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Morning Mollie & Emptybox.


I think a hacksaw will sort your light out, new ones from B&Q are very cheap, maybe best to get the same one again if you can then it will replace it easier.


My lad is pretty busy in Oz, he's just flown somewhere for a weeks break, he had to work continuous for 4 weeks on the last section.

He's started his Masters Degree now but it can take between 2 & 7 years.


The garage Control box only connects the lights that come on with the daylight sensor and the the lights that come on with the movement sensor, the external lights are wired in armoured cable, the diagram shows the supply and the daylight sensor with the PIR/Movement sensor, all the devices have their own terminals, some having fuses.

The terminals are industrial types as used at work, they clip onto a rail.

The drawing just meant i could connect it all up with ease.

Mind you at work we used to have about 500 cables.


I only like Jessica and Emily to look at, the others are ok, can put up with them.


Just waiting for my 2 tyres, they have been collected but don't know what day they are due.

I'll get them fitted onto the wheels i have to then get the 4 wheels changed over with the ones on the car.


It looks like the bad weather is heading back again.


I'll be making some curry pies, but with have to make some non curry for O/H.


Chop Suey Rolls are mainly Bean Sprouts with some other chopped veg.

Can't remember everything thats in them.

Of course in your own you can put what you want in.


Might pop to Costco later for some meat for the curry.

Don't know when the Pie Maker is coming.


Good evening both



Good luck to your lad with his Masters degree, hard work, but worth it in the end, I should think.

I didn't know you had ordered a pie maker. Do you have a link?  What does your OH have in her pie, when you have curry?

Have you got your voice back now?



Hope your cold is a bit better now. Did you get in your gardens today?


I am looking forward to a long IAC tonight. wonder who will go first?  Steph maybe? I know you said you liked looking at Emma and Jenny Hicky, well I quite like looking at Doug.


Have to leave by 8am tommorrow to get to Cardiff hosptial for my 9.30am appoitment. Hope we are not there too long this time, it was 4 hours last week. I am hoping to go to do a bit of Christmas shopping in town after.


My other son has a cold too now. I hate the cold season. Think we need a bit of sub zero winter temperatures to kill all these cold germs. Seems far too mild for late November at the moment.


have a good evening both. xx


Evening Mollie.


The pie maker hasn't arrived yet.

It's this one as sold on the Junior Apprentice, last week.


Not sure what O/H will want in her pies, she may make the filling herself.


Hope all is well with your appointment tomorrow.


Bought a big bag of Buttermilk Pancake mix, enough for 2440 pancakes.


My lad isn't working tomorrow so we may be going for brekki in the morning.

Got over 3kg of Flank Steak, that will make 3 curries.


Looking forward to IAC tonight, heard Jay & Louise on the radio today.

Dry here but very windy.

Hope you get your tyres delivered and fitted OK Hicky.
I see that cold weather article is dated Nov 2nd. They've changed the forecast since then. They are now saying it'll stay mild into December. Still, the cold has to come eventually I suppose.

Hope your hospital appointment goes OK Mollie. Sorry to hear your son now has the cold. Mine hasn't really developed into anything much yet.

I see Stephanie Powers was the first one out. I didn't bother to vote.
Jessica -Jane is my favourite. Peter Andre is supposed to be flying out to the camp, but nobody knows if he's actually going to be there for a trial or something.

Evening Emptybox.


Still waiting for the tyres.


Pity they can't get the forecast right.

Even yesterday the forecast said no rain here, we had a storm at 2.30.


Made a curry this afternoon, put too many little chillies in, 25 small whole ones, bit into a couple while testing a bowl after cooking it.


As i thought, Peter is just a guest on the after show.


I'm not voting anyway this year.


Having brekki in the morning with my lad and his.


Going to make a few curry Pasties tomorrow, can't make Pies as the Pie Maker hasn't come yet, it's on it's way though.


Hope everything ok Mollie.



Horrible weather here the last two days. High winds and very heavy showers.
Think it's supposed to be calmer tomorrow, so I might wait till then to get my provisions.

Did your curry turn out hotter than expected Hicky?
Hope you get your tyres before the snow arrives.
The tyre that I had the puncture in (on the car), still seems to be losing a bit of air. I might have to take it back in.

Hi Mollie, hope your cold is better now, and your hospital appointment went OK?

Good evening both



Hope you are not kept waiting much longer for those tyres.

Yes they are not too good with the weather forecasts now.

Hope you enjoyed your curry pasties.

Me and my OH also went out for brekkie today, we went to Asda. Always enjoy our brekkie there.



Hope the weather is better for you to venture out for your provisions tommorrow. Do you go to Sainsburys now? Sorry to hear your puncture is back again, hope it is not too expensive to rectify. 


Hospital visit went ok yesterday, but am always tired after going there. Have to wait until early January for results now.

We went to our little town Christmas lighting up ceremony tonight. Very nice .. there was a lady off Welsh news there, and we sang a few Christmas songs , because they had a band there and they had fake snow and counted down to switch on of lights. 

hope you both had a good day.  x

am enjoying watching IAC now, still think celebs rather dull this year, but Ant and Dec are so funny..



Good evening both x


Hope you have both had a good day, and had the good weather we have had today. Very mild and sunny all day.

We went to see the Reindeer parade in a town not far away. Very nice, band playing and cute reindeer, 4 adults and 2 babies, and some  donkeys. Lots of people there.

Here is a pic from last years parade....



Did you get to Sainsburys ok today to do your shopping Emptybox?


Wonder who will go in X factor?  I don't think the acts are as talented as in past X factors.Felt sorry for Janet messing up last night because she felt unwell, wonder if that has cost her her place?


have a good evening. x


Quite sunny here, but very cold and still windy. It was very wet last night.

Glad you enjoyed the parade Mollie, but all I can say to you is "Bah humbug"

Went into Sainsburys to do my weekly shop, then did some ironing.

A great pity janet went on X-Factor, but she messed up yesterday. I didn't think any of them did as well as the previous week though. I'm sure Janet will do well out of it anyway.

That's a long wait for your results Mollie? Hope they turn out OK.

Morning Mollie & Emptybox.


High winds here as well, not cols though.


The curry was hotter than expected, had to try and get as many chillies out as possible.

They wereonly 4cm long but extremely hot.

Made some Pasties as Pie Machine not arrived yet.

Still no sign of tyres either.


Strange your tyre going down again Emptybox, must still be leaking unless it's the valve.


Thats quite a wait for your results Mollie, hope they are OK anyway.


Ant & Dec are good, always have been, still enjoying the show though, i'm too easy pleased.

Only need Jessica & Emily.

Haven't noticed the rest.


Sorry to see Janet go, it was inevitable really, she hasn't got the fans.


Just on my second cuppa, roll on 10am for brekki.


There's a strike around here on Wednesday, so i'll have to drive the long way around with the Tunnels being closed.

It's about 70miles round trip instead of 40.

Very windy here, but it stayed dry at least.
Supposed to be very wet again tomorrow though.

Very sad to see Jessica-jane go from the Jungle. She was my favourite by far.

That's a nuisance Hicky, having a much longer journey into work on wednesday. This strike is going to be very disruptive.
Looks like we are going to go back into recession next year as well.

Just realised I used a lot of 'sad' smileys in this post, so I'll use one of these to balance things out.

Good morning both



hope work was not too taxing for you yesterday. you have got a fair drive without the tunnel tommorrow.  I am not surprised that curry was rather hot with all those chillies in them.



have you got your tyre sorted out yet? Glad to see you managed to end your post with a

Talking about recession, I reckon we were never really out of recession, but the so called "recovery" was all based on debt, and those MP's tried to mislead us that we were on road to recovery.


I too was sorry to see Janet go on Saturday, felt sorry for her feeling ill and forgetting her words. I think she had an interesting unusual voice, so should do well on her own.


I know you liked Jess, but I was not keen... found her irritating. Doug is my fave.

Who is your fave now?

Do you like Chrissy Hicky? I think she is from around your area?


Bit grey and cloudy here today, bit windy , but not too bad.


have a good day both x

Hi Mollie.
Very windy and wet here today, not the day for going out anyway.

Haven't done anything about the tyre yet. I only use the car at weekends, and I just have to make sure it's blown up before I go out. I'll need to get it done sometime though.

Technically a recession is two consecutive quarters of negative growth. But yes Britain has a long way to get back into the black again.

Not really bothered about anyone in IAC now jess has gone, but Dougie is quite good, as you say, and Emily is worth watching. Not keen on that Crissy at all.

Think I'll hoover the house today, and I've got October's account to do yet.
Also I'll have to remember to do last year's tax return, but that won't be today.

Hope it stays dry for you, down there.

Good morning both

Lovely sunny morning so far here, hope it is for you both too.



How did you manage with your extra drive to work today? Hope you enjoyed your day off yesterday. Were you in your garden?



Hope you managed to get your October accounts done. For once I am up to date with the accounts stuff, but I must finish my Christmas cards to Australia now, so I am not too late.


I thought Ant and Dec were very funny last night on IAC. Not surprised Emily went.  As a late comer who does not live in the UK, I think she did well to stay as long as she did. But she did do well with the swimming task. I guessed she would say she swam a lot at home as a child, My kids did too, our housing complex had a pool, so they spent a lot of their very young days swimming underwater.  

Willy and Chrissy were not happy bunnies, were they? Emily just said on This Morning there was a real bad feeling in the camp when she left.


have a good day both. x

time to sort out a bit of washing.


Good Afternoon Mollie & Emptybox.


Came the long way round, not much traffic at that time.

Might have a problem going back over the bridge though.


My pie maker arrived, broken.


My tyres should have come yesterday, waited in then saw a note on the web saying contact the carries.

They rang me this morning to say the reason they could deliver, the delivery van was stolen with the load on board.


It was blowing a gale yesterday, and rained heavy.


Liked Emily, but wouldn't have the fans like the others.

Watched Chrissy in the tv program, not a fan though.


I liked Janet, but not enough fans.


Amy's new show starts tomorrow anyway.

It's a fly on the wall one, love them as they aren't scripted.


Getting to like Mark more now, wasn't struck on him in the Essex show.

IAC must finish this week then.


Hope i can get away handy tonight.



Good morning both x

Not a bad morning here so far, bright and dry.



you are not having much luck what with your broken pie machine and stolen tyres. What a nuisance, do you have to post the broken pie maker now? Was it electric fault, or damaged in the post? Hope you don't have to wait too long for replacement tyres now.



hope you are ok, or did you forgot to post yesterday?  So hope you haven't missed that piccy HIcky has posted for you. That bright dress suits Faye, I think.


Enjoyed IAC again. Mainly Ant and Dec and their silly jokes. Couldn't believe how normal level headed Fatima went so goo goo over Pete.

Think Willy was lucky to stay after he had been so grumpy.


Not a bad day here. A bit of sunshine, so I'll probably get a bit of work done later.
It was very wet and stormy last night though.

You're not having much luck Hicky? Pie maker broken and delivery van stolen?
Hope it gets sorted out.
Glad you are pleased with the start of your advent calendars Mollie. I suppose as December has started, I'll have to start acknowledging Christmas?

Thanks for the Faye picture Hicky. As you say, she'll be at the Clothes Show in Birmingham on Saturday, on the stand of the company that designed her dresses (Quantum).
I think that Entrance one is a bit garish, but I do like the girl what's wearing it.

Afternoon Mollie & Emptybox.


Boss let me go home early yesterday so got over the bridge ok, but was in a queue to join the motorway.

At 3.30 in the afternoon.


Am trying to get the money back for the pie maker, O/H thinks the pies are far too small.

They are like small mince pie size.


Not sure whats happening over the tyres, have been sent a form to fill in saying i haven't received them.


Yes, Mollie, December all ready, wow, can't be helped.


Not having an advent calendar this year, just buying boxes of chocs instead.


It's not too bad a day here, about 5deg outside.


Took O/H to Morrisons for brekki, enjoyed that.


Will be watching Amy's new fly on the wall documentary tonight at 10pm on C5.

Saw her earlier with Holly on This Morning.


Hope you can get some work done Emptybox.


Sorry to see Emily leaving the Jungle.



A person on another Forum posted this link.


You can see the view of many camera's in the Wirral area, and Liverpool waterfront.


The pictures are updated all the time.

You can see parts of New Brighton and around the coast, also Hilbre Island where i spent many Sundays, we walked over before the tide and left after it went out.

We had a great time in the sea all day, and in the sun.


Think you should start from the home page.

You can select an are then use the drop down menu.


The second link may just show my original link, but not different area's.


just go to the top and select from the 'Camera Finder. drop down selector.


Have been and posted the Pie Maker back to them.

It's back to the drawing board now.


Might go to plan 'B' which was buy some pie maker metal type thingies.

Don't know what you call them, but you put the pastry inside and the filling then the lid and bake.


The tyre man said he will send me 2 more tyres when he gets them.

Last edited by Hicky

Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Sent the pie maker back.

2 more tyres have been sent to me.


Have started pruning the vines.

Going to move 2 of them, one about 20 feet, the other 3ft.


I see Anthony evicted just now, another to go soon.


Here's Amy's new show, episode 1.

I enjoyed it, forgot to watch it as the jungle was on, thought i had recorded it, but no.

It's here anyway, they have just put it on C5 on demand.

She's doing well and there is 8 x 1hr shows in all,


Very frosty here this morning. It cleared this afternoon so I got a bit of work done anyway.

I watched Amy's show yesterday. She's as thick as anything, but very likable.

Thanks for the webcam link Hicky. I had a quick look but there didn't seem to be much activity at the moment.

I see it's down to Mark v Dougie in IAC. I guess I'd rather Dougie won, but I'm not really bothered TBH.

Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Was very blustery here today, not that cold though.

Went for brekki to Morrisons, took a grandson, he enjoys a toasted sausage sandwich.


Amy is just to look at, but not as soft as she looks really.


Love the Web Cams, imagine when the tide is high and right in at Hoylake.


No idea who will win on IAC, have enjoyed it though.


We'll be having CBB in Jan as well.


Love the Christmas Snowman Mollie.


Loved the dancing earlier, they are so good.


The DOI will be starting soon as well, not sure when.


Good evening both



thanks for the webcam, I love these.   They looked so pretty with all the night time lights sparkling.   Did you get free postage to send the pie makers back? Hope so. Glad to hear replacement tyres have been sent out to you. Gosh sounds like your vines are doing well.



Glad you managed to get some work done. OH told me his windscreen was covered in ice, so it must of cooled down a bit here too, still seems mild in the day though for December, but a cold wind on the seafront.

We went for brekkie in a litlte seafront cafe this morning, very nice, I saw the waitress coming out of the fresh fruit and veg shop , and the little bakers with the fresh brekkie ingeedients. 2 of my kids today came down with another cold.. oh no... so many colds around now. Hope this one doesn't last as long as the last one, which they hadn't even properly got over before this one came along.


OH has gone to Cardiff tonight to see Brian Adams. Last time he bought a ticket to see him, he got his dates mixed up, so forgot to go.


OH put up our today. Anyone else got theirs up yet?


Back to watching X factor now., then IAC.

What a good night for tv.


Hope you both enjoy it. x



we posted together.

Glad you too got to enjoy a brekkie out, makes a good start to the day, doesn't it?   How nice for your little grandson to come too.


That is good news that we have CBB to look forward to as soon as January. Hope they get some good celebs on it. And Dancing on Ice too, I like that, but don't bother with Strictly. I think to dance on the ice is a lot more difficult than on solid ground.

I am also looking forward the a special Christmas Coach trip to Lapland. I really like the guide Brendon on this show.


Yes I too have really enjoyed IAC. Ant and Dec more than the celebs, made if for me this year though.They are so silly and funny.


And as it is 3rd December already, so it is time to open the Advent door for day 3.. and here is what is under that door....hooray...I have found a nice hot choccie along with Christmas cookies for us. ...





Hi Mollie and Hicky.


Thanks for the advent piccies and the Christmas hugs Mollie.

Glad both you and Hicky enjoyed breakfasts out.


Not bad this morning. Quite mild and a bit of sun, so I got my van washed. The rain came on this afternoon, but I just went to the supermarket anyway.


Hope your OH enjoyed seeing Bryan Adams? He would be good, I would think.


Not bothered who wins IAC. Both seem OK, but I probably would prefer Dougie. I can't forget that Mark Wright is Jack Tweed's best mate, and Chanelle hates his guts, for some reason.


Far too early for my Christmas decs Mollie.

Although I did receive my first Xmas card today. Haven't even thought of that stuff yet. 


Enjoyed the X-Factor semi finals.

I hope Marcus goes this week, and that Amelia Lilly wins the final.

Last edited by emptybox

Morning Mollie & Emptybox.


A very windy blustery day here.


They sent me a prepaid address sticker to go on the parcel to send the pie maker back.

Hope to get the money refunded when they get it.


Still waiting for the 2 tyres, they are at a Wrexham depot at the mo.

Should get in a day or 2.


It's been to bad to get much done in the garden, got 3 or 4 months to do it though.


The Christmas tree is nice, not put ours up yet.

Put 3 lots of coloured LED's round a wreath to put on the front inside door.

They are the battery type so probably need to replace once a year.


Looking forward to DOI & CBB, i wonder who will be on this year.


Like you Mollie, loved Ant & Dec, they are a great double act, very popular pair.

I didn't mind who won IAC, they are saying that Mark is going to make millions out of it.

His agent has got that many offers of endorsements and work they are bogged down.


My Lad in Oz has been very busy, he's got a project to oversee in Sumatra, will have to go for a month or so, think it's a gold mine up in the mountains.

Never realised it was so big.


Think he's popping back home next year sometime as well.


Don't think it will be too busy at work today.

Have a good day both of you, hope it's not too stormy by you.

Hi Hicky.
Sorry to hear it's stormy there. It's calm and sunny here, but we had frost and snow overnight. Not too much snow, but it's still lying on the lawn.

That's interesting that your son will go to Sumatra. My cousin went to that region years ago. Don't think she went to Sumatra, but she went to Borneo and Thailand and Singapore. Were you not out there years ago?
Bet there's high security at a gold mine?

Glad Dougie won IAC.

I think Marcus was the weakest act on the X-Factor, so he should have gone, not Misha.

Good afternoon all



thanks for the Sumatra link, must admit I didn't know much about that place. That will be a nice change for him to work out of Australia and see somewhere else. Like you, I never realised this was such a big island. Hope your tyres turn up soon and you get the pie refund soon.



Lucky you getting some seasonal snow, no chance of that here, far too mild and too close to the coast now. But just took doggie a walk and the sea breeze was very "bracing".   I have learnt to not go out down the coast road without my hat and scarf now.

I too haven't got very far on doing my cards, only sent the Australia ones, will do the Europe ones next, and finally the UK ones.


I was pleased to see Dougie win IAC, I liked him more than Mark.


I am glad Marcus stayed, I was not keen on Misha, didn't like that rapping stuff.


Day 5 of our advent calendar, and because Emptybox has had snow, I thought we'd have a nice snowy piccy today...



Have a good day both, hope you are not too busy at work today HIcky. Was your windscreen frozen this morning?


Hi Mollie and hicky.

A nice sunny day here, but very cold. The frost has never gone off the windscreen of the car, the snow from Yesterday is still lying, and when I looked at the thermometer in the greenhouse at 10am it said it was still -4. A day to keep warm inside.

I'll need to think about buying some cards to send, but I'm trying to cut back and not send so many as last year. Didn't get any cards through the post today, only a bill.

I've got some invoicing to do, but I'm waiting for the heating to come on, because that room is too cold to work in without the heating. I tend to stick in my dining room during the day in winter, because I've got a calor gas heater in there, and it's got a double glazed window.

Hope the weather is fine for you two?
Not much on telly since IAC finished. Million Pound Drop at 10pm, I suppose.

Good evening both



Gosh it does sound cold there now. Sounds like you have a right juggle going on there to sort out the warmest places in the house. We have a conservatory here, but it is unusable now it has gone cooler. Did you manage to get that invoicing done?


Nice Christmas cards seem cheap in the supermarkets now, but it is the stamps that seem  expensive now.

You are right Emptybox, not much on tv now we have no IAC.


Hope Hicky has had a nice day off.


Today we have some nice Christmas candles on our advent calendar.


Day 6...


Hi Mollie. Thanks for the candles.

Yes, it's the stamps that are expensive.
I made a start with the invoicing. I'll finish them another day.

I don't think it's going to be as cold tonight? I think it's moving towards rain on Thursday.

I'm just trying to save on the heating this year, by only keeping some rooms warm. But it's a nuisance when you can't do what you want, where you want, when you want.

Good Morning Mollie & Emptybox.


Didn't realise i wasn't on yesterday.


My Tyres came but the wheels won't fit, these Alloys must come with special nuts etc to fit them.

Ended up getting the 4 winter tyres put on my own Alloys and have taken the summer tyres home.

Have ordered 4 tyre bags to put them in.


I like the advent pictures Mollie, they sure brighten the place up.


Have only seen some hail stone here so far.

I know a lot of places have had snow and still have.


I've pruned all the vines now, just got to rearrange the branches now


Was very busy at work Monday, didn't think I was going to be, but was wrong.

Got away handy though.


Hopefully it won't be so busy today at work.


Not much on TV now, have been watching some recordings.

Have been watching some 'Secret Millionaire' programs from OZ, they are so good.


Yes Mollie, spent 18 months in Singapore/Malaya, loved the place.

Very windy here today. And it's  supposed to be even stormier tomorrow.

You're not having much luck with these tyres/wheels Hicky? Sounds like it was expensive, but hope you've now got a solution.

Had a bit of bad luck myself this evening. I wasn't paying attention when I was reversing the van at home, and I managed to hit one of the rustic poles round my parking bay. It broke the glass on one of the rear lights, so I'll have to buy another light unit.
I can get a new one for ÂĢ27,  as long as it's easy to fit myself. Should be straightforward?

Hope you weren't too busy today Hicky?

What's your advent pic today Mollie?

Good afternoon both.



Sorry to hear about your scrape with the van, I hope you can fix it up ok, because ÂĢ27 alone is a lot of money just for a light.

I have heard the weather warnings for up north. hope it doesn't give you any problems. Are you staying home today to finish your paperwork?



sorry to hear you are still having problems sorting out those tyres. Hope you weren't too busy at work yesterday, and that you have an enjoyable day off today.

We too loked Singapore the few times we visited there, really good standard hotels for what you payed.


I ended up having to call a doc out to son, he was gradually getting worse, he hadn't eaten for 4 days and had  a temperature. His cold has gone to a throat infections, so doc given him some penicillin and some anti sickness tablets, so he is sleeping a lot. He did actually manage 2 pieces of toasts yesterday, but that was all, but I guess it is a start. Have bought him some actimel, so will get him to have that today. He is sleeping a lot , the tablets say they can make you drowsy.


So much going on, forgot to tell you that I went to see Jedward on Monday night.   Poor daughter couldn't come because of her cold, so my OH had to go instead. Even though they are not good singers, they gave a great show, so much energy and fun, and great costumes. Lots of youngsters there and girls screaming and some dressed up like them. They had huge queues to buy their T shirts at ÂĢ25 a time. I read somewhere that from all the X factor contestants so far, they have done second best next to Leona Lewis money wise. Good job they never let all that booing during X factor put them off. I think because they have each other, everything washes over them.


and today it is Day 8 and time to open the door of our advent calendar...and today we have...


a nice seasonal pic for those of us who have had no snow yet...



Good Afternoon Mollie & Emptybox.


Don't know what happened to Wednesday.

Wasn't too bad a day really, got away early as well.


Went to chemists this morning for meds and also had brekki out.


Very windy here, not as bad as in Scotland though.


Going out for a meal soon, when O/H has done the school run.


Got my Tyres on now anyway.

Just love these big chunky winter ones.

Have bought 4 bags to cover the 4 summer ones with.

They sure take a lot of room up.


Have ordered a battery charger as O/H and my lads needing charging last week.


Ordered 4 steak pie non stick baking dishes.


Bad luck about your broken light, most rear units are pretty easy to replace.

You should be able to get a second hand one easy enough.


Love the Advent pictures Mollie, sure brightens things up.


Sorry to hear about your Son Mollie, hope he's on the mend when the meds kick in.


Pity your daughter couldn't go with you to see Jedward, she would have enjoyed that.

I think they are great fun to watch, they are doing very well out of all this.

They do bounce of each other, they are very close and it shows,


Too windy for me to work in the garden, not worth the bother.


Thanks for the advent pics Mollie.

Very windy and wet here, but not as bad as some places. Don't think there was much damage, but I'll check tomorrow. My Dad had 3 cast-iron griddle pans hanging on hooks along the front of the house that he used to put plants in. One of those blew off and smashed on the front step, but I think that was the only problem.

Glad you enjoyed Jedward Mollie, but pity your kids are ill.

I've sent away for the new light unit from Ebay. Yes, Icould have trawled round the scrappies and probably got a secondhand one cheaper, but when you factor in fuel, I probably wouldn't have saved much money anyway. The ÂĢ27 includes p&p.

I've bought my cards now, but I haven't written any yet. I finished off my invoicing instead.

Glad you've got your tyres on Hicky. Yes, storing the other set is one of the drawbacks of having 2 sets.
Last edited by emptybox

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