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Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Been a lovely day here, even got the grass cut, wow it soon fills the grass box when it's long.


Finished my watering pipe work, 71 nozzles, of course most pots have 3 nozzles.


Had the other half of the Indian takeaway, with 4 half tubs in the oven heating up for 30 minutes, it filled a plate heaped, they give you so much.

So i got 2 meals out of it.


Thats ideal Emptybox, a 5 port Switch should do the job.


I've copied the pics from facebook, thats if they come out.

Using a helicopter to dry the ground out.

It beats working on the Docks.

Looking out over the camp site

Standing on top of a Gold Mine.



Good Afternoon Emptybox.


He was chatting to O/H earlier waiting for his flight back to Oz from Singapore.

He does 2 days travel each way.


No Sun here today, it's warm though.


Not a lot i can do in the garden now, need to find when the frost scare is over so i can sort the watering out.

All nozzles done added 1 more before 72 now.


Hope Mollie is having a good day.


DOI tonight, should be good.


Good evening both x



How was the sphag bol? I made a blueberry crumble today, because I hadn't made one for awhile, delicious.

I too enjoyed The Bank Job. that woman was naughty not sharing, giving an excuse of having a family... not good imo, not a good example to set for your kids, not showing integrity, even if the fella had already won money, at least he was honest. (I don't think I would do very well on this show, not only would I be rubbish answering the questions, but my conscience would not let me lie). 



What great pics, very different lifestyle indeed. Is your lad taking a holiday in Oz now, before he goes back?  I know you said he had a renewal for 6 months, but i assume Oz is his base and his employer?  How nice he can chat to your OH on his journey. What is the camp like? Does that mean he stays in a tent? What are they building in the pics? a god mine?

Yes I guess we still can't predict whether or not we will get a frost yet. 


We didn't get the sun a lot of places got today.

It was the sea fog again today. Loads of people were on the seafront, because they must of driven here thinking it was sunny. We went to town this morning and as we neared home and the coast I noticed the tempearture dropped from 14 down to 9 degrees.  I heard a few motorbikers on the seafront say they were leaving and going up the valleys away from the coast and its fog to where the sun was shining. I didn't mind the fog though, just put me thick coat on and had a nice latte to warm up. It was real weird, you could hear the sea right in front of us, but yet couldn't see it at all.  And I had a caramel cupcake to go with the latte and ate it on seafront.


Did you hear about this? I hope this does not mean Chantelle has made a terrible mistake man wise again..


goodnight both , hope you have had a good day. xx





Good Morning Both.


My lad gets 2 weeks off when he's back in Oz, someone else picked up his baggage at Singapore airport, good job he was staying overnight, he got it back.

It was nothing like their own, except for same colour.


Not sure about the camp he's staying in, will have to find out.


No sun at all here yesterday, just grey skies.


Fog can be very scary Mollie when it's very thick, been trapped in it quite a few times.


Don't know what to make of the Alex story, hope it's nothing serious.


You were lucky then Emptybox getting a nice day, not to worry, there's always another day.


Hope you got some nice stuff from the supermarket.


I've ordered some material to go on one of the fences to try and stop the cats and squirrels walking along it, will have to see if it will work, it's only rubber spikes built into ma backing strip that you fix onto the fence.

Last edited by Hicky


Dry day here, but cloudy.

Got some work done today. Cutting back and tidying up., Plus I've had customers on the phone arranging for me to start grass cutting at the end of the month.


That must have been annoying for your son Hicky, someone picking up his luggage? I would have been fuming; especially if the two cases didn't even look alike.


Rubber spikes might keep cats off your fence, but I would imagine squirrels might be more resourceful?


Doesn't look like there's a lot on TV tonight, but I've a lot recorded from the weekend. Top Gear, Being Human etc.





Sounds like your busy spring period has now arrived. But I guess it is good that you have plenty of work lined up. How did you originally get into this line of work? Did it build up by accident or did you need to advertise. I am guessing you do it because you like being your own boss? You like the outdoors? Glad you got the sun.

Sea mist here again today, so rather chilly, and coat weather on the seafront. Not as thick as the last few days though.



That's nice that your lad now has 2 weeks off, I wonder what sites he will see whilst off? How very annoying that someone else took his luggage, I bet he was wondering if he was ever going to get it back.

How was work today? Are you busy at the moment?


I never heard of rubber spikes, but a good idea for keeping cats away, I am an animal lover, but am sick now of the neighours cats here, there are loads of them keep coming into our garden daily..making a mess in the garden, trying to catch the birds from the bird table, winding the dog up by staring at her through the window, the gardener even found a dead rat that he said one of the many cats must of dumped in the garden too. Strange how they don't go in their own gardens ever?


Yes lots hope the Chantelle/Alex story is no real problem for them because they both seemed so suited.



I am now having a problem similar to yours last week. I am mad because a huge piece broke off my tooth yesterday.   I had had to cancel a dentist appoitment when I had those colds a few weeks ago, so was due to go for a check up, but I guess this would of happened after anyway. They have given me an appoitment for tomorow, so I am dead scared, because my neck is still swollen and I can't bend it back properly, so think dental work will be difficult. I will have to explain to dentist, and show my scar, and hope he can patch up quickly. Fortunately the tooth does not hurt, but just a bit uncomfy when cold air comes in it. Could be soft food for me tomorrow too, but I am having to be careful now what i eat with this broken tooth.

Yes not much on tv.

Lucky I have double Corrie with a good "whodunnit" story to watch.

Have a good evening both. xxx





Hi Mollie.

Sorry to hear you are having dental problems now. I'm sure if you explain your problems to the dentist, he will be able to do the work without aggravating your neck.

The cats aren't stupid. They aren't going to mess up their own patch if they can come into your garden to do their business.


Having a problem with my phones at the moment. People are having trouble getting through to me in the evenings. I tried phoning my home number from my mobile just now and it didn't even try to dial, just said "radio path unavailable"? Yet I can dial out fine and my broadband is giving me a good speed, so I don't understand it?

Seems to be OK during the day, I got a phone call this morning as I said, but my Brother and Uncle often have to try a few times before they get through. I might have to get on to the phone company again, which I hate doing.  

I just kind of drifted into gardening Mollie. I was working in the local pub in the evenings, and a local gardener who was struggling to get through his workload asked me if I would help him out.

I worked with him directly for a couple of years, then he bought a second van and had me going out on my own for another couple of years. Then he decided to give up the garden maintenance side to concentrate on landscaping, and he handed his maintenance clients over to me, and I bought my own van and equipment and went solo. That was 14 years ago.

I've just picked up other clients on the way through word of mouth. I've never had to advertise.

As you say, I like being my own boss, and getting out and about in my little van. The actual gardening is my least favourite part of it.



Bit of a cloudy dull day here.


Got in touch with Orange this morning about the phone problem. They did a line test and said there is a fault in a cabinet between me and the exchange. They are supposedly sending someone to fix it within 4 days.

Trouble is the fault is intermittant, because a client managed to get through to me this afternoon, but it's off again this evening, so that'll make it trickier to fix.


Watching Masterchef at the mo.


Morning Both.


Don't know what happened to yesterday.

Time seems to fly by.


Hope they sorted your tooth Mollie, don't think you have to put your head back these days, they seem to have all these new multi adjustable bedlike gadgets that put you in any position they want., almost horizontal i think.


As you say, the rubber spikes might not stop the squirrels, don't know, they rob the bird food so need to do something.


I always chase the cats out of the garden but they hide under the big decking, i might see if i can block it in.


I watched Masterchef last night, wow, what a high standard of food, never seen anything like it.


Went to Costco yesterday, got some mince, water, nectarines, mushrooms, eggs, jelly babies.


Got another pack of LED sensor controlled lights, battery operated.

You just fasten them in a place where you might go in in the dark that hasn't got lighting, my sheds are like that, the light comes on the instant it detects you and goes off after you leave, 20 seconds later, it has 3 AAA batteries which are supplied, i have 4 now, only about ÂĢ18 the pair.


Thats strange about your phones Emptybox, why just at night and why just in-coming, and yet you have the internet and thats usually the first thing that disconnects.


If you saw how all the telephone wires are connected it makes you wonder how they work at all.

They don't have any screws or anything connecting the wires, they are just pushed into a clip, a bit of movement and the wire could become a bad connection.


You Defo get more freedom being your own boss, it's maybe not easy and you have to do your own books but your not tied to a starting/finishing time.


Have a good day, C U L8R





sorry to hear about your phone problems, how annoying and so badly times with it being your busy work time coming up. I hope they can sort it.

That is interesting how you got into your gardening job through a job in the pub. I thought you might say you got your clients by word of mouth, because that is a sign you are doing our job well.   Do you ever go to that pub you used to work in now?



Yes I agree, it is best to be your own boss, my OH prefers contracting for himself, it is lucky for him I am at home, so able to sort the paperwork, because he doesn't like that bit.

You got a nice variety of stuff from Costo there. Work or day off today?

It is dry here, but cloudy, not foggy this time though.



Dentist did not go well. I was waiting half hour in waiting room. Dentist busy updating records on pc, nurse said cooly to me, get in chair, I took a look at it, and tears came into eyes with panic at thought of leaning neck back. I told her I wanted to speak to him first and then they left me sitting there for awhile sniffling into my hanky. It is not like me, I was never a crier or drama queen until I had this op. In the end I explained to him, so he adjusted the chair as best he could, and quickly checked and said I had broken tooth bad, so it needed a crown, at a cost of ÂĢ177.    He said because it wasn't too far back he could just manage to do it, but it would take half hour of me lying like that, which I am dreading. Booked in for next Wednesday. He was nice to me though and advised me to try moving head up and down to improve muscles,  I tried to explain it was not muscles , it was inside being restricted, but no-one seems to understand, as it is so unusual. Oh well, has to be sorted, I don't want toothache, and at least he now knows that I can only turn my head so far to the side.

To make it worse, I got all flustered coming out, I had the wrong credit card, so couldn't get the PIN right. Son and I pooled our cash and found only ÂĢ140, so had to say I would pay rest when I went next week.

We are going to see King and I in Cardiff today, son keen to see it as he enjoyed performing in it. So glad of a bit of distraction.

Have a good day both.  x


Good Afternoon Mollie.


I'm at work, not too busy today.

Middle of the month so it's ok.


Thats bad news about your tooth, i'm sure id didn't have to lean my head back, maybe i did.

Can yopu take some sort of pain killer tablet 30mins before which might help with some relief?


Thats expensive work, never had a crown, not sure even what they are exactly.


That was another blow, having the wrong card, my dentist don't even take cards, only cheque and cash.


The King and I sounds good as well, it will be strange for your lad seeing it after performing it himself.


Forecast says no cloud today/tomorrow, but heavy rain Saturday Night, but pretty warm.


Have changed my twitter background, taken off Chanelle and put this one of my car.

It's got the normal Tyres on though, not the winter ones.

My Freelander


Evening Mollie and Hicky.

Cloudier and chillier today, but dry anyway.

Got some more work done.

Yes Hicky, I've had a lot of problems with my phones over the years. In fact I think it was only last summer that they were off last, with a similar fault. And yet they just patch them up without making any improvements.

The water seems to very easily get into these cabinets and cause disruption.

No idea if I'll ever get put onto fibre-optic cable here? 


That doesn't sound like a pleasant experience at the dentists Mollie.

And expensive as well. Wonder why they wanted you to pay up front for the work? You should have waited till you saw whether he did a good job on your crown.

Did you try leaning back in his chair to see if you could stand it? You could maybe take a pillow or cushion in with you.


I very rarely go into the pub nowadays TBH, just if I have visitors that want to go.

My Dad used to own the pub/hotel, and I worked for him (and lived there). Then when he retired I worked part-time for the new owners, and shortly after that I started with the other gardener. So for a good few years I was doing gardening by day and working 3 nights in the pub as well. But then in 2000 the pub changed owners again, and the new one didn't need any staff, so I've just done the gardening since then.

I think the last time I was in that pub was for my Dad's funeral. We had the funeral tea in there; which was quite fitting, as he had owned it previously.

Handsome as your car looks Hicky, I think I preferred your pic of Chanelle.

I saw you were getting stick about it on the DS thread, but there was nothing wrong with it. A couple on there just detest Chanelle, so I'd have told them very politely that their advice wasn't required.


I guess it'll have to be Masterchef again tonight? Not much else on.


Evening Emptybox.


I think the Fibre Optic cable will only be the main lines, don't think it will connect to houses etc, it's very hard to make off the optic ends so not sure.


It looks like your stuck with the gardening then, don't think you would want to go back to the pub to work would you?


I don't think anyone on DS where i am like Chanelle, they never liked her in the house or the way she carried on or for walking.


I got fed up with the picture myself and don't follow her now, no idea what she is doing, but didn't agree with some of the things she does.

Never liked that feller she had either.


I see The Apprentice starts next week, Wednesday I think.


Just watching BBC1 & 2 tonight i think.


Hi Hicky.

There are two types of fibre-optic services that are being rolled out.

'Fibre to the cabinet', which takes the fibre to the nearest cabinet to your home, with copper to your mastersocket.

And 'Fibre to the home' which takes the fibre right to your mastersocket, and is much faster.

I should think the latter will only be on offer in big cities, and I doubt I'll see either?


No, I wouldn't think I'd want to work behind a bar again. Too lazy now.

Also playing 'Mine host' was always difficult for me, as I'm very shy and unsociable. It was probably good therapy for me though?

Plus you got to hear all the local gossip.


Chanelle? It's cakes cakes cakes at the mo. Plus it's still on/off/on/off with the Tweed bloke.

I think a lot have lost interest TBH.


I saw a pic in the paper today of the Apprentice candidates. Some attractive girls this year.


Evening Emptybox.


I suppose you can only have fibre if it's already in from the exchange to a sub station, then out to area boxes, then out to local boxes.


The final leg would also be good in fibre.


Don't think you can have part fibre as i don't think you can just change from wire to glass very easy, or very cheaply.


I can't see any future with Chanelle and Tweed, so i can't be bothered any more, she's probably lost most fans now, but at least she's got her cakes.


Looking forward to The Apprentice next week.

Here's the line-up, maybe Mollie hasn't seen it yet.


Good evening both xx



Glad you have managed to make a start on your work.

at you being too lazy to work in the bar now. I bet it was hard work when you did that and your gardens too, wasn't it? And late nights, with not much chance to watch tv either? So reckon you are best out of it, as you would miss the new series of Apprentice if you were weren't out of it .  Yes as you say, not the ideal job for someone quiet. All of my kids are fairly quiet and shy too, no surprise though as OH is too, and whilst I like to chat to individuals, I am hopeless with more than a couple of people who I know well,  so no pub work for me either, tv viewing instead,



Nice piccie of your car. Did you spend time in your garden today?


That is interesting you mention fibre optic because we had an email off our internet people saying the fibre optic had arrived in our area, which I am not suprised at by the amount of road digging going on. But I didn't know what you had to do to get it in your home, I suppose it would involve a fee though?


at you both getting bored with Chanelle, and switching your interest so quickly to the Apprentice girls. I too am so looking forward to this show. I was never a fan of Chanelle's on BB anyway.Always struck me as a silly spoilt child, desperate for a fella. eg Ziggy, then some footballer and now Tweed.. says it all really.  


Seen the ad for Britains Got Talent, think it will be great going on the advert, I think after X factor was not so good this year, Simon will up the ante for BGT this year, hope so anyway.


Chilly and cloudy here too today. Enjoyed taking doggie a walk on seafront though. Some surfers out today, some had a paddle, so were standing on boards for ages.


My upset and discomfort with my neck at the dentist when he didn't even do anything, spurred me on to visit docs again, and am glad I did. He said that I must phone my consultant's secretary because I had not been discharged by him, if I had he would of sent notes to docs, and as a GP, he couldn't tell advise me on anything to do with the ops. So that is what I will do. I also went to dentist and told the receptionist that I cannot go through with extensive dental work because of my medical problems, so she cancelled long appoitment and made a short one to see if he can do something temporary.

Hicky the cap they do covers the damaged tooth with some fancy white stick on porcelain one, so it looks like a natural perfect tooth. But it means a long appoitment because they have to drill the tooth to shape, then take all these full impressions of your teeth, to make sure they fit exactly, then fit a temporary cap, whilst you wait for your own one to be made in the lab.


The King and I was great, and a sell out. We had a box, so my friend came too. We always have a delicious ice-cream in the interval, my fave is the strawberry one.


Time for Celeb Juice, some nice light entertainment.

I know you both watch it, so enjoy. xx


hope you have had a good day. x


thanks for the link HIcky, will go and look at the new contestants now.

Do you watch 4 in a bed on C4 at 5.30pm. a great show, I like watching brekkie time best.


Hi Mollie and Hicky.

Dull cloudy and cold here today. I think there are frosts forecast for here for the next couple of nights.


Went into town to pay a few bills etc.


Pity you've had to call off your dentist appointment Mollie, but bet you're quite relieved not to have to go through the ordeal. Hope they can sort out a temporary solution to your tooth.

Yes, I would think having fibre optic would be a more expensive option. Probably worth it though.


I'm glad the girl won Masterchef. I think she was by far the best.


I'm very sad for Aisleyne tonight.

As you may know, she has been estranged from her mother since the age of 16, and has only spoken to her a couple of times since. But her dream has always been that they would be reconciled one day.

Tonight Ash learned that her Mum had died suddenly at only 54 (I don't know the circumstances), and all her dreams have been shattered.

The poor girl is devastated.


Good morning both




Gardening today?

Whilst I am not a fan of Ais's, I think that tale is very sad, because it destroys her hopes of a reconciliation now. Wonder why the fell out when she was only 16? And why her mum suddenly died at a young age?


I think today is a work day for HIcky isn't it? Hope he isn't too busy to get on his forums.


Dull and cloudy and very chilly here too today, looks like its set to get cold here later too Emptybox. Let's hope it doesn't mean too much oil useage for you coming up. Good job Hicky has still protected his plants from the frost.


Tonight me and drama son going to local theatre to see a show which is songs from the musicals, so should be good. Can I resist buying a big bag of sweets for us to eat? The wobbly belly says I should not. But I know I will, but can I then also resist an ice-cream in the break? Probably not.  

I can always go back to the diet Monday.

Have a good day both x




Evening Mollie and Hicky.

Wet windy and cold today. Not nice at all.


Hope you enjoy your show tonight Mollie. I think we could say that going to musicals was your hobby, you see so many of them?

I've no idea what happened to Ash's mother? Whether it was an accident, or whether she was ill, or whether Ash knew she was ill, I've no clue?


What I do know is that Ash's Uncle is terminally ill with cancer, and Ash has been spending a lot of time with him over the last few months. It would be poignant if Ash knew her Mother was also ill, but wasn't able to see her, but I just don't know? 

In any event, it's all very sad.


Ash's Mother was Sophia Horgan, a famous fashion designer from the punk era. She designed clothes for the likes of Boy George, Siouxsie Sioux etc.

She split from Ash's Father when Ash was just a few years old, and soon after that she became a strict Jehovah's Witness.


Aisleyne was brought up as a Witness, and not allowed to celebrate Birthdays or Christmas or to have boyfriends etc. In her teenage years she started to rebel and ran away from home a couple of times.

When she was 16 she ran away and stayed with her Uncle, the same one that's now ill, and when she went home to collect some clothes she found the locks changed and her Mother refused to have anything more to do with her, or even to speak to her. I think she regarded Ash as a lost soul?

Any time Ash has tried to contact her Mother in the years since, she has always been told to go away and leave her alone.


Her Uncle didn't have room for Ash to stay with him long, so she spent the rest of her teenage years and early twenties living in hostels in the seedier parts of London. She only escaped from that life when she got work for a fashion house, and later in promotions and then Big Brother.
It's all in her autobiography.
Aisleyne - Surviving Guns, Gangs and Glamour


Last edited by emptybox

Good Morning Both.


A lovely Sunny day here today, was yesterday as well.


Have taken all the covers of the plants and pots.

Spring ina few days 20th.

I'm hoping the frosts if any won't be too severe.


I see what you mean about your tooth Mollie, it's a big job, i just get fillings, why do they want to cap them?


Agree about the female on Masterchef, she was so good, couldn't believe the things she cooked up, that was professional cooking.


Can't wait for the Apprentice, should be good as always.


So Sad about Ash, what a life, but thats what happens with these religious sects, they are ruthless, it's a closed strict shop, all wrong.


Your not going to believe this, i've just found out that the tyres i took off to change for winter ones, were winter ones all along.





It's a bright sunny day here, but there was a touch of frost first thing.


That's funny about your tyres Hicky. After all the trouble you went to, you could just have left the old ones on.

Are you going to change them again, or just run with the ones you have on now?


I'm looking forward to The Apprentice as well.

I enjoyed the Aaron & Faye twitcam last night.


Bit worried that I haven't heard anything of Aisleyne for a while. Hopefully she's with the rest of her family.


Evening Emptybox.


Strange about the tyres, never even thought when i found out the spare was a winter tyre, it was only when i was looking how much tread on one i took off that i was looking at the gaps between the tread when i realised it was the spec of a winter tread pattern so i checked for the marking.


I really should change back or i'll end up with 8 worn tyres when i would rather have good ones for winter.


I saw some of the Faye twitcam, but they keep bickering which put me off.


Aisleyne must be lying low for a while.


Hope Mollie's had a good day.


Going out for brekki in the morning with my Lad and his lads, we are having dinner at his house tomorrow.


Had the other half of my Indian meal tonight, good job you get so much.



Good evening both x



Gosh what a horrible background Ais had. I so agree with Hicky.. these religious sects are ruthless. IMO religion causes so much trouble in this world, gets on my nerves. Yes indeed, musicals are my hobby. And with my son in the drama club, he loves the theatre. My other son not keen on musicals but likes other drama stuff. He went with his sister to see "Woman in Black" at the pictures today, and said it was ok but nowhere near as good as it was on stage, I must admit it was brilliant on stage, so scary the guy in front of us screamed out loud.   He said the suspense wasn't built up the same in the film, it was just loud bangs and noises used.

Glad to hear you got a nice sunny day there today. It was not bad here, but had showers in the afternoon.



I can't believe that about your tyres. I bet that was a surprise. Yes best to change back if you don't want worn winter ones. Yes not long till official spring, which is good, nice light days to come too. It is chilly here tonight though, going down to 2 degrees apparently.

Enjoy your brekkie out, and your dinner at your lads tomorrow.


We enjoyed the singing show last night.

Looking foward to the Apprentice too and BGT next week , wonder if BBC's The Voice with Holly will be any good?


Oh and today is March 17th so...



Hi Mollie.


Had a great brekki with the young ones, the baby had the same as his 5yr old brother, 2 big sausages on 2 rounds of toast.

He loves his food.


A lovely Day here, Happy Mothers Day, and St. Patrick's day.


I think i better get the tyres changed back for the summer, it's only about ÂĢ10 a wheel.

Would rather keep the new set as new.


I think seeing shows on stage is much more exciting, not that i see many.

It's just more real and you can't beat that.


Looking forward to my dinner at my lads.

Just cooking a piece of topside.


Getting buds on some of the vines as well,

They will enjoy this Sun.


Looking forward to DOI tonight, only 2 more shows to go by the looks of it, Glad The Apprentice starts Wednesday.


Good evening both x



Glad you enjoyed your brekkie out. Aaawww at the baby enjoying his sausages and toast. I bet he is so cute. I hope you enjoyed your dinner at your lads too.


This morning we went to Cardiff, there were lots of French men still in the city, after the rugby match yesterday. 

My mum came over for dinner for mothers day, I was going to make a roast dinner then when me and daughter smelt the fish and chips on the seafront we decided to get fish from there and take it home instead, which my mum really enjoyed. The quality of the fish shop is so good here.

We too were lucky enough to get the sun today, there were lots of people walking down the seafront today, Ice cream sales doing well too.

Hope Emptybox has had a good day and got the sun too.

did you both enjoy DOI? Doing those dances on their own must of been so nerve racking for them, they all did well .

Goodnight both x


Evening both.

Quite frosty this morning, -2 on the max/min thermometer in the greenhouse, but a nice sunny day afterwards. 


Glad you enjoyed your Mothers' Day fish and chips Mollie.


Hope you enjoyed your family meal Hicky?

Probably sensible to get the tyres changed over again.


Supermarket this afternoon, then a stack of ironing.

I think I'm going to have to ease into the grass cutting next week?


Evening Both.


Tried to post from work this morning but couldn't get the reply box up.

using Firefox the same as usual.

Tried IE and it said it didn't support my browser.

Couldn't do anything, so annoying.



I don't blame you having fish and chips, if it's good it's well worth it.

I had dinner at my lads, very nice, we supplied the meat and the chicken and gammon as he doesn't have enough room in his oven.


I did enjoy DOI, they are so good now.

Thought she would go out, not a patch on the others.


-2 Emptybox, pretty chilly.

It's not bad though if it turns out nice.


Your right about the grass cutting, they will all be after you soon.


My little seed pots are all growing, i have been putting them outside during the day if it's nice.

Might be getting a few flower plants delivered soon, but they only send them when they are ready and the weather is ok.


My Pear, apple and plum are sprouting 1st shoots, 2 vines are starting, 2 not yet.

Figs will probably be later.


Day off tomorrow.

I want to get the rest of the decking to finish my lads, left off last year with the weather.


Good evening both x



Glad you got the nice sunny weather. Was it Sainsburys for the shop this week?  Yes I am sure you are soon going to get busy with those gardens , our grass has grown quickly again already.



Pity you couldn't log in here today. Sounds like you are well organised in the garden. Be careful of the frosts though. Yes best you only put some things out in the day,because  we had a heavy frost last night, but it did end up being nice and sunny all day, so can't complain.


Glad you had a nice time at your lads yesterday. Sounds like you weren't short of food.   Did the little baby eat it all again though? 

Hope the decking job goes well, be careful of that saw though. At least it looks like we have dry weather for you to continue it.


Had a nice walk on beach today with dog. It was sunny, so was quite busy. Well busy for here, meaning about a dozen people scattered all over the huge beach. So not "busy, busy".  Someone was running on the beach flying a huge kite.


Have a good evening both x




Not a nice day here. Very cold and windy.

First grass cutting put off till tomorrow.


I had some problems with the site yesterday at times as well. It seemed to go down for short periods.

That's a good sign Hicky, that you are seeing new shoots on some of your fruits.


Glad you enjoyed your walk on the beach Mollie.


My phones seem to be working now, but I've never heard back from Orange, so I've no idea if they've been out to fix the line, or if the phones are just behaving at the mo? I'll not complain anyway, as long as they keep on working.


I didn't watch DoI. I think I caught one of the early shows but that was all.

Nothing much on tonight. I can't stand Gordon Ramsey, so I definitely won't be watching that.


Hi Mollie and Hicky.

Not too bad a day here. Sunny but quite chilly and blustery.


I got my first 3 places grass cut. One place was quite thick, but the other two were OK. Think I picked up a new customer as well. Somebody asked for my card anyway.


Quite a lot on TV tonight. BFGW on CH4, Horizon on BBC2 and Return to the Falklands on ITV. Think I'll watch that and record the other two?


Good evening both

Hope Hicky had a good day, and the weather stayed nice for him to help with the decking.



Glad to hear the phone seems to be working again, fingers crossed it stays that way now.

That is a good start getting 3 gardens done. and good to have another prospective customer.   Are you still wearing the wooly had then, as it was quite cool? Our gardener came again today, the grass had grown very quickly since he came 2 weeks ago.


I too can't stand Gordon Ramsay, so never watch anything with him in it. You are right, so much to watch tonight, Typical, everything on the same night, so have to make a choice or record.

Think I too will record Simon Weston, and watch Horizon. Did I tell you that last time I was at Cardiff hospital Simon Weston was waiting for the same clinic? He jumped out of his seat to pas an old lady her bag when she dropped it. I saw her say "thank you", then she suddenly clicked and said to her friend "that was Simon Weston".


. just saw an ad for this weeks OK.. and it seems Chantelle is not finding pregnancy easy.She had 2 health scares last week.


I thought this newspaper story was funny...


Went to dentist today and he said best to leave treatment until I had been back to see consultant, and he said I could have refund, but have to wait until office can sort it, will go back next time in town.


have a good evening both xx




I thought i better post, getting lost with the time, also might not be able to at work.


Sprayed the trees hoping to stem the insect attack, did it before the buds open into flowers.


2 vines have breaking buds which is good, 2 more to go.


The figs haven't opened yet.


My neighbour from the bottom is going to give me some Leek plants and a baby gooseberry bush.


Been watching the program about why people over eat.

It's the hormones, if they aren't set right before birth by the mother then they are wrong in the child, which means it seems that the hunger signal doesn't come and go as it should, it stays about centre and so they never get very hungry and never get full so they just eat all the time.


They have found a way of resetting the problem, they did a stomach reduction and the hunger/full feelings came back.


It was very interesting.


Hope this week goes well for you Emptybox, weather seems quite good.


The 1st day of spring today, clocks go forward Saturday night.



Afternoon Mollie & Emptybox.


Had a play with a few settings in Firefox and got it working again at work.


Been pretty busy as well.


Got to come in Friday, will have to take the little one to school first though.


This working has taken me by surprise.


O/H went out last night with her friend, made a spag bol and messed it up, had a big bottle of tomato sauce and some spag, got some meatballs cooked put the sauce is a bowl but added too much spag, it soaked up the sauce, didn't want that, love the sauce.

Ate some and threw the rest.


The Apprentice tonight, good, love watching Lord Sugar's tweets.

He never stops.


I found out about the footballer that collapsed within seconds, he was there.


Hi Hicky.

You want to be careful you're not over-doing it with all this work?

Had to do some myself today. More grass cutting.

Also I planted my tomato seeds in the propagator. on the windowsill.

Spring must be here?


Pity your spaghetti didn't go to plan. I like the spaghetti more than the sauce, so I'd probably have thought it was fine.


Yes Apprentice on tonight, and also Four Rooms on CH4. Doesn't look like that punky girl is back this time though.


Did you mean one of your lads was at the game when the footballer collapsed?

ETA: Oh, I misread your post. You meant that Lord Sugar was at the game.


Good evening both


Thanks to Emptybox reminding me Horizon was on, I too saw that fat programme, very interesting. And I had forgotten the clocks change Saturday, that will be lovely for the light evenings. Let's hope we get some nice dry weather.

Good job you got the site working ok, especially if you are having to work extra days. Shame about your sphab bol, hope you weren't too hungry all evening.



Spring here in earnest then if you had more grass cutting to do. Do you tire easier at the beginning of the grass cutting season, until you get used to it again?


Glad to see 4 Rooms is back again, what a shame the punky girl isn't back this season though, she was my fave on it last time.

Looking forward to the new series of the Apprentice.


It was a lovely warm sunny day today, my friend came over and we went to town, then me and the kids took dog a walk on the seafront, a good surf today, so lots of surfers out there.


Hicky.. is your lad enjoying his hols in Oz? Which part is he holidaying in?


Son gone to the theatre for Billy Liar rehearsals.


Have a good evening.

enjoy the tv, I am sure we will tonight.


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


They are so busy at work, never dealt with so much money on orders quotes invoices.

Most of what i do is in 6 figures.

But online we can only pay out up to ÂĢ50,000 a day, don't know why, it's a nuisance.

If the bills are higher i have to email the bank manager the info to pay it direct.


I haven't bothered with seeds this year except for the meadow flower stuff.

Will get potted plants to try, they are quite expensive but i only do it for the challenge anyway.


I like these light evenings, just the job.


Yes, it was Lord Sugar who was tweeting from the game when the footballer collapsed.


The forecast seems good here for a week anyway.

Pity they are never right.


Not sure what my lad is doing, he was talking about leaving the company he's with and going it alone, self employed, he said he would get an extra ÂĢ10,000 a month.

I think he's gone back to Darwin.


Went to New Brighton for fish and chips tonight, they gave us 2 fish each as they weren't as big as usual.

Far too much for me.




Hi Mollie.


Yes, it takes a while to get back fully into working. It's all the walking behind the mower. You start to flag after a few hours until you get used to it.

Although the days have been nice, and it's exeptionally dry, it's still getting down to low temps at night, and that stops the grass growing, so there's no great rush at the mo.


I enjoyed Four Rooms, although I didn't see why they were getting excited at some old paint brushes. I'm ashamed to say I'd never heard of the artist.


It's great that your firm is so busy Hicky.   Strange that there's that restriction online?


The time change in the Spring doesn't affect my working, because it's already light to past 6pm. Unlike the one in the Autumn, which curtails my working hours.


Evening Emptybox.


If the weather stays nice i'll be able to cut the grass again.

Should really have cut it with a higher setting for the first cut i suppose.


Enjoyed The Apprentice, silly girl, got herself sacked for talking too much.

That was Bilyana Apostolova.


I don't watch 4 rooms, not much into buying and selling.


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