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Morning Everyone.


Not too cold here this morning, don't think so anyway, never noticed it being cold.


Didn't realise it was that bad up there Emptybox.

Like a summer day here, bit cooler though, but glorious sun all day cheers the place up.


I didn't really need to struggle with the vine move, but just felt in the mood.

Was going to wait for my lad to give me a hand but was getting impatient, wanted to get in into it's new position and clip it to the rows of plastic vine cords that i have fixed for the job.

It is tightened with special strainer pieces to keep the cord tight, made for the job.


Didn't realise you could get 3D tv's that cheap, but if most programs are on Sky that would be a blow.


The baby is only 7 months Mollie so can't have what we eat yet, mind you he would if you gave it him.

He has one tooth as far as i know, he is very strong and can crawl around now, he soon worked out how to do that.


I've seen a couple of Christmas shows, love the ones with a bit of magic.


Hope it won't be too busy today at work.


Have a good day.

Hi Mollie and Hicky.
Not quite as cold here today, but cloudy.
The snow is still here though, so no work to do.

I might fill in my tax return online today, get it out of the way.

Didn't see that eddie izzard prog Mollie, in fact I can't even find it in my schedules, although I've seen it advertised.
I don't like Eddie izzard anyway, so had probably decided not to watch it, on that basis?

I'm hoping to go across to my Brother's for Christmas, but it'll depend on the weather and whether it's OK to travel.

Good evening both



hope work was not too busy today.

Aaawww 7 months old, with one tooth, how cute, I bet they have to watch out for him all the time if he is crawling around now.



If the forecasters are right, sounds like the weather is going to be very mild now, so you should have no problem going to your brothers.

Hope you managed to do the tax return online ok, I know the tax office sites are not the best.


Did either of you see Home for the Holidays on C4 last night?  If you didn't, give it a go, think you will like it. It is like Big Brother, but with one big family, who have to share a house and do tasks and evict each other. not ideal for family harmony I should imagine, but the tasks made it good entertainment. It is on at 10pm each night this week.

I am watching a programme at 9pm about homeowners competing on their outdoor lights. It too is on C4 at 9pm "King of Christmas Lights". I am making good use of my Heat mag this week, whilst checking for the light hearted Christmas shows.


Well today it is day 19 of our advent, not many more to go now till the big day.

so behind the door of our calendar on day 19, we have...a Christmas ted.







Good morning all

Nice morning here so far, bright and mild.

We are going into town later, so daughter can get some of those Christmas shaped pastry cutters, to make some biscuits and shortbread for OH to take to work.


After I told you both to watch that C4 show a bit like BB, I thought last nights wasn't as good as the first night, found it a bit boring last night, it needed to be half hour , not an hour long.So we are just going to record it tonight and skip over boring bits.

I enjoyed the C4 show about the Christmas lights though. Cant believe how much trouble some go to, but their homes looked really good, and I checked on one site, and the brothers house had already raised nearly ÂĢ3000 for charity, so can't be bad.

Here is their site...


Time to open the door of our advent celendar, and today is day 20.


and we have a Christmas reindeer...


Have a good day both x



Morning Mollie and Hicky.

Dull and cloudy here, but still very icy.

I put some sand down to let the postie get to the front door without slipping, but the sand is frrozen solid so I had to chip away at it to get enough to spread.


I didn't get round to my tax return yesterday. Maybe today?


I tried watching that CH4 reality show last night Mollie, but wasn't very interested, so turned over.I did watch the Christmas lights prog though. Amazing how much time and money they spent on it.

I've also been recording the BBC1 prog about the young James Herriot.


I see there's an interview with Aaron and Faye in Star mag, and a pic of them in Christmas jumpers.


have a good day.



thanks for the info about the Star mag, I'd like to see that.

I tried to get Christmas jumpers for me and OH, but there is not one on any website or in any shop anywhere, all sold out.

Yes that C4 BB show was rubbish last night, far too slow, I have stuck to it though, as rest of family are watching it..seems a bit better tonight though. I don't like Vernon Kay much though either.

Gosh , must be very cold if it is still icy up there. The wind was cool here, but it was fairly mild today.

You still have plenty of time for the tax return, don't you, OH has not put his in yet, but we get the accountant to do it, because we have to have an accountant for the business stuff.


Hope Hicky has had a good day. x


Misty and wet here today. The snow and ice is half away. Probably be all away by tonight.

I managed to get my tax return filed.
You've got till the end of january Mollie.

Just in case you don't get Star mag, here's a link to the Fay and Aaron article.!/laurad79...889920/photo/1/large

Quite enjoyed watching Jamie Oliver's Christmas prognlast night, and I don't usually like him.
I also enjoyed Young James Herriot, although it was the last episode.

Hope you are both getting better weather than me?

Good Afternoon Mollie & Emptybox.


I'm getting lost with the days here.

Back at work today anyway.


Hope the weather is ok for you to go to your Brothers Emptybox, it will be nice to let someone else cook.


Yes Mollie, when they are crawling they crawl underneath you, but anything they can get their hands on they will.

A scary time really.


When i looked at the weeks weather last week it was going to be freezing, all of a sudden it's going to be warm.

They really don't have a clue do they?


Didn't see home for the Holidays Mollie, might look into it.


Thats a nice Christmas Teddy.


I'm going to get more Puff Pastry, saw them making Volovants on the TV, fancy them now.

Need to get some fillings for them, have got tins of Creamed Mushrooms ready.


Those lights on the house are a bit ott.


I've had to set up a standing order to the Government to pay them money they want in advance for next years tax bill.

It's ridiculous, they pay me the state pension then send a demand for the tax on it, what a stupid system, and they want the money up front.

They all ready tax my work money, and they tax my little private pension 50% as they aren't allowed to tax higher than than, else they would take it all.


It's like living in a third world country where they can't afford to let the old age pensioners to keep their meeger pittance.

To be sending tax demands to people of my age must be against my human rights, it's like harassment, surely the government can't be so poor and to need every penny  from us.


The big companies are making billions why don't they take more off them, a little more from them would save me paying back a pension i waited 49 years for and paid in a fortune.


Sorry to be ranting again, it just annoys me so much, to even think how petty they are over a few quid a week.


Good afternoon all


Hi Emptybox

Hope the weather improves where you are. Looking hopefull for you to get to your brothers with it turning mild though, isn't it? What day do you plan going there?

Thanks for the link, I just bought the mag when I went to town, but will still look at the link. Glad to hear your got your tax out of the way.


Hi Hicky

was beginning to wonder where you are, I bet you have been busy with the run up to Christmas, have you come back to work today, for the rest?

You are dead right, the weather people don't have a clue, very mild here today.

You are now tempting me to think about making our own vol au vonts. I love them but not much choice on the fillings in the stores.Creamy mushrooms sound good though.


Don't apologise for ranting, good for you, I say. Disgrace how they are robbing people like you, of your pension after you have worked damn hard all your life for it. More need and have to get angry with what these overpaid big company execs, the bankers and the MP's have done together to rob the ordinary working man, whilst lining their own pockets at our expense. They have managed to make the gap between the "haves" and "have nots" huge now. The high earners are the ones who know how to get round paying tax, leaving the burden on people like us.

Plus not only have they shoved billions of our tax money at the bankers to pay themselves huge bonuses for a job they messed up, but every time they QE money again to give to these banksters, they give us the damn gift of inflation on food and fuel. 

And as for all the money we keep giving to that huge gravy train in the EU..  again ordinary working person gets no benefit, but the MP's in EU get nice overpaid jobs and expenses.

See I think I beat you rant wise there.


I paid for, then left my mince pies in Gregs yesterday, but went back today, and they gave me a fresh pack, because they had made note of it.   Took dog walk on beach, a good swell today, so there were  few surfers out there.


off to hunt for todays Advent pic.


Evening Mollie.

My lad has managed to put the new strings of coloured LED lights up, they are the type you just add the next string of them, you plug it into the end of the earlier set, the lights are red/blue & green.


I just love Puff pastry, with jam even in it.


But am working tomorrow so my cooking delights will have to wait until Friday now.


So will my Pergola trimming.

Never mind, can't be helped.


It's been very mild here today.


Just had Spicy chicken and chips with chilli sauce and curry.


Hope Emptybox was able to get some work done, but weather won't be mild like it is here.


Hi HIcky

shme work has to interfere with your cooking and pergola pursuits tomorrow. Sounds like your tea was an array of flavours, mine was more plain, cheesy mash and veg with some mayo and BBQ sauce. But it was yummy.


Hope work is not too busy tomorrow for you, and hope it is milder for Emptybox to plan his time away at his brothers.


I enjoyed watching Peter Andrews reality show tonight, he is so sweet with the kiddies. .


good night both x


Good Morning Mollie & Emptybox (when he arrives).


At work now, never mind.

Just spilt a cup of tea over the desk as well.

It needed a clean.


Not expecting to be too busy today, will have to wait and see.


It looks like it will be mild here for Christmas, forecast looks that way anyway.

Should be able to get this Pergola all trimmed, will have to thin some of the main stems that run up from the ground, the trunk is about 12cm across which splits into 3 but the growth is far too rapid and fast, will have to look into cutting some of it out.


Roll on brekkie.


Morning Mollie and Hicky.


Mild and dull here. Looks likenit may rain. But at least all the snow and ice is away, for the first time in days.


Looks like I won't have any trouble goin across to see my brother at the weekend.


Pity you have to work Hicky. Hope you have an easy day.

Not quite sure what you are trimming round your pergola? Is it one of your vines?

Don't blame you for your rant yesterday. It's good to get it all out.


Thanks for all the advent pics Mollie. It's like having my own calendar.

That was good of the Greggs people, giving you some more pies.


Was watching that programme last night, on CH4, about the hoarder who had filled his house with junk and old newspapers. Strange fellow. 

Suppose it's Amy on again tonight?


Afternoon Emptybox.


It was a beautiful day here, mind you i'm inside but i could see on the roof.


Looks like a trip to your Brothers is on the cards then, strange how the weather changes so quick.


I think the growth on the Pergola is Wisteria and another, might be be Clematis, not sure.

But it grows so thick and is hanging over the framework all the way round, far too much to do with a pair of Secateurs but am hoping my new tool will sort it, will let you know.


Haven't been too busy today, am off till next Wednesday after i finish here.


I was going to watch that hoarder, but couldn't think how it could be interesting.

Amy is on tonight at 10pm same time as Celeb Juice, recording necessary.


Good evening both


Shame you were stuck in work so such  nice day, but at least you have a good break now, so you should be able to get some work done on that pergola soon.

Thanks for reminding me about Celeb Juice, think I will record it too. I am watching that Home for the Holidays, I am enjoying that now.



So pleased the weather looks on your side, so you can get to see your brother over Christmas. You should be able to get a go with the 3D tv now too.  

I forgot to watch that programme about the Hoarder last night, sounded interesting.


I went to the chemist to buy my lad some Cavonia cough mixture today.  Although he is a lot better than he was, his cough kept him awake nearly all night again last night so he is tired. Let's hope it helps him sleep tonight.

Have my big Christmas grocery shop coming tomorrow, fingers crossed they have the turkey crown I ordered.

Nearly time to wacth C4's Home for Holidays, have a good evening both.

Advent piccie to follow, not many to go now.


Good morning both


damp and drizzly here today, but still very mild.



hope you enjoy day 1 of your holiday break from work.



is it tomorrow you go to your brothers?


Just had my big Asda delivery, there was  lot of subs, but nothing too drastic, delivery man told me the store last night was like a battle field ,and they were left with empty shelves early on.. no milk, no pringles at all. Deliveries are done in middle of night, so I am dead pleased I got it all deivered, we need a lot being 5 of us and my mum visiting.

Got OH a nice bottle of champagne, have the real stuff Chrsitmas day only because it is ÂĢ15 a bottle! (and that is reduced in Asda).


Time to wrap up kids stocking fillers.

have a good day,xx


off to sort todays avent piccie

Morning Mollie and hicky.

Dull and damp here as well, but still mild.

Glad you got your big Asda delivery Mollie, with most of what you wanted.
I'm going across to my brother tomorrow afternoon.
I'm taking a couple of bottles of wine, plus i bought my Brother a nice bottle of port to mark his 50th birghday, so we should be well boozed up.

Just got to wrap up the little prezzies to my nephews now.

I'm going to leave my supermarket shop till I get home. Hopefully things will be quieter by then?

Last night I watched that BBC2 prog on the Military wives choir. It was quite heart-warming. Hasn't prompted me to buy the song though.

Hope you are enjoying your time off work Hicky.

Good Christmas Eve afternoon both



I hope you have a lovely Christmas break with your brother and the family. I bet he will be pleased to see you with all those alcohol gifts you are taking.

Now I wonder if you will come back fancying a 3D tv?

Have a good journey too.



Are the family coming to you, or are you and OH going to them tomoroow, or will it just be you and OH this year?


Me and OH were in Asda at 7am just to get a few bits and pieces, at least it was quiet then. I got OH a couple of extra pressies because they had some clothes half price that weren't supposed to go on reduced sale till boxing day.


Now today it is time to open the last door on our advent calendar, because it is Christmas Eve.


Hope you are both having a lovely Christmas Eve day xxx




Posted this yesterday, but it didn't post.


Good Afternoon/Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


It's been raining on and off all day so haven't been out.


Enjoyed Amy and Celeb Juice.


Was going to go to Costco for for food but we have loads all ready so didn't bother.


Someone on DS mentioned a good way of cooking some chicken.

Slice some thin pieces of breast, coat in egg then coat in Parmesan Cheese, then fry.

Sounds worth a try to me.


Glad you got your deliveries.


Enjoy your trip Emptybox, it looks like weather is going to be mild.


Roll on CBB


I've got some Liver for tea, will make Liver and Onions i think.


Good Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


And happy Christmas Eve to you both.


I'm having Christmas Dinner at my Lads down the road.


Love the advent picture, just watching The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, etc.


It was a good day today, tried my new hedge cutter out on the growth on the Pergola, it was super duper

This is it,


Trimmed all round to the side of the wood, still a lot to prune on top, another day, the wheelie bin is full.

Have cut 2 of the 3 main trunks, they were wrapped around each other and not in the plants best interest.


Have a good day tomorrow.

Last edited by Hicky


Hi Hicky

glad you had a lovely day today, and that you are pleased with your hedge cutter.  I had a good day too.


I found myself remembering that on this day last year, I had a phone call from the surgeon's secretary saying I had to go in for an emergency op on the 30th, and I was dosed up on anti-biotics and steroids over Christmas to keep me going. What a Christmas. I can't tell you how different I feel this year.. summed up as over the moon.


Looking forward to watching Outnumbered and Lapland next.

Me and OH have had a laugh playing playstation kareoke ealirer


have a great day tommorrow at your lads.





Evening Mollie.


Well aat least this Christmas will be a lot happier for you and your family.


Last year was a pretty traumatic one wasn't it.


My lad and his Mrs said they were playing some game that was brill, you put a camera on the TV and it was so real, think they where playing table tennis.

That games are so real these days.


Rain kept off all day so was very happy.


Hope you have a great day tomorrow.


Good morning both x


Hope you both had an enjoyable day yesterday. I wonder when Emptybox is due home?


I had a lovely day.


In the morning we went to see the local Christmas morning swim. OK it was a lot milder than last year, but we still windy, drizzly and cold, the swimmers skin were bright red with cold when they came out.

Here is some pics of it....


the girls who are dressed as parcels looked really good.

All in a good cause too because they raise  lot of money for charity,


We had a nice lunch, then watched Corrie and Downtown Abeey in the evening and son and OH drovemy mum home.

Today we will have a little family party with party food and will pull a giant cracker that we saved for today, we did have smaller ones yesterday too.



Hope you both enjoy your Boxing Day.


Good Afternoon Mollie.


I had a great day, dinner with my lad and his family, we had a pressie opening first, picked up a few grandchildren so there was a gang of us, then some some of the little ones home.


We had dinner at my lads, we had cooked the Turkey as we have a big oven.

We had a great meal.


Will be going to the garden centre later, need a few bits and some more feed for the birds, they sure love theses Meal Worms, and i get the food pellets they seem to love them as well.

Don't bother with the seed now, too much of a problem.

They seem to love those moulded food blocks, the square ones, it's fat with goodies inside.


I need some more sacking to wrap around the Fig Tree stems, have to protect them, have covered the branches and roots.


I don't think i would be doing the beach swim myself, but i admire them for doing it.


Hope Emptybox had a good day at his Brothers.


Hope you both have a good Boxing Day.


Hi Hicky

glad to hear you had such a good day with your family, and a great meal.

We use blocks for the birds, but the ones we have are solid round ball types, they love them, don't they?

I too passed on a swim, but was content just to watch the others.

Hope you got what you wanted from your garden centre, and hope you are having a great Boxing Day.


Wonder what is on tv tonight?


have a great evening both. x


Evening Mollie and Hicky.
I'm home from my Brother's. Although i'm going back in a couple of weeks to look after my nephews for a couple of days, whilst their parents go to the firm's annual dance in ireland.

I had a nice time. We had a lovely baked ham on Christmas Eve, and turkey with all the trimmings on Christmas day.
We didn't really do much besides. We took the dog for a walk before the meal, but it was horrible windy and wet weather all the time I was there. Very mild though, so there was no problem with the travelling.

Watched quite a bit on their new TV. It's a plasma, so the colours on it are particularly good. He didn't have anything in 3d to watch though, so that was a bit disappointing.
There's a button that will give any programme a psuedo 3D effect, but it wasn't all that effective for me, although it did give an impression of depth.

I bet Christmas was far more enjoyable  for you this year Mollie than last? Not sure I would have chosen to go and watch some swimmers on Xmas morning though?
Hope you enjoyed your family party today?


Glad you enjoyed your Christmas Hicky. Did you get what you wanted at the garden centre? 

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


The garden centre was closed yesterday, so that was bad news.


Went this afternoon, got all the stuff i needed, plus more.


Got more coverings for the Fig Tree's, fitted it all now as well.


Made some Vol au vents earlier, yummy.


Picked up my O/H as she has dropped her car off at the garage for a service/Mot tomorrow.


Only problem, will have to take her to work, she starts at 5am, i am only usually getting up then.

Ah well, you gotta do what you gotta do.


Went in a shop to get this weeks ZOO mag and came out with Nuts by mistake, had a look while i was in Sainsbury's but they had none.


Glad you had a good time at your Brothers Emptybox.

Pity about the TV, can't be many 3D programs on yet.


Ah well, CBB starts in a few days, can't wait.


Good morning both x



up at 5am what an early start. Does your OH still work in the bakery at Sainsburys? If so, I guess they need an early start to stock the bakery stuff on the shelves? What filling did you have for your vol au vonts? I made my fave blueberry crumble yesterday. Glad you got your garden centre stuff in the end.



Glad to hear you had a nice time at Christmas, shame the 3D viewing was in short supply though, Yes my Christmas was much more stress free this year, than last.

Let's hope the family behave when you are there keeping an eye on them , hope they haven't got any teenage parties arranged for when you are there.   Ireland is a long way to go for a dinner. Is the company head office based in Dublin or something?


I too am looking forward to CBB. Not long to wait now. Wonder who will be on it? Hope it is someone of interest.


Just come back from taking dog  a walk, we had a quick hail shower whilst we were out.


have a good day both. x


Afternoon Mollie.


O/H starts work at 5am this morning, i was up at 4am, don't like to rush in the morning.

Roads were pretty quiet.

She does the money, the tills, bullion etc, but she can also serve if she wants and do the desk, they have been after her for a supervisors job for years but she doesn't really want it.

She'll be doing the bullion in the cash office soon, thats serious money.


I don't usually get up till 5am, was early to work, no production today so car park was a dream.


The factory shop was serving brekkie in a takeaway thingy from 7.30 till 1pm, got mine at 9am, very tasty, 2 bacon, 2 sausages, egg, hash & beans, got a roll and a sausage bap as well.


I've heard a few names bandied about for CBB, but it's not worth the bother as most pull out anyway.

Some think it's beneath them.


I wouldn't fancy going anywhere to look after teenagers, they are a pain.

Poor Emptybox.

Pouring with rain here.

You two are worrying me now. It's these teenage parties that are bothering me. I just hope their parents make it quite clear what's allowed, before they go. I wouldn't have volunteered for it, but I guess it was decided that it was my turn to do my bit?

My Brother works for a big American company, and the UK branches hold their dance in a different place every year. This year it's in Belfast. My Brother is branch manager for Scotland and Ireland, so he's quite often over there anyway, although he's based in Glasgow.

I think it's funny how it's you two who get excited about a new series of BB, when i'm not bothered. But it's always me that ends up getting hooked.
One name I've heard for CBB is Georgia Salpa? She's an Irish model and a good friend of Aisleyne. She's fun and a bit dippy, so she should fit the bill, if she's on.

Glad you managed to get all you wanted at the garden centre Hicky.
When you say your OH handles the "bullion", what do you mean by that? The word bullion conjures up an image of gold bars and coins, but my Sainsburys doesn't have that on sale, and I can't imagine anyone paying in gold?

Spent 3 hours last night watching Ben Hur on Ch5. Very good.
Last edited by emptybox

Morning Emptybox.


I wouldn't worry too much about the teenagers, it's not your problem in the end.


I saw some pictures of Georgia Salpa, very nice too.


The term bullion is loosely used for Bulk notes & coins which are weighed to determine the valuein very large quantities.


The weather is not so good today, very windy pouring with rain now.


Not sure if i'm working tomorrow or not, i'm off today, might be off till i go back next Tuesday.


Good evening both



was just joking about the teenagers.   If they are anything like mine and their friends, they will be happy to lie in bed all morning, then play thier Wii, Playstation or whatever all the rest of the day, and most of the night too, and all you need to do is remind them to eat now and again. Are their parents flying to Belfast?

Yes it was like that last time with BB, you were not interested before the show, then it soon got you hooked.   I reckon the same will happen again this time. Ben Hur was a long film.

I enjoyed watching Alan Car earlier today, that I had recorded earlier in the week, Jedward were so funny on it.



Yes I too imagined your OH handling those loveley shiny gold bullion bars. Wonder how much one of those cost now? Glad you managed to find some food at work yesterday. Have they let you know if you need to go in tomorrow yet? How many hours does she work for them now?


It was very windy here today again, and a bit drizzly so only went short walk with dog, and got a few basic food stuffs from supermarket, we only have a little Co-op here, the main supermarkets are about 8 miles away now, so that is one reason I usually get stuff delivered.


hope you both had a good day. x


Good evening both x

Hope you are having a good day.


Was it work today Hicky, or day off?

And are you having a break from the gardens Emptybox?


We went to wsm today, to meet my aunts who have gone there for a few days holiday break for New Year. It was raining most of the day, but stopped for short time luckily for us to take a nice walk down the pier and eat chips whilst we did.   Had a nice chat to aunts and their friends in the pub, then we drove home. So it was good to have a day out.


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