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Afternoon Both.


Not a bad day today, but at work.


It looks good tomorrow though.



I watched Peter Andre last night, it was ok.


Had some Jellied Eels & a crab, had that on fresh bread, yummy.


Not too busy today, a few quotes and a couple of timing programs on MS Project to do.


Went for a Carvery last night, couldn't eat much as i'd been eating.


Bank Hol Monday next week, will probably be working Tue/Thu again.


Not sure if I'm working Thu/Fri this week or not yet.


Still chilly at night though.



Dry here but cloudy.

I put my location into that weather website, and it all came back in Norwegian? Still I can get the gist.


Got some work done this morning, then I had a doctors appointment this afternoon.


I was worried about a couple of scabby patches on the rim of my left ear. He said they weren't anything to worry about, but it was pre-cancerous damage done by the sun. He squirted some liquid nitrogen at them, and said that new skin should now grow.

He also advised wearing a hat with a brim to give me more protection, so I'll have to stop wearing my trademark baseball cap.


I always apply sun block to my ears and nose etc, but there was an occasion last year when I got sunburn on my ears.

Must admit I'd been googling, and had convinced myself I had skin cancer, and had envisaged them having to lop bits of my ear off, so I'm relieved it's not serious, but will take it as a warning.


While I was there I also showed him a couple of large uneven moles on my back. He said they were completely benign, but he squirted liquid nitrogen at those as well.

I'm not a sun worshipper, and never work without at least a T-shirt, but I remember getting bad sunburn on my back when I was a child.


As a 3 for 1 deal I also showed him my big toenails which are thickened due to fungal infection. He resisted squirting those with liquid nitrogen but instead prescribed me a course of anti-fungal tablets, which I've got to take for three months.


Carvery again Hicky? I suppose it saves on the cooking?


Four Rooms and then Apprentice tonight.



My mower has a developed funny fault. It's got a 'dead man's handle' that cuts the engine out when you let go of it. But for some reason it's stopped working, and the engine continues to run.

The cable seems fine, and the lever still works, but it just won't brake the blades and engine any more.

Not too serious, I suppoe, as long as I don't forget and puts my hands in at the wrong time.


Local elections in Scotland tomorrow. I'll have to remember to vote.


Morning Everyone.


Morning Emptybox.


I'm at work, was hoping to be off but they wanted me in.


Wonder what this liquid Nitrogen does?


Maybe your in Norway and don't realise.


I've got a blotch on my forehead, keep my eye on it though, scary.


I think the weather is good at home today, can't be helped.


My tube of thermal paste came, from Germany, thats sorted now, have told Amazon that the part didn't fit, i'll see what transpires, not bothered really, it was only ÂĢ8 but the other one i bought that fitted was ÂĢ17.


I saw half of the Peter Andre show, his brother with the cancer and Peter doing the house up.


Just remembered, got my delivery of 150 Fat Balls for the birds.


And i thought i had lost all the fruit from the Plum tree with the frost as it blossomed a long time ago before all the other fruit trees.

I was expecting to see some form of embryonic bulb at the back of the flower when it died off but nothing, there was hundreds of flowers, which is what i have on the Cherry and Apple now.


Anyway, after a month there is signs of something happening, so it might be ok.

Could be a bumper crop now.

Last edited by Hicky

Good morning both



I had to at you not being able to eat your carvary because you had already eaten too much, Sounds like you just couldn't resist that fishfood. Where did you get your fat balls from? We use a lot of those, get some gorgous birds eating them from our birdtable. Robins, all sorts of tits and even a couple of doves are coming. Hope your fruit trees are ok.



Sorry you had been worried about your ears. But I am glad you can feel relieved now by knowing it is nothing to worry about. Yes, best to ditch the cap and start a collection of nice wide brimmed ones for really hot days you are in the sun all day. When we were in Australia all of the kids had to wear those sort of hats all year round, else they weren't allowed out to play. I'll see if I can see one for you when I next go to Primark, they are cheap there, but good stuff. You know I like clothes shopping. There have been studies showing suncream chemicals aren't that  good, but are good money spinners for companies, so your hat will do the job best for you. But I don't think the sun can do you much harm in this country unless you really burn your skin. In fact I have been reading most of us have bad Vitamin D deficiency from avoiding the sun too much and using that cream. I'd keep those ears well covered now, even on days when sun is not too strong, or it is a bit cloudy, because the doc has nitrogened them, so it will be new skin exposed for awhile. Interesting about your toenail,my oldest lad has developed this too, but wont go to docs, so I have got him something to apply to the nail when I can talk him into it. I think it is very common.Hope the tablets clear it up well for you.

Hope it is dry enough for you to get in your gardens today.


Hicky..I haven't watched Peter Andre yet because the Apprentice was on same time, will watch it tonight. I see in my Heat that Katie is trying to sue him and his company now and the court case is going to get nasty. Poor Pete has a lot on his plate right now.


Damp and cloudy today, yesterday it was lovely warm and sunny, so I sat in the sun for awhile, dug out the shorts and T shirt again. Back to the jumper again today though.


Lots of paperwork today to do for VAT period and end of year accounts. And have to go to town too.


have a good day both x


Hi Hicky.

Pity you've got to work today.

I'm going out myself in a minute, but it's a bit dull and over-cast today.


That's good that the thermal paste came. And good that it looks like your plums will be OK.


This is what the doctor said I have on my ear - Actinic (or Solar) Keratosis 

If it's not treated it occasionally turns into skin cancer seemingly. The liquid nitrogen kills off the damaged surface skin and allows new skin to grow.

The moles on my back were what's called Seborrheic Keratosis, and are not dangerous at all.

The liquid nitrogen has made the ones on my back red and raised, so that seems to be working, but I can't see any change on my ear so I might have to go back to the doc. I have to go back for more tablets in a month anyway.


Hi Mollie.

I've got a floppy hat with a brim, but I rarely wear it because it's not very stylish, but I guess I'll just have to start.

Also my Dad liked those wide brimmed straw hats, so I've still got a few of those around the place.


The doc told me those anti-fungal treatments that you paint on 'Curanail' etc, aren't very effective, and the tablets are the best. Terbinafine they are called. You may only be able to get them on prescription though, because they have a long list of possible side effects that you've got to look out for.

I was quite surprised that my prescription was free. I think all prescriptions in Scotland are now free, but it's so long since I needed one that I hadn't noticed.

Last edited by emptybox

Good Afternoon Mollie and Emptybox.


These are the fat balls Mollie, i got the 150 pack, they aren't in a green net, but i didn't want that anyway.


Didn't know Katie was going to sue him, think she's getting married again as well.


All my vat is done and paid anyway, out of the way.

Till next time.


Hope your ear will be OK Emptybox.

I got an awful lot of sun when i was young, also in Singapore as well.


My mark on my forehead seems pretty dead, was going to leave it until someone said something.


Been easy at work today anyway.




Well it turned into a lovely sunny afternoon, so I got a lot done and worked till 7pm.

Don't think it'll be as nice tomorrow.

And yes, I wore my floppy hat with the brim.


I guess you should keep an eye on any skin patches Hicky. But if it stays the same for years then it's probably reasonably safe?


Did you bother to vote?

Rather a complicated paper here, you had to put numbers against the candidates in order of preference.


Really enjoyed Long Lost Family.


Evening Emptybox.


Not very nice here today, slight drizzle most of the time.


I do a postal vote now, it's a lot easier.


With labour they will just spend spend spend, it's just as well be have the Cons in here at least we might pay back some of the money labour borrowed.


If we had a labour government now we would be in the same mess as most countries who can't even afford to pay the interest on their debts.


Went out for Brekki with O/H this morning, very nice.


Going to go for Brekki with my lad and his little ones in the morning.


Going to get another Sun shade thingy from B&Q tomorrow and some more Decking wood.

I need a new base for my Sun shade, the base is ÂĢ20 or a new complete, a 4m one is only ÂĢ49 before the 20%.


If you spend ÂĢ100 over the weekend you get 20% off.


Hi Hicky.

Hope you enjoyed your brekkie, and managed to get your new sunshade.

I should really get one of those for my outside table. I've used the same umbrella thing for years, but it's getting really shabby now.

Mind you, I hardly ever sit out anyway.


Not bad day here. Frosty start then a cold morning, but sunshine and quite warm this afternoon. I decided not to do any of my customers, and I planted my own potatoes and gave my own garden a much needed tidy up.

Can't have my own garden overwhelmed by weeds.

The customers will have to wait til Monday, if I decide to work on the bank holiday (I should really).


Looking forward to The Voice and BGT tonight.


Are you having a good weekend Mollie?


Hi both x



Hope your ears are ok, I read your links, very interesting, looks like we get all sorts of marks and lesions as we got older. Glad you remembered to cover your new skin with your floppy hat.. Hicky...My OH also has a funny mark on his head, so he just keeps an eye on it. Emptybox..Maybe you can't expect the skin to react the same on your ears as your skin on your back did? But like you say when you are next at the docs you can check. Handy that you get free prescriptions there, we do in Wales too. 

You had a long work day working till 7pm the other day, but I think you are wise to take advantage of being able to get on with things when the weather is good.



Thanks for the fat balls link. They are a very good price from there. Hope you enjoyed your brekkie out with your lad and the littlies and you got what you needed from B and Q. That is good you get money off this weekend.


Glad you had good weather today Emptybox, we did too. Yes your own garden is important too, especially sorting out your potatoes.


I have had a busy couple of days, my mum has to move out of where she is, the owner's wife died, and he is having problems hitting the bottle from the stress. Very sad really. We saw a flat today, and am looking for others to check too.

Went to brekkie in Asda today.


Enjoyed the Voice, thought it was better than last week and also enjoyed BGT. Looking forward to watching it all week.


Hope you both are having a good evening x



Mixed day here weatherwise. Some sun, but also a bit of rain.

Went to the supermarket as usual and now I've some ironing to do.


What a nuisance that your Mum has to move again Mollie. She must have only started to get settled in her present place?


I suppose it's more BGT tonight?

Seemingly BB starts again on the 7th June (can't remember if Hicky has already said this )


Evening Emptybox.


Had a great brekki, the baby eats his sausage ion toast faster than his 5yr old brother.


Went to B&Q got the decking and the 4m Sun Parasol.

This one.

My lad got one as well.


Saw some of the Voice, and some of BGT.



Finished yesterdays curry off


Chilly outside today.


Grass is getting long, next door burning his cut off trees in a wood burning bin with holes in.


I thought i posted this Saturday Night.



Evening Both.


Not a bad day here really, plenty of Sun just a little cloud.


Put the Parasol up temporary, easy to move though.


Been doing some work in the garden, wend over to my lads to do a bit of work with him, he's got loads to do.


Lent my neighbour some tools as he's getting rid of a load of shrubs etc.


He's trying to gain some more of his garden as 10ft was lost on the width and 10ft lost on the length.


Thats bad news about your Mum Mollie, there's always something, not a lot you can do about it, she's just have to move.


It certainly looks like BB starts June 7th, sure i posted that a long time ago.


Forecast isn't so good for tomorrow.


Good evening all



Aaawww how cute is that baby. What lovely piccies, I can see by his little face how much he enjoys his food.  I love his Thomas Tank top, I bet Emptybox would love to wear one like that.

Well the forecasters were right about the bad weather today, we have certainly had some heavy rain.

That looks a nice sunshade, fingers crossed you get lots and lots of use out of it this summer. Sounds like your neighbour is working hard on improving the garden. How come he has lost all that off his garden? Is it purely because of bushes overgrowing it?


Thanks for the BB link, only a month to go now. I take it we will not be getting full livefeed again?  I used to love that.



was it a wet Bank Hol Monday up there too? Did you do gardens or take the day off?


We have been busy last 3 days driving round flats from the outside to see what place is best for my mum. Seen inside a few, but can't view inside most till agents open and I can make appoitment though.


Last night we went to the caravan park fireworks display on the seafront. It was lovely and all free. They set them off over the sea, so they look really impressive. There is this bit of land that sticks out into the sea, so they set up there. We were sitting high up on the bar extension over the sea, so had a great view. But it was freezing waiting for it to start. So I had to guzzle down a couple of glasses of wine, to warm me up, even though I had my coat, scarf and hat on. My excuse anyway. Then after we had chips out of paper on sefaront, huge portions because they were getting rid of them before they closed. We still ate them all though.


What great tv this week with BGT on all week, how cute was the dog last night. I enjoyed the boy choir too, they were in our local paper because they are from not far from here. Shame the boy group just missed out though, thought they were good, and shame we lost the lady impressonator a while back. , I liked her.


Hope you both had a good holiday Monday.

enjoy your evening. xx






It was cold windy and showery here, so I didn't do any work in the end.


There's a child that appreciates his food Hicky.


Hope you find a nice flat for your Mum Mollie. Must have been frustrating today, with most places closed?


Glad you enjoyed the fireworks display, even though it was chilly.


Enjoying BGT. Liked the opera singing duo best tonight.


Evening Both.


He sure is a super little lad. pretty bright as well.


Had a fantastic Carvery though, gorgeous Beef and thick dark gravy, i just have Cauliflower cheese, Roasties, stuffing, peas and gravy.


The weather has been disappointing today.

Did some work in the garden, planted 5 flower tubs that are in the wooden bplanters attached to the trellis frames that the vines are on.


I've put 4 flowers in each one, still have 25 left.


The peas are doing ok, the Plums looks as though they are plentiful.

The Pear tree seems full.

Will have to thin out of course.


I was giving my new neighbour a hand getting a tree stripped of branches, it it reaching up into the phone wires, we want it down.

Took branches off till my bin was full.

Will carry on when the bin is emptied.


Fancy seeing Fireworks at this time of the year Mollie.


When you have 10ft of trees all round your garden you lose an awful lot of good space.


The neighbour has such a lot too do, he has leaks up on the top floor from the complex roof system.

He needs a new kitchen & Bathroom, lots to do in the garden as well.



Work tomorrow anyway.

Last edited by Hicky

Evening Both.


Knew it would be a nice day if i was at work.


Wasn't too busy but Gaga was slow doing anything.


My Spuds are peeping through, read a report that said keep earthing them up as they appear, might do that.

I normally wait until they are 4" high but it becomes difficult then.


The tyre tread measurer has arrived, also the roof rack bars as well.


Been watching Great British Menu, now BGT.


Going to Morrison's in the morning for brekki with O/H.

Going to see if DIL wants to bring Baby as well, he loves it.


Have told the watering computer to suspend watering until further notice.


Can't see a day without rain for a week.




Dry this morning, but rain in the afternoon.

I got a bit done before the heavens opened.


I'm having trouble with posting on Gaga with my tablet PC. I type away and nothing appears in the posting box, so I find I have to press reply, and it complains that I haven't provided a comment, but after that it works fine. Very strange.


Pleased your bits and pieces came today Hicky.

That sounds like some job you've taken on, chopping the branches off your neighbour's tree?


I sent away for a leather watch strap from Ebay.

I was left a watch by my Granny (in 1990). It had originally been presented to my Grandpa on his retirement in 1956, and has a nice inscription on the back. After his death in 1971, my Granny wore it herself, and had an expandable bracelet fitted to it. Unfortunately that meant it was too tight for me to wear, and although I treasured it, I just kept it in a drawer.

I  just happened to be reminiscing with my Uncle on the phone, and the watch was mentioned.

That inspired me to send away for a strap so I could wear it sometimes.


Good evening both



yes that was just typicial that it rained all day bank hol , then the next day, the sun comes out.   Sounds like you have been busy in your garden and helping the neighbour too. Your neighbour has a lot of work to do on the house and garden by the sound of it. Hope you enjoyed your brekkie out today. You have certainly got  a very keen companion for brekkie with the baby.

LOL at you suspending the computer watering system. Looks like its duties are not needed for awhile.



Glad you managed to get a bit done before the rains came yesterday. How are you coping workload wise? Are you behind or up to date?

That is a good idea to send for a strap so you can wear the watch, nice to have something like that that means something because it was handed down your family.


I too am enjoying BGT great to have something good to watch on tv each night. Yes the 2 opera singers were great.


Had a hectic few days again, we are going to view another flat tommorow for my mum, Ground floor which is what she wants. Have loads of paperwork to do because it is VAT quarter and new trading year too. And to add to it landlady been round yet again to try and sort the damp and she wants the agent to come and "inspect" us too, which is a waste of time because she has been round most of the house on frequent occasions and can plainly see we have done nothing wrong.


I was too busy to take dog out today, and it was also raining too.


Glad to sit and enjoy relaxing in front of tv tonight, We have decided to record The Apprentice. Which show are you both watching tonight?


have a good evening both. x





Hi Mollie.

You've been busy. The last thing you need is an agents inspection, when you want to be concentrating on finding a place for your Mum.


A lovely day here, so I got a lot done. I'm more or less up  to date at the mo.

Don't think the weather tomorrow is going to be up to much.


After ordering that watch strap, I've found that the watch doesn't actually keep good time. It seems to be losing about 15 minutes a day.

However, it'll look better with a proper strap anyway.


I'm watching the Apprentice and I'll nip back over to ITV to see who gets through on BGT.


Morning Both.


Rained again last night, doesn't look good at all today.


Gaga often plays up for me as well.

Last week was replying but the 'Submit Reply' button was not there.

One day i copied the post, cancelled it and went back a page and replied and it worked.


It's nice to have a watch to remind you of someone.

I just love the Stainless link Straps, wouldn't have expanding though, and never sleep with a watch on.


My Electric Saw was very handy for the neighbour, with all those tree's it saves a lot of hard work


Will be using it for the next stage of this Fur tree that is sticking up into the telephone wires.


Iff all these flowers on the cherry tree pollinate we will have a good crop, it's only a small tree, about 2m at the Mo.


Hope you get your Mum sorted soon, not easy though.


Enjoyed the Apprentice last night.

Saw some of BGT as well.


If you watch is losing time Emptybox it probably needs cleaning and re-timing, not an easy job, or cheap.


Not too busy today, 1 boss is still away, the other is very busy.



Pouring with rain all day. No chance of doing anything.

Caught up on my housework.


I see you've been advising Aisleyne on her next car purchase Hicky.

Bet your neighbour finds you and your saw invaluable.


There seems to be endless programmes on just now, about hoarders. I think they're fascinating, but you can have too much of a good thing.

BGT was OK, I forgot to switch back to see who got through though. I haven't bothered to vote for anyone.


I don't think I'll spend any money on the watch. The glass is scratched and the face marked, so it would probably be expensive  to fix. But it's just nice to have it. It seems to be keeping better time today. It's only lost a couple of minutes. It hadn't been wound for maybe 10 years, so perhaps needed a few days to settle down? I'll keep winding it for the moment anyway.


Afternoon Both.


All new login on DS and here now.

Have linked accounts with Facebook.


Not nice at all today.

Too much wind for a start.


Need to earth up my spuds as well.


Yes, Aisleyne was saying she fancied the new Range Rover Evoque so i sent her the details to look at.

And of course advised on an Auto Diesel as well.


I didn't switch back either but saw on the after show the swimmers and can't remember who else.


With the watch it might be better to ask a watch repairer if it's worth getting it fixed, new glass, cleaning etc, if it's a very good watch it may be worth it.


You don't get wind up watches anymore do you?, they are all electric now.

Mechanical can't keep the time.


Hi Hicky.

Pouring again here. Useless.

I had one place that specially wanted cut before the weekend, so they won't be pleased. Might try and do them tomorrow morning?


Not sure what you mean by new logins? I was asked to accept some terms and conditions on here yesterday, but I haven't had any change on DS?


The swimmers got through on BGT? That surprises me. I can't see them lugging that tank onstage for the Royal Variety performance, and I can't see HRH going out to look at them in the carpark?


The watch isn't what you'd call a very good one. It is a gold one, but not by a well known name. I looked on Ebay and there were a few in good condition going for between ÂĢ200 and ÂĢ400, but how much it would cost me to get it to that standard is anyone's guess? I'll see what it looks like when I've fitted the strap.


So no BGT tonight?


Good evening both



I copied you and went to the carvery for tea tonight. Very nice, I had the veggie brie, mushroom and broccili pastry, and lots of lovely help yourself veggies.

I bet your neighbour was glad of your electric saw to help out. Do you reckon those cherry flowers mean you should get some good cherries in summer, or is it autumn? I love cherries. The yellowish ones are really nice but very expensive, and they don't come out for long. But i bet ones grown in your own garden, are the best.



Hope you have more luck with the weather and doing that important job tomororw. HOpefully the weather forecast sounds promising for you to do that. Your watch sounds like it might calm down soon and keep the right time now, hope so anyway. You will have to take a picie of it if the new strap looks good on it.


Yes BGT really good, and very puzzling how they would present the girl swimmers at the variety show if they won.   As you say, that would be a bit bad dragging HRH out to the car park, especialy if it was raining.


I too had to sign in and verify who I was to get on here.


Have found a flat in over 55's complex for my mum. It is only small, but hopefully it will be ok for her, because it is not far from me. Now we have all the paperwork to sort out, which won't be easy. I am exhausted with all the running around.


We are planning on going to wsm tomorrow because good weather forecast, so I will remember to try and look up Aaron's cafe/pub. We are taking the dog, so won't be able to go inside.


Wonder who will win BGT?

There are 2 in the final who come from within a few miles of where we live right now. They are Only Boys Aloud, who I think are excellent, and the New Skool, dance group.

I also like the girl and the dog, and love the opera singers too, should be a good nights viewing.


Goodnight both xxx

Originally Posted by emptybox:

Hi Mollie.

I hope the flat for your Mum works out.


Enjoy Weston tomorrow. I hope you find Aaron and Faye's place OK.


Not sure who I want to win BGT? Not sure if there are any stand-out singers? I suppose I wouldn't mind if the lassie with the wee dug wins.

Thanks Emptybox

I think I know where their bar is, so will try and remember to go.


I too wouldn't mind seeing the girl and dog win, they are so sweet together.





A lovely day here. Sunny and quite warm.

I got the job I wanted to done, plus I cut my own grass.


The watch strap came, and I fitted it. I think it looks really good.

I've put some photos in the dialog thread, if you want to see.

Not sure if I can be bothered to wind it up every day though? It's a long time since I had to do that.


Hope you had a good day in Weston Mollie?


I'm glad Ashleigh and Pudsey won BGT, but I think perhaps the opera pair should have got it? But either way it was good.

Seems a bot OTT to give them Â― ÂĢmillion? Buy a lot of dog biscuits that?


Now watching my recording of The Voice.


Evening Both.


It's not been too bad today, wind spoilt it.


Saw the watch & the Granddad picture, both items are nice to keep in the family, they play a real part of your history.


I liked the girl and dog on BGT but they should never have won, what a waste.


Haven't bothered with the Voice.


Took my lad and his lot fro brekki yesterday, then last night me & O/H went to Marigolds in West Kirby for Fish & Chips, fantastic.


Little one had a Birthday cake this afternoon, wow, he loved that.


I've been earthing my spuds up again, every few days i think it needs it.


Had to buy some more bits for my watering system, have had to split the main water lines onto 2 computers as the low pressure feed from 1 computer isn't enough for all the water jets i have in the pots.


Am trying to balance the load of the water jets so that each one can be set as i need.


I got my lad to cut the grass, he's not impressed with my mower, might have to get a new one.


Hope the flat is ok for your Mum Mollie.


How did WSM go?


Work tomorrow.



Hi both xx



is the little fella a year old now? Sounds like you have a good chippy at West Kirby, now you have had fish and chips I expect it won't be long till I suggest we go to our chippie. Hope work was not too busy today. Why is he not impressed with your mower? Is it too slow?



Glad you too got the sun on Saturday meaning you could get that job done. Thanks for putting the watch piccies on, will go and look at them in a mo.

I forgot to record the Voice and as we went to a great singing concert last night in Cardiff (saw Rhydian sing amongst others), and was in wsm on Saturday. I usually watch it. Was it good this week?


Loved BGT, doggie and girl both cute, Jonathan great, and pleased to see the boys choir do so well.


Busy day..Spent an hour in estate agents doing forms for mums flat, such a pain, they have charged her ÂĢ200 already to do paperwork, and more to come when they pass her the keys, and they will of charged the landlord fees too. What a rip off. Still hopefully it won't be long till we get her in there ,agent says it takes 7 - 10 days to do paperwork.

OUr agent came to inspect us today, she said that yes we were good tenants, and agreed the LL should not keep calling in without notice, which she has been. House is immaculate now, but me and OH exhausted from big clean. Won't stay like this for long with 5 of us and 2 pets though.

Tonight it was late when agent left, and we were so exhausted with all the cleaning, I didn't feel like cooking, so, as the dog needed a walk we all had a Subway on the seafront for dinner.  Double cheese, salad, mayo and sweet onion sauce for me, and a 12 incher at that.  The family had chicken, bacon and cheese on theirs. mine was yummy, it was very windy, but at least it was dry.


Had a nice day in wsm. Walked on beach with our  friends and their gorge golden retriever pup, and ate chips, hot do-nuts and icecream on the pier. I searched out Aaron's bar, but its not in a good position, it is in a street away from main tourist streets, with many shops closed down in that road. The door was open, my family didn't fancy going in, despite the fact it was a busy day tourist wise, there was only 1 person in Aaron's bar cafe, and that was the barmaid. I hope Aaron has not wasted his money on this venture.

My lappy playing up rotten.

the cable fits in left hand side, and it is like the hole has grown too big for it, because it keeps popping out. Battery has never charged up properly so it  sometimes turns off.  OH thinks a new cable might solve it, but I am concerned we might be wasting our money on a new cable thing, because  it could be the hole in the lappy being too big.

What do you think?  Have you come across this before?

Have a good evening both xx


Evening both.


Not too bad here. A few showers, one of them hail.


The Voice was OK in places and boring in other places.


My spuds aren't up yet, so I'm not worrying about frosts, but I'm keeping an eye for them popping through.

I haven't put my tomatoes into the greenhouse yet because the temps still get very close to zero some nights.


What problems are you having with your mower Hicky? (not that I'm likely to be able to help )

I see the BGT girl with the dog is thinking of setting up an agency for showbiz animals


Glad your agent thinks you are good tenants Mollie. Hopefully you won't get so much interference from now on.

Hope all the hassle surrounding your Mum's flat is worth it, and she is happy there.


Must admit I have my doubts about Aaron's bar venture, but I think it is busy on certain nights. But I hope they haven't sunk all their money into it.


Watching 56 UP. I think that it's a great series, following a group of people through their lives. I was too young to watch the first one (7 Up), but I've watched them all since.


Not sure about your laptop Mollie? I presume you mean the power cable. It could be that some pins have got bent in the socket? But it might just be that you need a new battery for the laptop? That wouldn't be too expensive, and would be very easy to fit. Wouldn't think it would be the cable at fault, but you never know? It would be the cheapest thing to try first though.


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Having trouble with my eye so can't see too well. might be a short post.


Grandson is 1 year old, great lad.


The mower isn't picking enough grass up fast enough.


Talking about your lappy, I think problem may be power cable or maybe the socket in the lappy has been pushed in a bit.

Never heard os a plug changing, except for the socket opening a bit, but maybe you can close the brass/copper hole up a bit to give a better connection.

The clip that connects in the lead my have opened a bit.

I have had a plug that had big holes that gave a bad connection.


Haven't you got a greenhouse heater Emptybox?, i'v got mine in the summerhouse now, keeps the temperature to a minimum of 10C.


Been earthing up the spuds and the birds have been unearthing them.


Got my 100m of small watering tube, will start redoing some of the watering jets.


Went out for tea, had soup and a Gammon dinner.


Eye playing up, went to Hospital A&E, have a scratch on it, darn it, got stuff to put in 4 times a day.


Hi Hicky.


Sorry to hear about your eye.

Did you injure it in the garden? Have you been given a patch to wear, or is it just drops or cream?


Not too bad here today. Got quite a bit done. I thought I was going to be caught in a heavy hail shower, but we only got a few stones before it blew over.


I haven't got a greenhouse heater. The toms might as well stay on the window-sill until the chance of frosts have gone. They're not too leggy yet anyway.


I've got to take my Jag to the garage first thing tomorrow for it's MoT and service. I think the brakes may need some attention.


I wouldn't have thought you needed a very powerful mower for your little area Hicky. It's a very level and even patch as well. Or at least it looks that way in the photos? You could always get one of these robotic mowers that creep about by themselves cutting the grass.






oh dear , sorry to hear about your eye. HOpe you weren't waiting too long in A and E, and hope it gets better soon. What did you do to it? Where did you go for tea?  Was it Hungry Horse?



what a good idea for the young girl to set up an animal training business, she obviously has a talent for that, and she has plenty of available finance now to do this.

Yes good idea to take care of your tomatoes because it is very cold for May. I have dug out my thick coat again today to take the dog a walk down the seafront and I indulged in a nice hot latte instead of an ice cream today.

Maybe Aaron is bringing some money in during night times then, to make up for no one in the day, I don't think it will be ever worth him paying wages to open in the day, hardly anyone walks down there in the day.


Thanks both for your hints on my lappy, I will tell OH what you said, and see if he can look at that, I am fed up of having to keep changing the sellotape on it, just to keep the plug in place.



I too watched 56o, really interesting, I too have seen some of them in the past. Not much on tv tonight, so I caught up with last weeks Apprentice and a Steps episode.


goodnight both. xx


hope your eye is improved tomorrow Hicky.


Good afternoon both x



hope your eye is ok today.



hope it is nice and dry so you don't get behind work wise.


Nice and sunny here so far today.


Did you see the new BB ad on Monday night?

I did.   So I am looking forward to it now. The ad was game oreintated, to fit in with olympics, I guess. One of my mum's friends is 80, and she has been asked to carry to torch for 300 metres. We had a flyer through our door giving us a timetable for when the torch comes round here.


Have a good day both, taking dog out walk in a mo,

I keep putting off the VAT, but must try and get on with that today.


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