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Hi Mollie & Emptybox.

Had my Saltfish this morning, yummy too.

Was up at 7.30, no idea why, O/H was at work, and I was thinking about the decking and thought I might as well get up.
Was in the garden before 9, don't quite a bit, weather been good really.
Fastened a load of deck boards down, made and positioned a load of support blocks which fasten to the side of the joist and rest on the floor, which is flags anyway.

Going to go out to the shop and get the TV mag, need some 50/60mm dowel pieces from B&Q, if I can find some.
They are to go between 2 sections of the rail/seat i'm installing, I think they will need to be dowelled.
Will look later whats on tonight, apart from Ant&Dec of course.

Hope Mollie has had a good day, and taken little doggie out for a walk.

Some places up in Scotland where going to get 50cm of snow, so it said last night.
How bad is that.
Good evening all
hope you are enjoying your weekend so far.

Glad you enjoyed yours saltfish today.  You certainly needed it, as you were out so early in the garden today. Sounds like you are making good progress there. Has your inhaler eased your breathlessness?  I hope so.
Yes thanks, i did get to go on a nice walk with the doggie today, We had a walk up the mountain near where we used to live. It was quite brightt today, and not as cold as it has been.Sounds like winter is back in Scotland if that forecast is right.
Thanks for the mrsG link, I am enjoying reading it. I will subscribe to it, she is a great writer. It is so amusing to read. My daughter too loves writing too. She is doing a Crative writing course with OU right now.

fancy you having snow again, at least it didn't lie around too long. I hope it gets a bit warmer and drier for you soon. Did you get your weekly shop ok? Is it shag bol again tonight?

I am watching Harry Hill, so very funny and clever. how he finds all these amusing snipets from the weeks tv. Then I will watch Ant and Dec. I bet you two will be watching that too.

have a good evening xx
Evening Mollie.

I did enjoy the saltfish, great for brekkie on a Saturday, will have to watch my stock.

I#m sure the inhaler is helping a lot, can do so much more now in the garden, can vertually work all day now., instead of just for a few minutes.

Yes, they are getting a lot of snow far North.

OK here anyway.

MrsG has a new blog out:

If you subscribe it gets sent to you direct.

Loved Ant & Dec, pleased Chanelle's Sister Melissa and the others got another ÂĢ30k, they have ÂĢ67k now haven't they?

Watching 'Take me Out', always watch it.
Have recorded a few programs for another day.

Glad you and doggie got out, hope your throat etc is improving?

I've still got plenty to do in the garden, depends on the wether tomorrow, section 1 & 2 now decked out, got some dowels for the next rail/seat section.
Section 4 frame now completed, just got to preper the site and put the weed control matting down then it can be put into position.
Glad you both had better weather than me.
It poured all day here. But at least it got rid of all the snow,

I got out to get my shopping, and enjoyed my spag bol as usual.  

Glad you enjoyed your mountain walk Mollie.
That's interesting that your daughter is doing a creative writing course.

Glad you got a lot done Hicky. Did you get what you needed from B&Q?

I watched Push the Button as well, then watched 'Seven Ages of Britain' on CH4+1 with Bethany Hughes.

Those Simsons seem unbeatable, even though they always seem to miss out on the big money.
You can see the family resemblance between Chanelle and Melissa. Similar cheekbones.
Good evening both

glad to hear you had a good day, with lots of nice weather too. Just what you needed to get some work done in the garden. I am pleased your inhaler seems to be helping you with your breathing problems.
I bet that was great, going out for a meal, the 7 of you.
thanks for the MrsG link. She is so funny in her writings.
Yes thanks my throat is improving nicely now, although there is still some swelling.  I beleive it will take a long time for the redness in the scar to go, so I will continue with the scarves. I have been told in summer I need to avoid getting it in the sun too.
I too watched DOI today. I wonder who will go?

I thought you might of had your usual Sat night sphag bol.
I forgot 7 Ages of Britain again.
I am going to watch Wonders of the Universe soon. I enjoyed that last week. Are you watching it?
Was it milder there today?
Like Hicky we had a lovely sunny day all day today, so hope you did too.

We took doggie a walk down the seafront whilst son was at drama. Lots of people were there today. I had a nice latte and cake on the seafront.

tv time now.
have a good evening xx
Hi Mollie and Hicky.
Bit late in posting, but it was a nice sunny day here as well.Quite warm as well.
But it's freezing tonight. Down to zero at the moment.

I did a little bit of work on the car this afternoon. There's a couple of places on the inside of the front wheel arches where the paint had come off. Just little patches at the bottom, but I rubbed them down, then covered them with primer paint. I'll put a top coat on another day.
It's 7 years old now, so just at the stage when little things will start to need to be done on it, unfortunately.

Glad you enjoyed your carvery meal Hicky.

Mollie, that's good that the swelling is going down, but as you say, it'll take a long time for the scar to completely settle down. It's great that you are beginning to be able to go out with the family without getting too exhausted.

I watched Being Human on BBC3 then Outcasts on BBC1. I haven't watched Wonders of the Universe yet. Keep meaning to catch up with it.
Last edited by emptybox
Was a lovely sunny day here, after a frosty start.

Got a large tidying up job done. It wasn't too cold, but I wasn't sweating in my fleece and woolly hat, so it wasn't particularly warm either.

I got me Census form through the post, so that'll be fun to fill in.
Not sure if I'll do in online or not? If everybody is filling it in at the same time, on the 27th, then I can see the website crashing?

Quite a good night for telly. The gadget show on Five at 8pm, then perhaps Waking the Dead, then Mrs Brown's Boys on BBC1 at 10.35, then a double bill of The Event on CH4+1 at 11pm.

Hope you've both had the good weather, and have had good days.
Last edited by emptybox
Good Evening Mollie & Emptybox.

Been pretty busy at work but weather was ok, hope it's ok tomorrow.
My screw order has arrived, plenty to do in the garden, have to finish section 4 frame and plan section 5.

Will need more wood Friday, will see what I can afford.

It will take time for the scar mark to go Mollie, can't you put a little makeup on it to disguise it.

I might take a look at the gadget show, sometimes it's a bit boring though.

Glad you were able to get some work done Emptybox.
Good evening Hicky and Emptybox

Glad to hear you too got a nice sunny day today. We did too. A lovely sunny day all day. Doggie enjoyed her walk today.

We have got our census form too, I couldn't even be bothered opening it yet. Like you say, everyone will be clammering to fill it in online on 27th March. I heard that, for the last census, there were thousands of dead funny answers to the question "what is your religion?".  Many put "Jedi" in the answer box.

Thanks for the reminder about MrsBrowns boys, I will remember to watch that as I have never seen it before.

Let's hope you have a good day weather wise tommorrow, as you have so much work to do in the garden. Roll on pay day so you can stock up again.
My scar is not healed enough for make up yet, because it is still quite deep and uncomfy, so I just put Vitamin cream on it to help heal it, and a scarf. When it is not so deep, hopefully I will be able to use some make up to conceal it a bit better.

I have watched double Corrie, then later will watch Mrs Browns Boys.
think I will catch up on my recording of Young Doctors now.

have a good evening both xx
Evening Mollie.

I haven't seen a census form, maybe O/H has it.

I've drawn up a sketch of the decking section 5, need 9 joist section.
But want to get some decking boards really, have 2 sections of boards to put down.

Just watched a recording of Gordan Ramseys Kitchen Knightmares USA.
Will watch Mrs Browns Boys now.
I like this dressing that I have been using for injuries.
It really is fantastic.
For injuries etc.
I had injured my leg in the garden by knocking into some of the wood structures, there was 4 koles in my leg about half a cm apart, put this dressing on it and changed it twice and it looks fine now, another few days should do it.
This is made by Convatec.
It really is worth getting hold of, thats assuming you can buy it.
In fact you could put this ocer the scar, it is skin coloured and you can wash/shower anything while it is on, you just cut the size you want from the sheet.
Its cured all my injuries since I have used it, its a miracle really.
Evening Emptybox.

Enjoyed Mrs Browns Boys though, bound to be OTT, it's hard to write comedy.

I think I walked into one of my tree tub surrounds, haven't cleaned up the cut ends, because they have deck boards standing on end one above the other and the ends are waiting for me to walk into them while doing various things, but I think I walked into them more than once.

Had a good day really, did some more work, have made a deck cover for the grid area, have made a deck cover for the manhole cover.

Section 4 is ready to go into place but I'll wait till I get more decking to cover section 3 first.

Hope Mollie got out today, the rain stayed off but was expecting it to rain.

Just had a lovely Beef Fillet steak, with onions and Mushrooms with French Fries.
Hi Hicky.
Glad you got a good day, and could get more done,
Hopefully you escaped without further injury?

That fillet steak sounds good.
I'm cooking myself breaded cod fillet and chips with mini corns on the cob, as we speak.

Pouring rain here, so i did nothing outside, but I caught up with my ironing.

Hope Mollie's day was fine?

Aisleyne's getting herself excited today, because it's the premiere of her film 'Anuvahood' tonight.
This'll be the first time she's been to a premiere and been one of the stars, rather than a hanger-on.
(well she had a bit part in a couple of other movies, but they were blink and you miss her parts, so we won't count those )
Good evening both

Oh dear, not another injury, and 4 of them too.  Good job you have got that good dressing to help them heal. Is this the dressing you mean?  If so they sell it on Amazon.
Do you cut it to size, as you need it?
Did you get yours from Amazon?
I will have to get some.
You must take care what you walk into now.
Glad you had a good day, and enjoyed your steak and chips.
Good to hear that section 4 is ready to go into place now.
Are you taking piccies of each section as it is completed?
It will be nice to look back on your gradual progress with this.
I look forward to when we get so see some piccies of it all.

Yes I did have a good day , thank you, and managed to get out today. It was very mild here today, (17 degrees)..sunny too, so no coat needed on the doggie walk today.
It seems to of been a very short winter to me this year, because I was stuck in hospital for 2 weeks of it

shame you got a wet day today,. but at least it meant you got that ironing done. Hope you enjoyed your fish and chips. I had mini pizza, boiled potatoes and peas. At last I am able to eat a different variety of food now. It is just some harder or chewy food I still can't manage.

I am watching Caroline Quentin in India, I enjoyed it last week.
I am recording Junior Doctors, I enjoy that series.
I haven't watched MrsBrown yet, the reason I hadn't noticed it was is that it is on very late here in Wales, about 11.10 last night.

I think I will watch Lily Allen at 10pm on C4. I like her, me and OH enjoyed seeing her in concert some time ago.

have a good eveing both. xx
Good Morning Mollie & Emptybox.

It rained a little bit after I had come in for tea, as it was going dark.
Well done on Aisleyne getting in the movies.

Yes Mollie, that link on Amazon shows the same dressing, you cut it as you want it with scissors.
It is so good, maybe you can get it from the Chemist, would be worth asking.
I got mine off a lady in the canteen here, she gets it for a condition she has.
She gave me 2 sheets, am still using the first one.
It's a million times better than a plaster, the wound heals somehow while it's on,

Glad your able to vary your meals a bit more Mollie, you'll soon be your old self again, it's just time, thats the problem

Might have to just get some Deck boards Friday so I can catch up with the decking, it's hard to walk around when the frame is down and no boards on it.
Was hoping the bogof would come back on so I can get them half price.
Still need about 60 boards at least, if not more. and with bogof I only pay for 30 wouldn't I?

I enjoyed Caroline in India, all those spices, just love them.

Not sure what the weather is like, it wasn't raining when I came to work anyway.

I've been watching a lot of the news lately, what with Libya & Japan, wow.

Have a good day both of you.
Hi Hicky.
Yes, that's the official Anuvahood trailer.
I see the reviewer didn't think much of the film there.

Here's a better version of the trailer made by Levi Roots, where you see more of Aisleyne. Well... more of her feet anyway.   

It was a bit murky and misty here, but I got some work done this afternoon anyway. It's a bit milder I think, but still fleece and woolly hat weather.

Yes, the situation in Japan is very worrying, especially as the situation in the nuclear plant seems to be escalating.
It's also having a bad effect on the world's stock markets. as if the situation wasn't bad enough?
Good morning both xxl
I hope the weather is as good for you as it is here again today.
sunny and mild.
Lots of blossom and daffs out now, so it is looking like this now....

I am going to get some of that dressing, because I am so clumsy often have the need for plasters.
I hope you can manage to get in your garden today. Bet you can't wait to get paid, so you can get more garden stuff.
 I too enjoyed Caroline in India. Couldn't believe that poor family living under a plastic sheet.
Yes the news is very depressing at the moment, what with Japan, and the poor people in Libya fighting for freedom, and now Bahrain.

are you gettting very busy work wise now? Let's hope it keeps dry awhile for you, so you don't get behind. Our grass has started to grow quickly again. So time for the OH to dig the lawnmower out the back of the shed.

Had a quick look at that film trailer, but not my taste in films at all.
I did like the Stacey ad though.
We have found a house we like to move to, .
I am concerned because healthwise I am not myself yet, but the family assure me they will do most of it, and we have been looking for a long time for something suitable so am worried if we don't go for it, we will miss out.

have a good day both. xx.
Good Morning Mollie.

It's dull here, the forecast said clear skys yesterday, today it says rain. confusing.
The flowers are lovely, 2 days till the 1st day of spring.

Roll on Friday, I can buy some more stuff from B&Q then.
Have run out of work to do now.
Have put my Salt Cod in water for Saturday.

The ground is still too damp here to cut the grass, with the sun being low still, my grass doesn't get any heat on it this early in the season.

A farmers life on tv tonight, then American Idol, will record to watch after the farm.
Celebrity Juice on at 10pm.

Hope Emptybox can get some work done today, weather seems reasonable.

You have to take a chance when the right house appears, they are few and far between, best go for it.
Hi Mollie and Hicky.

It's been raining this morning, but might dry up later?

It's sounds lovely down there Mollie, but you have to remember I am a few weeks behind you.
There are a few miniature daffs out here, but the main ones are just green shoots yet. And the grass hasn't really started growing yet. It'll be a few weeks before I need to get the mower out. 
I'm still in hedgecutting and tidying up mode, but it is getting milder.

That's very exciting that you have found a house. Is that one to buy, or to rent?
You'll just have to let your family do the physical work, and you can co-ordinate everybody and make sure everything goes to plan.
Is it close to where you are now?

It's a pity you've come to a halt in your garden Hicky. Hope you can buy what you want on Friday?
Good Evening Mollie & Emptybox.

O/H gave me a few bob to go to B&Q to get a few bits.
Got 4x120 packs of 4x50mm decking screws.
Also got a length of handrail to finish another section.Will go to B&Q in the morning for 40 lengths of decking.Found an extra ÂĢ565 in my account tonight, not sure where from yet, it was BACS, strange, noone has said anything, got a new tax code last week, not sure if it's related yet.Will leave it alone for now till I find out where it's from.

That's a nice St Patricks day picture Mollie.
Watching A Farmers Life for Me.
Went for a Carvery at 4,30, very nice as usual.
Last edited by Hicky
Good morning all

Pay day at last for you.
Hope you enjoy going to B and Q to spend it all.
that is a lot of extra to find in your bank account. Fingers crossed it is really yours and is a a nice refund from the tax man
Lucky your OH found a few extra bob to throw in our direction yesterday.
Glad to hear you enjoyed the carvary.
think I will be able to give it a try again myself soon. Last time I couldnt cope, but am eating much better now. 

hope it is a bit drier for you up there today, so you can get on with those gardens.
We have the rain today, but not too heavy.

The house isn't far from here, about 5 miles but in the country as opposed close to town, so nice walks up the hills for us. We are renting, but it is ÂĢ50 cheaper, so I hope it goes through ok. Don't want to buy until we have saved a bit more, and prices round here are still falling.

I have been listening to Chris Moyles on radio one since Wednesday. This morning he suceeded in breaking the World record of the longest radio show ever.
Him and Dave have just finished broadcasting with no sleep since Wednesday morning. They have raised over
ÂĢ2.4 million by just asking people to send in ÂĢ1 texts.   I have been watching it on the red button and this morning Fern Cotton presented for a short while in her mini bathing suit. I think you boys would of appreciated that.   She is a very pretty girl.  I like her fashion sense.

OH on half day today, but has to take car in to get exhaust fixed, MOT due soon. So expensive now maintaining and running a car.

have a good day. xx
Good Afternoon Mollie.

Just did 2 trips to B&Q, got 20 decking planks each time.

Caught my ankle on the big trolley, have put some on my magig plaster on it.

Chris Moyles has done brill getting so much money, 2.4million now.

Fearne was good, she's really nice.
Thanks for the link.
Got my brekkie fron the caravan at B&Q, only ÂĢ3, very nice too.

Hope Emptybox can get some work done if the weather is ok there.

Back to the garden.

Catch you later.
Hi Mollie and Hicky.

A lovely sunny day here, and quite warm as well. I was cutting hedges this afternoon, and sweating in my fleece. There was quite a lot of ice about first thing though.

Probably wise  to continue to rent Mollie, if the prices are continuing to go down.
I think they are still going down here as well? At least I've noticed that some houses that have been up for sale for a while have put their prices down recently. Still slightly out of my reach unfortunately, but getting there.
I also notice that the papers and estate agents windows, are full of places to let, but hardly a mention of any for sale. 

That'll be nicer for you, being more in the countryside, and a bonus if the rent is slightly less.
Does it mean you won't be able to walk to the post office etc?

Fern looks very fetching in her swimwear. A bit skinny for my taste though, but she's a good presenter.  

2 trips to B&Q Hicky? That's very enthusiastic of you. Was that to take advantage of the BOGOF offer? You're obviously not watching out for these injuries though.
Hope you got a lot done?

Telly tonight? Well it's Comic Relief night I suppose, but I'm definitely not going to miss out on Phil Down Under either.
Evening Emptybox.

I only made 2 trips to B&Q as the bulk of the wood as too big for the car.
20-off  2,4m lengths of decking board resting on the back of the passenger seat and over the back of the rear seat that is down.
I put a protective sheet on it in case of stuff that comes off the wood.

Have got 2 area's with my magic plaster on.
Am going to smooth the edges of all the wood in the garden, I've got a mini electric sander which will do the job, I tried it on one of the tree tub boxes and it worked fine.

I got a lot done today, finished decking section 2 & 3, ready for section 4 frame to go down now, have got most of the decking to cover it.

Your right, it looks like Comic relief of comic relief.

Hope Mollie had a good day.

Had a takeaway curry chicken and rice for tea.
Good morning all
A lovely sunny morning here today, hope it is where you are too.

Can't believe you have walked into something else now, and caught your ankle. You are certainly making good use of those plasters. Hope the plasters continue with their good work, and your wounds heal well.
When I walked the dog past our B and Q caravan and smelt the burgers, I wondered if you would of treated yourself.
Glad you got a lot done yesterday. Now take care with that electric sander of yours.

Glad to hear it is warming up there too whilst you are hedge cutting. it will soon be time to change from the wooly hat to the suncap.
Where the new house is, fortunately there is a small post office and shop within walking distance, which is good because  I do like to walk places, when I can.

I watched a bit of Comedy Relief last night, and double Corrie.  
I liked Fern's red dress.
Went with the family to food hall at our local shopping outlet. yesterday, and I had a tea cake and latte.  

Me and kids are going to Swansea today to see Guys and Dolls, and OH staying home to watch football, so I expect I will be exhausted when I get home, because it is a fair walk to and from the train, but it will be nice to go out in this sunny weather.

Hope you both have a good day. xx
Happy Saturday Mollie.

Had my Saltfish for brekkie, with bacon and toast, tasty.

Have been to Costco, got some mince and stewing steak, they have lovely meat.
Also got a garden ornament, a girl lying down reading, with a fairy on her shulder, it's like bronse, but isn't.

I have got the area ready for the next section when my lad comes tomorrow to give me a lift, it's pretty heavy.

Have a good day out Mollie, it's been lovely here today.

Hope Emptybox had a good day, and of course good weather.

Have been watching the news tonight, will be seeing Ant & Dec soon as well.

It's been a nice day here, colder than yesterday though.
It's overcast tonight, which is a pity, because the moon is supposed to be at it's closest.

Hope you enjoyed the show in Swansea Mollie?
That's handy, that you're still going to have shops within walking distance, if you get this new house.

That's sounds like a nice ornament Hicky. Hope your lad gives you a hand tomorrow.

I went for my weekly shop today, and also put the top coat on the bits on the wheel arches of the car that I mentioned before.

I see they've started action against Libya. Just hope they haven't got us into something long and bloody?  

I didn't think much of Comic Relief yesterday. made a small donation, but mostly had it on in the background with the sound down, and listened to music.
I see the Simsons lost on push the button this week.
I also enjoyed watching Bethany Hughes on The Seven Ages of Britain.
Evening Emptybox.

It's been a cloudy day here, no sun really, but it didn't rain which was good.

My lad gave me a lift, also my O/H to position section 4 frame, will nor lay the deck boards.
Need more wood next week for section 5 which is smaller than the others.

They had some lovely ornaments in Costco but too expensive.

Glad you've got time to work on your car.

Hope they are in time to save those poor people in Libya, looks like Gaddafi has lost the plot, like all dictators.

Been watching the news when not in the garden.
The hour goes forward next weekend which should help me.

Was a bit dissappointed with the Simsons, fancy say Jeff could eat all that in 30 seconds, imposible, bad call.
They lost a lot of money over the weeks.

Hope Mollie had a good day.
Hi Hicky.

Yes cloudy but dry here as well. Very cold  too.

Glad you managed to get your frame into place, with assistance.
Can't wait to see some piccies, this must be some construction now?

Can't help but think Libya will end badly.
I think Gaddafi will retain control, and i think the other Middle-East countries may well turn against the Western action and support him. They may not like Gaddafi, but they like the West less.
Who knows?

It's hard to believe we'll soon be back to Summer Time again? The lighter nights will be good.
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Hi Emptybox.

Not sure what the weather is like today yet, was dark coming to work, but dry.
I'll take a few pics to show where I'm up to, still quite a bit to do , also to put the decking oil down, will wait till I'm finished, and need good weather as well.

Not sure about Libya, but it's obvious the boss needs to step down.
There won't be a lot left to rule as his own forces have knocked all the cities flat now.
It sure must be awful living under nutters like that.

Roll on Summer.

Hope Mollie is OK, maybe she went away looking at the house they fancy.
Good evening both xx

You have been really busy all weekend with your garden tasks. Yes I'd love to see some piccies of it to date.
Shame your garden work got interrupted by you having to go to work today though. 

Glad you got some nice weather over the weekend.
Did you have your usual sphag bol on Saturday?
Gardening today?

I share your concerns over what we are doing in Libya, and fear things may escalate, and too many innocent ciivilians still get killed or injured. . .
I doubt Gadafi is the type to step down come what may.
Yes Hicky, it must be an awful place to live.
But I no longer trust governments either, and doubt their motives. I read somewhere that they used to be buddies with Gadafi.

I have had a hectic few days.
Saturday was theatre, very good performance. Then we went to see around new house after. Still like it, so we are going for it. So I was shattered by the evening.
Yesterday we went walk down seafron, had strawberry cup cake and latte on seafront.
Then this morning had early hospital appoitment to do the lung tests.
It was quite hard work, all this puffing and blowing and breath holding into the machine, especially whilst my neck is still swollen, but I managed to do them ok, The lady showed me the pre op and post op graph results. It was plain to see how much my lung function had improved, and she told me it had.   The graph was flat before, and showed a steep rise this time, illustrating the air successfully getting in the lungs.  I have to wait awhile now to see how I go, and to officially discuss these results with the consultant on my next appoitment.

are you still much improved now you are taking your daily inhaler? I hope so.

I have the removalist calling tommorrow morning to have a look to see how much stuff we have.(lots !)..

have a good evening.

hope there is some good tv on tonight, at least I usually have Corrie to watch on MOndays though.
OH took car for MOT today, lucky it passed, but he had spent ÂĢ180 on a new front exhaust section last week because it was so noisy.
Hi Mollie and Hicky.
Not too bad today. Sometimes sunny and sometimes cloudy, but dry.

So we've passed the Spring Equinox, and the days will be longer than the nights for the next six months? That cannae be bad,   Happy Springy to you as well Mollie.

Glad you had a good weekend Mollie, and have decided to go ahead with moving to the house you like.
You're certainly not hanging about, if you're already getting the removal men in to have a look?
Good luck with it all. It'll be a lot of hard work, but I'm sure you'll have a lot of help.

That's great news that your lung function is improving nicely. Hopefully it'll continue at the same rate.
Your OH didn't get off too badly with the MoT? Could have been a lot worse?

I see the US is trying to back off from action in Libya? Just hope Cameron isn't left exposed. I get the impression that he thought it would be good PR if Britain was seen to be leading the coalition. Hope he doesn't get left looking like the bad guy.
Must admit, i haven't been very impressed with Cameron as PM so far.

TV tonight? Gadget show. Mrs Brown's Boys, The Event.
I'm also liking that 2012 comedy on BBC4.
Last edited by emptybox

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