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Hope you enjoyed your day off today, and hope Emptybox is having a nice relaxing day off for his birthday.
I thought Lucie was really sweet on This Morning. I hope she does well, because she has a good voice.

OH looked a bit lost when he came home from work today with no job. He is studying tommorrow and Wednesay for a techy exam that he will take on Wednesday night. Hope he passes it because it cost him over ÂĢ100 to take the exam, but at least he didn't have to pay the over ÂĢ1000 costs for the course because he was able to study himself with books and a friends notes who had done the course already.
OH looked a bit lost when he came home from work today with no job.

Thats a shame Mollie, hopefully something will come up soon.

Shame Lucie went yesterday, I really liked her but my heart said John and Edward my head said her. She was so gracious in defeat and hope she does well but Simon is to blame not Jedward at all, i'm glad Danyl and Jedward who are my favourites are still there, I like Jamie also and Olly is ok.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Hi Marguerita

Lovely to see you in here, you have a massive post count it's a wonder out paths haven't crossed.
We are very random in our discussions, just talk about what ever crops up, so to speak.

Hi Darloboy .

Shame Lucie went, I know you like the Twins, but Simon can't let them win, he chose the easy way out.
Hi Grannyg .

You are most welcome.
Hope you are keeping well.
darloboy online 40263 Forum Posts Today at 18:14 (Edited: ) Reference: OH looked a bit lost when he came home from work today with no job. Thats a shame Mollie, hopefully something will come up soon. Shame Lucie went yesterday, I really liked her but my heart said John and Edward my head said her. She was so gracious in defeat and hope she does well but Simon is to blame not Jedward at all, i'm glad Danyl and Jedward who are my favourites are still there, I like Jamie also and Olly is ok.
Thanks Darloboy.

I didn't want either Jedward or Lucy to go, but would of preferred to see Lloyd or Joe as the bottom two. After this weeks results,  I can't work out who on earth is likely to be the bottom 2 next week.
Grannyg offline 1833 Forum Posts Today at 18:42 (Edited: ) Hi Mollie hope your OH does well in his exam and gets work soon I really do.We had this experience when our children were young but it will pass hopefully sooner rather than later

Thanks  GrannyG,....
nice to see you, hope you are well.
it is a worry at the moment, this recession. Seems lots are losing their jobs.

did you watch X factor?
Just had a new leaflet about the Recycling changes for the next two years.

It seems that they want to increase the ampint recycled from 36.33% to 38%.

The only thing that seems a bit crazy, is the fact that they now don't want any plastic containers from food of wny type and they don't want any Foil or Foil dishes from takeaways.

This basically means that they only want card, paper, bottles glass or plastic& tins.

I can't believe that after getting nearly all the packing manufacturers to use a plastic which is PET, No.1 in the recycle triangle for a lot of the packing, now they don't even want that for recycling.

John Thomson opens Kendal's Christmas grotto

John Thomson, who plays Coronation Street's Jesse Chadwick, opened Santa's grotto with his wife Sam at Kendals in Manchester.

The Manchester Evening News says that John and his wife discovered they were expecting their second child, having conceived naturally after three unsuccessful rounds of IVF. John and Sam took daughter Olivia, aged six, to give her wish list to Father Christmas at the House of Fraser store on Deansgate.


Corrie's Hawley: 'John should be redeemed'

Monday, November 9 2009, 18:30 GMT

By Daniel Kilkelly, Entertainment Reporter

Corrie's Hawley: 'John should be redeemed'


Coronation Street actor Graeme Hawley has revealed that he wants a redemption plot for his character John Stape.

Disgraced John is released from prison and reunited with wife Fiz (Jennie McAlpine) in Wednesday's episode of the ITV1 soap. The ex-school teacher has served time for the abduction of his former love interest and pupil Rosie Webster (Helen Flanagan).

Discussing his hopes for John's future, Hawley told the Sunday Mail: "I want him to become a good family guy. It's nice to see John and Fiz have a relationship. We've never seen that, there's always been something bubbling under the surface, but the two of them make a lovely, quirky husband and wife.

"Like many things in Coronation Street, it will depend on the public whether he is redeemed or whether they'll think he's a bad 'un and will always be a bad 'un."

The soap star also admitted that he was startled when he discovered that Rosie's mother Sally (Sally Whittaker) would brand John a paedophile upon his return to the Street.

He said: "I did flinch a bit when I read the line. I was like, 'Crikey'. It's a bit weird. It takes on a whole new meaning. It sometimes gets shouted at me in jest when I'm walking along the street. Before I could brush it off, but now it takes a different meaning.

"But from day one the way I've looked at it is, if people are reacting to you and engaging in your character and story, then they'll say stuff. If they didn't, I wouldn't have a job here."

Hi all. Thanks for the birthday graphics and greetings.
See you found some hopping penguins this time, Mollie.

Good luck to your OH for the exam, Mollie.

I had a very relaxing day.
Had a long lie, then a cooked breakfast.Had a piece of cake with a cup of tea at about 5pm, then I had a roast chicken dinner and a bottle of my favourite beer.

My cousin sent me a DVD for a present and I had a couple of cards, and a long telephone call from my Uncle, so it wasn't a bad day, all in all.
Hicky 4418 Forum PostsToday at 20:37 (Edited: ) Just had a new leaflet about the Recycling changes for the next two years. It seems that they want to increase the ampint recycled from 36.33% to 38%. The only thing that seems a bit crazy, is the fact that they now don't want any plastic containers from food of wny type and they don't want any Foil or Foil dishes from takeaways. This basically means that they only want card, paper, bottles glass or plastic& tins. I can't believe that after getting nearly all the packing manufacturers to use a plastic which is PET, No.1 in the recycle triangle for a lot of the packing, now they don't even want that for recycling.
I'm never quite sure wether I'm supposed to put plastic food trays in our recycling or not?
I ve always put them in up to now, but that might be against the rules?
But, as you say, if they want to encourage people to recycle, they shouldn't make stupid rules.

They obviously have to sort all the different types out anyway, so they could easily send what's not recyclable to the dump themselves.
Good Evening  Emptybox.
Glad you had a good Birthday., I don't suppose you got many toys, that's what I notice as you get older.

With having the new recycling data posted through the door, it's ok them changing the days of pickup, but to stop collecting a high percentage of the packaging which was the PET No. #1 on the list of collectable materials, and to also stop collecting Aluminium Foil containers, i'm confused.
They still want the plastic bottles which are usually HDPE No. 2, but now they don't want them flattened and they want the lids leaving on them.

I just don't see how they can up the amount that is recycled when they don't want a big portion of packaging.

It's taken all this time to get the packaging to be the right material and now they don't want it.
Unless of course Sainsbury's will take the plastic packaging, I'll have to check.
 did you watch X factor

 Yes Mollie I do watch Xfactor. It's all about money though Simon Cowell
  kinda let me down with his decision. The poor contestants aren't treated very well are they? I like Olly, Joe and Stacey Jamie's quite good too. Danyl has too many personalities (or  whatever act he puts on depending) has put me off him
hello all  hope you are all well and fine!!

as usual i do see what is going on here, but sorry i missed your birthday empty  hope you had a good one!

all this packaging is a mess, councils have different rules for different things, i cannot put any glass in mine?? plastic ... dont go down that road sainsbury deliver and take my plastic bags  for re-cycling so thats one thing.
but with all the thing about we have to cut down on everything you would have thought that some one would have got the act together by now .... or it that still asking too much
emptybox offline 359 Forum Posts Today at 21:50 (Edited: ) Hi all. Thanks for the birthday graphics and greetings. See you found some hopping penguins this time, Mollie. Good luck to your OH for the exam, Mollie. I had a very relaxing day. Had a long lie, then a cooked breakfast.Had a piece of cake with a cup of tea at about 5pm, then I had a roast chicken dinner and a bottle of my favourite beer. My cousin sent me a DVD for a present and I had a couple of cards, and a long telephone call from my Uncle, so it wasn't a bad day, all in all.
I am so pleased you had such a pleasant birthday. I bet you were glad of the quiet day after your busy weekend.  Sounds like you got to eat some nice food too.
Grannyg  ) Reference:.... Yes Mollie I do watch Xfactor. It's all about money though Simon Cowell kinda let me down with his decision. The poor contestants aren't treated very well are they?
Yes I agree that the contestants are not treated very well at all , considering how hard they try to do well during the show each week.

I do enjoy watching X fActor though, even though I dont often agree with the outcome.
nice to see you posting. I hope you are feeling well at the moment.

Hicky... our recycling is hopeless. I still wonder if they save anything by recycling at all?  Our council only bothers with glass and papers, we are supposed to have boxes to put them in, I have phoned twice, stopped the men collecting twice and still they have not given me any recycling boxes.
Thanks for the Corrie stuff, corrie was great tonight.

Goodnight all
Good morning all
Bit grey here today, but not raining now.

Emptybox... I guess it is back to work today after your long birthday weekend? Hope it is dry up there , so you can get things done.

Hicky... day off today?  Hope you have a good one.

OH said it was strange not having to get up for work today. He is off in a minute to library to do some revising for his exam tommorrow.
And it is the end of the vat quarter, so I have the dreaded tax accounts to work on. 

When do you go to London Hicky?
Cheryl Cole said, when asked about not wearing her wedding ring during the show, she said she didn't wear it as it clashed with her dress.

Well, that's a new one for the books, I've heard them all now.

Oh, and Mollie, I have to work tomorrow instead of Thursday which was instead of Friday.

It will be a long weekend for me then.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday. Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Jedward tipped to make millions as X Factor row runs on

By Smithers on Nov 10, 09 02:47 PM


JEDWARD can make millions after being controversially saved by X Factor supremo Simon Cowell, according to media guru Max Clifford.

Three questions.

1. Has the world gone mad?

2. Who on earth - apart from busty blonde beauty Sophie Reade - would go and see the idiotic duo?

3. Are John and Edward little more than the male equivalent of that other musical heavyweight act, The Cheeky Girls?

Well, Mr Clifford seems pretty sure of their talent, which still seem pretty hidden from me and everyone I've ever met.

He told The Belfast Telegraph: "They've got a huge profile but they don't have the same opportunities as people bringing out records because you can't imagine people would want to hear them sing.

"But television shows and appearances, TV commercials -- all these things are open to them providing they have the right person looking after them.

"If they're got someone like that in place, then certainly they could easily be on their way to making a million pounds or more."

Elsewhere on the crazy world that is X Factor:

1. TV watchdog Ofcom have ruled out a probe into the X Factor fix claims - despite 3,000 complaints. Never let it be said we have a voice....

2. Louis Walsh says sorry for giving the studio crowd a V sign after booing Jedward.

Get a grip, you pompous moron. It's the natural reaction to the idiotic Irish duo of anyone who doesn't suffer from hearing difficulties.

Perhaps he should apologise to Dermot too? Just a thought.

3. And best of all. Ollie Murs - who apparently looks just like yours truly - made his first appearance on TV on Deal or No Deal.

There must be a joke about being or beating a Banker in there somewhere....


Cowell rep: 'He admits he got it wrong'

Tuesday, November 10 2009, 15:47 GMT

By Daniel Kilkelly, Entertainment Reporter

Cowell rep: 'He admits he got it wrong'

Rex Features

Simon Cowell's publicist has reportedly claimed that the music mogul is starting to regret his decision to vote against Lucie Jones on The X Factor.

Max Clifford said that Cowell now believes he should have booted off twins John & Edward following Sunday night's sing-off, the Daily Record reports.

Clifford is quoted as saying: "He is thinking he maybe got it wrong and misjudged it."

The PR man continued: "He's got to clarify his thoughts and feelings on the show on Saturday. There are a lot of people out there angry and upset. He knows that. He needs to address it. A lot of people out there need to know why he did what he did and need to be satisfied by his explanation."

Cowell's decision took the judges' verdict to deadlock in the latest results episode, causing producers to revert to the earlier viewer poll, which saw Jones pick up the fewest votes.


Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Back Off: Mon Nov 9, 2009 Corrie Episode Review

Written by Debbie Oates (7:30) and Mark Wadlow (8:30), directed by John Anderson.

The news of Gail and Joe's engagement goes around, and the only person who isn't happy for them is, surprise, David. Although, we haven't heard what Audrey has to say yet. Happiness doesn't last long, as Joe is approached by a loan shark who has taken over the loan he had with Len Windass' "friends." The loan shark says that Joe owes him 9 grand, but Joe says it's only 2. Loan Shark reminds him about interest, and takes Joe's van. Joe thinks that this is the end of it. Later, Joe fibs and tells his everyone that he sold the van since he didn't need it anymore, and he wanted some money to buy Gail a nice rock. Why do I have a feeling that we haven't seen the last of Joe's debts coming back to haunt him?

Norris has still got a chip on his shoulder in regards to Graeme. He believes that Graeme hasn't successfully removed the bird "doings" from the windows, and tells Emily not to pay him. After a bit of back and forth, Emily pays him, and Norris is out a couple magazines for his pettiness.

Freda finds an article in the newspaper featuring her old employer who has complained about a "thief" stealing her prosthetic leg. Really? This prosthetic leg thing wasn't just a one-off last episode? Freda convinces Graeme to help her out. She hands over the leg, concealed in garbage bags, to Graeme so he can drop it at a charity shop. Believing this will somehow make it's way back to the old owner, and she'll not have to deal with police and go to jail.

It's Hayley's first day as Relief Manager, and everyone is shocked that she's back. Especially Julie, since she's been reigning supervisor all this while. Hayley's has a lot on her plate with this new position, nevermind having to look out for Roy, to make sure he doesn't set Tony Gordon off. Well, Roy does everything in his power to do exactly that. He calls, visits, and even stalks Tony outside his bedroom window in the rain. He'll go to any length to try to ensure that Tony's gotten his message. Someone should warn Roy that if he plays with fire, he'll get burnt. Tony complains to Maria about Roy's strange stalkerish behaviour, and Maria goes over to Roy's to give him a message: "back off." We all know that we haven't seen the end of this, and that Roy is a persistent man.

John Stape is being released from prison tomorrow, and Fiz is excited and nervous about his arrival. She cleans the house up and down, then realizes how ugly and "un-homey" it is, and reckons it needs a makeover. Kirk and Chesney surprise her, with the enlisted help of David and Zoe, with a newly made-over house fit for an Easter Bunny, with the brightest pastels you've ever seen. Naturally, Fiz is elated. I liked it better before.

Jack has been hiding from Connie, but she finally gets him to meet her in the pub and wants an explanation for why he's moved out. Jack explains that he doesn't want "that kind" (read: sexual) relationship with her. Connie says she doesn't either, and wants to know why he thought otherwise. Jack admits to hearing her haunting around his bedroom door at night. Connie tells him that she's had a history of sleepwalking, and she doesn't even remember doing it! They laugh, and make up. Jack is back at Connie's and Tyrone has more room to himself and Molly at the Old Rectory.


- Tina congratulating her father on his engagement to Gail, until she realizes that that means that David will be her brother. *shudder*
- Freda and Tina teasing Norris about the age of bird poop on a window. Anything that gets Norris in a tizzy is good by me.
- Maria telling Roy to "back off" Tony. Way to stand by your man, girl.
- Kirk, Chesney, David and Zoe redecorating No.5 for Fiz. It was a really nice effort. However, I thought it was so ugly, and probably looked better before. Even though it looked bad before.
- Tyrone making Molly's stomach turn as he goes over all the affair's Kevin has had, and how he's still returned to Sally in the end.
- Not much else, I thought this was a pretty boring, uneventful episode for the most part.


- Joe lying to Gail about his debt woes. It'll all end in tears.
- Tina's orange-face! I can't take it anymore!
- How rude Roy was to Anna over the sausage-buttie incident. Sure, he apologized and paid double, but still.
- Roy harassing Tony in general. He really doesn't have any proof. Roy Cropper is probably annoying me more than he's annoying Tony at this point!
- Roy Cropper standing outside in the rain staring up at Tony in his bedroom window. Creeeeeepy! This is the stuff horror movies are made of! I had nightmares.

For those who enjoy the scenic route, check out the full review scene-by-scene here.

Good evening all

Hicky... they certainly are messing you about with your working days. You will have to be carefull you dont drag yourself out of bed, and go into work on the wrong day.
Thanks for the news stuff. Interesting how Simon Cowell thinks he made a mistake. It is a shame Lucy wont be there next week, she had such a good voice , whilst  I know they cant sing, those twins are entertaining. Lloyd should of gone, because he is the one who cant sing, and is not entertaining either.

Cheryl wont wear her wedding ring if it clashes with her dress....  strange excuse imo.

Did you watch John Seargeant round Britain?  It was quite interesing.
Hi Mollie.

I was late this morning, not sure what happened.
Don't know if the alarm went off, I probably just turned it off.
The next thing I saw the clock and thought it was 06.00 so got up, then later looked again at the time and it was 08.10, damn, shot off to work and got in a mile queue for the tunnel, and it was just one big queue from then on, crawling along.

No-one said anything though, it just puts me back a bit.

I have a strange problem with my Sky HD box now, I can't get the sound on channel 109 'Watch'.
I just had to delete a whole series of recordings from 'Dancing with the Stars'
Not one had sound with it, So annoying, haven't a clue what's up.

Didn't see John Seargent, watched the 'F' word.
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* ------ Good Morning Everyone -------*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*  I hope you are all well this Morning *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*  - Still looking damp, but should clear up ----- *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* - But It's Happy Wednesday ---*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄


Story Image


KATIE PRICE: Is giving nothing away

Wednesday November 11,2009

By Elisa Roche

HIDING behind huge sunglasses, Katie Price was giving nothing away about her rumoured move to the ­jungle as she made her way through Heathrow last night.


The model-turned-businesswoman, 31, is said to have been tempted back to the new series of I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! by a ÂĢ500,000 pay cheque.

She starred in the ITV1 show five years ago when she flirted on-screen with Peter Andre, whom she eventually went on to marry. The couple divorced earlier this year.

Also leaving Heathrow yesterday was former EastEnders actress Lucy Benjamin, 39, who checked in for an unknown destination.

TV names who have been confirmed for the hit reality programme include television’s gay interior design couple Colin McAllister, 41, and Justin Ryan, 42.

The pair, who were married in a civil ceremony last year, have been together for 22 years and divide their time between Glasgow and Canada, where they are also TV stars.

How Clean Is Your House? star Kim Woodburn, 67, also jetted to Australia yesterday afternoon, joking that she was hoping for a nice, relaxing “holiday”. But the cleaning fanatic, who is, so far, the oldest contestant to ­confirm her place in the show, could be in for a shock.

This year’s contestants will face gruesome school dinner-themed “bushtucker trials”, which will involved eating worms and grubs from a special camp “tuck shop”.

Also joining the line-up is former Page Three girl Samantha Fox, 43, Strictly dancer Camilla Dallerup, 35, former Scots footballer Colin Hendry, 44, and ex-Misteeq singer Sabrina Washington, 31.

Washington used to sing in the chart-topping girl band alongside Strictly Come Dancing judge Alesha Dixon, also 31. Former World Snooker champion Jimmy White, 47, has also been rumoured for a jungle jaunt.

Former Westlife singer Brian McFadden, 29, has already been made odds-on favourite to win by an Irish bookmaker. He was married to Kerry Katona when she won the 2004 series on which Katie and Peter first met.
It starts Sunday night if I remember correct.


Hardest reality show 'Dancing on Ice'

Former Olympic skating champions Torvill and Dean reckon the reality show they front, 'Dancing on Ice', is the hardest on TV.

10 November 2009 12:00 PM

Hardest reality show 'Dancing on Ice'

Torvill and Dean reckon 'Dancing on Ice' is the hardest reality show on TV.

The Olympic gold winning pair - full names Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean - who coach the contestants on the ITV skating show reckon it is much more challenging and dangerous than 'Strictly Come Dancing' or 'I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here!'.

Jayne, 52, said: "With our show it's the jeopardy, because they know it's live.

"What you're seeing is what they're doing and you know they must be scared out of their wits. It's not being in the jungle. It's outside of their comfort zone.

"It's definitely more difficult. You can't just get up when you fall on the floor. It can go from beautiful to ugly in a second."

'Dancing on Ice' has occasionally seen injuries to the stars and professional skaters who take part, with the show's 2008 winner Suzanne Shaw gashing her head on her partner's skate during the series and GMTV star Michael Underwood breaking an ankle.

Professional skater Pam O'Connor also needed stitches in her chin after she was dropped by former England goalkeeper David Seaman during the show's first series in 2006.

Stars lined up to appear in 'Dancing On Ice' - which starts next January - include Heather Mills, soap star Danniella Westbrook, singer Kelle Bryan and former pop star Sinitta.


Mills on the verge of quitting 'Dancing on Ice'

09/11/2009 - 19:22:42
Heather Mills is said to be on the verge of quitting ‘Dancing on Ice’ before it even begins.

The ex-wife of Paul McCartney - who was left with one leg after a motorcycle crash in 1993 – is said to be suffering huge pains associated with mastering skating with her false leg.

Heather – who has previously appeared on US dancing show ‘Dancing With The Stars’ - has reportedly told bosses she is "struggling" with just the warm-ups after three weeks of training.

A source told The Sun newspaper: "Ice skating is much more demanding. Heather is suffering a lot of pain."

The 41-year-old mastered complex moves on ‘Dancing With The Stars’ in 2007, defying her disability to perform a jive, backbends and flips.

It was recently reported Heather was keen to star on ‘Dancing On Ice’ and had already put in orders for several new prosthetic limbs designed to help her on the ice.

A source said: “In typical Heather fashion, she is convinced she'll be a huge attraction.

"She knows she divides people but there's never a dull moment with her. Whatever people say about her, she's certainly entertaining."

'Dancing On Ice' returns to ITV1 in January.

British TV personality DENISE VAN OUTEN is pregnant with her first child.
The 35-year-old star is thrilled after learning she and husband Lee Mead will welcome a new baby in May (10).
A source tells Britain's The Sun, "To say they are ecstatic would be an understatement. The baby's healthy and everything's going to plan."
The couple met when van Outen acted as a judge on TV talent show Any Dream Will Do in 2007 and Mead was a contestant.
Van Outen - who previously dated Jamiroquai frontman Jay Kay - married Mead in a romantic ceremony in the Seychelles in April (09). (PAW/WNTSU/KD)

Denise Van Outen
National Television Awards 2008 held at the Royal Albert Hall - Arrivals
London, England - 29.10.08

Cheryl Cole 'to perform with Snow Patrol'

Wednesday, November 11 2009, 13:05 GMT

By David Balls, Music Reporter

Cheryl Cole 'to perform with Snow Patrol'


Cheryl Cole will team up with Snow Patrol to perform at the Children In Need charity event in London tomorrow night.

The Girls Aloud star is expected to duet with singer Gary Lightbody on Snow Patrol's hit 'Set The Fire To The Third Bar' at the Royal Albert Hall in London.

"Everyone doing the gig has to duet with someone. It was like getting a partner at school, and we got the prettiest girl in the class," Lightbody told Spinner.

The female vocal on the track was originally recorded by folk singer Martha Wainwright, but Lightbody insisted that he is excited about performing it with Cole.

"People have raised an eyebrow now and again when we've mentioned we're doing it with Cheryl Cole but I think it's going to be a really interesting experience," he added.

"She said, 'What song do you want to do?' and we said that, and she went away and listened to it. She got back straight away and said, 'Yeah, I'm up for it'. Hats off to her."

Robbie Williams is also expected to rejoin his former bandmates Take That for a one-off performance at the event.


Peter Andre 'excited' to get kids

Wednesday, November 11 2009, 14:27 GMT

By Mayer Nissim, Entertainment Reporter

Peter Andre 'excited' to get kids

Rex Features

Peter Andre has said that he is excited about having his children with him for a full month.

The singer's ex-wife Katie Price has been hired to appear in the new series of I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here!, which starts this Sunday on ITV1.

The couple's children Junior, 4, and Princess Tiaamii, 2, will be left with Andre, as will as Price's 7-year-old son Harvey.

Writing on his Twitter page, Andre said: "I'm very excited ladies and gents cos as of later tonight I get the kiddies for a whole month..... yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

"I'm just off to do The F Word now but I'll be back on later. Love P."

Price is reportedly being paid ÂĢ350,000 for her appearance in the reality TV show, while Andre was previously said to be upset that childcare arrangements had not been planned before she made her decision.

Reference:  Hicky
Anything exciting
Hi Hicky nothing exciting going on in my life, this is as exciting as it gets for me coming on the forum which I love lol I am looking forward to IACGMOOH I loved Katie price the last time she was on celebrity, it could go in her favour this time or go badly wrong, but hey for that kind of money she is being offered you cant blame her my dinner is ready will pop in later, have a lovely couple of days off from work

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