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Hi Mollie and Hicky.

Yes, those are very long hours for your son Mollie. Hope they get adequate breaks? 
I didn't see that programme.

I see Caoimhe and Rachel have been nominated, so it'll hinge on the save & replace, as to who is up.
I hope it's not Keeley.

Another wet day here, so no work. Very warm though.
I got up to date with my accounts, but I can almost see the grass growing with all this moisture and heat.
Good afternoon all

Is it too wet now for you to get in the garden?
what days are you working this week?
Are you still able to get livefeed at work? I am watching livefeed right now. I wonder who will win the spider task?
It is very wet here today. OH still hasn't finished the grass cutting here, it started to pour down again when he was doing it last night.
at you saying Dave has a screw loose, I think you are right there, And as you say,  no-one seems to stand up to question the rubbish he spouts. Although I did hear Andrew say to him once that he did not believe in the things Dave spoke about.

Glad you got all your accounts done, Hope you dont have it wet again there today. You could do with not getting too far behind with all that grass cutting.
Your poatoes must of been good if they didnt even need peeling.  

Dropped son off again before 9am today, he doesn't  think he will be home till 11pm tonight because it is opening night tommorrow. He said the scenery is lovely now, and he enjoyed the orcestra's arrival for rehearsals yesterday. Yes, they have plenty of breaks Hicky, because a lot of time they have to spend hanging around whilst techy stuff is sorted.

OH still thinks the noise is the petrol wire, so that is a good idea Hicky, I'll suggest he breaks it off completely to check if it is that causing the noise, or tries to lodge it still somehow?

Jobs time for me now. I seem behind this week, with all the journeys to the theatre, and I have been helping sort out next years college courses too.

hope you both have a good day.
Good Afternoon Emptybox & Mollie.

Been very wet here, day off, went to B&Q got some rubble sacks and some Jeyes Fluid for the winter, need it for the vines, should do the fruit trees but I haven't got any .
Bought a PH meter/probe unit to check all is ok for the vines.
Got some general liquid fertilizer for the plants.

It's too bad to get much done in the garden, might have to wait for the weekend.

It looks like those up for eviction this week are Keeley, Corin & Rachel, it was going to be Keeva & Rachel but Keeva has walked out, driven out by Josie really.

Keely is injured now, during the replace task which has been cancelled.
Have a funny feeling she will maybe need to go home, then another one will be out.
Evening Mollie and Hicky.

Great news today. Chanelle gave birth to a beautiful baby boy.
So pleased for her.

It was dry here for a change, so I actually got some grass cut. It was overcast and sticky though. And the flies were out in force.

It's really bad luck about Keeley hurting her ankle. I think it might even be broken.
I hope she's allowed back, although i can see her being out on Friday anyway?

What do you do with rubble sacks and Jeyes fluid Hicky? Sounds a lethal combination?

Mollie. Glad your son is enjoying his drama.
Sounds like you've been busy, sorting out your kids courses for next year.

Had baked potatoes with cheese and salad tonight, followed by melon pieces and cream.
Good Afternoon Mollie & Emptybox.

Thought I had posted this morning, but can't see it anyway.

The Rubble sacks are for me to shovel the Blue Slate back off the area's it's on, they were old Rockeries that the O/H covered a couple of years ago, I'm redoing it all.

The Jeyes Fluid is the best thing to use to clean out the bugs from anything really, greenhouses, it even kills bird flu and can be used to wash all items to stop the spread of disease.
I'm going to dilute it by 30 to make a spray to spray the vines in the winter to kill off the eggs etc that are in the bark for the winter.
A little goes a long way, it has many places where it can be used.

Keeley is in Hospital, not sure how she is but she won't be back in the house today.
That's all I know from BB.
Good afternoon all

I too am often doing that, thinking I have posted, when I haven't.
Gosh you do have a lot to get to make your garden look good. Let's hope you have some nice weather so you can get it sorted now.

glad you got some dry weather to catch up in the garden. I hate flies too. Do you ever get bitten by those midge things when you do your gardens?
Your jacket potato, followed by melon sounds a delicious meal to me.
I have some more blueberries to make another crumble today.
Congrats to Chanelle. Let's hope she copes ok, it is not going to be so easy, with her being so immature, and no father around. But hopefully she will have other family support, and I dont think she is short of money from all the work she had been getting.

Son didnt get home till 11.15pm last night.  They did 2 full dress rehearsals and he said whatever could go wrong, did go wrong.....many, including my lad missed their calls, equipment going wrong, orchestra sounded bad, couple of them in tears. I told him that the saying goes "it will be alright on the night". It is opening night tonight...dropped him off at noon today, so at least he had a bit of a lie in He won't be home till after 11pm though.
He bought his shirt and trousers home for me to wash and iron last night, so I had to get my washer and iron at the ready, bright and early this morning. I am glad I didn't have to launder the fancy jacket that the Royal Opera have lent him though.

Yes poor Keely, what a shame, She looked in so much pain, poor thing. I think she would of been an interesting HM. Wonder if she will make it back later today? Hope so.
I agree Hicky, Keeva was driven out by Josie. Shame, although bitchy at times, she was also an interesting HM. 

But at least I am so pleased to see Andrew Stone in the house. I loved Pineapple Dance Studio show, I am such a fan,that  I have Pineapple trainers that I wore today (very comfy) and 2 Pineapple sweatshirts. Andrew makes me laugh how he keeps on going on about being "famous", but I think he is a nice chap, and will make a great mentor for the HM's. Let's hope the HM's give it their all.

I hope you both have a good day.xx

Wet start today, but a dry afternoon, so I got some work done.

I agree about the eviction Hicky. It should just have been Caoimhe and Rachel up, so Corin and Keeley shouldn't have been in the mix.
I hope Keeley is able to return, but I can see that she might not want to.

Hope the performance goes well for your son Mollie.

I've used Jeyes fluid to kill moss on a paved path before. Powerful stuff.

Chanelle's got plenty of family close Mollie, and as you say, she's not short of a bob or two.
Good afternoon all
glad to hear they were not overworking you.
Sounds like it should be nice and quiet there for a while too, with it being summer close down time now. Do they still close the canteen down over summer hols?

I agree, I didn't want any of those 3 to be evicted, so it is good to hear that there is no eviction. I heard on BBLB last night that poor Keeley had actually broken the ankle, and needs to have an op. Poor girl, no wonder she was in pain. I wonder if she will make it back now?

Glad it dried up for you later yesterday , so you could get some work done.

Had a Sainsburys delivery today. Then took my mums food over on my bike. But I had forgotten how to click my shopping basket on, the one that goes on the front of the bike. So because it was just balanced, the basket fell off, in the middle of the road, throwing the groceries all over the place.  Luckily, no cars came, (we live in a cul de sac), and the man over the road helped me quickly pick up the groceries, and he slotted and clicked my basket into place.
My son has had letter offering him an unconditional place on the HNC Computing, which is good.  And they sent him forms to apply for a grant too.

other son's drama did go alright on the night last night. 
He got home 11.15pm with his face still covered in white make up, and 2 black eyes painted on. 
Me and the rest of the family are going to see the performance tonight.
I wil have to remember to record BB, especially as Andrew Stone is in there. I saw a bit of him on livefeed, and I think he is being very good with the HM's. Fun and enthusiastic, and so polite with the HM's.

have a good day both. xxx
Good Evening Emptybox & Mollie.

Had a busy day in the garden, got the rest of the slate bits up form the other area, probably about 200kg, put it into rubble bags from B&Q.

Put another section of bamboo trellis on the fence so I could move one of the Vines.

Seen a few recordings of BB, Like Andrew Stone, a very nice feller, he gets the best out of the HM's anyway.

Glad there's no eviction and I see 3 more are going in Friday anyway, they will be selected from 6 candidates.

I'm working tomorrow, but the money will come in handy for some advancement on the garden project.

Just watching 'Undercover Boss', great program.

Another wettish start, but it turned into a nice afternoon.

Very well done to your sons Mollie.
One for getting on the computer course, and the other for his drama.
Hope you enjoy your evening.

Silly you. Forgetting how your bike basket worked.  

You've had a busy day Hicky. But I'm sure all the work will be worth it.
I watched that Undercover Boss as well.

I don't see why we need 3 newbies? I think it means Keeley is less likely to come back.  
Last time i couldn't wait for newbies, but that was because i didn't have a favourite. But now I've got Keeley, and she's been snatched away.
Last edited by emptybox
Good afternoon both

200kkg!!  Gosh you have been busy. at you having to work to earn for your garden activities. Well at least gardening is a good interest to have. Fresh air and exercise, the ideal mix, along with eating some of your own produce too.   Hope they haven't oveworked you today.
Glad to read you too enjoyed seeing Andrew Stone in the house.  I have just watched the finished video. What a great job Andrew did with the HM's, considering only Rachel had proper singing experience. I thought he worked really hard the 2 days he was in there.
I know you are a Stacy fan?  Have you seen this real nice video clip of her?

they said on BBLB last night that Keely was not coming back, shame as you were a fan of hers. They said she had to have an op on her ankle, so I guess she will be in hospital for some time. In fact, they have just read a laminate to the HM's asking them to remove her belongings.
So let's hope the newbies are interesting, and you find someone else you like amongst them. I stil don't have a fave, but I find them all interesting HM's this year.
And I think the tasks have been great this year so far.

We all really enjoyed the drama production.  It was worth all their hard work. The costumes that the Royal Opera lent them were lovely, and the orchestra were great too. It was so hot in there though, my son must of been sweating buckets in his long Victorian wooly type policemans jacket, trousers and boots. Me and daughter are going to see it again tonight. Hope I bump into Rob Brydon, he is due there tonight. 

I will have to remember to record BB, it should be good.
Hi Mollie.

We posted at the same time again.

The HM's Video turned out well great what the editors can do

Always good to see Stacey, saw her on BBLB but hadn't seen behind the scene, thanks for that.

Shame about Keeley, hope she will be able to get back to normal, we'll be seeing her when she's up and about no doubt.
She is so teeny, don't think she's even 5' is she?

Glad the Drama went well, but it can't be good getting too hot in a uniform.

Can't see the HM's going in that I want, if the existing ones are choosing then it could be any, they just want someone to nominate, so they won't want any competition for the money.

It was a lovely day here, so i got a lot of work done.

Yeah the housemates video was very good, and I love that song as well.
You can't get better than the original version by Journey though. Steve Perry has an amazing voice.  

Really sad that Keeley won't be back.
I think it's very bad that there's no sign of an interview for her.
Perhaps they'll have her on BBLB on Sunday, even if Emma has to go to the hospital.
I just wonder if legal proceedings might be in the offing, so they can't talk to her?

Not that keen on any of the newbies, but Laura looks OK.

You must have really enjoyed the play Mollie, if you're going back for seconds.
Last edited by emptybox
Good Evening Emptybox & Mollie.

Not been too good the weather here.
Haven't seen much BB, went to one of my Lads tonight, had an Indian again, the 'Chicken Dopiaza with Mushroom Rice was great, one of the best flavoured curries, not to mild or too hot, just so tasty, one of the best, better than Rogan Josh.

Watching a bit of live feed, Mario is fed up, he wants to be the popular one, and he feels left out.
Rachel is fed up, Stave is the same.
I think the show is sinking myself.
Hey, not been in here for ages LOL. Hows everyone?.

I'm enjoying this BB and prefer it to BB4, 8, 9 and 10 because I think the housemates are much better and interesting in their own ways.

Josie is still my favourite, i'm liking John James now too after disliking him for ages and because of his treatment to my original fav Rachael, he's calmed down and is a much nicer housemate although he can be such a arsehole sometimes. I'm liking Jo and JJ out of the newbies so far because they have bonded with the pair of them and seem fun.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Good morning both
hope you are having an enjoyable weekend so far.
I have taken a while to catch up with BB, because of oging out 2 nights on the trot. As you say, a bit boring now whilst the new HM's settle in. Hopefully as alliances and nominations loom and if we can get some good tasks again, it should get interesting again.

Glad you enjoyed your curry at your lads.
Who is your fave new HM? Is it the blond girl?
I quite like all 3 of them at the moment, and the lovely big blue eyes of the fella, has not gone unoticed by me.
have you been in the garden this weekend?

thanks for the link.
I too thought that video was great. Great job there by Andrew Stone.
Was it your usual sphag bol last night?
Yes shame about Keeley, she would of been a very interesing HM. I shouldn't think there would be legal proceedings involved, because the HM's will of signed to say they do the tasks at their own risk, I would of thought, and it was just an accident. I bet we will see some more of her on BBLB or even see her on the Friday show, but I guess  we haven't as yet because, with her having an op, it would of taken her a while to get over that.
I thought you might of liked the look of Laura. She does seem like a nice girl, but I wonder if she is just too nice and normal to have the makings of an interesting HM?

Last night, son was feeling a bit lost and quiet without all his drama pals aournd him now, so we took all the family to Pizza Hut. We all like the food there.
I did get to see Rob Brydon brifely walk past us on Friday. He watched the production, then came and spoke to the drama students after. My lad asked him to sign a programme to me, so I was well pleased with that, because my son is also in some of the cast pics in the programme.

what a co-incidence, whilst I was writing about Rob, he was just on bbc2.

hope you have a good Sunday.
I am going to watch BBLB now.
[darloboy (Supporting Josie!)] darloboy (Supporting Josie!) offline 48,633 Forum Posts Today at 09:59 Last Edited: Hey, not been in here for ages LOL. Hows everyone?. I'm enjoying this BB and prefer it to BB4, 8, 9 and 10 because I think the housemates are much better and interesting in their own ways. Josie is still my favourite, i'm liking John James now too after disliking him for ages and because of his treatment to my original fav Rachael, he's calmed down and is a much nicer housemate although he can be such a arsehole sometimes. I'm liking Jo and JJ out of the newbies so far because they have bonded with the pair of them and seem fun.


Good to see you pop in.
hope all is going well with you.

Glad to hear you are enjoying this BB. I am too, I think we have a real interesting mix of characters, who give us plenty of interesting conversations. And they are also competitive on tasks, which is great.

I bet you are hoping the rumour that Jedward are going in, is true. I now I am.   That should give us great tv.
Hi darloboy. Long time no see.
I'm not that fussed about this BB TBH.
My interest pricked up a bit when Keeley came in, but that's been cut short.

Hi Mollie.
I think the fact that there was nothing about Keeley on BBLB today (apart from Keith Lemon's remark) shows that there is definitely something legal happening IMO.
Even if the HMs sign a waiver, that wouldn't be legally binding if BB could be shown to be negligent.
Unfortunately that probably means she won't be there on final night either.
Hope I'm wrong. 

It's warm enough here today, but overcast and a bit windy.
I'm going into town in a bit, to do some shopping.
Good Evening Emptybox, Mollie & Darloboy.

Great to see you Darloby.
Glad you enjoying #BB11.

Haven't enjoyed too much of it myself, probably because I don't think much of the HM's.
Like new ones going in.
And Laura is a beauty isn't she?
You don't want too many interesting conversations as you will never hear them anyway, if 4 lots are talking in 4 places as usually happens then it's obvious that they will only be able to show 1 of them.

It looks like Josie & JJ have confirmed their feeling for each other, don't think that they are suited myself, but you never know.

It will be interesting to see who go in for the last 2 weeks, it pretty obvious really, it will be those that made a big impact in previous shows.

Did a bit of work in the garden, mowed the lawn.
Need to buy more of those lawn edge divider strips, might be able to get some this week, or order some anyway.

Here's the Dopiaza Curry Emptybox, this is a do it yourself kit, but you can see whats going on.
It shows other Curry's as well.
Last edited by Hicky
Thanks for the curry link Hicky. It looks delicious.
I'll save the link to favourites.

I see the Daily Star say that BB is worried that Keeley will sue - Daily Star
Not that they can always be trusted for accurate stories.

I went into Galashiels and got some food from M&S, and also did a bit of clothes shopping (a light summer jacket, some more shorts and a proper pair of sandals).

The Ultimate Champions series (last two weeks) will probably depend on who they can get as much as anything.
I'd dearly love to see Aisleyne back, but they might already have their eye on another pair from BB7? Doubt they'll have more than  1 or 2 from each series? We'll have to see.
I'd also like to see Michelle Bass in it as well, and Chantelle from the celebrity series.
Chanelle will obviously be too preoccupied with wee Blakely.
Good Morning Everyone.

It's a bit miserable here so far today.

I had a bit more of that curry Emptybox, there was so much that I brought some back from my Lads on Saturday, had some more last night, still some left, threw it away in the end as O/H has bought me a load of meals which are in the fridge.

Don't know if Keeley would be able to ssue for injuries caused during the task, it's doubtful really as it wasn't foreseen, assuming they tested the task out and noone got hurt.

I think Aisleyne will go in, same as Nikki & anyone that made an impact on the show, would like Chantelle to go in as well, chat to her on Twitter now and again.
Evening guys.

Sunshine and showers here. It was very wet this afternoon.

I see it's all males up at the mo. Dave, John-James, Ben and Steve.
I don't suppose save&replace will be a physical one this week?

Not sure who i want to go. I'll wait and see what the final mix is, before i decide wether to cast a vote or not.

I read that the task this week is that they have to studiously ignore various visitors to the house. Dave and Steve's wives are going to go in for a wander, and Jedward will be going in to sing, and the HMs have to pretend they haven't seen them.
[darloboy (Supporting Josie!)] darloboy (Supporting Josie!) offline 48,655 Forum Posts Yesterday at 10:47 Last Edited: I'm good thanks, going back to College for my last year there in September. Read my thread on the BB forum about it Mollie, it will give you a better idea.
I'll go and hunt that out Darlo.

Good luck for your last year at college.
Good evening all
another warm sunny day here today, so at least I got all my washing dry.
Went on my bike with one of my lads to the bank, he stands outside and guards the bikes whilst I go in. I find it cooler on the bike than walking or going in a hot car. (except if I have to go uphill, that is).

Sounds like you are well kitted up clothes wise now.
M and S food is yummy isn't it? i do find it so easy to overspend in there though.

your lad certainly kept you well stocked in curry.
I love crisps too. And the problem is that i keep seeing them eating them on BB, then fancy a bag myself.   It is extra hard to keep to the diet during BB time.
I guess that bit of rain today will be good for you garden.

I am surprised neither of you are over enthused about BB this year. Altough I am not a mad fan of any particular HM, I am really enjoying it because the tasks are so well thought out and interesting, and I think the HM's are interesting, and chatty.

I see Laura was crying after only being there for 1 day.   You'd think she would of still been feeling happy to be one of the chosen 3. But I do think the new HM's are all nice people, but Laura is rather dull so far.
I am looking forward to seeing Jedward, I love thier fun and ehtusiam. 

Are any of you watching the new series of Britaint top Model tonight? I like this programme.
forgot to say who I'd like to see back in the house...
I too would like Chantelle, and Nikki, Helen..

neither of you mentioned which fellas you would like to see return?....
I'd like to see Brian (BB2 one), Alex...cant think who else...

I am enjoying BB again tonight.
Andrew's task so funny and well put together.
My lad and OH are "24" fans too.
Fellas Mollie???
I suppose if I was pushed, the two you mentioned would do?
Yeah. 2 fellas and 12 women sounds about right. 
I'd like to see Helen again as well.

Andrew's task was funny. Don't know how everyone remained so laid back with him screaming at them at the top of his voice, but I suppose it was obvious he was on a task?
I liked his reward as well.  
Although they seem to be putting all and sundry guests in there this year. They've given up on the 'no contact' rule.

I've never seen any of these Model type programmes. I don't get Living TV unfortunately.
Good Evening Emptybox & Mollie.

I would never vote fellers into the house, all girls would do me fine.

Been working in the garden, a lot to do, might be able to order some more of the grass/stone dividers.
I need to get the area divided up.
Think I will do the area for the table and seats with Decking, but I need a big curve and not sure if you can do that.

With Dave, John-James, Ben & Andrew up, Dave seems to think Andrew is at risk, not sure how he works that out.
I just hope Dave goes, would love that.
Haven't seen a lot of BB, be a shame if Laura left, think that was caused by Rachel getting jealous when Ben spent time with her, also think Laura has a boyfriend outside, bit strange going in the house.

Working tomorrow.
Good evening all
started to post, then forgot again till now.

hope you have both had a good day. Another dry day here, bit warm, but not too hot today, although I felt sweltering when I cooked a roast dinner for the family.

A nice bit of decking for tables and chairs sounds just the job.   I bet it would get well used, but I am sure that would be a big job.
Yes I too would prefer Dave to go now.
Ben and JJ are sometimes annoying , but interesting HM's. I definately dont want Andrew to go. He was so funny last night.
Laura sould never of gone in that house. She is a silly girl, saying she wants to leave, and whinging on about some fella who had no respect for her, if he cheated on her.

your post made me laugh...yes, I bet you would of enjoyed Andrew's treat.
Shame you cant get the model show.

all women in the thanks, it was real rubbish  when they did that. No interesting interraction or flirting then. I think 50/50 makes the best viewing.

Hope they dont work you too hard tommorrow Hicky.

Goodnight all
It was nice weather here, so a bumper work day, but it means I didn't get on the computer till after the highlights show.

TBH I think I'm going to put in a vote for Andrew to go. Just can't get on with the wee guy. I don't mind Dave actually, as long as he's not spouting his religious nonsense, and he hasn't been doing that much lately.
Yes, Andrew can be quite funny, but something just doesn't ring true about him to me?

Decking sounds really nice Hicky. I've never been involved with installing any, so don't know how difficult it would be to put in a curved section?
Good Morning Emptybox & Mollie.

Happy Wednesday.

Glad Laura didn't go, well hope she doesn't, but what will be will be.

I don't like Dave, he's false, haven't you see some of his video's, he's playing a very clever game to stay out of the firing line.
It's not working too well, but why do you think he loves everyone. Ha.
Hope he goes friday anyway, am pretty sure he will.
That wqill change the dynamics of the house.

I wonder how Steve feels now after being nominated?, I would have though he would have walked by now anyway, he can't really take part in anything.

I don't think you have curved sections on the Decking, either square or cut at 45 degree or so, but that could be done, I'll look into it, the handrail seems dearer than the rest, it's expensive.
Last edited by Hicky
Good morning all
I see Laura has walked then. I think it was very unfair of her to deprive someone else of a place, as she was saying she wanted to leave within 24 hours, so she must of known she didn't really want to go in, all along. And if she has just left for the sake of a cheating fella, she is very sily. If they are going to replace her, I  hope they put in the other gilr out of the 3 possibles , as soon as possible now.

I am with you Hicky. I think Dave is the sly one.What a gamer he is, saying he loves them all, but still gossiping about them. Cant stand the religous sproutng either. There is also something about his attitude to women I dont' like. eg.double standards....remember Keeva and the wet T shirt? She was hardly naked, yet he moaned about it, but the next day, he was standing there letting someone spray fake tan over his but.   And he never complains about Mario and his naked flaunting. I do admit he has been an interesing HM though, because of the way he has played the game, but out of the 4, I hope he goes now. 

Glad you got plenty done workwise yestereday.
Hope it is a nice day again for you today. We are certainly having a good summer this year.
.I cant believe you have such a strong dislike for Andrew, that you want to vote him out. I just don't see him as fake, he is only 19 years old, never had a girlfriend, sounds like he has only studied his maths, most of his life. I heard him say for 2 months before his Oxford exams,because  it was so hard, he never went out once, just swotted constantly. I think he has a dry sense of humour, and he was great on the 24 task. He obviously is a fan of 24.  I am pretty sure he wont be leaving.

Have any of you you seen this video?
 in seduction techniques, so funny....I think that was a result of a couple of glasses of wine going to his head, that I saw him drinking on livefeed last night. I dont think he is used to drinking wine. (I am the same, I could not drink more than 2 glasses of wine).   Josie seems to enjoy his sense of humour with her though.

hope they dont overwork you today.
Is the canteen closed for summer? Hope you find food if it is.
Yes, decking is expensive, but lovely to have. In our last house, we got someone to come and do it for us. I dont think it worked out much more expensive than if OH had done it himself, because he could got the materials a lot cheaper. He did it quite quickly, but it looked awkward to do, if you are not used to it.
OH did have to stain it after it was done though.

lovely day here so far, not humid, but it is sunny.
time to peg out a few washloads, then look up some invoices so the accountant can do our end of year accounts. As the accountant noticed,  it was a very low income for the last tax year for us, with him being off work so long.  I do think though, that it was worth him waiting for this local job to come up, because we hate him working away, plus it does pay more than his last job, and he is working with some friends, he gets on with. Contract was due to finish in Sept, and they have just offered a renewal till March next year.   So we are well pleased. Let's just hope they see through the term of the contract and dont run out of work, and back out, like the last place did.

have a good day both. xxx

Morning Mollie.

Didn't see your post earlier, pity Laura left, I liked her.

They are talking in the house about the eviction being cancelled, don't think so though, why would it effect that?
Not sure if they will replace her, it's getting a bit late, but they are some girls short now.

The canteens are shut but a shop is open, you can get sausage baps and bacon and pasties, as well as packet sandwiches etc, and at dinner time there is soup and chips and curry sauce.

It might be a bit expensive just at the Mo, might have to delay it a bit, have a lot of things to do.

Was looking at some fruit trees for pots in the garden.
Wow, you can get some lovely ones.

Last edited by Hicky

It's been raining here this morning, so I haven't been out.
The rain's stopped now, but the grey clouds are gathering again.

Glad your OH's contract has been extended Mollie.

It's not that i strongly dislike Andrew. Just that out of those 4, he's the one I would want to go., so if I decide to register a vote.....
Having said that, I'm not that keen on any of them, so i may not bother voting this week.
Andrew just seems far too confident around the girls to be an innocent.
Also the way he curls up on Dave's stomach like a little kitten annoys me.  

ETA: The betting sites seem to have Ben and Dave as more or less evens to go.
JJ and Andrew are rank outsider at about 12/1 and 16/1 respectively.

No idea what Laura was thinking, walking out like that? Maybe the house is extremely smelly?
Last edited by emptybox

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