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Good Afternoon Both.


Eye is worse when i'm on the Puter.


Went to the Hungry Horse, I had soup and a 10oz Gammon steak.


Was 2&1/2 hrs in A&E got this Ointment, Anti whatsits infection thingy.

Awful to put in the eye, it's as thick as heck so hard to get out of the tiny tube, the hole in the tube is minute.

4 times a day as well.

Can't really do it myself as have to take glasses off.


Hope the Jags not to expensive, depends of course what needs to be done.

I had the Mark 1 jag in 1962, about then, it was an old one then.

It had an overdrive, it didn't work when i got it but i soon got it working, was only a bad connection under the car on a solenoid, just my heavy.


The problem with the mower is that it it isn't sucking enough grass up, the later stronger motor should do it.

I was thinking of this one.

ines only the 300 but the motor is too small my lad said.

He said it took longer to do mine that doing all the road with his.


I'll have to look at these robotic mowers.

I've watched a robotic cleaner in a swimming pool.


That BGT girl is in for a good life now, i wonder how it works out?, can't see them giving her i/2 a million, and they can't give it to a dog.


I ordered some small pipe to ease the pressure on other small pipes in the watering system, a lot cheaper than the correct stuff i might add.

The correct pipe is ÂĢ15 for 15m and this equivalent is ÂĢ20 for 100m.


I saw the BB ad, doesn't mean anything to me.

I suppose it's trying to get customers.



Evening Mollie and Hicky.


Took my car in first thing, then got a full day in. Weather not bad at all.A bit cloudy at times.


They're keeping the car in because it needs a new wheel bearing and new brake callipers etc. Might get it back tomorrow?

When you say Mark 1 Jag, do you mean one like Morse drove? Those were beautiful.


That's interesting Mollie, that one of your Mother's friends is carrying the Olympic torch.

I think it's coming through the Borders, but not close to me?


Hi Hicky. Hope the ointment improves your eye. You still haven't said what happened?


The Apprentive was good, but I was sad Jenna went. She was a character.  

I've seen the BB ad on youtube. It looks OK, but I'm not getting excited about it.


Good evening both



How is your eye today? I hope it is a bit better.It must be difficult getting someone to put the eye stuff in 4 times a day. That was a long wait in A and E for you? Was your OH with you? What time of day was it?

Glad you managed to get to the Hungry Horse for a nice dinner. Hope your yes hasn't prevented you getting in your garden. These light nights are lovely, aren't they? Hope you can find a better mower to make it easeir for you.

Never heard of a robotic mower.



hope the car doesn't prove too expensive. Glad the weather meant you could have a good catch up day at work.

I seem to remember you saying you weren't getting excited about BB last year, but then you did enjoy it when it started.

I wasn't that impressed with the ad, have seen better. But I guess with the Olympics on, they need to base it round games.

We will go and see the torch go through our local town, in just over a weeks time, if it is not raining. Shame they aren't coming near you, I am not sporty, but would like to take the kids to see the torch , as it is historic.


Yes the Apprentice was good this week.

Not much on tv tonight, but have decided on watching Peston on bbc2 about the debt mess. All about to explode now with Greece, and Spain and Italy not far behind. I am making sure we hold a bit of cash just incase those cash points close down,as they were within hours of doing so in 2008. We were in Dublin when the Euro was introduced, OH was working on the changover at the time. Dublin was incredibly expensive to live , even back then. We paid ÂĢ1200 a month rental on a small semi then, and we were about 7 miles out of the city. I did like living there though, very easy going, compared to Oz.

The Euro was doomed to failure imo, all the countries far too different...The EU does give nice overpaid jobs to the big boys though, but costs the tax payer a fortune. 


OH and kids went to see that Marvel film tonight, they said it was good.


Goodnight both x








Drizzling and raining here all day, so no work done.


I got my car back this afternoon. Needed a wheel bearing for one of the front wheels and brake discs and pads for the front, and also a new brake calliper on one of the back wheels, so won't be cheap.



I think I got a leaflet about where the Olympic torch will go through the Borders? I'll see if I can find it and see just how far away it'll come. Don't think it's within 20 miles though?


Yes, it looks like the eurozone will collapse, and we'll be on cold tea and porridge for the foreseeable. Very depressing.


Long Lost Family was good. That mother and daughter were so alike?


Heard that Sophia from BB10 died today at only 30. I don't really remember her, but it's very sad.




Good afternoon both


No Hicky yesterday. Hope his eye is ok.



Hope the weather is drier today so you can get some work done.

Shame about all the work that needed to be done on the car, hope the bill is not too much of a shock and of course the increase in vat now makes anything more expensive than it should be.

That is sad about Sophia at such a young age.   I looked her up and do remember her a little now, but as she didn't stay long, don't remember much about her, I do remember how tiny she was.

I liked the lawn mower video. Glad to hear it is safe for dogs and children, wouldn't want it mowing the pooch or the kids.   I wonder how effective it would actually be though, at negotiating uneven lawns and obstacles?  Probably not as easy as it sounds.


Waiting on my mums paperwork for the flat now, hope it is not too complicate.. agents hopeless, they have done nothing for a whole week now, despite the fact she had to pay them in cash nearly ÂĢ200 for their "admin".


How is your toe now Emptybox?  And has the new skin on your ear come through yet?

Did your doc try and push these on you? What a ridiculous idea trying to push strong meds with horrid side effects on people who don't need it. At least on reading the comments underneath most of the public aren't as stupid as some of the docs think we are. I had meds that I had no need for pushed on me for 10 years, whilst no one listened to my concerns that there was nowt wrong with my chest.


Article here, comments interesting..


Have a good day both x

Weather sounds showery for weekend unfortunately.

We are going to see the Rat Pack at our local theatre tonight, saw them a couple of years ago and enjoyed it.



Hi Mollie.

Tipping it down again today.


Pity your agent is dragging their heels on your Mum's paperwork.

I think I remember you saying you saw the Rat Pack previously, but I can't remember who you said they were? Obviously not Frank Sinatra etc.


I think the liquid nitrogen has done it's work on my back and on my ear. I think new skin is going to come through fine.

I've got fungal nail infection on both big toes and both little toes. I'm going to persevere with the terbinafine the doc prescribed for 3 months. I haven't had any side effects so far anyway. Haven't seen any results yet either, but I think it takes a number of months for the drugs to incorporate into the nail and push the fungus out.

It'll certainly be nice to get rid of the unsightly nails, and it's made me self-conscious to wear sandals etc.


I agree about wanting people to take strong drugs  for a long term though. Don't think I'd agree to take the likes of statins for the rest of my life.


I looked at my 10 day forecast and I don't think it's supposed to go below 4 degrees at night, so I've taken the chance to put my tomatoes out to the greenhouse. They were starting to flop over in the small pots I had them in, on the windowsill.


Hi Hicky. Hope your eye is OK?


Afternoon Mollie & Emptybox.


Was called to work yesterday but eye not too good.


Went back to eye clinic this morning, another couple of hrs wait, i have cold sores in my eye, got now ointment.


Mended the nose rest on my glasses with superglue and got it all over them.


Went on web for what to do.

Use nail polish remover.


Done now.


Can't stay on long eye needs rest.


Curry tonight.


That Robomow looks great, bet it's a good price.


Good morning both



sorry to hear your eye is still troubling you. Such a shame if it is preventing you getting on your pc as much as you would like. Hope the ointment works, and hope your glasses are fixed ok now. Good job you didn't get any superglue on your nose though.



Hope your tomatoes come on ok now, and hope you get a bit of dry weather. Yes, as you say, you do need to give the meds some time to work on your toenails. I had heard this sort of thing takes awhile to shift. But with 3 months tablets, that goes give plenty of time, and perhaps it might even take a while after you have finished the dose to get rid of it. But hopefully you can soon see the back of it. Glad to hear it sounds like your ears are all sorted though.


We enjoyed the Rat pack last night. They are copies of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis, and they have 2 show girl singers too. They do small theatres,

Pics here


Have a good day, Football in itv tonight, so am glad we have The Voice to watch.





Just watching my recording of The Voice.


Dreary and wet this morning. A bit dryer this afternoon.


Hicky, cold sores in the eye doesn't sound good at all? Hope the ointment helps.

I had glasses that broke at the nose. They were supposed to be the bendy type, but I bent them once too often. Didn't have any luck trying to glue them though.


Hi Mollie. Glad you enjoyed that tribute act. The girl dancers look good on that link.

How is your laptop doing now? Did you try another power lead?


I was watching a bit of the live feed of the Olympic torch relay this afternoon. I can't find the link on my tablet, but I'll post it from my other PC tomorrow.


Here's the link to the Olympic torch live feed.


If you tell us when you are going to see it Mollie, we might be able to spot you on screen.

Don't get too close to the torch bearer though, or you'll end up wrestled to the ground by the police in the grey tracksuits.



Lovely morning here, but I see the temp in the greenhouse fell to near zero overnight. The toms seemed to have survived though, and I think it's to get warmer from now on.


Good evening both x



hope your eye is improving and you are having a good weekend.It can't be easy for you if you are finding it difficult to come onto your pc.



Thanks for the Olympic torch link. We are going to see it next Saturday, haven't decided yet exactly which part of the route, but will let you know. It does come within a few miles of here, which is lucky. I spoke to my mum's friend last night she told me they had to pay ÂĢ200 for the torch if they wanted to keep it. She did, because she thought it would be a great souvenir. She also paid ÂĢ200 for the white suit, then later the local authority offerred to pay for it , for those in her particular area. I think it is a shame the dignitaries and hangers on get all the freebies at the games, but a lot of ordinary people are paying for their torches/suits.  I will take note of your hint not to get too close when we go, don't fancy a police wrestling match.   I will leave anything involving wrestling to the likes of Faye.


Oh yes my laptop.    OH has found out why it is not working, I had forgotten I had dropped it onto the hard marble fireplace not long ago. Oooppss. He found pieces missing from it, and doesn't think a new plug thing will help, but I will carry on with the strong sellotape, and hope for the best.


Glad you got the good weather yesterday, hope your tomatoes are ok in the cold night air though. Looks like the warmth is due to arrive next week. It was warm here by the house, but a cool breeze on the seafront. Not too cool for me to enjoy an ice-cream with raspberry sauce on the top though.


Do you hear the price of your car fix tommorrow? HOpe it is not too much of a shock.


Good night both x




Hi Mollie.

Glad you got to enjoy a refreshing icecream.


Ah well, I guess you can't expect your laptop to work perfectly if you drop it onto hard marble.


I can't understand why all these torch bearers need their own torches? Seems a hell of a waste of money to me. Even if they all pay for them I hear they are heavily subsidised and cost at least double to make than what the bearers are paying. One main torch that is passed from person to person, with a couple of spares in case of accident, would be fine IMO.

They could always give the bearers a small replica as a souvenir.

Seems to me a lot of daft decisions are being made with these Olympics.


I won't get the bill for the car till the end of the month, but I reckon it'll be at least ÂĢ300.


Morning Mollie & Emptybox.


Eye still a problem, it's a virus so can't be rushed, ointment to stop it regenerating.

Lost 3 days when i was using the wrong ointment, from Tuesday till Friday.

Couldn't do much in the garden the weekend with the sun, the eye is sensitive to it and haven't got sun glasses.


Spend half the time with one eye shut.


Hoping it will be ok after this week.


Work today, will just do it in bursts.




A beautiful day here too. Really warm. Managing to get a lot done, and am nearly caught up.


Glad your eye is getting better Hicky. Good idea to get the clip-on shades.


I see the price of heating oil is getting lower. It's lower than when I last bought in January, so I'm keeping an eye on it and will buy some if it gets a bit lower.


Not much on telly. Watched Hidden Talent.



Hi both xx



glad to hear the eye is on the mend at last, it can't of been easy for you having to rest it so much. Yes I am sure you need to protect your eyes now the sun is so strong. What a good idea to get some that fit over your own glasses.



Glad you too have the good weather, and have been able to catch up work wise.

Let's hope the weather continues like this for awhile.

Yes worth thinking about getting the oil whilst price is low. Is that mainly because of less demand in summer or just due to world prices?


Been busy sorting mum's move, agents messing about, was supposed to get keys today, but agents held it up again, will have to do it next week now.

Gives me a bit longer to prepare though.


OH home from work, so we are all taking dog a walk to local village pub and will have drink and crisps on the village green. Good to enjoy nice weather whilst we have it.


have a good evening both xxx





Evening Both.


No sun here today, not working though, working tomorrow instead.


Had brekki at Morrisons, went to B&Q, got some more bits for my watering and a gazebo for my lad.


My eye is so much better, it's very good at the mo, have to keep putting the ointment in till Friday night though, bit of a nuisance as it effects my vision when it's in for a while.


I've been cutting branches up in my new neighbour's garden, now most of the awful growth is down the big branches need cutting up to burn or get disposed of.


I have loads of free time and enjoy helping out.

The feller can't do any in the week as he's working.


The pop up clip on sun glasses are great, i'll keep one pair in the car and one at home.


Sorry the agents are messing you around Mollie, no need surely?


Don't wait too long Emptybox for the oil price, you could wait too long and miss out.




Gorgeous day here. Very sunny and warm.

Grass cutting and cutting a big hedge, so the sweat was running off.

It's still quite warm this evening. Just sitting in a shirt (no sweater).


Hi Mollie. Pity the agent is dragging their heels over your Mum's move.

Hope you enjoyed your drink on the green?


Hi Hicky. Glad your eye is so much better. You'll havÃĐ to be careful cutting branches. Wear eye protection. I scratched my eye a few years ago cutting springy branches. Had to wear an eye patch for a few days.

Pity you didn't get the sun today.


I think it's the fall in crude oil prices that has made the heating oil price come down? It's still high though, so I'm not going to jump in till I think it's bottomed out.


The Apprentice was good, but he's got rid of all the girls bar Jade.

I bet that idiotic blond lad wins?


Good morning both



so glad to hear your eye is a lot better. Not long until you finish the ointment treatment, thank goodness.

You are a good neighbour helping with those branches.



Pleased to hear you too are getting the real warm weather, don't forget you sunhat though to help protect those new ears of yours. Gosh, that could of been very nasty scratching your eyes with a branch. Good job it was ok though.


I agree, there are too many fellas left on the Apprentice. I am guessing the good looking one with the dark forward swept hair wins, as the young girls will approve. No one really stands out to me this year for being extra good or entertaining. Too much of the show used up for the boardroom too.


Not long till BB though, fingers crossed we have some enthusiastic HM's. As it is torch relay time, I thought you might appreciate an Olympics related photo.


I took this pic  off the live torch relay site, (thought you two might like it)..trouble is this site is very addictive, so interesting to see it travel round the country.



GB beach volleyball team on duty in London

0956: Meanwhile, on a village green somewhere to the east... Team GB's volleyball team have been getting in some practice on Parliament Square! Here they are saying hello to some local police officers.

Members of the Great Britain Beach Volleyball team [left to right) Denise Johns, Lucy Bolton, Shauna Mullin and Zara Dampney wave in Parliament Square, London


Have a good day


The sea mist is just clearing now, looks like another gorge day ahead. Think I will sit in the pub garden whilst waiting for son to do guitar lesson.

Mum's move put on hold till next week now, so at least I can have a bit of a break from it for a few days.


Afternoon Both.


Will be glad when this treatment ends, eye seems fine now till i put the ointment in then it's nearly 4 hrs till i can see properly again.


Not watched the Torch, can't get excited about a flame.


More interested in the volley ball girls.


Watched the Apprentice, don't think any are much good.

They all seem pretty clueless to me.


Forecast says Sun till next Monday/Tuesday.


Evening Mollie and Hicky.


Another lovely day here, so I got plenty done, although it was hot work.


You'll just have to persevere with the eye ointment Hicky, even though your eye seems better.

I'll have to arrange to get another month's worth of my anti-fungal pills for my toenails. I've just about finished the first month's worth, but there's no visible effect yet.

I haven't really had any side-effects, but I get a slightly  nasty taste in the mouth for a few hours after taking the tablet. Not too bad though, and it'll be worth it hopefully.


Those beach volleyball outfits seem to cover all the bases Mollie, but not much else.


Economic news seems to be bad again.

But we've got Big Brother to look forward to. I see they've published some pics of the new house.


Good evening both



glad your eye is enough to abandon the ointment, it all sounded most unpleasant for you , fingers crossed all will be well with your eyes now. Glad you are pleased with how the branch cutting has gone.



pleased to hear you have got plenty done in the good weather. Shame you still need to take some more tablets, but best to keep going a while longer to give them chance to work.


Thought you both might appreciate the volleyball girls Olympic uniforms.

I have really been enjoying following the torch relay whilst it goes through areas of Wales we know. Incredible amount of people out in Cardiff for it tonight. We are all looking forward to seeing it go through here tomorrow.

I am interested in it to not only to follow the map around but to read individual's stories too, many have overcome disabilities to carry the torch. Won't bother watching the sport bits though other than the sychronised swimming which I have always liked because they always look so glamorous.  And might watch the men's diving, like Tom Daley.


Hicky..30 degrees in the shade.. that is warm, when we went in car this afternoon, it was showing 34 degrees, but that was in the sun. We went tonight for walk down seafront , lovely breeze there, lots and lots of people sitting outside bars, hotels and cafes. We had Subway and ice creams, instead of cooking tonight.


Wow.. new pics of the BB house, thanks for posting HIcky, can't wait to look at them right now.


Enjoy the rest of this beautiful evening. The local weather man said last night was the hottest May night in Wales ever, it didn't get below 18 degrees.



Evening Mollie.

Phew, what a day, went to a BBQ at my lads earlier.


They have the garden looking great now, we got them 2 tonne of the blue rubber for the kids to play on, it's fantastic.

We put a low frame round the area to keep the rubber in, it serves as a seat as well for the baby.


And the decking is good wood so the baby loves it.


Got all my watering sorted in the end, it takes 2 computer, 3 distribution manifolds 3 pressure reducers and 3 separate legs of 13mm pipe, but between them all the nozzles can operate as required.

I'll have to do a recount on the nozzle quantity.


Weather is staying hot all weekend.



Another lovely day here. A bit of breeze, so more comfortable to work.

Didn't quite get everything= done, so I'll need to do one job tomorrow.


Enjoy seeing the Torch live tomorrow Mollie. I only watched that bit last weekend, haven't watched it since.

I like watching the Athletic events in the Games.


Your lad's garden sounds great Hicky. The wee one will love playing in that blue rubber stuff.

One perk of cutting grass in this weather is that you occasionally surprise bikini-clad sunbathers. Unfortunately they have a tendency to scarper when you fire the mower up.


Blimey! Your watering system certainly sounds complicated, but I'm glad you've finally got it under control. I just go out with a can. It saves my brain from exploding.


Good afternoon both x



glad the eye is so much better now. So pleased the kiddies have such a lovely garden to play in, in time for the good weather.

at your watering system.You are dead clever. My OH just uses a good old hosepipe and if I do it, a jug suffices.



at your lawn mower cramping your style as far as the bikini clad girls are concerned. Bit of bad luck that. Hopefully with this good weather you managed to get that job done.


Me and OH went to Asda for brekkie..yummy... the town streets, pubs and shops are covered in buntins, ready for the torch relay this afternoon. Barriers up everywhere for crowds. We are going to see it in a village close to us though, there are only  2 runners and shouldn't be so crowded.

If you are online and fancy looking out for me, family, (no doggie... too hot and busy for her), try the online live when it goes through Laleston village at around 3.15pm.


Have a good day all, I think we all have this good weather today, don't we? Nice breeze here as well as sun, so all good.


Hi Mollie and Hicky.

Gorgeous here again (getting boring now ).

I got my own grass cut this morning, then did the job I needed to this afternoon.


Unfortunately I was working when you were watching the torch Mollie, so I didn't catch you on the camera.


Watching Eurovision now. I think Iceland and Spain are my favourites

I quite like the British song, but I don't think Englebert was at his best on the performance? Just have to see how the voting goes.


Good afternoon both x



Good to hear you too are enjoying the good weather, so managed to do your job  that needed doing, plus your own garden.Was the Voice any good last night? I missed it, but did see Eurovision. Quite enjoyed it. LOL at the grannies coming 2nd.


Hope Hicky is out enjoying the sunshine today and his eye is ok.


We enjoyed watching the torch relay yesterday. The village looked so pretty, the buntins were out, church bells were ringing, and the street was fully lined with people, all enjoying themselves in the sun, lots of flag waving. We managed to get a seat on the wall in the shade outside the pub to watch it go through. Young lad of 18 carried it past us, he has done 2000 hours of unpaid charity work. Another lad who carried it before him was blinded when a car ran him over, poor thing... he had his dog to guide him with the torch. Good to see people like this being cheered.

We had a drink on seafront later with our friends, sun still hot at 8pm.  
I was glad of a bit of distraction, not looking forward to next week, going to be stressed and rushed off feet moving mum, starting tomorrow. Trouble is she accumulates clutter she will never use, and won't let us throw stuff away. She has so may boxes in storage, we can't find stuff so have had to buy new stuff... good job Argos cheap, got 12 pieces set of plates etc for ÂĢ4.99.


Have a good day both.xx

Very hot here again today, will go down seafront later for ice cream. I like  a cone with raspberry sauce on top best.


Evening Both


Where does the time go.

Had brekki with my lad and his lot this morning.


Wow, the heat here is crazy.


Can't really do much in this at all.


Been trying to stay in the shade all day, then went to my lads, he's had a BBQ for the last 3 days.


Good Look with moving your mum Mollie.


The Eurovision lark, omg, what a joke.

Why on earth do we enter, we have no chance, all the countries hate  so they aren't going to vote for us are they?



Good luck moving your Mum next week Mollie.


I went into Galashiels and bought a new router. A Netgear N300. Seems to be working fine, and hopefully will be more stable than the Orange Livebox. Haven't tried transferring any large files yet, but hopefully it'll be faster.

Everything has connected to it fine.


One of my computers is giving me problems. Not with the new router, but refusing to boot. It's my test machine with all the various operating systems on it. When I get some time I'll need to strip it down and see if I can find out what's wrong. Might need a new motherboard? It's getting dated now anyway, but I wasn't intending updating it till the winter.


I'm feeling the heat at night as well Hicky. I've put a fan in my bedroom to see if that helps. The noise will probably keep me awake though.


Good morning both x



yes, you can't overdo it in this heat. Hopefully it is nice and cool in the office for you today. Is your eye completely better now?  Hope so.. LOL, yes makes you wonder why UK bothers entering the Eurovision now?




Sorry to hear you are having pc problems, hope you can fix it to  it last until the winter. Our main pc is playing up too, none of them seem to last very long considering how much they cost.Is it unusual to feel this hot up there in May? I know we had the hottest May night ever in Wales the other night. That is the trouble with a fan, you have to get used to the noise. I woke several times last night feeling overheated too.


Have been up early trying to sort mum's washing and things out for her move, Going to get her later to get keys etc, so a busy day.


Shame I have not got much time to follow the torch livefeed today because it is on its way to my OH's home area towards the montains of North Wales. I told him he will feel homesick today when we see it on the Welsh news. I have just watched a little and it is like a live travel show, so that is why I like it.   Aberystwyth sea front looked lovely in the sunshine today, the streets all lined with people.


Gosh what a stroke of luck, as I was typing this, I saw Chris Moyles take over the torch and do his stint through Aberystwyth. I had radio 1 on at the time too.


Have a good day both, looks like another scorcher. xx



Evening Both.


Could get on here at work again, no reply box came up, strange.


Hope your new router is ok.


Talking about not booting, quite often if i reboot the puter at home it won't boot until i pull the usb lead out for the printer.

Heaven knows why.


You can fairly quiet fans now for the bedroom.

Think it's all in the design.


It was 26 in the office, the air con couldn't get it any lower, room too big and too many doors.


Haven't watched the torch, like watching someone painting a fence.


I'm using this fantastic Weather site.

You put your Post Code in and bobs your uncle.

This is my weather tomorrow.

You also select what type of forecast and you can get pollen count on the left.;page=2;ct=~CH49%206NQ;sess=#forecast



Another nice day here, but cooler because of the breeze. I think it's the last hot day for a while, according to the forecast on the site Hicky posted.


I don't think the daytime temps up here have been out of the ordinary for May Mollie, but I don't remember being so uncomfortable at night in May before?

Think it's going to be cooler tonight, thank goodness.


New router seems fine, although it's early days. I got my wireless printer working with it tonight. Just needed to press a button on the router and one on the printer's menu.

I tried transferring a big file over the network, and it was quite a bit quicker than the Orange Livebox.


Haven't had time yet to look at my other computer.

I have a similar thing to you Hicky, where if my MP3 player is connected to a USB then the computer won't boot up. I think USB can be quirky like that.


On the Voice on Saturday Will.I.Am was prancing about with one of the Olympic torches. God knows why they had him run a leg?

I'm glad Bo is still in the final, but I was annoyed that Vince stayed instead of Becky. I was glad that Leanne got chosen instead of Ruth. I thought Ruth was very over-rated. She had a good voice, but didn't seem to be able to pronounce the words properly when singing.


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Couldn't get on at work as Reply box wouldn't show, but when i get home there are reply boxes open.


Another nice day, was expecting some rain early evening but it seems to have blown over.

Probably gone inland.


Not watching The Voice, not keen on the way it works.


Had a fake email, says it's from Adobe update but looking inside tells a different story.

it's ip address is on google it seems to come from somewhere in China, and at the end of the link there was n *.exe which could be bad news if it was opened.


The Apprentice tonight anyway.


Hi Hicky.

I think your rain came up here. It was wet most of the day, but I did get one job done this afternoon. The grass was soaking though..


I think there's a lot of fake emails about. I'll look out for that Adobe one.

Managed to get my computer booting again. Think it was a corrupted driver for my wireless network card. I managed to get it started in Safe mode and uninstalled it in Device Manager. When I restarted the PC it booted OK and reinstalled the driver for the card. Seems to be OK for now anyway.


Got another month's supply of the toe-nail tablets from the pharmacy. They only seem to want to give you so much at the one time, so I'll have to get another prescription in a month's time as it's supposed to be a 3 month course.


Watching Secret Eaters now, then I'm looking forward  to The Apprentice.


Hope Mollie isn't too harrassed by her Mum's move?


quick Hi from me... been extra busy settling mum in her flat, miles behind with my own jobs at home, but OH off work till Wednesday now. He has to have Friday off to take me to hospital appoitment, so decided at add tomrorrow as we have been rushed off feet with mums move.


hope you are both well, is the eye all ok now HIcky?...


managed to half watch the Apprentice,


glad mums move is over before BB starts, not long now.






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