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Morning both.

Mild here but very dull.


Northern words indeed. Dreich is a Scottish word Mollie. You pronounce it dreech, with the 'ch' as in loch (or achtung if you speak German )

It means dull, damp and drizzly.


Sorry to hear that your throat is bothering you when driving Mollie. That could be dangerous at junctions. You'll just have to try to turn from your shoulders until your neck is stronger, although the seatbelt might restrict that? Hope the situation improves soon.


I enjoyed the prog on Jack Bruce on BBC2 last night, but didn't watch much else.

I see Big Fat Gypsy Wedding is back tonight, but it clashes with Prisoners' Wives on BBC1, so I'll have to record one.


Bit old fashioned where the radio is concened. I have radio 2 on all the time during the day. But my bedside radio is tuned to Radio Borders, for the local news.


Haven't listened to Radio 1 for years. I used to listen to it in the mornings but Chris Evans completely put me off, and I've never gone back.

But now the b*gger has followed me to Radio 2, so I don't like to turn on the radio downstairs till Ken Bruce comes on at 9.30am.

It's not that I hate Chris Evans per se. I dare say there's a place for his boundless enthusiasm? I used to quite like his drivetime show.

But not first thing in the blasted morning.

Last edited by emptybox

Good Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


That's bad news about your neck Mollie, you'll have to remember.


Pretty mild today, we took one of the G,Sons out for a few hours to give his mum a rest, went to Costco for a few bits and then to a McDonald's for a bite to eat, he liked that.

Bought a box of 24 cream eggs and a box of 80 Strawberry Mega Pencils (with Fondant Filling).


My new Door catch came, fitted that so maybe machine will stop acting the goat now.


Not sure what to watch tonight, will have a look what's on.


I've started listening to Radio 1 in the car, depending on what the time is.

Must order another bedside clock, need another silent one with a decent screen.

This old one with the red numbers is a bit dull now.


Evening Both.


Tried to post from work but for some strange reason i couldn't get the pop up box.


Got the ÂĢ3.7m order today.


Went out for tea, had Fillet Steak, would have been a lot cheaper to eat at home.


Just watching BBC1.


Not sure what we are doing tomorrow, O/H hasn't got a school run, not taking her mum for shopping.





thanks for the explanation of the Northern...ooopppsss Scottish word.. 

Don't think I would like to listen to Chris Evans either. Chris Moyles is on 6.30 to 9.30am weekdays and Scott Mills 4 -  7pm weekdays, and are the best shows, so funny, I reckon you and Hicky might like Fern Cotton too at 10am weekdays.



I am not surprised your young GS enjoyed going out with you to Costco and Mcdonalds.

that is a lot of cream eggs and strawberry pencils, should keep you going awhile.

Glad to hear you are another radio 1 convert. Keeps you young you know.

Well at least getting an order that big should mean you get to keep in work as long as you want now.

Hope the weather is good for you tomorrow as you and OH have some free time.


Driving wasn't so bad for my throat today, I rememebered to turn with shoulders, and the car was parked in the road, so I didn't have to reverse off drive. Was pretty mild today here. Son at rehearsals all day, took dog walk to beach.


Not much on tv, but I watched Benidorm ER, they treat lots of people from UK in there, the motto of the story is that if you go abroad check you are fully insured.

Have just watched that programme about the pandas who have gone to Edinburgh, so cute they look, wouldnt mind seeing them but a very long way to travel for us. Not far for you though, is it Emptybox?


goodnight both x


Evening Mollie and Hicky.


That's great that your firm has secured the big order Hicky.

Is that for work in the same factory, or elsewhere?


Crikey! You'll be sick if you have all those sweets.

I've had the same clock radio since 1984. It's still going strong.


I didn't see the Panda prog Mollie. Edinburgh is reasonably close, but it's years since I went to the Zoo.   I think the last zoo I  went to was on Jersey, nearly 20 years ago.

Glad your throat wasn't too bad today.


Wasn't much on TV tonight. Masterchef was about it.


Morning Mollie & Emptybox.


The problem with this big order is that it has to be finished fir the end of summer.


The problem with Radio 1 is, Chris Moyles and Fearne aren't on till after i get to work, oh well.


Thats a good idea leaving your car out in the road, you have to watch your neck.


The work is in the same Factory Emptybox, they need storage of parts so production of certain parts can be independent of other production area's., some area's work 3 shifts, others 2 shifts.

They just can't get enough of the new Range Rover Evoque


Just waiting for my new clock to come, they say Monday.

It's obly a battery, not a digital either, i don't use clock radio's as i only sleep in bed, never listen to a radio.


Rang the Indesit spares place, they got my part i returned, they should be paying me back sometime.


Watched Masterchef, very good.


Will have to find something to watch tonight, Celeb Juice is on later.


Better go see what we are doing today.

We just had Dippy eggs before, 3 each.


Bit of a rainy day here.

The rain-forrest looks very lush in that photo Hicky.

I'm expecting a visit from my Brother and family, at the weekend, so I was hoovering and cleaning  in preparation.

Hope you get a refund for the wrong part Hicky.
I don't really listen to the radio in bed either. I find it easier to wake up to the radio than to an alarm, then I listen to the local news and weather.

This is the clock radio I've got, or a close variation of it.
Sony Dream Machine

It still looks as cool now as it did in the 80's.

And seems to be sought after, if that link is to be believed? So I won't be throwing mine away any time soon.

Last edited by emptybox

hi both x



that is a nice looking radio, and good that it is lasting so well.

That is nice that your family are visiting. at you having to do all your housework, I am just the same if someone calls,

Will you have to cook for them?



As the big order has to be finished so soon, does that mean you may have to work some extra days?  I am the opposite to you with the radio, I have to have it on quietly all night, else I can't sleep.

What a lovely photo that is of the rainforest.Your lad has certainly got to see some places recently.

Glad you reminded me to watch Celeb Juice, that programme is mad.


Went to see son's rehearsals today. They are doing well so far, looks like Billy Liar is going to be an enjoyable one for them. Been really busy lately, backwards and forwards to theatre with son this week and then accountant had to tell me to get move on with VAT this week, and tax office driving me and accountant round the bend. Keep sending letters to my house that we lived in before the last one we lived in. (luckily postie forwarded it), and demanding money we don't owe.

Glad to say accounts all done and posted now though.


OH has taken 2 youngest to Telford to see this...the thing they really want to see is the Japanese games writer. .




they left at 9.15am, one quick stop for lunch and didn't arrive till 2.30pm, traffic awful in Hereford and Telford he said. Glad I didn't go, stayed home because son at theatre.


Are you watching Coach Trip? Love this show.

Double Corrie tonight, then not sure what to watch.


have a good evening both x


Last edited by *mollie*


Dry here and reasonably mild.


Yes I'll be cooking for my visitors Mollie. I intend doing haggis, so I went to the supermarket this afternoon.

Unfortunately they only had 2 haggises, both two portion ones, and different makes. So I'm going to have to mix and match. One is a McSween one, which is good, but the other is an unknown quantity. Just have to hope for the best.


How stupid of the revenue to keep sending you mail to the wrong address.

Hope your kids enjoy the comic book thing.

That'll be another musical you'll get to see. Presuming Billy Liar is a musical?


I didn't watch Celeb Juice yesterday. forgot all about it.

Only watch Coach Trip when Ash is on it.

Watched the Bank Job tonight. They seem to have messed with the format a bit, but it was still good.


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Hope the visit goes ok. trust you to be cleaning, i'd let the guests do it.


I'll have to wait a bit for the refund as it's a different department. but it's only about ÂĢ20.


That looks a good radio clock, but me and my O/H get up at different times each on different days so i couldn't really have the radio coming on.


I may have to work extra days Mollie, not that bothered if i do, but it's nice having so much time off.


You have been busy Mollie, glad your vat and tax getting sorted.


You should get your post diverted by the PO, it cost but it's needed.


The Japanese game writer will be interesting. very clever feller.


if you have 2 Haggis Emptybox, I don't think you should mix them, serve them seperate, for many reasons really.


I have a McSween one in the freezer, they are good, ÂĢ5 from Costco.


Good evening both



hope the visit went well and that the guests enjoyed their haggis.

Yes Billy Liar is another musical, good job I enjoy musicals with son's drama group doing one big one each year.



oh well, I guess if you do have some extra days to work on this new order , at least it gives you a bit more money to spend.

Yes I do get the post diverted, from our last address, but the tax office have been still sending to the address before that one, and diversion for that one has just expired. It is still running for our last address though. So the tax office has somehow dug out this older address again.

Did you go out for brekkie today?

I missed out with OH being in Telford today.

However I did have brekkie in Subway yesterday morning.


I have caught a cold off my son, and i have only just got rid of that last bad throat.

Son nearly always gets a cold when he spends all week at theatre. it is very hot, crowded and stuffy in the rehearsal room.

Hope it wont be as bad as the last one though.


not much on tv tonight I do like Harry Hill though.


OH and kids got home about 7.30pm, they loved the gaming thing, the highlight was the Japanese designer, they got him to sign a poster and a game for them. They said it was packed with people.


hope you both had a good day.


Goodnight xx




My visitors are way now, but it was nice catching up.

I think they enjoyed the haggis. The McSween one was good, but the other one wasn't as nice (I gave them some of each, side by side) Nobody complained anyway.

And enjoyed getting a  drive in my Brother's swanky new company car.


Pity you've caught another cold Mollie.

Glad your kids got their autographs.


I don't think it would have gone down well if I'd asked my guests to clean up, although they do always offer to help with the washing up etc. But my S-i-L always seems to notice if there is any dust.

One embarrassing moment. They were looking for white bread for the nephews, because they won't eat brown. The only white loaf I had was in the freezer, but I had to admit that it had been in there for more than a year. That got binned.


Enjoyed the Bank Job this evening, then watched the spoof Starsky and Hutch movie.


Think there's frost forecast for tonight, then it's due to get milder and wetter next week.

Last edited by emptybox

Afternoon Mollie & Emptybox.


Lovely and Sunny here this morning.

Chilly though, about 5 deg, but will be warm next week, so it says.


Your too soft with your guests.

They only come for a meal and to check on your cleaning.




Didn't go to brekki, young ones not so good.


Next Sunday it's a DIL Birthday, we are all going to Red Hot in Liverpool.



The tax office have so many offices and departments that they lose track of everything.


The NI people lost me for 28 years, although i was paying NI all that time, but the money doesn't go to them, it's just a big pot.


Bad news about the cold Mollie.


Yes Emptybox, those McSween ones are good, still got one in my chest freezer.


We try to have white and brown/seeded bread, white for sandwiches and brown for toast.


The Celebrity Apprentice USA is on tonight at 11.35 BBC1.


Have a good day both.

Work in the morning.


Evening both.


Very frosty this morning. Had to scrape the windscreen when I went for the paper, but not a bad day otherwise.


Did you get credited with those 28 years of NI contributions in the end Hicky?

Red Hot in Liverpool? Is that a curry house?


Did a huge pile of ironing this afternoon, and some other housework, but not much else.


Watching The Hotel now, then there's that new Homeland thing.


Morning Mollie & Emptybox.


Not bad here today, 8deg anyway.


Not seen ice for weeks.


My NI contributions were credited to me, it was just when i had a query they didn't know who i was, and the address they had for me was 28yrs old, the tax people don't tell them were you are because they don't have contact between the departments.


Red Hot is this place Emptybox.

Must be about the best place on earth to dine, anything you want, as much as you want, as many plates and types of food as you want, fixed price meal.

Food from over 8 countries with chefs from each, they will make you any meal you want.

There is food on a buffet, never seen anything like it, you must go to one by you, if there is one.

There quite a few around this part of the world, one by Mollie as well.

See here, look around the site, amazing.



This beats ironing.


Loved DOI and Top Gear last night.


Good evening both



Glad the food turned out ok when your family came. Aaaww poor you getting embarrassed about the bread in the freezer, but you shouldn't be though..tough I say, if your visitors don't like brown bread, you can't be expected to know exactly what types of bread all your visitors prefer. 

And as for your SIL, well she sounds just  like mine.. last time my SIL came, we cleaned and dusted the whole house, and my son cut the front lawn, but couldn't do the back lawn because it started to rain, and we cooked, and daughter baked for SIL and my brother, which they ate with gusto. However, my ill mannered SIL had to sit down at our table and say "your back lawn needs a cut".   


So I reckon neither mine or your SIL has any manners when they act like this. When you have made people welcome and gone to the trouble of making them a decent meal, it is just plain rude of them to criticise small things like the dusting or lawn cutting. I am sure you would not be as rude as this, and I certainly know i wouldn't be either.

Don't you worry about it.

Perhaps  you and I should leave our houses to get as messy as possible when SIL's come to call...give them something to whinge about then.



Good job the tax office didn't lose your 28 years NI stuff, that was the problem with us, the accountant said the different offices don't communicate at all. Just crazy.

Sounds like a good choice of place to go to for DIL's birthday, I must get around to trying the Cardiff one some time, it sounds real good.

Was work busy today?


This cold is driving me mad, so didn't go anywhere yesterday and had to keep off pc. I don't think the gunge had cleared from my throat properly from before, awake coughing till about midnight.. then woke with a start at 3am gasping to breathe, then sat propped up in bed rest of night. Headache too, so blocked up with cold. If it doesn't clear soon, I will have to try another docs to see if I get anywhere.  Rest of family has the cold too now, but with them it is just a cold, they don't get it as bad as I do since I had the op. I hope this is not going to happen each time a cold is around. I don't understand why this is happening.

I am nervous about going to bed tonight, fingers crossed the breathelessness doesn't wake me again. Will stay propped up on the pillows all night I think.

double Corrie tonight.

Didn't do much today, had to snooze in the chair a little to catch up after last night.

have a good evening both xx


Last edited by *mollie*

Evening Mollie.


Wasn't too busy today, ordered 3 big Kawasaki Robots and 2 Transfer units at a cost of ÂĢ454k


Looking forward to Red Hot, you really should go, it's fantastic.


Thats a problem cold, do you need Anti-bio's or is it a Virus?

As you say Mollie, best to stay propped up and try that.


O/H has a back problem, made worse by lifting the cash bags, she was in bed most of yesterday, i made all he meals, no problem to be.


One of the computers at work just packed up and another one that has to handle massive drawings isn't big enough to do the job now.

We have just ordered another, ÂĢ5,500, hoping it will do the job, it's the same as one that another company uses for the same job.


Day off tomorrow, got the school run to do though.




Wet and windy here today. Not very nice.


Sorry to hear about your bad cough Mollie. Hope you get an easier night tonight.

I may be wrong, but I've a feeling I may have opened a can of worms with my SiL remark?  

Mine's lovely, 'onest guv. (just in case she ever reads this).


Hi Hicky. Did you pick up those robots on Ebay?

Hope your new work computer system does the job.

Hope your OH's back isn't too bad?


Just watched a programme on the London Tube. Wouldn't really fancy travelling on that. Too over-crowded for me.


Hi Mollie and Hicky.


Dry here but very windy.

I decided to service my mower. Changed the oil and sharpened the blade. Ready for the fray in a month or so.


Those robots look fantastic Hicky. Just the thing for peeling the tatties.


Hope you are feeling better today Mollie?


Watching The Brits. Adele was brilliant.





you make me   at times.. (eg.. as in use of 'onest gov there)..

Yes I guess it is wise for you to get your tools prepared in time for your busy season to come. I had an email off the agent saying to expect our gardener to call back again.. good, I love to chat to him, tells me all the local goss.  

Do you get to hear a lot of local goss on your rounds Emptybox from the chatty clients? And do you get people like me hold you up chatting in general?



Oh dear, sorry to hear about your OH's bad back. Hope it eases soon. Does she have a history of bad backs. I have one on and off, and I find a TENS machine wonderful. If she hasn't tried one, I recommend them, you get them onlne or at chemists. Lloyds have best choice. They are not expensive either. She must of had it quite bad to stay in bed all day. Could she get someone else at work to do the cash bags?

Those robots look very complex Hicky.

Are they the ones you have at work? Do they make cars?

Seemed mild here too today, but we did have sea breeze.


Thankfully I had a better night last night, but still felt not right, hope it clears soon. I think I should of had anti-biotics last time to clear it, will ask surgeon when I go soon about this.


I forgot to watch Adele. I think she is a great singer.


did you have pancakes?

OH got some from Gregs, we usually make our own, but daughter has this cold, so too tired, it take ages to make enough for 5 of us.


Goodnight both. xxx


Good Afternoon Mollie & Emptybox.


Very warm here, i'm even sweating in the office with my jumper on, had to turn the air con heating off.

12 deg outside, wow, have had to cover the rhubarb as it's trying to grow and the frost keeps killing the new shoots.:S


Those Robots are Fabulous, powerful things as well.


O/H's back gives a bit of problem now and again, she'll have to get someone else to lift the heavy ones, it probably wasn't the lifting, it might have been leaning over with the weight to put it into a container.


We have hundreds of Robots Mollie, some can lift more than others, the normal one here is rated at 400kg but it's limit is always dependant on it's reach and other factors like speed of operation.

They can move very fast if you want, they are controlled by stepper motors and are accurate to about 1/10 or 1/100 of a millimetre.

The Robots do all the jobs that are too heavy, too fast or too accurate for humans.


If Humans made Cars they would be all different.


I was going to have pancakes but O/H fell asleep in the afternoon and was making Liver & Onions with any potatoes for tea, just rubbed the potatoes and boiled them whole put some butter and pepper and bobs your uncle.


Hope your throat clears up Mollie or you might have to get it checked out.


Been fairly busy today, eased off now.




hope your OH's back is feeling a bit better today.

Those robots sound very clever.

It has been very mild here too today for February.


Day off tomorrow HIcky?


Wonder if Emptybox has been working or playing pc today?


Had a bad cough last night, so hardly got any sleep again, might go to docs tomorrow.


Not much on tv tonight, so been watching some stuff on my iplayer.


hope you are bot having an enjoyable evening. xx



Very windy here, but quite mild.


Sorry to hear you had another bad night Mollie.

There's a few of my customers that I like to chat to, if they give me a cup of tea and a biccie. And there's lots of customers who might like to chat, but I like to get the work done and escape.

I'm sure if I was doing your garden then you would be in the former category, rather than the latter.


Pity you missed out on your pancakes Hicky. I didn't bother with any either.


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


O/H's back is a lot better thanks, she'll just have to take it easy.


Been a glorious day here, 35 in the summerhouse.

20 in the garden, did some work in the garden as well.


Am going to plant some meadow flowers this year in my flower bags which are part of the trellis framework.


Sorry to hear about your cough Mollie, hope you can get that sorted.


Went to Morrison's for brekkie and made roast belly pork with roastie's and mash for tea.


Hope you can sleep better tonight Mollie.


Good evening both



Yes you are right, I would fall into the tea and biccie category, although my roofing men said the capaccino and hot chocolate I gave them was a treat,  and they loved the toffee biccies too. What have you been up to today, getting your garden tools ready, paperwork, gardening, or playing on pc?



Glad your OH's back is a lot better. Meadow flowers sound lovely, what colour will they be? Gosh it was warm there for February, it was mild here, but we had this damp think sea mist that hung round all day here. I bet your brekkie was nice, I like Morrisons cafe.


As you both missed out on pancakes, I reckon come Easter time, you should treat yourselves to an extra choccy Easter egg.


Cough wasn't quite so bad last night, only woke me about 4 times, which was bad enough, but at least better than it was.


Just watched Celeb Juice, how bonkers is that show?


Goodnight both xx



Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Think the flower mix is many different flowers of different types and colours.

Starting with a pack of 500 assorted seeds, got the containers ready for them.

Still got to get the John Innis No. 3 i need, got a few weeks to get it yet.

Need about 12 bags, you only get 20Litre in a bag but it's heavy.


Forecast 12deg tomorrow, but it might rain.


I bought a pack of pancakes from Morrisons this morning, heated some up for tea.

Got loads of Choc eggs, gave O/H 5 before.

Had a couple myself, can only eat 2, so sickly.


Glad cough eased last night, might be on it's way out.


Hi guys.


Sunny here today but very windy. Decided it was too windy for hedge cutting.


Glad your cough is a bit better Mollie.

Sounds like you will be very busy in your garden Hicky.


Enjoyed watching World's Toughest Trucker on 5, then The Bank Job on 4.

I've recorded Benidorm.


Can't say I'm bothered about Easter Eggs. I eat a lot of chocolate. Dark choc with my coffee, and mars bars etc, so I don't really need the egg shaped stuff.

Last edited by emptybox




yes, you can't go cutting hedges if it is very windy, it might blow all in your face.   Benidorm was dead good tonight, i like that Loose Lady in it, who is  playing the manager.



Sounds like you are going to have a busy time in your garden again. I love to see flowers in gardens though. Glad to hear you are enjoying the egges, Are they the Cadbury creme egg ones? Yes they can be sickly, your OH obviously likes them too. Did she manage to eat 5 on the same day? They reckon choccie is good for you though. I love the choc when it is a choc egg.


Been busy helping son proof read his assignment, daughter getting stressed as time to give hers in comes around, but she got 84% for the last one, so I told her she must be doing something right.


Cough getting better at last, but still not gone.I hope for some dry weather to get out in fresh air this weekend, it has been foggy and damp here for 2 days now


goodnight both xx


Good Afternoon Mollie & Emptybox.


They are the Cadbury's Cream Eggs, yummy.


10deg here today, 5% precip so not bad, cloudy though.


Went to garden centre, just got some John Innis no. 1 & 3 and a couple of cakes.


Just wondering what to have for tea, Fancy an Indian takeaway really.

Will see what O/H wants to do.


Looking forward to seeing Amy & Harry tonight on BBC1 7.10, 'Lets Dance for Sport Relief' should be good.

Will have to record Take me Out on ITV1 at 8.05.

Looking forward to Red Hot tomorrow afternoon, booked in for 2.00.


Hi both x



no wonder you ate 7 eggs between you if they were cadbury creme eggs. me and OH had cadbury creme eggs ice lollies today and we ate a box of 3 between us, because that was cheaper than buying 2 on the seafront,

What is a John Innis? Bet you enjoyed your bit of cake? I like mascaponi with cake? Do you like mascaponi? Is your OH's back ok now?


I have recorded that dance show, because it overlapped with harry hill and all the family like harry hill.



sphag bol night? Hope you enjoyed. OH went to the chippie tonight. it was lovely, had mushy peas too.

The new bendiorm manager used to be in Corrie, I really like her. Often on Loose women. Still can't remember her name either.You should watch Coach trip again I think you would approve of the young pretty model on it, and of course all the girls who were in their bikinis on the beach.


After 3 days of sea mist drizzle, it was a lovely sunny day, the seafront and cafes were full of people enjoying themselves. Had a nice walk, cough on way out at last.


Hope you have an enjoyable family birthday outing tomorrow Hicky.


Goodnight both xxx



Good evening both



hope you had an enjoyable meal out at Red Hot. What did you eat? How many of you went?

Did you manage to get in the garden at all?



ironing day today?


it was a fab sunny day today, more like May than Feb. The seafront was packed again, even more than yesterday.  We had Creme Egg ice lollies again.   And a nice walk with the dog. When we got back to the car, the temperature gauge showed 17 degrees.


Just really enjoyed watching The Hotel. I will so miss it now it has finished, it was very funny.

Supposed to go to dentist Tuesday, but will postpone it, don't fancy going with my throat still not being quite right yet.


Hope you both had and are still having a good Sunday.


Goodnight both. x



Hi Mollie and Hicky.


Hope you enjoyed your family meal Hicky?


Glad you got the warm weather Mollie.

It was cloudy here but relatively mild. Still in single figures though. Think it might get to 12 degrees in the next couple of days though.


Yes, I got some ironing done this afternoon Mollie, then went to the supermarket.

I quite liked the Hotel, but then I watched Homeland then Law Abiding Citizen, so CH4 all evening.


Good morning both x



Hope it does stay mild up there for you, it all helps keep the oil usage down. Have you found you have been using less oil this year than last year?


Hope Hicky enjoyed his meal out.


Dull and damp here today, but it is still mild.


Daughter has awful cough now.


It is getting noticably lighter now, isn't it?

Hope your mower etc is all in good working order in anticipation of your busy spring season just around the corner. With the milder weather, it may come earlier this year.


have a good day both x


Hi Mollie.

Dull, windy and drizzling here today.


Sorry to hear your daughter has a cold now.


Yes this much milder winter has certainly saved me money on oil usage

If it continues to get milder from now on, I reckon I will save over ÂĢ200 this year compared to the previous 2 years.

In fact this weekend I reset the heating so it only comes on from 6pm till midnight, and is not on during the day at all.


I may need to get an oil delivery in the spring or early summer, to make sure the hot water continues, but that should take me well into the next winter.

I just checked, and oil prices are high again at the mo, but perhaps they will come down in the summer?


Afternoon Mollie & Emptybox.


A post of mine seems to have gone astray somehow.


I answered your post from 2 days ago about the John Innis compost.

Maybe it's still at home and didn't go.


Anyway, John Innis has the 3 types. 1 for young plants, 2 for re-potting and bigger plants and 3 for grown plants and trees etc.

I also mix in grit to aid drainage, water logged pots kill any plant.


We had a great time at Red Hot, baby loved it as well.

There was only 5 Adults, 2 children and baby, but he was sitting up in the high chair and feeding himself, he wont let you feed him.

The power of a baby at 9 months, amazing.


I had loads of different things to eat, started with a plate of fried rice with curried lamb, then just kept going up for different food,  they had some massive mussels, never seen them so big.

And for what we had it's not very expensive.


Done quite a lot in the garden, been so hot, went to the garden centre for some John Innis, got 1 No. 1 and 3 no. 3, need more of course.


I got my new screen at work today, a 23" LED one, it's only 1cm thick.

Oh, and a wireless keyboard and mouse, a Logitech set.


Your doggie will be loving this warm weather Mollie, it was 35 again in the summer house.


Have been putting some fertilizer down for the flower containers, have to plant the flower seeds when i get them.

Will put a few ready made ones in for this year so look nice.


You sure can tell the difference now with the nights getting lighter.

Lighting up time 17.45 today.


I would have thought you could put the heating off or down anyway by 10pm Emptybox thats when mine would go down if it was on, but i have it set to 15 an night so it hasn't been coming on.

The house stays pretty warm.


Just get oil when the price drops, that's if it does.


Haven't been too busy, 1 boss went to Spain for the weekend, haven't seen him yet.

Got some more order today, another 120k.


Meant to say, got the Dentist in the tomorrow Afternoon., same as you had.

At least 2 fillings, have chipped another tooth as well on a fork.


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