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Evening Emptybox.


I'm expecting strong winds tomorrow night, had some strong ones this afternoon as well.

We might be getting some damage, hope not.

I'll have to watch bbbots on 5* demand, can't get it on TV yet.


Been doing decking joists all day with my lad at his place, done some seat/handrail as well.

Just need 57-off 3600 x 144 x 28mm deck boards but they are ÂĢ8,58 a piece.


Hope Mollie isn't too stressed.


Hi both



Good job you have secured your garden stuff now with all these winds. Sounds like you are busy as ever with your lads garden stuff to do now.



what a shame all that business with your car ended up being a waste of time. Hope the winds don't cause any damage today, I hear it is going to be quite bad up there today. And hope you dont' get a power cut. Our tv reception is awful here today.


bogged down with move, had to slow down a bit though, did too much last few days, so  didn't feel well Saturday, so friends helped OH move some stuff yesterday and I ploughed thourhg the 8 page inventory. (with lots of errors in it. ), Had to type a 4 paged addendum, damn agents only give you 5 days to complete and get back to them.

I am finding it hard to sleep with all the move things on my mind. This inventory said it was a brand new kitchine sink , but it had scratches and marks on it, I siad to OH  no way are we signing for this incorrect inventory, then agent tries to keep our deposit when we leave for damage we havn'et done, Agents obvously just shoved an old inventory on us, hoping we wouldn't notice.    Fourtuantely because I was not feeling well yesterday,  I had time to go through it all and type up the long, long addendum and email it back quickly to them, with son's help. They had even listed things like furniture indents in the carpet. The surveyor did this inventory, but luckily the girls who work in the agents office have been very nice, so don't think I will have any problems once I have filled it all in, how it really is there, and not how it is on the surveyors old inventory.

will call back again here when I get chance.

 Am enjoying BB, even though I still think they should have had a bit more of a mixed age group, and from some other areas of UK. I really like Aaron, because I do like to see someone playing the game outright, you dont get it very often in this country, but i remember it beng common on the american one. I suppost he will get voted out though, public here  dont seem to like blatant game players, but I prefer to blatant ones to the more sly game players, Am a bit bored with all the childish overinflated boastful sex talk though.   I bet producers have told them to do this. But overall a very good start I reckon, and I think Pamela Anderson has been a wonderful addition to start off the show, and introduce the HM's to us, with her little tasks she has been given to do with them. 

have a good day, hold onto your hats in all this wind.

here is the windy day dog again..(not my dog though).


Last edited by *mollie*

Good Morning Mollie & Emptybox.


This wind is going to cause problems.


Bad about the inventory problems, as if you haven't got enough to do.


I like the young age group, don't want to see some acting as parents, that just spoils it for me.

Mind you, some of the lads seem a bit outspoken, and all ready,


They can't get voted out Mollie, it's vote to save this year.

It's going to be an interesting couple of months.

Evening mollie and Hicky.

Very windy here, and spitting rain at times, but I got some work done anyway. Couldn't wear my hat because it kept getting blown off.
I think the worst of the weather will be overnight tonight?

Don't overdo it with the move Mollie. All this paperwork can be a nuisance, I know.

I'm liking the lineup on BB as well. Looks like there'll be plenty of different characters, even though they are all in the same age group?
Haven't got a favourite yet. Too early to tell.
Not sure Pamela is adding anything really, although the immunity challenges are quite a good idea.

Good Evening Emptybox,


Very windy today, some quick heavy rain showers.

Windy untill Wednesday night here.


Did a few jobs in the garden, sanded some edges on the tubs made from decking.


Made some crackling this afternoon out of some pork rind from Morrisons, but cut it into 1cm slices before cooking, took 15 minutes in a hot oven.


Making another stir fry tonight, well i've got some meat balls and noodles with a stir fry sauce.


Take it easy Mollie.


Loving these BB girls, wow, how good are they.

The BB lads think they are in heaven.


Morning Emptybox.


Still windy here, it will be here for a while yet.


Enjoying BB.


They have nominated, 3 up Tashie very upset, posh boyHarry and Aaron.

Not sure how that will go though.


Still think all the girls are great, mind you opinions can change.


I made my stir fry, but the sauce so too overpowering, should have made my own.


Hope Mollie not too stressed.


hi both xxx



hope you dinner was more enjoyable today.



glad you got a bit of sun there yesterday at last.


we too have had a couple of sunny days too here.


I am very busy, as you guessed.

Found a nice bungalow for my mum, but the owner now can't decide if they want to try and sell our rent it out. So hope we don't have to re-hunt again.

Looking forward to actually getting into the new home , hate this packing and sorting stuff. To add to it, one of my lads is dead busy with his OU course, and the other one had to have me help her fill in her finance forms and choose a course.


at least I have been able to view BB each night.

thank goodenss too, I think so far it is a great series. Lots of interesting HM's. plenty of bonkers eccentrics too.   Not sure if I want fox hunter or cry baby to leave ... but love Aaron, certainly don't want him gone. Don't really want any of the 3 to leave though, all rather interesting.


Do you boys like Louise? seems like a nice girl and of course very pretty. That Rebekah girl certainly seems to be playing the fellas, one after another.  

Looking forward to tonights episode.


Emptybox... you know you said you were't bothered about this years BB.. well I bet you are just starting to get a bit interested now, aren't you?



Lovely sunny day here and calm to. got quite a bit of work done.
Unfortunately the forecast for the next few days isn't good though.

Hi Mollie. I bet you are itching to get the move overwith now?
I hope this bungalow for your Mum works out.

I should imagine you are pleased to have BB as a bit of light relief of an evening?
I think it's a good mix this time. I'm not that keen on Louise. She's got nice eyes, but is a bit skinny. Also she seems a bit of a moaner. I think Maisy is my favourite girl at the moment.
I haven't worked Rebeckah out yet. Not sure if she's going to be a nasty one or an interesting one?
I quite like geordie jay. I think he's my favourite bloke so far. I also hope Alex (geordie girl) comes out of her shell a bit.

Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Glad it looks like you have sorted your Bungalow out for your Mum, hope it goes ok.


Went to Morrisons for brekkie this morning.


Going to Morrisons for brekki again in the morning with my lad and his lettle one.


Have ordered some heavy duty weed control matting for under the decking and play area.


H e has a big area at one side of the house, it's 9m x 2.4m  so we are thinking of laying matting and getting bark to lay down, you put at least 4"(10cm) up to 15cm.


Asked B&Q about getting discount on buying over 20 deck boards, it seems you do.

Need loads of 3.6m ones but can't get them in my car, will see if my lad can get them in his gas van, or on top.

Don't really want to get them delivered, it's all cost.

We need at least 57 for now, but I could afford 25 this week.


Sorry to see Tashie going, wanted Harry to go really, but the girls always vote the girls out.

Hi Hicky.
Yes it's a great pity Tashie is out.
As you say, the young girls always vote for fit guys, though what on earth they see in Harry is anyone's guess?

Very wet here today so no work, so I'm getting a bit behind, but it doesn't matter so much as it's the middle of september, and things will start to slow down from now on.

I see you're fully back in decking mode again Hicky? Have fun.
Mollie hope you have a good weekend without too much stress..

Evening Emptybox.


Yep, it's the girls voting to get the girls out.


We didn't see Harry do anything really, don't know who voted to keep him in.


Didn't get anything done in the garden, got 2 more Figs ready for eating as well, tried a few Grapes, not too bad, not sour anyway.


Need a couple of dry days to harvest the spuds, am supposed to lay them onto the stone are to dry for a bit.

Have got some heavy card fruit boxes from Sainsbury's to lay them in in the garage.


Think Tashie is lovely.

Yeah, I guess if you dig the potatoes when the soil is wet, then it would be better to dry them before you put them in a bag otherwise they might rot quicker. If the soil is dry when you dig it wouldn't be so important. You probably know not to put them in a plastic bag, and to keep them out of the light.

That reminds me, I've still got a few shaws to dig myself. I'll have to get them up before the slugs feast on them.

Evening Emptybox.


Had a great brekkie at Morrisons with my lad and his lad..


Ordered 20 decking boards from B&Q to be delivered.


Just been to the Hungry Horse for tea, had chicken tikka samosa for starter and lamb shank with spuds pea's and gravy.


You are supposed to let the skin harden on the spuds before you store them, don't really want to dig them when wet but they are in the auto watering circle


I've got the cardboard trays to store then in, will have to line the boxes with newspaper of kitchen roll.


Hope Mollie is ok.


Looking foreward to BB tonight.


Good Afternoon Mollie & Emptybox.


Just watching the GNR, one of my Lads and his Partner are running in it, of course Chanelle is running for Cancer Reseach as well.


The Sun is out, ground pretty wet.

Have taken the cover off the spare wheel on the back of the landrover, had to clrean all the wheel up then, all polished now.

Hi Hicky.

Sunshine and showers here the last couple of days. Not too cold though.

I just caught the end of the GNR programme. Saw Calum Best being interviewed, but no sign of Chanelle (or your lad). I see there is a highlights show on BBC2 at 5.20pm. We might catch a glimpse of her then.

Going to go out to the supermarket in a bit.

Hi both x



hope it stays dry for your lad to get that decking sorted. Glad to hear you are enjoying your brekkie at Morrisons. When we move we will be closer to Morrisons, so hope to fit in a brekkie or two there. Did your lad enjoy the run? Don't see why Chanelle thinks she looks chubby in that pic, think she looks  healthy, unlike some of the too skinny models.



have you decided on your fave female on BB yet? I think Faye is very pretty. Find these lot interesting, but difficult to work out who I like best, because their characters are so complicated. Plus the fact we get on livefeed.

Aaron still my fave so far though, very interesting character. Looks like he has one big crush on Louise.


was in too much pain with my ribs yesterday to post. I thought it was so much better since my op, but looks like pain from damaged tissues returns when I do too much. So furstrating, so much to do, and I have to sit down. OH gave me a TENS machine, which seems to of eased it. Been taking strong painkillers all weekend though. Plan to move on Friday now, and my mum the following week.


have a good day both xxx

Evening Mollie and Hicky.
Not too bad a day here. A couple of showers, and a bit windy, but I got some work done anyway.

Pity you are still getting pain Mollie. But that is a sign that you still have to take it easy.
Hope your move boes smlothly.

Yes, I'm coming round to Faye being the most attractive girl.
Seems like Jay and aaron like both girls as well? And Faye likes both boys? No idea who Louise likes, if anybody.

Chanelle has a bit of an unhealthy obsession with her weight unfortunately.
I think she looks great in that photo. And that's after she's just run 13 miles, so she's in good shape as well.

Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Sorry to hear you've been in so much pain, you really have to take it easy.

Good luck with the move anyway, but try keep out of the way.


I'm sure you will enjoy the brekkie's at Morrisons, quite a few options as well.


Haven't heard how my lad did, he uses FB so it willl probably be on there.


I think Chanelle just wants to lose what she gained with having the baby, easier said than done.

I thought she looked great.

Frogot to get O/H a Birthday card again, she's used to it now anyway.

It's her 60th tomorrow, we are all going for a Carvery.

Last of the big spenders us.


Waiting for the weed control matting to come, and the decking i ordered for my lad.



Here is a nice birthday balloon for her.

I hope you both enjoyed your meal at the carvery.


Fancy Mr Hicky forgetting Mrs Hicky's birthday card again.


Hi Emptybox

I thought you might like the look of Faye. Looks like Aaron is giving up on Louise and taking up Faye on her offer of a bit of attention.   I am really enjoying this series. Really interesting characters, and some good endurance tasks too. Glad to see Harry got immunity because I think he needed it after last week.

Was it dry enough for you to get some work done today?

It never stopped raining all day yet again here.

I am looking forward to escaping the hills and vales continual rain.


Am watching Britains Next Top model now. Very pretty girls. I like Elle Macpherson who judges it.


enjoy BB, I am looking forward to it.



Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Thanks for the birthday card for Mrs H, will print and give it to her now.


Had a great Carvery, there was 5 grown ups a little lad and a baby Sidd.



The weed control matting came, so did the decking boards.

So thats more work we can do.


Been watching Inside Natures Giants, it was the horse, wow, what a machine, taught me a few things i didn't know.


Liking all the girls in BB, except Heaven does my head in.

Wish they wouldn't put it on late at night.


Weather not so good, very cloudy with showers.


Work tomorrow as well.

Evening both.

Dry here, but at this time of year the grass stays wet all day, but I got my work done anyway.

Hope your OH had a good Birthday Hicky.
And glad your gear came, so you can get on with your decking.

I hope it's Heaven that goes as well.
I knoe Rebeckah is manipulative, but she's more interesting to watch.

Both Ash and Nikki are due to be on BBBOTS tomorrow night, on 5*.

Morning Mollie & Emptybox.


It looks like Rebeckah is a dead cert to go, would much prefer Heaven to though, like you.

Will have to watch bbbots on demand, still can't get it on the tv.


It looks like cloud, rain and wind here today, just as well i'm at work really.


It was interesting watching that program about the horse last night, wow, it's lungs are massive, and it's heart is gigantic and weighs a few kilo.


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


It wasn't too bad today, didn't rain but looked like it would.


Went to Costco for a few bits, got a baby walker for young Sidd, he doesn't seem to like lying down much.


Got some more sweet packs..


X-Factor USA was good tonight, on tomorrow night as well.


Watching BB now.


Hope Mollie is ok.

Hi Hicky.
Yes the weather was the same here. Dry but with black clouds hanging around.

Got quite a bit of work done. I'm now starting to see signs of the grass slowing down. Won't be long before I'm into the last cuts of the season.

Which channel are you watching the American X-Factor on. I can't see it in my schedule?

We'll just have to waite till Mollie get's her internet back on in her new place. Until then it's just you and me.

Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


It stayed dry all day, was able to dig up about half the spuds, a load where no good, let the others dry in the sun.

If it's ok will dig the rest tomorrow.


Need to cut my grass as well, if it's dry tomorrow will do that.


X-Factor USA was on ITV2 last night at 8pm tonight it's on at 9pm for 2 hrs, will have to record it as BB is on at 9pm as well.


Go for my Flu jab in the morning, brekkie at Morrisons then,


Hope Mollie is ok.

Last edited by Hicky
Hi Hicky.
Wet first thing here, but it dried up, so I got some work done. Have to work tomorrow as well.

Still haven't got round to digging the rest of my potatoes up yet.

Hope your flu jab goes OK tomorrow.

It's a pity Rebeckah is out, but she was entertaining in her interview and on BBBOTS.
Can't decide if she's making stuff up or not? Although I don't know why she should be, as she's nothing to lose now?

Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Well it stayed dry here, looked like rain all day though.

got my Flu jab then went for brekki.


Took my lad and his lad to the garden center for a look round.


We then built him a raised veg garden from some old left over decking.

Put some weed control matting down.

Need a load of compost to put in it now.

But you can get bulk bags pretty cheap on the web.


Bought some more Garlic & Onions to plant over the winter, it was pretty successful last year.


Hope Mollie is ok.

Hi Hicky.
Sounds like you've been busy with your son's garden?

Been lovely weather here this weekend, especially yesterday.
I got some work done yesterday and went to the supermarket. And today I dug my remaining potatoes and did a pile of ironing.
The slugs had got a few potatoes, but most were fine.

Enjoying the x-Factor now.

Morning Mollie & Emptybox.


It looks like a mini heat wave later in the week.


Dug all my spuds up now.

Had some Anya ones, long and thin, very nice, seems they are easy to grow and only grow 2' tall.

Will be getting them for the spring to plant out.

Had a meal of the baby ones last night, lovely, and they make fantastic salad spuds as well.

Had another Fig off the tree, had a massive apple, loads of toms, gave some away, gave my last of the beets away.


Am getting some onion sets ready to plant over the winter, they can be used as spring onions if you pick them early.


Hope Mollie is ok.


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