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Good afternoon both

Hope you are having a good day.

When is the evicition, Wednesday or Friday? I am not sure how long the series is, from what I recall, the CBB series only last a couple of weeks?


Not a bad day here so far, bit if sunshine, bit of clowd, and very mild, weirdly so far forJanuary. The daffodils are flowering in some peoples gardens now.


It is a shame Andrew is up, he is very entertaining, feel bit sorry for him, not nice to get all those votes off the HM's, especially as he has not been nasty to people I think the poor fella is all messed up in his head. Shame Georgia is up because she too doesn't seem nasty, but she does seem not to do or say much. Don't like Nicola at all again, never liked her on IAC, think she has a nasty streak and is very attention seeking. (the twins got that one right). One thing that puzzles me is that the twins seem to talk with high moralistic values, yet they lived in a Playboy mansion.   Michael makes me laugh.


work or day off today HIcky?

Gardens today Emptybox?


Am on a diet after seeing that pic of me with that CBB celeb again.Need to forward plan for summer clothes now.

OH has bought me a rowing machine Hicky.   So I am copying your OH there. He got me one from the Argos sale.Not as good as the one you got, but will give it a go.


Good Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


I think there's an eviction Wednesday & Friday, thats what was said before it started.


CBB only lasts for 3 weeks., they said evictions were on the 11,13,18,20 & 25.


The weather is strange, found out the garden bin doesn't get collected till the 25th, the final of CBB.


I've been trying to cut the clipping up into bags but it'#s not a very good idea.


Not keen on Andrew, he must be driving them mad in the house.


I like Georgia, well, i would wouldn't i.


Nicola can be very direct, she doesn't hold back any.


The twins are strange, they have a hard shell and won't be letting anyone penetrate that,


Glad you got a rowing machine Mollie, you looked fine on the picture with Gareth though.


Been off today, did the school run then went to Morrison's for brekkie, tested the sausage as it arrived, 67.2 'C', that's a good storage temperature but think it should be 74 to be served.

Got some Scallops, Tripe, Fillet, Skate and a few snacks for me.


Getting a bit colder again up here. Think there's frost forecast either tonight or tomorrow.
Definitely no daffodils here Mollie. Not even sure if there are any snowdrops out? I'll look tomorrow, if I remember.

I had a choice of work or watching a DVD. I chose the latter. I didn't regret my choice.

Don't overdo it on the rowing machine Mollie.
Glad you enjoyed your Morrisons brekkie Hicky.

The twins are quite sharp aren't they?
Have to say, I've always liked Nicola. I know she can be a bit bitchy, but she's usually spot on about people. Don't really like Andrew at all, I'm afraid. Although I suppose he can be entertaining, in a tragic sort of a way.

Can't remember if I've mentioned it, but Aisleyne and Nikki will be on Celebrity Coach Trip next  Monday (16th) Channel 4 5pm.

Morning Emptybox.


Still very mild here, was like a summer day yesterday.

Well, not quite but the sun was out.


I like the twins, was watching a couple of their naked videos yesterday, they sure aren't shy., fine bodies as well, they were running around the grounds of Heff's place i think.


Not keen on Andrew, too ott.


Liking the Madsen feller, he's well with it, got them all sussed out, and not scared to tell them.


This was posted earleir.


Big Brother Live
1016: Michael jokingly tells Andrew 'there's more to life than dancing'. He's not going to like that!

23 minutes ago



Saw that advert in the paper, it should be good if they don't get voted off.



both x



was it day off or work day?  Glad to hear you took advantage of Morrisons brekkie after the school run yesterday.   Did you take your thermomneter with you to measure the temperature of their sausages?

at you looking at the twins nekked videos.I stand by what I said about them two being strange with those high moral values they talk about.



at you choosing watching the dvd instead of doing a bit of work.Oh well, I guess it is your quiet season right now, so you deserve a bit of a break. I love Celeb Coach trip, did you see the Christmas one? It was good, daughter bought me Brendan's book for Christmas too.   That should be interesting seeing Ais and Nikki on the same coach, the way those 2 hate each other, I so hope Ais doesn't keep sprouting the usual "know yourself little girl" stuff at Nikk again though, I hated all that "know yourself" stuff. Do you know who else is on it?


Havn'et been on the rower yet HIcky, Does your OH like hers? Have been too busy round house and took dog hour and half walk on beach though.


Saw your comments where I put the piccie, Yes he is soo tall, I am not small in height for a woman, and as you can see he completely towered over me. As Hicky spotted, yes there was a mayor next to me, but OH chopped him out the piccie, but I didn't mind that.


Wonder who will go tonight?  Poor Andrew Stone, I don't think he should of gone in the house. He is so messed up mentally, and some of those HM's are just so hard on him. I fear what this will do to him mentally, especially when he hears what the other HM's have said about him. Thought Natalie OTT telling all she was scared of him.  The trouble is if he stays, it may feed his ego again. I have always felt sorry for him.He is a really good dancer, think he should of stuck with that, and forget his delusions of making it in the music industry.

Goodnight both, have a good evening x




thanks for you link about Coach what a line up, should be a great series again.


Edwina Curry... don't like her, but could be interesting because she is a bit of a mouth piece..Paul Burrell, read his book, like him, he should be interesting, Cannon and Ball should be good for a and then of course we will have Ais and Nikki,  rowing, most of the time I guess.  Hope it isn't too cold for poor Nikki where they are going. I always liked Nikki too. 


(and Emptybox liked Ais on BB, I seem to recall).


Evening Mollie.


Work today.


I took my thermometer to Morrisons, Sausage temp was 67.2'C'


Morals never bothered me, it only bothers other females.


Don't mention the rower to O/H, don't want her to feel I'm watching her, but whether she would wait till i'm out i don't know.


No idea who will go tonight, hope Andrew does for his own sake.

As you say, he shouldn't have gone in, think he did it for his career but i think he's sunk.


I've just found a video of Halewood when they were building the Jaguar X type and the Land Rover Freelander 2.

It might give you some idea of what goes on, but it shows a very small slice of the factory.

It just covers from the start in the press shop to the end driving off the line after it has a little fuel put in, it then goes into the garage for setting up.


I found it while looking what car was built when i first went there in 1966.

Hi guys.

Thanks for that video Hicky.
That place is vast, and it's really cool how those robots work. Really interesting to see how the cars take shape.

I don't usually watch Coach Trip, but I will seeing as Ash is on (or "Ais" as you insist on calling her Mollie ), even if her and Nikki are only there for a short time.
As you can see from the pic I posted, they started out friends, but I've no idea whether bickerage took over? They're the youngest couple there though, so the oldies might tire of them quickly?

Very glad that Georgia stayed in BB. Perhaps she'll come out of her shell a bit more now?

Got a dentist appointment tomorrow, and high winds are forecast again, so I'm not looking forward to the drive in the morning.

Morning Emptybox.


That video only shows you a very small section of the plant, the surround road must be over a mile long.

But inside they only showed a few percent of the floor space and the Robot build area's.


Coach trip should be interesting to watch.

As you say it depends who they are in with, they will probably be fairly load.


Good luck at the Dentist, never a good thing.


Took my car in this morning, service and MOT, got some Vibe on the steering which appeared when the new tires where fitted.

Don't think the feller could get the wheels wheels off the front.

The way Alloys fit on makes them very hard to get off.

They have a centre section that keeps them in place, don't think they would come off even if you ran with no wheel nuts.


Glad Andrew went last night, he's living in a cloud of dreams.


It actually turned out to be a nice day with not e breath of wind, so don't know what the weather warning was for?
No problems at the dentist. He took a couple of Xrays, and all was good.

Sounds like your wheels needed balancing Hicky? Hope they sort your vibrations out.

I see Tesco shares have taken a big slump.
Not good for me, as I've quite a few of those.

Morning Emptybox.


Where's Mollie?


It was ok here as well, Took my car in at 08.30, they phoned to say needed new disk pads on the front, picked it up in the afternoon, had full service MOT & they said they swopped the rear/front wheels and it's fine now.


Made a Beef Madras Curry, Yummy, boxed some for freezing.


Got to do the school run soon.


I wonder who will go tonight then?, i would think Nicola, so many don't like her.


Bad about your shares, is that because their expected profits are down?


Some good video clips on the facebook page, just refresh each day and then select the video tab, look through them, if you don't all ready.


Hi Hicky.


Very frosty here today. The lawn is all white, and the puddles are iced over. Sunny though. 


Glad your car sorted now, even though they had to do a bit of work on it.


I do sometimes watch those FB videos, and I always vote by FB now, but I'm not really following anyone this series. I like Georgia and Nicola and also Natasha, but not enough to be really bothered if they go.

I've given Nicola some votes to stay, but it's likely to be her evicted, I would think?


Yes I should think it's to do with lower than expected profits, that the Tesco shares are down? But they went down by 15% in one day, which is a massive amount. Meant about a ÂĢ600 loss for me, if I sold now. Hopefully they'll come back though, because I think Tesco is a sound company?


Hope everything is fine with you Mollie?


Evening Emptybox.


No frost here, been about 5deg all day.

The Sun has been great, hard for driving though.


The FB clips are only a few minutes which isn't good at all.


I did the school run first thing.


Took O/H to a garden centre that does fantastic brekkies, and they have a car wash their that do a great job, i left the car with them and we went for food.

They brought a big plate each for brekki, a big sausage, beans, 2 x half tomato, hash brown, mushrooms, 2 rashes of bacon, 2 slices of black pudding, round of toast, pot of tea.


When we finished the car was ready, they do a fantastic job.


Then i went for a haircut, No. 2 all over, where they could.


Went to Sainsbury's for some goodies, got more pastry for Vol au vents, made some, yummy.


Finished cutting all the growth i cut off the Pergola, wow, i have about 5 bin bags full to go in the wheelie bin when they empty it later in the month.


Hope Mollie is ok.


Looking forward to the eviction tonight, not too bothered who goes but Natasha does nothing


Good evening all

Sorry didn't get chance to post yesterday, been busy proof reading son's Uni project and been doing tons of housework ready for the estate agents inspection today. BUT after the whole family spent last couple of days cleaning whole house , even windows and patio doors, and tidying all and sundry, and we organised OH's half day today to accommodate the agents visit, she never showed up.   I rang the agents office when she was 10 mins late, and just got answer phone, I left message for them to ring me back straight away because I needed to go out, and they didn't even bother ringing me back, I even emailed her after I had waited another half hours for her, and said I had to go out  out and where was she? I never wanted her to come her nosing around in the first place, when we haven't done anything wrong there is no reason for her to "inspect" us. , So mad. So we ended up having to rush to drop kids off at Odeon to see Sherlock, But me and OH treated ourselves to coffee and toasted sandwich to make up for our annoyance, I guess the agent will nag to come again next week now, she originally wanted to come just before Christmas son was ill, so I said no.


Sounds like you have been busy on that pergola, I reckon your vol au vonts are well deserved, and good job you have a hearty brekkie to start your busy day.   We to went to Sainsburys today to buy a few things, I like their seeded bread form their own bakery, even thought I am trying to cut down my bread to one slice a day. all part of the new fitness campaign to try and get down a dress size by summer.   Glad you are pleased with the car.


glad you have this nice sunny weather too, We had a frost as well today. I like weather like this, don't mind the cold, if it is nice and sunny. Besides I bought a nice new long chunky cardy from Sainsburys today.

Shame about your Tescos shares.But they may go up if things at Tescos change. I noticed they were going downhill recently, and had moved to Sianburys or Asda,  so sounds like I am not the only one. 

All of EU and us too are now deep in it finance wise now though, and have been for some time, but how much longer can the powers that be pretend we aren't ? I read they are even running out on meds now in Greece. We always keep a little supply of cash around, you never know what is going to happen.Makes you wonder if we should stock up on food and fuel too?

Look like nice weather again tommorrow, ,lets hope we all get to see the sun.

goodnight both


Hi Mollie.

What a nuisance about the estate agent. They shouldn't need to inspect anyway. I wouldn't go to any trouble for them, if they make another appointment.

I always buy seeded bread nowadays, but I've never noticed Sainsbury's own brand. I'll have to look out for it. I usually get Hovis or Warburtons.

I didn't realise that Tesco was going downhill? It's the only retail sector share I have, so i hope they come back up, so I can sell them.
I have made a good profit on Tesco shares in the past, so I thought they would be a good one to get again.
But as you say, the whole of Europe is on the brink of a much larger downturn.
Last edited by emptybox

Good morning all

thought I would post before me and OH left for our usual Saturday morning brekkie in Asda,  else it takes me ages to get round to going on lappy to post on Saturdays, because we then go round shops, and later take dog walk. And at least this morining I don't have usually tidy round to do because of all the cleaning we did over last couple of days..


I didn't like Nicola or Natasha, so didn't care which one left. Think Nicola will be gone next time she is up, going on those boos, and a right nasty gossip she is. Wonder if she will tone it down a bit now she heard the boos?

The really nice Sainsburys seeded bread is the one in their home bake section. It is often unsliced, but they have a slicing machine that you can either do it yourself or ask the staff to do it for you. It freezes well if you only need a few slices a day. What I noticed at Tescos was that the quality of their fruit and veg was gradually going downhill whilst the quality of Asdas was going up.  Also any of the offer promotions at Tescos had invariably run out if you tried to get them, in fact their shelves were often not well stocked at all, if we went there in evenings, often many bread or veg shelves empty. Plus Asda is a lot cheaper.

Yes the EU has been on the brink for a long time now, but makes you wonder how much longer they can keep kicking that can down the road with all these daft meetings they keep calling, and also how much longer can they get the Germans agreeing to pay for the whole farce?

Have a good day, it is lovely and frosty here this morning, hopefully dry and sunny.


Good Afternoon Mollie & Emptybox.


Very frosty here this morning, grass was white anyway, car all frosted up.


My seal came for the oven door, also the new grill pan i ordered.

Have just ordered a new inner glass for the door, too hard to clean, and some special sealing glue.


I wonder how the house will change now, with Andrew and Natasha gone.

Think Gareth & Michael are finding it hard with the young ones waking them up at night.


That was awful Mollie the people not turning up, and they didn't even let you know.

Sainsbury's do some lovely seeded bread, O/H brings me a warm one in sometimes it it is out of the oven when she coming home.


Not sure how all these countries in the eU could get in such a mess, what's going on?


Evening Everyone.


Just watching CBBOTS at the mo.

CBB tonight was a lot of repeat stuff.


Cooked a pot roast beef this afternoon.

Will be having a roast dinner tomorrow.


Ordered a 5kg bag of Dried Mealworms for the birds, it's a bit cheaper in bulk as the biggest size is usually 1kg for about ÂĢ15.


Couldn't buy a square pastry cutter so converted a round one, wasn't too hard, the circumference was 24cm so made it into a 6cm sq one.


ordered a new cover for the plastic greenhouse as the other had deteriorated with the weather.


Put my Lottery on using the on-line option, I sometime have a go on the Deal or no Deal instant win.

  Anyway i won ÂĢ100 on  it.


Frosty again this morning, but not as bad as yesterday. But we had fog first thing.

Went to Sainsburys this afternoon.
I saw their own bread, but it was unsliced and already in a plastic wrap, so I didn't see any way of getting it sliced. Perhaps they don't bake it at the Kelso branch? Anyway I ended up buying my usual Hovis. Less fuss, and the same price anyway.

Have to say I haven't been all that impressed by Sainsburys fruit and veg. I've had better bananas out of Lidls.

Good morning both x



well done on your win. Are you at work today? Was the car icy when you went?

It was below freezing her overnight, but lovely and sunny now, which is nice.



Well done on your win too.

My OH also had a little win of ÂĢ25 on the premium bonds.

Let's hope for all 3 of us, these small wins are all an introduction for the big wins we will get later on.

Our homebake seeded loaves are not wrapped if unsliced, but they do a few already sliced ones, so sounds like they don't have a slicer in your store. Are you using your new local Saisnburys regular now?


-7, that was a cold one. Was it a cold one again last night there?

I think the coast stops us going too low here, but it reached just below freezing last night.


Taking dog a walk soon, love taking her in winter when it is cool and sunny.   All helps burn off those calories too. I have had a go on the rower, thankfully it is easy for me to use, and did not give me achy limbs, but I will need to increase  my effort on it now I am used to it if i am to burn off those calories.


CBB.. how weird is this Denise/Michael thing? Nicola made an idiot of herself getting drunk.. good job twins told Romeo to fish her out of the pool. Can't undertand why some of these these celebs go so mad for the booze in there, you would think they had the intelligence to realise C5 are giving them this booze so they make idiots of themselves ? Makes interesting viewing for us I guess though. The twins, seem far too smart to drink themselves into  oblivion though, they get the name of the game. I have noticed this CBB is going more down the American line of BB, which makes for interesting viewing... eg they talk about noms, so they need to use their brains to gameplay, the tasks are for immunity, which means they need to put their all in if they don't want to be up for nomination.


have a good day both x

Hi Mollie and Hicky.
Yes, it was just as frosty today as yesterday. Everything stayed white all day.
Think there's another frost tonight as well?
Somebody asked me to come and prune roses today or tomorrow, but there's no point till the frost is away.

Loved Celebrity Coachtrip. I thought Aisleyne was brilliant, if a little loud.
Nice to see her and Nikki getting on so well. Don't suppose they'll last long with all those oldies though?

Well done to your OH for his Premium Bond win.
I've had ÂĢ10 worth of premium bonds, since I was a small boy, but surprisingly I've never won anything.

Yes, I tend to go to Sainsburys most weeks Mollie. They give a voucher off your next shop, which keeps you coming back. Plus the petrol is still slightly cheaper there than the station just down the road.
I still go to the Co-op occasionally though.

Georgia and Michael up this week. I'm voting for Georgia to stay, unsurprisingly.

Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Work today, very frosty first thing, scraping ice off at 5.20am, all fun.


I have some premium bonds somewhere but never checked them.


I try to get the uncut seeded bread, like to cut it myself, you only need a sharp knife, never use bread knives.

Mainly because i like it shin for sandwiches and thick for toast.


Liking all the girls in the house, would only ever get rid of fellers.


I'm liking the way C5 are running the house.

I like them talking about noms.


Missed Coach Trip, will have to watch on demand.


I always get fuel at Sainsbury's as it's cheap and you get Nectar points as well.


Day off tomorrow, was pretty busy at work, got loads of invoices to do.

Have finished tidying the xls database and it's very good now, have a main page giving all the results and figures with cross checking boxes that tell me if a figure is wrong somewhere.

Hi Hicky.
Hope you enjoy your day off.
Oh yes, nectar points. That's another reason to keep going to Sainsburys.

Just as frosty here again. No point in thinking about working.
The sinks in my back kitchen were iced up. The taps were running OK, but the water wasn't running away. I'd set my washing machine going last thing last night, and I came down this morning to the sinks brim full of water (the machine empties into the sink). I had to get a fan heater going on the outlet pipe to unfreeze it. If I'd known itnwas going to be so cold, I'd have left some heating going in the back kitchen overnight.

Can't wait for the next installment of CCT on CH4 at 5pm.

Are you still getting frost Mollie?
Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.


Bad news about the washing machine, have to be careful this weather.


It was just abut freezing here, the back was white with frost, the front wasn't, strange.


My birdbaths are frozen solid, my 5kg of dried meal worms came today, at least i can feed them.


I watched CCT, Nikki being a pain, she's so fussy about doing things were as Ash will have a go.

They were lucky to stay.


Here's Georgia's web site, click on a few of the icons, wow, she's been a busy girl, must have made a bomb from all that work. Portfolio, press, my column, video, Amazing.


Work in the morning.

Hi Hicky.
The frost seems to be all away now, so perhaps tomorrow will be mild enough for me to get some work done.

Loved CCT again, but I think tomorrow is likely to be Ash and Nikki's last day.
That toboggan thing looked like fun. As you say Ash gave it a go, because she's a bit of a speed freak (she loved trying go-karting on a previous programme) But Nikki was very frightened by it.

Thanks for Georgia's  website. She's well known in Ireland, and has done a lot of modelling and telly. So those people saying she's an unknown, or a nobody, are talking nonsense.

Don't work too hard tomorrow.

Good evening all



I guess it has gone mild up there too now? A big change back to mild weather here now, but horrible mist and drizzle. I prefer it cold and dry anytime.

Are you still quiet work wise as it is winter now?



I might be worth you checking your premium bonds now ,you never know you might be a secret millionaire. And if you are, don't forget it was me who reminded you to check them.  Are all your tubs for your garden?


I am really enjoying CBB. Gosh no Hicky I wouldn't want just fellas to leave, it would be dead boring a house full of just women, they tried that before and it never worked. This is a great series. at Denise and Michael... at Frankie, at Kirk forever after Georgia, and LOL at blue faced smurf Natalie last night.

Hope Michael stays, think he is more interesting than Georgia who doesnt mix well and doesn't have a lot to say.


Celeb Coach trip, shame no more Ais and Nikki.. Nikki's tantrums and how Brendon was about it was so funny. Think the ones on the Coach are not very nice this year.


Enjoy CBB both x


Hi Mollie and Hicky.


Yes, it was mild here and dry, so I got a few hours of work done. First time for a while, so it was a bit of a shock to the system.


Pity Georgia went. I think Michael is being totally unreasonable in there. No idea why people seem to like him? I'm supporting Nicola all the way now, although I think she's likely to go, if itt's a double eviction on Fri?


Pity Ash and Nikki got kicked off the coach. It was nice that the older Eastenders guy got upset about it.


I think if your premium bonds win you get notified? Not sure if you can check them, can you?


That was fast delivery for your tubs Hicky. Probably quite hefty things as well?

Morning guys.

Back to being a bit frosty this morning. But it's mostly away now, and is grey and overcast.
Might do some work later, if it stays dry.

It's the big eviction tonight. I think it's a double, but not sure if they've actually announced that?
Unfortunately I think Nicola is likely to go? That task to get the letters, where she shredded the other group's is likely to clinch it, as she wasn't liked before that anyway.
I really like her, but I recognize I'm a little strange in that regard.

Hope all's well with you pair?

Good morning both x



No frost here today, but the winds are back again, which makes it feel cold. Oh yes, forgot about that older guy on Coach trip and how nice he was about the 2 BB girls. I think that woman with Paul Borrell is just awful, she goes on and on about etiquette, yet shows none herself. IMO it is NOT good etiquette to openly make so many remarks about others.I am glad Edwina and her hubbie left.

Yes I certainly agree, if you LIKE Nicola, your taste in women is rather strange. I think she is a stirrer, and makes cutting remarks about others in a sly manner, and also thinks she gets jeolous of other she was not nice when she made a nasty comment to Georgia about her nose.  I think Georgia was a far nice person. at Michael picking on her last night when the poor girl had done nothing wrong. 

Those twins have made good HM's too, pair of tough cookies those two, but I guess it is eaisier for them because they have each other.


Yes tonights big eviction should be good viewing. I am glad so many are up, makes it more interesting.


OH got his tax notice, yet again it is way wrong!  Only about ÂĢ3.5k allowance taken off him that they shouldn't of done. Thankfully the accountant is sorting it. We get our moneys worth off her, I can do some of the stuff, but not all of the business stuff. Think you do well Emptybox doing it all yourself. (I take it you run your own company too?)


Time for tidy up, off to town this afternoon to get a few things.

We are going to Cardiff to see the musical Oliver tomorrow, so should be good.

I see a new series starts next week for Young Doctors, think the last one was excellent and a big success.


have a good day both.x

work today HIcky?

Hi Mollie.
I'm still here deciding whether to go out to do some work. The grey clouds look ominous.

Have a good shopping trip this afternoon, and I hope you enjoy the musical tomorrow? I know you always like those.

I deal with my own tax, but my affairs are very simple. I'm self-employed but I don't have a company or anything. And I don't even earn enough to need detailed figures for the tax return, just totals.
I still keep paper records, as well as computer records, and at the end of the year I add up all the takings from my paper records and see if they agree with the computer figures. There's almost always a small discrepency because I've forgotten to put something on to the computer, so it's still worth keeping the paper files as well.

I always seem to like what I call sparky/spikey girls on BB, if they have some intelligence about them, and are attractive obviously, and if they have human flaws. I also like nice girls as well though, such as Georgia and Rachel Rice for example.
Not so keen on the twins though, cos they seem too arrogant and sure of themselves?

Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Pretty mild here today but rained most of the day.


Would have to find the premium bonds, O/H might have them somewhere.


The Tubs are supposed to be for the Tomato's & Peppers hopefully.


Have just ordered a Bosch Cordless Secateur as well, it cuts up to 14mm branches, you get 200 cuts one 1 charging.


No idea who will go tonight, double eviction i think.


On the betting Nicola & Kirk are expected to go


Didn't realise i didn't post yesterday, time seems to fly lately.


Been fitting a new glass for the inner door on the cooker, had to take the door off to take it to bits, 3 massive sections, ended up stripping the oven down and immersing the removable sections in a cleaning agent overnight. there are 3 sections of glass in the door, what a job to clean all the inner oven sections.

It's like a new one now anyway.



Hi Hicky.

Astounded and delighted that Nicola stayed. Now I'll have to buy some more bloomin' votes to try to keep her in on Wed. Another double eviction.

It rained here this afternoon so no work.

I noticed you advertising that seceteur on twitter. You must be very proud of it.

Sounds like quite a job changing that oven glass? I should really think of doing that as well. I've tried cleaning the grease off mine without much success. It's an old cooker though, so it's probably not worth it.

Afternoon Emptybox.


I was very surprised that Kirk & Natalie went last night.

Was expecting Nicola as well.


I suppose it must be another double Wednesday.

was amazed how easy the door came off, we have cleaned the original glass up using the special kit we got from Sainsbury's, it worked fine.

The old glass is like new now.


If i'd have known the door just unclipped and pulled out i could have saved over ÂĢ50.


The Secateurs i ordered yesterday lunchtime arrived for Amazon at 9am this morning.

I asked for special delivery because i knew i would be in this morning.

Have tried them out, super, have charged them up already as well.

When i bought them it said did you want to tell twitter or FB.

But as they are so easy to use and so handy thought it a good idea.


Looking forward to DOI tomorrow.


Hope Mollie is OK.

Hi Hicky.
When Chantelle goes in for bumps, she certainly goes in for big ones?

Very windy here today, and last night as well.

That was fast delivery of those seceteurs. I suppose they would be good if you had a lot of cutting back to do.

Can't say I'll miss either kirk or Natalie from BB. Although it was amusing how she was exactly the same as her character in Eastenders, right down to her personality and mannerisms?

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