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It's been a nice day here, slightly hazy though.


Potted about in the garden, might get some more big pots with handles, will have too many things to grow for my existing capacity.


The trees are doing ok, 2 vines ready to sprout, figs still asleep.


Went to the Hungry Horse for tea, far too much for me.

Got a free Soup, mushroom, have steak, ribs, half a sweetcorn cob, onion rings, tomato, chips.


Got to go to Royal Mail in the morning as they called and left a note, i was probably in the garden.

Not sure what it is as i order so much stuff.


Hope it's not too busy at work tomorrow, have to do the school trip first as well, but mail collection opens at 7am.




That'll be a nice surprise for you tomorrow Hicky, when you pick up your package.


Glad you enjoyed your meal. I had a bacon, mushroom and tomato omlette with chips and salad.


it was a lovely day here, the warmest so far. I was sweating away cutting two hedges and cutting grass. I certainly needed a shower when I got home, because those conifer hedge clippings get everywhere.


Watched that Titanic doc on 5. Very interesting.


Hope Mollie had a good  day?



Glad it appears that we all seem to have the good weather now. I wonder if it will be like last year and we get all the good weather in the spring, then not so good in summer? Let's hope this sun stays around for awhile now though.



Gosh those are big money orders you have to deal with, Hope you weren't rushed off your feet at work today, as you don't usually work on Fridays. All helps give you extra pocket money to spend in the garden though I guess.

Hope you collected the parcel ok?  Was the traffic to work a lot busier as you had to take the little fella to school first?That was lucky you got an extra fish and chips.



Good job you are broken in gradually because I thought it would be tiring doing all those lawns after having a long winter break. A bit like a 

emerging from winter hibernation.


I too enjoyed 4 Rooms, but I do miss the punk girl.


It was OH's birthday yesterday, so he had day off and we went walk on seafront and out for a meal at Franky and Bennies. Lovely decor and good old type rockn'roll music playing. Have had better and warmer food for the price to be honest though.


the hosptial phoned and said the control sample for blood had failed again, and so have to go back next week for more blood samples to be given, Trust me to have something very complicated. Don't mind going really because they are so nice to me and it is better than no one listening to me, then nearly killing me from an op. He also said I must not go to ordinary dentist, must go through hospital, What a co-incidence that i had just turned down ordinary dentist treatment because I did not feel comfy about it, good job I did.


Have a good day both.

OH's half day , so will go to town later. xx


Afternoon Mollie & Emptybox.


The package was only the mending kit for the Gazebo covering, but don't think it will be any good really, wanted a stitching set but they all seemed to be in the US.

This is just a clear plastic patch sheet that you cut as you want, can't see it doing what i need.


Didn't watch the Titanic thing, too upsetting for me.


Had the bank manager in, we usually have to up the overdraft for the summer as we only get paid 60 days after ann invoice, some suppliers want money up front.


Traffic is awful when i leave home at after 9.30, but not a lot i can do, needed top take the little one to school, it's too far for them to walk.

My O/H tales them and picks them up when i can't.


I like the Squirrel picture, we only have the grey ones and still trying to stop it coming in the garden.


Curry night tonight, takeaway, yummy.


Hi Mollie and Hicky.


That squirrel looks like a cross between a grey and a red?

Glad you enjoyed your OH's meal Mollie.

Franky and Bennie eh? I know Ben and Jerry do the ice cream. What do that pair do?


Hi Hicky. So your delivery wasn't very exciting after all?

Hope the traffic wasn't so bad on your drive home?


Not so nice here today. Quite foggy this morning. Though better in the afternoon.


Watching some of Sport Relief, but also Eddie Stobbart as well.


Got the good news on twitter that Rachel Rice is expecting her first child, in October.


good morning both x


got a bit worried at 1st when I read about the bank manager calling, thought you had been spending too much on your plants. ... then realised it was work. I think banks are broke now they gambled all our cash, so are tight to who they lend. (bit too late for that now the poor tax payer was forced to bail them out).. But as long as the company has enough left to pay you, that is what matters.

Bet you enjoyed your curry take away. What do you have? Does your OH like it too? Let's hope you don't need to go into work late too often because of the traffic. My OH always goes early to avoid traffic too.



yes that piccie did look a cross between red and grey squirrel. We only get greys in our garden, but Jollie who lives in France said they get red there. Hope you enjoyed your Saturday sphag bol night. That in nice that Rachel is expecting.   I know she was in a steady relationship when on BB, so hopefully in her case, the baby will be bought up with parents together.

Have we any news on Chantelle, I know the OK was advertising the story her and Alex has split, but I am not sure if this is right?


I see you are due record temps up there today, and we are not far behind.

This spring weather is just so lovely for us all to enjoy , hope it lasts. Can't believe in some places they are already going on about water shortage, it is still very green here, we had lots of rain in the past.


Well how did you rate the 2 new series last night?

My fave is still Britains' Got Talent, the voice was ok, too, Shame they overlap time wise. We also like Harry Hill, and it was on same time as The Voice, so had to record most of the Voice and watch it later.


Have a lovely day, hopefully you are both due the sun there too, already lovely and sunny here.




Hi Mollie.

It's a nice day here as well.

Don't know about record temps? It was foggy first thing, but sunny now.

Still a bit chilly indoors, but warmer out.


I've taken a chance and turned the heating off for now. I can always turn it back on if it goes back to being colder later.

I've always got electric heaters anyway.

I still think I'll need to order some more oil before the autumn, but I'm keeping a close eye on the level in the tank.


Not sure about Chantelle and Alex? Just did a google and it seems they are still together but bickering?


Hope you coped with the time change OK? Hopefully it'll mean the warmth of the day is carried further into the evening, which is one reason I took the chance on turning the heating off.


I watched BGT, and it was quite good, especially the opera singing teen, and the guy who sang and played guitar.

There seemed to be quite a few who weren't British though, which kind of makes a nonsense of the title?


I've recorded the voice, but haven't watched it back yet. Unfortunatel we had a small power cut in the middle of ot, but I see my box has recorded it in two parts, so hopefully it won't have missed much of it?


I had difficulty in getting my router started after the power cut, but I think it's all working now?

I had it on a surge protection socket, but I see the surge protection light has gone out, so that part must have been knocked out by a surge. Have to buy another one for the next time.


There's a lot on TV at 9pm tonight. Upstairs Downstairs, Homeland, Titanic and Being Human.

I'll record Up Down and Being Human, watch Homeland, and I'll have to catch up with Titanic on the ITV Player later (if I remember). 

Too much choice.


Lunch now, then supermarket, then ironing.

Think next week will be a good one for grass cutting?


We have a huge beech tree out the back, and I've seen grey and red squirrels in it, but not at the same time though. In fact I probably haven't seen a red for a couple of years, so not sure if they're still around here?

Last edited by emptybox

Good Afternoon Both.


Traffic is always very busy coming home from work, whatever time it is.


It's been glorious this weekend

Took my lad, hios misses and little ones to Morrisons for brekki Saturday, had a great time.

Had a BBQ yesterday at my lads in the afternoon.


I had a Meat Madras with a Mixed Kebab starter, with egg fried rice, vegetable bhaji, you get poppadoms sliced onion, salad and dips with it.

It lasts me 2 days as well.


Don't know about Alex & Chantelle, not sure on the situation, sure they are ok.


Enjoyed BGT, but they don't show us the good ones, just the bad and medi-oka.

Unless they are held for next week.


Wonder why you had power cuts Emptybox?

Thats not good at all, it can zap some equipment.


My lad is back in Sumatra, his company wants him to stay with them and is going to pay him more of the money they get so he's getting a very good deal.

My lad got the the job in the first place.

Think on his next 2 week off he will stay in the country and do some exploring.


Went to the garden centre yesterday, got another 6 bags of J.I. No. 3 and a bag of course grit.


Have been sitting on the seats on the decking, having got the Gazebo up yet.


Haven't set the water system on yet, still scared of frost in April.



Hi Hicky. Glad you enjoyed your BBQ.

Your lad is probably sensible staying with the company, if he's getting a great deal.


The infrastucture around here is terrible.

We are always getting power cuts. They usually last less that a minute, but by then the damage is done. Plus it's just such a nuisance when all the equipment shuts down.

Luckily the Freeview recorder carries on where it left off, but the computers just stay off.


I've never worked out if it's some joker at the power station having a laugh, or if there are recurrant faults that they can't be bothered to fix?

The phone lines are crap as well.

Suppose it's the price you pay for a rural location?

Sometimes we get a number of powercuts in a week, but it's not been so bad lately. I think that's the first one since I built my new computer.


I bought a new 4 gang surge socket at the supermarket, and I'll just use the other one as a normal extension lead.




Think you can tell the puters to start up again but not a good idea really.

Quite a bit of damage can be done if you don't turn things off by the correct method.

With AC you can get big spikes generated if the cycle of power is wrong, it's with AC being a wave.

Transformers are like induction coils, look at the ignition coil in a petrol car, it has 12v going in and 20,000 v coming out. and it only has a contact in the 12v line.


You really need surge suppressors on any critical equipment, printers, modems, PC's laptops.


Loved DOI last night, wanted Jorgie to win really but the Dancing in the rain and him taking the male role won the show.


Have ordered another canvas mending kit as the one that came is for a repair inboard of a canvas panel, my damage is more at the side.

So in case it's no good i'm getting an awl kit for stitching leather/canvas which should do it.


Not too busy at work, had a bit to do this morning though.


Catch you later don't know whats on TV tonight?


Good morning all I hear.....

....all over the whole country day today. Which is just great for March.



Those powercuts are so annoying, As you say it is the price to pay for being rural. Hope the new socket helps. When we lived in the country at our last place we were always getting them too. We tended to get them for an hour at a time though, we were only there 6 months and it was off over an hour on 4 occasions, And in windy weather, the Sky didn't get reception. What with the worst neighbour we have ever had, I am so relieved we got away quick. Our new neighbours are lovely though, they too are a family of 5, so like us always rushing around.

Have you got round to watching the Voice yet? I enjoyed it, but preferred BGT.

Glad you are managing to get some lawns done, this weather is a good start of the season for you.



That is good that you weren't too busy at work. Glad you had a nice weekend and BBQ at your lads. Those seats on the decking are ideal in this weather. Hope you enjoy your day off today.


We too have a lovely weekend, it was my birthday Sunday, so we had Cornettos on the seafront, lots of people around on the beach, then we went out for dinner at local pub, very nice it was. I had mascapone and mushroom burger with mash. I love creamy mash. My OH and kids bought me a nice lemon cardy that luckily matched my flowery dress, and some Coleen Rooney perfume, and a DVD about the King's Stutter and an Frank Sinatra CD.

Yesterday we took dog to beach, there was a few people sunbathing with windbreakers, even though it was not very windy. In fact very pleasant on the beach, because not busy yet.

Daughter made me my fave peanut butter cookies as my birthday

treat, I prefer these to cake. They are very yummy.


I am going to watch that show on bc1 at 9pm, The Syndicate, about someone winning the lottery tonight, looks quite good.


Have a good day both. x



Evening Both.


Happy belated Birthday Mollie.

I'm hopeless with Birthdays as you know.

Emptybox hasn't got a standby power socket, just a Surge suppressor so if the power goes off it doesn't destroy you equipment.


Well at least you had a good day for your Birthday anyway.

And some nice pressies.


My 3 new tubs came today, will need to get more grit on Thursday.


We went to Morrison's and got some food for the BBQ, uncovered it and fired it up, it survived the winter ok.


Getting lots of flowers on the fruit tree's, all bursting into life.


Work tomorrow, shouldn't be too bad.


Grass has grown all ready and we haven't had any rain.


Hi Mollie and Hicky.


A belated Happy Birthday Mollie.

Sounds like you enjoyed your pressies and treats?


Another lovely day here. Grass cutting and hedge cutting.


I've looked at those UPS standby sockets before now, but they seem expensive? What do you think Hicky? They give you a few minutes of power, which should be enough to ride out a small power cut, or to allow you to close down safely.


The Voice was OK, but I thought it was a bit cringey when the judges were deciding whether to turn round, and when they were competing to mentor the singers.  Doesn't look like Will I Am will get many wanting him?


I'm watching that Syndicate now. Quite good.


Evening Emptybox.


Tried to post at work but couldn't get the post box to open.

This is the UPS i use at work but i only have the backup drive plugged in, you get quite good protection, my mate has smaller ones at home for his systems.


I think they would be ideal for you, after a period of time if power hasn't been restored it does a soft power down of the PC.


My Perennial flowers came today, 30 mini plants, 6 varieties, 5 of each.

They have to re-potted into 3" pots and kept indoors for a while till they grow and harden.

Have only got 20 pots.

Will have to get more.


Working Friday again, so much on at work.


Hi Hicky and Mollie.

Another lovely day here, so more work done. A little chillier this evening though.


Thanks for the UPS link Hicky. There's quite a few on Amazon, but I'd have to spend about ÂĢ60 or ÂĢ70 for a reasonable one, and you could replace the motherboard or the computer's PSU for that.

But I'll definitely think seriously about it; especially if the power cuts become frequent again.


Watched Four Rooms then The Apprentice. I think the snoozing one was probably the right one to fire?


Bit worried by the prospects of a fuel strike. I'll probably need to buy more diesel before Easter anyway, but I hope there aren't shortages.


Hi Emptybox.


It's been bad round here for fuel, massive queue's, O/H went to Sainsbury's at 6.30 this morning, she couldn't even get out of the carpark the other day for the queue.

I've got fuel for work tomorrow but could get some in the morning as i'll be doing the school run before i go in.


Have potted the 30 flower plugs, had to buy 10 more 90mm pots as i only found 20.

Rang them this morning as i realised i was 15 short, they said they send them out when ready.


If you don't need to keep the computer on when there's a power cut then maybe its not worth it for you.


The Apprentice always has a strange bunch.

Most seem o lack brains.




Glad you are still managing to get your gardens done in the good weather. Let's hope those power cuts don't strike now. I enjoyed the Syndicate and yes the sleeping girl was the right one to go on The Apprentice I reckon.



can't believe they were queing at 6.30 am for fuel. They haven't even had a strike yet. Our local tesco had no diesel at all tonight when we went past, but still loads of queues. Nuisance your flower delivery was not right.

I reckon your garden will look wonderful this summer. Hope work is not too busy tomorrow.


My OH took a day off today, to enjoy the sunshine. Had brekkie and walk down seafront, then he serviced our bikes this afternoon and we went to town.


Have a good evening both x



Another lovely day here, but not quite as warm. Still shirtsleeve weather though.


Been busy cutting grass again.

Unfortunately everybody wants their grass cut at once. Getting loads of phonecalls, but some are going to have to wait. I can't get everything done in the one week.

It's still cold overnight anyway, so the grass isn't getting out of hand.


Glad you enjoyed your OH's day off Mollie.

I haven't seen any fuel queues around here, but then I wasn't really looking. Will need diesel in about a week though.


I'll have to think carefully about those UPS units Hicky. The other complication is that I've got computers all over the house. But I might buy one unit to protect my latest computer and the router? We'll see.


Not much on tonight. I'm recording Mary's Bottom Line, and watching the thing on the Honeymoon murder in South Africa.


Evening Both.


Tried to post at work but no luck.


The Flower delivery was right Mollie, just that the next 15 (3x5) doesn't get released till the end of April


Will have to get more 90mm pots and more grit.


The Pear and Plum are in flower, apple will follow, cherry later.

The vines are all sprouting, Figs showing signs of life as well.

I've put the flower pots in 1kg mushroom plastic boxes you get firm Costco.

I put 5 of the same type in the box, identified.

Made new stick on labels at work for all the 45 plants.

Just got to buy the white plastic label pegs to put in the pot.


It wasn't too bad at work, got away handy as well.

The boss picked me up from the carpark save me walking about a mile.

Took the little one to school then got to work at 10am.


Was leaving at 4pm.


Still a bit chilli here as well at night Emptybox, but could be worse.

Expecting some rain over the weekend.


Order book ÂĢ4.4m now.


Have a good weekend both of you.


Going to try and get more decking wood for my lad next Wednesday, it's cheaper if you buy 20 or more plus i should get my 10% off as well.


Just had have of my Friday Indian takeaway, yummy.

Meat Jalfrezi.



Another lovely day here.

Very busy grass cutting and hedge cutting.

Might have to work tomorrow as well.
The weather for next week doesn't sound as good though?  


Your garden sounds like it's coming on nicely Hicky.

Good idea to get your plant labels printed out at work.

I deliberately drove past a fuel station to see if there were any queues, or notices saying "No Fuel", but everything seemed normal.

Either they are more sensible in Kelso, or nobody watches the News or reads papers?


Watched Million Pound Drop earlier, now watching my recording on Twenty Twelve.


Hi Mollie and Hicky.


Much cooler today, body warmer required, but not a bad day.

More grass cutting and hedge cutting done.

I don't think the forecast for next week is too good though?


Enjoyed BGT. Especially the girl with stars on her chest.

Watching Million Pound Drop now.


I don't think my tomato seeds are going to do well.

They came up after just a couple of days, and shot up in the heat, but then started to wilt.

I've potted up the best 8 of them, and I'll see how they do, but I think the funny weather hasn't done them any favours. I've left them on the window-sill, and I've left the heat pad from the propagator on, because frost is forecast for the next few nights here. I've been watering them well, so that's not the problem.


Good morning both



Glad to hear the order book is looking good at work, should ensure you get kept in work for awhile anyway.

Clever idea to do your plant labels at work too.

That is handy if you can use your 10% off to help sort your lads decking out. Any meals out this weekend?

Me and OH had a Subway toasted sandwich on seafront yesterday morning for brekkie. Very nice.



Gosh you are well and truly into your busy time workwise now all are shouting for you to do their gardens. Good job it has been dry for you to get a move on with it. Bet you are glad for your evening sit downs in front of tv right now.

Yes the girl with the stars was an interesting performer. Cant see her being selected for performing in front of the Queen though. I have decided I prefer BGT to the Voice, I like the variety and humour in BGT, but do enjoy watching both.

Yes this changeable weather is not good for the seeds. Hope you can rescue them.


Hope you did not get caught out by Aprils fool day.

I had to go to give blood sample at the hospital again Friday, hope it works this time, if so it will be 3rd time lucky. I asked the nurse who took the blood, about this control test and she explained that one of the staff who have normal blood have to supply the control sample , to compare against mine. After hospital we went into town to shops, and I bought a new flowery dress for ÂĢ10 from Primark, bit too cool now though, so have had to put summer frocks away for a while. Still nice and sunny today though, so can't complain.


Son is in theatre all weekend 9 till 5, then next week for 12/13 hour days, rehearsing for 1st performance on Wednesday. Good job he really enjoys it.


have a good day both x


Evening Both.


Another bright day today, only 13 in the shade, cool wind.

But got a lot more work done in the garden.


The plant labels are handy, it's on sticky paper so it's the size to go on the little white stick thingies.


I passed a few garages that said 'no fuel' but i got some Sunday morning from Sainsbury's.


You have to be careful with your seeds Emptybox.

Once they show through don't keep them wet, let them dry out some before you water them again.

They don't like too much water.


They don't really want heat either, i think between 50 - 70 F 10-22 C.

They don't want full sun either, not till they get bigger.

My Toms and pepper/chilli plants won't be delivered till end of April early May.


I've bought some Pea and Beetroot plants but have to put them in the summerhouse at night.


Haven't eaten out this weekend Mollie, just eating up some of my stores.

Did Mince and chips tonight, very nice.


Darn end of quarter vat to sort tomorrow, think we have to pay ÂĢ180,000 vat this quarter.

Some will be offset with invoices though.


Watching why these big ships sank, crazy.

Fancy having an outlet from all the bathrooms and sinks through a valve that comes out under the ship.

Talk about insanity, you couldn't make them up.


Evening Mollie and Hicky.

A lovely day here, but it was -2 overnight.


Think tomorrow will be OK weatherwise, but who knows after that?

I've still got about 10 customers waiting for their first cut.


My tomato seedlings seem to be doing better since I potted them up.


Got my own grass cut for the first time this afternoon, then went to the supermarket.


I hope your blood-tests work out OK this time Mollie. It's ridiculous that they have to keep repeating them. 


I watched my recording of the Voice, but I find it a bit cringey TBH. Perhaps it'll be better when they get into the competition proper.


Didn't catch the prog on the cruise ships Hicky.

Last edited by emptybox

Morning Both.


Just tried to post and it worked.

Just ran my Dell System Mechanic i use and it does all sorts.

Anyway, great stuff.


It was only 10deg when i went to bed.

It was raining earlier after i got to work though.


I watched the Voice, quite good, but think they should give them some background as they don't know what they are having to deal with.

They are not able to tell their age, and that means a lot.


Got the Vat program to reset, done that.

Got some invoices to send out now.

Did a method and risk assessment earlier for a job.


Catch you later, brekki in half an hour.



Not a nice day here. Bitterly cold, with rain in the wind.

Managed to get a bit of work done inbetween the showers.


Nothing that I can see on TV tonight.


You're right about The Voice Hicky. The judges are making mistakes because they aren't just going on the voices, they're making up their own ideas about how old the contetants are etc, sometimes wrongly.


Looks like they are forecasting some snow for me tonight? Hope they are wrong.


both x


hope work was not too tiring today.

Good job you are still protecting your plants with all this changable weather.



gosh 10 all waiting on you and your mower , you could do with an assistant, shame we live too far away , I could of roped my lads in.That is good that your seedlings are doing well.

I agree about the Voice, a bit cringeworthy at times.

Shame you had the bad weather, I expect we will get it soon because it was another warm sunny day here, I sat out in summer dress and sunbathed for awhile because house sheltered me from the wind.


Had a busy day, dropped son off at theatre 1st thing, he was there for 13 hours in dress rehearsals. He has to dash off to charity shop again for another missing piece of clothing. 2 lots of 60s type clothes for this play. I offered to help proof read his assignment too and had some invoices to do, and we took our bikes out for our 1st ride this year. OH had serviced them , sons had to go to Haflords, cost ÂĢ58 to service and had new chain and some thing for the wheel fitted, but it was lovely riding down the seafront this evening.Daughter only went and fell of hers in the gutter though because her brother had to shout at her to stop because she didnt see a van behind her turning fast  into road they were crossing. No more going near busy roads I have told them, especially as we dont use bikes much and teenagers do have head in crowds. Lucky we have found a route without cars now.


Goodnight both.x

don't forge to get your Easter egg treats in soon.





Morning Mollie & Emptybox.


Chilly and damp here today, not what i wanted.


I see some in Scotland have snow today.


If it clears up i'll get the plants out for a bit but can't leave them out overnight.


It's good you could sit out Mollie, it's nice in the Sun but cool in the shade.


Thats a lot of time for your lad to be spending at dress rehearsals.


I wouldn't advise going on the roads on your bike, it's far too risky.


I pass fellers on their bikes in the morning and it's pitch black and they are all in black with no lights on their bike, crazy.


Don't think i'll be doing much today by the looks of it.



It was pouring with rain first thing, but it's turned to snow now.

It's quite heavy, but it's not lying much because of the earlier rain.

Doesn't look like any gardening today.


That sounds like a close call for your daughter on her bike Mollie? Tricky things in heavy traffic.

I've still got a bike in the shed that I bought when I was 11 or 12. It's a proper adult bike, but I haven't been on it for about 20 years. Thentyres have probably perished by now?


Hope you manage to give your plants an outing later Hicky.


Good evening both



Pity about the weather , but I guess it gives you chance to take a break from all that lawn mowing for a little while. yes I guess a bike not being used for that long would need a bit of attention before being used. Did the snow stop quickly? sounds like this is going to be a very short cold snap, so hopefully you wont get to use too much oil.



what a shame it poured all day on your day off, hope your visit to morrisons and a nice cream cake helped compensate a little.


It was cooler here today and windy, but we only had a brief light rainfall, and some sun, so managed to take dog a walk.


Am watching eddie Stobart now, then Superfat and Superksinny, then that documentary about dating on C4.


Dropped son at 9am at threatre, and he said not to pick him up till 10.15pm, they have full show to rehearse now , with the little ones going too in their costumes in the afternoon.


Have a good evening, looks like we too are to get a cold snap tonight.




Hi Mollie.

It actually snowed most of the day, but there's only a bit lying on the lawn.

I haven't turned the heating on again, but I'm relying on electric heating at the moment. Better than buying more oil when it's so expensive, although I guess my electrity bill will suffer?


That's very long hours for your son at the theatre? He must really enjoy it.


I'm watching that dating show as well. And I'm recording The Syndicate and Horizon for later.


Looks like rain forecast for tomorrow, but Thursday might be OK?


Evening Both.


Just watching The Apprentice.


Been to B&Q for some wood for my lads garden.


A bit of a bummer the posting not working at work, no idea why.


Wasn't too busy, have to work tomorrow as well.


It was pretty cool here today, -3 wind chill.

Had some rain as well.


I suppose with being by the West Coast we don't get the snow as it usually falls further inland and we have water on 3 sides.


It's supposed to be ok here tomorrow, a bit warmer.


Hi Hicky.

I had problems posting earlier as well on my other computer, but it seems OK on my tablet now.


We had another snow shower this morning, but the afternoon was OK.

I went and had a look at a couple of places but there was still snow lying on the grass so no chance of cutting it.

Hopefully tomorrow will be warmer.


Watching Apprentice as well. I've recorded the prog on BBC2 about the mammoths.


Hi Hicky.

Those places certainly look cold.


Very cold overnight here, down to -5. And very frosty first thing.

Quite a nice day after the frost went though, I got quite a few places done.

Just the odd patch of snow lying here and there. I cut a couple of places for the second time, but they hadn't really grown much in a fortnight.


Enjoyed Apprentice last night. Quite pleased they got rid of one of the blokes this time.


Hope Mollie is doing fine.



I was going to work today, it's been much milder, but it's been raining since about 11am.


Just been messing about with computers really.

Hope you are having nice Good Fridays?


Haven't any plans for Easter. Not expecting any visitors. Haven't decided whether to work on Monday or not? Will depend on the weather, I suppose?


Million Pound Drop on tonight.


Evening Emptybox.


I't been pretty miserable here today.

Not that i have a lot to do.


Potted the last 15 flower plugs, that's the 45 done now.


They have had frost over in Liverpool but not here.


Went out handy to the PO, Postal Force had left a card, anyway, it a=was shut.

Went to West Kirby to get my Meds, they were shut as well.


We have a load here tomorrow, 5 little ones, well a couple are about 6.

We are putting on a load of finger food, probably indoors as can't see weather being good enough for on the decking and the Gazebo isn't up yet.


Sunday we have MIL for Dinner. not literally.


Enjoyed the apprentice, some crazy fellers, it's gets better as we get to know them.


Gardening at 8.30 anyway.

Might plant my peas and beetroot tomorrow if it's ok.

Last edited by Hicky

Hi both x


sorry not posted for a few days, have been very very busy, End of tax year so endless paperwork, son in theatre, so have seen his play 3 times, and usual food shopping and house jobs to keep up with. Took my mum once to theatre too. Didn't get home till after 12.30am this morning.


hope you are both having a nice holiday weekend, will read back now.


Am going to watch Benidorm in a minute. x


all my family have gone out to see Derren Brown tonight.


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