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Originally posted by King Kev:
Hello everyone. wavey
Thanks Hicky for the news, I've missed a few BB's and wished you were here posting some news. Laugh

Hope your well Mollie. Hug
Suzie, Hope your day at work wasn't too hard. Bet your on the farm now. I'm too tired to go on lately. Laugh
Pinkbabe, I hope the pain has lessened now. Hug
Mike, big (((hug))) to you mate. Hug
Thanks for the advice yesterday lol.
Emptybox, hope the sun's been shining for you fella.
Tatty. Hope your well. Hug

Hi Kev.wavey

I haven't seen a lot of BB, good job it isn't very exciting eh.Big Grin

Hope Marcus goes Friday, will probably miss it.
Will watch the recording later, depends when we get in Friday night.

Won't be here for a few days again.
Should be back Saturday morning after a Li-in.Big Grin
Originally posted by King Kev:
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Perhaps she is feeling nervous too?

We were upfront about that straight away lol.
I can honestly say I was completely myself and open with my feelings on our date, and I think that put her at ease with me straight away. Who'd have ever thought eh? Being yourself is the way to a girl's heart lol.
That's where I was going wrong. Laugh

Mike deserves some credit too. He's given me a few tips over the last few months that could earn him a fortune if he published a book.

Aaawww Kingkev...
you can't go wrong with a decent girl if all you are is your true self.

Good for Mike, giving you a few tips there.
Mike Hug
And when are you publishing that book Mike?
Originally posted by Hicky:
Hi Mollie.wavey
You could be right about the water Mollie, it sounds reasonable, but think i'm storing far too much.

Will have to leave it until next week now.

My Lad has seen a lot of his friends, but many are either courting, married etc, things change so quick.
My O/H is going to get him put on her insurance for a month so he can use her car when she isn't using it.

He has arranged the trip to London, everything is pre-booked, but we leave very early in the morning, so I have to pack in a sec.
I'm taking my Camera anyway.

Have the Longleat pics to show you but haven't put them up yet, will have to reduce the size etc first.
I usually make them 20% of their real size to post them.

can't wait to see your piccies, and dont forget to take some in London too.
Your London visit has come round quickly. Smiler
I hope you have a good time, and try not to overtire those ankles, perhaps you could sitesee on a boat trip up the Thames or one of those tourist buses, and do all else by taxi? Have fun whatever you do. xxx

What a good idea to add your son to the car insurance, that will be very handy for him.
Originally posted by King Kev:
Lately Rodrigo has been really annoying me. Disappointed
Pity Siavash didn't nom David. Frowner
Maybe David would've been up then.

Siavash is a very calm, polite, well mannered man. I want him to win, if not Sophie.
Everyone else in there is off their head. Eeker
Except maybe Marcus. Ninja
Awaits ridicule for the Marcus support lol. Big Grin

Yes Siavash is a very calm and polite sort. Went right off Marcus tonight...
at least Sophie came over well, because on occasions she has been quite nasty , especially when she gossiped with Bea about Freddie. But she wasnt tonight, even though she could of had a reason to be mad, because Siavash had given her a vote, she wasn't .
But Charlie just makes me want to explode though.. Sausage
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Originally posted by King Kev:
Charlie has 666 on his head somewhere. Mad

Laugh I think you are right there, yet he never stops telling us what a good sort he is... Roll Eyes
Cant bear to watch him..

He reminds me of an actor on a very low budget film. Laugh
Charlie is the reason I'm glad there's no LF lol.
Sophie is the reason I wish there was. Big Grin I'm sure Hicky will back me up there. Wink

Mollie she's a very decent girl. There isn't any doubt in my mind. Big Grin

Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Originally posted by King Kev:
Lately Rodrigo has been really annoying me. Disappointed
Pity Siavash didn't nom David. Frowner
Maybe David would've been up then.

Siavash is a very calm, polite, well mannered man. I want him to win, if not Sophie.
Everyone else in there is off their head. Eeker
Except maybe Marcus. Ninja
Awaits ridicule for the Marcus support lol. Big Grin

Yes Siavash is a very calm and polite sort. Went right off Marcus tonight...
at least Sophie came over well, because on occasions she has been quite nasty , especially when she gossiped with Bea about Freddie. But she wasnt tonight, even though she could of had a reason to be mad, because Siavash had given her a vote, she wasn't .
But Charlie just makes me want to explode though.. Sausage

I think with Sophie she doesn't think things through straight away. Same as me really, except I always wait till I'm sure before I give people my opinion now. I've learnt the hard way lol.
There is a benefit to being shy and that's being able to think things through without people expecting you to say what you see all the time. Glad I'm shy. Smiler
Originally posted by King Kev:
I think with Sophie she doesn't think things through straight away. Same as me really, except I always wait till I'm sure before I give people my opinion now. I've learnt the hard way lol.
There is a benefit to being shy and that's being able to think things through without people expecting you to say what you see all the time. Glad I'm shy. Smiler

Yes nothing wrong with being shy, all of my kids are. As you say it does give the benefit of sussing things out at your own time.
Glad to hear you are sure your date is a decent girl. Smiler

I do think Sophie deserves to be in at least the top 3, even though she has made some mistakes (Kris for one!). Shame that no livefeed meant you fellas missed out on Sophie in her bikini.
Right popping in here to let you know that thank goodness I'm sorted out.

Pain was that bad in the night, I had to go to A&E, they checked me all over and I have a severe middle and inner ear infection which has made it's way along my gum.

They gave me a shot of a painkiller after I collasped in tears in the cubicle after the very kind doctor had looked at my ear - he was very gentle, but goodness it hurt!!

They prescribed me antibiotics then and there and gave me some to get me through until my pharmacist opened. Really kind they were and the worst thing was they were busy and I kept saying Im ok, go and look on the others and then the nurse said look you are ill, you need help so don't be silly!!

Went home and was told to go to bed, which I did and my husband got my tablets which are working, make me feel very strange though. He has gone to collect passengers from East Midlands Airport and I have just rang him with confirmation that the bags had gone through and he had got them, so as it's motorway all the way back, he should be home soon.

Thank you, thank you all you kind people for being so concerned about me, I really appreciate it, I shall be glad to see the back of this summer, I really will.

I wonder if this infection was some offshoot of having swine flu though, it seems strange I get that, then this very bad infection that means my balance is even worse than usual and I am not allowed to drive at all.

The hospital advised my husband to get in touch with my GP's practice and advise them I had been given an painkiller injection and antibiotics and to get an appointment for the end of this week to check me over. They said they would be in touch as well and even wrote the names of the stuff so as my husband to tell them, yet they weren't that good when I broke my wrist, different shift though, maybe they know you are not messing about over night!

Hug Valentine for all of you xx
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Pinkbabe. Glad you are on the road to recovery now. Smiler
The swine flu probably weakened your immune system for a while, and let this ear infection take hold. Hopefully the anti-biotics will take care of it.

Wet here today, so I didn't get any work done.
I did get some good news about my rent. The landlady has called, and has told me what she proposes to charge per month.
It is a bit more than my father was paying, but still reasonably affordable. It could have been a lot worse.

Luckily the rent assessor noted all the faults in the property, and didn't value it too high. Cool

I still might be better off buying a small place, when my father's money comes through?
But I can now afford to take my time over a matter like that. I don't have to rush into anything, which is a big relief.

I see they have confirmed that BB will end next year.
Well I've come to the conclusion that I don't like anyone that is left in, so I don't care who wins this year's one. Big Grin
Originally posted by emptybox:
Pinkbabe. Glad you are on the road to recovery now. Smiler
The swine flu probably weakened your immune system for a while, and let this ear infection take hold. Hopefully the anti-biotics will take care of it.

Wet here today, so I didn't get any work done.
I did get some good news about my rent. The landlady has called, and has told me what she proposes to charge per month.
It is a bit more than my father was paying, but still reasonably affordable. It could have been a lot worse.

Luckily the rent assessor noted all the faults in the property, and didn't value it too high. Cool

I still might be better off buying a small place, when my father's money comes through?
But I can now afford to take my time over a matter like that. I don't have to rush into anything, which is a big relief.

I see they have confirmed that BB will end next year.
Well I've come to the conclusion that I don't like anyone that is left in, so I don't care who wins this year's one. Big Grin

Emptybox... Hug
thank goodness for that. Smiler
You needed a bit of good news for a change.
Imo the landlady would of bene foolish if she has had a tenant for 17years, to risk having a long void, or someone who is not a good tenant, just to try and get a bigger rent increase.

As you say, at least now you do not have to be rushed into anything. I think if you are buying, then it is very important to take your time looking, checking prices so you know you are not overpaying. If you want some good web pages on auctions,nearer the time, just pm me. If you dont facy bidding, you could always offer on one either before auction, or after, if it doesnt sell.

I hope the weather isnt holding you up too much workwise.

I heard on the radio that Endomol might sell BB to another tv channel. I suppose only one of the cable ones now though? Confused
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
Right popping in here to let you know that thank goodness I'm sorted out.

Pain was that bad in the night, I had to go to A&E, they checked me all over and I have a severe middle and inner ear infection which has made it's way along my gum.

They gave me a shot of a painkiller after I collasped in tears in the cubicle after the very kind doctor had looked at my ear - he was very gentle, but goodness it hurt!!

They prescribed me antibiotics then and there and gave me some to get me through until my pharmacist opened. Really kind they were and the worst thing was they were busy and I kept saying Im ok, go and look on the others and then the nurse said look you are ill, you need help so don't be silly!!

Went home and was told to go to bed, which I did and my husband got my tablets which are working, make me feel very strange though. He has gone to collect passengers from East Midlands Airport and I have just rang him with confirmation that the bags had gone through and he had got them, so as it's motorway all the way back, he should be home soon.

Thank you, thank you all you kind people for being so concerned about me, I really appreciate it, I shall be glad to see the back of this summer, I really will.

I wonder if this infection was some offshoot of having swine flu though, it seems strange I get that, then this very bad infection that means my balance is even worse than usual and I am not allowed to drive at all.

The hospital advised my husband to get in touch with my GP's practice and advise them I had been given an painkiller injection and antibiotics and to get an appointment for the end of this week to check me over. They said they would be in touch as well and even wrote the names of the stuff so as my husband to tell them, yet they weren't that good when I broke my wrist, different shift though, maybe they know you are not messing about over night!

Hug Valentine for all of you xx

Pinkbabe Hug
what a nightmare of a time you have gone through. Frowner
I am so glad they treated you so well at A and E. At least they could see you were in real need of immediate attention, unlike whoever you spoke to at the GP's. Shame on the GP's surgery for refusing to see you, and putting you through all that suffering for nothing. Mad

When you go back to the GP's I would tell the GP that the receptionist refused you an appointment , which meant you were forced to go to the A and E. And tell the GP the infection was so bad they had to give you a shot there and then. Maybe the GP will tell you what to do if this was to happen again.

I hope you are fully recovered again soon. xx Hug
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
wavey Suzy Hug
How was your day?
Not very nice here weather wise. I hope it wasnt too wet in London for Hicky.

we took doggie to vets for her blood test to see how she is, dont get the results till tommorrow though. I hope she is ok.

Hiya Mollie Hug

I had a very busy and interesting day today so am a happy bunny at work at the moment thanks Big Grin
Weather is pretty bad isn't it Nod

I hope all will be okay for your dog and her blood tests show an improvement Hug
Originally posted by King Kev:
Hi Mollie. wavey

I turned BB off tonight after 2 minutes in favour of Dragons Den. How great it was to have an hour's tv without adverts. Smiler

Shooting stars now...brand new aswell. Thumbs Up
Then off to bed for an early night. Ninja


quick watch BB on C4 plus 1, it was a great and very funny episode tonight....
Originally posted by King Kev:
Hi Tatty, and everyone. wavey

The forum looks different here. Confused
Like I have Java turned off or summat but it's turned on. Confused
Never mind it'll be them Gremlins again.
Who fed them after midnight this time. Roll Eyes

Should be another early night for me, I'm exhausted. Sleepy
I'll let you all know how the date goes tomorrow. Wink

Hiya Kev Hug

Another busy day at work for you?
I hope your date goes wonderfully Big Grin
Originally posted by Suzie Fairy:
Hiya Tatty Valentine

I don't know where everyone is Frowner It's been quiet in here the last 2 nights

Hope you've had a great day though, any bread left Big Grin

yes both breads are still in tact at the moment Roll Eyes

seems very odd when people vanish, and things are not what they should be Disappointed no reports on BB ....

hope you r day has been very nice sweetie Hug Valentine
Originally posted by King Kev:
Hi Tatty, and everyone. wavey

The forum looks different here. Confused
Like I have Java turned off or summat but it's turned on. Confused
Never mind it'll be them Gremlins again.
Who fed them after midnight this time. Roll Eyes

Should be another early night for me, I'm exhausted. Sleepy
I'll let you all know how the date goes tomorrow. Wink

hiya sweetie Valentine how goes it?

ooo, what browser are you using kev?? those gremlins are taking the pee methinks Razzer

what date?? you have a date? Crying

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