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Good evening both



hope it was a bit drier for you today.

It was not too bad here today, we did have a very heavy hailstorm though,but we still managed to take the dog down the seafront, Hardly anyone around because the wind was so strong, so it was back to my hat and fur lined hooded coat for me, and a nice warm latte to drink outside the cafe.  

Hope you enjoyed the sphag bol tonight, I had jacket potato beans and cheese, followed by raspberry mess. Very nice.


Hope Hicky had a good Saturday, and got what he wanted from the market.


I thought The Voice was great tonight, didn't you? I like all of the judges, Tom is my fave though. Some pretty good voices on it. I too enjoyed BGT, I liked the femaie impersonator, good to see an act that is a bit different.


have a good evening both. x



Originally Posted by emptybox:
Mollie, I think your geography is a bit off? It's the Bristol Channel you can see from Cardiff.Not the South Paciffic.



we did enjoy the performance, I particulay enjoyed the 2 manly nekked botties coming out of the shower, just before the girls sang "I'm gonna wash that man right out of my hair"..


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


I'll have to measure up to see what is needed as far as Tonnage is concerned of the rubber granules, still need some more wood but it was raining Wednesday so didn't bother going to B&Q.


Got the Saltfish and Dressed Crab, fantastic, got the same for my lad as well.


Got new neighbours moving in next door, it's been empty for nearly 12 months.


Have planted some Potatoes, only 3 rows 2m long each.


Planted my Beetroot as well, and the Peas.

My Neighbour gave me 3 small Gooseberry cuttings she had grown so i've put them into 3 pots.


It's great having the Bird Bath on auto filling, saves me some work, it fills and changes the water 4 times a day.


Saw The Voice, not keen on this competing lark.


Evening guys.

Just watching my recording of the Voice, so can't give you my verdict yet.


Some very heavy showers here today. I didn't do any gardening,but my neighbour was trying to get his grass cut and kept having to stop and come inside.


That's brave Hicky, putting your spuds in, but I guess it's that bit milder with you.


Glad you got your dog walk in Mollie, even if you had to wrap up warm.

Yes I enjoyed my usual spag bol.


Evening Emptybox.


Rain here early on, it cleared up but stopped my watering system tonight.


Had an easy day really.

The bloke buying the house next door with his wife and little one used to go to school with my lads and knows them all.


He's started taking most of the bushes along the fence line, great.

They are a real nuisance.



The spuds are well below the surface so shouldn't be effected by a bit of cold.

The vines are looking good, can see some fruit appearing one one of them.


The Cherry and the Apple tree are in bloom


Have just made a madras curry, had some chicken left over so though i would use it up.


I watched the F1 race. next is The Voice, not impressed with the way it's working though.


Good evening both



Glad you enjoyed your spag bol. Your neighbour was a bit daft trying to cut his grass in all the showers, think you had the better idea, giving it a break. Hope you get some dry spells this week so you dont fall too behind though.



Bet you will enjoy your saltfish.

That is nice of your neighbour to give you some cuttings, hope they do will do well. I think a bit of gooseberry crumble could be nice and yummy.

Madras...., isn't that the real hot stuff, my limit is a bit of korma, which my daughter tells me is so mild, you can't even really count it as curry.

What a coincidence that your new neigbours went to school with your lads. How come the owners left the house empty for so long? That is good that your neighbour is tidying up those bushes too.


My son was back at drama today, they are to do an ordinary play next..., maybe Shakespeare. Trouble is I usually fall asleep in Shakespeare.  
The last Shakespeare I saw was Hamlet, the theatre in Cardiff couldn't sell the tickets so we had them for free. It seemed to go on forever, and I fell asleep and I said to the kids in the interval, shall we go now, but they wanted to stay , so I thought I better too.  

When we took doggie a walk today, it was again blowing a gale on the seafront again, but dry. I love it when it is like that, and the sea is rough, there was hardly anyone around again, I just put my 4 layers and hat on, and off we go. The dog loves the wind. She can only go on the beach for one more week now before Summer timetable means no dogs, so have to make most of it.  We had plenty of sharp heavy showers too but managed to avoid them., but i guess it is to be expected as it is April. 

Watched the Voice again, I didn't think the standard was as high tonight as last night though. But I agree Hicky, in that I am not too keen on how they are put up against each other, not nice they way they are encouraged to battle and outshout each other.

Goodnight both x


Good Morning Mollie & Emptybox.


It's letting me post on here again ok.

A working day for me today.


Doesn't look like too bad a day here 12 deg max 5 min.


No idea how anyone will be able to decide who is the best in this Voice contest, they are all the same aren't they?

How could you say 1 is better than the other when they are all so good.


My grass is getting a bit long but don't fancy cutting it while it's so wet.


I've re-potted the Gooseberry cuttings into new pots, will see how they get on.


Madras is pretty hot, about as hot as i can go these days.


My Neighbour wants to reclaim more of his garden, it had 10ft of bushes on 3 sides, thats a lot to lose with no benefit.


I would fall asleep in Shakespeare as well Mollie.


Hope your neck is improving Mollie, can you turn it any better yet?


Have a good day Both of you, a may be a bit busy here.



Happy St Georges day.

(not sure, are you in England Emptybox?).



glad you can get on here at work now.

HOpe you manage to get a bit of free time even though you have a busy work day today.

The movement in my neck does seem to be a bit better than it was thanks, but I guess I just have to be patient. Am due to see consultant again, so will see what he says.

How are you coping with your new inhaler now? does it suit you ok now?


Yes, I dont know how they choose between the 2 on the Voice, there are certainly some good singers around.


took dog a walk, it was very windy, and there was  a bit of drizzle but not much thankfully.


Not much on tv tonight other than double Corrie, which I do enjoy.

May watch Embaressing Bodies, even if it does make me cringe sometimes.


Wonder when BB starts, hope we don't have to wait until September this time.


Hope Emptybox managed to get a few lawns done inbetween the showers.


Have a good day x


Hi Mollie and Hicky.

Very showery again today. Every time I was thinking of going out the clouds rolled in again.

I got the end of year accounts done though.


Am I in England? Really Mollie?

I know your geography is a bit ropey, but surely you know which country is which?

For your future information, you are in Wales, Hicky is in England, and I'm in Scotland.


Watched Jungle Giants. Not as good as previously. Now I'm enjoying Scott and Bailey on ITV1.


That'll make a big difference to your new neighbour's garden Hicky, getting rid of all those bushes.



thanks for the geography lesson. I know you lived in the Scottish borders, but did not know whether that meant England bordering Scotland, or Scotland bordering England side.   As you can guess, I never used to listen in school, hated it, always sat at the back chatting about make up, clothes and boys.  

Shame about the weather as it will mean you get behind on those lawns, whilst they grow even quicker with the rain. Hope for a better day for tomorrow, but at least it is good that you got the year accounts done.


I'd better not mention the stockmarket, had I?  Nor gold either... looks like all this EU overspending is coming home to roost..


Goodnight both x




Good evening both


Hope you are both having a good day.


Have you been busy on your day off Hicky?


Hope the weather was ok for you to get in your gardens Emptybox.


Bad weather forecast for today here, but luckily the rain did not surface here, it does rain a lot less on the coast than it did when we lived in the valleys, think the hills hold the rain clouds more.

So I got my washing dried on the line, and took the dog a nice walk in the sun.

Have lots of paperwork to catch up on , but keep finding excuses not to do it.


Am watching Supefat now, then looking forward to the last episode of the Syndicate, what a good series this has been.


Have a good evening. x



Hi Mollie and Hicky.

Not good weather here.


Very heavy showers this morning.

I went out this afternoon because I felt I really had to get something done, but I was caught in a heavy hail shower and had to stop. Got one place done anyway.


Glad you escaped the rain Mollie, and got your dog walk in.

I'm just watching the Syndicate now.


Morning Mollie & Emptybox.


Mustn't have posted yesterday, strange.


It wasn't bad at all yesterday, but today and tomorrow it says rain.


Was going to cut the grass yesterday as well, oh well, never mind.


The Apprentice tonight anyway, not a lot on the TV, i just switch around having a look whats on.


Don't watch Embarrassing Bodies, not that interesting to me.

The bodies i look at aren't in such a mess.


BB is supposed to start 7th June for 10 weeks followed by CBB before the end of the year.


Jungle Giants was good Emptybox, i enjoy those programs.


I had a lovely Chicken & King Prawn Laksa, used to get them in Singapore, had a nice one in Ilford as well.

Followed by a Singapore Chicken & King Prawn Noodles, yummy.

Followed by 2 x Apple Turnovers.


My Lad is in Kuala Lumpa at the Mo having a few days holiday before returning to Perth for a meeting then on to Darwin then back to Singapore en-route to Sumatra.

I told you he had a meeting in Jakarta didn't i?

He posted a few pictures on his Facebook, will have to try and find them.

His Profile:


Shouldn't be too busy at work.


Brought a Toffee cake, some choc fudge, Squeezable Syrup & Cream Eggs for the ladies in the canteen.


They are always bring stuff so i like to treat them.

They have the Syrup on toast and Porridge.



Last edited by Hicky

Good evening both x



I bet the canteen ladies were well pleased to see you laden with all those lovely goodies. I know I would be.

Thanks for your lads linked in, Very interesting, he certainly has plenty to offer. My OH is in that linked in too.I'd love to see your lads piccies, you can safely put any in our private bit if you prefer. Hope he enjoys Kuola Lumpa. Thanks for the BB dates, wish they would bring back livefeed, I loved watching that whilst ironing on a hot day.

Hope you can get your grass cut soon.



good job you managed to get at least one job done yesterday.

It wasn't too wet here today, plenty of gaps between the showers , so we took dog walk to beach.Hope you got out ok today.

I really enjoyed the Syndicate series, didn't you?


Also enjoyed 4 Rooms tonight, some interesting stuff. Wasn't keen on Embarassing bodies though, switched that over.


The Aprrentice time now.


have a good evening both x





A rare dry day here so I got quite a bit done. But everything was soaking wet because of the previous rain. And it's been raining again this evening.


Really enjoyed The Apprentice, especially as they were in Edinburgh, so I knew the locations.

I thought Adam should have gone really. He's hopeless.


Hi Hicky, I saw the piccies of your lad that you posted on Facebook.

You don't half spoil those canteen ladies, but I suppose when you love your grub as much as you do, then it makes sense?


I've never seen that Linkedin site before. Is it just like Facebook?


Hi Mollie. I did like The Syndicate, although I didn't really like any of the characters apart from Bob, and the girl from Gavin & Stacey.

Watched Four Rooms again tonight, now I'm watching the thing about the Turtle Boy.


Afternoon Mollie & Emptybox.


No sun here yet, just light rain on and off.


The Toffee cake was lovely, in the press shop canteen on the roof there's only 3 of them that work there, been there for years.

We all have brekki together and usually someone has brought something in to share.


I've never used that Linked in but it seems popular, not even sure what is is really.


I watched The Apprentice, don't think the girl should have gone but LS doesn't seem to get at the truth.


My Lad goes to Perth tomorrow, then Darwin and back to Sumatra on the 5th.


I saw that program about the Turtle Boy, unbelievable what can grow on your body.


My Pepper & Chilli plants came before, have re-potted them and have them in 9cm pots now.

The grafted Toms don't come till mid May.


I'm working tomorrow but taking the little one to school first.


Have a good day, TV not too bad tonight.


Good evening both



glad you got a dry day yesterday, so you could at least get a bit of work done, even though the ground was wet.

Yes the Apprentice was good, and how nice for you to be able to see your neck of the woods on screen.

Don't think Linked in is like facebook, I think it is for work type connections, My OH uses it a lot, think he links to ex and current work colleauges.

Hope the weather held so you got some work done ok today.



that is a nice arrangement you have to share brekkie with canteen ladies. Your lad is certainly covering some miles, I know how far it is from Perth to Darwin, even though it is in the same country. Sounds like you are going to have to negotiate the traffic as you can't go to work until after the school run. But I am sure little lads mum is glad you can help out, she is lucky to have you.


Forgot Corrie was on tonight, so missed 1st 10 mins, Silly me.


Yes shame the girl went from the Apprentice.


have a good evening both x


your 2 posts appeared after i submitted mine.  

Doggie was barking for some food, so had paused mid way in my post.


shame weather was so wet Emptybox. Not too bad here today, bit of rain, but not much.

Hope it is better for you tomorrow. 


Hicky - your tea sounds a bit posher than my baked beans and jacket potato.


Oh dear, I forgot to watch Celeb Juice. Will have to find the repeat.



Evening Emptybox.


Your post didn't come up when i refreshed.


Like you, couldn't do anything here either.

It says light rain here for tomorrow as well.


Put my new watering computer in this morning but the rain won't let it water anyway,


The vines are coming on, can see some fruit on one of them.

The Cherry blossom is really thick, will be great if they turn into fruit.

Lots of blossom on the Apple tree as well.




How was work today HIcky? Are you still able to get on here from work?

Yes I guess your computer watering isn't needed yet why we have these April showers.


Hope Emptybox managed to get out inbetween the showers.


There is very heavy blossom on the trees here too, I have heard this has been a very good year for thick blossoms this year. So hopefully a good sign you will get some good fruit later in the year.


OHs half day, so went to Sainsburys to get some food, amazing how much we get through for 5 of us in a week. I had a nice sit down with a slice of lemon and buttercream cake and a latte whilst in the shopping centre.


Might be going out tonight to see my lad's ex guitar teacher playing in local pub in his band. He gave up teaching because his band is doing well and getting lots of gigs.   Lucky I managed to find another great guitar teacher for my lad, who he started wih this week, a young lady, real good she is too.


Have a good evening both x



Hi Mollie and Hicky.

Not too bad a day here. A couple of hail showers, but I managed to get quite a bit done.


Can't say I've noticed any more blossom than usual up here? Seems to be a good year for dandilions though.


That's good Mollie, finding a new guitar teacher for your lad.

My eldest nephew takes guitar lessons as well.


Watching this new impressions show on CH4 'Very Important People'. Some of them are quite good.


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Was busy at work, so much on, ordering so much equipment, of course a lot has to be paid on Proforma with not having accounts with some companies.


Not too nice a day, did the school run, got to work at 10.15, boss came to pick me up from the car-park.

Went straight to the canteen for brekki.


Finished early as well, 4.15.


Fancy a teacher giving up teaching, gigs must be doing well anyway, good on him.


The Cherry tree is really thick with Blossom this year, will be great if they all develop.


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


A bit of a miserable day here, no sun, no rain either though, just cloudy.


Went to Costco for a look round with O/H and my lad and his mrs.

Got a few bits.


Just having the rest of last nights curry.

made some more rice and added fried mushroom, it's great in rice.


Have ordered some seafood from the web, Jellied Eels, Dressed Crabs and Crab Claws.


I'm watching Lemonaid, The Voice, BGT, Benidorm


Hi Hicky.

Not too bad here. A bit of spitting rain, but mostly dry.


Got my own grass cut, and a few other jobs about the place.


Hope your seafood arrives safely over the net.


I record the Voice for later, but I watched BGT, and now I'm watching the Terminator film.


Hope you are having a good weekend Mollie?



glad to hear you managed to get a few things done yesterday. was it a day off today?  Hope you enjoyed your sphag bol tonight, I had korma sauce with no chicken but beans and raisins instead.

I will have to watch out for Very Important People. I like impressionist shows.



that was a nice start to a working day... straight into the canteen.   then home early too.

I bet you enjoyed your curry.


we enjoyed our evening in the pub last night.. they were packed in like sardines, so we spent some time outdoors until the band started, bar crowded, so lads got juice from tescos and I got 2 mini bottles of wine to shove in my handbag to drink outside pub,    We enjoyed seeing the band,

.I know you said you play guitar Emptybox. did you ever think of joining a band. Interesting your nephew is too,


Enjoyed the Voice, but enjoyed BGT even more.


This afternoon me and my drama son went to local theatre to see Sound of music, son knew some people appearing in it, took my mum too, and we all enjoyed it.


Hope you are both enjoying your weekend.



Good morning both


very wet and windy here this morning.


Did you both enjoy the Voice and BGT?

2 stood out to me on The Voice.. the bloke singing teacher and the last girl, thought they had great voices. Enjoyed BGT, but not sure whether it  was a good thing seeing a 9 year old so nervous and upset on BGT though.


Don't have much planned today, will see if it dries up, Will take dog down seafront if it dries up .. don't mind the wind, but me nor the dog like walking down the seafront in the rain.


Brekkie time... think i will go for cheese and tomatoes on toast today.


Have a good day both xx


Afternoon Mollie & Emptybox.


Just rain here, hasn't stopped.


Just cooking a piece of beef for us and my lad.

It's 2.1kg so plenty.

Have put mu meat probe in it to tell me when it's done.


Put my little flower plants back in the summerhouse, they don't like all this rain.

You aren't suppose to water them again until the top of the compost dries, never been dry.


It's my lads Birthday today, the one in Australia, he's back in Darwin at the mo, goes back to Sumatra on the 6th i think.

Not sure is you can see these pics or if you have seen them, there's an arrow on the pic to click.;type=1&theater


If this seafood idea is ok i'll be ordering more.

They ask what day you want it delivering.

It's from here.


I see you've had an enjoyable couple of days Mollie, crowded bars and theatres, you get around.


I liked them all on The Voice, don't know who the public will select.


Enjoyed BGT as well.

That young lad was good considering he's 9.

It's a massive arena for someone so small and so young.


Work in the morning, shouldn't be too bad, sorted the payment for the vat man Friday, only had to pay him ÂĢ161k.



Horrible day here. Very cold windy and wet.


Supermarket as usual for me.


Glad you enjoyed the band Mollie. I'm not up to any standard required to play with others.

That was a bit naughty, buying wine from the supermarket to drink outside the pub? Would have got my publican Dad hot under the collar.

Hope it stayed dry enough for your dog walk?


Hi Hicky. Hope your lad enjoys his birthday. That seafood website looks interesting.

Hope you're not to busy at work tomorrow.

Hopefully it'll be dry enough for me to get some done?


Watching Vera at the mo.


Here's the Facebook page for Faye and Aaron's new bar in Weston-super-Mare.


It's at 23 St James Street, which is slightly off the main tourist track, so I hear.


The official opening is this Friday.

They seem to have taken the inspiration for the colour scheme from Faye's favourite Quantum dress.

That pic of the pair of them was taken in their flat BTW, not the bar.

Last edited by emptybox

Morning Mollie & Emptybox.


My Lad said he would bring me a wallet when he comes home for a break.

He's just bought a new bed, one of the Memory Mattress ones.


It's stopped raining at last.

Got wet yesterday, we went with my lad and little ones to the garden centre in the rain, he wanted some John Innes No. 3 for his new pots, he has a sunhouse thingy on the back of the house.


Got soaked when we were leaving, it was like a monsoon and i was trying to get the baby in his car seat.


Good Luck to Aaron & Faye, the place looked nice when i saw the pics.

Like this one of them.

Aaron & Faye


Good evening both xx



thanks for the link to your lad's pics. Those pics of your lads are lovely. He is certainly seeing some sites. Hope he enjoyed his birthday.

There is a lot of choice of fish for you on that fish site. Bet you will be stocking up those freezers of yours.

Shame you got caught in the rain yesterday, I know it is not easy getting a baby into a baby seat when it is pouring down.



thanks for the Aaron pub info. I know where it is. It is a bit out of it as far as the tourists are concerned, and quite a few closed businesses in that area, But as Aaron is local, I expect he will spread the word amongst the locals, and they are doing up the shopping precinct down the road, so that might bring a few more people down that street.

I like the colour scheme of the dress/bar.

Wonder if the weather calmed down for you to do some gardens today?


Luckily we have managed to take our doggie a walk between the showers, both yesterday and today.We didn't sit on the seafront for a coffee yesterday though, very windy, so just kept walking to keep warm. I did buy a pizza slice from Gregs to eat whilst walking though. Yummy..

The Jersey potatoes are out again at last.

We had some for tea and they were delicious.

Have a good evening. xx


Evening Mollie,


Wasn't too busy today really.

Had a little payment in, ÂĢ261k.


Wasn't too bad a day here, didn't see it though, was at work.


I'm waiting to see what the seafood is like, can't wait to try the Jellied Eels, so long since i've had some.I'm going to adjust the baby seat harness so i can fit them easier.


At least you can get out Mollie, thats the main thing.


I've planted my spuds but they haven't shown yet.


I'll need to stay in as much as pos tomorrow with the fish being delivered, had notification it's been collected by overnight courier.


Got the school run in the morning as well.

Think it's rain again tomorrow though,



Not a very nice day here. Spitting with rain most of the day here.

Seemingly it's been the wettest April for a long time.


Hopefully you'll be able to visit Aaron and Faye's when you are in Weston sometime Mollie.

Glad you were able to get your pooch walked.


Pity you got soaked yesterday Hicky.

Is it one of those wallets in the piccies that your lad is bringing you?


Just watched Scott & Bailey, now I'm going to watch my recording of the Gadget Show.


Evening Emptybox.


Not nice at all today.

Cloudy with drizzle.


Fish was here at 08.20 before i went on the school run.

Have had one of the crabs all ready, and half a tub of Jellied Eel.


Just been for a Carvery, saved cooking.


I don't mind what wallet he brings but i'm sure it would be a nice one.


Just watching anything on TV, whatever i come across.

Watching the Hairy Bikers at the Mo, then the hunt for Bin Laden.


Work in the morning, going to get some more decking for my lad tomorrow night if it's not too wet.


Forecast says cloudy and miserable all week.


Good evening both



Glad your fish arrived nice and early and that you are enjoying it already. Bet you enjoyed your carvary for tea too. Hope it is dry for you to get on with that decking.



Glad you were able to get some gardens done today, I know how easy it is to get behind during this busy season for you.

Yes I will indeed hunt out Aarons bar when we next go to WSM. So thanks for telling me where it is.


You can tell it was not a big night for tv tonight, as we all watched different stuff. I watched Peter Andre , the repeat from last week because I missed it. He is just so sweet with his kiddies. and he is trying to help his poor brother out who has cancer, he has flown him from Oz to UK , so he can get  top treatment here and has built an extension to his own home for his brother to stay in whilst he has treatment.

I also watched SuperFat and Super Skinny.


The weather ended up good here latish afternoon, so nice that I sat in garden whilst waiting for dinner to cook and it felt very warm.


have a good evening both. xx




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