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Hi Hicky.


That sounds like a fantastic meal you had. Not so keen on a lamb curry meself, but the mussels sound great.


That's unfortunate, needing work at the dentist. Hope it's all painless. 


Unfortunately my livingroom has a massive single-glazed window, and although I draw the curtains, it still loses heat quicker than my other rooms. If I turned the heating off at 10pm the room would be cold by 11.30pm, and as I don't like to go to bed till 1am, then that wouldn't suit.

I've also got an electric fire in there, which I need on as well in the coldest times, but I haven't needed it recently.


If I really wanted to save money, I suppose I would retire to bed early, as the bedroom has the hot water tank in a cupboard, so is the warmest room.

But things haven't quite got that bad yet.


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


(Found the missing post, this is it)

It hadn't gone, still on the screen.


Lovely day here, only 10 deg but no wind.


Went to a Tesco Direct place about 10 miles away to pick up a 2 seater settee for my lad, they said they wouldn't deliver it.


Went to Red Hot in Liverpool one, yummy.


The baby had a fine time, he never stopped eating, and he seems to think a large spoon hitting the table is a drum.

I wonder why they love doing that?


No Mollie, O/H only ate 1 egg, she kept the other 4, but i have loads.


John Innis is the best stuff to use for your plants and tree etc.

No.1 is for cuttings and baby plants, No. 2 is for re-potting etc, No. 3 is for larger plants/trees etc.

I need more but have some to start with.

Have put my spuds for planting in low open boxes, chitting it's called.


O'H's back is a lot better, she'll just have to be careful.


I like Mascaponi, I like anything.


Have seen a few Coach trips but they keep coming and going, and the voting is rediculous, it just annoys me.


Won ÂĢ9.90 on the Euro and ÂĢ2.50 on the Plus 5 same night.




Morning Mollie & Emptybox.


Had to post that missing one.


Checked appointment time, it's next week.

Good job i checked.


If you have any single glazing the losses are terrific, thick curtains would probably keep the losses to a minimum.


If the room is warm from the hot water tank that shows the heat losses from that, which is costing you money is suppose.


Drizzle here today, just done the school run.


My Flower seeds have been posted, will have to get the seed trays ready for them.


both x



where on earth was your lost post hiding?   Glad you found it though , it is so annoying when you lose them.

Glad to hear you enjoyed your meal out.  Aaawww the baby sounds so cute going out with you for a meal. Your OH showed real control only eating one egg at a time. I eat 3 of them once then felt sick after, so it put me off them after that. I still enjoy eating the creme egg lollies though.

What a shame about your tooth chipping on a fork. Hopefully it won't take long for the dentist to sort it out for you.

Glad your seeds have been posted, that will keep you busy on your days off.



Good to hear that you have saved on your oil. I heard on the radio today that in your area it could be the warmest Feb day on record. It was very mild here too today.


i don't fancy the mussels or the lamb, but by the sound of it there is something for all tastes at this branch of resteraunt Hicky goes to. I'd be happy with a cheese pizza or cheesy macaroni, or cauliflower cheese, or veggie burger.


Saw Juniour Doctors tonight, a very interesting show. And also super fat and super skinny.


Goodnight both xx




It was a nice day here, but not a record breaker like they were saying. It was 12 degrees or something. Cloudy most of the day, but sunny spells.

I decided to spend some time tidying my own garden, to get me back into the swing of things.


Godd job you checked on your dental appointment Hicky. I suppose that gives you another week's grace?


The hot water tank wears a jacket which keeps the heat in, but it still makes the bedroom slightly warmer than the other rooms. I still need the radiator in there on and my electric blanket, when the weather is coldest. Not for the last few days though.


How's your cough now Mollie? And your daughter's?


Afternoon Mollie & Emptybox.


The post was still on the screen, it just hadn't gone, sometimes the cursor moves away and the first click brings it back, but it may take another click to do anything, it's just the way the system works, i have about 20 tabs on the screen and another tab can take the cursor, the pages work on a priority basis but 1 page can call the cursor away to update say a tweet count.


I try to just eat 1 choc egg at a time as well.


I filled the seed boxes with compost and watered it, put a new shelf in the summerhouse for the trays to go on, 4 trays of 24 little pots each.


Yes Mollie, you can get Pizza's at Red Hot, anything.


13 deg today, it was sunny earlier as well, when i was up on the roof, in the canteen up there.


Not too busy today.

Catch you later.




I bet your own garden looks nice now, hope all your gardening equipment is working well this season.

Yes my cough is a lot better now thanks, and daughters is too.



Glad you were not too busy at work today.

Lets hope for nice weather tomorrow so you can get in garden.

What were you doing on the roof of the canteen?

Hope your seeds do well.


Very warm and sunny here today, so put away the coat and cardy to go for a walk today. Sat outside for awhile too and spoke to scaffolding man who came to take it away.


We went for a meal today at a nice pub we like, I had a spicy burger without the burger because it was too spicy for me. So OH and daughter ate it. didn't mind because I was happy with mash , salad, coleslaw and burger bun. Followed by toffee sponge and custard, shared with OH. We had some vouchers that saved us ÂĢ10 and a free desert, and some spare that I gave away to people who came in.. one man was thrilled with his free pint, he offerred me some of his chips and a dip, I declined because I had just eaten.


Here is the pub..


Goodnight both. x




Good evening both

Hope you have both had a good day and have been able to enjoy the same lovely we have had here.

Really warm and sunny again today. A no coat day again.

There was lots of surfers out today, it was a really high surf. And a lot of people out walking.

It doesn't seem like only 1st March. Grass has started growing again already, so I expect this warm weather will bring on an early spring start to your work this year Emptybox.


Watched some of Location, Location, then saw Corrie. Going to watch Keith Lemon later.


have a good evening. x



Hi Mollie and Hicky.

I've been distracted this last couple of days because I've installed the Windows 8 Consumer Preview on to my test computer, and have been playing about with it.

I'm still undecided about it. It's much like Windows 7 underneath but with a new 'Metro' interface over the top of it.


It wasn't very warm here tonight Mollie. Gone back to being a bit chilly again.

Don't think our grass has started growing yet, although it might have done in town? But grass cutting is only a few weeks away now.


I watched Location Location then that 'Make Bradford British' thing then 'Our Man in Ibiza'. So CH4 all the way again.

That sounds like a good deal for your meal Mollie, although I don't think I would have liked a spicy burger without the burger.


Good afternoon both



I wondered where you had been lurking for the last few days. Do you have to pay for this new windows thing? are you impressed with it?

I forgot to watch that Ibiza thing sounds quite an interesting series.

I assume they are moving all round the globe with it?


Still warm here, so have the window in lounge open again. Been out walk with dog, and gave the ponies some carrots, I think they are pleased when I turn up.   Dog is bathing in front of front room window.She is such a sun lover, even though all her black fur gets really hot.


Wonder where Hicky is? Hasn't called in for 3 days, maybe lost his posts again? Or busy in garden.


Benidorm tonight, I enjoyed it last week.


have a good day both x


Hi Mollie.


It was quite nice here today as well, though mostly cloudy.

I got some work done. Tidying up and cutting back.

I was wearing my fleece and woolly hat, but in truth I could have got away with just a body-warmer.


The Windows 8 Consumer Preview is free. You can download it and install it to as many PCs as you like. It's not the absolutely finished version, that will come out in a few months time, and you'll definitely have to pay for that.

This is fully functional though, and gives you a good idea what Win 8 will look like.

You can use it until January next year when it'll stop working.
It gives me an extra operating system on this test PC. I've got 5 on it now. You can only use one at a time though.

I've been messing about on the computer again tonight, so I haven't watched much telly, but I've recorded Benidorm for later.

Think Hicky is OK? He's been tweeting this evening (can always keep tabs on him through twitter )


Evening/Morning Mollie & Emptybox.


Keep losing track of time.


Been busy in the garden, seems so much to do when the weather gets warmer with the sun out.


Had to re-pot the Peach & Nectarine bushes as they have come into flower all ready, with being in the Summer House i imagine.


Still getting the big 50ltr pots ready for the toms, peppers, chilli's etc.


Have got plants on order, perennials, wild flowers sown.


New watering computer arrived, complete with rain level sensor, can set the amount of rain needed before it stops the watering.

This is a programmable one with a display, i'm used to programmable stuff.


I saw the Windows 8 trial thingy, but i'll need to change puters anyway when XP updates finish in 2013 or there about.


Haven't seen an awful lot on TV, watched American Idol tonight, good.


we had to get a new puter for work, this one for the mechanical drawings cost over ÂĢ5k, it is a 6 core CPU with loads of memory and good graphics etc.


Evening guys.


Not bad day here, but I think we are supposed to be back to frosts for the next couple of nights.


Have fun in your garden Hicky. You've got a lot of work ahead of you.


I find Windows 8 to be an inbetween OS. Microsoft are trying to get away from the traditional desktop way of doing things, but they haven't been bold enough to completely get rid of it this time, and are trying to keep everybody happy, to limited success IMO.

I don't think it's going to be a classic like XP or 7, but'll probably just fill in a couple of years till the next version, which might be Metro only?

Still, it's fun to play with, and has some interesting features.


Enjoying watching The Bank Job.


Afternoon Emptybox.


Gone a bit cooler here today, and probably for the week.


This new Windows 8, don't see the point really.

Why do we need more features anyway.


I suppose they just keep advancing.

They keep offering things we don't really need, but they want to convince us we do.


The garden is almost ready for the new plants to come.


Have to check when threat of frosts has gone, want to uncover the Figs.


Hope Mollie had a good weekend.

Last edited by Hicky


found you at last !!


I got locked out for some reason, it was asking for my PW, and couldn't remember it.  


hope you are having a good weekend. x

what happened to summer?

I had only just dug out my summer flowery top and it is time to retrieve the hat and scarf again.



think i will pass on the windows thing, I had enough trouble logging in here. Sounds like a good idea for you to have a play with it whilst it is free though.

good idea to go hunting HIcky out on twitter when he gets lost, I rarely post on there, but do like a quick read now and again. I enjoyed following Mark off HOtel,I am missing that show tonight.



see me and Emptybox now have a method of tracking you down when you forget us.

Glad to hear you have been making the most of the dry weather in the garden.


We went for brekkie in Asda yesterday, haven't been for awhile with not eating much when I had cough, but enjoyed it yesterday.

Took dog on seafront toay, and very different to the heat last week... oh boy was it blowy and cold. A really good surf though today, loads of surfers out. I actually prefer it rough than hot and crowded, no queue today at seafront coffee bar and plenty of seats too.


not much on tv today, with no Hotel.


goodnight both x








Well I woke up to snow this morning.

we got quite a good covering before it turned to rain.

The rain has taken all the snow off my lawn, but the hills are still covered, and they're predicting a frost for me tonight.


That's right Hicky. Why do we need new features? I mean mobile phones? email? What was wrong with good old semaphore?  


Haven't done much today except the supermarket this afternoon.

Last edited by emptybox


hope it doesn't stay cold for too long up there for you, don't want those oil supplies diminishing.


forgot to say , me and OH were looking in travel agents window, and saw Olympic trips for sale, one was the opening ceremony, so I said, I'd like to see that, even though I am not interested in the sports bit..then I said to OH , it was a bit steep at ÂĢ550 though .. then he said I had read it wrong and it was ÂĢ5500 each !!!    Forget that for a lark.. There was other boring stuff like running stuff etc that was a few hundred though. 




Good Morning Mollie & Emptybox.


Happy Monday again, coolish but getting warmer again this week.


Thats sometimes a problem Mollie, forgetting log in details.

I keep all mine in a little book in the desk drawer, there's so many sets to remember these days.


It's good that you and the dog can enjoy the seafront, it can get a bit blowy though as you say.

It's been a bit chilli here the weekend but i'm on top of the work now.

The peach and nectarine trees are in full bloom but can't put them out yet.


I didn't see the meteor except for on the tv,


At least you didn't get too much snow Emptybox, saw it forecasted for some area's.


It's just the added features to windows we don't need, if we haven't got them now then we can't need them.

All the features are just slowing everything down.


Olympic trips, omg, as if.


Glad the new lambs have arrived, that's my dinner sorted.


Was watching a Chef on Saturday Kitchen and he said he doesn't eat or cook Lamb, or serve it in his restaurant.


I saw Phantom of the Opera in London, my lad took us when he came last time.

His company has been given a 6 month extension on the Sumatra contract, so we'll have to see how it goes.

It's a very lucrative job.


Got some work to do.

Catch you later.


Good evening both



is the snow still on the hills? Bet it looks pretty.

Do you go to Sainsburys for your shopping now?




where do you keep the peach and nectarine trees as you said you can't put them out yet? You said they were in bloom now, what colour are the flowers? I have noticed the trees here are now in blossom, looks so pretty.

Well done to your lad getting an extension, he may as well pile away the money over there while he can, not much decent paid work going in this country at the moment. Didn't know you had seen Phampton in London. Was it good? Hope so, because I got some tickets for us to see it in Cardiff today. It isn't on till January next year, so a long wait, but got the tickets early because it is popular, so sells quickly. 


Interesting how that chef said he too didn't eat lamb, they just look so cute, such a shame they have no life. Glad i gave up meat, when I was small I always hated the smell in butchers shops, and never could stand the site of red meat.

From what i remember Chantelle was a veggie in BB ,wasn't she? Wonder how she is? Baby due before long, I should think.


Hope work was not too busy today Hicky.

Emptybox.. have you been at your gardens yet?


took dog nice long walk to seafront today, it was very breezy again today and the sea was rough . very nice.


have a good evening.

coronation Street good tonight, we have the baddie killed off and now have 5 big suspects, so a big "who done it" storyline.



Evening Mollie and Hicky.

Very frosty here this morning. But a nice sunny day afterwards.

Very cold again this evening, so another frosty morning in prospect, but I think it's supposed to get milder again after that.


I think the snow has gone off the hills now, but it looked nice while it lasted.


That's perhaps a wee bit steep for Olymics tickets.

But at least you got your phantom tickets as a consolation prize Mollie, even if you have to wait for a year.


That's good news for your lad Hicky, if he gets an extended stay in Sumatra? Provided he is enjoying himself.


Not much on telly tonight, but I watched the Tube prog and now I'm watching the thing on 4 about the limo firm.


I don't mind about eating lambs Mollie. By the time their life ends they are not the fluffy things you see skipping in the fields, they are almost as big as adult sheep.


Afternoon / Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Not a bad day here at all.

Full Sun, no Wind, no Rain, splendid.


Went to Morrison's for brekki, then got the Smoked Streaky Bacon and some Bacon Lardons.


Went to Dentist for 2 fillings, mouth still numb.

Soft food tonight.


My lad doesn't know whether to stay with the company or to go freelance, he's losing an awful lot being contracted out.

He gets a fortune as it is, they are giving him a 10% rise as well.

He's a lot of things to consider.


The Peach & Nectarine are in the Summer House at the Mo, too heavy to bring in and out each day so will have to leave them till the frost scare has gone.


I've uncovered the fruit trees and vines, they were covered mainly to keep off the winter rains.


I enjoyed Phantom of the Opera, there was myself My O/H and my Lad who had treated us.


Not sure when Chantelle is Due, hope everything goes well for her.

She is a Vegi as you say.


We haven't had any Frost lately Emptybox, you must have it all.

Not too cold at all this week.

See Here


Hi Hicky.

Very frosty here again this morning, but I think that's the last one forecast?

The day was quite sunny though, but I think there are showers forecast for the next couple of days.


Hope your mouth gets back to normal quickly. Never nice having fillings.

Yes, I guess your lad has a lot to consider.


I guess I'll have to start thinking of planting some tomato seeds in a propagator? No hurry yet though.


Quite a lot on together tonight at 9. BFGW, Horizon and Prisoners' Wives.




hope your mouth has recovered now. Did the dentist have to fill the tooth that got chipped on the fork? What did you manage to find to eat for tea tonight?  Wow, 10% is a good pay rise for your lad, but as you say, he has a lot to consider, I guess that is the sort of work you would only want to do for a certain time. When we lived in Oz,there was a lot of money to be made in the mines, but not good to do it for too long, they fly in and fly out.

Yes I guess it will be a little while until we can be sure the frosts have gone, so best to look after the trees. We had a frost last night, but it was a lovely day later.

I had a go with that weather link , weather doesn't look too bad here too for the 10 day forecast.



OUr gardener came today to do the 1st cut of the season. Took him a while as grass was thick and long. So nice we don't have to do it now. I love to see the snow on the hills , we only had it for a few days here this winter.


You are right there are a few things on tv tonight, I am currently watching Superfat, Superskinny.. fascinating when they swop their meals over, and the thinny can't face what the fatty eats, and the fatty feels starving when they get given hardly anything.

Then I am watching the last in the series of Junior Doctors. A good series, shame it is finishing.


I saw Stacey on This Morning, oh dear... she was tearful, because she was caught smoking on camera and she is pregnant. I did feel sorry for her because she looked so sad, not good to be stressed like this whilst expecting.The doc there is going to help her stop smoking whilst expecting,


Have a good evening both xx



Morning Mollie & Emptybox.


Not too bad here today, getting warmer anyway, no frost.


It took 2.5 hrs for the mouth to get back to normal.

Decided to make a stir fry, wouldn't need much chewing at all with cut up Fillet Steak, Bacon Lardons, onion, mushroom, noodles and rice, fantastic.

The stock was 1 chicken cube, a couple of desert spoons of gravy granules, a spoon of soy Sauce, a spoon of Oyster Sauce, it worked at well.


Will have to wait for all the plants to come, Perennial Flowers and the Toms, Peppers and Chilli plants.


I want to cut the grass but we keep getting a shower or rain, was hoping we had a dry spell so it can dry out a bit.


My Lad that lives local says he is going to take us on holiday with them to Portugal again, we all loved it last time, he is talking about October 2013, he is so funny.

The baby loves us a bit much i think, when my O/H leaves him now to go back to his mum, he crys.


Hope it's not too busy at work today, just going to get my second cuppa.


Have a good day both.


Afternoon both.


Sunshine and heavy showers here today. No frost thankfully.

Still chilly though. I've had to have a heater on, sitting in the dining room this morning.


At least you're being given plenty of notice for your Portugal holiday Hicky?

Glad your stirfry went down well, despite your sore mouth.


Your gardener was very prompt Mollie, although you are always a few weeks ahead of me down there.

Not sure what Stacey Solomon was thinking, smoking while pregnant. Not sure what would do the baby more harm, her getting upset and stressed about it, or the smoking itself? My guess would be the smoking.


I watched Super size, Super skinny as well. Not sure it's very healthy for  either of them to be eating the other's food? There must be a better way? But I suppose it teaches them a leason, if nothing else?


Just going to make my lunch, then if we don't get more rain, I might actually get some work done this afternoon.

Last edited by emptybox

Afternoon Emptybox.


The weather no good for you, all this frost and rain.


Anyway, We've had rain but think it's cleared up now.


My Lad gets so excited over little things, was even showing me pictures of the villa, massive with a big heated swimming pool and all mod cons, it says you don't even need a car as everything is within reach.


It's too far ahead for me to start thinking about it.

He knows we had a fantastic time the last time we went to a Villa in Portugal.



Stacey might be doing a lot of harm stressing over the smoking.

Read a report about a survey, think it was in Wales and the premature and underweight babies had gone down a lot with them stopping smoking.


Think it's just nerves with here, she's a very nervous person.


Didn't watch Supersize, not my sort of thing really.

But it's getting harder to find something that isn't a repeat.


Not busy at work, 1 boss is out with engineering companies and the other is bogged down with the job, it's going well so far anyway.


Hope Mollie is having a good day as well, probably taking doggie for a walk.


Hi both


Did you manage to get any work done, or did the rain come? It was a nice day again here today.

Yes I tend to agree, the smoking is likely to harm the baby more than the stress Stacy is under,  because that poor baby needs fresh oxygen, but both together can't be good for Stacy. I hope she listened to the doc on This Morning, they said he was experienced in helping smokers give up.



what a nice idea for you all to go back to Portugal again, as you enjoyed it so much. How annoying that it took so long for your mouth to get back to normal, but at least you managed to work out the food thing ok.

I agree, it is harder to find stuff that is not repeats, that is why I watched Superskinny. As Emptybox says, it can't be good for them swopping meals, but I bet they only do if for a few meals.

Glad you have not been too busy at work.


I am glad to get back on here.... my lappy kept crashing, but OH seems to of sorted it now by doing this full security thingie. And then I flippen cut my finger on a tin of BBQ beans, and was bleeding, so am still having trouble typing. Managed to stop the bleed by pressing hard and then OH  put a plaster on it real tight.


Went to beach yesterday, and it was very windy, and we saw 6 wind surfers, I was fascinated by them , haven't seen them before. They were really moving quick. 5 were in the sea and one on the sand.

We are going to Cardiff theatre tonight to see Lord of the Dance, we love the Irish dancing.

Can't wait.

have a good evening both x

time to decide what dress to wear tonight, and put the make up on. I guess because I am going out tonight there will be loads on tv?




Those are strange pics Hicky? All those spiders.


Windy and drizzly here today. Not very nice.


That's a pity about your laptop Mollie. Has it been catching viruses? Hopefully your OH has sorted it?

What a nuisance, cutting your finger like that..

Hope you enjoy your Irish dancing tonight.


Enjoyed Location tonight.


Evening/Morning Both.


I sent Stacey a tweet with a #Vapestick link, also included the company tweet for the product and they contacted her and also thanked me.

It's what Jay is taking and Louise is made up that he stopped smoking ciggies.


Had a good day today, have taken all the covers off the pots now, and fed them and watered them.

Just doing all the watering pipes for the plants, checking them and adding/ moving some.


Went for a Carvery, Curry tomorrow from the Indian takeaway for me.


Thats a blow cutting your finger, hope it's ok.


Enjoy the theatre, it's a great show, only seen it on TV though.


Yes Emptybox, all those Spiders Webs, couldn't believe it, imagine how many spiders that took.


If it doesn't rain tonight and tomorrow i'll mow the grass, needs doing i know that.


both xx



Sainsburys shop for you tomorrow is it? Do you still have sphag bol on Saturdays?Glad you mentioned HIcky's link, I had forgotten to look at it.



Aaaww I think that is so cute how the baby has got so attached to you and your OH.  How old is he now?

That was a good idea of yours to contact Stacy about that. I take it it is a stop smoking thing? Interesting how the company contacted you. Glad you managed to get in the garden.


We too went to a carvary today, it is good value for ÂĢ5 because you just help yourself to as much veg as you want, and I have the delicous veg option of bean casserole as well as lots of veg.  
We enjoyed the Irish dancing last night, I have seen it and Riverdance a few times, always good shows.

Lucky my finger is a lot better, I used quite a few of those silver plasters, I am sure the silver quick heal thing works well.

hope you have a good evening.

goodnight both. xx



Hi Mollie and Hicky.


Glad you enjoyed your show Mollie.

I usually go to the supermarket on a Sunday at the mo. The carpark is more empty, and they usually seem to have everything.

My 3 Saturday traditions are egg and bacon for brekkie, a nice hot bath at about 6pm, and spag bol for supper. Oh, and ofcourse, my favourite beer. (I have a can of beer every other night, but it's the cheaper stuff)


Hi Hicky, I hope Stacey takes your advice about the vape stick.

I think she might look at bit of a balloon smoking a pretend cig, but anything to help her stop?


Watched Eddie Stobbart earlier, then The Bank Job, now I'm watching The Secret Policeman's Ball. The latter is pretty rubbish TBH.


Morning Mollie & Emptybox.


The baby is 9 or 10 months, can't remember which. he really is gorgeous.


Hope Stacey gets sorted, lovely girl.


Have been doing a lot in the garden, now all the plants are uncovered i'm redoing the watering pipe work, so many, i'll have to count up the outlets, there's 3 in most of the pots with them being big.


The same in the Carvery we go to, they give you the meats then you help yourself to the rest.


Had the curry last night, got a starter and side dish as well, only had half so there's enough for another meal today.


Glad you finger is getting better, i like the silver plasters, i still have loads of that magic plaster sheet i was telling you about, it does work wonders.


My Lad is in Singapore on his stop over on the way back to Oz, he gets a couple of weeks off but think he has to go into the office.

He's excited to see his pay check for the month.

He's put a few pictures up on his FB page i'll try and find them.


Just had a lovely Brekki Emptybox, like you, Bacon, Black Pud, Mushrooms and Eggs, yummy.


I just watch whatever is on at the time, saw the American Idol eviction show.


Re-piped my neighbours pond water filter system for him, fell in the muddy grass are after he had washed the filter out, ended up drenched in mud and ware as i fell backwards with slipping on the wet grass.

Had to change all my clothes after the job was done.


Have a good weekend both.

It's glorious sunshine here at the mo, beautiful.




Dry and mild here, but cloudy.

Was checking my vehicles earlier, tyres oil etc, but haven't done much else today.


I enjoyed my egg bacon and mushrooms for brekkie. Had soup for lunch, now I'm having a cup of tea and cake and anticipating my bath later. It's all go!


That was kind Hicky. Offering to fix your neighbour's pond system.

Pity you got muddy and wet for your trouble.


The final of the Bank Job later. I think that's where they have to decide whether to share or steal?


I bought a 5 port Ethernet switch to go behind the telly.

I already had an Ethernet cable going round the room to the back of the Freesat box, to allow me to get on the internet to receive iPlayer etc. Now my Freeview PVR has had an update which allows it to get iPlayer as well, plus a few extra internet channels (110 - 116), so I thought it was time to get it connected.

The 5 port switch means I've a couple of spare ports incase I get a Smart TV or something in the future.


The iPlayer works fine and streams well, so I know it's connected properly, but I can't seem to get any video on the extra channels, only audio. The box might need a further update for that? I'll look into it.


I was having a look at the garden. Some miniature daffs are out, but not the main ones. The grass is starting to grow, but it's mainly the moss that is plumped out at the mo.


both x



Hope you enjoyed your Saturday traditional sphag bol tonight. Yes good idea to avoid Saturdays to do the food shop. Always very busy. Glad spring is arriving there too now, with the dafs and the mild weather. Lots of dafs here too now.Gosh those switches of yours sound dead complicated, but as long as they do what you want them to, can't be bad. I too am watching Bank Job now, some big money on it tonight.



Aaaww won't be long until the little baby gets his first birthday then. They change so much so quickly at that age. Yes hope poor Stacy gets sorted, it might end up being a good thing in the end that the press caught her out, if it means she gets help to give up.

I bet your lad enjoys his stop off in Singapore, the hotels there are such good quality. Looking forward to his piccies. He is certainly seeing a lot now. Your neighbour is lucky to have you help him out with his pond.

I bet you have enjoyed that good weather.    I hope you didn't hurt yourself when you fell in, pity about all the wet clothes.


We went a little ride to the cliffs today, so we could see the baby lambs....load of them around now.. aaaww, so cute, one mum stopped in the middle of the road right in front of our car to feed her 2 babes, so we had to wait for them to finish. Our dog was going mad barking because she wanted to get out and play with them.  I had a yummy carrot cake and latte at the cafe on the cliff. It has been a bit misty and very cool here most of the day, and then the sea fog really came in just before we left the cliffs. OH read on the net that the lifeboat had to go out this morning at 5am to a fishing  boat lost in the fog. Luckily they found them. Those volunteers do a marvellous job.

This morning I couldn't resist a visit to the local closing down clothes shop, bagged a few bargains. A summer dress, a jumper, a sparkly black dress, and a pink and black blouse, 4 pairs of socks for daughter for ÂĢ30.

We had fish, chips and mushy peas from the chippy for tea tonight. Since we moved to the coast, the fish is lovely here.

Hope you both had a good day x


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