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Hi Mollie.


That shows real dedication, watching the same play 3 times.

I suppose it makes a big difference when your son is involved.


I've recorded Benidorm for later.


Did you forget it was a bank holiday Hicky, and most things would be closed?

Glad you managed to get a fair bit of gardening in.

Enjoy your family gathering tomorrow.


Hi again both x



Shame post office was closed when you got there. Sounds like you have a busy day to come tomorrow with all the family coming over, Hope you all enjoy the finger food. Hope weather is ok tomorrow for you to sort those peas and beetroot out.



hopefully now the weather has gone cool, it will slow down lawn growth rates, so you can catch up again.


I missed Apprentice this week, because at theater, will try and find time to  catch up on iplayer.

Theatre productions went well, son was more nervous than usual because there were a lot of dance routines, one with a pretty girl, he has been practising in lounge, hall, kitchen.   Lucky he remembered all his moves though. I won a big Thorntons egg in the raffle with ticket number 666.   And I had just said to daughter that we wouldn't win anything with a number like that one.  


Just watched Benidorm , very funny.


Enjoy the rest of the Easter break.

it was very frosty here this morning.

But not a bad day, dry at least, went ride on bikes, but only away from cars today, It was cool in the wind on seafront, but ok when cycling.


Family gone to see Derren Brown, just me dog and bunny home tonight.


goodnight both x



Evening Both.


Didn't realise they all closed Friday, not to worry.


Got the packet this morning, my diamond knife sharpener, also a helping hand gadget that folds up and locks the item in the jaws.


Got the meds and my hair cut.

Had lots of kiddies here this afternoon.

Laid on loads of food for them.


Have planted my Beetroot and Pea's, should be ok.


Enjoyed Benidorm last night Mollie.

You have been busy Mollie, but you have to do what you have to do.


I enjoyed The Apprentice, you'll have to catch up with it Mollie.


That was lucky winning the raffle.

Just won ÂĢ8.50 on Euro millions.


Have a good weekend both, don't eat too many choc eggs.


Hi both.

Milder here today, but dull.


You were lucky to win anything at all, with that number Mollie?

Hope the family enjoyed Derren Brown? I think my brother has seen him live, and enjoyed it.


Hi Hicky. Bet you enjoyed having all those littlies  around? But you still found time to get all the rest done.


Enjoyed BGT. The dog act was good, for a change.

Watching Million Pound Drop now.


Have a Happy Easter you two.

I'll be going to  the supermarket as usual, presuming it's open?

Not sure if the shop will be open for papers either?



hope you are having a nice Easter day.I love bunnies, so today is the perfect excuse....




sounds like you had a hectic but enjoyable day yesterday, glad you enjoyed the littlies all coming round.

Good you got a little win on the Euro thing, hopefully aim for a bit more next time though.



hope you got what you wanted from the shop. I thought all the big supermarkets were closed today, but maybe your newsagent was open? I agree, that dog act was great.


Yes the family did enjoy Darren Brown thanks, I was so tired that I was glad to stay home that night though.



We went to the bird wildlife place today in Lllanelli, it was great. We walked for hours looking at the birds, I fed some from hand, and we had guided walk to find the young fluffy chicks, Aaawww, so cute.

Am shattered now because went out with son last night to a charity do his drama colleague was doing, this guy is climbing Killimanjo next August. This guy had got some of the ex and current youth drama to sing and we had nice buffet too.

not much on tv tonight, so am catching up with The Voice.

have a good evening. x






Sounds like you've had an enjoyable day Mollie.


Dull, blustery with rain in the wind here. 

The paper shop was open, as was the supermarket, so it was just business as usual for me. (I think there's different rules for Scotland?)

I had a hard-boiled egg salad for lunch. That was my one nod to Easter.


Watched Celebrity Deal or No Deal, now Titanic, and then that Crucifixion thing (probably gonna be gory? ) I've recorded Homeland for later.

Haven't seen The Voice yet this week.


Morning Mollie & Emptybox.


Had MIL round for lunch yesterday, weather wasn't too good, pretty cold.

Also my lad was round later with his lot.


That dog act was very clever best dog act i've seen.


Nothing was open here yesterday, i mean supermarkets.


Taking my lad and his lot for brekki.


The Bird Wildlife place sounds good Mollie.

Don't know whether you should be doing all this walking though.


Pouring with rain here, proper miserable.


Good morning both



Glad your supermarket was open, so you got sorted, and was able to enjoy your boiled egg for Easter. I heard on the radio today that only small shops and supermarkets were allowed to open yesterday , under 300 sq ft, I think it was. Sounded like it was UK wide, but they didn't say.

Often you can get low prices Easter eggs today, if you fancy a choccy egg. I usually go and get some reduced mini egg ones for my friend in France, to post out to her, as it is harder for her to get them there.



Sounds like you had a busy Easter Sunday with all your visitors. Hope you enjoy your brekkie out. Is it Morristons?


Raining here today, which although we do need rain, is a shame it has to fall on bank hol Monday. There are a lot of people in their caravans here, not pleasant on a wet day.

Think we are going to shopping centre later, at least it is dry there.


have a good day both x




Dull and cloudy here, but not much rain.

I decided to take the bank holiday off, so had a lazy day.

Back to grass cutting tomorrow.


I think the rules on Sunday opening and Easter opening is different in Scotland? Fairly sure even the largest supermarkets were open on Easter day.


Not much on telly tonight. Watched the thing on the hippo, now I'm going to watch my recording of Homeland.

Watched The Voice last night. Thought it was the best episode so far.


Good evening both x



glad to hear you treated yourself to a day off yesterday. Bet you still have lots of jobs lined up as it is spring, don't you?

Yes I thought the Voice was the best episode so far.


It rained all day here yesterday, so OH and I only went to the shops for food shopping. I managed to find a nice coat in Sainsburys reduced from ÂĢ45 to ÂĢ16.   Zipped right high on the neck and a big hood too, a necessity now we live on the coast.


Day off today for Hicky?


It was not a bad day here today.

A few small showers, but we managed to take the dog out for a nice walk when the sun was shining. Very windy from the sea though.

Lots of house jobs to catch up on today after the Easter break. Daughter helped me make the Easter roast dinner today, had it today because we were out so much over Easter.


Looking forward to watching The Syndicate tonight, have been enjoying this series.


have a good evening both x



Evening Both.


I couldn't get on at work again.


Had a good Easter really, weather not too good.


Had a good brekki yesterday with the little ones, they enjoyed that.


They are coming round here in the morning for brekki as i have plenty.


Then i'm going with my lad to B&Q to get some decking to finish his main deck.


It was pretty cool here yesterday, some sun today but i was at work.


Forecast says cold and wet all week.


You need a coat that fastens up with a hood these days.


Too wet to cut the grass but the fruit tree's and vines/Fig tree's are coming on, they are waiting for warmer nights.


Hope you can get enough dry weather to carry on working Emptybox.




Well no work today. It's been pouring with rain all day and still raining now.


Glad you got a dog walk in Mollie. And well done finding a bargain coat.


Hope you enjoy your family brekkie tomorrow Hicky.


Watched Undateables and recorded The syndicate and Horizon. Watching The Syndicate now.


The stockmarket seems to be taking another plunge downward.


Evening Both.


It turned out quite nice today, wasn't expecting it.


Had my lad and his lot round for brekki.


We went to B&Q to get his decking to finish off more of it.

Got 20-off 140x28x2400 they had about 20% off if you got 20 plus my card gets another 10% off.


We finished his decking this afternoon, we also started work on a wood border around the grassed area, we are going to get a couple of tonne's of rubber and some play sand for the little ones.


Pity you couldn't get any work done Emptybox, a pity you can't get some gardening work in one of those big greenhouses so you can work when it's raining.


Work tomorrow again.


The boss bought my brekki Tuesday with the canteens being closed.


Got another nice order at work, a ÂĢ285,385.00 one.



Hi Both x



shame the weather is making you behind work wise.

At least the stockmarket improved again today, wonder how long for with Spain/Italy problems.., but then I guess ECB will just keep buying the bonds and the bailouts going?

I saw the Syndicate too, what a great series, love that actor whose story it was last night, forgot his name.



sounds like your lad and the family will end up with a lovely garden by the summer. with your help. Good job you got a good day weather wise today.

What is the order for? Some new car models?

Good for keeping you in work I should think.

Glad to hear your boss is looking after you food wise.


Lots to watch on tv tonight, loved 4 Rooms and The Apprentice, had to record Peter Andre.


Weather not too bad here today, had to dash home with dog to beat a heavy shower though.


2 interesting news stories today..


this one is funny...


and      at this story....


goodnight both x






Hi Mollie and Hicky.


Showery this morning, but better this afternoon.


Yes Mollie, I think the markets will be jittery for a long time yet.

Some people do go daft with their tans, don't they.


Hi Hicky. That's great news about another big order at work.

And good going getting your lad's decking done.


It was a good Apprentice this week, but I thought the wrong one went. Jane was one of my favourites.

Now I'm watching my recording of the Concordia prog.


Think it's supposed to be good weather tomorrow?


Good afternoon both x



weather ok here today, so hope you can get to catch up with some lawns today.

I recorded the Concordia programme, and Peter Andre. Enjoyed 4 Rooms . I guessed Jane would go, girls not fairing too well this series.


Hope work not too busy today Hicky, and hope your boss makes sure you get fed today.


off to town, and the library, hope the showers stay away.


have a good day. x


Evening Both.


Couldn't get on at work again, no idea why.


Weather turned out fine yesterday, and today.

Was at work but got away early.


Those tans are so funny.


Boss went out again for food, had a bacon & sausage on toast again then he gave me half of a bacon and egg on toast.


No idea what the weather will bring tomorrow, it just says cloud.


The birds have been pecking the buds off one of the vines, they stand on the trellis bars and help themselves,

Think it's a bit late to cover it now.

Will have to think about it.


Evening Mollie and Hicky.

Similar day to yesterday. Showery this morning, but dry this afternoon.

I got some grass cut, but everything was rather damp.


Pity you couldn't get on at work Hicky, but you seem to have done alright for grub.


Hope the showers stayed away for you Mollie?


I quite enjoy that 'Get your House in Order' prog, but that designer girl goes a bit overboard with her fancy wallpapers?

Then I watched Davina's new programe 'Long Lost Family'. Bit of a lump in throat programme that?

Not thinking much to Ricky Gervais' new thing.


Hi guys.


Frosty overnight then a nice morning. A few hail showers this afternoon. Managed to get a full day in though. Working tomorrow as well.


I was going to watch Million Pound Drop, but then I noticed that BBC4 were doing an evening of Southern Rock. I've always been partial to a bit of Southern Boogie.  


Evening Both.


It's been a mixed day today, sunny/cloudy.


Went to brekki with my lad and his lot yesterday, then picked up a load of laminate flooring for him.


He had one room done by nightfall.


I ordered an Indian meal for us all at night, they all love curry, my O/H doesn't though.


Ordered a replacement part, Central heating temperature sensor as the system has been playing games and a light flashed at times saying it had a problem

Ordered it yesterday, it arrived this morning, didn't fit as well as it should have, think it's the same part but it may be for a later Baxi, fitted it partly, had to part jam it in, it seems to have solved the fault anyway, have ordered another one from a different place which should fit then i can change it.


Hi Hicky.

That was good going getting the laminate floor down.

I hope the part fixes your heating. Sounds a bit hairy having to jam it in?


Didn't get any work done in the end. We had hail showers and high winds. We did get some sun late afternoon, but I'd already decided to do something else by then.


BGT, Million Pound Drop, now I'm watching my recording of The Voice.


Morning Emptybox.


Still chilly over night, only about 10 deg in the shade now but the sun has been out all morning.


Moved my Peach & Nectarine bushes outside yesterday, lots of fruit on them, will have to thin them out as they grow.


Will see if this next part fits for the boiler, only takes a few minutes to fit.

Have ordered some conduction paste as well as the original had it on, it's with the sensor going into a blind hole, the probe part needs to pick up the temperature via the grease.


Just getting the spuds ready to go in, leaving the garlic and onions as long as i can before i take them up.


I've put all the young plants out for the day, have far too many though.


Might  go to the garden centre for a drive, need a few bits anyway.


Hope Mollie is having a good weekend she hasn't been on for a few days.


Good evening both



what a shame those birds are pecking at the vines, Hope they haven't ruined them completely.

We too had curry yesterday. I only like chicken korma, without the chicken, because I don't like spicy curry. Maybe your OH would like the korma one if she doesn't like the other ones? I love the naan bread too.

Will the canteen be open again when you are at work tomorrow? Good job your boss looked after you when it was closed.. you can't work on an empty stomach after all.   Your lad did get that laminate down quickly. Be careful with the plants, I am not sure about up there, but we are due frost here tonight again, OH went to garden centre too, and bought some plants, but has covered them tonight because of frost due again. Don't mind it frosty though, as long as it means a nice sunny day after. Hope you sort your heating out ok.



Glad you have managed to get your gardens done recently, I know how quickly it all grows in this showery/sunny weather.

I too enjoyed The Voice and BGT. I liked the Ricky Gervais programme, although a  bit unusual.


Had a busy few days, sons birthday tomorrow so been busying shopping for little gifts/cards. Been out and about walking local with doggie on coast too. And have been busy when home, helping son proof check his huge assignment too.

OH bought himself a drawing board today, he is going to start his drawings again, he used to go to art college, started on a pencil of the tree in the garden, keeps him busy.

We are off to Pizza Hut tomorrow for son's birthday. (his choice).

Have a good evening,xx

not much on tv, so am watching some of my recordings.


Hi Mollie and Hicky.

Not bad day here, but chilly.

I  think tomorrow is to be OK, but there's still frosts forecast yet.


You've had a busy few days Mollie.

Hope your son enjoys his birthday tomorrow.


I think I'll wait awhile to put my potatoes in Hicky. Till the frosts are over anyway.


Recorded Once upon a Time and Homeland tonight, and am watching Titanic.


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Was wondering where you where Mollie.


My O/H doesn't touch curry, doesn't like any type of sauce really.


Think the canteen is back open tomorrow, but bosses always buy the food if canteen shut.


Some plants are ok to put out but you would need to find out first.

I've got loads of garlic and onions to get out to make way for my spuds.


I enjoyed the voice, wasn't going to watch it but there's not a lot on, like bgt as well.


You have been busy Mollie, hope your lad has a good Birthday anyway, Pizza Hut sounds ok.


Best not take a chance with the spuds Emptybox, Early May is safe here for planting the delicate veg etc out.

You might need to be later though, maybe mid May.


I heard a person saying on a gardening video that the criteria is where the min night temperature doesn't go below 10C and the daytime temp doesn't go below 20C for 7 consecutive days.


Work tomorrow.



Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Couldn't get on at work, thought you both had posted, was trying to reply.

Now i'm at home i can't find you posts.


Not had a bad day really.


Got the school run in the morning then empty the child seats out to put the tyres in the back and take the car to the garage.


Just going to watch 'Inside the Giants'


Good evening both



Glad the weather was ok for you too. Did you go gardening today?



how annoying that you can't get on here from work now.

Doing the school run keeps you busy, why has the car got to go to the garage? is it MOT?


we had a nice meal out at Pizza Hut, I like the help yourself salad and we had yummy nachos as a starter to share.   It is pretty cold here tonight.


have a good evening both x




Not bad at all today. Quite warm in the sun.


Glad you enjoyed your pizza hut meal Mollie.


I watched that Kangaroo prog as well Hicky. It was fascinating.

Is that you getting the tyres changed over on your car?


i see Aaron and Faye are going to be running a bar together in Weston. I didn't see that one coming.


Good afternoon both



hope you are having a good day off and that the weather is ok for you to get on in your garden.



did you get some gardening done yesterday and today, as the weather has been ok?


Gosh I too am surprised about Aaron and Faye running a bar in WSM...I will have to pop in for a nosey next time we are in WSM. We go there quite a lot as lived there for so long and all my kids born there, we still have lot of friends there.


Any idea whereabouts in wsm it is?


Not a bad day here today, windy but sunny intervals.


have a good day both x


Sunshine and showers here today. Not as bad as they'd originally forecast.
Got a bit done anyway.

A bar seems a strange venture, but I think Aaron has worked in hotel management previously?
Not sure where it is in Weston, but they are calling it 'Zingers' (or Bar Zingers?), so you might come across it.
Seemingly, as well as opening in the evenings, it'll be open during the day for light meals, so you should be able to pop in.
Not sure when the opening is, sometime in May I would think?
It's an existing business that they are taking over (and renaming), and Aaron and Faye are going to be running it with a friend of theirs. But as they've other media work as well, they may well not be there in person every day.
Here's a pic of the bar area

(that's Faye and the friend who'll run it with them)


Hope you got your tyres changed OK Hicky?


The Syndicate is on again tonight, and there's also a thing on BBC2 about the Romans, which I'll record.



thanks for the reminder about the Syndicate, I had forgotten it was on, and I really enjoy this series. Think I will watch The Undatables show on C4 after, on plus 1 too, quite interesting last week.

Glad you were able to get a bit done today, as I know it is easy for you to get behind this time of year.

I guess if Aaron has worked in hotel management before, it makes sense to put his BB cash into this type of venture. Beats wrestling for Faye too, I suppose. Thanks for the pic. Is that Faye in the piccie?  They need to open ASAP I am thinking so they get the holidaymakers, with the Whitsun, then summer hols coming up. Very popular place for families and coach day trippers too, so good for them to open for day time meals too. Let me know if you hear where it is, so I know incase we decide to suddenly go there one day.


Watching Supersize now.... fascinating to see what different foods the 2 opposites eat.


hope HIcky managed with the school run and his tyres, and whatever else he had planned.


have a good evening both x


Evening Both.


It was good learning about the Kangaroo, learnt a lot.


Yep, got my tyres changed back for the summer, don't want to wear the new ones out on the hard summer roads..


Didn't know about Aaron & Faye running a Bar.

Hope it goes ok for them.


Got the tyres changed, put the others in the garage till November.


The plant/tree watering computer is set to water at 08.00 and 18.00 for 30 minutes.

Have piped in a line for the bird bath, that is on a separate computer set to 05.00 and 17.00 for 2 minutes.


Seem to have lots of fruit on the tree's at the mo, will have to start thinning it out soon.


Morning Both.


It's letting me post, been having a go at Adblock Plus and also my Malware protection program, it stops the computer connecting to dodgy sites.

It wouldn't let the computer update the protection filters.


Got quite a bit of work to do, invoicing and invoice payment remittance advices.


I left the young flowers pots out last as it didn't look like it was going to be too cold overnight, there are 9 trays of 5 plants each, and a pain to keep putting them all away.


Going to get some more wood tonight for my lad, still work to do in his garden, need a ton of play sand and a couple of tonnes of play rubber granules, it's loke a fall protection they use in play area's when they have climbing frames etc.

It's stops you getting hurt.

We then need about 3osqm of turf, the turf he has isn't very good.


Good evening both x



glad you got your tyres sorted out ok.

Wow... a computerised garden, never heard of one of those before. I told you before you should go on one of those tv garden shows. Sounds good on the fruit front too.

Glad to hear you can get online again at work, makes it a long day if you can't post here.

Sounds like you are still busy on your lads garden now, but looks like they are going to be lucky children with a nice garden to play in by the summer.


A showery day here today, but managed to take doggie a walk inbetween the showers.

Hope Emptybox was able to carry on with his gardens today.


Apprentice time,


I really enjoyed 4 rooms tonight, love that show.

he should of gone to the lady with those mammoth tusks, as it ended up costing him ÂĢ5000.


Very windy on the beach today, 2 windsurfers out moving real quick today. We were looking at people flying kites on the beach the other day, so  I went and bought one of the lads a kite for his birthday ....well to be honest, the lad won't get much of a look in, because it was an extra pressie, that was for me and OH really  It is fairly big 1.7 metres, so we cant wait to go out trying it.  We see quite a few of them on the beach, they make it look easy, so hope we can manage to get it going without getting in a tangle.


Have a good evening both x

at least we have a good tv viewing night tonight.



Showers again here as well. I got a bit done, but not as much as intended.


Hope you have fun with the kite Mollie. Quite tricky to get flying I think.

I'm sure my Dad bought the nephews a kit when they were younger, but I don't think we used it much.


You'll need plenty of rubber granules Hicky, if you are going to have a go on the climbing frame.

Hope you weren't too busy at work today?


Four Rooms was good as you said Mollie. I liked the girl ex-gladiator Scorpio.


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Been an on off day today, Sun/Cloud pretty miserable.


Just been out for a meal.


It's handy with the garden looking after itself, and the bird bath.


Have quite a bit to do at my lads but we should be ok.


Have fun with the Kite, we have then on like skate boards in a grass area in New Brighton and in the sea with a like a surf board and the wind tows them along.


I need a lot of the rubber granules, think it's made from used tyres with the metal taken out.


My new Baxi thermostat came, it fits fine, need the thermal grease now, fitted the stat but left it loose, the grease is coming from Germany.

I'm sure i had some years ago.


My Lad is having a break in Kuala Lumpa this time, he had a meeting in Jakarta, then went to Kuala Lumpa for a few days Hols, he has another meeting in Perth, then he's going to Darwin, then back to Sumatra.

He had to do a presentation to a company in Jakarta, think it was something about what to do with the excavated ground from the mining.


He wants to have a weeks Hol after each 28 day stint and see the world, only for say a week at a time.

The company pays anyway.

Think he needs the last week to get back to Darwin for the office.

Last edited by Hicky

Morning Emptybox.


A lovely sunny day here at the mo. forecast says rain.


I ordered the grease on Amazon, it just happened the supplier was in Germany, so have to wait now.


Didn't watch that last night, watched the chef's and whatever is on really.

Saw Olly: Life on Murr's, then Celeb Juice.


Off to Birkenhead Market soon for some Saltfish & Crab.


Good morning both x



hope you can get out and do your gardens today. It has been dry here so far today.I thought you might like the Gladiator lady on 4 Rooms.   I think for this series they have got some very interesting items going.



I know the beach kiting you mean, they do that here too, and their boards on the beach or sea really move so quickly. I think the rubber granules are a great idea to protect the kiddies. Glad your thermostat is sorted ok. Your lad is really seeing the world now, good for him. I have read that mining is doing really well in that area.


We went to Cardiff last night to see South Pacific, very good, it was.


We have some good tv to come this weekend with 2 of The Voice and BGT too. At least they have stopped the overlap now.


have a good day both.

Going to town in a mo, OH's half day




Hi both.

Wet here today so no gardening. A wee bit milder than it has been though. I think we might hit double figures by the weekend? Still forecast to be wet though.


Hi Hicky. Hope you managed to get all the sea-food you wanted at Birkenhead?


Mollie, I think your geography is a bit off? It's the Bristol Channel you can see from Cardiff.Not the South Paciffic.


I'm looking forward to The Voice at the weekend as well. That series seems to get better as it goes on.

Million Pound Drop tonight.


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