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Hi both x

Did a long pos tlast night, and my lappy decided to switch itself off before I had chance to hit the reply button.



What a pity you ended up wasting ÂĢ50 on that oven door. Glad you are pleased with the secateurs, I am sure with the amount of time you spend in the garden you will get good use of them.

Thanks for the Chantelle pics.   She does have a big bump considering she has quite a while to go yet. But she looks well on it.



Did you go to Sainsburys yesterday?  And do you still have spag bol on Saturdays?

So it is all down to you that Nicola stayed?   I too am surpised by who went. Like you can't say I will miss either of them, so can't complain though. Afraid I do not like Nicola though

.  at the twins gameplaying in the American way. Must say I like it for a change, but not sure how it will go down with the UK public. Hope they don't go Wednesday, think they are interesting HM's, as is Denise and Michel. (although those 2 are batty!)..


Had a busy day yesterday... brekkie and shop in Asda in morning then Oliver the musical in Cardiff Bay was great. Neil Morrisey was really good as Fagin. It was a full house and has been here since Dec 10th, Finished its run last night though. In the evening our landlady unexpectedly came round, she came to apologise about the agent, and said it was nothing to do with her, Told her to come in and I would show her the damp (I knew then we wouldn't need to have agent nosing for an inspection) , her and OH think it was downpipe problem, so said they will sort it. Lucky she seems very nice, this used to be her parents home, so was her family home too big for her now, and is emotionally attached to it, so won't sell.

Today went walk in village and had drink outside pub whilst 2 of kids at guitar lessons then later took dog walk on seafront whilst other son at drama. It was warm and sunny for January, even though a bit breezy , so lots of people were on seafront. Hope you both have had a bit of sun too.


Better post this quick incase I lose it again.


have a good evening x


ps did you guess who from Dancing on Ice I had my piccie taken with not long ago? I will try and dig the snap out and post it.


Hi Mollie and Hicky.


Very windy here overnight again, but quite a nice sunny day today. Very cold though.

Went to Sainsburys this afternoon.


Have you got some damp in your house as well Mollie? I've got a patch in my hallway. The landlady has had some repointing done on the outside wall, but it hasn't really helped.

I suppose that is the problem with older rented properties? 

If it was your own house you'd be willing to pay to fix it, but as the landlord doesn't have to live there, they are reluctant to spend money.


Glad you enjoyed Oliver yesterday, and you got some nice warm weather for dog walking etc.

As I said, it's very cold here. I got chilled just loading and unloading the car at the supermarket, and I had a fleece on at that.


Yes I had spag bol last night. I just make a batch of sauce every few weeks, and freeze it in individual containers, so it's quick on the night.

Might have a pork chop tonight?


I hope Nicola stays on Wednesday, but I doubt she will? Mind I said that last time, and she stayed. I shouldn't think thatbwas entirely down to me though. She's well liked in showbiz circles.


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Very Windy today but otherwise ok.


Went for brekkie with my lad and his lad this morning to Morrison's.


My Lad & his family hired a car and went over to Wakefield to see His wife's family which they haven't seen since baby was born, they loved hi, he's crawling round now and can move.


Shame about your lost post Mollie, nothing worse.


At least i have a spare inner glass now, we are going to put the loose parts into the cleaning bag quite often now and clean the inner glass, i can take the door off and change the glass in a few minutes so could then clean the glass in the bag with the metal racks.


I wanted the Bosch Secateurs for winter pruning of my many tree's vines etc also the Pergola, it gives a lovely cut and so easy.


Have bought some Anya seed potatoes for this years growing crop.


Chantelle is coming on well, plenty of bumps.


Good that you can go for a walk and get a drink while lad at lessons.


Looking forward to DOI now, well it's on.


Josie is Celeb Wedding Planner on Monday night after CBB on C5.



Work tomorrow, ah well that's life.


Meant to say, not bothered who goes Wednesday, probably another 2 again, it finishes Friday anyway.

Last edited by Hicky

Evening Emptybox.


Been ok  today, wind not too bad, pretty warm.

Did the school run this morning.


Made some jam puffs, 18 in all out of the pastry i bought.

Very tasty as well.


Bought 2 fillets of rainbow trout, had them tonight.


Work tomorrow.


Jay & Louise on cbbots tonight.


Going to be busy at work tomorrow, got loads of invoices to do.

Very pleased with my rehash of the order/invoice/vat/payment program, i have 1 main totals page now that  compares figures from 2 different sheets and shows an error.

I've been trying to simplify it for when someone else has to take over the job.


Hi Hicky.

Dull and windy here. looks like rain. Bit milder though.


Sounds like you've got a busy day at work. But good that you've been able to organize your files to make it easier.

For my business files, I'm still using the same files that I started in 1999.

That was when I bought a secondhand Windows 3.1 computer from my Aunt, that had Microsoft Works on it. Course I've now got a better computer with Windows 7 on it, but I'm still using an old version of MS Works, and the same files. If it ain't broke.....


Another double eviction tonight. I think Nicola will go unfortunately, but not sure who else? The twins are contraversial, so might get support? Might even be Denise that goes?

I saw Jay and Louise on BOTS last night. I thought they seemed a bit subdued?

I see Tashie's home movies are a hit on the web. (may have had a peek )


Good afternoon both


Here is some haggis for you


and to go with it... some whiskey, of course.






are you having a special tea for Burns night?

yes we have awful damp in this house, so bad that daughter took off her pillow case and the pillow had to be thrown away because of damp mould. Not good for the health. The lounge is also bad, as you say, that is the problem with older home and being rented, the owners won't spend much , just patch up. OH has treated and washed it and we now have dehumidifiers.  Did you know you can get a spray to put on it to kill it? OH got it from B and Q I think. You must have a good system if your files are still going strong on the same method since 1999.



glad your jam puffs came out good. Hope you aren't too tired with your busy work day today. Nice pic of Josie you posted there.


Yes I think maybe Nicola will go tonight, unless you save her again Emptybox with all your votes.

Maybe the twins will go, which is a shame because they have been good HM's, as far as entertainment value goes. Gareth and Romeo seem decent blokes, but are very quiet HM's. Think Denise will stay because she has big Loose Women fan base, Think Frankie will stay too, thought I wouldn't like him as a HM, but think he has been entertaining.  

Not long to wait and see now.


have a good day both. x


Hi Mollie.

No I'm not having haggis tonight.

I intended to buy some at the weekend, but Sainsburys don't seem to do individual ones only ones with 2-3 portions. I guess I could have kept the excess in the fridge for a few days, but I'm not that bothered. I'll just look at the pic you posted and dream.


That damp sounds bad in your house? Was it not evident when you were viewing?

Luckily the only really active damp in my house is in the hallway. Unsightly but not a danger to health. There's evidence of previous damp in other rooms, plaster damage etc, but the walls are largely dry apart from the hallway.

If the landlady wanted to sell the house, or rent to a new tenent, she'd have to spend a lot getting rid of the damp and replastering etc.

I might look into de-humidifiers and sprays.


I just use Word documents for invoices, and spreadsheets for accounts, database for clients, so I don't need anything fancy. I'm also still using the same logo that I designed in 1999, on invoices and business cards.


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Wasn't too bad a day here warm with not much wind.

Was busy today, but got through the work, have to work Friday as well, got sort the 4th quarter vat out and pay it online.


Not keen on MS Works.


Can't wait for the eviction's tonight, no idea who will go tonight.


I saw Jay & Lou last night, they were quiet.


I enjoyed Tashie's video, she's quite good.

Not sure it's the right thing for Emma to be advertising.


Thanks for the Haggis Mollie, i love them myself.


That damp is bad Mollie, shouldn't be sleeping under those conditions.


All the good Haggis i've seen are big, but i could get 3 or 4 meals from 1, the Costco ones are 1kg.


Aaaww poor Emptybox, with only a picture of a haggis, but nowt to eat. At least you have a CBB eviction to watch soon though.    (but I am guessing you need to see Nicola stay to keep that smilie face smilie going)..


The mould spray does seem to have kept that mould patch away, because OH used it a few weeks ago. We didnt notice it for some time because it was behind daughters. bed.

No point changing your logo if you are happy with the one you have got, and of course everyone recognises it, so to change it, would probably be a bad idea anyway.


Hope you and Hicky enjoy the tonight. x




we posted together.

Glad you managed at work today, At least working Friday gives you a bit more pocket money to spend in your garden I guess.

Yes we were shocked by the extent of the damp here, because it is a nice hose otherwise, LL spent money on kitchen and bathroom. She thinks it is roof problem, so man coming to inspect soon.


Enjoy CBB. x


Evening Mollie.


Not had a bad day really.

Brekkie in Morrisons.

Picked little one up from school as O/H was taking a Grand daughter to a college intro thingy.


Got some more of the oak smoked streaky bacon, yummy..


Surprised to see Romeo out, but he was boring to us as we never see him.

Won ÂĢ6.60 on the euro millions, they keep leaving those 000000000 off.D:


Got the garden bin emptied at last so can fill it with cuttings again.


Taking the little one to school before i go to work in the morning.


At least BB on early tonight so can wtch cbbbots before bed.

Will record Amy at 11pm.


Hi Mollie and Hicky.


Bit drizzly here this afternoon, but there was a frost first thing.


MacSweens do individual haggises that are really good, but I've only found them at the Co-op. I'll get a load in next time I'm there and freeze them.


I kind of knew Nicola would be out, but how bad was that chanting while she was being interviewed?


Watched the last episode of It's All About Amy. I know it hasn't had good ratings, but I think it's been a fun series.


That's a coincidence Hicky, I won ÂĢ6.60 on Tuesday's Euromillion. Plus I won ÂĢ10 on Wednesday's lotto. Cannae be bad?

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Not bad here this morning, but had some thunder storms at tea time.


Didn't take the little one to school as he wasn't well.


Didn't like the chanting or Booing, think it should be stopped.


I enjoyed Amy's show, she will do ok, bet they love her in the states, but they can't understand her.


Thats strange you winning the same. plus the lotto.


We got that ÂĢ4m job we were quoting, the biggest order we've had.

We've had a few for ÂĢ1m other years.


Looking forward to the Final tonight.


Hi Hicky.

Frosty again this morning, bu not too bad a day.

Did some tidying up in my own garden and greenhouse this afternoon.

Unfortunately I've had a mole working in my back lawn, and had produced some large molehills. So I shovelled those up and spread them on the beds.


Hope your grandchild gets better quickly.


That's great news about your big order. Just what your firm needs in these times.


Pity the twins were out first tonight. I'd hoped they'd get further.

Not bothered who wins really.


hi Both x


what a coincidence you both won the same amount, let's hope for another coincidence with those long awaited zeros on the end that HIcky mentioned.


Hicky..Glad your place got a big order, how did work go today?



good idea to get those haggis in the freezer, so you are all set up when you fancy one. Yes, those moles do make a real mess, we get them on and off, and the gardener gets fed up because it takes him ages to cut the grass. I must admit I would love to see one if I could though. Do they only come out at night?


I too hate the booing, it ruined Nicola's and the twins interviews. I guess I was not too surpised at the ordering tonight. Young Frankie has certainly turned around those boos he got when he went in. Let's hope he doesn't mess up his 2nd chance. Gareth did well, he does seem a nice guy, so deserved 3rd place, but was too quiet for a higher rating, I reckon.


Does the little fella have a cold?  I remember at that age how often they pick up bugs from school.

I have had a bad throat since Sunday night. I woke with a start and jumped out of breathe because I couldn't breathe. Lots of thick gunge in the back of my throat. Got a bit worried because of my past, so went to docs. He was not very good though. Said I just had a virus, and din't  give me anything , told me to go to chemist. I know that anti-biotics don't help viruses, but I thought this has been going on for some time now, and made me breathelss, so was surprised not to be given anything. Just hope it starts to clear soon.


gone colder here today, but not as cold as up by Emptybox's place. How are you fixed for your oil supply Emptybox. I guess even if it gets a bit cold now though, winter is nearly over.


Hope you both enjoyed the final.


good night. x


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


I know Moles can make a mess, glad i don't have any.


It was a pity the twins went out first but at least they got to the last day.


It wasn't too busy today, we did the gov van return but it would go though and couldn't get it to acknowledge it had received it.

Tried a few times, tried again in the afternoon and it said it had been received.


Got away early anyway.


The little one had a temperature, his dad rang at about 8.15 so i carried on to work, got my normal brekkie at 10am then.


Didn't like the booing, think that should be stopped.


The won't give you anything for a virus Mollie, it has to be left to your body to fight it.

As you say Anti-Bio won't help so there's no a lot they can do.


I'm liking these lighter night, it changes by about 1 minute a week.


H i Mollie.

Hope you get over your sore throat virus soon.

As Hicky says, we haven't really cracked viruses yet. You can't really kill them, because they are not quite living things. More like organic machines. Very strange things.


Yes moles are nocturnal. I've probably only seen one live mole. Plenty of dead ones though.


I've got plenty of oil at the moment. Got a delivery in the middle of this month.

We still could get a bitter February yet, but the lighter nights are good, as you say Hicky.


I guess Denise is an OK winner, but BOTS was rather embarrassing.


Evening Emptybox.


Had a great brekki at Morrisons, took my lad and 2 of his.

The baby loved it, he was eating toast and sausage as well.


It was nice having a couple of my grand daughters for the birthday party, it was  a 7yr olds birthday.

One of my grandsons was there as well, he's about 10 but when he's with the girls, wow are they noisy, you would think there was a dozen of them.


Yes, DS was a real pain Friday, they said it was hardware.


Been watching DOI and Top Gear, that was recorded though.


I'm recording Towie for tomorrow when there's nothing on.


Think we will be below freezing here at night for the next 10 days, according to the forecast.


hope Mollie is OK, can't remember where she is.


Morning Both.


Another day another dollar.

Wasn't as cold as expected this morning, no frost on the car anyway.


It's so boring the tv when no BB on.


Roll on 10.00 for brekkie.

Will wait till 8.00 for my next cup of tea.


Hoping i won't be too busy today, sorted the vat out and that seemed to be ok.


First of Feb on Wednesday, wow, soon be spring, did some more pruning on the vines, never sure how much to do but think i left too much growth on last year.

Hi Hicky.
Hope you are not too busy at work today.

No frost here either today, but I woke up to some snow on the ground. It's mostly gone now though, and the temperature is well above zero.

Have bought components to upgrade my lounge PC to a more modern standard. I've ordered from Amazon, just in case I have to send something back. Probably better than ebay in that regard.
I've ordered a socket 1155 motherboard, an i3 CPU, 8GB of RAM, plus a 500GB sata HDD and a sata DVD/RW, all for ÂĢ300. That should keep me up to date for a few years.
Unfortunately I had to order new sata hard drive and optical drives because the ones I have are all IDE, and modern boards only have sata connections.
Looking forward to it all coming so I can get building.

Have you been busy lately Mollie? You don't seem to pop in as often nowadays?

Hi both



yes, you are right, it will soon be spring, but going on the cold forecast, looks like winter is going out with a bang first.

Glad you enjoyed having the children over for the party, they are so sweet at that age, and at the little boy making them all noisy. Boys will be boys.   I bet your ears were tired when they all left. How sweet that even the baby was able to enjoy a bit of brekkie with you too.



Glad to hear you have a good stock of oil now winter is here. I heard on tv, there is a system of weather coming from Scandanavia, with sub zero for awhile. (if they have got it right this time).

Even us here had a few snowflakes here today.

Hope you sort your upgrade out ok.


yes as you noticed , sorry I havent been around quite so much, things been chaous, what with me not feeling well, landlady back again this afternoon to sort roof out, and son in a panic with one of his courses. He seems ok now I have helped advise him. Some of the OU courses are difficult for younger people with no work experience.

At least I just about managed to fit in CBB though.


Anyone watching C4's, The Hotel? It is my fave show right now, really funny, Mark the owner is quite bonkers, as are most of his staff.  


Have a good evening both.

Are you watching this series of Mrs Brown's boys?


I still haven't shaken this bug off, where I had my op in my throat still sore and gungy, and my voice all weird, hope it goes soon, makes me so tired. Had it over a week now.


Evening Both.


Your Puter parts sound good.

You just get an adaptor if you want to use Your IDE drive, also need power adaptor.


But think Sata will be a lot faster as it's not parallel data transmission.


If i were you i would get the adaptors and then you can connect all the drives transfer your data then disconnect if you want.


I was surprised the baby enjoyed the Sausage and toast, but he's a smashing little lad, will have to take him again, he's so good.


Haven't seen 'The Hotel' Mollie.


Hope you're feeling better, could do without landlady problems as well.


Will watch 'Mrs Brown's Boys', so funny.


That Bugs a blow Mollie, as you say, should have gone.

Shouldn't still be sore Mollie, are you sure you haven't got an infection?


Of tomorrow, got the 'School Run' in the morning if little one is well enough.



sounds like a good idea to take the baby with you to brekkie again as he enjoyed it so much. I'd love to see a piccie of him again to see how he is coming on, they change so quickly at that age.

You could always put it in the private section here if you would prefer.


Yes it could be an infection because it is taking so long to shift, think my throat is more vulnerable after the ops. Hope it clears soon though.


Now as you know I love fashion and nice frocks, but no way could I wear this one.....although I think, as you will agree, that the lady wearing it looks good in it, it fits so well , she must of had it specially made for her.


I hope the little fella is better by tomorrow.


Hi Mollie and Hicky.

Pity you're still not feeling right Mollie. Hope it's not an infection, and it goes soon.
I've seen a few episodes of The Hotel. Quite good.
That's some corset that model is wearing.

I've been watching Mrs Brown's Boys as well, and The Royal Bodyguard with David Jason. I record both of those and watch them later.

Hope they're wrong about the weather forecast.

Hicky, that's a great idea about the adaptor. I might just get one, because it would allow me to use my existing drive as a secondary one (perhaps put Linux on it). I had heard about those adaptors, but hadn't thought of getting one. Still better with a new sata drive for the main one, as it'll be faster.

Morning Both.


Wend for brekki with O/H to the garden centre, very nic.


Didn't do the school run, he wasn't well enough.


I'll get a picture of him as soon as possible.


Love that top Mollie, it is probably a one piece but she is wearing the table cloth to hide the rest of it.

It looks like it has been moulded to her body, not sure what material it is, it looks like fibre glass.

It sure is a good fit, and what a body, thats how they should look.

I see Chanelle is in Zoo tis week, 12 pages of her topless.

Looking good as well.


I recorded Mrs Brown, with no BB have lots of time for recordings.

Don't forget you need the power conversion cable as well for the sata to ide.


It's not looking good with the weather, it seems that Feb is going to be bad


Hi Hicky and Mollie.


Well no frost again here, but a very grey sky all day, and very cold.

Went into town to get my Zoo, but didn't do much else.

I made sure everything on the old computer was backed up ready for the new bits arriving.

I was reading the review of that IDE adaptor, and it seems to work for most people, but some have problems. I think it's worth buying anyway, as it's quite cheap. It's supposed to come with all the leads.


Thanks for the pic on the other thread Hicky. Very handsome with those blue eyes.

I see Zoo have put up a promo video for the shoot (no topless pics in video, if you want to peek Mollie ),AAAAADVRRro~,chsY57y9XVH8LORT-wKpQc4sSx0M4H_K&bctid=1425513901001 


At the risk of sounding slightly unkind, you can see the benefits of photo-shopping, when you compare the pics in the mag, with the video, but she looks very healthy.


Good morning all



Good job you have Hicky to talk about these techy things, because I don't have a clue. Hope you can sort your adaptor out though. Was it frozen there today? I am guessing it was, because it is here.



hope the little fella is better now. That sounds like a nice garden centre if you are able to get a brekkie there. I really like the Sainsburys "Taste the Difference" range. I often go for that, even in fruit and veg.

I will go and look at the baby piccie now.


Thanks for the link Emptybox, I would prefer to see pics with tops on. (but of course Zoo is aimed for fellas anyway)

My sort of mag is the fashion type ones.


it is a beautiful day here so far, sun out, and I can see the snow on the hills from our windows. Hope you both have the nice weather too. 


Will take dog out later, but will wrap up warm. I still haven't got rid of this gungy throat, so dont feel myself. I am sure that doc should of given me anti-biotics, because it is dragging on. I rarely have them , hadn't had them in years till I had op, so it is not like I am always going for them. That is the trouble, since they made all prescriptions free for all people in Wales, it is harder to get anything on prescription.


Did either of you see "Fear at Sea" last night on C4? If you didn't I highly recommend it, think it is being repeated. It was well put together, I was shocked what those poor people went through. What a choice, on a sinking ship with no lifeboats left, do you jump into a dark cold sea, or do you climb to the top of the ship and hope to get rescued? Or do you just stay where you are, and hope for the best? I guess the answer has to depend on your fitness levels too. Some of the ones they interviewed were very young too.


The man is here putting up scoffolding ready for them them fix roof and try and stop the mould. The developer across the road recently chopped loads of huge fur trees down and OH reckons they were protecting this house from the weather coming in from the coast and soaking up a lot of damp, so is why they never had damp problem till recently.

Good thing about renting is we don't get the bill!


have a good day both x

just had a nice bagel for brekkie. A cinnamon one.



Good Afternoon Mollie.


The little feller might have gone to school today, not sure yet.


I got a reply from Sainsbury's twitter thanking me for the report i sent them.


It was pretty cold this morning but could be worse.


You have to be careful about Anti-Bio's maybe you have had your share, you can become immune maybe.


I watched that Cruise Ship program, i would have climbed up to high level i think as that would be the last to go down, and just hope.


If you jump into the sea with clothes on they weigh you down, but a good life jacket will help of course.

Without you have no chance.


Hope you've both had a good day.


I've been reading about this Coconut Flour, it seems very good.

I'll get a link for you.



There are loads of pages on the web about it, very interesting.


A fellow FM has just posted this Flour link.

Last edited by Hicky

Hi Mollie and Hicky.


Not frozen here Mollie. No hint of frost or snow here the last few days, although they keep forecasting it. Quite heavy cloud though, and very cold out, but well above zero so far.


pity you've still got the bad throat Mollie, but don't suppose anti-biotics would do any good anyway, unless it's an infection?

Didn't see the prog on the Costa Concordia disaster. I'll try and catch a repeat. Not sure what I'd do in those circumstances?


It's good that your landlady seems to be getting right on with the work on your roof. Wish mine was like that. She prÃģmised all sorts 2 years ago, and nothing has been done. Still, I'm keeping it as ammunition for when she wants a rent rise.


Coconut flour? I suppose that would be good if you were gluten intolerant?


Afternoon Emptybox.


I'm not too busy today, thank heavens.


I would have thought that you would have had frost/snow or something.

The forecast had snow down for here on Saturday, but it changes by the day, crazy.


It's worth seeing that Concordia program.

All those people still on the ship and no more serviceable lifeboats, that's crazy.


It's a darn good job it was inshore and on rocks.

Think the Captain should have tried to beach it, at least it would have saved a lot of lives.


That Coconut Flour looks interesting, I have asked Sainsbury's on twitter if they make any bread with it.


Good morning both



that is interesting about coconut flour, I did not even know it came in flour form. Yes I can believe it is very good for you. I had heard that coconut oil is very good to fry with, instead of those vegetable oils, which are very bad for you. But of course the problem with this flour is it is hard to find, and expensive at ÂĢ5.99. Looks like just a small bag too. But I bet the food made with it would taste good, as well as being healthy.

Did you take the little fella to school today?



How unusual that the cold spell came to us in the south, for a change. Frosty again here and well below freezing, but it is a lovely sunny day again now.


The scaffolding went up yesterday and men on roof now. I think our LL had no choice but to sort this out, because the mold was so bad, it has ruined all the wallpaper in lounge on one wall, and on one wall in bedroom.

Yes good idea, as your LL has done nowt, to leave it up your sleeve for if she asks for extra rent.


Not much on tv last night but watched the new series of Young Doctors. what a responsibility they have on their young inexeperieced shoulders.


Saw a tv show on itv Wales the other night about how all the places here are to be graded on food hygiene to try and bring down number of people getting food poisoning. (like my daughter got last year!).

I have noticed the signs appearing in some windows. Have either of you noticed them around by you? Apparantly they do not have to display by law, so at a guess, only the highly rated ones will display. In fact I have only seen highly rated ones in windows so far. They are going to try and get a new law through that they have to display them, good or bad.


Here is the link, you can do a search for any of your local eateries, or places that sell prepared food. All of the places round here I have looked for seem to be there, but not sure about England places if they are.

Here is the link..


Have a good day, will take dog a walk in the sun soon. My throat still not right, but better than it was, so a bit of fresh air and sun will be good.





Hi Mollie and Hicky.


Well I've certainly caught up on the frost front today. -6 overnight, and still frost on lawn now, though nice and sunny as well.


All the premises in my local town are on that hygene website as well Mollie, so it must be a UK thing. I've saved it for the next time I eat out. If it's not compulsory then only the ones that get a high rating will display, but I guess that's better than nothing?


I thought vegetable oils were good for you Mollie? Olive oil and sunflower oil etc are supposed to be high in polyunsaturated fats. The mediterraneans bods thrive on olive oil, so I thought?}


Hope the roofers don't  create too much disturbance for you Mollie. But it'll be worth it to get rid of the damp.


Managed to catch the repeat of that prog on the Concordia. Very unnerving. Not that I was planning a cruise anytime soon.


Had a bit of a rethink about the new computer. I was going to build it in the old case, and sell the old bits on ebay, but I've now decided to buy a new case and power supply, and build a completely new computer from scratch.

I'll keep the old computer going as a Linux machine, and probably decommission the oldest computer in the house, which is now over 10 years old, and even Linux turns it's nose up at it nowadays.

A few cables arrived this morning, but I'm still waiting for the main bits.


Location, Location, Location on tonight. I always enjoy that.

Last edited by emptybox

Hi Emptybox


I am not surprised to hear you too got the freezing weather now.Good job you are well stocked with your oil though. Do you still use your electric blanket?  I haven't bothered getting mine out this year, but do use a hot water bottle now and again.


Yes I have heard extra virgin olive oils are really good for you, (my friends in Italy tell me this is the only sort they use), but I know they now say it is the other type of vegetable oils we should all avoid, like sunflower oil and margarines. They are baddies because they are so heavily refined. I never buy that easy spread marg or easy spread butter either because of all the chemicals they add to make them spread. So it is a good butter like Kerrygold or supermarkets own Organic for us and it tastes best. 

Lots of articles about it, here is one (a bit long, but it lists at the end that it is good to eat butter and coconut oil.


Roofers finished roof, but are coming back tomorrow to paint on some keep dry paint stuff, I kept them going with hot drinks and biccies, so they were well happy.   LL called in to apologise about the inconvenience and said she hoped this cured the problem which is nice. I am not used to having a considerate LL.


Enjoy your Location Location, I am watching Corrie tonight. So might watch Location Location on plus 1.


Feeling lot better today, at last, so took doggie long walk, it was gorgeous day, didn't notice cold whilst walking. It was so cold the small rocks pools on the beach were frozen.


Hope HIcky had a good day.




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