


Hi Mollie and Hicky.


It was wet overnight, but turned into a nice day, so I got quite a bit done.

I've still got one big job to do tomorrow.

Unfortunately my hedge trimmer isn't working. The pull cord has stopped reeling back in, and I can't work out how to fix it. I'll have another look over the bank holiday, when I've more time. Hope I don't have to buy another one.


Got the bill for my car. Seemingly it needed some suspension parts as well. ÂĢ650 It's getting too expensive. I think I'll need to think about something smaller, or make do with just the van.


Hope you got on OK at the hospital Mollie.


That was a bit silly, throwing away your tablets Hicky.


So BB starts on Tuesday? Should be good.


Morning Emptybox.


It turned out nice yesterday afternoon, unlike the forecast, that said cloud all day.


Take you hedge trimmer to the menders it will only cost a few quid to mend won't it?


Expensive repairs, you should have got rid but doubt if you would get anything for it would you?


I must have thought the tablet pack was empty, they are only thin strips of 14 tablets and little boxes, too late now.


Looking forward to BB now in this fantastic new house.


Hope Mollie is OK and her Mums move.


Hi Hicky.

Dry here, but dull and a bit chilly.

I got that job done anyway. The householders are hosting a party tomorrow, and wanted the lawns immaculate. It was a bit damper on the grass than I'd have liked, but I did me best.


I wouldn't know who to take the hedgecutter to? I bought it from Argos, and I don't see them being interested in repairing it.

I haven't reached the limit of my own ingenuity yet anyway. I just need time to look at it properly.


The Jag is probably worth about ÂĢ3,500 as a part exchange currently. But I've got to work out if I need two vehicles at all? The car is much more comfortable for longer journeys, but those are few and far between. We'll see?


The final of the Voice tonight. I'd like Bo or Leanne to win (I know you don't watch).


Are you doing anything special Jubilee-wise this weekend?

I seena lot of houses round here have union-jack bunting out. Very unusual for Scotland. 


Good afternoon all



Shame about the tablets, Hope you can sort out the dose ok, without having to go back to docs.

Yes the BB house looks so good, not long to wait now till we get to see the new HM's entering. The first show has to be my fave one, when we see them enter as strangers, who we will soon get to know as time goes on.

Is it Wednesday that is launches?

Pity you can't get on here at work, because I am sure we will have lots to discuss when BB starts. Could you try chrome and see if that works? I use firefox and the site seems ok on that one. 



Pity about your hedgecutter, as you say Argos won't fix it, but unfortunately we don't come across those little fix it shops like we used to. There is a fella not far from here, he was on tv, because he has had his shop for decades, he is in his 90's and he fixes all sorts, his old shop is full of junk and bits and pieces. I bet he could of fixed it.

Glad you got that job done, If the weather is the same up there as it is here, it is not a good day for a party, very damp and drizzly here.

Lots of buntins here too, I bought a few......any excuse for me and the family to enjoy a party, with a few food treats though.   I heard on the radio that the queen is far more popular throughout this country than any one of the MP's are.  Despite her advancing years, I think she still does her best to carry on doing a great job in promoting this country,  A shame about all the hangers on though. When we lived in Oz, they had a vote whether to get rid of the Queen over there, and they voted to keep her.


A big decision over whether to keep 2 vehicles going, as one of yours has to be a van.  It is expensive running two, but as you say, at least a car is more comfy when you need to travel somewhere.


Had a busy few days, got on ok at hospital, consultant says I am to be issued with a medical alert card, and will not have ops or dental work without being by Cardiff haematology dept just incase of clotting, so that is a relief to me.


Mum gradually settling in her flat, not easy at her age though to be moved, she gets confused how to work stuff, so I am backwards and forwards. Also few teething problems because she is first in this flat after it was refurbished. Odd job man fixed intercom now though.


Yesterday we went to a heritage centre not far from here, very nice , our fave was the baby goat wondering around, he tried to nibble my new handbag.


Taking dog walk soon when we drop off son at drama, think it will be short one this time as it is still drizzly, Shame about weather today, because lots of holiday makers are in the caravan parks this weekend. Let's hope it dries up ready for the firework displays and beacon lightings Tuesday.


have a good day both. x


am watching all these boats down the Thames, very impressive. Those posh flats looking over the Thames have good views. I bet those flats cost a fortune as it is London though.




Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


I have a little repair shop, it's a hire shop really but has fellers that seem to repair whatever you take in.


Glad Leanne won, thought she would.


Watching The Apprentice now,


BB starts Tuesday Mollie.


As you say, it must be hard for your Mum in the new place.


That clotting is a problem, do you have a plastic card to wear round your neck?


7 miles of boats down the Thames.

The party in the park here was delayed, not sure if it's on tomorrow instead or not.


Went to the Garden Centre with my lad and his lot, got some John Innis No. 3 for replacing to replace the compost in the tub i'm putting the new vine in when it comes.

Got some carrots as well, have a pot for them ready.



Not too bad here today. Quite a bit of sun. Certainly different to London.


Enjoyed watching the flotilla and also the Gary Barlow prog.

I see Ricky won the Apprentice. I'd have liked Jade to win, but she had a horrible business idea. Cold callers are just a menace.


Glad your hospital visit went OK Mollie.

And glad your Mum is settling in to her flat. Although it must be a trial for her.

I'm a fan of the Queen and the work she does, as well.


At the mo I'm intending taking the next couple of days off. Tomorrow I'll go to the supermarket, and cut my grass, and maybe have another look at the hedgecutter.

On Tuesday there's more Royal stuff to watch on the telly.


Hi Hicky.

That's handy having a repair shop near you. I think there's a guy in the village that used to repair stuff, not sure if he still does? Thing is the hedgecutter only cost ÂĢ80 in the first place, so I think I'll try and bodge a repair myself.


Yes, I thought Leanne was super on The Voice as well, and am so pleased she won. Bo will do well as well, I expect.


There was some sort of Jubilee Party in the local village, but I didn't venture down.

Pity the one in the park near you had to be postponed.


Good morning all



shame they had to delay the party in the park, hopefully they can re-do it today?Is it the local park just across the road from you?

I am not sure what the green card, is, the consultant said I just need to carry it round all times with me, and show it any medical people I may need in future.



Hope you enjoy your couple of work days off now, you have been so busy lately, I reckon the break is well deserved.   You were fortunate to get good weather yesterday, like London, we too had our share of rain, but not quite as bad as there.


Looks like a nice day to come now, so will get lots of washing out now.

Might go out a ride somewhere later.

If it is dry tonight, we might go down and see the Beacon lit tonight, there is one within walking distance.


I too was pleased to see Leanne win the voice, what a great voice she has, seems like a nice girl too.


Aaron is on Wright stuff now, is writing a book about his BB experience. Says his cafe is non profit making to help train young people, as a way of repaying his success from BB. What a good thing to do, hope it works out for him, but shame the cafe is not in a good location though.


Have a good day both xx



Hi Mollie.

It's quite sunny again here. Hope it stays nice for the lighting of the beacon down your way tonight.


I've been watching Aaron on the Wright Stuff. He came over quite well. I thought Wright was a bit sneery about the river pageant though, although I suppose it did get a bit boring after a while.

For some reason Aaron has decided not to appear on any BB stuff this year, so we won't see him (or Faye presumably?) on Bots or anything like that.


I guess I'll watch this big Jubilee concert on the telly tonight.


Afternoon Both.


Am at work, called in.

am on IE, it lets me post, it says Browser not supported should update, what rubbish.


Ricky & Tom had the best Business idea's but Ricky's was simpler.


The Park is over the road, it has a small lake with ducks and a great play area for the children, there plenty of ground for childrens football on Saturday mornings, or is it Sunday? 


The forecast said sun all day today, boss rang up at 9am for me to go in.

All shops/canteens in factory closed he was going to get me a sandwich but had nothing yet.


I've recorded the Wright Stuff for later, will see what Aaron had to say.


I believe Aaron didn't get on with a producer or presenter or someone so decided to cut them off.

I don't think he was very liked and couldn't take all the questions.


Good Afternoon Both.


A miserable day here, no sun and it's started raining.


Went to the garden centre for brekki with O/H, very nice too.


Planted some carrots last night, don't have much luck with them for some reason.


My lad cut the grass yesterday, have been round edging it a bit.


Getting lots of new growth on my fruit trees, very pleased with that.

Will have to check when to prune, i know it's during the summer for soft fruit.

I've got a book at hand anyway.


Looking forward to tonight, a big night for BB, starts at 8pm and goes on till 11.45.


It seems 16 are going in, but some twists have been added, as you would expect also been said that there will be a task for the HM's every day.


Here's a teaser page to read.




That was bad luck Hicky, getting called into work yesterday? They could have given you more notice? At least you got a day off today.


Nice morning here but rain this afternoon.

I've enjoyed watching the royal events on telly.


Believe it or not I've managed to fix my hedge-trimmer....after a fashion.

I took the cowl and pull-cord assembly from my previous (non-working) trimmer, and I found that the pull-cord mechanism was identical to my present one. I didn't attempt to take the mechanism off the cowl, because I thought the spring would probably ping off, but luckily, although the cowl from the old one is a different shape, it did fit well enough to get 2 screws fastened. And the fix works and I can run the hedger OK.

It'll probably shake itself to pieces quite quickly though, as it's supposed to be held by 5 screws, and as I said, only 2 of the holes matched up, and I had to drill out the holes of the cowl to get the screws to go through.

But hey! I'm quite proud of myself.


Big Brother started again.

No favourites so far, but seemingly the Scottish girl Sara is a friend of Aisleyne, so I'll have to keep an eye on her.

Mind you, I see Karly knows her as well, and doesn't like her. (Twitter Mollie)


Good afternoon both xx



hope the boss remembers how obliging you were going into work over the bank hols.  Did he eventually sort you some food out? Hope your carrots go well this time, your fruit trees sound hopeful.



You are a clever one managing to fix that hedge cutter.   That should of saved you a few pound anyway, so you have a just reason to feel well proud of yourself.


If Ais has a friend gone in BB , then I am guessing, considering the large number that put in for this show, that this is too much of a co-incidence and she must of pulled a few strings  for her friend there.


First night of BB is always interesting, and most of them always come over as arrogant in their VT's, but thankfully many also end up being nothing like the original impression we got of them from their VT's. On first impression, we don't appear to have much of a variation though, many of them are models and roughly the same age. Hope they are interesting when we get to know them.


Yesterday, took dog her usual seafront walk late afternoon, and got dragged into a tent full of free food the council were putting of for jubilee.., lots still  left over because of the rain most of the day... of course it would of been rude not to fill my plate...wouldn't it?    salad.. pasta... mixed beans...rice...thick mayo.. granary roll...cake.. and ham and pork for OH ...yummy... and to add to it, a free ride on the little land train...... followed by  free ride upstairs on an old classic open top bus...great fun... everyone waving and cheering at us, including all the life guards and surfers on the beach..and people singing on top of the bus....,, 
It was absolutely freezing up there though... never mind.. still enjoyed it...

Much warmer today, after all that cold rain yesterday, with a bit of sun too. 



Hi Mollie.

Glad you've got some sun today.

Dragged into the food tent you say?

Serendipity at it's best?


It's been pouring with rain here today. Slackened off a bit now.

I went into town to buy 2 new front tyres for the van, that it needs for it's MoT next month. They didn't have them in stock, but I've to go back tomorrow to get them fitted.

I got last month's invoices and accounts done anyway.


I don't think Aisleyne exerted any influence to get this girl on BB. Doubt if she has any influence anyway? It's just that it's a small world, the modelly clubby world, so Aisleyne knows lots of people. She knew Anton from last year as well (and Georgia on CBB).

And although a lot of people audition each year, the producers have often hand picked people as well.


We'll just have to see what she's like, but she's Scottish and attractive, so that's a plus for me, even without any Ash connection.

I see from twitter that the fella that used to be a female has been telling some of them, so maybe we'll see that on tonight's show?


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.

Glad you managed to fix your trimmer, thats a bonus.


I didn't get any food on Monday, everyone was too busy.


I understand Mollie, it's far to hard to let food go to waste.


Loved all the HM's going in, not keen on the twist.


There's some very fit girls in the house.


Just watched my recording of BBbots, could be worse, Brian gets on my nerves now, like Emma though.


I've got 2 Granddaughter here Friday till Saturday night.


With them being off school their mum wants a break so we said we will take them for a couple of days and they love being here and sleeping over.

We can take them out for meals and take them somewhere during the day to keep them occupied.

They get spoilt of course, as you would expect.

They love me cooking for them, we used to doa lot of cooking together a few years ago.

I've got a picture of them in Jubilee colours somewhere, i'll find it.


Another Grandson.


Another of my Lads, just married for the 3rd time.



Afternoon Both.


Raining here, looks like its in for the day anyway.


Might go to Morrison;s for a few tasty treats.

Love their Beef Rendang.

Could live on that.


Done the 4th bedroom out for the girls tomorrow, put some decorations up, O/H got some new bed linen etc.

Got them some things to occupy them as well, they play well together, although i have to separate them at times.


Catch up with some of the goings on in the house.


If you keep the link and refresh all the time you get the latest short video's.


Hi Hicky.

Thanks for the photo of the housemates. I still haven't sorted out who's who.

Hope your grand-daughters appreciate all the hard work you've done getting their room ready etc. I'm sure they'll have great fun.


Not very nice day here. It was dry but cloudy this morning, so I got a bit of work done, but the rain came in this afternoon.


I didn't get the tyres fitted. They still hadn't come in for some reason. They're going to give me a ring.


Watching BB. Beginning to get the hang of them. Not sure if I'm going to like any of them though?

I think Deanna is the best looking, but Sara is nice as well, and a couple of the other girls.


Good morning all


I love the family piccies. What great Jubilee costumers.   I hope you enjoy

 the girls coming over to stay, I am sure the girls will have fun, if you and OH are spoiling them.   Sounds like they should be well pleased with their room too.

Thanks for the BB links, I too am enjoying the series so far, shame one has to leave so soon though, as we hardly know them.



Hope the tyres have turned up by now.


Too early to say who I like on BB yet. I decide on my fave based on personaility rather than looks, But without livefeed, it takes ages to work out personality.

But I did think the girl who did the impersonations did very well last night. I am getting rather bored of all the the coverage of the transexual saying the same thing over and over though.

Wonder which extra one will get voted in?  I voted for the girl, because she seemed the most fun type character. Wonder if he/she goes in tonight?


Still been busy helping mum sort out her moving in stuff but she seems to be settling a big now.


Blowing a glad here today, can hear wind whistling round the house, and raining on and off.


have a good day both xx






Pouring with rain here. No chance of any work.


No word of the tyres. I'm not bothered as you can get tyres anywhere, so if they don't come up with the goods I shall just buy them elsewhere, and it's a month or so to my MoT anyway.


Went into town to get my lottery tickets, and to pay the garage bill for the car. They seem to have swanky new offices. No wonder my bill was so high?


Been watching some of the torch relay going through Glasgow. I don't know Glasgow very well, but my Brother works there. Don't think he's got any interest in the torch though.


I think the girl wildcard will get in Mollie. I was going to vote on Twitter for her, but it said it wanted control of my twitter profile, so I decided against voting. It'll probably be perfectly safe though.

I think Lydia might be the first evictee?


Evening Both.


Had Brekki at Morrison's with the girls, then went to the Blue Planet Aquarium for the afternoon.


Went to the pub carvery to night, the girls really enjoyed that.


Made them some choc chip cookies, they liked them.

They have a DVD on in their bedroom, they have been playing a few games.


Glad you've nearly sorted you Mum, she will sure appreciate all your hard work.


Not made my mind up about the HM's, too early for that.


Not too bothered who goes out tonight or who goes in tonight, don't know them.


Jay & Louise getting married tomorrow live on a webcam feed.

The wedding cake is fantastic.


Jay & Louise Wedding cake


both xx



good job you still have plenty of time before the MOT to sort the tyres out.

I thought my vote had been counted on Twitter, but from what you say, it sound like it wasn't? I did see a message about taking control of my Twitter came up after I pressed the vote bit, and I just ignored it.  Fingers crossed she gets in.


Hope another missed work day has not made you behind too much, weather sounds a bit better for tommorrow.


Yes looks like Lydia will go as she has come across as a bit of a whinger. I get the feeling she would of not lasted long in there anyway.


Was very annoyed to find double Corrie has both been cancelled for the flippen football.  

And BB is not even starting till 10pm, you'd think the eviction night would of started earlier.


Me and OH did a shop this evening, then treated ourselves for carvary for tea, very nice.


have a good evening, hope Hicky and his young visitors are enjoying themselves.


Good evening both x



glad the visit is going well, and what lucky girls, being so spoilt, I bet they won't want to go home again.

Thanks for the cake piccie, what a lovely cake, I must admit I am surprised that romance lasted, a very strange couple in the house, she was ok, but I did not like him at all, such a crude man the way he spoke.



hope you enjoy your Saturday night sphag bol.


At last after all that rain and wind, it has been sunny all day. We had subway down the seafront for tea tonight and are going down to Sandy Bay for a firework display later.


Hope you both have had a good weather day too.


Not far from here to the West they have had terrible floods, such a shame, 1000 people have had to leave their homes today, and many had to be rescued. It is less than 2 weeks ago the torch went through there, and it was very hot and sunny then. Such extremes and changable weather this summer, it is.


Well on BB, the one I wanted got in the house, hope she is going to stay interesting. Was not bothered who left really, because we have not had time to get to know any of them yet, with such little coverage.


have a good evening. xx


Evening Both.


Had a great time with the girls, eating out and going round the Blue Planet Aquarium.


Had brekki this morning with the girls and my lad and his little ones.

Went to the garden centre for brekki then to a different one for a visit, got them a few pressy's.


They made cup cakes this afternoon, and we did more cookies.

they have had a fine time.


We'll have them again during the summer Hols.


Still enjoying all the HM's, female of course.


Awful floods Mollie, 90 rescued,


I thought we would have a lousy week weatherwise.


Here is Louise in her wedding dress later in the day.

Louise in Wedding Dress


Hi Mollie and Hicky.


Sounds like you are having a great time with the kids Hicky.


Yes there's some strange extremes of weather about Mollie.

It was wet this morning, but sunny this afternoon. I managed to get a bit done but I'm way behind now. I'm hoping for good weather next week, but I may be disappointed?


Enjoyed my spag bol as usual Mollie.

Supermarket as usual tomorrow. A creature of habit me.


Finding it difficult to get into BB at the mo. Just kind of watching it as background. I think that Caroline is quite funny. Not sure if I like the new girl or not.

Louise certainly fills that dress Hicky.


Good evening both



glad to hear you are having a good weekend with the girls. Lucky girls with all those outings and pressies.  

Thanks for the bride's piccie, pretty girl, nice dress, just a trifle overposed though.



nothing wrong being a creature of habit, as long as they are habits you enjoy.


You will probably get into BB more as we get used to the characters, I think we have an interesting bunch to come. And I like the BBUS method of allowing nom  discussions...., it will soon be time for the serious game players to emerge now.


Did not like Sara on tonight's episode the way she got those girls bitching in the bathroom about the other girl who thought she was her friend. Not nice that. At least the Amercian guy tried to patch it over though.


Last night we saw the local fireworks, very nice. today there was a boat display to end the local Jubilee celebration week, which we also enjoyed watching as weather was fine. 


In fact, weather not as bad as they had predicted, thankfully. Quite warm, only a spot of rain.


hope you both had a good Sunday. xx


Good morning both x



work day today? Hope you can get on here from work, and hope you have food available there.



Dry enough for gardens today?Not surprised you have gone off Sara, she was just a nasty piece of work last night, plenty of other nicer girls in there for you to focus on, I should think.   Lydia looks to be an interesting HM, if she carries on being a big gameplayer, rather than being over sensitive. Can't work out the boys yet, seems there a few who are more interested in their "pretty boy" looks than game playing.


Weather looks quiet here today, wind and rain gone for now, think I will peg out washing today.


OH has a main pc being delivered from Dell today, our old one was giving big problems.

My lappy seems to keep on going with the use of frequent selotape, thank goodness.

Sound went on daughters, so family took it to P C Word yesterday to see if they could fix it. I called into M and S foodhall whilst they went there, and got some nice food treats.   The family love their cookies, but I avoid them for calorie reasons.   I did get some deserts in pots as my treat though, so am not deprived.


Looks like food is going to be a big problem in the BB house this year.

what a row just over a sausage...

wonder why that boy nicked a sausage to give to Chris? 

With not eating meat, and after a lifetime of yo yo dieting, don't think lack of food would bother me much, but living in a grubby house with argumentive people would.


Glad BB is on right now, because I am fed up of too much football being shown.


Have a good day both xx




It was dry here but cloudy. Got caught up a bit anyway. Long way to go yet though.

Unfortunately I've somehow developed a bad back over the last few days, so that doesn't help with work. I have to be very careful lifting the mower on and off the van. And I had great difficulty with the bags of hedge and grass clippings.


Hope your OH gets on well with his new Dell Mollie. Did your daughter get the sound fixed on her's?


I don't think the little row between Sara and Lauren was very important Mollie. I don't think Sara was really bitching badly? But I don't think she's going to be my favourite this year somehow.

I think Lydia is intelligent, but she also seems a bit paranoid.


I'm expecting my Brother and family to visit on Saturday, so I'll have to get the house clean. I'll also have to go to the supermarket before they come.


I don't have much interest in the footie. I put the telly on when I came in, just to see what the score in the England game was, but I didn't pay much attention to it afterwards. Haven't watched any of the other games.

Last edited by emptybox

Morning Both.


Gaga playing up at work, even in IE when i put mouse over post the post goes blank.


Doing school run in a minute.


Loving BB, great stuff, can see it being a great series, such a good mix.


Here's some pics with my lad in Phuket, he went to Bangkok then Phuket for 10 days, had booked a 3 day open water diving course using the oxygen bottles and all the gear, he got his certificate so he can go anywhere now.


The vine came but was badly damaged, too bad to be planted, have taken pictures and sent them with an email.

The box was massive 36" high but the plant was 34" and the plant pot and support cane was 31" so if the box was turned upside down the plant slid down and smashed the growth off the stem.

The main lead shoot was lying in the box but looked dead as if it had been broken for a week.


Your right about the food problem in the house, they have lots of problems coming soon.


I see Aaron & Chris are up for eviction this week.


Chris seems a right trouble maker, they want him out.


Hi guys.


Quite a nice day here. Getting on with work, but there's a stupid amount of growth on the grass in a short time. Means all the jobs are taking longer than I'd like.


Those are great pics Hicky. Some of the sealife ones are spectacular.


Got my tyres fitted at last. They didn't phone though, I just called in on spec. Only took about 15 mins, and I came away nearly ÂĢ150 lighter.


Watching the BB nominations. They're all over the place at this stage in the game.

Had to laugh when Lauren nominated Luke S then came out of the diaryroom and was all over him. I think Sara was right about her playing a game.


Evening Emptybox.


Loving BB.


Noms are great, i can see big trouble in the house this year.


I have ordered a new vine and a Dwarf Pomegranate Tree.

I'm going to replace the Peach, it's not disease resistant enough and this Peach Leaf Curl is ruining it. 


I'll keep the broken plant and see if any good can come of it.

They said they would try and replace it else give my money back.


Here's more info on Nikki Graeme, and she's in panto this year.


With Aaron & Chris up i think Chris will go, don't know anyone that likes him.


Good morning both



I haven't been able to work out how to see your lads piccies yet, will ask OH to help. That is good that he is able to dive where he wants now. Shame about your vine, hopefully they give you your money back.

I too think Chris will go, he is not a very pleasant character at all, too argumentive imo.

What a nice looking site, Nikki's site is.   I think that panto role will suit her well.



Sorry to hear you are having back problems, not a good thing to have in your line of work, Hope it eases soon. I sometimes still get aches/pains round rib's/back from when this growth moved my rib cage, I find if I use a TENS machine, it really helps it lots.

Maybe you could try one? Here it is, it's less than ÂĢ10 too.


Glad you have had some good weather, so you can catch up a little with all this strong grass growth. I did hear that the weather up in Scotland had been better than in the south.


Yes Lauren was a right one the way she was all over Luke, immediately after nomming him. Some real gamplaying going on in there this year, which is good because I think so far it has been a very interesting series.

I am quite liking Lydia, she is another game player, and could do quite well provided she doesn't get over sensitive. Still not keen on Sara.. very weird when drunk. Can't make up my mind about the fellas yet.


My mum at last gets her BT put in today, riduclous how they charge ÂĢ140 each time you move and you have to wait over 3 weeks.

Nice day so far, so will peg some washing out..


have a good day xxx






Good Afternoon Mollie.


Just thought io would try and post in Firefox and it worked, very confusing, haven't changed anything.


The picture with my lad on should just come up when you click the link, it's a FB link.


Weather not too bad today, at work though.


They are changing what car parks you use here.

There isn't enough room in the normal ones as they are going into a 3 shift 24hr system and unless you are on one of the 3 shifts you can't use the car parks.


We will have to use a borrowed one quite a way away, too far for me to walk, might have to come in later and get a lift from the car park to the factory.


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