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Hi Emptybox.

Lovely and Sunny here this morning, a bit of wind though.

I did a Win7 check on XP my Puter, not good really, lots of messing about, probably better to get a new Puter with it on.

Enjoyed SCD & X-Factor last night.

I've put some of the clocks back, got the one in the car to do and the microwave as well, oh and one in the living room.

Hope Mollie is enjoying her weekend away.
►*♥*♥* Good Morning Everyone *♥*♥*◄
►*♥*♥* Hope you are all well*♥*♥*◄
►*♥*♥* Sunny here today *♥*♥*◄
►*♥*♥* Happy Sunday to you *♥*♥*◄
►*♥*♥* Hope you all have a lovely day *♥*♥*◄
Hi Hicky.

Another blustery day here.

I forgot to do the clocks in the cars. Have to remember tomorrow.

A guilty pleasure on a Sunday night is to watch 'Emma' on BBC1 at 9pm.
My excuse is that I quite fancy the girl in the lead role. Well, that's what I'm telling meself anyway.
Unfortunately tonight is the last episode.

I'm away to do a bit of ironing before my supper.
Hi Emptybox.
Forgot to change the clock in the car, still got the microwave to do as well.

had a quick snack for tea, Tomato soup to start, then Tempura prawns in the oven, then made chips and had Lamb steaks and made a bit of gravy.

Have to stop eating at 10pm as I have yearly Blood samples to be taken in the morning.

X-Factor results now anyway.
I was telling a Squirrel off yesterday for pinching the birds Fat Balls, I caught it hanging down and eating them.
He just wandered off across the Pagola and jumped onto the fence and scooted.
But I think he came back as I found the bracket on the floor.
I've tied it back up again.

My O/H went to see the Nolan sisters at the Liverpool Echo Arena last night, she said it was a good show anyway, she went with some friends from work.
►*♥*♥* Good Morning Everyone *♥*♥*◄
►*♥*♥* Hope you are all well*♥*♥*◄
►*♥*♥* Seems a bit damp here today *♥*♥*◄
►*♥*♥* Happy Monday to you *♥*♥*◄
►*♥*♥* Hope you all have a lovely day *♥*♥*◄

All booked to see Diana in the West End.

Well, thats my booking sorted, return tickets 1st class virgin train from Liverpool to Charing cross, Saturday Matinée on the 21st of November, not bad for £256 for the two of us, and the trains are so fast, plenty of time to get something to eat in London.

Hope you all saw Diana on TV this morning.
Good evening all.
We all had a nice time in London.
Good walking weather, so we got to see loads. Son took a pic of me outside the palace posing with a policeman.   
We walked through Hyde park and st James, where we saw lots of squirrels and some pelicans. We were exhausted walking about 4 miles through London, with all our luggage, but at least we got to see plenty of sights. 
We stayed in Greenwich, so took the river boat out there, so saw the tourist sites from theboat, and heard the history from the commentary.
We went to the to Royal observatory, and did a meridian tour, and stood on the zero degree line, and round a lovely market in Greenwich, and I met up with a friend for coffee.

Hicky....hope the blood test went ok. So glad to hear you managed to get tickets to see Diana.   Is your OH going with you?  Good idea to go by train, we enjoyed the train. We had reserved a table with 4 seats,  and on both the going out and coming back journeys, someone had plonked themselves in one of the seats at our table, so we had to ask them to move to their own seat.
at your cheeky squirrel stealing the fat balls.

hope you had a good dry day for your gardening today. Glad to hear you are enjoying the Emma series. I like those classic series. And I love those dresses they used to wear. I hope that solicitor gets that paperwork sorted out soon for you.

hope you are coping with things ok.

Hicky... what a shame that girl band went last night, I really liked them. I think Llloyd should of gone last night. But am relieved Danyl is still on the show. I like Michael Buble.

time to relax for double Corrie.
Hi Mollie.
Glad your trip was OK, I couldn't have done all that walking though.Tour buses and boats are about my heavy.

I talked my O/H into going after she saw Diana on the TV, I had recorded the BBC show with her on it.
And she recognised the other lady 'Lesley Sharp' who plays her mother Mari.
She will have to sort or swop her early morning stint at Sainsbury's to get someone else to fill in for her.

I think it's a 1st class seat on the train, it only takes 2-1/2 hrs to get to Euston, the ticket takes me straight through to Charing Cross on the tube.
I asked for a table on the train and for the best tickets for the show.
We leave Liverpool at 07.19 and get the 19.38 train back.

I think it's a shame the girl group went, but glad Stacey and Lucie are still there.

Vicky Binns gets booed for her character's cheating ways

Vicky Binns has admitted that she gets booed by fans because of her Coronation Street character. The 27-year-old joined Corrie in 2005 as Molly Dobbs.

26 October 2009

  Vicky Binns gets booed for her character's cheating ways

Vicky Binns has admitted that she gets booed by fans because of her Coronation Street character. The 27-year-old joined Corrie in 2005 as Molly Dobbs.

Molly is married to Tyrone Dobbs (Alan Halsall) but is having an affair with her husband's work colleague Kevin Webster (Michael Le Vell).

Binns told Inside Soap: "Everyone asks me, 'How can you do that to poor Tyrone?'"

"I did the Bupa Great North Run recently, and got booed for the full 13 miles."

The actress admitted that she understood why Corrie fans are so angry with her character.

She said: "I agree with them, Molly's just outrageous.

"But it's great that people are getting so involved with the storyline and are intrigued to see what's going to happen next with Molly and Kev."

The love cheats are to be at the centre of a shock baby twist, according to The Sun.

Shop worker Molly discovers that she is pregnant just after Christmas and cannot tell whether the father is Kevin or Tyrone.

The shocking revealtion is believed to follow Kevin's wife Sally (Sally Whittaker) receiving the news that she is suffering from breast cancer.

A source said: "It turns into an impossible situation. [Kevin] can't abandon Sally, but can he really watch another man bring up a baby he believes is his?"


I would be a bit concerned about fans booing me in that situation, it means that they are taking it that the role is real and not an acting role.

And when things are perceived in that manner who is to know what the fans might do?

It very worrying for actors all the time I should imagine.

Evening guys.

Hi Mollie, glad you enjoyed your trip to London. Sounds like you packed a lot in.

Hicky, bet you're excited about your trip.
I'm surprised you managed to persuade your OH to go.
I like the actress Lesley Sharp as well.

It was a dry day here, but cloudy, so I managed to get on with my gardening work.

I'm now watching Flashforward again.
It's a great series.

Glad you enjoyed your trip Mollie.

Press running all these bully allegations against Danyl which are not true, if they was then don't you think they would kick him off the show and the contestants would turn against him. Some who don't like him might actually believe the rubbish they spout the same about the Twins also. I've added Danyl on Twitter and apart of his and the Twins fan groups on FB also.

Had a good day, really glad got this week off.

darloboy (Play The Game!)
Good Morning Emptybox & Darloboy.

I'm glad O/H is willing to go, was going to have to find someone to go with, didn't want to go on my own.

Hi Darloboy.
I think what the papers are saying about Danyl upsetting Stacey are probably pretty close to the mark, the papers are printing things about her which upset her so she told them all not to let her see or hear things that are said.
It seems that Danyl is telling her and upsetting her, and if true thats a nasty thing to do.

He has really shot himself in the foot anyway, the bookies can't give him away.
He may be finished and that's why he is doing it to get news inches.
Last edited {1}
►*♥*♥* ------ Good Morning Everyone -------*♥*♥*◄
►*♥*♥*  I hope you are all well this Morning *♥*♥*◄
►*♥*♥*  ------It looks like a damp day today  --------- *♥*♥*◄
►*♥*♥* ------ It's Happy Tuesday again -------*♥*♥*◄

Gallery: The best Corrie Cameos

Nigel Havers and Rula Lenska.jpgThe one thing you can say about Corrie is that it has attracted some darned fine actors who simply want to appear in the soap because they love it so much. December sees the debut of two well established actors: Nigel Havers and Rula Lenska (pictured here courtesy of

BAFTA-nominated actor Nigel will play a character called Lewis, a charming gentleman escort - that'll be a gigolo then - who accompanies wealthy ladies to social functions. He will appear on-screen from December. And Rula Lenska (Celebrity Big Brother) takes the part of Claudia who meets up with her old friend Audrey Roberts at a hairdressing convention. But who are your favourite Corrie Cameos. Here we pick just some of ours.



Gordon Ramsay to give up swearing

Foul-mouthed celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay has vowed to stop swearing on TV because it upsets his mother.

27 October 2009 12:00 PM

Gordon Ramsay to give up swearing

Gordon Ramsay is trying to stop swearing on TV because it upsets his mother.

The celebrity chef - who is infamous for his overuse of obscenities - has vowed to expand his vocabulary for the new series of 'The F Word', due to air on Channel 4 next month.

He explained: "There'll be less swearing. Sometimes I don't know what's coming out. It doesn't make my mum proud, so for the first time in my life I've made a conscious effort to cut.

"No more f-word. If there was another word, I'd use it."

Gordon is extremely proud of the new season of the show, which feature 18 of Britain's restaurant "unsung heroes".

He said: "If I've had a tough time with £1 million a week turnover, God knows what it's like for local restaurants. So I launched a search for the best in Britain. Our unsung heroes.

"We had 10,000 applications, from which 18 have been chosen to compete against each other, and I've found some amazing places.

"It will be a change from 'Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares'. I'm not doing any more of those for now. If the restaurants succeed, there's no praise; if they're screwed, we're blamed and get lawyers' letters."

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Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Coronation Street Weekly Update, October 26 09

Come in and shut that door tight behind you, let’s lock out the world and it’s just us two. Never mind her from number seven, don’t let her in if she knocks. It’s just thee and me, a freshly brewed pot of tea and a right good Coronation Street catch up. And so, without any further ado, here we go with this week’s Coronation Street update.

It’s all aboard the love boat this week as sailor Joe sets sail and hits the high seas. Well, no, he doesn’t. He takes what looks like a pan scrubber to the old, manky wreck (that’s the boat, not Gail) and despite Norris coming out to tell him to turn down the noise and we clearly see Norris unplugging the sander thing, Joe carries on regardless. Gail’s not best pleased about this boat lark but soon cheers up when Joe tells her it could be worth a mint when it’s done. Mind you, you could tell Gail that the fella who drives the Weatherfield Explorer is Simon Cowell and she’d believe you.

Over at Underworld, Rosie comes to terms with losing all her cash. And when I say ‘come to terms’ I mean she locks herself in the factory office and cries her mascara all over her face. She expects Tony to find the missing money and Luke but Tony tells Miss Rosie to get her solicitor on to it pronto because Tony’s got more pressing matters on his mind.

Yes, Tony’s in turmoil 'cos Carla’s returned. I wonder how long Corrie had to wait for a storm in a graveyard before they filmed the return of the Dark Lady? Or did the skies open and the graves threaten as soon as she walked back on set? Or was there a fella with a watering can and sheet of metal up in the trees waiting for the Director to call “Action!”? Who knows. But, she’s back and I know this storyline is really popular, I know, but I don’t like it because I’m not a Carla fan. It’s all: “Ooh Tony, I know you murdered Liam” and then it’s like: “Ooh Carla, but I’m marrying Maria and I have Liam’s baby and I’m tall, dark and handsome with a dodgy eye and what are you doing back?” and so on. I mean, I’m glad she’s back because Tony will be outed, the story will conclude and all will be well in Weatherfield, I just hate the upcoming weeks of what I know will be filled with lots of “Ooh Tony” and “Ooh Carla” and Maria crying on Mammy Connor’s best Irish linen, as surely she will.

Anyway, for those who are enjoying this story and want to know what happened, here it is: Tony called Jimmy the hit man and asked him to kill Carla. Jimmy went to Carla’s flat and tried to kill her but Miss Scarlett thwacked Professor Plum with a candlestick in the living room and thought she’d killed Jimmy but he was still alive. However, Tony told Carla that Jimmy was dead, covered him with a blankie so she wouldn’t see him still breathing, and advised her to leave for LA quick sharp, which she did.

Down at the Kabin, Norris takes on another new assistant. This one’s called Joan and after the talkative Sheila Wheeler, Joan’s a bit quiet. In fact, she’s stony silent. Norris is reaching desperation point and needs a conversation with someone, anyone, even Kirk, that’s how desperate he is, but Kirk isn’t. Anyone else notice how much Joan looked like Liz’s Vernon?

And finally this week, good old Aunty Pam spots Molly and Kev kissing in the truck and has a word with her niece who at first denies all. But there’s not much you can put past Aunty Pam, bearer of talking Faberge eggs and ham past its prime. She knows Molly’s having an affair with Kev Webster and tells her to tell Tyrone. Mend it or end it, our Mol.

And that’s just about that for this week.

Coronation Street writers this week were Martin Allen, Chris Fewtrell, Simon Crowther, Peter Whalley and Stephen Russell.
Good evening all
what a warm day again today.

Hicky...thanks for all that interesting Corrie news, whoever does the weekly right up, has such a sense of humour.   Yes I too know Lesley Sharp, and like her, it should be a good night out. Is it a musical or a play? Glad your OH can go with you, it will be a nice break for her too. First class is the best way to travel , plenty of legroom for you both. It takes just over 2 and half hours for us from here by train to London, so sounds like we are both the same distance away from there. Let's hope the weather is dry for you.

glad you managed to get your gardens done yesterday. Hope it was dry again for you today.
It is so strange now it has gone dark in the evenings, yet it is still very warm. I have ditched the long sleeves and gone back to the T shirt. can't stand feeling too hot.

Hi Darloyboy..
hope you have an enjoyable weeks break from college. My kids too are happy to have a break from college and all their homework.
Havent read any press at all about X factor this year, I am just watching and enjoying the show,  and from that alone, I too like Danyl. I think he has a great voice, and gives a great performance each week. Perhaps, if he has been having trouble with fellow contestants, it is because he is so good,  some of the other contestants see him as a threat to themselves?  I know the twins dont have the best vocies, but at least they try hard, and are full of fun. So I find them entertaining , and to be entertained is what i watch X factor for.  
I really don't think Stacey sounded so good at all this week, and think Lloyd was not good either this week.  I was glad to see young Rachel having a week off in the bottom 2 for a change. There were plenty more this week who did worse than her. I dont think Joe was very good either.
Shame Miss Frank went though, I liked them.

A wet day here so no work.

It's mild here, so no chance of frost, but I wouldn't say it was warm.

I've got the central heating set to come on at 6pm, and from 5pm I'm sitting there waiting for it to come on, so I think I'll change the setting.
Course it's probably psychological due to the dark evenings.

Spent most of the day deciding what to put in my will.
Sounds a strange way to spend the time, but I took the chance to ask about it when I saw the solicitor last week, and I think it's a sensible thing to do now my Dad's not here.
I've written it all down, and the solicitor will put it into legalese.

Forgot to ask what it might cost, but wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't around £150, so once it's done I don't want to have to change it very often.

There's quite a lot of good shows on TV at the moment.
I'm really enjoying 'Around the World in 80 Days'.
Hi Mollie.
I think the show is classed as a play, it's a dark Comedy, but a must to see.
The trains are so fast, and my train tickets came this morning.
I'll probably try to get a nice meal while i'll in London, they do have some nice places to eat.
That 'Big Easy' I went too last time was great, big crab just like the USA.
Hi Darloyboy.. hope you have an enjoyable weeks break from college. My kids too are happy to have a break from college and all their homework

Hi Mollie. I did my assignment starting the week before we broke up as I had till after half term to do it because I wanted to chill for the week. I was given some homework on the day we was going to break up for half term and I did it on the day so it's out of the way, on Thursday evening that day went out clubbing then to celebrate lol. Glad your kids are enjoying the week off and working hard also.

EE is the best soap by far, i've only bothered with Corrie since Carla come back because she's my fav and I got fed up of the rubbish storylines like Molvin, still got a couple of favourite characters and I know about Tony's commeupance storyline so it will be very interesting.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Im baby sitting at the Mo, so it's a bit awkward to see the keyboard.
Will get back to you in a mo.

►*♥*♥* Good Afternoon Everyone *♥*♥*◄
►*♥*♥* Hope you are all well*♥*♥*◄
►*♥*♥*  Lvely & Sunny here today *♥*♥*◄
►*♥*♥* Happy Wednesday to you *♥*♥*◄
►*♥*♥* Hope you all have a lovely day *♥*♥*◄

EastEnders and Emmerdale’s bonfire night fireworks

While you’re busy preparing for bonfire night, spare a thought for those poor souls in soapland for whom Guy Fawkes night is usually the cue for disaster.

28 October 2009 13:10 PM

  EastEnders and Emmerdale’s bonfire night fireworks

Lighting the blue touch paper when it comes to serving up incendiary plotlines for Guy fawkes night this year are EastEnders and Emmerdale both of which will see plenty of sparks fly next week.

Over in Walford Janine Butcher (Charlie Brooks) and Archie Mitchell (Larry Lamb) step up their devilish plans to ruin Peggy, Phil and Co. for good.

The evil pair decide that Guy Fawkes night would be the perfect time to set the Queen Vic alight and make it look like an inside job, leaving the Mitchells with no pub and no money.

However Janine bottles it at the last  minute leaving Archie to finish the job alone. The silver haired, smooth talking schemer hatches a plan to plant Billy Mitchell’s wallet on the scene, implicating him in the crime. Well, Billy, played by Barry Fenwick  he does have previous having  burned down Sharon Watts’ club Angies’ Den back in 2000. 

Unbeknownst to Archie however Peggy (Barbara Windsor)  is still in the Vic when he strikes the match. the rotter. But instead of succeeding in razing the pub to ground Archie only succeeds in stoking the burning embers of passion between the pair instead. Talk about old flames.  

Meanwhile away from the big smoke in the Big smoke ove,r in Emmerdale  things are also going off with a bang. (well what do you expect given that Emmerdale is Britain's  most flammable soap with the show's scriptwriters never slow in setting a good fire to help drive the plot along. Flame happy schizophrenic pyromaniac Zoe Tat anyone?

This time its young mum Laurel Thomas (Charlotte Bellamy) who is left screaming for her life when her coat catches fire at a local bonfire night.

Adding fuel to the fire is the fact that after hubby Ashley (John Middleton) tries and fails to rescue her, and it’s left to Laurel’s love rival Sally Spode, played by Siân Reeves, to decide whether to help or let Laurel burn to death. Who said country life was quiet?

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Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Johnny Briggs wants Mike Baldwin's twin on Corrie

In a shameless bit of self-publicity, Johnny Briggs says he could return to Coronation Street as Mike Baldwin's twin brother. He says: “It worked in Dallas where he came out of the shower as someone else. I would do something like that, definitely.”

Well, you can't blame the fella for trying


Kat Kelly: 'I don't get chatted up'

Wednesday, October 28 2009, 12:01 GMT

By Daniel Kilkelly, Entertainment Reporter

Kat Kelly: 'I don't get chatted up'


Coronation Street actress Katherine Kelly has admitted that she never gets approached by male admirers.

The 29-year-old, who plays Steve McDonald's (Simon Gregson) hellraising wife Becky on the soap, has been single since splitting from actor Oliver Williams earlier this year.

Kelly told South Yorkshire's Star newspaper: "I wouldn't say I'm looking - but I don't get approached. Nobody approaches me. I must scare people off. They must think I'm Becky, or married to Steve!"

She continued: "I can't think of anything else but work at the minute - it's so busy. I've been single now about six months and it's flying by."

The star recently insisted that she is in no rush to find a new partner.


Gordon Ramsay confirms Tana Ransay for Dancing On Ice 2010


Celebrity chef, Gordon Ramsay has confirmed that his wife Tana has been signed for Dancing On Ice 2010. He also added that he greatly approves of her new training regime and the results it has yielded.

“I’m looking forward to watching her dancing – her buttocks are so firm it’s like clinging to a six-pack,” the 42-year-old told the Radio Times.

“She has the bum of an 18-year-old. I woke the other day and she was doing buttock-clenching exercises.”

Gordon also claimed that last years claims that he had cheated on Tana, only brought them closer.

“She’s brilliant. That hurricane made us incredibly closer with support of friends like David and Victoria [Beckham] and our families,” he said.


Well the warm weather finally reached here.
Positively balmy today. "No Jacket Required", as Mr Collins once declared.

Cut a couple of hedges, and gave a couple of lawns their last cut. Still got plenty to get round though.

 online 52 Forum Posts Today at 20:54 (Edited: )

Good evening everyone. I hope you're all well. Time to catch up.
Good Evening Boldjohn, I'm well, fairly well anyway. what are you up to these days?
Good evening all...
Emptybox... glad to hear you too won't be waiting for the heating to come on tonight.   What is happening this year weather wise?  It is so warm, I have had to go back to my summer T shirt, and am putting the summer quilt on again tonight, because I woke up feeling too hot last night. It is good to hear you have been able to give some of those lawns a last cut. at you doing your will, but I guess they do advise everyone to do one. Hope you have made provision for the cat.  

hope the baby sitting went ok, and the litlties did not exhuast you too much.   Glad to hear you enjoyed your meal out last night. Thanks for all the Corrie stuff again.

Been busy today with bloomin tax forms, talk about boring.
Got all my washing dry though.
Hi Mollie.
I'll have to get down to my own tax return before long.

I forgot all about the cat in my will.
It's my ambition to outlive her.
Not much of an ambition I know, but each to their own 
darloboy online 38933 Forum Posts Today at 00:56 (Edited: ) Reference: Hi Mollie. I did my assignment starting the week before we broke up as I had till after half term to do it because I wanted to chill for the week. I was given some homework on the day we was going to break up for half term and I did it on the day so it's out of the way, on Thursday evening that day went out clubbing then to celebrate lol. Glad your kids are enjoying the week off and working hard also. EE is the best soap by far, i've only bothered with Corrie since Carla come back because she's my fav and I got fed up of the rubbish storylines like Molvin, still got a couple of favourite characters and I know about Tony's commeupance storyline so it will be very interesting.
Glad to hear you are keeping up with all the workload nicely, but are still managing to fit in the odd clubbing visit.
Molvin... what a suitable name. I too hate watching this pair..  I can't stand that storyline either, but am a fan of the Tony storyline.
Enjoy the rest of your week off. xx
emptybox online 340 Forum Posts Today at 22:11  I forgot all about the cat in my will. It's my ambition to outlive her. Not much of an ambition I know, but each to their own
maybe you will have other pets down the years, so a good idea to just mention provision for pets in general if you want.
Bit morbid arent we now ?

Do you watch that Ruth Hotel programme that was on C4 tonight?  I find it quite interesting. These people are certainly brave or foolish to take on new hotels, especially during a recession.
I have been reading over OH's application for a job. It is a bit techy for me, but I just check for general punctuation, and ease of reading etc. So annoying how long some of these applications take to fill in, if you then hear nothirng.  He had had a few calls off agents, but it is so quiet compared to how it used to be.
Yes, I was watching that Hotel Rescue thing. It's usually quite good.
It's seems the couple came good in the end, although I don't really see the appeal in having luxury furnishings in rooms with peeling walls? But the guy in the silly red hat seemed to like it.

I remember filling in application form after application form when I left University in 1980, and was looking for a job as a Biology Technician.
Out of hundreds of applications I had less than 20 interviews, and I never got one job offer.
I don't envy your OH, but I'm sure he's in a much better situation with all of his experience.

I'm leaving all my possessions to my brother, so i guess that includes the cat, but he won't have one in his house so it might be a problem?
I'm sure someone else in the family would take her though.

Anyway, I'm living forever, so it willnae be a problem.

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