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Originally posted by *Mollie*:

Aaawww, yes you will always be her mom, and needed in some way or another. Hug

Yes at least you can catch up with most of BB here with what Hicky says, or what we talk about here.
I am stil watching it, but do find it does air a bit later than I would like.

With such an early start and being so busy at work there is no way I can stay up that late Laugh At least they have the evictions on a friday night so I can sleep a little later Big Grin
Originally posted by Suzie Fairy:
Originally posted by *Mollie*:

Aaawww, yes you will always be her mom, and needed in some way or another. Hug

Yes at least you can catch up with most of BB here with what Hicky says, or what we talk about here.
I am stil watching it, but do find it does air a bit later than I would like.

With such an early start and being so busy at work there is no way I can stay up that late Laugh At least they have the evictions on a friday night so I can sleep a little later Big Grin

that is good that you at least don't miss the most important BB of the week.

I think you can watch the episodes online if there was a particular one you wanted to see though.
Good Evening Everyone.wavey

Sorry to hear about your ailments Mollie & PinkBabe, and others which still have nasty pain.

Well Done Darloboy, good results for you.

And Hello and Welcome to Avalon Moonlight.Wave

I'v popped in after getting back from the Coach trip, on Saturday we spent the afternoon at Bath, then stayed at the Madison Hotel in Swindon, went to Longleat Sunday, stayed at Hotel Sunday, on way back stopped for the afternoon at Stratford on Avon.

Working tomorrow so can't stay up too late.
Leaving again Wednesday for London for a few days, back late Friday night.
Originally posted by Hicky:
Good Evening Everyone.wavey

Sorry to hear about your ailments Mollie & PinkBabe, and others which still have nasty pain.

Well Done Darloboy, good results for you.

And Hello and Welcome to Avalon Moonlight.Wave

I'v popped in after getting back from the Coach trip, on Saturday we spent the afternoon at Bath, then stayed at the Madison Hotel in Swindon, went to Longleat Sunday, stayed at Hotel Sunday, on way back stopped for the afternoon at Stratford on Avon.

Working tomorrow so can't stay up too late.
Leaving again Wednesday for London for a few days, back late Friday night.

Hiya Hicky Hug

Hope you had a great time on your weekend Big Grin
You must be worn out though lots to see in those places Laugh
Originally posted by Hicky:
Good Evening Everyone.wavey

Sorry to hear about your ailments Mollie & PinkBabe, and others which still have nasty pain.

Well Done Darloboy, good results for you.

And Hello and Welcome to Avalon Moonlight.Wave

I'v popped in after getting back from the Coach trip, on Saturday we spent the afternoon at Bath, then stayed at the Madison Hotel in Swindon, went to Longleat Sunday, stayed at Hotel Sunday, on way back stopped for the afternoon at Stratford on Avon.

Working tomorrow so can't stay up too late.
Leaving again Wednesday for London for a few days, back late Friday night.

Welcome back Hicky. Hug
We all missed you here.

Gosh you have been busy on your weekend away. I hope the weather was kind to you, and you enjoyed all the places you visited.

Did you like the hotels? Hope so.

that is a bit of a blow, that it is work again tommorrow, never mind, soon be time for you to go to London next.
Originally posted by Suzie Fairy:
Originally posted by *Mollie*:

that is good that you at least don't miss the most important BB of the week.

I think you can watch the episodes online if there was a particular one you wanted to see though.

Oh right will have to find that Big Grin but need to find my headphones first Laugh

I know the feeling, I am always losing mine too. Big Grin
Sophie is new Big Brother favourite

Big Brother 10's Sophie Reade has emerged as the new favourite to win the series - despite hitting out at ex-housemate Kris in a Diary Room rant.

The 20-year-old glamour model, from Cheshire, has become the favourite following the departure of fellow female housemate Bea on Friday.

However she has appeared frustrated in recent days, hitting out at Kris - who she became close to in the house.

She has suggested that he came on to the show "for all the wrong reasons" and added that she only claimed to have been intimate with him to try to get gossip out of Noirin.

Despite this, bookies Ladbrokes have slashed her odds of winning to 5-2, with Marcus next in the betting at 11-4.

"Sophie has been just off the pace throughout the series," said Ladbrokes spokesman Nick Weinberg. But she's made her move at the business end of the show."

Sophie - who recently reverted back to her real name after changing it to Dogface to win housemate status at the start of the series, is one of only two women left in the house. Lisa is the only other female housemate remaining.
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
glad to hear you were so lucky with the weather.

When we went to Bath, I can remember it being an expensive place.

Shame it is an early start for you tommorrow.

are you going on the train to London?

Hi Mollie.wavey

Everywhere was very expensive.

We are going by train Wednesday, and will have to travel round by Taxi.

My Ankles have started swelling during the day and going back to normal during the night.

But my Ankles have gone a funny colour, might have to go to the Docs before long if nothing changes.
Originally posted by Hicky:

Hi Mollie.wavey

Everywhere was very expensive.

We are going by train Wednesday, and will have to travel round by Taxi.

My Ankles have started swelling during the day and going back to normal during the night.

But my Ankles have gone a funny colour, might have to go to the Docs before long if nothing changes.

Oh dear Hicky. Hug
sorry to hear about your ankles.
It sounds like all the sitting in the coach could of set this off. You did do a lot of travelling in a short time. Are you able to raise your feet at home and/or at work tommorrow?

It is a good job you are travelling by train on wednesday, so you can at least walk around. It doesnt give you much time to get to docs about ankles though.
Glad you had a good time Hicky. Smiler
Pity you have to work tomorrow, but you'll soon be off again.

Hope the doctors sort you out Pinkbabe. Smiler

And I'm sure you'll soon be back to your excercise regime Mollie.

It was very wet overnight, but the day was dry.
Unfortunately my mower broke dowm again. The drive mechanism broke completely so I have put it in for repair, which will cost.

Unfortunately the last time the same thing broke they kept it for 6 weeks waiting for parts, so that will be no good for me. Frowner
I have a spare mower, but it doesn't run very well, and won't cut the rougher lawns.

I'll probably end up buying a new mower and keep the other one as a spare after it has been repaired.
I'll just have to see how long they take.

It's just what i need when I am trying to get caught up. Roll Eyes

Had the rent assessor here this evening with the landlady in tow.
He seemed very thorough, so I'll just have to wait to see what figure the landlady comes up with.
I predict it will be bloomin' high.
Hi Mollie.Wave

Ankles where swelling a while before the Longleat trip but didn't take a lot of notice.
But now I find I can't walk for long either, need to sit down and rest for a bit more often.

Hi Emptybox.Wave

Sorry to hear about your mower again, I think it's about time you had a new one, I wouldn't have put up with that old one like you have I know that.

I better go, up again soon for work.

Nighty Night all.
Catch you in the morning.wavey
Hello everybody, I have left coming on here til now because I am so cross.

Got up early this morning to phone doctors, phoned them, got through and was told no appointments at the moment, I said is there any chance at all of an emergency appointment as I really am in pain at the moment and have been in pain all weekend. I was then told a doctor was off sick and another doctor was on holiday and they were sorry but there was nothing they could do at the moment, I said well I'm in pain what do you suggest? They couldn't answer me.

I've been and seen a pharmacist and he won't prescribe anything for me because he dispenses my normal medication, just given me the strongest painkillers he can give me over the counter, told me under no circumstances to take the other painkillers I have got and to phone my surgery in the morning and threaten them with going to the local PCT if they cannot provide me with an emergency appointment, I said should I go to Primary Health Care in Birmingham which is quite a long drive from my house, but my husband said and I quote I'll take you to bloody London if they can sort it out for you!! My pharmacist said no as they wouldn't know the medication I was on and it could cock up my current medication.

So the situation is at the moment, I am sat in my living room with a scarf wrapped round my neck and covering my ear which now feels as if a knitting needle is being stuck in it. I am not a happy bunny!!

My husband is going to work late tomorrow as he has a late airport return from East Midlands Airport, so he is taking me to the doctors and woe betide then if they say anything to him - my husband is very placid, but when it comes to me, he will stand his ground. I hope so anyway.

So thats the current situation and I am hoping this can be sorted tomorrow as I will have to stay up late and wait for my husband to come home.

Sorry for venting, but I really had to get it off my chest!!
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Hicky lovely to see you back again and it sounds like a lovely (if expensive weekend), get those ankles checked out quickly though won't you!!

Mollie, I expect you will have seen my post above, I'm fed up frankly, but I really hope your toe gets better soon.

Suzie, kept missing you all weekend, by the time I got on here you were gone, loved your pictures on Saturday!!

Kev, glad the date went well and I had a soppy smile reading about it. My husband wants to see Dance Flick so we may go next week if I feel better.

Mike, where are you? Are you ok? Haven't seen a post off you all weekend.

Emptybox, thank you for your kind words and for saying them when you have so much on your plate at the moment, I hope you get the rent valuation sorted out and agree with I think it was Suzie who said you should get one done, taking into account any work that needs doing on the property. Sorry to hear that your lawn mower has broken, hope you can manage with the other one, or get yourself another one.

Hug Valentine to all of you kind people.

Tatty have left a message on your blog the jokey one about the bird, you know the one I mean about what my dizzy friend said to me once, think Hicky, Kev and Mike would like her as well, she is rather like Sophie and in fact we have now nicknamed her Sophie!!
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Good Morning Everyone.wavey

Hi PinkBabe.wavey
Don't you have an A&E dept at your local Hospital that you can call in at any time day or night?

There must be someone you can see, you can't go on like that.

Good Morning Suzie.wavey

Catch you later then.Wave

I'll just see what news there is from the house.
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* ------ Good Morning Everyone -------*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* I hope you are all well this Morning *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* ------It looks like a nice day today --------- *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* ------ It's Happy Tuesday again -------*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
Last night in the BBhouse, Day 82/83
03:06 All quiet in the house.

02:48 Charlie's gone back to bed and now it looks as though Marcus is the only one up.

02:40 Charlie's gone outside for a chat with Marcus.

02:35 Siavash has gone into the diary room.

02:23 Charlie and Rodrigo are settling down to a little touchy feely action in their adjacent beds.

02:15 Charlie just jumped out on Rodrigo as he came back to the bedroom with a drink. He's obviously not feeling tired yet.

02:09 Siavash is still moping in the bath. He must have been in there for a good hour.

02:06 Charlie's heading for bed now, but he's still got his old lady outfit on.

01:56 OK, Charlie, everyone wants to go to sleep now, so give it a rest.

01:48 Charlie's decided to lighten the atmosphere with a bit of an old lady impression. Works every time - at least with David.

01:44 Charlie and Rodrigo are going to bed. No, of course not together.

01:35 Now Sophie's getting upset because she thinks BB's picking on her. That's why she got the worst food in the tasting test, and that's why she had to do the geography test. Because she's the dippy blonde.

Definitely too much booze.

01:30 Charlie's trying to get more booze from Marcus, but he's saying they're all gone, cos "someone nicked them all. Someone went into my drawer and nicked them."

01:10 Probably too much booze in the house. Everyone's really ratty. Siavash is in the bath and Sophie and Marcus are telling him he probably made a mistake banging on about nominations.

He says he doesn't give a f***. "If they want to say I'm being Mr Nice Guy, they can say it."

01:05 Rodrigo's saying Siavash thinks he's bigger than Big Brother, trying to undermine the nomination process. Sophie says he's trying to get himself nominated.

She says Big Brother's not a nice guy; BB is trying to get a rise out of HMs. "Why do you think they gave me THAT magazine?" (that'll be the one with the feature about Sophie maybe being pregnant, then).

01:03 Sophie is sticking up for Siavash. Rodrigo and Charlie say Siavash is a liar and he's scheming, and they're telling Sophie she's vulnerable for believing Siavash.

00:55 Lisa's going to bed. She says she knows she won't get to sleep for a while, cos the argument is going to go on and on.

00:53 Marcus is lying on the bed, not gettig involved. Charlie's telling Siavash that he's been 'found out'. Not sure what he means by that.

00:51 Charlie and Siavash are having a row about nominations.
Start Here
Shilpa Honours Jade With Ready Meal Range

The former Celebrity Big Brother contestant plans to give away Shilpa's poppadoms with her curries - the name Jade famously called her when they were on the reality show together.

The remarks made by the Goody, who died of cancer in March, sparked the Big Brother race row which engulfed the nation back in 2007.

Shetty admitted the name brought back memories but said it was supposed to be light-hearted.

"We laughed it off because when you say Shilpa's poppadoms the first thing that comes to your mind is a whole lot of things that were said in the past.

"But, it's just fun. It also reiterates the fact that we completely buried the hatchet. God bless her soul."

Shetty's recipes will be created by herself and Andy Varma, the head chef at the Chelsea restaurant Varma - which is a favourite hang-out for celebrities.

The Bollywood actress says she wants to make real and healthy Indian foods rather than the limited range we are used to eating in the UK.

"They begin and end with onion barges and chicken tikka masala," she remarked.

Shetty says there was "so much more" to Indian food and she intends on infusing her meals with flavours from Banglore where she is from originally.

Her range of ready meals will be called Shilpa's Gourmet Creations and she hopes they will appear on supermarket shelves in the new year.
Charlie brands Marcus 'disgusting'
Day 83, 08:11 BST
By Jen Grieves

Charlie was left retching last night when he found out that he has been wiping his face on the same towel that Marcus uses for "the graveyard shift".

The pair were in the kitchen with Rodrigo when it was revealed that the small pink hand towel in the sitting room toilet has been used to aid Marcus's alone time.

"You better be joking me. I wipe my face!" exclaimed Charlie.

Marcus assured him that he only uses it to "cover the mirror", but Charlie was not convinced.

"No wonder I've started coming out in spots," he remarked as he checked his face in the mirror.

As he accused Marcus of using the towel to wipe up his mess, Marcus pulled some tissues out of his pocket and said: "I've got my own. I've got my own kit."

The former Mr Gay Newcastle remained visibly horrified, telling him: "Ah fu** off, you're disgusting. That's disgusting."

"Rude and nasty," agreed Rodrigo. However, the comments failed to deter Marcus, who soon went off to the toilet in question.

Upon his return he assured the pair that he'd completed the shift, and later told Charlie he spent half an hour talking about it in the Diary Room.
X Factor star Danyl Johnson's audition has been seen by a million fans on YouTube
By Fiona Cummins 25/08/2009

More than a million fans have watched X Factor sensation Danyl Johnson's performance on YouTube.

And the 27-year-old has become the first contestant to be invited on US breakfast programme The Today Show.

Judge Simon Cowell said his rendition of Beatles classic With A Little Help From My Friends was the "best first audition I've ever heard".

An X Factor insider said: "Danyl is a very good-looking, very talented guy and there is a huge buzz about him."

Bookies William Hill have made teacher Danyl 2/1 favourite to win the show.

Another success spin-off has seen reject Emma Chawner land her own TV show - where she and her family will try to lose weight.

The failed singer - who has tried three times to win X Factor - has earned a six-part series on the Bio Channel.

The aim is to give the family - who weigh a combined 83 stone - the ultimate makeover inside five months.
Overwhelmed Host Holly Willoughby
24-08-2009 13:00

Holly Willoughby did "high kicks" when she got her job on 'This Morning'.

The TV presenter was delighted to win the role on the ITV daytime show - which was left vacant when Fern Britton departed, and will see her work alongside 'Dancing On Ice' co-host Phillip Schofield - and admits she struggled to take in the news when she was first told.

She explained: "Obviously I was doing high kicks. I'm completely overjoyed, overwhelmed and flattered. I'm a massive fan of the show. I've always watched it and loved it. It's the kind of presenting I love - chatting and interviewing on a live, current show."

Holly, 28, and her husband Dan Baldwin have three-month-old son Harry together, but Holly insists her new role won't interfere with motherhood.

She explained to Britain's Hello! magazine: "I thought about it carefully and knew I had a good support network around me. You do what feels right at the time. 'This Morning' will be great, because I will be home by lunchtime."

I love Louis, he tells me all the gossip
Holly starts her new role in September, but can currently be seen hosting 'The X Factor' spin-off show 'The Xtra Factor' on ITV2.

She loves the role, but admits working with the judges on the TV talent show - Simon Cowell, Louis Walsh, Cheryl Cole and Dannii Minogue - has an unusual effect on her.

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She explained: "I love Louis, he tells me all the gossip. Cheryl and Dannii are lovely girls and get on really well together. But I'm terrified of Simon. I'm never more nervous than when I have to interview him. He's the only person I've had that with, ever. It's weird.

"He has never been anything but nice to me. He's really fair, he gives great interviews. But it's this aura he's got. I literally feel like I'm interviewing my headmaster and I haven't done my homework."
Housemates tease Rodrigo for naked habits
Big Brother housemate Rodrigo was surprised to find he was the only one who likes to spend all day naked when he is at home.

25 August 2009 00:00 AM

As the housemates got ready for bed, the Brazilian put on his usual layers, including a jumper and socks.

Charlie asked him: "Why do you sleep with all those jumpers on?"

Rodrigo stated he gets "really cold", prompting the rest of the group to say that they get too hot during the night.

Sophie said: "Bloody Nora. I'm surprised you don't sweat to death."

David asked: "If you get a bit of action, what do you do?"

Rodrigo explained that if that was going to happen he would sleep in the buff.

He added: "If I have a bit of action then I don't sleep!

"At home I do everything naked. Watch television all day. When the door close, anything can happen."

He seemed a little concerned when the rest of the housemates looked a little stunned.

David laughed: "I walk around naked, but I don't sit and watch soaps in the nuddy."

Lisa reassured him: "You can do what you want in your own house."

Rodrigo defended himself: "It's natural. We were born naked."

The housemates laughed when Siavash pointed out: "So you're naked all day and when you go to bed you put your clothes on?"

This article is powered by Well Contented Ltd
Last updated: 25 August 2009, 08:34
Siavash admits fashion sense caused problems at home
25 August 2009 00:00 AM

Big Brother housemate Siavash explained to Sophie and Rodrigo that his dad will not speak to him because of the way he dresses.

The group were sitting chatting about life after the Big Brother experience when Siavash said: "My dad is going to hate me so much."

Sophie asked: "Why? Because of the way you dress?"

Siavash nodded saying: "He doesn't talk to me.

"Iranians are very..."

"Strict?" Rodrigo offered.

The events organiser's flamboyant fashion sense has often been up for discussion in the house.

He added: "I'm the weirdest Iranian human being you will ever meet in your life."

Rodrigo then mentioned the Siavash's makeup habits.

Siavash replied: "I don't wear make -up. I wear tan. And bronzer."

Rodrigo insisted: "Of course you do, you wear fake eye lash.

"Every Friday, you look like a porcelain doll!"

Siavash stated: "That's not make-up, that's artistic."

This article is powered by Well Contented Ltd
Last updated: 25 August 2009, 08:35
There's something REALLY odd going on with nominations
Posted by heatworld on Tuesday 25 Aug 2009

Charlie Drummond, Marcus Akin, Siavash Sabbaghpour, Sophie Reade

If there's one thing that really rubs Big Brother up the wrong way, it's housemates refusing to nominate properly. It's the one basic BB rule that must always be adhered to, and anyone who refuses to do so better watch out. Well, this week Siavash openly told his fellow housemates that he wouldn't be nominating, and that he thought they should all do the same. As you can imagine, Lisa, David and Rodrigo were having none of it, but initially Sophie, Marcus and even Charlie looked as if they might be swayed. Last time housemates refused to nominate, BB punished them by putting the whole house up for eviction, but this time they had a different trick up their sleeve. Calling two housemates, who just happened to be Charlie and Sophie, to the Diary Room, BB told them that for every person who refused to nominate, they would automatically get one nomination each. Harsh, but clever, we think you'll agree. So, if Siavash did indeed refuse to nominate, he would automatically nominate both Charlie and Sophie. Official BB channels are keeping characteristically quiet about the outcome at the moment, but if the BB spies are to be believed, then it's Marcus and Sophie facing eviction this week. However, this could be wrong, and they all could have nominated as normal after all. We'll be keeping a close eye on this today. Who do YOU think should go?
Sophie undergoes geography quiz
Day 83, 10:02 BST
By Matthew Reynolds, Gaming Reporter

Big Brother challenged Sophie to a geography quiz last night.

She had to place countries on a map, which each correctly-positioned country winning a song to be played into the house later that evening.

"I'm being sent back to school!" she told the group before explaining the rules of the quiz.

"Oh, another silent evening then," said Marcus, while Siavash tried to show where certain places were on an imaginary map.

"I think I know where the UK is, it's the funny little one, isn't it?" she said.

"Talk about sticking it in and breaking it off," said Marcus. "They just want to make you look bad."

During the task, Sophie correctly located the USA and Brazil, winning songs for Charlie and Rodrigo.

However, she placed Iran where France is, Iceland in China, Japan in Senegal, Germany in the African continent and Sweden where Kazakhstan is located.

"I swear I've never heard of these countries in my life," she admitted. "I didn't know all these countries were joined to each other."
Marcus and Siavash up for the chop

Marcus & Siavash are up! Charlie wants to be Dad Rodrigo's "out" worries Toothpaste torture Bea evicted Siavash & Lisa cry wolf Frankencharlie Marcus, Bea & David face eviction Marcus & Bea argue David's snoring annoys HMs

Two of Big Brother's biggest characters are going head-to-head this week - Marcus and Siavash have been nominated for eviction. The window fitter and the stylist received the highest amount of votes from the other housemates this week.

And with less than two weeks left to go until the finale, it will be a blow to both boys as they vie to remain in the contest.

The result comes after Big Brother imposed a nominations twist on the house on Monday in a bid to keep wannabe rebels like Siavash from refusing to nominate.

Two HMs were summoned to the Diary Room and Sophie and Charlie volunteered to go forward.

Big Brother then announced that if any of the contestants refused to nominate, the glamour model and the Geordie boy would automatically receive votes against them.

Siavash whinged, "Ahh, for f**k's sake. That was a **** twist!"

As a result, the entire house took part in the voting round.

It's not the first time Marcus and Siavash have gone up against each other - the boys battled earlier this summer to win the affections of Irish temptress Noirin
Big Brother: The house of confrontation
20 August, 2009 | By Robin Parker

A decade in, Big Brother’s success still depends on cutting-edge design and equipment, as well as running the broadcasts with military precision. Robin Parker reports from Elstree.

The first thing you notice about the Big Brother house is literally how cut off it is. It’s not just that the housemates are isolated from the rest of the world, but from the team pulling the strings too.

Other than the contestants and the operators of five manned cameras, nobody steps foot in the building that serves as the BB house - the second one to be built on the Elstree Studios lot after Endemol demolished the first one last year.

Most other members of the 200-plus staff behind the reality show juggernaut are holed up in Portakabins and trucks in Elstree’s mammoth George Lucas building, linked only by an umbilical chord of cables.

Since BB’s third series, Endemol’s team has made this corner of Elstree its home from April to September, setting up shop from scratch each time.

The exception is the prop room, a Mr Benn treasure trove of costumes and games in a separate small building that the indie rents year-round. Once a general workshop, it became the home of Celebrity Big Brother in 2002. The back room has since reverted to storage, with the front now housing Big Brother’s Big Mouth.

But the main building is the nerve centre of a show run with military precision. A team monitors activity in the house 24 hours a day during the show’s 93-episode run, then there are the weekly live evictions and 94 episodes of spin-offs Big Mouth and Little Brother, which have their own trucks. Post-production, meanwhile, takes place in 15 edit suites, which use the EVS ingest system that does not require digitising.
Alexandra: 'Beyonce dropped in to say hi'
Page last updated at 10:39 BST, Tuesday, 25 August 2009
By Natalie Jamieson
Newsbeat entertainment reporter

Alexandra Burke, winner of last year's X Factor, is back with a brand new single. She's been holed up recording songs in Los Angeles for most of the year and releases Bad Boys, featuring Flo-Rida, in October. Celebrating her 21st birthday, she talks about a surprise visit from Beyonce at her LA studio, her sexy new image and her life in America.


You've been in Los Angeles for quite a while now. That must have been amazing?

It's just been an absolute whirlwind with everything that's happened. From getting off the tour and then going straight into the States to record, it's been magical, absolutely magical, making this album.

Is it as dreamlike, waking up with sun and sea?

Do you know what? It's relaxing to wake up to some sunshine and then go and do what you love to do. I really couldn't ask for more. It really is a dream come true.

What kind of people have you been working with on the new album?

I was singing a couple of ad-libs, my eyes were closed, I opened my eyes and there she was standing there

Alexandra Burke on Beyonce dropping in to her studio to say hi

I've been working with a lot of amazing producers. The first producer we got in at the deep end was Stargate. Ne-Yo's been writing a couple of tracks with me as well. RedOne, who does [Lady] Gaga and stuff. A lot of amazing producers, a lot of talented producers.

Phantom Boys, who produced the first single Bad Boys, they are absolutely phenomenal. I think people really need to watch out for them 'cos they're going to really blow up.

So have you been hanging out with Lady Gaga?

Not really. I've seen quite a few celebrities while I've been out in LA and been here in London. For me, it's still shocking because I'm seeing these people that I read about in magazines, when I used to buy magazines. They're all on TV and it's like, 'Wow. I'm like meeting you guys'. It's so surreal.

Do they know who you are yet? Has word spread?

Some of them know who I am but usually I just go up to them and I'm like, 'Hi, I'm Alexandra', and I don't really explain where I'm from. But hopefully they'll remember.

And you unveiled a sexy new image a couple of weeks ago, didn't you?

You like? It's amazing. That's the new image we're going for. It's going to be quite fierce, quite sassy and sexy and fun and young.

There's a little bit of Beyonce's Sasha Fierce in there I think.

Alexandra Burke was last year's Christmas number one with Hallelujah

You think so? Well I'd like to call it the beast, the beast that comes out on stage. But I don't know about Sasha Fierce 'cos that's Miss B, that's Miss B.

So she has Sasha and you have The Beast.

I've not got an alter ego. I just know that when I'm on stage and I hear my song come on and I've got that microphone in my hand, I'm in heaven. So a beast has got to come out for me to perform.

You're as good as your last performance so you've got to tear it up. Own that stage, that's what Simon Cowell would say to me.

Have you and Beyonce stayed in touch since X Factor? Has anything happened?

Well, I've definitely stayed in touch with her. She's absolutely a wonderful woman, just a normal person. When she came in to the studio to visit me and listen to my songs, that for me was just out of this world.

I was singing a couple of ad-libs, my eyes were closed, I opened my eyes and there she was standing there. I was just like, 'How do people do that? It's not right'.

She is very supportive and I'm just very thankful to know that I actually sang with her. It's just really weird to even talk about it. It's weird. It's Beyonce, man.

Since you've been in LA, have you been hanging out with Leona Lewis?

I've seen her a couple of times in LA. But she's working very, very hard on her album as well as I am, so schedules are very tight. We share the same vocal coach, Yvie Burnett, and it was her birthday, so I saw her at dinner.

She's just the most pleasant girl I've ever met. It's quite surreal because she's someone I also look up to and when I first met her in X Factor I kind of ran away. I was like, 'Hi, I'm Alexandra Burke. Nice to meet you'.

And I was like, 'OK. I've just met Leona Lewis. I'm going to go practice my song', and ran away and then I'm having dinner with her. So it was like, 'You just won a couple of years ago man and you're, like, amazing'. So it's just really surreal as well.

Are you appearing on this year's X Factor?

Yes I will. Definitely, at some point. Hopefully I'll meet the finalists when they've been decided and give them a bit of good luck and encouragement conversation.

Alexandra Burke's album is released on 26 October with the single, Bad Boys, out on 12 October

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