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Hi Mollie.


Glad you are feeling a bit better.

And it's a bonus that the roofers were so quick. Hope it does the trick.


I wish these bleeping experts would make up their minds. I gave up butter a couple of years ago and went onto spreads because I thought they were supposed to be healthier.

I'd much prefer to have butter. Mind you, it's an olive oil based spread that I use, so that might be OK? I do use sunflower oil for cooking. Perhaps I should change?

I'll go and read your link to check.


Location was great, then I watched 'Inside Men' on BBC1, which was quite exciting.


Just read your link Mollie.

I see it says that olive oil is good, but it doesn't say whether olive oil spread is good?

It also doesn't say what to use for cooking? (unless you can get hold of coconut oil for that?).

What do you use to cook with? (stirfrys etc)


ETA: Oh yeah, electric blanket. I couldn't do without it at this time of year. I use it to heat the bed before I get in, then depending on how cold a night it is, I either turn it off, or leave it on 1.

I have difficulty sleeping if I'm too hot or too cold, so I often wake in the early hours and have to either turn the blanket off, or back on, depending.

Last edited by emptybox

No Hicky for a couple of days now, hope he is ok.


Hi Emptybox

I bet it was a cold one for you too up there. Minus 6 showing on my lappy today, but it was colder than that in back garden.

Yes I too used to have that olive oil spread, until I read in several places that all those spreads are highly refined and have added chemicals to make them spreadable, so are bad for you. So I decided that made sense, so it was time to get back to natural stuff like pure butter, so I did, and enjoy it more too. You will find lots more links about this.

So I use good butter to fry too, and always for baking. I am thinking of trying some coconut oil too. Extra virgin oil is not suitable for frying because it smokes. And I use organic milk too. The gold top one is nice, and I believe full of vitamins.

I didn't get chance to watch Location. Are you a fan of Kirsty's?


Another lovely day today.  We went for a 2 hour round coastal walk yesterday with dog. It was beautiful, just across paths and down coast, no one around, we could see snow covered hills on one side,  and the sun reflecting off the coast the other side. It didn't feel that cold when walking with the sun out, yet the air must of been very cold because the rock pools on the beach were frozen. Hope you both have the same nice weather today too. 

Is it quiet workwise for you now Emptybox, as it is so cold?

I think Hicky is probably working today.

have a good day both. x



Hi Mollie.


Yes very frosty here, but sunny.

I don't tend to work when it's frosty.


I'll try using butter for frying, but it does tend to disappear quickly in the pan. I'll see if the supermarket has any coconut oil, but I haven't seen any up to now.

Trouble is, I don't think there's consensus on this issue, and you still see some doctors recommending vegetable oil spreads rather than butter.


Hicky was tweeting yesterday so I presume he's OK. Probably just forgot to post, or didn't have much to say?


Got a delivery from Amazon today, with a lot of the stuff. They haven't delivered the CPU yet though, so there's not much I can do without that.


Million Pound Drop is about the only thing I see on the schedule tonight?

I like both Kirsty and Phil. Probably Phil more than Kirsty, if truth be told.  

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.


Didn't realise i hadn't posted yesterday, wow, time passes do quick.


I use Nut oil mainly for frying, or if it's steak or mushrooms i use butter, just put a little oil in aa well to stop the butter burning.


Coconut Oil will be a solid in this country because of the temperature here.

We used to mix coconut oil with olive oil 50/50 and use it on our body for sunbathing in Singapore.


I only use virgin olive oil as a dressing now on salad.


Had brekki with my lad this morning.


Just cooking some stuffed hearts, going to have them with lamb chops and mash with mashed carrot.


Have ordered my Pepper, Chilli & tomato plants for spring, online.


Just watching whatever happens to be on the TV at the time.


Bought some more thick sliced oak smoked Wiltshire streaky bacon. it's fab, got it from Morrisons.


Good Afternoon Both.


Had my lad and his lads round for brekki, waited till O/H came back from work.

Did large & small sausages, the oak smoked streaky bacon, tomato's, fried potato, egg, very tasty.


Just been marinading some Bream with white white, virgin olive oil, lemon, salt & pepper.

It's in the fridge for a few hours.


It's raining at the mo, snow expected sometime.


Just watching Love in the Wild on ITV2, new show, good.


Hi Hicky.

That sounds like a tasty brekkie. I just had bacon and egg myself.


Had snow this morning. Only about an inch, but we've had rain this afternoon which has got rid of any lying snow.


I hear there's quite a lot of snow in Birmingham. Faye and Aaron are there at a PA, meeting their fans.


I got my CPU delivered today, so that means I'm just waiting for the new case and PSU.


Watched the Million Pound Drop, now The Full Monty is on.


Good evening both


at you losing track of the days. I bet you got a nice tan in Singapore with the help of that coconut oil.   I think the current suncreams are not good for you if they shield the skin from the sun via the use of chemicals anyway. We need the sun on our skins in summer in this country to get vitamin D, don't we? (without burning though).

That is nice for you to have your lad and the youngsters round for brekkie today, I take it your OH was on earlies at the bakery again, if you were waiting for her to come home this morning?

Me and OH went for brekkie in Asda today, very nice it was too. I hadn't felt well enough to go last week, so made up for it this week.  



yes i thought you would not work if frosty, difficult to do your line of work if the ground is hard. Hope your CPU turns up soon.


Not much on tv tonight, roll on Britains Got Talent again, I say.


We had a bit of snow this afternoon, just a light covering though, then the temperature quicly went up to plus 6 and we had this horrid heavy rain, that turned it all to slush. Looks like the cold spell is over quickly again, not expected to go below freezing here tonight at all. Hope it is a bit drier tomorrow.


OH needed a new phone, uses it a lot for work, needs internet acess too, so he got one that you can talk to. I had great fun asking it what the weather was like in different areas, and what the time was in different countries, but when I asked it what the name of my dog was, it said it didn't understand the question, so I needed to speak US English, I told it I spoke English English. How can I resist the temptation to have long conversations with this thing?


Hope you both had a good day.  xx


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Yes Mollie, O/H works in the cash office at the weekend so we waited for her to come home.


No snow here, just some rain yesterday, non today.

Went to the garden centre for brekki with O/H.


It's always nice to have a new case Emptybox, will you have to buy windows and the software again?


Yes Mollie, i was almost black when i came back from Singapore, my skin never went back to pre-Singapore again, my skin is very dry now and doesn't seem to go white like it once was.


It's going to be frosty every night next week by the looks of it.


Ordered a new door locking mechanism for the Dish Washer it's been playing up for a while.

It's an indesit and the parts are easy to get.


That phone sounds fun Mollie, didn't know you could talk to them.




Very frosty this morning, but that quickly went, to leave a nice sunny day.


Just back from the supermarket. Didn't see any coconut oil at all. They had some avocado oil, which I see is recommended as well, but it was bloomin expensive. Anyway I'm going to use up the vegetable oil I've got at the mo. It may not be good for me, but I've already paid for it, so I'm bloomin well going to use it up.


Is that an iphone your OH has Mollie? I've seen the advert with people talking to their phones. Bet you get tired of doing that fairly quickly.


I've put the processor and RAM into my new motherboard ready for the case coming. It's easier to do that on the bench anyway. Course the crunch time is always when you try to turn it on for the first time.......and nothing happens. Hopefully that won't happen.


Hi Hicky. I've got a retail copy of Windows 7 on the old machine, and I'm going to take it off there and install it on the new one. I'll just run Linux and XP on the old one. That should be OK, although I might have to phone Microsoft to get Windows activated on the new machine?

Last edited by emptybox

Hi both x



Glad you were able to get to the garden centre for brekkie today. Did you get anything for your garden whilst you were there, or just look around?

Hope you can fix the dishwasher door ok. That is nice that you kept your dark skin from Singapore. At last they are realising that sun is good for us, instead of covering ourselves in suncream.



yes indeed, you may as well use it up now you have paid for it.   I think it is difficult to get hold of coconut oil but of course at least butter is easily available.


Yes that is what his new phone is called, it is an iphone, I had a few converstaions with it told me in the end that I was not to ask him personal questions when I asked if he was human.   But he told me he was from California, and it was likely to rain in Glasgow, that  it wasn't raining where we were, told me the time in Sydney and it showed me a picture of our dog breed.   When I asked him if I was fat, he tried to phone my kids guitar teacher.   It is brilliant.


Can't believe all these bad weather reports today I feel like I am living in a different country to what i saw on tv. It was warm and sunny here, (9 degrees showing on our car) but warm with no wind at all and sun. We went on the seafront and sat outside the cafe and had coffee and cakes, and there were a few people paddling in the sea, and some surfers too. It was like a warm spring day.

So now I wonder if it will get cold again soon?

How hilarous was The Hotel again tonight?  They are all bonkers who work there, I reckon.

goodnight both x



Morning Mollie & Emptybox.


Quite warm here today, 7deg C, not bad, was expecting frost.


You probably have to ask if the shops have Coconut oil, you can get from the Chemist though.

I remember asking for it many years ago as i was going to show my young lads what we used in Singapore.

I found a tub in the Chemist, it was solid like a tub of duck fat, i said to the girl haven't you got the liquid form, she said it would be liquid in you were in Singapore.


It was always an exciting moment turning a new computer i just built on for the 1st time, used to build a lot, had a production line going all built to order, one i built for a family going to the US many years ago is still working now.

Never really had any problems with the ones i built except for a few hard drives going down but always managed to clone the disk and copy onto the new one.

I had Norton Ghost, that was fantastic years ago.


We had a look around the garden centre after brekki, need a couple of larger plant vases for the Peach & Nectarine for the spring, want a wider base one and a little taller but O/H didn't fancy the colours they had, the size was ok, only ÂĢ20 each, most stuff in the sale at the mo.


Have ordered an electrical Toe-nail kit, going to try grinding instead of filing with the emery boards, not a good idea to cut them don't think so will try this kit, only cheap anyway.


That iphone sounds fun Mollie.

That was nice being able to sit outside, fancy people paddling in the sea, strange weather.


Hope it's not too busy at work today, O/H has the week off so she can have a lie in, not that she will.

Last edited by Hicky



Well it seems to be the reverse of last week, where you two had frosts and I was clear, because it's very frosty here. -5 overnight and everything still white yet.

I'm waiting in for my deliveries, so I hope the roads are OK for the courier.


My Brother's getting an iPhone through his work, so no doubt he'll be chatting away to it as well. Although I suspect his questions will be more businesslike than yours Mollie?

He's gettin a new company car this week as well. An Audi A6 I think?


Yes, I think coconut oil would come as a solid, that you would use in the pan like lard or butter.


Hope your OH has a good week off Hicky.

That sounds like an industrial operation, to get your toenails trimmed?


update: My case just arrived, so it's just the power supply I'm waiting for now.

Last edited by emptybox

Afternoon Emptybox.


I was surprised it was warmish today, it's funny really, when the air is a few below freezing then it goes to +7 it feels like summer.


I was reading about the iphone, but at those prices i won't be getting one unless i win the lottery.

They want about ÂĢ499, they can want.


I don't know about coconut oil for cooking, but i use any nut oil, have used it for a while but it's expensive and you never see it in big containers.


I just thought i would see if a nail kit could help with my toe nails, hate cutting them or filing them.

If i get them done for me it costs ÂĢ25 a time.


There's always one thing you are waiting for when you order multiple items, you'll soon be able to build your case up.


I used to love building them, but only get Dell now.

Use their System Mechanic to look after the computer, use Avast for the Antivirus & Malwarebytes for Malware protection.


both x



I didn't know they did electric toe nail kits, but sounds a good idea, so difficult sorting your own toe nails out. Let us know if it works well. How long does it take to get fruit if you buy new fruit trees? A neighbour of our used to have plum trees and he got loads of fruit off them.

How was work today? Not too busy I hope.

Did your OH have a lie in for her day off?



hope it is not long until your power supply arrives.


It is very strange this mild weather we have had since yesterday. The lady said on the tv weather that the west of the country is going to stay about 10 degrees milder than the east, and that rarely happens this time of year.

Mild and bright again today when we took dog out. Well above freezing overnight last night.


wonder if it is cool today for Emptybox?


OH paid about ÂĢ230 for his iphone, because he took out a 12 month contract, he has to get one with good internet access, so he can use it for work. It has 1 gigabite.


I made some butternut squash, sweet , potato, onion and potato soup for tea. Very nice with some crusty bread.


have a good evening both x


Evening Mollie.


The nail set is one of these.

Only cheap.

C:GB:1123" target="_blank">


Some fruit tree's bear fruit earlier than others, but you shouldn't let any grow on it till it's about 3 years old, you can tell how old it is by it's branches, a single stem is a maiden, 1st year, branches means it is 2 years, branches on the branches means it's 3 yrs.

You should be training it for about 5 years to get the shape, after that it's just to keep it tidy.


It's different with Vines, plus soft fruit isn't pruned in the winter, it's pruned in the summer, early or late.


It depends on what root stock it has been grown on, you need to know what root stock grows to what size, there's a lot of difference.

In the old days they didn't have these root stocks so the tree's grew massive.


I used to have big tree's plum, cherry etc but underneath my garden is clay, that's why all my trees now are in pots, it gives me more control but gives me more work.


It's very bad in places in Europe, awful conditions.


School run in the morning, with O/H being off this week she wants us to take her Mother for a day out tomorrow, we could find a nice village in North Wales and spend the day there, nothing very far, we could just drive and see where we end up.


Hi HIcky


sounds hard work for the fruit trees, but well worth it I would think when you get fruit from it.

Thanks for the link, clever idea, wonder if it is difficult to work out how to use it.


Hope you have a nice day out with OH and her mum. I think it is dry weather forecast. In fact, looks dry for the rest of the week, which is good.


I wonder where in North Wales you will go to? My OH is from North Wales, so Welsh was his first language spoken at home.

Some nice pretty places up there...can me and Emptybox come too.


Enjoy your day out. xx


Morning guys.


Well the cold weather continues here. -7 overnight, and the windscreen is still frozen now. Sunny though.

I'm certainly glad I've escaped the European snow.


Hope you enjoy your day in Wales Hicky. I wouldn't be seen out and about with those pink nail trimmers though.


Hope it's still mild down there for your dog walk Mollie, if you go today.


Well my power supply came about an hour after my post yesterday, so I couldn't resist building the computer up immediately and powering it up. All went well fortunately, and it's now up and running and I installed and activated Windows 7 without problems.


A couple of teething problems getting it to boot with my external hard drive attached (had to disable legacy USB support in the bios) and getting it to work with my monitor and TV at the same time.

I'm just using the integrated graphics as they are very good on the intel core processors. It has VGA, DVI, HDMI and display port sockets, but you can only use 2 at the same time (unless you fit a graphics card). I wanted to use DVI to my monitor and HDMI to my TV, and it didn't seem to be playing ball to begin with, but it's all working fine now.


It's much faster and smoother than the old machine, and will run 1080p Youtube clips without problems (the old one used to stutter). So I'm very pleased with it.

The graphics give the lowest windows experience score of 5.2. The CPU is 7.2 and the RAM is 7.5, so a graphics card would be a good upgrade in a couple of year's time.

The old machine only scored 4.1 for the CPU.

I chose a mid-tower mATX case, which is smaller and neater than the old one. The downside being that things are a bit more cramped inside. But I fitted a good case fan, so things are nice and cool inside. The processor is running at only 20 degrees C, which is just room temp really. The pentium 4 in the old one runs at 60 degrees.


I'll probably spend the next few days fiddling about with computers, when really I've got accounts I should be doing. Hey ho..


Good evening both x



Glad to hear your pc is coming together nicely, but what a naughty boy you are, playing with that when you should be doing your accounts.

Looks like we are all in for a bit of a cold snap now. It was below freezing here last night because we had a frost, and a bit chilly today, ,but not too it was nice taking the dog out a walk. There is a field of little shetland ponies down the road from us and my daughter loves taking some carrots for them. When they see us coming , they all come dashing up to the fence for a piece of carrot off her, The dog loves going to see them too.


I hope Hicky had a nice day out. Wonder where he went to?


Just watched Junior Doctors. Good programme, did either of you watch that new quiz, where they are in a maze, quite good it was.


Goodnight both. x


Morning Mollie & Emptybox.


It is cold here but no frost on the car.


Didn't go to Wales yesterday, SatNav has packed up and the touch screen isn't working, it works fine from the Puter and gets the updates, anyway ordered one, a Garvin this time.


Your new Puter sounds ok Emptybox, i wouldn't worry about the temperature too much on the CPU apart from having to get rid of the heat, they will run fine up to 90C won't they?


I like the big cases myself, easier to work and better for cooling, plenty of room for the cables.


I've only tried the nail tool kit on it's own, not on my toenails yet, the unit has got plenty of uses and you get 6 spare sanding tubes with it, O/H was laughing.


There's a farm not far from that advertises horse carrots for sale.


I went to the garden centre, still looking for a couple of large pots for the Peach and Nectarine trees, saw plenty of suitable ones but will take O/H next time to see which she likes.most the size i want are at knock down prices about ÂĢ20 or so.

But they may be going up again.

Need a load of John Innes No 3 for spring and some bags of washed grit, it helps the drainage of the pots.

Was going to get some bags, need 10 or more but was on my own and they were outside and it was freezing so i left it for another day.


Hope it's not too busy today at work, it shouldn't be.


Morning Mollie and Hicky.


Another -7 night here, but nice and sunny.

Wonder if those Shetland ponies will get more carrots today Mollie?


Hope you have an easy day at work Hicky, and you can get the pots you want at the garden centre.

Pity your Wales trip was called off through lack of sat-nav. Could you not have taken a map?


As I found out a couple of years ago, when the heatsink fan started to fail, that Pentium 4 functioned fine up to 70 degrees plus, but after about 75 degrees it started to give errors and bluescreen, so it was at that point I bought a new fan.

The processor wasn't damaged though. The newer processors run much cooler and use less power. I think I read in the blurb that my  i3 uses a maximum of 65w?


Watched the prog about Katie Piper getting back the sight in her left eye. Inspirational girl.

I see River Cottage has had a bad fire in the kitchen? Seemingly Hugh F-W was away at the time.

Yes Mollie, I watched some of The Exit List. It's been on for a few weeks. Quite good, as you say.


Good Afternoon Emptybox.


Was fairly busy this morning, easier now.


The CPU Temperature wouldn't give a blue screen, if the CPU gets too hot it shuts down, don't know about the blue screen, that is errors but not sure of what.


Where have you got this 65 watt from, a CPU doesn't take anything from the power, it's only about 3 volt isn't it and the wattage would be virtually zero.


It wasn't just the Satnav failing that messed up the day, MIL had overslept, weather was freezing, i had to take the little one to school and O/H picks him up so it didn't leave much time, will go when little one is off, next week maybe.


Will try and get O/H to the garden centre on say Thursday, could get brekki there, they do a fine one, like most garden centre's these days.


I watch the Katie Piper program, poor girl, what an awful thing, hope she gets it all sorted in the end, it was looking good so far.


Didn't know River Cottage had had a fire, great program that.


This was posted on the other Forum just now.

Thought it so funny, had to show you.


Notes left in milk bottles -
Dear milkman...

I've just had a baby, please leave another one.

Please leave an extra pint of paralysed milk.

Cancel one pint after the day after today.

Please don't leave any more milk. All they do is drink it.

Milkman, please close the gate behind you because the birds keep pecking the tops off the milk.

Milkman, please could I have a loaf but not bread today.

Please cancel milk. I have nothing coming into the house but two
sons on the dole.

Sorry not to have paid your bill before, but my wife had a baby and I've been carrying it around in my pocket for weeks.

Sorry about yesterday's note. I didn't mean one egg and a dozen
pints, but the other way round.

When you leave my milk please knock on my bedroom window and wake me because I want you to give me a hand to turn the mattress.

Please knock. My TV's broken down and I missed last night's
Coronation Street . If you saw it, will you tell me what happened over a cup of tea?

My daughter says she wants a milkshake. Do you do it before you deliver or do I have to shake the bottle?

Please send me a form for cheap milk, for I have a baby two months old and did not know about it until a neighbour told me.

Please send me details about cheap milk as I am stagnant.

Milk is needed for the baby. Father is unable to supply it.

From now on please leave two pints every other day and one pint on the days in between, except Wednesdays and Saturdays when I don't want any milk.

My back door is open. Please put milk in 'fridge, get money out of
cup in drawer and leave change on kitchen table in pence, because we want to play bingo tonight.

Please leave no milk today. When I say today, I mean tomorrow, for I wrote this note yesterday.

When you leave the milk please put the coal on the boiler, let dog
out and put newspaper inside the screen door. P.S. Don't leave any milk.

No milk. Please do not leave milk at No. 14 either as he is dead
until further notice.


Good afternoon both



pity you didn't make it to Wales yesterday, but it makes more sense to leave it until you are less busy. Glad your afternoon has proved not so busy workwise as this morning. Yes best to stock up on your pots whilst prices are low, once we get closer to spring and the weather warms up I guess they will put the prices up.



Are you being naughty again and playing pc instead of doing your accounts?   I didn't realise that the Exit quiz had been on for awhile, not noticed it before.

Didn't see the Katie Piper programme, but I have seen her on This Morning, so sad what happened to her, seems a lovely girl.


It was below freezing here too, but not as low as minus 7.

Just came back from beach walk with dog and some rock pools were frozen although it didn't feel really cold today with the sun out.


at Hicky's notes to the milkman, so funny.


have a good day both. x


Hi Mollie and Hicky.
Those milk notes are hilarious Hicky.
I hope you manage to get to the garden centre tomorrow.

It must have been pretty cold there Mollie, if the rockpools froze?
Yes, I was playing with computers again.
I actually thought my new computer was getting overcooled, because it was blowing out cold air onto my legs. I turned the fans down a bit, and it's quieter now as well.

I'm not sure if the 65w figure is correct Hicky, but we've already established that CPUs run hot; so hot that they need heatsinks and fans to cool them down. Now you can't get heat from nowhere. If they're giving heat out they must be taking energy in, in the form of electricity. It's a basic principle of physics.
There's a handy formula in here

Watched Super Smart Animals tonight. Fascinating.


Last edited by emptybox


Been raining all day here.

Milder, I suppose, but not much consolation.


I finally got my accounts done, then I went into town to get some stuff and pay a bill, but shopping is dreary when it's raining.


Location is on tonight, then I'm going to watch the second episode of Inside Men on BBC1.


Hope you both had good days?


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


It hasn't stopped raining all day, just drizzle but so annoying.

Things are well iced up though.


Didn't get time today anyway, but didn't fancy walking round the garden centre in the wet.

O/H was busy anyway, school run and looking after little one and taking him shopping with MIL.


It seems strange how much power the CPU takes, but that will be because the voltage is so low, at about 2.4 volt so of course your 65w doesn't seem so bad when you consider there, probably upwards of 10 million transistors that need supplying.

Think the heat is just because a perfect conductor hasn't been found yet.

It's just a pity they won't work on the 12 volt line that would cut the current down a lot.


My door switch came for the Dish Washer, wrong catch, have now ordered correct one, will return the other one.


Went out for lunch to a fish restaurant in West Kirby, very nice too.

Got the school run in the morning, will have to see what the weather will be like before i know what i'll be doing.


both x



glad to hear you were good and finally got your accounts done.

Good job you were able to adjust the fan on your pc, and it was not getting too cold. I too saw some of that smart animals show, very interesting.



sorry to hear you got rain all day.How annoying the door switch was the wrong one. Was it a fish and chip shop type resteraunt you went to? Think it is time for us soon to partake in some fish and chips, I love the mushy peas too.


Been a nice day weather wise, nice and sunny on beach, so quite a few surfers and walkers out. So warm I had we had to take our coats off on way home.

It started to rain later in the day though.


I have to go to cardiff hosptial about blood again in the morning then will go round town. so wont be back till late.have to visit my fave clothes store Primark.


goodnight both



Good evening both

you both had a day off the forum today?


Hope that means you have had a nice day enjoying yourselves.

Not a nice day here today, misty , and drizzly and quite chilly too, but not below freezing.


I was waiting at the hospital for 3 hours, just to find out they hadn't been able to do my blood tests. Apparently they did not get delivery of the chemcial stuff they needed because there is a national shortage of it, so I have to go back again in a couple of months.


Went to town after and bought a few clothes from Primark.

A lady in the queue at BHS cafe gave me a voucher for free fish, chips and peas, if I just bought a coffee, which was nice of her because I was starving, the fish was lovely, and it saved me ÂĢ5.50.


Am watching Millione pound drop now and playing online, I am never very good at it though.

Have one question to go and have ÂĢ25k, the same as the 2 on tv. I like chris moyles and Andy.


Was it work day for you today HIcky?


And how is the pc coming along?


Have a good evening both x





Above freezing here but very dull day.

Another faffing about with computers day. Slowly getting there.

My new machine is all set up, but I've been playing about with the others, to greater or lesser degrees of success.


What a nuisance about your blood tests Mollie. They might at least have phoned you and told you not to bother coming? But at least you got some shopping out of it.

And free fish and chips? Cannae be bad?


Watched Million Pound Drop. I thought Chris Moyles was annoying on it TBH. But then I'm not that keen on him anyway.

Last edited by emptybox

Morning Mollie & Emptybox.


Not sure where Friday went.


Took little one to school, then took the door catch mech to be posted back.


Got my new Satnav so took it for a ride.

Was setting it up.

Went to garden centre and got a couple of pots.


Made a stew for tea, had made brekki for us both as O?H wasn't at work, back Sunday.


It is a Fish & Chip Restaurant Mollie, Fantastic Fish, lovely Chips as well, mushy peas.

They do Pies, no Chinese meals though,


Thats annoying about your Blood, crazy situation.


That was nice getting a voucher Mollie, a good saving that.


Don't watch Million pound drop, it's just a front for adverts, they spin the program out, can't watch that.


Glad you Puters are coming on Emptybox, why bother with the old ones, what good are they now?


Off to brekki with my Lad and 2 of his, either Morrisons or the garden centre.


My Lad in Oz has been in Singapore a couple of days, he's on his way to Sumatra to work for 28 days.



Another mild dry day here so far. Think I'll wash my car later.


Hope your new sat-nav doesn't lead you astray Hicky?

That must be nice for your lad, being in such an exotic location?


What use are the old computers? What's the use of having a home network, if you don't fill your house with computers?


But seriously, I've collected the computers over the years, and use them for different things. 

The new one is in the lounge and feeds video to the TV and music to the HiFi, and will do all the video encoding and other heavy computing that needs to be done.

The old one is now in the dining room, for anyone that wants to surf in there, and I'll be installing the latest Linux distros on that (wouldn't want to mess up my new one with those).

The Shuttle that I had made nearly 7 years ago, is in the small bedroom/office and has all my business and financial stuff on it. Plus it has a couple of TV cards in, to record films from the TV to keep on the external hard drive.

Also in that room is the 10 year old Dell, which  is left on all the time, and has a 2 TB external drive with all the videos etc on, and it acts as a server to all the other computers.

In my bedroom I have my Apple laptop, then I've also got my tablet, for surfing all over the house.


That's the benefit of living by myself, I can indulge myself like that. My Dad would never allow computers in the dining room etc.

I will get rid of one eventually.....probably.


Evening Emptybox.


Not a bad day, it didn't rain anyway, brekki out and went for a meal out this afternoon to the Hungry Horse.

Had a bucket of Chicken wings each (10) and a Sirloin Steak, very nice.


I see what you need all the Puters for, good idea, I threw the last 6 i built away as i couldn't be bothered with them.


Most of the programs on TV were repeats, does my head in.


Afternoon Mollie & Emptyox.


Warm here this morning, well 8 deg which seems warm.


Went for brekkie with my lad a 2 of his.

He doesn't have eat for 9 months old, a couple of big sausages and 2 rounds of toast.


Not a lot i can do in the garden really, a few bits, no hurry though.


DOI & Bafta's tonight, they overlap though.


both x



glad you are enjoying playing with your pc's.

Seems you have a good use for each of them, we have lots of old ones too, son who is doing Computing degree, likes to play with them.

Glad you have the mild weather for a change, it all helps save on your oil.

Yes I do agree Chris Moyles was annoying on Million ÂĢ drop, but I do like his radio show, he kept me sane in hospital, I was so down in the mornings facing goodness knows what each day, but plugging in my head phones and listening to him and his pals used to cheer me up.   I always listen each morning.



I agree, tv awful right now. However my fave show The Hotel is on C4 tonight. Mark the owner is quite bonkers, he was funny on Harry Hill last night too.

Good for you going to the Hungry Horse again, sounds like a nice place to go. I bet you felt pretty full after eating 10 chicken things and a steak. Do you have it with chips and veg too? And do you have a pudding?

Glad to hear your lad is making the most of living the other side of the world and experiencing a few places. Don't know much about Sumatra at all. Is he working there with the same company? Do they find accomodation?


Lost my yesterday post again, my pc decided to switch itself off.

Didn't do too much yesterday, was tired after hosptial visit, but took dog nice walk in sun on seafront.


Hope you both have good day,


Bit cloudy here but mild and dry.


off to take son to drama and dog down seafront.




Bit dreich here today. Not actually raining, but misty and damp. Fairly mild though.


Went to the supermarket this afternoon, but not done a lot else.

Fiddling about with computers mostly.


Had the BAFTAs on in the background, but wasn't  really paying attention TBH.


Terrible to hear about Whitney Houston. Wonder what happened?


Morning Mollie & Emptybox.


Very mild here this morning 8deg anyway, frost isn't likely this week, so they say.


Will have to listen to Radio1, i have been listening to Magic 1548, it's just music from the 60's and 70's mainly, all day.


Forgot to record the Hotel, so many things on at once.


The Hungry Horse has a good selection of food, and is very cheap really.

You get a big plate, always too much for me, with the steak you get chunky chips and tomato and peas, but you could probably have what you want.

We don't usually have a pudding, they do have loads and some are massive, far too big for me.


My Lad works for the same company, he is just going for the 28 days, then goes back to Oz for a rest then he may go back again, not sure.


Strange your Puter switching off, if it's a desktop they usually only switch off to reboot for updates.

Unless it overheating then it will.


Whitney was found in the Bath, don't know what she died of Emptybox, we should find out soon.

her body had been very damaged though from her lifestyle.


Don't think it will be too busy here today.


Good morning both x



at you playing pc's all day. Well don't feel guilty because it is winter so your quiet time of year work wise.


What is "dreich"? .. I like your little Northern words.



hope work was not too busy yesterday.

Shame you forgot the HOtel, that is the trouble , some night nothing good on at all, then other nights , all things on at same time.

Hungry Horse sound nice.

We too get too full to eat a desert each when we go out, but we do often manage one to share amongst us all.


Lovely day here today so far, sunny and mild, hope it is where you are too.


Am busy this week, son has rehearsals in theatre all week, so take him there, then me and daughter have brekkie in Subway, ,Good deal, and nice fresh baked bread. Then yesterday did a bit of shopping and took her to the library.


I don't like driving at all though now..went to collect son from drama last night, haven't driven for awhile and was in tears when I got home. I just cannot do a good turn of my neck to the left still, and I strained my throat when I struggled to get car off drive and it felt horrible again all night.  I know it is slowly improving, but it just gave me a nasty reminder how I can't push myself and try to turn my neck too far. OH said he will leave car in the road now when I need it, because I don't want to get out of the habit of not driving at all, but must avoid turning neck to the left.

Yes a big shame about Whitney, as Hicky says, sounds like it is lifestyle to blame again.

Have a good day both x



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