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Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Rather a windy day today, got drenched on the school run, rain/hail held off till it was time to take him to the class, they won't let them in early, it pelted it down going back to the car as well.

I usually stay on the car while his mum takes him in but baby isn't well so she couldn't bring him out.


Made a nice curry before, got bigger chillies and took the seeds out this time.


Went to Sainsbury's and got a nice seeded loaf, some prawns in shells, a couple of small dressed crabs, bought a Monk fish Tail as well.


Not much on TV tonight, been watching recordings, secret millionaire from Oz and watching Beyonce now.


Your light should be easy enough to fit Emptybox.


Hope Mollie is OK.


Good evening both



Shame the weather was bad when you did the school run, hope the baby gets better soon. Does he have a cold? My lad is gradually recovering, but still in bed, not eating much... at least the constant bad head, and sickness seem to of cleared.

That is good that you have all the tyres sorted now.



hope you can get your light sorted yourself. Shame about that thing of your dads blowing down in the bad winds, I bet it had been there for years too, hadn't it? 

Good job the weather has calmed down there now.

Glad to hear you have got your cards, you don't want to be stuck having to pay 1st class prices on your stamps. You still have plenty of time though. Europe last day for posting isn't till Monday, I think you have a full week till last day of 2nd class. 


I am exhausted tonight, daughter and I went Christmas shopping this afternoon. Lots of stuff reduced already, looks like the shops' trades could be suffering in this recession if they are reducing already.


It has been a lovely sunny day here today, bit chilly, but nice.


It is a year ago now since I was rushed by ambulance to hospital, so all my Christmas preparatiosn came to an abrupt hat last year, but luckily I am still here to tell the tale, so this year I can carry on with our advent piccies.


Day 9 and today I thought you might appreciate a piccy of Santa's helper. She looks a bit like one of Amy's friends from Essex, doesn't she? 





Good evening both x


Hope you had a good Saturday, a beautiful sunny day here, rather chilly, OH had to get ice off windscreen when we went to Asda for brekkie this morning. But I was warm enough walking the dog down the seafront with my fur trimmed hood up (fake fur of course), and my gloves on.



What a shame the griddle pan shattered after all those years but I guess it did well to last that long out in all the inclement weather. Glad you liked yesterday's advent piccie. What is a twitcam? Was it  the Rebekah from BB you were watching?

Did you get your shopping today? do you use the new Sainsburys now?


I am enjoying watching the final of X factor right now. I was so upset I missed watching it last year with the family because I was in hospital, but never mind, I am enjoying watching it with them now.

Not sure who I want to win, but it appears with this show that the winner usually ends up being the loser, because I heard the winner has to disappear for a year whilst the other losers are promoted, and the winner is then only allowed to come back with their new single when it is time for the next years X factor.I think my faves are Little Mix though.


and it is day 10 of our advent calendar, because it is X factor final, I thought we would have a cute singing based piccie.




Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Anice advent picture Mollie, it does look a bit like Amy.

Amy is in LA at the Mo, a business trip.


The baby has tonsillitis and other things, is on meds and anti-bio's.


It doesn't seem like a year Mollie since you went to Hospital, that's gone quick, maybe not for you though.


The curry is good, took the seeds out this time.


Shame about your griddle pan Emptybox, but it would probably broken even without a crack in it.


Got my money back for the pie maker

Waiting for my pie tins to come now.


My lad was telling us a bit more about the job in Sumatra, works for 28days straight then get 2 weeks off then goes back again.

Gets ÂĢ500 a day after tax.

Not a bad little earner really.

Afternoon guys.
Dull but fairly mild Sunday here. We had ice and snow yesterday, but that's melted now.

Sorry to hear the baby isn't well Hicky. Hope the meds sort the problems out.

I thought Amelia gave the best performance on the X-Factor last night, so I was disappointed she finished 3rd. I hope Little Mix win now.
Don't know where you heard that about the winner having to disapper Mollie. I don't think that's correct. It is only the winner's single that is released, and could be the Xmas no.1.
I think the winner gets a contract with Simon Cowell, but the others have to find their own record contracts? I suspect Amelia will do quite well out of it anyway? I think they all go on the tour, don't they?

Yes it was Rebeckah from this year's BB that was doing a twitcam broadcast. Bit dull really, although she showed us her little dog Pucci, so you might have liked that Mollie. Do you still bother reading your twitter?

I'm going to the supermarket after lunch (Sainsburys). It's quieter on a Sunday, and there was  snow on the roads yesterday anyway.

Got all my Christmas cards written out, and posted them this morning when I went for the papers. 5 less than last year, so a small saving in postage.
Haven't put a tree or any decorations up yet.

That sounds like a great job your son has Hicky. I wouldn't object to those pay rates.
Last edited by emptybox


Good afternoon all



Aaaww poor little baby,   hopefully the anti-biotics will soon clear it up. Yes, you are right, it does seem like a long year since I was first in hospital. Lots of long days feeling unwell, so I am so glad to be so much better now, and can join in the family Christmas preparations. 

Good job you got your money back for the pie maker, hope your tins are suitable when they come. Gosh your lad did well getting such a job with pay like that. Should give him chance to put a bit away.



I liked little Minx best last night. I heard one of the ex winners say (can't remember if it was Joe Mceldry or Matt Cardle). that the winner has a hard deal because they are allowed to release the winners single, then nothing at all until the next years X factor is nearly due, so they can then showcase their next single on the next years x Factor.And it is in their contract. But meanwhile the losers singles are promoted throughout the year  JSL, and One Direction did.

So that is why I wondered if the winner ends up not being the real winner at all? And the losers were the winners?? .. if you get what I mean.

Well done on being so organised with your cards. You are funny, you sound like you are relieved because you have fewer ones to send. 


Right time for me and daughter to wrap up a few pressies.

Hope you both enjoy X factor final. I enjoyed last nights show.


advent piccie to come shortly.






Not bad today, but a very frosty start. Think it's to get wilder again from now on.


Really pleased that Little Mix won the X-Factor.

 I hear they are recording an album, so I hope you are wrong Mollie, about the winner disappearing.


I am pleased about not having to send out as many Christmas cards Mollie. I'd like to reduce it further, to just family and friends, but there are still a few of my parents friends sending me cards, so it would be a bit churlish not to send one back. Still, I only sent 15 in total, so I suppose that's not bad.


I'll maybe get around to putting some decorations up this week, and I also want to start getting info ready to do my tax return.


Hope you two are getting the reasonable weather?


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Baby seems a lot better now.

He is on Anti-Bio's.


Was pretty busy at work, but one of the bosses Dad died at the weekend and he was staying with another Son in Spain.


I thought LittleMix would win, couldn't lose really.

I heard that they aren't challenging the Christmas single this year.


I think X-F contracts are awful, as far as i have heard anyway.

Your trapped, nasty.


Even Janet, who is going to be signed by a dragon can't sign yet because of the contract.

Simon Cowell eliminates all competition.


We've got the Tree up and the decs, all looking good.


Royal mail left a card, parcels waiting at the collection point.

Will go tomorrow.

Just wondering whether to go for brekki to Morrisons.


Just seen Emily & Jessica on the ITV1 This Morning show, showing us underwear.

It's here if you missed it.


Haven't seen any frost yet, some hail now and again.


The Final of Young Apprentice tonight.


School run in the morning again.


Had a lovely Tea, O/H made a Scouse with Mince.

She can slow cook it in the oven while she's out.


Good evening both


glad to hear the baby is a lot better now. Sounds like a good idea to treat yourself to brekkie at Morrisons. Do we get to see any pics of your tree and decorations? I bet your grandchildren enjoy coming to see them.



15 cards to do is not too great a number, nice of your parents friends to not leave you out and still send you a card. Do we get a piccy of your decs when you put them up too?


I have seen Little Mix quite a lot on tv today they seem like nice girls. Glad they won.


took doggie on beach and it was real blowy again, but dry at least, took her in the monring because rain was forecast and did come by afternoon.


And it is day 12 of our advent calendar, this time we have an Australian theme. (as Hicky's son worked there for awhile)...





Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Had brekkie in Morrisons, bought a few goodies as well.

Got my 3 parcels from the Mail.

Curry kits, battery charger, pie tins.


Just cooking some Tripe.


Very pleased Little mix won, by far the best anyway.


Love the advent pics.


Was looking over the sea wall at New Brighton, wow, some serious waves, massive sea's.

Waves shooting up 15ft or more above the sea wall, far too dodgy to stay at the wall.


Chantelle getting bigger as well.


And i saw a tweet from Zoo mag, Chanelle is one of the months on this weeks folding 2012 Calendar.



Terribly windy here, and bone chillingly cold. Rain this afternoon.


The light unit came for my van. It doesn't come with the bulbs, so it's a good job the old ones are fine.

I haven't tried fitting it yet because it was far too windy.


I saw that pic of Chanelle on the Zoo website Hicky. I don't think it's a new one though, so hopefully we've still got a Christmas shoot to come?


Haven't ever tried tripe Hicky. My uncle used to make it, but I think he used it for feeding his dogs?


Hope it wasn't too windy for your dog walk today Mollie.

My decs are all about 20 years old, so I don't think you'd want a pic of those.


Hi Emptybox.


Not been too bad here, 5 deg with wind/


Glad you light unit came, wait for some better weather to fit as you say.


Wasn't happy with the tripe, did what they said but only cooked it for 3 hrs, still tough, slung in bin.


We've got the black tree again, think new/fresh ones are crazy, it's like buying a Turkey every year and throwing it in the bin after Christmas.


Here's Chantelle at her eyelash launch today, looking good.






glad you managed to fit in brekkie out today. By the sound of your parcels, you are going to be busy cooking .

Thanks for the Chantelle pics, she is looking good and healthy too.

Yes we can't be bothered by a fresh tree either, I think it is horrible seeing them dying off and then you have to get rid of them rather save money and have one you can put away till next year.

Those waves sound like big ones, I love to see the sea when it is rough. Didn't make it down the beach today, not only very, very windy, but the lane was flooded so it would of gone up to doggies waist, so we just walked round the estates. I had to hold on tight to her lead, else she might of blown away.



I wouldn't complain about your decs being 15 years old, I saw a tv show saying those old decs are worth a lot of money now. One reason is that stuff like the baubles for the trees used to be made out of glass you see. Glad your light unit came , hope yo can fix it soon.


We had a short power cut today when it got real windy, lucky it didn't last long though.

Son left his room at last and came downstairs and his hands were shaking badly, and he had only had a bath and taken his sheets off. This not being able to eat for nearly a week has really shook him up. He finishes the penicillin today, so hopefully he will improve quicker now. He has managed to eat a couple of slices of toast today and drank quite a bit of milk though. Amazing how lack of food soon weakens even someone so young.


time to choose todays advent... BRB..


Morning Mollie.


Lovely advent picture.

It's not long now.


No wonder the lane was flooded, all that rain we have had.


Good to see your lad making some progress, no food, no energy, it's fuel, you body soons goes downhill without.


It's about 5c here but dry at the mo.


Did i tell you, one of my Bosses dad has died the weekend, he died in Spain, boss gone over yesterday, but bosses brother lives there so it should be ok, must have to arrange to bring him home, assuming they are.


Good evening all.



hope work was not too busy today.

Shame about the boss's brother, was he on holiday at the time, or was he living out there?


Been out doing the gardens today Emptybox?  I take it the wooly hat is out again?


My wooly hat and hood were certainly out when I took the doggie out today, didn't walk far today because it started to rain again, and was very, very windy. We had a storm last night with thunder and more heavy hail and strong winds. Seems a bit calmer now though.


Am watching Royal Variety, not much else on, but I do like Peter Kay, saw him once when he came to Cardiff, very funny


I made some of my fave blueberry crumble for desert tonight. Very nice too.

Son has at last perked up, think the tablets were making him off, because he has not taken any today, and has eaten a bit more, and came small walk with dog too. (although he did feel the cold, which isn't like him). But he needed those strong tablets to shift that nasty infection. So am glad he is ok we are due to go to panto on Friday. Christopher Biggins is playing the lead part.


hope you both have a good evening.xx

Hi Mollie and Hicky.

Glad your son is perking up Mollie.
Sorry to hear about your boss's Father Hicky.

I didn't do any gardens today Mollie. I did last month's accounts. Also I collated all the info, ready to do my tax return.

It was very stormy here overnight, but it calmed down today, so I got the rear light fitted to my van.
It was reasonably straightforward, but I needed to find the right size of allan key to unscrew it from the inside. Luckily my Dad had all that sort of stuff. The first time I fitted it the reversing light wouldn't work, so I had to take it off again and reseat the bulb, then it all worked fine after that.

I watched some of the Royal Variety, but I'm now watchingn the programme on Steve Jobs, on BBC2.

Aaron,from this year's BB, is supposed to be on The Wright Stuff tomorrow morning on CH5.
He and Faye were buying their Xmas tree today, with Aaron's son ferdinand.

Morning Mollie & Emptybox.


At least you got your light fitted Emptybox, thats one job done.


Strange that Aaron and Faye moved in together a while back but she hasn't seen his lad.


Considering he didn't see him all summer it seems a bit strange to me.


Another great advent picture Mollie, aren't they great.


Think i'll go and get brekkie from Morrisons, O/H has gone shopping for her Mum.


Amy's show on tonight, she's going for a holiday in Dubai.

Should be a laugh anyway.

She's in LA at the Mo.

Hi Hicky.
Hope you enjoy your brekkie.

Very frosty here first thing, but it's going of now.

Just watched The Wright Stuff. Aaron did OK. At least he was able to keep up with the conversation anyway.

I doubt yesterday was the first time Faye had met Aaron's son. I know it sounds like that from what they are saying on twitter, but they are both aware that twitter is for public consumption, so they are careful what they say.
Faye has been there for nearly 3 weeks now, and stayed with Aaron's parents for the first few nights, so it wouldn't surprise me if she's met up with Aaron's son before now.
On the other hand of course, it may be that his wife was wary of letting her son meet Faye before now? Aaron has certainly been spending time with him though.

Think i might put my decorations up today.

Good evening both



Glad you managed to get last month's accounts out of the way, and you did well getting that light fitted too.   I saw Aaron on The Wright stuff, think he did well.



Hope you enjoyed your brekkie out, think we will do that early tomorrow before the shoppers hit.

Very cold here today , the temperature went up to about plus 6 but it felt colder because of the wind. When I took doggie for walk the waves were smashing on the rocks about 15 foot high, and you could see the snow on the hills.


We went to the panto in Cardiff today. Really good it was, Christopher Biggins played the dame, and was great. Then we walked around Winter Wondeland, outdoor ice-rink and fair, Daughter won a toy wolf on Hook The Santa.   and I enjoyed a hot mulled wine.


Just realised i didn't post yesterday, been very busy sorting online shop and cards and kids pressies out.


So here is day 16's pic and because I love polar bears....and isn't he cute?


off to look at Emptybox's piccies now. Thanks for posting Emptybox.




"Lights a tangle" Mollie? I thought I'd untangled them fairly well?


Evening guys.

Frosty overnight, then heavy snow this morning. There's still quite a bit lying, but we had some rain this afternoon. It's back to -2 now, so I would imagine the roads will be fairly treacherous.


Glad you enjoyed the panto Mollie (and your mulled wine).

Your daughter won a toy wolf you say? Shouldn't it have been a toy santa on "Hook the Santa"?

Haven't been out today, but did a stack of ironing. 


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


A pretty quiet day, weather very mixed, frost last night but warmed up then snowed, had rain, thunder, flurries all day.

Didn't bother going out.


I'll see if i can find Mollie's Op thread, not sure where it is now, don't use that link, what you put them in the there for?


Christopher Biggin's is good, glad you enjoyed the Panto Mollie.

Did Santa give you the Mulled Wine, bless him.



Love the advent pictures, We might all be building an Igloo before long, but you need an ice saw, wonder if Amazon do one.

I must have every other type.


Not a lot on TV today. B.C.A. on at 9pm love comedy awards.


One of my probes came today, the one piece one with the spike built in.

You can just use it or testing any food or drink or baby milk etc, it tells me when the curry i heat in the micro is hot enough. range is -50c +150c.



Hope you have a good day.

I always remember your birthday because it's the same day as my Brother's.
He's fifty today (Saturday). Bet you wish you were too?

You do like your probes, but that one sounds very useful.

I was watching a programme earlier about the writing of the King James bible. I'm not religious, but it was very interesting.

Thanks Mollie & Emptybox.


Happy Birthday to your Brother Emptybox.


My other probe came this morning, got high-low, alarm settings, brill.

Have put Velcro on and put on side of tall fridge.


Anyone could write a Bible if they wanted to, think it's all fictitious anyway.


Thanks for the Birthday wishes, love the Balloons and Cake, lovely they are.


Going for a Birthday Carvery tomorrow, about 10 of us anyway.

The usual place, had to reserve also, busy day Sunday.

Wanted it for Saturday but couldn't get us all together.


Better go and make a couple of Curry Pies, try my new pie tins.


have a nice day, weather not too bad here, some cloud and wind, nothing too bad.


Hi Mollie and Hicky.


Glad your probe came Hicky, and enjoy your carvery meal tomorrow.


Very cold and snowy here this morning, but a bit of sun this afternoon.

I got out to the supermarket anyway, the roads weren't too bad. Bought some extra beer, just incase I get snowed in.


See it's the final of Strictly tonight. I haven't been watching it really, but I might watch some tonight? I see it's going to be broadcast in 3D on BBCHD, if you've got a 3D telly. I haven't got one, but my Brother has just treated himself to a big 3D plasma.


Hope you are havjng a good day Mollie, and aren't too stressed with Xmas shopping?

I'm just giving the nephews money this year, but I bought them a cheap toy car each, just so they'd have something to open. Not sure if the sixteen year old will appreciate it, but he can always give his to his brother.


Good afternoon both x



lucky you still with snow. Glad it didn't prevent you getting out to stock up on the beer supplies.   I think that is really sweet that you gave your nephews a little gift to open as well as the money.   Opening surprise pressies is great, and I bet even the 16 year old will be glad you didn't leave him out. If you get chance, can we have a piccie of your snow before it goes, as we didn't get any?  We did have a bit of a frost today though, Those 3D tv's are expensive aren't they? I think you have to pay a monthly sub in addition to buying the tv thought, don't you? Sounds like a nice 50th birthday pressie though.



hope you enjoy your family meal out today. How very dare the resteraunt say they were full yesterday indeed ! But at least this way you get to celebrate your birthday for 2 days instead of one.

Thanks for the CBB ad link. What a great advert. Good to see Jedward too. How did the curry pies turn out in your new pie tins?


I didn't see that bible writing documentary Emptybox.Is it the same bible we know of, or a different one?

Yes Hicky I reckon the bible is ficticious, as are most religious stories, but are quite clever stories I reckon. But I think someone called Jesus did exhist though, and he was a marvellous story teller, and I think it quite earie (spelling ?) how Jesus got it right about bankers.


Yesterday we had a nice time at a Victorian fayre here.


OH won daughter a pink unicorn by knocking down the cans.....well he nearly won, but he knocked down them all except one and the man said as he nearly got it , he could have a Unicorn.   I had a mulled wine and OH had roast chesnuts, and we had to pay with everything with an old penny and all storeholders had Victorian costume on and the band played Christmas music.
The poor little dog got a sore paw,she was jumping around in pain. OH picked her up and tipped some cold water over her paw, and that eased it till we got home, and we took her up to the bath to shampoo her. We think it had to be the salted grit they had put down got into a small cut on her paw. She was fine after her bath though.
We had chippie for dinner, I love mushy peas.

Today we took dog a walk to the pub and had nuts and a drink in the garden, rather bracing it was. But I don't mind the cold.

Now yesterday I did not want to take the uuummmpphh away from Hicky's birthday pics, so we had no advent pic, so now you can look forward to two at once, So here is day 17...


and I have a story about today's.

Every year I buy one of those red plants, and I keep it going for months, and my aim has been to keep one going until next years came out again, and guess what, I did it this year.

 OH kept it watered whilst i was in hospital last year, and I carried on after that.

I did have to put it outside once because it got little flies on it though.


have a good day.x


Some Christmas shows to watch tonight, which I love. One with Eddie Izzard 5.30pm tonight, he had same drama tutor as my son has at this drama group.



Good Afternoon Mollie & Emptybox.


The Carvery was great, we had 7 over 12 and 3 under, with a baby.

Everyone enjopyed themselves anyway.


It's been a beautiful day, Sun all the time, temperature cool.


Been working in the garden this afternoon for a while, the others all went to see Father Christmas.

I moved my Vine, dragged it a bit of a time over a length of loose deck board which let it slide, no way could i lift it.


Loved watching SCD, a great ending, thought Harry would win, he was just so good.


Those 3D TV's are expensive, they will come down when more programs are in 3D.


Give them Money Emptybox, they can buy what they want then.


Thanks for the pictures, will look at the link after, got to go and take the girls back home and their brother.

Been a nice sunny day here, but very cold. Took me about half an hour to get into and thaw out my car this morning, before I could go for the paper. And then I had to drive slowly.
Think it's due to get milder next week though?

The snow is not worth a photo, it's nothing compared to the photos I put up last year, but it's frozen on the top now, which makes it treacherous.

Glad you enjoyed your carvery meal Hicky. Good for you getting some work done in the garden.

Glad you enjoyed the Victorian Fayre Mollie. How much did you have to pay for those old pennies?
Pity your doggie picked up something in her paw.
Also, thanks for the advent pics. My Mum always used to get a poinsettia every hear. She didn't manage to keep one going though.

Yes the King James bible is the one in use today. They started writing it from new translations in 1604. I wasn't interested in the bible aspect of the story, but the history was fascinating.

3D tellys aren't necessarily all that expensive now. My Brother's 42" Panasonic plasma only cost ÂĢ500, although it's not a top of the range one. You don't need a subscription to watch 3D, the Strictly final was in 3d, but most broadcast 3D is on Sky, which you obviously do need a subscription for. My bro doesn't have sky though.
You can actually get a 3D effect on all programmes, if you want it, but it's not as effective as proper  3D. He got 2 pairs of active specs in with the price.
I haven't seen in meself yet, but I will if I go across next weekend.
Originally Posted by Hicky:

Give them Money Emptybox, they can buy what they want then.


Yes it is a good idea of his to give them money now they are older, but I think it was a nice idea of his to buy them a cheap gift too, so they have something to open.

My kids too enjoy the little fun cheap gifts we buy them and wrap them, so they have a surprise to open.

But their main presents I don't understand.. games, etc, so they chose those themselves.



Glad you enjoyed the carvary, you had quite a crowd there, and a good mix of ages . Was the baby old enough to eat anything there yet? It is good we all got to see the sun today, and that it gave you chance to get out into your garden, pity you had to sacrifice your visit to Santa though.



that was a bit of a palava getting out to your newspaper today, but as you say, it is due to get milder, but unfortunately, that means the arrival of rain.

Are you intending going to your brothers for Christmas?  If you do, we expect a full report of the 3D tv.


I really enjoyed watching that Last Christmas show on bbc1 with Eddie Izzard. It was a modern take on Wonderful Life or Christmas Carol type of story. An adaption of this book,.. very good tale...


think I will watch that new C4 reality show at 8pm.


have a good evening. x



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