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Afternoon Emptybox & Aimee.


The battery had gone in my cake.


Hope the Birthday went well?


Alot warmer today.


Enjoyed seeing Emma in the BB garden, good show.

Not good news about your glasses, some part of them wasn't very flexible.


Eviction tonight and tomorrow, great.


I got those wheels/Tyres off Ebay, 4 wheels with Winter tyres, 2 pretty good 2 legal, have to pick them up from Preston.

Will see if my lad will come, don't like driving around on my own, boring.


Have been wrapping the Fig plants up, need another length of sacking to finish it.


Hi Hicky.

Not bad day here again, although I wouldn't describe it as warm by any means.


Glad you won those wheels. Are you planning to fit them yourself, or get a garage to do it for you?


I must admit I'd got into the habit of playing with those glasses, and flexing them at the nose bridge, and of course they just snapped.

I might try to fix them, but the older ones are OK anyway.

I don't want to use my newer varifocals for work, because the lenses would soon get scratched.


I quite enjoyed the BBBOTS in the garden, but Aaron's 'friend' was a shocker?

Hopefully he was just joking, for Faye's sake?


Looking forward to the final 2 days of Big Brother.


Good morning both xx



how nice of you to tell Emptybox about his surprise birthday wishes on the forum.



Glad to hear you got the tyres.

How is the little fella? I hope he is feeling a bit better now.

at the flat battery in your cake.



shame your glasses got broke, hope you can fix them.

Yes that was very weird that someone who calls themselves a "friend" of Aarons should say that about him. Not nice at all. Poor Aaron. I just cannot understand why he got booed last night, after all it was Jay who was threatening him, not vice versa. 


Last night we went to Cariff as there was lots of free Christmas entertainment throughout the city for the Christmas light switch on day. Wow.. the lights there are just so impressive, especially the ones around the castle.

Time to start my Christmas shopping I reckon. I have bought my cards, and need to do the ones to go to Australia soon.


Aaawww just saw 2 elderly gentleman on This Morning for Remembrance day. Very touching. The presenter was in floods of tears, they spoke of how these men were marched 1000 miles as prisoners of war by the Germans to Poland, and they had to sleep rough in temperatures of minus 15. Many died and they had to take their colleaugues clothes when they died just for survival.


Have a good day both. x


weather not too bad so far here. good forecast for tomorrow too, so we may go out for day.

Hi Mollie and Hicky.
Nice day here. I've put some washing out, so hope it dries.

Really pleased that Aaron won. I sent a few votes in his direction in the end.
Also pleased he is sticking by Faye, after all the support she gave him.
Obviously it's now just up to them if it works out between them, but they seem like a very genuine couple.

Glad you enjoyed your Christmas stuff in Cardiff Mollie. It's far to early for me to be thinking about Christmas though. As you know I refuse to think of Christmas until December.

Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


A nice day here today.

Went with my lad to get the 4 wheels from Preston.

Used the SatNav, just as well.

They are a good set of Alloy Wheels as well, 2 of the tyres are very good, i'll replace the other 2.


It seems Aaron and his friend are always playing jokes on one another.


Rhen is a lot better he went to school the rest of the week, i took him Friday.


Enjoyed the Final last night, wasn't expecting Aaron to win, very strange.


The Christmas lights sound good at the Castle, i'm glad i don't have to fit all those.


That was dreadful Mollie, those poor prisoners marching all that way, so many must have died on the way.


went to a Restaurant/Chipshop in West Kirby for tea, they do a real good Fish and chips.


Then went to MIL's to see her Laptop, running very slow, needs more memory first, only has 256mb, i can buy 2GB from Dell for ÂĢ45 which is 2 x 1GB so i've ordered that.

Will look into the other stuff when i put the memory in.

It was saying it was using over 600mb when it only had 256, so it was using the Hard Drive which isn't really a good idea.


Good evening both x


I hope you both had the good weather we have had here all weekend again.



Glad to hear the little fella soon bounced back again. My daughter has just gone down with a bad cold, hasn't eaten at all today, she says her throat is too sore, so stayed in bed. Unfortunately the arrival of autumn seems to of bought the horrible cold season with it. Thanks for the IAC link, I will go and read that, I am looking forward to seeing this show tonight. Glad you are pleased with your tyres. Now you have mentioned having fish and chips, I expect I too will soon.

How old is your MIL? I expect she is of a good age to be using the internet, Good job she has you to help her.



Hope your washing dried ok. This nice weather well into November we are having should make for a shorter winter for us, at least.

I too was glad Aaron won. I was not pleased with all that nasty booing though. Poor fella looked rather puzzled and upset. I think he genuinly did grow to like Fay in the house, and think her family were very harsh to say what they did about him, I reckon they were part of the cause of all his booing.


We went for a long walk to find another beach yesterday (nearly 3 hours round trip), but it was worth it. Really long nice quite beach further around the bay from where we usually walk, it is called Pink Bay because the stones look pink. And today we went shorter walk around a village and sat in pub gardens. Nice to be able to get out and enjoy weather. Shame my daughter missed out though, because she was in bed with this cold.


X factor was weird last night, the way it was delayed starting, then whilst I was waiting I looked at the itv site, and it said Amelia had won, that was about 45 mins before the voting was closed.


Hope you enjoy IAC



Evening Both.


Not too bad a day here.


Made a beef HotPot which was delish.


Watching IAC, enjoyed the dancing and X-Factor.


Got to get 2 more tyres now, have cleaned up the 4 wheels Alloys, the tyres are M&S. had to look it up, should have been obvious of course, Mud & Snow tyres.


My MIL is 84, hope the plaster comes off her leg tomorrow.


On the computer she is very impatient and just keeps pressing buttons, can get in a terrible mess as you can imagine.


Shame about your Daughter Mollie, nothing worse tan being in bed and missing out.


Just Technical problems with X-Factor. Glad Amelia is back in.


Sorry to see Kitty go, think she was going to be good, and was going to do Lady GaGa next week.


Not too bad day here as well, but dull.

Glad you got your wheels Ok Hicky.

Sounds you are enjoying your walks Mollie.
Pity your daughter wasn't up to joining you.

Great pity Kitty went Ãģut of X-factor. But I think that's as far as she was going to get anyway. No way would the judges save her over Misha.
Glad Amelia is back in.

I watched some of  the Jungle prog, but my brother phoned, so I watched with the sound off.
They could do with varying the routine a bit. Theynalways have one group  parachute in, and another canoeing. Nobody stands out for me yet. They only seem to have one younger girl?

Think the forecast is OK for the coming week.

Good morning both



when you said M and S, I immediately thought of Marks and Spencer. At least you sound all prepared for all weathers with those now though. Yes I can imagine MIL does get a bit flustered on a pc. But at that age, I guess she does well to get on one at all. My mum is having enough trouble trying to work her mobile out.   But I must admit, it is not all her fault, we have had to try 3 SIMS to get reception for her.



Do you do your shopping at the new Sainsburys now? I really like Sainsburys. Fancy your brother phoning when the 1st episode of IAC is on. Do you not have a pause thingie on your tv?  I use that now if I get interrupted, which is very frequent in a home of 5 plus 2 pets. As you say, the first part of the show was a bit repetetive though because it has all been done before.


I think Freddie is going to be the interesting one, He looks suitably bonkers.


Yes I agree it is good to have Amelia back, she should of never been got rid of in the first place. And shame Kitty went, to save Misha.


Daughter was sick last night, but I guess all that gunge from a cold and no food is not good at all. I hope she will be able to eat a little today. I have left her sleeping this morning.


Have vat stuff to do today, and lots of house jobs as we were out all weekend enjoying the sun. It is cloudy and windy here today, We do get a lot of wind here on the coast, but I have learnt I usually need a hat, gloves and scarf to go walking here on blustery days, and I am fine.


have a good day .



Good afternoon Mollie & Emptybox.


Doesn't seem too bad here today.


Kitty is a very good singer, mind you most are, it's a hard business to be in.

But it's all about who will sell millions of records and have millions of fans, if you haven't got that then you are no good to them.

Kitty hasn't got the followers, simple as.


Enjoying IAC so far, should be good.

It doesn't matter who says what, Parachuting in must be a risk, more than canoeing anyway.


Weather is getting colder, more frost this week.


Hope you Daughter soon gets better Mollie, nothing worse.


I'll have to put the car seats back in for tomorrow, had to take them out to get the wheels in.

Didn't realise how big they are.

Just got the 4 in, they are pretty heavy as well, don't think the Alloy wheels would weigh much.


Looking forward to IAC again tonight.


Good evening both



hope you managed to get the car seats and tyres sorted ok. Tyres are very heavy to carry around. aren't they?  Where will you store them? Do you have to keep a child seat in the car for the little fella for when you take him to school?



haven't seen you here for a couple of days, hope your internet connection is ok.

How are the gardening jobs going? Are you up to date now?


I too enjoyed IAC. Poor Freddie being taken ill, I wonder if it was all that horrible food stuff he ate. He was so funny during that task too.


Daughter bit better today and eating again now. Nose still running though.

Think it is time to start writing my Christmas cards for Australia now.

Haven't got any gifts for the kids yet, but I expect we will get most things off Amazon again this year.


Not much on tv tonight, shame there is flippen football instead of IAC, can't stand football.


I made my fave pudding dish of blueberry crumble and custard tongiht. Yummy.

It was a lovely day here today, the dog loved her walk on the beach.


hope you have both had a good day.

I should of done the vat, but haven't even started it yet.

Forgot to pop in Yesterday. It was the BB wrap party, so I was looking for links and pics of Faye.
There are some nice pics of the HMs on this link, although the text isn't very nice.

Also there are nice interviews and photos of Aaron and Faye in New and Star mags.

Been a bit dull and damp here the last couple of days, but we got a bit of sun this afternoon. Got a bit done anyway..

Glad you got your wheels back OK Hicky. Yes, I should imagine Freelander wheels would be fairly hefty.

Good news that your daughter is recovering Mollie.

I see they are sending Sinita and some other bloke into the Jungle now.
I hope Freddie Starr recovers, but he's just going to be a dead loss in there. Can't say i've ever liked him much myself.

Good evening both x



thanks for the link, what a lovely dress Fay has on. I wonder if this romance will last?

Hope Hicky is ok because he hasn't posted for 2 days, maybe. like you, he was Mr Forgetful around here too?


I have now got a cold.   Sore throat too , so am sucking strepsils. I have a hosptial appoitment Friday morning, so have to go to Cardiff, so hope this cold doesn't get any worse.


Not sure if I will be able to stay up and watch IAC now, am feeling tired. One of my lads has the cold as well.


have a good evening both. I am off to bed soon with my mag to try and rest and get rid of this cold.

Hi Mollie.

Not bad day here. Quite mild as well.

Hope you can shake off your cold quickly.
A couple of the HMs i follow on twitter have colds as well at the mo, Faye and Chanelle, so you are in good company.

Enjoyed watching BB The Winners Story tonight.
Seemingly Aaron is off to meet Faye's Mum for the first time tomorrow. So that could put paid to any relationship?

Goodnluck with your doctors appointment on Friday.

Afternoon Mollie & Emptybox.


Didn't realise i hadn't posted, oh dear.


Have found some more tyres in Liverpool, one tyre man said that my size is old now and no call for them.

He suggested that a lot with my size change the tyre to a more common size so have no trouble getting them then.

If thats ok i will do that.


Updated MIL's Lappy with 2gb of memory, it seems fine now.


Put the new battery in my TomTom, what a job.

But it needed it.


Just been to Costco for some food, yummy.


The girls look great at the wrap party, some nice pictures.


On IAC,Fatima is being a pain isn't she, strange woman.


I like Jessica though.

Not bothered about the rest.


Sinita is another dead loss.


Freddie is fine but not coming back.


Sorry to hear you a cold now Mollie, there's always something isn't there.?



still no HIcky. Hope he is ok, not like him to be away for so long. Have you seen him around elsewhere at all? I think he goes on other forums.

Yes it seems cold season is in full swing now unfortunately. I didn't sleep well last night with it, sore throat not so bad today, but nose streaming now. That is the good thng about your job, at least you are out in the fresh air away from all these cold germs. I am sure daughter picked this up when she went with rest of family to see Bill Bailey last week, it was packed there she said.


I have recorded winners story, must remember to watch it.


Mild and sunny again here today, so hopefully the same for you, and you can get your gardens done.


Hope to see you back in here soon Hicky.


Are you watching IAC Emptybox?  I missed it last night because I went to bed early, feeling rough with this cold.


have a good day x


That's good , there you are Hicky..  You posted same time as me. Glad you are ok and just lost track of the days. We will let you off though as you have been so busy with tyres, MIL lappy, and TomToms.


IAC...Haven't seen Sinita yet because I missed last night episode.. shame Freddie had to go, he could of been interesting.


Enjoy your food from Costco, what are you making tonight?


Nice day here as well.
Most places I'm going round, I'm finding that they don't need the grass cutting, but I did cut some grass yesterday, and it wasn't too bad going.
Mostly got hedges to cut, and herbaceous stuff to cut back.

Surprised your tyre size has gone out of fashion Hicky? Just get whatever size will fit on the rims I guess?

I'm watching IAC, but without much interest.
I really think they should get a better reward for the bush tucker trials than a basket of inedible meat and veg descending from the heavens? If they got a chef cooked meal for the winners, that would give them more incentive.

I suppose the contestants are Ok? Jessica Jane is vety pretty, and Lorraine and Stephanie are quite glamorous oldies, but as you say Hicky, Sinita is going to be a dead loss if she squeels at every twig?

Good evening both



work day today, or busy in garden day?



Glad you still have a bit of work to keep you ticking over now you grass cutting has finished.

Yes it sounds like Sinita is going to be picked for challenges now she has shown how scared she gets. Not sure who I like on this show yet, but as i missed one, haven't seen much of it yet.


My cold is a bit better today, which is good because I was I at the hospital for 4 hours, but can't complain because they are very busy and very thorough there.  Consultant told me that out of the 13 blood tests they had done , they had found one abnormality to do with platelets, and I needed further blood tests, but they were more complicated, so he would have to directly phone lab, so they would have equipment lined up to take and test the blood, so we have arranged for me to go to the Cardiff  lab next week, and then back again to hospital  to see him in 6 weeks, because it takes a long time to process these tests.

Looking forward to double Corrie and IAC now.

hope you both have a good evening.

Seems to be very mild here again for November, wonder if we are in for a mild winter this year?


Hi Mollie.
Glad to hear your cold is getting better.

Pity you have to go back for more blood tests. I suppose they know what they are doing, but it's more worry and inconvenience for you.

Not sure about the winter now?
Originally they said there would be snow by the end of October. Then they said the big freeze would start by the end of November. Now they are saying it'll stay mild into December.
They keep having to backtrack. With a bit of luck they will backtrack all the way to next April?

Not sure whether to watch CIN tonight or IAC? Maybe I'll dot between the two?

Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Not too bad a day here.


MIL pleased with her Lappy now, it's very fast.


TomTom working ok with new battery,


Just made a lovely beef Jalfrezi curry with Flank Steak.

Never used it before, but it seems fine.


I checked the Tyre on the back of the Land Rover as it seemed chunky, and as i thought it is a M&S one (Mud & snow) so i have got 3 good ones, have just order 2 new ones off the web E/Bay, probably wont fit them on the car yet, but i'll get the new ones fitted onto the new Alloys.


You can tell the M&S and Winter tyres by the gaps in the tread to let water escape from underneath, it's about 6mm wide and they go from the side in blocks into the middle of the tyre then across.


I see Emily Scott is going in to replace Freddie.

She will do me ok.


Last night for tea we had Corn on the Cob, then Scallops, then rack of lamb.

It's a hard life.


Hope the blood tests go ok Mollie, you gotta do what you gotta do.


Going for brekki in the morning with my lad and one of his lads.


Just waiting for the last of the leaves to come off the vines, can't wait to get them pruned.


Got a pack of 10 Figs from Costco as well, very tasty, just going to look for some idea's to eat them, instead of eating them like an apple.

also got some fillet steak, expensive meal at ÂĢ40 a kilo, got 2.5 kg of clementines, chestnuts, tapas selection, butter mink pancakes, yummy.

Rolled Brisket, Then Ginger Snaps 900g for ÂĢ3.69.


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Been a good night on TV tonight.


Had brekki with my lad this morning.


Not done much today really.

Got an email from the place i ordered the 2 tyres from telling me they are out of stock and did i want the money back or wait till Thursday when they are due in.

I'll wait for now.


Sinitta is a pain, not sure what she's doing in the Jungle at all.

It's all going to kick off soon i would think.


I would have thought one of them would have stayed with Mark instead of them all leaving him and going for drinkies and food to the Pub.


Hope Mollie is enjoying the weekend.


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Not done a lot today really, cleaned the leaves out of the garage gutter.


Made some Jalfrezi curry pies after getting the Foil cases and pastry from Sainsbury's.

Sent a picture to Emptybox but here's one for you mollie.

Not a bad night on TV anyway, will have to record The Secret Millionaire tho

Jalfrizi Curry Pie

Hi Hicky and Mollie.

It's been a nice day here. I was raking some leaves off my back grass.
I also tried to fix the security light at the back, but with no success.
The bulb has gone. I've got another bulb, but I can't get the front glass off. It's held with one screww, but that has welded solid. I've tried WD40, but it's not shifting. I think I'll just have to leave it.

Going to do some ironing in a bit, then there's X-factor results and IAC on.

Good evening both xxx



thanks for posting that pie piccy for me. Very impressive it looks too, I bet that was well enjoyed.   Shame you have to wait for the tyres, good job it isn't too long though. Yes, shame for Mark, leaving him alone like that whilst he could hear all the others having fun in the jungle pub.



glad you got a good day weather wise. How annoying and strange too that you have a light with a non replaceable bulb.


I was very tired yesterday with the end of this cold, and after spending such a long time at the hospita on Friday, but did manage a   because I knew there are plenty of benches to sit and rest on whilst OH and son took doggie onto the beach.Felt a bit better today, only blocked nose instead of runny one, and a bit of a cough. This is the first cold I have had since my op, and  it makes a good change for me not to have a bad cough with the a cold. Now at last, I know now those bad coughs were caused by the thyroid growth over my windpipe, and had nowt to do with asthma.

Took doggie walk this morning again, then this afternoon, we went to see son's drama group give a short performance in the theatre.

hope you both had a good day.


time for X factor results, then IAC.


Morning Mollie & Emptybox.


Looks like you'll need another Security light Emptybox, they are only a few pounds, with having an alloy case the screw is impossible to get out after a few years.


That was funny watching Sinitta on the IAC, what a wimp.


Might buy a few small pie tins to make more of those pies, only used that size as it was all i could get, unless i can reshaoe them to what size i want, might try that.


Hope your cold soon goes Mollie, but it's a bad time of the year to get rid of it.

take it easy.


My voice has gone funny, not sure if it's a cold or a side effect of the last inhaler i'm taking with steroids to stop me getting a chest infection.

Afternoon mollie and hicky.
Nice day here. I got another place finished for the winter.

That's exactly what my brother said about the security light Hicky.
Trouble is, my Father installed it, and it has a complicated arrangement of 3 sensors, so I'm not sure if I would be up to working out the wiring?
It's not that important anyway. I suppose if someone was trying to drain the oil from my tank it might be a deterrent? On the otherhand, it might just give them more light to work by?
I can't see it from my bedroom anyway, so it wouldn't wake me up.

Hi Mollie. Hope your cold gets better soon. And hope you got good weather for your dog walking.

Aaron and Faye are supposed to be on the Gabby Logan show tomorrow morning CH5 11.10am, so I'll have to remember to record that.

Strange that your voice has gone funny Hicky? I hope it turns out not to be serious.
Mind you, I've heard you on the radio, and lets face it, your voice has always been a bit funny.
Last edited by emptybox

Good evening both



Sorry to hear your voice has gone funny, as you say this time of year, it could easy be a cold, or a side effect of the steroid. I had steroid inhaler and they are very drying on the throat. You could try drinking some extra water to see if it helps.



Glad to hear you were able to finish off another garden, the weather has not been bad for November, lately, has it? Thanks for the Garry Logan info, will try and remember to tune into that.

Interesting...I never knew our Hicky was famous and had been on the radio? Was he DJ'ing?


My cold has dried up, but has been thick in my head now, so had a headache most of the day, and had to keep off lappy. Thankfully it has eased a bit now.


Am enjoying IAC, even though not as good as last year. Looks like that Pat turned evil, so he could do the trial. Strange one he is, but I also think Lorraine is rather strange to choose to take in a teddy bear. (she does seem nice though).

Still haven't taken to anyone in particular this year in the jungle though.


goodnight both x

Hi Mollie.

It was a radio phone-in. Hicky phoned in with a message for chanelle (I think?).
I'm sure it was posted on here at the time? (or wherever our thread was then)
If you remember I said he sounded a bit like the actor Ricky Tomlinson (Jim Royle).

Yes, it was stramge to see 'nasty' Pat Sharp on IAC. I was quite liking him up to that point. Perhaps he did it deliberately, as you say?

Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Was talking to my lad on twitter, he's in Oz.

He must have been flying somewhere because he said the random  search didn't seem very random to him.

He's been working away for 3 or 4 weeks with no comms, so O/H could get in touch.

Think he's flying to see some friends across the country.


I wouldn't think it would be a problem to change the security light, drill or cut out the fixing then unscrew it from the wall, disconnect, only 2 wires supply the power with maybe one more from an external sensor to turn on remote.


Saw Faye and Aaron on Gabby this morning, recorded it.

I think i have got a slight cold which is effecting my voice.


Enjoying IAC, only like Jessica and Emily, can't imagine why.


Bought a Pie maker just now, same as the one they were selling on Junior Apprentice.

This one:


Looking forward to seeing Pat tonight on the trial, sure he will do ok if possible.


We just made a couple of Chop Suey Rolls for tea


Bought more pastry today with Chilli's but Morrison's had run out of Flank/Skirt Steak.

Will have to go to Costco i suppose at the end of the week.


Did the school run this morning

Started out wet here, but turned into a not bad day.

That's easy for you to say Hicky. About fixing the security light. I'm no good at DIY type things. I'm a menace with a drill, and I always manage to mash up  screwheads and strip the threads off bolts etc. There seem to be two wires going into the light either side. It comes with an attached sensor, and my Dad fitted 2 others.
I'll maybe tackle it sometime.

It's funny you two having colds. I think I've got one coming on as well? At least I've got a stuffed up nose, a thick head, and a bit of a sore throat.

That pie maker looks interesting Hicky. Think I'll stick to the ready made ones though.

Aaron and Faye on gabby were great. Seems like they arebthinking of getting a place together? Maybe a bit quick, but I suppose they know their own minds.

I think after what pat sharp said about Sinita, he'll have to get a lot of stars or end up looking like a plonker.

Good Afternoon Emptybox.


However the wires are connected now to the Outside light you connect them back up the same as.


I'll show you a copy of the terminal box layout drawing i did for the front of the house security lights, the box is in the garage.


Just take a note of the colours/connections.


Not had a bad day today, 1 boss off sick so it's ok.



Good evening both



that is handy that you can at least use twitter to contact your lad when he is working in the outback. Do you think he will stay awhile longer now, or come back soon? We found Australia very boring after awhile. Too far inbetween towns, with just boring bush inbetween. And far too hot a lot of the time. that drawing looks very complicated. Looks like you are wired up to a lot of things in your garage.

 Glad you had an easy day with a boss off sick. How is your voice today? Has it developed into a cold? 

I too am enjoying IAC, but not really Jane or Emily, they don't seem to actually do anything. Pat is a weird one, seems a bit arrogant to me. And Anthony seems to like a good moan. I am not really taken with any of them yet.

What are you putting in your next pies? What is chop suey? Is it some sort of cabbage?



oh no, not you with the cold lurgy too.   Hope it doesn't get any worse. It is unusual for you to get one with your work being mainly outdoors too, isn't it?


Am feeling better than I was, but still have a blocked nose, so annoying ..


I forgot to watch Aaron and Faye. Glad to hear they are still together though.


Oh no, just realised no IAC tonight, that is a shame, can't stand the football. Will watch that new comedy by the same people as the Royales, it is set in WEston super mare and is on sky 1 at 9pm.


have a good evening both. x


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