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Hi Mollie, Darlo & Emptybox.

Was very noisy everywhere around last night, was like a war zone.

Good on you keeping up to date at college Darlo, the best way as you know.
Should be a good night Saturday, bit of a let down tonight though, seems a wasted night doesn't it.
Chantelle is looking very well these days, lovely girl really.

Going to pick my tablets up from the chemist, will probably get brekkie while i'm out.
Any excuse to get someone to make it.
►*♥*♥* Good Morning Everyone *♥*♥*◄
►*♥*♥* Hope you are all well*♥*♥*◄
►*♥*♥* Not too bad here today *♥*♥*◄
►*♥*♥* Happy Friday to you *♥*♥*◄
►*♥*♥* Hope you all have a lovely day *♥*♥*◄
Just had my Sushi, need a lot of that to fill you up.
Will have to get some more though.

My brakes are squealing on the car, asked the garage to check, said pads are ok, ah well.

Just watching Fearne with Alesha, get all the Goss.
Good evening all
oooopps made an error in my recipe.. it was supposed to be blueberries all the time, and not blackberries.

Darloboy... glad to hear you are all up to date with your college work.   And now I hope you enjoy your weekend. Wonder who will go on X Factor? I hope for Lloyd or Joe to go.

Emptybox... that was late time to be cutting grass, good that you had a nice dry day to catch up work wise though.  And good job that they had the lanterns to light your way, so you didn't mow the flower bed by accident.

Hicky..hope you enjoyed your brekkie out. Did you collect your tablets ok? Me and OH will be treating ourselves to our brekkie in Asda in the morning. What do you have planned for the weekend?

All the rest of my family have gone out to see Bill Bailey in Cardiff tonight, so it is really quiet here for me tonight...., just the dog and bunny to keep me company. Fortunately I have double Corrie to occupy me.     My family  have got the cheapo seats..... they are so high up , right up the back, that when I booked them, the lady had to ask to check incase any of them had vertigo.  

Still seem to be a lot of fireworks going off there tonight.

Have a good evening all.
Hicky offline 4334 Forum Posts Today at 15:27 (Edited: ) Just had my Sushi, need a lot of that to fill you up. Will have to get some more though. My brakes are squealing on the car, asked the garage to check, said pads are ok, ah well.

Sushi is that the pieces of uncooked fish?  If it is , I don't fancy eating uncooked fish myself.
We also have a loudly squeking car and OH took it to the garage, and they didn't know what it was. Strange..
emptybox offline 353 Forum Posts Yesterday at 23:12 (Edited: )

I don't go to my Brother's till Saturday.
I hope you have a lovely weekend with your brother, and I hope your brother and family suitably spoil you on your special birthday.

I hope you get to eat some yummy cake on your birthday.
I hope for Lloyd or Joe to go.
Me too, both nice boys but really bland and Lloyd in particular is getting through on his looks but it was a shame he had a throat infection but Simon chickened out by going to deadlock but he was right that Rachel simply couldn't connect with the audience and it was her third time there so had to go...

I'm liking Danyl and Jedward the most.

How are you Mollie?.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
darloboy online 39853 Forum Posts Today at 21:03 (Edited: ) Reference: I hope for Lloyd or Joe to go. Me too, both nice boys but really bland and Lloyd in particular is getting through on his looks but it was a shame he had a throat infection but Simon chickened out by going to deadlock but he was right that Rachel simply couldn't connect with the audience and it was her third time there so had to go... I'm liking Danyl and Jedward the most. How are you Mollie?.

I am well thanks, apart from a bit of a cough from a cold I had earlier in the week. I hope you are well too Darloboy. xx

I like Danyl for his great voice, and Jedward for their entertainment value.
Yes I too felt sorry for Lloyd with his sore throat, but I have not been impressed with his performance, or Joe either. As you say they both seem nice boys though.

Hope you have a good weekend.
apart from a bit of a cough from a cold I had earlier in the week
Glad you've recovered.

Danyl has a cool voice he can sing, he seems really nice to me so I don't get all this negative press, people not entitled to not like him but I didn't believe the bullying stories at all like Kandy Rain, how can 1 person bully 4 people?. Maybe with Stacey they might have had a falling out and don't seem close but I wouldn't call it bullying maybe a disagreement...

Jedward are very entertaining, fun have charisma. They are nice guys and again some of the abuse they are getting isn't fair they're young guys going after their dream if you don't like them fine but I think it's OTT but they are the two marmite acts and getting most people talking about them, so are the others that dull?.

I'm fine thanks Mollie and hope you have a good weekend too.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Hi Mollie.
Got my tablets and brekkie OK, results from my scan don't seem to be in yet, bloods were ok though.

Went to see little one whose Birthday it was, he's got loads of pressies and a 3 wheeler tricycle with a rear push bar that also can steer the Bike.

Hope they all enjoy Bill Bailey.

The Sushi is uncooked pieces of fish, but all other stuff as well, not too sure really.
It has a funny rice as well.

Hope you have a Lovely Birthday Emptybox, and have a great weekend.

I'm still backing Stacey for X-Factor, but anyone could win, it's up to the public really.

Hope you cough clears up soon Mollie, you can do without that.

I've got the other 3 little ones here, girls of 4 & 6 and a lad of 10, plus their Dad, they have gone to bed now, well the little ones anyway, all fed and watered.
Mind you they like a bit of a lie in in the morning.
darloboy online 39878 Forum Posts Today at 21:50 (Edited: ) Reference: Danyl has a cool voice he can sing, he seems really nice to me so I don't get all this negative press, people not entitled to not like him but I didn't believe the bullying stories at all like Kandy Rain, how can 1 person bully 4 people?. Maybe with Stacey they might have had a falling out and don't seem close but I wouldn't call it bullying maybe a disagreement... Jedward are very entertaining, fun have charisma. They are nice guys and again some of the abuse they are getting isn't fair they're young guys going after their dream if you don't like them fine but I think it's OTT but they are the two marmite acts and getting most people talking about them, so are the others that dull?.
Danyl seems nice to me too, I dont like the way the judges and press were not nice to him, or Jedward too. It takes a lot of guts to get up and sing and dance live on a show not only in front of a live audience, but one with a huge viewing public. I am sure many professionals would not do it.The media who are ctitisicing them shound not be so harsh, and should remember after all they are only amateurs under a great amount of pressure when they perform. And I think they do well to entertain so many people.
Aaawww I bet the little fella was well pleased with his tricycle.
I bet your house was noisy when all the kiddies were around, but nice and quiet now they are all asleep.Good job they like a lie in, don't want them getting you up too early on a Saturday.

time for bed for me.

Goodnight all.

oh look.... I found a couple of balloons for Emptybox to take with him for his birthday celebrations...     Have fun Emptybox...
Hi guys.

Thanks for the greetings, and thanks for the card Mollie.
Mexican jumping beans aren't they?
My Mum used to call me "Bean" sometimes........never asked why??   

My birthday's on Monday, and I'm thinking of taking the day off, and I'm sure I will fit some cake in somewhere.

The morning was dry here, but it was wet this afternoon, so I took the opportunity to get my shopping done as I shall be off tomorrow morning.

I'm only going for one night, so I expect the cat'll be OK. I'll leave her plenty of food and water.

I've never tried Sushi, but I've always wanted to. It looks so appetising.
Good Morning Everyone.

It's lovely and Sunny here today.

The little ones have gone to see a Michael Jackson film so the place is again quiet.

I think there's a far bigger selection of Sushi food than I have seen, will have to try and find a Sushi Restaurant, not sure around here though.

Am off to get another non stick frying pan, my last one isn't so non stick anymore, it just seems to fade, I use the right utensils but it doesn't help.
I've got a Tefal small one so might get a bigger one of those.
I kow one of my lads had a complete set, but he only buys the best of everything anyway.

Need some more of the Sainsbury's tomato soups as well.
At £1.70 for 10 tins you can't complain and we love it.
Need some more unsalted butter for my fudge as well, get the Sainsbury's it's pretty cheap.

Have a nice day everyone.

A good night on the TV tonight as well.

Kym Marsh scared to try for another baby

Kym Marsh has revealed that she's scared of trying for another baby after losing her premature son moments after he was born earlier this year.

Kym is now taking part in an investigation for ITV1's Tonight programme into premature births and said the ordeal was still "very, very painful", when she appeared on ITV's This Morning. You can watch the video online here.

Asked if she would be frightened to try again, Kym said: "Absolutely, yeah, and a lot of the ladies I spoke to felt the same way." Kym, who already has two children, said: "You do go home and your body is still doing all the things it would normally do after giving birth but you have no baby. So it's very, very hard to try and channel all those feelings somewhere else. It's very difficult... there kind of wasn't an awful lot of support afterwards, so you just leave with leaflets. I obviously haven't really divulged too much about what happened to me and I don't intend to do that because that's something that is still very, very painful for me to talk about".

The Tonight programme called Born Too Soon featuring Kym is to be screened on Monday 9th November on ITV at 8pm.


Ryan Thomas quizzed over car crash

Ryan Thomas, who plays Jason Grimshaw in Coronation Street, has been questioned by police over a car crash in Manchester city centre. The BBC confirm that Ryan was spoken to by officers over a collision in the early hours of last Saturday.

He is believed to have been in a Chrysler which struck a lamppost. Another man has been charged with driving while under the influence of drink or drugs in connection with the accident, police said.

Ryan has not been charged in connection with the crash.

Jedward's unmissable battle with Simon Cowell

It's a battle for the hearts and minds of the viewing public when tone-dead twins Jedward go up against Simon Cowell on The X Factor.

Love them or loath them, the lads make Saturday night TV worth staying in for.

Good evening all

Hicky...did you get all your soups, your butter and your frying pan ok?
Did the kiddies enjoy the film?  I fancy seeing that film, hope to go in the week to see it. And all the family fancy seeing the new film of Christmas Carol in 3D.

It has been cooler here today, OH had ice on windscreen when we left for brekkie in Asda today. Brekkie was lovely as usual.

I am looking forward to X factor, due on soon. It is always such an entertaining show. No wonder it has so many viewers.

I didn't realise Emptybox was only at his brothers for one night, so I will be able to send him birthday greetings again here on Monday when he comes back.
Hi Mollie.
Lots of fireworks going off here.

Bought a frying pan and a stirfry pan, like a wok really, all Tafal, you can use normal utensils with iot.
Got all the other stuff I wanted as well.

The children loved the MJ film.

Just watched SCD, watching my recording of X-F now.

 offline 205 Forum Posts Today at 20:21 (Edited: )

Hiya again cyber friends and strangers. Been away for a while following a bike smash but home, recovering, and back to posting! Hope you are all well. I actually missed this place.....
Hi Mike.
Sorry to hear you've been in an accident, that's awful.
Glad to have you back, hope you are recovering well.
We are always here to chat to if you are laid up.
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►*♥*♥* Good Afternoon Everyone *♥*♥*◄
►*♥*♥* Hope you are all well*♥*♥*◄
►*♥*♥* Not too bad here today *♥*♥*◄
►*♥*♥* Happy Sunday to you *♥*♥*◄
►*♥*♥* Hope you all have a lovely day *♥*♥*◄
MikeOxlong offline 213 Forum Posts Yesterday at 20:21 (Edited: ) Hiya again cyber friends and strangers. Been away for a while following a bike smash but home, recovering, and back to posting! Hope you are all well. I actually missed this place.....

Sorry to hear about the accident.
How are you now?  I hope you are making a good recovery.

Good to see you are back to posting again.
Good afternoon all

Hi Hicky..
It is a lovely sunny day here, hope it is where you are too, and I hope Emptybox has enjoyed his weekend with his brother.

We took the dog a nice long walk this morning round a country park. And we are off soon to take son to his drama club. I think I will have a coffee on the seafront after we drop him off. A bit too cool for ice-cream today, I think.

Did you enjoy X factor, I did.   I thought the twins wa so funny when it started off in that car wearing those goggles, and monsters in the back.   Song wise I think Danyl did well (how I wish Cherly would stop going on and on about him being "cocky"), and I liked Olly. Didn't enjoy Lloyd or Joe, and didnt like Jamie's song choice. I heard him say on itv2 he had a row with Simon about song choice, I am not surprised Simon was not keen on him singing that song.  I also like Lucy, but thought her song choice dull, and I think Stacy did quite well, but she needs to be a bit more confident on stage.
But overall I found it a very enjoyable show.

Must dash, dont want to make son late.
Hi Mollie.

It's quite a nice day, a little cool though,won't be going for a walk.

Enjoyed X-Factor & SCD.

Think the judges are spoiling it.
Not sure what game they are playing but it's not help the acts.

I don't like this idea of each judge having their own acts, think it is spoiling the show.
It just doesn't work does it?

Lucie is OK, love Stacey, don't comment on the fellers as I don't like fellers singing anyway.
Just been out for a meal, had a Sunday lunch.
The 1st place we went, the Hungry Horse, was full, couldn't even park, so went nto Hoylake, the Green Lodge, I could park and get a seat, quite a few in but had a nice meal.

Just waiting for X-Factor now.
I'm a Celeb starts next Sunday at 9pm on ITV2.
Can't miss that.

Sorry to see Lucie to go tonight, don't know how Lloyd got through, it's a joke, but the girls must be voting for him although he can't sing.

I had a great time at my brother's. We went out to a great Italian restaurant last night.

This morning we went to a huge shopping centre in East Kilbride and my oldest nephew went skating there with a pal, and my brother and his wife did a little shopping.

I didn't buy anything, but had a look around a PC World. We don't have one near me.
I also saw Chanelle's calendar on sale in a shop. Was going to buy it, but I was afraid of a look from my sister-in-law. Much safer to buy it online.
I then treated them to lunch at the food hall.
Got back home at about 6.30pm.

Hello again Mike. Sorry to hear about your bike accident. But glad you're recovering.

It was quite frosty last night, but I was actually very warm in my brother's house. Only had a summer duvet as well. He's got a new built house, so that just shows you the difference a well insulated house can make. I would have needed my electric blanket on all night at home.
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Hi Emptybox.
Glad you enjoyed your time at your Brothers, Can't believe you were intimidated by your Sister in law.
Why did you look at her to get her approval?
Strange thing to do.
I'm sure she doesn't ask you what she can read, or does she.

I've been watching the X-Factor results tonight.

sounds like Sunday lunch out is popular round by you as it was so full, but it wa a good job you managed to get in at Hoylake. What did you have ?  Hope you enjoyed it.

Me and OH have done lots of walking today. Took doggie out to country park at 8am, got a few things from Tesco, then walked on seafront for about 2 hours whilst waiting for sons drama class to finish, because it was so sunny. I had capaccino on sea front and we watched the sun set over the sea. Really pretty. Then when I got home, I took doggie another walk. So all that exercise meant I could enjoy a few sweeties from the box of Quality Street I bought from Teco, because I couldnt resist them.

X factor... why on earth was Lucie chucked out , whilst Lloyd and Joe are still there?  Simon obvioulsy wanted to keep the twins over her because of the entertainment value , but I did feel sorry for her, and I think the twins felt awkward for her too. I guess with them being the same age, they are probably friendly too.

I hope Emptybox has had a nice weekend with his brother.
Emptybox and Hicky
took me so long to post my last post, by the time I had finished posting it, all your posts suddenly appeared before mine.

Glad to hear you had such a nice time at your brothers.   And a visit to an Italian resteraunt sounds like a good birthday treat. I love Italian food. What did you have? And that was nice for you to get lunch out today., and to browse in PC World, we dont have one of those in our little town either. Your SIL sounds like mine.   How did you get to your brothers?  Drive or train?  Hope you had a good journey.
Yes since moving to a newer build, we have found these newer houses are a lot warmer than the older ones, but I do still prefer the character of the older houses.

Dont forget to treat yourself to a bit of cake tommorrow, I really wish me and Hicky were closer to you, I'd bake the cake, and Hicky could make you some of his sweeties.

Hicky... yes I am stunned that Llloyd and Joe are still there, and Lucy gone. Cant understand it.

bedtime for me
Goodnight all.
sleep well. xxx
Hi mollie.
For starter I had king prawns in a garlic and chilli sauce with a rocket salad.
For main course I had sirloin steak in a mushroom and cream sauce, with roast potatoes and vegetables.
And for sweet I had sticky toffee pudding with caramel sauce and cream.

Not especially Italian, but delicious.

I drove there and back. There isn't any trains near here (well not going in the right direction anyway).
It takes just under 2 hours.

I've got some fruit cake left, so I'll have some tomorrow, and pretend you made it.
I'm taking the day off anyway. Might have to do a bit of paperwork, but it'll be better than gardening. Warmer anyway.


I hope you have a nice day. xxx
Glad to hear you have treated yourself to a day off.
Sounds like you had a lovely birthday meal there. I bet you were full up after eating all that.

I hope you enjoy your fruitcake.... watch this fella doesnt nick it.
Good morning all
It is a lovely cool sunny day here so far today.
Hope it is nice where you are too.
I have loads of washing out drying nicely in the autumn sunshine.

Day off today Hicky?
what are you up to today?

It is my OH's last day at work today, and he has been at the same place for nearly 3 years, so it will not be easy for him, knowing he has no other job yet. No jobs for him to put in for either, all we hope if that after New Years hols period, something may turn up then. He is going to do some studying of new skills in the meantime to add to his cv.

Lucy is on "This Morning" now, what a nice girl she is, such a shame she has gone so soon, because I think she has a good voice.
Good Morning Everyone.

For Sunday Lunch I just had a standard Sunday Roast, they do it all day.

Lucie shouldn't have been kicked out, the show is crazy, the public votes are a joke.
It's just a popularity contest the same as SCD.
Simon was scared to get rid of the twins, he is enjoying the publicity by the looks of it.

That meal sounded nice Emptybox, you deserve a day off.
The weather is lovely here, for today anyway.

Day off as you say Mollie, not really doing anything so far.

It's going to be difficult for you with your O/H finishing today, hope something turns up.

I missed Lucy on this morning, but might be able to catch her on the web.

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