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Rainy here today.

Got a huge pile of ironing done, but not much else.


I was hoovering yesterday, and the belt broke on the hoover. Didn't have a spare, so I've sent away for a couple from Ebay. A good excuse not to do any more hoovering until they arrive.


Thinking of upgrading my main computer. It's getting a bit slow. Might buy a new motherboard for it. Haven't decided yet, but am pricing things up.


Yes Mollie, my Brother will fly to Belfast from Glasgow. They could take the ferry, but as the company is paying, why not fly?


Did you have to work today Hicky?


Haven't got any particular plans for New Year. I'll see in the new year with a gin and tonic, but beyond that, I haven't got any plans. Don't think I'm expecting any visitors?


Not much on telly tonight, but I have been watching World's Strongest Man all week.


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Not been working today.

Am off till Tuesday.


Weather was awful today, like yesterday, too windy or wet to work in garden.


Was going to take O/H for brekkie when she remembered a delivery was expected of a Rowing Machine.


The machine arrived after i had made her brekkie.


We then put together this massive machine, not too difficult, just wish those that wrote the instructions tried to build one using them.


Going to my lads New Years day with MIL & SIL for a Buffet in the afternoon.


I've got 'Avast Antivirus', 'Malwarebytes' to look after the Malware, and the Dell 'System Mechanic' to look after the computer.


Don't think we'll be going anywhere NYE, will chill with some Wine & Lemonade.


Pity your belt broke on your Vacuum.

Bet you missed cleaning up?


Hi both xx



Hope the belt wasn't too expensive for your Hoover. Good job you found some on Ebay.

I knew Aaron was from WSM but didn't know him and Faye were now living there. I would of watched out for them if I did.  



A rowing machine? Is that for you or your OH? I think I would do myself a mischief if I had one of those.   Shame you missed out on your brekkie out because of it. Me and OH and daughter had a nice brekie in Asda today.


Today is the 1st anniversary of my 2 ops, and of my stay in ICU. Although heavily sedated and on life support, so unable to do anything at all,  I remember well how at midnight on New Years Eve last year, I clearly heard  the ICU staff toasting each other. So I felt a need to go back to the hospital to visit them in Intensive Care unit today, and take the staff who are working there this New Year some treats, and a card to thank them.

I found it very emotiional, walking past the operating theatre again and into Intensive Care area today, and remembering how scared I was that I was not going to live to see in another year. Daughter came with me which is good else  I would of got lost in all those corridors. I rang the ICU intercom buzzer and 2 nurses came to the door.  When I explained to the nurses about me being there last year, they were so pleased to see me looking so well. I told them how last year I could still hear the nurses talking and planning their Chinese take away for New Year, and then I heard them wish each other a Happy New Year at midnight.  The nurses were really surprised at this..."gosh you did hear us when you were sedated, because you are right , they did have Chinese on New Yeras Eve last year" they said to me. ,   They spoke to daughter and they thanked her too, and said it must of been an awful New Year for her too, and I told them how she had looked after me for months. They said they were so pleased to see a happy ending.

We are not going to see the city  fireworks tonight because it is too wet, but also because there is no early  family display,and  we don't go to the midnight one, too packed and a city full of drunks. So OH bought us a little box to let off at home if the rain stops a bit, and we have some party treats. 

I don't mind what we do at all this year though, because not a lot can be be worse than my New Years Eve last year.


hope you enjoy your gin and tonic. What are you watching on tv tonight?


and hope you enjoy your wine and lemonade.

Have a good day tomorrow at your lads.

We are watching Paul Merton now about Eric and Earnie, and then watching Alan Carr, his Christmas show was dead funny.

enjoy your evening both xxx


Hi Mollie and Hicky.

Not bad day here weatherwise. I did a bit of trimming in my own garden.

Careful with that rowing machine Hicky. You never know where you might end up?
That was nice of you Mollie. Going back and thanking the hospital staff.

Not much on telly tonight. Just the usual rubbish. Watching an old Frankie Howard film at the mo, but I'll turn to BBC1 Scotland later.

Hope you both have a good night, and I'll see you on the other side tomorrow.

Evening/Morning Mollie & Emptybox.


Happy New Year to you Both, and to any guests who may be Lurking.


It was a lovely day here today, well it was dry and no wind which was good, managed to finish the Pergola trimming, but with the garden wheelie bin not being emptied i'll have to keep the cuttings on the decking, there's rather a lot.


Put up some more 13mm water pipe for the new vine positions, not much more to do now in the garden.


The rowing machine is for my O/H, think my lad is and his Mrs will be using it as well, it's like a professional air one.

I might try it but might be short on breath.


Faye and Aaron have been in WSM a while now.


That was nice Mollie going back to the hospital, a traumatic time for you.


We didn't go out anywhere, been cooking Meat/Turkey/Gammon this afternoon for the Buffet tomorrow at my lads, MIL & SIL coming.


TV a bit miserable, just put anything on really to pass the time.







glad to hear the weather was good yesterday so you could get on with the pergola. Hope your OH enjoys her rowing machine, I wonder if she will get achy muscles the first time she uses it? I am sure I would. Yes I should think if you have a go, you would have to be careful of getting out of breathe. Are you getting on well with your new inhaler, or does it still make you feel dizzy?

I hope you have a lovely day at your lads buffet today.



hope you enjoyed your gin last night.

I watched Alan Carr, quite good, and then saw the London fireworks, they looked really good this year, but I couldn't of coped with all those crowds, can you imagine the journey back with all those people there?


We are watching the New Years Eve Strauss gala from Vienna at 11.15am, we watch it every New Years Day (apart form last year when I watched nothing because I was in Intensive Care)..I am not keen on classical music usually, but I like the lively Strauss stuff with the dancing.


Daughter making a roast dinner today, I will have the veg, which is fine by me, because I love the veg.


Hope you both enjoy this first day of 2012. xx


All the best for 2012 Hicky and Mollie.

Enjoy your family buffet Hicky.
And you enjoy your roast veg Mollie.

The tonic turned out to be flat and out of date, so I had a gin and dry ginger instead. It's the gin that was the important bit.

Will just be a quiet day for me. Not sure what I'll watch, but Ab Fab is on later.

Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Been raining here today, a bit disappointing.


Was going to finish the Pergola, will see about tomorrow.


Made some more Vol-au-Vents for the Buffet, getting better anyway.

Food was great.


O/h will be ok on the rowing machine, starting on short times.


Don't have any problem with feeling dizzy now Mollie.


Not much on last night, just watched Alan Carr.


Only a few days to CBB now.


Good morning both x



glad you enjoyed the food at your sons. Has your OH had a go on her rower yet? Where do you keep it? Hope the weather is better today for you to get into the garden.



Are you back to your garden work tomorrow?


Did either of you watch the new series of The Hotel last night?

I love this programme, series 1 was great and this one looks like it will be too. Mr Tickle made me laugh, but I can understand why he enjoyed eating baked beans each day.


Not long to wait till CBB now.

Let's hope we do get some celebs we have heard of, and who are interesting.

Hello grannyg. Happy New Year to you.

Quite nice day here today, but quite chilly.

Not sure when i'll get back to gardening Mollie? Tuesday is another holiday in Scotland, and then I'll be on babysitting duties at the end of the week.
But I might do something if the weather is right, and if the mood takes me?

I watched that Hotel programme last night. It was quite good, but the bride seemed a nightmare?
Quite looking forward to CH4 tonight, as they are swapping roles around. Davina is due to be a contestant on Million Pound Drop.

Evening Mollie, grannyg & Emptybox.


Think the O/H has used the rower, she needs to lose some weight, but normal methods might hurt her joints, the rower was the only thing that exercised everything.


Haven't seen the Hotel Mollie,


Looking forward to CBB.


Wishing grannyg a Very Happy New Year.


The weather was ok here today, chilly but dry, got my garden jobs finished except for cutting up some more of the pruning's from the Pergola.


Work tomorrow and Thursday.

Crikey Moses! It's blowing a gale here.
I could hardly get to sleep last night for the noise of the wind.
I haven't had any damage, but I think my Brother has had it worse in the west.
Judging by a comment on my SiL's facebook, sounds like they've had a fence damaged? I'll maybe ring him later?

I enjoyed the Channel 4 mash-up yesterday. Pity Davina didn't win any money though. I also enjoyed Come Dine With Me, with the Made in Chelsea lot. (not that I've ever watched that prog).

Hope you guys have got calmer weather. And I hope you are not too busy at work Hicky.

Good evening all



Hope those winds have died down a little up there now, I heard the wind was real bad up there, it was bad enough here today. OH said there was a 40mph limit on motorway today. Wonder why we keep getting these strong winds this winter, but milder temperatures?

What did your SIL say about the fence? Hope the weather is ok when you are due to go up to your brothers.



Hope work was not too busy for you today.

Good luck to your OH with losing weight, it is not an easy thing to do at all. The rower should be good if it exercises all muscles without giving discomfort.


Dog didn't want to walk far today, she prefers lying around in the house in the warm when it is windy like this, because we could hardly stand up in it today.


Boring tv tonight.

Will be glad when CBB starts, and I see the Ice dancing starts on Sunday.


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


It's been a bit breezy, but Scotland really got it bad.

I'll post some pictures if i remember.

Just click the righ/left arrows on the picture.


I'm just watching anything thats on, but gives me a chance to catch up on recordings.


There was a speed limit on the roads, ran over a few things this morning in the dark, must have been branches, could hear them hitting underneath the car.


Scotland have had 100 mph winds, frightening.


My Tag wouldn't work this morning at the Tunnel, had to pay, rang them, they will send me another, asked them if I could fix it myself they said no.


Won ÂĢ48 on the Lottery, Saturday.


I think I got a ÂĢ500 or ÂĢ600 Christmas box off the boss, he hasn't said anything but I don't know whether to say anything or not.

It just appeared on top of my wages least week.


O/H was on the rower today, as well as a DIL and Son, they called in while passing.


Lovely CBB Thursday, and as you say DOI Sunday is it.


My LED lights around the house gutter have been on all the time, not worth turning them off really.

They will only cost 20p to leave them on 24hrs a day and for 365 days.


Hi Mollie and Hicky.

Not very nice here today. Windy again and rainy, although the wind not nearly as bad as before.

I went to the supermarket this afternoon, but haven't done a lot else.


That's quite a Christmas box to get Hicky? I thought I was doing well when I got a card from one of my clients, with a ÂĢ20 note inmit, but that's on another level.


I don't know how much damage my Brother has had, he is away at the moment (with his job), but I noticed on my SiL's page that a side gate has been destroyed, along with a bit of fence and possibly a drain pipe as well? I'll phone when my Brother get's back.


I got the belts for my hoover today, but don't think they have fixed the problem. I thought I didn't have any spare belts because the only one I could find in the drawer seemed to be too small, but the replacement belts turned out to be exactly the same. I found I could stretch them to fit, and the hoover now works, but it's still making a funny noise, and seems to be over-heating, so I think I'll probably have to buy a new vacuum cleaner after all.


I've been enjoying w\tching The Bank Job on CH4 all week. It's a new quiz with George Lamb. I like the general knowledge questions, plus thenformat is good. It goes on until Saturday.


Good evening all


at those photos you posted. Those winds sure were strong to cause all that damage. Glad to hear the family are enjoying the rower. Where did you get it from ? If it is easy on the joints and uses lots of muscles, I might think of getting one. Does it need a lot of space to store it? What a nice surprise getting extra in your wages. Bit of a predicament whether or not to mention it to the boss though. Are you sure it wasn't a tax rebate? Well done on your little win on the lottery. I didn't realise the lights were so cheap to run, those sort of lights always look good in winter. Sorry to hear about your tag problems, does that mean you had to pay twice then?



What a shame you can't fix your vacuum. Hope your brothers wind damage isn't too expensive to fix.I saw that George Lamb show last night.

Looking forward to CBB tomorrow now.


Very windy here again today, showers came later in the day.

Have been busy trying to catch up with paper work that I got behind with after Christmas, the accountant still hasn't put in OH's tax return yet, but told me she is working on it.


Goodnight both x

It was blowing a gale again here last night and this morning. It's been OK this afternoon though. Even a bit of sun.
I hope it's calmer tomorrow, when I'm going across to my Brother's.

Took my decorations down today. I think it's really supposed to be tomorrow, but I'll be busy then.

Quite looking forward to the CBB launch tonight, especially if Georgia Salpa is in? I think I will like Nicola McLean as well?

Afternoon Mollie & Emptybox.


I'll post tonight, been a bit busy at work with 1 thing or another.


If you put the belts on and they are too tight Emptybox it will burn the motor out and knacker the bearings, if any.


O/H ordered the rower so not sure how much it is, i'll look the type up on google tonight.

It is probably about 8ft long, i'll check.

Pretty heavy as well.


It's mainly LED's that are the cheapest to run, but most fairy lights will be cheap to run anyway.

But LED's use virtually nothing.


O/H took the decs down Wednesday as she will be busy Friday and she wanted them out of the way and stored in the garage.


Looking forward to CBB tonight, also DOI is starting soon, and Celebrity wedding planner, with the twins and a few others, should be very funny.

Not sure if it's tonight.


Catch you later.

As the farmer said to the milkmaid.




Phheewwe, here at last , had a hectic day... Asda drove off with a crate of my shopping still in the van, so had to phone to get him back again, then loads of paperwork to sort, amongst usual tidy up .. have hosptial tomorrow morning in Cardiff ,so will probably be there the usual 3 hours as they are very busy, can't complain though, if they have emergencies, they come first and they are really nice to me.



Hope you have a good journey to your brothers tomorrow, the wind has died down here, so hope it is the same for you there. Maybe you will get to see a bit of 3d tv, and get a bit of gaming in with the boys? Your brother is lucky to have you as a trusted teenager minder. Yes tonight is the night you are supposed to have the decs taken down, the night before 12 day apparently because in olden times, 12th night was the night before the 12 the day, very confusing, so I looked it up on the net.Enjoy your few days away. x



Thank you for the rower piccy, wow that looks like a good one, but think I would have to get just a cheap one, because OH said I probably would only use it for a few days then stick it in the garage to gather dust.

I am so looking forward to that wedding show with Jedward tomorrow, I think they are hilarious.

And I  just knew you would approve of the female twins on CBB.

And I bet Emptybox, the one who was not very interested in CBB will soon get hooked with all these models on the show.


Poor Natalie ... what a 1st impression having to make yourself look such a div doing all this daft things, she is doing so well though.


Now I have some dead exciting news for you. 

Much to my surprise, I recently met and spoke to one of these CBB contestants, and had my piccie taken with this person.


But can you guess who it is?   


I will try and get son to see if he can work out how to post the piccie in the dialogue bit.

I think this CBB looks like it will be great.


I am sure you too will enjoy it with all the pretty women.


have a good evening both. x

Hi Mollie and Hicky.

I can't decide which one you met mollie? It'll either be Gareth Thomas, seeing as he's Welsh, or Frankie Coccoza seeing as he's X-factor?
Good luck with your hospital visit tomorrow.

I doubt I'll see much of the nephews. They usually disappear off to their rooms to play on their own tellies, and I'll be left in the Lounge, with the telly to myself. I might even be able to catch some BB?

So you like the twins eh Hicky?
I think I'm going to stick with Georgia and Nicola at the mo.

Morning Mollie & Emptybox.


Loved the Launch, miss Live Feed so much.


Fancy them driving of with your shopping.


Hope everything ok at the hospital, and you don't have to wait too long.


Hope all goes well at your Brothers Emptybox, and you get to see CBB.


I like all the CBB girlie's, think they are a great bunch.


Thought it mean singling her out for stupid tasks, just makes her look soft.


Can't think which one you met Mollie, I suppose it could be any really.


Georgia Salpa is a beauty isn't she, Wow, stunning girl, will be keeping an eye on her.


I'm at work today, the canteen girls will be surprised.


News about my extra cash.

One of the Boss's happened to mention last night as he was taking me to my car in his big Jag that had i noticed i had extra money last week, i said i did, he said he slipped me a ÂĢ500 Christmas box., so that's sorted.


Pictures of the HM's on Facebook.



Glad you solved the puzzle of the extra wages. that is a good Christmas box to receive. And it does at least prove you are appreciated.

How is the family getting on with the rower? Is your OH coping ok with it? I am asking because we are still thinking of getting one thank for the link of the one you got. Did you get yours from that company?


I reckon this CBB series is going to be real good.


hope Emptybox is enjoying a nice rest at his brothers, wonder if he will find anything on 3D to watch?


Sorry i been too hectic to post over the last 2 days , have been run off my feet... involving amongst other stuff.... over 3 hours at the hospital, shopping in the city, got 2 new pairs of boots in the sales though, and my bank card got eaten by a faulty machine, and did not give me my cash,  Spent half hour on phone to bank sorting it had to cancel card and explain machine did not dispense me the cash I had asked for. Also some  friends unexpectedly came over with pressie for us from Egypt, and just as were were ready to meet friends on seafront with our dog, we noticed the dog had a bad limp in back leg, she we had to leave her at home.

Oh yes nearly forgot , hospital told me that my blood test control sample had failed, so had to have some more test tubes of blood taken out of me, for another 9 tests. Apparently it is so complicated they have to have my sample and a "normal" persons sample to compare the 2, but the "normal" one failed last time, so they have to have another "normal" one and a fresh set of mine to compare the 2.    So have to go back again in 4 weeks to see if they have results. But he said no more ops, no more tooth extractions or any treatment now unless I go through their haematology clinic and all has to be done at Cardiff, A relief in a way now I know I won't have to try and convince any medical staff in future that I have clotting problems, but DO NOT have asthma.

Hope you have both had a good day.

I am hoping for a slightly quieter day tomorrow because I am done in.

Goodnight x



Evening Mollie.


It was a nice little Christmas Box.

Will come in very handy, got my Service and MOT this week.


Not sure when O/H uses the rower, probably will use it in the week.

Not sure who she ordered the Rower off.


It's awful when the machine takes your card.

You did all right in the sales then


I hope the blood results are ok anyway.


Hope Emptybox is doing OK at his Brothers.


Went to Costco at lunchtime, got some more Flank steak for curry.

Also got Loo rolls and kitchen rolls.

Got a pack of dried Mango pieces to chew at.

Tried my new Tag out at the Tunnel, it let me through anyway.


Work in the Morning


Enjoy DOI & CBB.




Just back from my Brother's. Went OK. No incidents. My oldest nephew had his girlfriend over for a few hours, but they seemed to behave themselves.
As I predicted, they spent most of the times in their rooms. 


Had a bit of trouble with my Brother's stove, which is gas, and I've never cooked with gas before.

I made spag bol on Saturday for myself, my two nephews, and nephews girlfriend, but it didn't turn out as nice as when I make it at home. The sauce was fine, but the pan got too hot for the spaghetti and it turned out dry and sticky. Also I used too small a pan for the quantity I was cooking, which didn't help. It was edible though, and nobody complained.


Spent most of my time watching telly, listening to music and surfing the web. Just like at home really. Also I took the dog for walks. But as it's in the town, I was limited as to where I could take her.

The other problem is, my Bro's house is much warmer than mine, so I always have trouble sleeping in their stuffy spare room, even with the window open.


Sounds like you've had a busy time Mollie? Those tests seem very complicated? Hope they turn out OK?
At least you don't have to worry about any more ops etc.

I didn't know you were tagged Hicky?


Didn't watch any CBB when I was over there. I watched The Bank Job instead. I've got CBB all recorded though, so I might have a marathon telly session tomorrow?

There was nothing in 3D to watch, but the pic on his plasma is very good in HD.


Morning Emptybox.


Glad your stay at your Brothers went ok.


A  bit confused about your Spaghetti, you only gently simmer it for 10 minutes, how can it get too hot? confused.


It can be hard to sleep in a strange bed, and even worse if it's hot, couldn't you turn the heat down or turn it off in the bedroom?


The Tag is just for the Tunnel, it save me 20p a trip, plus it saves having change in your pocket all the time when you got through, it was supposed to become free many moons ago but it never did

It cost me ÂĢ3 a day, but with the Tag it's only ÂĢ2.60.


Enjoyed DOI & CBB last night, but think it's mean to get rid of one of the skater on the first night.

Morning Hicky.

I think the problem with the spaghetti was that everything seemed to happen much quicker than I expected on their stove, and the water was boiling away madly before i was ready for it. I used the biggest hob and turned it right up, because that's what I have to do at home. But the stove at home is electric and 20 years old, and things take longer to cook on it, but that's what I'm used to. 

Also, at home, I just spread the spaghetti round the rim of the pan, and it slowly wilts into the pan. I've seen them on cookery shows arranging the slaghetti like a pyramid, and I didn't understand why, but I certainly found out on Saturday.. The rim of the pan got so hot that the spaghetti touching it got hard and brown before it had a chance to wilt. I ended up having to cut those bits off. That has never happened at home.

In my defence, i'll know better next time, and it's not just me. When my Brother was here last he cooked a couple of pizzas for his boys, and messed those up because he wasn't used to my oven, and I had to scrape melted cheese out of it, after he had gone.

Pity that Georgia is up first time in CBB? She seems to have been designated as the one nobody recognizes, and therefore expendable.

Afternoon Emptybox.


I usually use a wide pan to put the spaghetti in, but i break it in half first anyway.

The water only needs to cover it, it just needs to simmer with a lid on so no water should be lost anyway.

Just put a little butter in, it's nicer then.

Gas rings are very very hot, my smallest ring turned to low will still boil, a bit of a nuisance really.


It is a pity Georgia is up, think she's lovely, hope Andrew goes though.


Hi Both x



Glad the few days at your brothers went well, bet it was strange for you only having a town to walk the dog in. Shame about the sphagetti, but if the lads are anything like my lads, they wouldn't of been too fussy about the cooking capability as long as someone else cooked it for them.

I too got a bit when I first read HIcky;s post about his tag.



How was work today? Not too busy I hope.

Yes I think it is really horrible that they get rid of one poor skater on week 1, he looked so sad on This Morning , said they had been practising since November.


Had a busy day again, but got the tax form posted and took dog walk down seafront. She had a funny limp on Saturday, so couldn't take her out, reckon she must of fallen off the chair in the night in her sleep. Daft thing.


Oh yes, glad you reminded me , must post my CBB piccie to private place here.


And now .. can you guess which DOI  contestant I had my piccie taken with and partied with, along with his dad? Will try and find that piccie to post too.


Enjoy CBB.


I hope Andrew doesn't go.. Andrew is a great dancer, I liked him on BB teaching the HM's. I liked Pineapple Dance show. Think he is also a more interesting HM than Georgia who we don't seem to see do much at all. 


How do you know who is up already though before the show?


Hi mollie.

Aha! Did you recognize that person beforehand, or did someone point them out to you?
I didn't know who they were before the show.

We knew who was up because it was announced on bBOTS last night. Don't you watch that? You're in for a treat tonight , if you watch, because Ash is a guest.

Fraid I haven't a clue who is doing Doi, so I can't guess that one.

Hope the dog has recovered from her limp?

Read in the paper that there was a shooting on saturday in Carluke, which is just a couple of miles from where I was.


No I had not got a clue who that person was when I met them, but just told OH to take a piccie of me with them.


I haven't been watching BBOTS, was not keen on it the last series. Has it improved at all?

That is not nice to hear of a shooting nearby.


Wonder if HIcky will guess who I was with from DOI.


Goodnight both x


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