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Originally posted by Suzie Fairy:
Right Peeps I'm totally exhausted now after spending an evening fighting with my lappy overheating 5 times and the video thingy playing up must find out if I have adobe9? anyway before lappy shuts down again

Night Night Sweet Dreams HugValentine

See you all tomorrow Wave

nightynight sweetie Hug Valentine see you tomorrow!
Hi everyone. wavey

Date went so good. Things are really moving along.
Can't wait to see her again.

Hicky glad your back mate. The news is not all we love you for though. Big Grin
The pics of sophie too. Wink

Thanks for the good luck's and good wish's Suzie, Mollie, Tatty and emptybox and anyone else who wished me luck.
Nice to see your on the mend pinkbabe.
Mike. Hope your weekend goes quick for you and you can be back at your club on tuesday. Hug

Forum still looks funny to me, very plain.
I'm using Firefox 3.5.

This is a pic of it...
Good Afternoon Everyone.wavey

Not a lot going on in the house last night then.

Here's what did go on, Day 86/87.
(Dead Boring)
03:00 Everythings's quiet. David's not even snoring tonight.

02:45 Si's now in bed. Looks like eviction nights don't really get the HMs going anymore.

02:35 OK, you can look now; Siavash has his pants on.

02:20 You'll be pleased to hear that Siavash is now in the shower.

02:14 Siavash is having the world's bubbliest bubble bath. Good job too, cos he's taken his fancy cossie off.

01:57 Siavash is running a nice, relaxing bubble bath. A victory bath.

01:53 Siavash has just come out of the diary room in his strange leotard and gone into the bathroom. Everyone else is in bed.

01:44 Sophie and Rodrigo are whispering. She says she didn't have sex with Kris, and she's dreading leaving the house and being quizzed about it.

01:40 David's so pleased with himself for still being in the house, he's playing tunes with his bottom. Either that or the lentils have finally caught up with him. Lisa's not far behind.

01:33 Lisa and David are heading for the bus stop for a fag. Looks like the rest of the HMs are in bed.
Sophie "dreading" being in the final
Day 87, 10:02 BST
By Catriona Wightman

Sophie revealed last night that she is "dreading" being in the final.

As she whispered to Rodrigo in bed, the model explained that she did not want to answer questions about Kris in front of him.

"I'm going to have to say something when he's there," she worried. "That's why I've been wanting to go before then.

"I'm dreading that."

The 20-year-old added that she will "look like an idiot".

"I wish I'd just stayed by myself," she sighed. "I can't do anything about it now."
Sophie predicts surprise eviction
Day 87, 15:11 BST
By Matt Risley

Sophie has predicted that there will be a suprise eviction before Friday's final.

In the aftermath of Marcus's departure, the housemates began reminiscing over the impact he had in the house and what could be coming next.

Sophie and Rodrigo were chatting over some food late into the evening, Sophie mentioned to Rodrigo that she expected there would be a surprise eviction on Monday evening and that it would be her name that was read out.

It was reported earlier this week that there will be an extra eviction, set to take place on Tuesday evening.
Group given 'task with no name'
Day 87, 17:52 BST
By Polly Taylor

The group have been given a 'task with no name', which will allow them the opportunity to increase their prize fund by ÂĢ10,000.

They have not been told what the task is, only that they will pass if the Pass Or Fail meter in the large task room reaches the 'pass' mark.

The group are unaware that to pass the task, all they must do is leave the task room. Each time one of them leaves, the Pass Or Fail meter will move one step closer to the 'pass' mark.

When they received the task instructions, the group went to the task room where they found puzzles and challenges such as a padlock with 200 keys and a large knotted rope.

They set about trying to complete the challenges but when David managed to find a key that opened the padlock, the Pass or Fail meter failed to move.

Siavash said: "There is something going on that we aren't getting right."

The group has four hours to complete the task.
Sophie anxiously dreams of Kris
Day 87, 15:03 BST
By Matt Risley

Sophie has said that she has had troublesome dreams revolving around Kris.

Earlier this morning she revealed to Rodrigo that she had not been sleeping well due to a mixture of anticipation and fear of Friday's final.

"God, I'm really, really tired," Sophie said to Rodrigo in the kitchen.

When Rodrigo asked her if she slept well, Sophie admitted that her dreams had been disrupting her sleep patterns.

"I had a weird dream," she confessed. "I dreamt that my mum wasn't speaking to me and she kept saying, 'If you want to speak to Kris, then I don't want to speak to you'."

"Then Kris kept trying to kiss me and talk to me and I didn't want to speak to him. I was trying to run away from him and my mum. Such a weird dream!," she admitted.

Sophie had earlier expressed her regret that she had not "been [herself]" during her relationship with Kris.
Originally posted by King Kev:
Hi everyone. wavey

Date went so good. Things are really moving along.
Can't wait to see her again.

Hicky glad your back mate. The news is not all we love you for though. Big Grin
The pics of sophie too. Wink

Thanks for the good luck's and good wish's Suzie, Mollie, Tatty and emptybox and anyone else who wished me luck.
Nice to see your on the mend pinkbabe.
Mike. Hope your weekend goes quick for you and you can be back at your club on tuesday. Hug

Forum still looks funny to me, very plain.
I'm using Firefox 3.5.

This is a pic of it...

ohhh how strange Eeker i never use firefox, i tell peeps to use google chrome of safari .. chrome being the better of them two, why dont you try that?

glad your date went well, but we need more info you know Laugh
good evening all wavey

tbanks for the news, even though the HM's left sound so dull , they have not done a lot. How are the ankles today? Lets hope the rest today helps them a little.

Kingkev...glad to hear the date went so well. Smiler

Suzy.. hope yo have had a good rest day after your busy week at work.

Mike... sorry to hear you did not have much fun today.

Wave Coldsweat.

I have had a busy day in Cardiff today. Went a long walk through the park by the river , lots of people out enjoying the sun. And got daughter some new clothes and trainers before college goes back. Feel shatterned now.

Time to get ready to see BB now. Usually not very good on Saturdays though.
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
good evening all wavey

tbanks for the news, even though the HM's left sound so dull , they have not done a lot. How are the ankles today? Lets hope the rest today helps them a little.

Kingkev...glad to hear the date went so well. Smiler

Suzy.. hope yo have had a good rest day after your busy week at work.

Mike... sorry to hear you did not have much fun today.

Wave Coldsweat.

I have had a busy day in Cardiff today. Went a long walk through the park by the river , lots of people out enjoying the sun. And got daughter some new clothes and trainers before college goes back. Feel shatterned now.

Time to get ready to see BB now. Usually not very good on Saturdays though.

Hi Mollie.wavey

BB a bit boring Saturday, not much happening.
Ankles not too bad, haven't been out today.
Watched X-Factor that's all.
Have a few recordings to catch up on.
Tatty I'll try it but I like Firefox more with the add-ons. Chrome I've tried before.

Hicky I love that saying. Laugh

Hi Mollie. wavey
Where's Suzie? Hug

Well for my date I took her to an Indian restaurant had a good meal and a good chat. We get on very well, and I haven't met a woman I can have a great conversation with for ages, unless they were over 40, and I'm no grave robber lol Razzer Big Grin
Then we went for a drive somewhere romantic, and had a kiss and cuddle, that's all, I am a gentleman after all.
Originally posted by King Kev:
Tatty I'll try it but I like Firefox more with the add-ons. Chrome I've tried before.

Hicky I love that saying. Laugh

Hi Mollie. wavey
Where's Suzie? Hug

Well for my date I took her to an Indian restaurant had a good meal and a good chat. We get on very well, and I haven't met a woman I can have a great conversation with for ages, unless they were over 40, and I'm no grave robber lol Razzer Big Grin
Then we went for a drive somewhere romantic, and had a kiss and cuddle, that's all, I am a gentleman after all.

over 40, you think your a grave robber Eeker i am laughing sooo mush right now Laugh

nice to hear you had a lovely time, what is her name? so we dont have to keep calling her, her, she, or other things like that, cos it sounds catty on our part Disappointed
I'm using Google Chrome now Tatty and it's all fine now, thanks. Hug
I wish I could put StumbleUpon on it though, maybe you can. Ninja

Her name is Andrea, I'm friends with her on facebook and her last name begins with S. So if you want to look, you can. Big Grin
Funnily enough my brother's fiance is called Andrea. Laugh

Just a little joke about the over 40's Laugh i love my older women, young women these days Roll Eyes womens lib gone too far lol.
Tatty I loved your most recent blog.
It's very true about the people whose lives are solely about money. Zeitgeist Addendum introduces a new way of living where money is non existant, yeah hard to believe a world without money, or people that can't afford their next meal or a drug which will prolong their life by ten years.
Whoops I've gone all serious again lol.

Zeitgeist video
Hello all..

Feeling much better and hope the worst is now over.

I have just had the most gorgeous curry brought in for me as my husband was working late and I have got our niece staying with us over the weekend.

She got her GCSE results on Thursday and got what she needed to get on her college course next month, she is going to do a hairdressing/beautician course and has already been told she can practice on both her mum and me!! She is going to colour my hair when she does that, because I don't like anyone else but my hairdresser to cut my hair, but the beautician bit should be fun, lots of make up tips and false nails!!

Anyway I have already brought her a top and she was going to have a girly night with make up, hair extensions etc, but this afternoon she phoned me and said that her boyfriend (who she had had an arguement with on Thursday and never, never wanted to see ever again!!) said as only a 16 year old can!! Anyway he had texted her and she was going to go round with a couple of friends tonight and was I mad? Told her of course not and gave her my keys to get back in with.

About half 10, got a text off my husband, she'd texted him, could he go and pick her up when he finished work and she was STARVING!! Her words not mine, so he went and fetched her and we had a gorgeous curry. Chicken tikka masala and a chicken tikka naan bread for me, something unprounceable for Kayleigh and chicken curry for my husband, she's now got the remote and is watching a music channel because she is not tired!! I'm tired just watching her.

Sooo tomorrow we have decided to have a pampering day and then I think she is off out with her boyfriend and mates to celebrate again and then she's coming out with me on Monday and I'll take her home Monday night. I'll miss her, she's a typical 16 year old, but she makes me laugh.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Glad your date went well Kev Thumbs Up. Sounds like things on the up for you and good luck Smiler.

I'm delighted about the United score, although Arsenal dominated the first half and we weren't at our best but we got the result and Wenger felt hard done by so had a strop in front of the United fans. Delighted Siavash stayed also, sad to see Marcus go both shouldn't have been up but I hope Team Lisa get their just desrts now Devil.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Good Afternoon Everyone.wavey

Hope you are all better or at least recovering.

Not a lot of news from the house.
A bit from last night, Day 87/88.

03.00: Someone snorts in their sleep ... sounds like Lisa. Rodrigo has rolled over onto his back. All housemates are still sleeping.

02.50: David is still snoring but apart from that all is quiet as all housemates sleep in the BB bedroom.

02.47: Rodrigo scratches his head.

02.44: Rodrigo fidgets and rolls over in bed.

02.18: It must be warm in the BB bedroom as David, Rodrigo and Sophie have all shrugged off their duvets and are sleeping on top of the covers.

01.50: David is snoring in the BB bedroom.

01.35: David wakes up, removes his microphone and places it next to his bed. He rolls over in an attempt to get back to sleep.

01.33: Lisa rolls over in bed.

01.28: David and Lisa are back in bed.

01.23: Lisa says she will take the bus and get down the job centre as normal when she is out of the house. Dave says he thinks their local radio stations will want to interview them about their experiences.

01.22: Lisa says Big Brother won't change her. Dave says: "You just disappear."

"I wanna disappear. I wanna slip back into my normal little life as soon as I'm out," Lisa says.

01.19: Lisa says she would love a vodka and coke. She says: "If Davina has got me one ready that would be great." She adds that she will be glad to be out and seeing people now even though she will miss it.

01.17: David says that Freddie owes Lisa an apology when they leave the house for telling her that she would be evicted weeks ago. She replies: "Yeah me too. If I don't get one, I don't speak to him. Simple."

01.16: Lisa says she thinks she will be the next person out of the house. DAve says he does. Lisa replies: "I'm happy anyway, just being here."

01.14: Dave says it's really weird looking in the corner of the pool and Marcus not being there. Lisa and David are in the garden covered in a duvet having a cigarette.

The pair say that they love the BB garden ... I wonder why.

01.11: David has woken up and goes into the kitchen wrapped in his duvet. Lisa follows him out and starts rolling a cigarette. David tells Lisa: "Some of the stuff you come out with is funny, honest it is."

01.10: Rodrigo wakes Sophie getting into bed and offers her a sweet which she takes.

01.09: Rodrigo gets a glass of water from the kitchen and takes it into the bedroom where Sophie, Lisa and David are already sound asleep.
Start Here.
Group passes 'task with no name'
Day 88, 10:00 BST
By Catriona Wightman

The housemates successfully completed the 'task with no name' yesterday.

The group had been provided with several challenges and puzzles, but were unaware that to pass they just had to leave the task room.

When Charlie went outside, Rodrigo noted that the Pass or Fail meter moved towards 'pass'.

The Geordie soon returned with David and Lisa, but David exclaimed: "Every time we come in it goes down."

"Maybe something to do with... go back outside," Rodrigo suggested, as Siavash bounced on a pogo stick. Lisa agreed, and proposed that all of the housemates leave the room.

Rodrigo initially told Siavash to keep jumping, but the events organiser soon joined the rest of the group outside.

The housemates shut the door, then peered around it and cheered when they realised that the meter was showing that they had passed.

As a result, the contestants have added ÂĢ10,000 to the prize fund.
Quiet in here today, is there good weather elsewhere in the country, because it is typical Bank Holiday weather here, grey and dull oh well, football's on, Kayleigh has put pink extensions in my hair, thank goodness we have no batteries in the camera, otherwise the photos would be on FB, where she has put I am the best auntie in the world!!!!!

Sunday lunch is cooking and I am chillaxing and wondering how long I can leave these extensions in before saying that I am not keen on them and want to take them out, thankfully they are only clip on, but they look a little strange with my short bob!!

Hope everybody else is chillaxing just like me today or if you are doing something, hope the weather is good.

See you all later xx
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
Quiet in here today, is there good weather elsewhere in the country, because it is typical Bank Holiday weather here, grey and dull oh well, football's on, Kayleigh has put pink extensions in my hair, thank goodness we have no batteries in the camera, otherwise the photos would be on FB, where she has put I am the best auntie in the world!!!!!

Sunday lunch is cooking and I am chillaxing and wondering how long I can leave these extensions in before saying that I am not keen on them and want to take them out, thankfully they are only clip on, but they look a little strange with my short bob!!

Hope everybody else is chillaxing just like me today or if you are doing something, hope the weather is good.

See you all later xx

Hi PinkBabe.wavey

I bet you look great really with those pink extensions in.Big Grin

Enjoy your Lunch, hope the extensions don't get in the gravy.Big Grin
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by King Kev:
Hello. wavey
I've not done much today either.
Hope everyone's good today. Hug

Hi Kev.wavey

No need to do anything, if you do as little as possible for as long as possible then it is probably possible that you will survive the impossible.Big Grin

wow thats really good for that time of the morning Laugh

yoooohooooo all Hug Valentine
It’s Raining, men!
Published: 29 Aug 2009

FOLD away those umbrellas and stand by fellas - these saucy singers are tipped to whip up a storm on Saturday night TV.
Blonde Vicky "Coco" Lloyd and pal Azi Jegbefume are one half of raunchy girl group Kandy Rain.

And forecasters say they will hot things up when they appear on talent show The X Factor.

Vicky and Azi stripped down to their undies for these snaps ahead of their arrival on the ITV hit.

And they had no problem shedding their clothes - because all the Kandy Rain girls are strippers.

Vicky, 22, and Azi, 25, plus pals Khatereh Dovani and Chemmane Applewhaite, are billed as Britain's answer to The Pussycat Dolls.

And they're already tipped to reach the X Factor live finals.

A source said: "All four girls met while working as strippers and they all want pop careers.

"They've been saving up their tips to buy singing lessons."

An X Factor spokesman said: "The girls no longer work as lap-dancers now they're in the show."
Afternoon guys. Smiler

Pink extensions for a pink babe eh? Big Grin

Been quite busy in my own garden today.
Gave the hedge a trim and hoed the weeds out of the beds (well some of them).

Thought I'd better make it look like I was making an effort because I've got the landlady coming round tomorrow morning with some guy to give the place an Energy Certificate.
Not sure what that entails, but seemingly she needs to get one done before she can let the place to me.
Then we are going to sign the tennancy agreement, and I'll have the pleasure of handing over my first rent cheque. Roll Eyes

Had my brother and family over yesterday, and we buried Dad's ashes in the garden, in the same spot as my Mother's.
We also sorted through dad's clothes, and I've got loads of bags full of them ready to take to a charity shop or to be recycled.
Unfortunately he was larger than either of us, but had smaller feet, so there wasn't much either of us could wear.
I've kept some of his polo shirts for work, and a few of his ties etc (not that I ever wear a tie Big Grin)

Anyway, I suppose we are slowly getting there.

Hope everybody is having a good Sunday.
Weather is rather dull here but dry and a bit chilly.
I put my thicker (10.5 tog) duvet on my bed yesterday, and I needed it too.
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Glad your date went well Kev Thumbs Up. Sounds like things on the up for you and good luck Smiler.

I'm delighted about the United score, although Arsenal dominated the first half and we weren't at our best but we got the result and Wenger felt hard done by so had a strop in front of the United fans. Delighted Siavash stayed also, sad to see Marcus go both shouldn't have been up but I hope Team Lisa get their just desrts now Devil.

Thanks darloboy. Smiler
Had to laugh at Wenger. Laugh
Hi emptybox. wavey
Nice for your dad to be with you mother again.

Hi Hicky,, and Pinkbabe. wavey

It's been raining bad here today, started off ok.
Went for a walk with Andrea and her daughters and their dog in the woods/country park.
Had a really good day with them, don't know why I was so nervous beforehand. Laugh
Got soaking wet up there but didn't mind.
We had sandwiches and hot chocolate in the car after too. Smiler
Lisa: 'Siavash is crafty'
Day 88, 18:11 BST
By Polly Taylor

Lisa: 'Siavash is crafty'

Lisa has told David that she thinks that Siavash is "crafty" after discovering that he nominated her six times.

Earlier today the housemates were shown footage of previous nominations, which included clips of Siavash nominating Lisa on numerous occasions.

Lisa told David: "I'm glad Big Brother showed me that. Six fu**ing times!"

She went on: "Siavash makes out he's all nice and innocent, but he ain't. He's crafty. It's like everybody thinks when we get out we're all gonna be friends and all that - I ain't!"

"Seeing his face, he didn't like it," she added.
Sophie: 'Lisa's a nasty piece of work'
Day 88, 18:20 BST
By Polly Taylor

Sophie: 'Lisa's a nasty piece of work'

Sophie has branded Lisa a "nasty piece of work" following her reaction to the group being shown nominations footage.

The blonde glamour girl cornered Siavash in the bedroom to discuss Lisa.

She whispered: "She's turned into a right little biatch, hasn't she? Because there are no more nominations, her true colours are seriously coming out. She's a nasty piece of work."

"I think she'll go next," she added.

"That's how she's been the whole time," Siavash said. "But she's been nice to you lot."

He went on: "She was saying as well that she's been nice to me and stuff, and she said, 'Why did you nominate me if I didn't do anything to you?' If she's nice to me, it doesn't mean I'm not going to nominate her if she's nasty to other people."

"She's slagged everyone off," Sophie said.

The group are unaware that there is one more round of nominations still to come.
Surprise nominations shock group
Day 88, 18:31 BST
By Polly Taylor

Surprise nominations shock group

The group were in shock this afternoon after Big Brother asked them to nominate for one final time.

Charlie emerged from the Diary Room and said: "I'm up for eviction this week. They've just told us to nominate. I just couldn't do it."

The group then began to discuss whether they would follow Charlie's lead and refuse to cast their vote.

David refused, saying: "Just do it, guys."

Later the 28-year-old returned from the Diary Room and confirmed that he had indeed nominated.

Despite earlier saying that she wouldn't nominate, Lisa also confirmed that she had given Big Brother two names.

"It's Big Brother rules. I've always nominated," she said.

Rodrigo suggested that the rest of the group also nominate in an attempt to counter Lisa and David's decision, and when he returned from the Diary Room, the Brazilian confirmed that he had done the deed.

Only Sophie and Siavash stuck to their decision not to nominate.

Sophie said: "I want to go up."
Siavash: "Let's do it, let's walk out"
Day 88, 18:50 BST
By Polly Taylor


Siavash has suggested that the housemates walk out of the house in protest, following the surprise nominations earlier today.

The 23-year-old, Sophie, Charlie and Rodrigo sat in the living area as Charlie explained his decision not to nominate.

The Geordie said: "I really didn't want to do it. I'd rather I went up."

Siavash said: "Oh my God, it would be so heroic if we walked out."

As Charlie continued to explain how "upset" he was by the process, Siavash added: "Let's do it, let's walk out."

"What's five days?" Charlie said as he considered the possibility.

"Shall we?" Siavesh asked.

Sophie nodded and the four headed straight to the Diary Room.

As Siavash tried to climb up the stairs to the front door, Charlie hesitated and said: "I don't want to do it if people have been voting."

"Come on people. I bet we end up not walking out," Siavash said as the Diary Room door closed behind them.
Originally posted by King Kev:
I'm using Google Chrome now Tatty and it's all fine now, thanks. Hug
I wish I could put StumbleUpon on it though, maybe you can. Ninja

Her name is Andrea, I'm friends with her on facebook and her last name begins with S. So if you want to look, you can. Big Grin
Funnily enough my brother's fiance is called Andrea. Laugh

Just a little joke about the over 40's Laugh i love my older women, young women these days Roll Eyes womens lib gone too far lol.

aww glad you like the chrome, i knew you would, i never use anything else now lol Thumbs Up

i bet she is really nice kev ... maybe we can all meet her one day, if you give her the link to here Laugh

well, my OH that i left behind in Turkey Crying was younger than me, i love him to bits always will, Hug love of my life!!!

i was here on the forum all by myself when i came here earlier Crying echo's all over the place as i was walking around
Originally posted by King Kev:
Tatty I loved your most recent blog.
It's very true about the people whose lives are solely about money. Zeitgeist Addendum introduces a new way of living where money is non existant, yeah hard to believe a world without money, or people that can't afford their next meal or a drug which will prolong their life by ten years.
Whoops I've gone all serious again lol.

Zeitgeist video

aww thanks Kev, there is a big discussion going on about it on LC lol some very interesting comments Laugh

i try to keep things light with my theory blogs, it is hard sometimes, as there can well be a bit of truth to some subjects.

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