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Originally posted by Hicky:
Hi Tatty & Mollie.wavey

It does take a bit of time to catch up, no hurry, as long as you still have the links.

It's pretty quiet at work Mollie.

My Lad is on his way home, he stops off in Singapore for 1&1/2 days so he will have a look around there, he gets back here Wednesday.

We have a feller fixing the roof, and cleaning the gutters, then he will start painting the house, it should look nice when it's done.
It should end up Magnolia which seems popular, didn't really want it white.
I'll show you a picture when it's done.

of course i have all my links, its juts catching up with missed blogs, getting the time to writing them while trying to catch up with other things is a nightmare, i did not realise i stretched myself sooo far, i thought i just poodled about here and there Laugh
have just been reading all the catch ups from during the night you have posted, as mollie said took ages to get through them Laugh

nice feeling you get, having things fixed and then painted to look nice again Big Grin
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by Eternal Life:
seems this type of forum will close.. Eeker

Where did you read that?
We'll have to see what they say I suppose.

i dont think EL meant THIS forum, she meant this TYPE OF FORUM, forums in general.

i dont think so EL, not for quiet some time, as long as there are people that like this type of forum then they will be about, far too many around though as it is Laugh

from what i have seen on the livecloud, it is a mixture of facebook, and others, but not quiet, if you know what i mean, as it is not 'beta'.

i have been with twitter some time now, along with friend feed, and a couple of others, but mainly use friend feed if anything, which is beta.

and since i started doing things on the livecloud, and linked twitter i got up this morning to loads of email where lots more other people are now following me on twitter lol Laugh probably wondering what this new fangled 'livecloud' is Razzer
Originally posted by Tatty:
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by Eternal Life:
seems this type of forum will close.. Eeker

Where did you read that?
We'll have to see what they say I suppose.

i dont think EL meant THIS forum, she meant this TYPE OF FORUM, forums in general.

i dont think so EL, not for quiet some time, as long as there are people that like this type of forum then they will be about, far too many around though as it is Laugh

from what i have seen on the livecloud, it is a mixture of facebook, and others, but not quiet, if you know what i mean, as it is not 'beta'.

i have been with twitter some time now, along with friend feed, and a couple of others, but mainly use friend feed if anything, which is beta.

and since i started doing things on the livecloud, and linked twitter i got up this morning to loads of email where lots more other people are now following me on twitter lol Laugh probably wondering what this new fangled 'livecloud' is Razzer

This is what I read:

Hi LL. In a nutshell .. everything here will be transferred over to LiveCloud but the forums & threads etc will then look and behave like they do there now. This format of forum will be lost
Soory but if you read tech info unless theyhave changed it from yesterday, it says the forum WILL be going ouver to LIveCloud, not in the exact same format which is a shame, but the forums will be there along with other stuff you can use or not use depending on how you feel.

Some of the glitches have been worked out and posting is slightly easier, but it would be great if everything was kept, but sadly the layout's gonna change.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Well I'm still mystifyingly flumuxerated about the new formatski & the Live Cloudy seems to be clouding my little brainery, so i'll have to waitski and see vot is going to hapenski with little threadski.

If all failski we vill be floatskiing in big skyski for ever never having to landing again.

And our friendlyish chatskiing will be terminated long before de ending.

Byeski for now, hoping dat vee be meeting in the Cloudy ski sometime in de neerer future.
All is not lostski, tings will turn us out for de bestski somehow.
Last edited {1}
Originally posted by Hicky:

It's pretty quiet at work Mollie.

My Lad is on his way home, he stops off in Singapore for 1&1/2 days so he will have a look around there, he gets back here Wednesday.

We have a feller fixing the roof, and cleaning the gutters, then he will start painting the house, it should look nice when it's done.
It should end up Magnolia which seems popular, didn't really want it white.
I'll show you a picture when it's done.

sounds like it is going to be a long week for you at work, with it being so quiet, and whilst you await for your hols.

I bet your lad enjoys Singapore, we found it a great place to visit. Lots to see and do, and so clean too.

Oh yes, I'd like to see the pics of your house, all done up.

Hicky... I hope we dont lose our chat thread, I am fed up of being moved around now. And I am not into this facebook and twitter stuff, I just like our nice friendly chat thread. Hope we can carry on with just a chat thread.
Ex-BB contestant theft case dropped

A former Big Brother contestant sent for trial for stealing a policeman's baton at an anti-war demonstration has walked free after the case was dropped.
Carole Vincent, 55, who appeared on the reality TV show in 2007, had denied committing the offence on June 15, 2008.

The case was dropped when the prosecution offered no evidence against her at London's Southwark Crown Court.

Vincent, of Leytonstone, east London, dressed in a black jacket decorated with anti-war badges, said afterwards: "Common sense has prevailed, we have a right to protest. We won't be silenced."

Veteran Labour politician Tony Benn, who was in court as a witness for Vincent, welcomed the decision.

He said: "It would have been a gross injustice if she had been sentenced."

Vincent said she was arrested after picking up a baton dropped by a police officer at the Parliament Square demonstration.

The prosecution had accused her of theft.

Vincent said she was not expecting Monday's result as she had been told there would be a trial that would last about five days.

Mr Benn said he, politician George Galloway and octogenarian campaigner Walter Wolfgang had all been near Vincent when the incident occurred and had offered to make a statement when he heard she had been charged.
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Originally posted by Hicky:

It's pretty quiet at work Mollie.

My Lad is on his way home, he stops off in Singapore for 1&1/2 days so he will have a look around there, he gets back here Wednesday.

We have a feller fixing the roof, and cleaning the gutters, then he will start painting the house, it should look nice when it's done.
It should end up Magnolia which seems popular, didn't really want it white.
I'll show you a picture when it's done.

sounds like it is going to be a long week for you at work, with it being so quiet, and whilst you await for your hols.

I bet your lad enjoys Singapore, we found it a great place to visit. Lots to see and do, and so clean too.

Oh yes, I'd like to see the pics of your house, all done up.

Hicky... I hope we dont lose our chat thread, I am fed up of being moved around now. And I am not into this facebook and twitter stuff, I just like our nice friendly chat thread. Hope we can carry on with just a chat thread.

Hi Mollie.wavey
Whatever will be will be, 'K' sara sara.Big Grin

I hope they will move our thread over in one piece, I'm on Facebook, Myspace and most things but it does get confusing tbh.
We'll just have to wait and see.

I've got a Hot Pot for tea according to a phone call from the powers that be.Big Grin
David's snoring keeps housemates awake
By 17/08/2009

David, the camp northern Big Brother contestant, has come under fire for keeping his housemates awake with his snoring.

When Lisa – who is herself a prominent snorer - told him she looked tired because he'd been making noise in the night, he tried to deny snoring. However, Sophie then joined the conversation to say she'd been kept awake too.

David said: "What does it sound like?"

Lisa replied: "Like a f***ing tractor! That's why I'm f***ing tired."

Meanwhile, a tactless comment from Siavash nearly earned him a slap from Sophie.

He asked her: "Has anyone told you, Sophie, that your face looks like a baboon's a**e?"

Sophie replied: "A baboon's a**e? I've not seen a baboon's a**e. Do you want a slap?"

Despite the grumpy mood in the house, David has said he had the best time of his life in the house.

He told Big Brother in the Diary Room: "It's been the best five weeks of my life.

"Words can't describe my experience. There's not gonna be a day when I'm not gonna look back on this experience. I never want it to end. I could do it for a year, it wouldn't bother me."
Lisa thinks Bea is 'crying wolf'
By 17/08/2009

Lisa thinks her Big Brother housemate, Bea, has been playing for sympathy since saying she wants to leave the house.

The chain-smoking lesbian, talking to hairy rocker Marcus, said: "I don't know if she just wants the sympathy vote now. That's the way it seems to me. I'm being realistic, do you know what I mean?

"I'm not being stupid. What do you think?"

Marcus, who has been increasingly friendly with Bea over the last week, remained diplomatic.

He said: "It's hard not to think that. It would be a pretty big leap of faith."

Lisa added: "It feels like she's crying wolf sometimes. It's all about her, her, her. She can't always get what she wants. She's spoilt. I don't understand it.

"I think she's just panicking and that's why we're getting this reaction. No one wants to go really. Do you know what I mean?"
She also added a warning, saying: "She's used to getting her own way outside, but it don't work like that."

Lisa also said she doesn't believe Bea will carry out her threats to leave the house today.
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
Hi Mollie, I'm ok today, wrist a lot less painful since painkillers and antibiotics,which I have to take until Thursday taken so sitting here nice and quiet.

Hope the dog is feeling better and yes I hope we keep our chat thread, I would miss it very much if it wasn't there.

Hope the Anti-Biotics are doing their job, it's hard to tell if your on pain killers really.

But at least you aren't still in pain.
You have to complete the course of Anti-Bio's but you can stop the pain killers anytime, you may not still need them if the infection is under control.
Freddie 'Halfwit' Fisher
Monday, August 17 2009, 14:10 BST
By Alex Fletcher, Senior Entertainment Reporter

Freddie Fisher was the surprise ninth housemate to be evicted on Friday night, after viewers chose to save 'Captain Cool' Marcus Alkin over the Oxford graduate. The aspiring politician finally met his match after surviving seven previous evictions. One of the few housemates in recent years to leave the show to a warm reception from the Elstree crowd, he could have been a potential winner if he had survived one more week. We caught up with the man formerly known as Halfwit to ask about his 72 in the house.

You spoke early on in the show about making it a "summer of love". Who did you love and who did you hate in the house?
"I loved Siavash. I loved Marcus and I loved Rodrigo as well. There was no-one I really hated. There were times when I might have used that word about Lisa, but in the last week or so I have come to appreciate her genuineness. So I even have time for her."

What did you make of Sophie, because we didn't see much interaction between you two?
"Sophie is brilliant and I love her energy. It is a very fun energy - really zesty. I felt a real connection with Sophie the moment that I met her. The sad thing is - you probably think I was really knocked by the whole Bea thing? Well in many ways I was, but in the last 24 hours, I had so pulled through all that and I was very much looking forward to spending more time with Sophie and Rodrigo. Sophie is utterly fantastic. Sometimes she goes along with other people in not such a good way, but she is her own woman and as the show's gone on, she's become more herself and she's got more and more funny."

Can you offer us an explanation for your peculiar relationship with Bea?
"Firstly, nothing went on under the covers! Bea... ahhh! I feel really sad because at the start we used to spread peace, love and happiness. When Lisa and David were doing their whole Pinky And The Brain thing together, me and Bea would wake up every morning and say, 'What are we going to do today? The same thing we do do every day - spread peace, love and happiness!' It was so lovely!"

So what went wrong in the last two weeks?
"The problem is that I think inside the Big Brother house, if someone has a little bit of an ego, or someone is a little bit nasty, it gets really, really amplified. If someone is a little domineering, the same thing happens. It brings out the worst in people and it brought out the worst in me in many ways. Honestly, that whole Bea thing made me really sad rather than angry. It was a missed opportunity for so much positivity. I'll have a good chat with her when she leaves and there's no ill-will on my side. It's a gameshow, it's not real."

Was there a sexual attraction between you and Bea?
"Oh definitely. We were both attracted to each other. We had been away from real life from six weeks ago. For a man like myself, who craves romance, to have someone enter the house that I made an instant click with was amazing. There was chemistry and a connection, so that was wonderful, and I ran with it, because there was... well.. nothing else to do. There was a lot of up emotion and I'm very much a lover. I hope that came across in the show."

Do you not believe that she had a gameplan then?
"I'd have to look back on it, and it's possible - Siavash thought so. I really didn't want to believe that. I'd have to look back on it, but we did have some genuine happy moments I thought. We were really coming off the same page. I maybe allowed my feelings to come out and was too open because I saw her vulnerability when she first entered. I saw something of myself in her and probably let too many of my emotions show. But at the end of the day, that's Big Brother and I was starved for romance. I really wanted it, because it was something I could do, something I could feel - it made me feel alive!"

A large number of the DS forums users have taken a strong dislike to Bea, but you don't sound too fussed. Have we got her wrong?
"I'm a very forgiving person and I guess the British public are not. The house has brought out the worst in her and I just try to remember the really positive times we had in there together. There was a lot of happiness when I got to know Bea. Although maybe looking back she may have been emotionally blackmailing me, I wanted to be there and I wanted to be romantic. That was really it. There was nothing else to do in that house. I don't think there was a gameplan, I just think all the negativity she had was projected onto me."

Can we expect to see you heading into the world of politics?
"I'm relishing the prospect of getting my teeth back into politics, but I'm going to need to catch up for a while because I've been out of the loop for a while and have missed out on three months. Now is the time for lounging and reclining, not for plans!"

Do you regret being so open about your confidence that you would survive this eviction because that was probably what cost you in the end?
"It's a funny thing that, but I'm not sure how it was broadcast on the show. I was never arrogant about it. I was confident, 100% confident in fact, that I was going to stay. The way I saw it, I wanted to stay, Marcus wanted to go, so his fans would be voting for me as well. Therefore it would all be fairly straightforward. However, the public didn't heed our wishes. I'll tell you something, Marcus is way more pissed off about staying than I am about leaving! However, I also know and acknowledge that I hadn't been myself for two weeks and I'd been drawn out of myself by the stress and competing influences."

You have lost the name Halfwit. Will that be left behind in the house forever?
"I think the name Halfwit will say with me forever and I think it's a fantastic name. I'm going to get a tattoo of Colonel Halfwit. Every time I survived an eviction, I rewarded myself a new rank. It's a shame I couldn't make one more and become a Brigadier, but Colonel has a nice ring to it."
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
What a really nice interview Freddie gave. what a nice man he is, and I really hope he does well at whatever he decides to do. IMO the true winner of BB10.

Freddie seemed an OK chap, couldn't really see why they didn't understand him.
I think they would have enjoyed his company and the way he lives, I think they nearly all shot themselves in the foot really.
And think they will be sorry in the end for the distress they caused him early on.
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
What a really nice interview Freddie gave. what a nice man he is, and I really hope he does well at whatever he decides to do. IMO the true winner of BB10.

Freddie seemed an OK chap, couldn't really see why they didn't understand him.
I think they would have enjoyed his company and the way he lives, I think they nearly all shot themselves in the foot really.
And think they will be sorry in the end for the distress they caused him early on.

the thing is, anyone can be nicey nice, when doing an interview, it is a much different thing to live with the person, and i think that the way things went on he was not a likeable person to live with.
i do not think anyone will feel any different towards him when they come out, unless you mean cos of his money etc? then that just boils down to principles.
Originally posted by Tatty:

how did you regiuster with what name?? i will go find you then add you as a buddy then i can give you your link to your place Laugh

helloooo everyone again Hug

Hiya Tatty Valentine

You're not logged on at FB Big Grin Harvesting if you or "Mollie" want it.
Same as here without the space have sent you, Kev and PinkBabe a buddy request couldn't find anyone else lol
Good Evening Everyone.wavey

You are all most Welcome to the updates.

Tried that LiveCloud link.
Not sure what I was doing, when I click on that one at the top bar it says, Logout of here or Update LiveCloud Account, well I clicked that and it came up with my email address and asked for my password, but not sure if they want a different one from here or do you use the same one, anyway I did it at work and it didn't do anything, it just took the passwords out and did nothing more.

Am I doing something wrong, I thought we were already linked to LiveCloud?
Originally posted by Hicky:
Good Evening Everyone.wavey

You are all most Welcome to the updates.

Tried that LiveCloud link.
Not sure what I was doing, when I click on that one at the top bar it says, Logout of here or Update LiveCloud Account, well I clicked that and it came up with my email address and asked for my password, but not sure if they want a different one from here or do you use the same one, anyway I did it at work and it didn't do anything, it just took the passwords out and did nothing more.

Am I doing something wrong, I thought we were already linked to LiveCloud?

hicky click on my link that i posted earlier, then in the black bar across the page it says different things click on 'me' (that is yours) and you will go to your summary page, have a look around on there and see whats what. if you get problems give me a shout on my wall, and i will help Big Grin

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