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Good Morning Everyone.wavey

I see a few of you stayed up late last night.
Hope you don't pay for it today.

I'll just go get the news from the house.
Sounds like they had a few drinkies as well.

▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Good Morning Everyone *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Hope you are all well*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Not Sunny here today *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Happy Saturday to you All *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
Last Night in the BB house, Day 72/73.

It's quite a long one today.
04.47: Rodrigo rolls over and tries to go to sleep. All is quiet in the bedroom.

04.44: Charlie has been called to the Diary Room by Big Brother. Bea says to Rodrigo: "Did you throw water on this bed it's all wet? Roddy?"

Rodrigo replies: "Don't talk to me. I was sleeping, you were all screaming you woke me up, now don't talk to me."

Bea says: "Roddy I didn't mean to wake you up."

Rodrigo says: "You saw how Charlie was, he was doing everything to make me angry, he knows how it is. I can't stand that guy anymore."

He adds: "You and Sophie, you are fine, after I said, you are fine, but Charlie he goes on. He is screaming 'Lisa, Lisa, Lisa'."

04.42: Siavash is holding a pillow over his head. Sophie asks him if he still thinks Bea is a negative person. "I'll decide that tomorrow," he mumbles.

Rodrigo has returned from the Diary Room and calls Charlie a "complete idiot".

04.40: Housemates are now singing in the bedroom so E4 have switched the sound off.

04.38: Charlie, Sophie and Bea are still discussing Rodrigo. Charlie is still harping on about being upset about Rod calling him a liar. Bea says: "Why are we still talking about this?"

04.29: Charlie speculates over whether Rodrigo might get so angry because he fancies him.

04.27: Dave says he can hear Rodrigo shouting in the Diary Room from the bedroom. He says: "He's really mad. If he comes back just try to be quiet."

04.25: Bea and Sophie decide to sleep next to each other and get into bed. Charlie says Rodrigo is always in his face and is more violent than him. He adds that he always gets the blame for everything.

04.21: Rodrigo has jumped out of bed and is screaming at Sophie and Charlie for being disrespectful . He goes right into Charlie's face and shouts: "Shut up, shut up, shut up, for the last time shut up."

Big Brother calls Rodrigo to the Diary Room immediately. He yells: "NO! NO! I will not." Big Brother calls him again as he gets angrier.

Rodrigo storms to the Diary Room slamming doors.

04.12: Rodrigo shouts at Charlie, Sophie and Bea for being noisy when he is trying to sleep. He yells: "Out of the bedroom now, don't talk to me tomorrow. We are trying to sleep in here."

04.11: Charlie is carrying Sophie to bed as she is too drunk to walk. Sophie says: "If you drop me I'll have to go home coz my implants will pop."

04.09: Drunk Sophie is lying on the floor of the sitting room. Bea tells her: "Come to bed, you don't want to be seen like this."

She adds: "What happened to you, you were fine a minute ago." Sophie says: "I think the air has got to me." Charlie and Sophie are giggling like schoolkids.

03.57: Bea, Charlie and Sophie are talking about Kris. Charlie says: "He was a genuinely good lad." Sophie says: "If I was positive and I come out and he's not there I'd feel really devastated."

She adds: "I've known him five weeks and he's been gone five weeks, you know?"

Bea says: "The way you're thinking is just because you've been hurt. Why do you always think the worst?"

Bea says she has to go to bed before she passes out.

03.52: Charlie drags Sophie out of the garden for a private chat. They go into the sitting room. Charlie falls over and Sophie shouts: "You're drunk!" Charlie says: "Pot calling kettle."

Bea has shunned bed and gone to join them but still refuses to give them cider. She says: "I only came to get my toothbrush."

03.50: Bea heads to bed after giving Charlie a big hug. David tells Sophie that Kris is mad if he doesn't want her.

03.49: Bea says that she isn't going to open another can of cider as they have all drank enough. David has gone out into the garden for a cigarette.

03.41: Bea and Sophie are chatting in the garden. Charlie goes out to talk to them. Sophie says: "I do love you Charlie." Charlie is trying to get some cider off Bea. Bea says: "You've had a bottle of wine tonight, Charlie." Bea says her and Sophie are talking about boys.

03.38: Charlie and Marcus are playing a game of charades or something in the sitting room. Bea and Sophie go to the toilet.

03.29: Rodrigo says he is going to bed.

03.26: Sophie tells Bea: "I know I'm gonna get booed when I go out." Bea tells her she won't.

03.24: Sophie says she is worried Karly won't be friends with her on the outside because of Kenny.

"I'm a little worrier," she says.

03.20: Sophie is worrying about what people think of her on the outside. Bea says as long as Sophie is genuine and thinks positively, no-one can think badly of her. Sophie says she had hoped her special prize this week would be that she could see Kris.

03.14: Bea has just made a sausage sandwich and is munching it with lots of BBQ sauce.

03.12: Rodrigo and Charlie make friends and are play fighting in the living room.

03.09: Sophie tells Bea: "I think you're really really pretty Bea, you've got gorgeous eyes." Bea replies: "I'd swap them for your t*** babe."

Sophie tells her: "You could be a model, you're so tall and slim."

03.05: Lisa goes and says goodnight to Rodrigo and Sophie. Roddy says to Lisa: "I love you from the bottom of my a***." Sophie tells Lisa: "Not once have I voted for you, ever, ever."

03.03: Lisa heads in to bed after giving Marcus, Bea and Charlie a hug. Lisa thanks Marcus for cleaning the kitchen. He replies: "Roddy and Sophie have just messed it up, p***ed as a***holes making burgers."

03.02: David goes into the kitchen and says goodnight to Roddy and Sophie. David tells Rodrigo that he has a four-poster bed at home. He says: "Bet you've not been tied to one of those before Roddy, have you?" He winks. Rodrigo says: "Goodnight sugar plum."

03.00: Sophie says that all she will do when she leaves the house is "get my t*** out". She tells Rod he will go far. Big Brother announces that Marcus' suitcase is in the storeroom for him to collect and unpack.

02.59: Rodrigo says to Sophie: "You're my BFF." Sophie tells Rodrigo she wants him to win. He replies: "If I go I will vote for you."

02.56: Sophie tells Siavash that she thinks she will be up for eviction this week. She says: "I want to go and lose some weight."

02.54: Big Brother tells Siavash to make sure his microphone is switched on.

Rodrigo says: "I love Big Brother, even if they lie to me. I really thought I'd met the Queen."

02.53: Bea, chatting to Charlie, Lisa and David in the garden, says: "I would do anything for my mum. If I had to sell myself every night on the streets for her then I would."

02.50: Rodrigo is cooking in the kitchen and chatting to a drunk Sophie. Sophie looks in the mirror and says: "I'm f***ing fat that's what I am." Sophie says that Rodrigo is the male version of her.

02.39: Sophie, Rodrigo and Siavash are talking about Charlie in the living room. Sophie says to Roddy: "He's crying. I feel really bad for him. I think he's upset because you called him a liar."

02.37: Bea goes and gives Charlie a hug. He says: "No don't, I don't want people to think I'm doing this for attention."

02.35: Charlie says he is upset that Sophie told Rodrigo what he had said to her. He says: "It just upsets us."

02.33: Charlie is crying in the garden. Lisa is trying to calm him down. He says he wants to be on his own and goes to sit in the corner of the garden.

Lisa calls him over to him. She says: "We won't crowd you, come here."

02.32: Sophie says to Charlie: "I do like you too, I always speak highly of you in the Diary Room." Roddy says to Sophie: "He's an idiot. We're best friends. You follow me and I follow you. He is jealous."

02.30: Sophie tells Rodrigo: "Charlie says that I follow you round like a little sheep." Rodrigo goes and confronts Charlie. Rodrigo says: "We are best friends."

Charlie says: "Sorry but I do think that."

02.25: Most housemates are sat in the garden having a fag or chatting to the smokers. Charlie, Rodrigo and Sophie are sat in the living room drinking.

Big Brother asks one housemate to remind Siavash to wear his microphone. Sophie says: "Siavash is just an idiot."

02.16: Bea comes out of the Diary Room. She says Big Brother asked her how she felt about the eviction. Sophie insists that she isn't drunk, and says that Rodrigo has a 'wandering eye'.

02.14: Rodrigo keeps asking Sophie to show her boobs. She says: "I'm not going to show them unless ... " Sophie says she wouldn't go topless on a beach.

Sophie says she never gets her boobs out unless she's doing a photoshoot, but people think she gets them out all the time.

"It makes me feel cheap if people say that to me," she admits.

02.12: Most of the housemates are sat in the living room chatting.

02.09: Marcus is mopping the kitchen.

02.08: Siavash is in the shower, Sophie is trying to push the toilet door open on Rodrigo when he is in the toilet - he is shouting at her to stop.

02.03: Rodrigo finally admits that he showed his willy to Charlie and Charlie showed him his. He says: "He showed his, and I showed him mine." He goes red. Sophie replies: "Ahhhhh I'm jealous. I want some action."

02.01: Sophie says to Rodrigo: "I think you're a bit of a randy one, you."

"What does that mean?" says Roddy.

Sophie replies: "Like, frisky. Get your willy out. Charlie said you have."

Charlie says that Rodrigo flashed him but Rodrigo denies it. Charlie goes into the bedroom and pulls Siavash's trousers down, before saying that he is joking. "You're not my type," he adds.

01.58: Sophie tells Rodrigo and Charlie: "You two are so going to get it on on the outside." They both disagree. Charlie says: "I don't want anything to do with him. I hate him.

Charlie stares at Sophie's chest and says: "Your boobs are scaring me. I'm gay and I can't stop looking. I'd love to see them, you know, like, out."

Rodrigo laughs and asks: "Show us?"

"Noooooooooooo!" yells Sophie.

Siavash says: "If anyone asks again I will punch them."

Charlie says: "I don't actually want to see them anyway."

01.57: Lisa and David are talking about Noirin playing men in the house. Charlie has taken his outfit off and is chatting to Rodrigo in the main house. Rodrigo looks unimpressed.

01.52: After all the fuss David has found his can in the garden. He tells Siavash: "Sorry man."

01.51: 'Nana' comes back into the house and yells: "That Bea says she loves my Lisa, but I'm telling you, she doesn't." Bizarre.

01.50: Sophie tells Rodrigo: "If I had a choice of living with any housemates out of here, it would be you." Rodrigo smiles and says: "In Leeds."

01.49: Big Brother announces: "Can all housemates remind housemates in the garden to a minimum and can housemates also ask Bea to come to the Diary Room."

01.47: Rodrigo is laughing hysterically. Sophie says: "What happens on tour stays on tour. You wouldn't believe what I have seen with these eyes. But it stays on tour."

01.46: Sophie is drinking her beer through a straw. She says: "I get drunk quicker through a straw."

01.43: Sophie has another can of lager from somewhere - has Marcus relented?

01.37: Marcus is doing some washing up and chatting to Sophie. Sophie says she wants to vote for David this week as he 'doesn't clean up'.

Bea goes into the kitchen and says: "I think you should give me a can for making me cry the other night."

She asks him if they can wipe the slate clean after their row. Bea calls Sophie a 'tart' in a light-hearted way and adds: "Put your boobs away".

I think everyone is rather tipsy tonight.

01.34: Sophie is whispering to Bea and Rodrigo in the living room. Bea says: "You can't be serious, I'm not having it." You can't hear what Sophie says.

01.33: Charlie is still doing his nana routine, pretending to gossip.

01.31: Siavash says that he had a drinking problem before he came into the house. He says: "I drank every night coz I worked in a club, I had to sort it out."

Lisa looks shocked.

01.29: Dave tells Bea and Lisa that someone has taken his can of cider but he doesn't want to make a fuss about it. He says: "I don't really drink, I'm not bothered, I don't want to make a fuss, it's just the principle."

Marcus goes into the Diary Room with a token.

01.28: Sophie is STILL begging Marcus for a can.

01.20: Bea says to Lisa: "Can you see a bogey up my nose?" She tilts her head up for Lisa to have a look.

"No," replies Lisa.

Bea says: "I can feel one." Lovely.

01.17: A drunk Sophie and Rodrigo and granny Charlie are in the living room chatting. Bea is drinking from a can in the garden. Charlie is singing A Whole New World from Aladdin using Bea's shawl as a magic carpet. Bea says: "Get off that, it's a yak's wool shawl nana, learn your place. you need to go and take your medication."

01.14: Sophie knocked Siavash's drink over in the kitchen and is now wiping the spillage into a cup for her to drink. Sophie is blaming Siavash. But she adds: "I feel really guilty now. I feel really sorry for you, I feel really devastated."

01.12: Sophie tells Marcus and Siavash that she won't nominate them this week. She says: "You're an original. You're not going anywhere."

Marcus is unimpressed and says he will 'headbutt' her if she doesn't nominate him.

01.10: Sophie says: "When did I realise that I was really good-looking? When I was about 15."

01.08: Rodrigo is laughing because he says Sophie tells secrets when she's drunk. Sophie is talking about someone who leaves dishes everywhere. Marcus says that he tidies up every night. Sophie looks sceptical.

01.06: Charlie has dressed up like someone's Nana and is prancing around the garden making housemates laugh. Rodrigo and Sophie are still in the kitchen.

00.57: Sophie says her mum wouldn't let her move to London. She says: "She wouldn't have it, no way." But she tells Rodrigo that she could come and live with him in Leeds, or maybe Manchester.

00.54: Charlie picks Bea up and carries her to the bedroom. They are speaking to each other in Australian accents. He shows her a bottle of wine that he has hidden under his bed. She asks him to share it and calls him 'charming Charlie'.

00.46: Sophie, Charlie, Siavash and Marcus are in the kitchen talking about Freddie. Charlie and Marcus say that he was too cocky about staying this week. "There's a fine line between confidence and arrogance," Charlie remarks. Sophie says he was a 'nice guy' but too arrogant.

She adds that she nominated Freddie every week except three. Siavash tells people to try and remember the good times with Freddie.

00.39: Dave comes out of the Diary Room. Charlie is now in the garden chatting to Lisa and Bea. Charlie tells Lisa that Bea is going to get her drunk and take advantage.

00.38: Marcus and Sophie say they are both picky when it comes to the opposite sex. Sophie is trying to get Marcus to go to nightclubs in London but he says he doesn't like that sort of place. She tells him that he would if he tried it.

Sophie is still trying to negotiate with Marcus to get a can of lager but he is refusing.

"When I have my implants out I'll give them to you and you can sell them on eBay," she tells him. Siavash tells her to stop begging. She insists that she isn't begging. She is.

00.37: Marcus is moving into Freddie's bed so that he and Siavash can have a double bed each now the bedroom is a bit emptier.

00.35: David goes into the Diary Room. Lisa and Bea are talking about sexual experiences. Bea says: "Do I look like a woman with boundaries?" Lisa replies: "Obviously not, no!"

00.34: Sophie is trying to persuade Marcus to swap her a can of lager for something. David is waiting to go into the Diary Room.

00.25: Siavash says that the evictions he has been saddest about were Cairon, Freddie and 'weirdly' he says, Noirin. Lisa says he has always had a soft spot for Noirin and jokes that it is only because he can't get together with her. She says: "If I was bisexual you would be in there."

Siavash says his girlfriend will never take him back after the whole Noirin episode. He says: "She might forgive me, but ..."

Bea is trying to reassure him.

00.21: Siavash is in the garden now. Sophie is dancing and singing in the living room.

00.20: Sounds like Rodrigo and Charlie have had another tiff - Rodrigo says he won't make friends with 'a certain person' after a row.

00.16: Rodrigo goes out into the garden. Housemates are asking him how to say things in Portuguese.

00.15: David asks Bea and Lisa: "Do you think it was because he was so cocky this week that he has gone?"

Bea replies: "No, I think it was because he crossed the awesome Bea, downfall to all." My, she is going to get a shock when she gets the BBoot.

00.14: Sophie says: "I feel p***** already!" Siavash says it 'hasn't touched' him.

00.13: Bea and David say they are heading outside for a fag but not before two-faced Bea says: "Shall we have a toast to Freddie, to Freddie everyone." Everyone joins in with the toast and then drinks.

00.12: Housemates are enjoying some food and booze and chatting in the main house. Siavash says: "We're all going to have a good night tonight yeah, some alcohol ..."

00.10: So Freddie is out ... how will the housemates react?
Start Here
Sophie worries about Kris relationship
Day 73, 10:00 BST
By Catriona Wightman

Sophie worried about her relationship with Kris last night.

Speaking to Bea, the model explained that she was concerned that Kris will have moved on while she is still talking about him.

"It's not that I'm worried about him cheating on me," she revealed. "I just don't want to be made a fool of in here."

"If you're thinking positively about something and being genuine, you will never look stupid," Bea advised her. "If you came out and he'd been getting up to all sorts, it will still hurt you, but what's the worst anyone can say about you?"

Sophie also confessed that she had hoped her present would be a chance to see Kris, and admitted that she was disappointed to find out that it was a chance to change her name back from Dogface.

The 20-year-old later asked Charlie about the situation, and he reassured her that he thought that Kris had genuine feelings for her.

"If he's not there when you're evicted you can punch us clear in the face," he announced. "If he wasn't there, I mean that, I'd wash my hands of him. I know he fell for you."
Originally posted by King Kev:
Wow I did stay up a bit late last night.
*puts mike's crown on* Laugh
I had some cheese on toast last night and it was yummy.
Off for my haircut at 1pm.
Then chillaxing. Big Grin

The FM's were more drunk than me last night. Eeker

If you have cheese late at night it will effect your sleeping, and can make you dream as well.

I haven't been over to Live Cloud yet.
Good afternoon all wavey

Hicky... do you have visitors today? Hope the gazebo gets used. Smiler

Mike...enjoy the club and a few slurps. Smiler

Suzy... what are you up to today? How is the exercise plan going?

KingKev...that was a real late night cheese on toast. Big Grin Hope you are pleased with the hair do.

Eeker hope you dont all disappear in this cloud thingie and leave me here all alone talking to myself. Ninja

Had a nice brekkie in Asda this morning, then did some shopping for my mom. Bought a new bathing costume in the sale for ÂĢ2. Smiler I have decided to go swimming a lot more now. I like swimming because I dont like getting hot and sweaty the way you do with other sports.

Oh and I couldnt resist buying this lovely red/black check dress in Asda, with silver threads in it,, and a frill round the bottom, will wear it with leggings, because at my age dont want to show too much leg. Big Grin

Pinkbabe ... hope your arm isnt bothering you today, and that you have a great time at the party. Hug
Wish I had a party to go to, now I have my new frock.
Goodness I was up late last night.. Still a nice quiet afternoon in front of here with the footy on in the background, sounds good.

I have been on Live Cloud, and I like some of the things on there, but I really like the layout on here, I'm used to it from my days on the C4 Big Brother forum, so I hope we can stay the same here.

Oh well, going to have a nose on the Big Brother board and see whats being said there.

Changed my sig again, the hearts were giving me a headache every time I looked at them, so just got my stars now and glitter!!
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Originally posted by King Kev:
I'm always eating cheese at night Hicky, I love my cheese dreams. Big Grin
Once I get to sleep I'm ok for the rest of the night, it's getting to sleep I sometimes have problems with.

I might have to be good tonight cos I may have some work tomorrow. It's better for me to have work as it keeps me out of trouble. Laugh

Same here Kev, got your message from Cloud and have accepted and yes, it was Phillip Glennister I was on about, he may become my atavar in the next few days.. He can fire up the Quattro for me any day of the week!!
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Mollie, just been out and brought myself another pair of shoes, they are lovely, all sequins on the top, in grey for tonight. I wasn't going to bother, but my husband said just pop out before you take your tablets and have a look at these shoes. He had seen then driving past the shop up the town and thought I would like them.

Your dress sounds lovely, I like dresses like that, and wear them with leggings myself, love leggings and long tops, like I used to wear back in the '80's. I have changed my mind about tonights clothes and am now wearing a long top/dress I have in black with my trusty black leggings and my grey pashmina over the top,with my new grey shoes I (hopefully) will look very nice.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
Mollie, just been out and brought myself another pair of shoes, they are lovely, all sequins on the top, in grey for tonight. I wasn't going to bother, but my husband said just pop out before you take your tablets and have a look at these shoes. He had seen then driving past the shop up the town and thought I would like them.

Your dress sounds lovely, I like dresses like that, and wear them with leggings myself, love leggings and long tops, like I used to wear back in the '80's. I have changed my mind about tonights clothes and am now wearing a long top/dress I have in black with my trusty black leggings and my grey pashmina over the top,with my new grey shoes I (hopefully) will look very nice.

Aaawww sweet your hubby sounds y to spot those shoes and think of you. Your new choice of outfit for the party sounds lovely. I think it is nice if you are going to a special event to treat yourself. Smiler I dont' go out anywehre special very often, but like to get something new to wear to make me feel confident if I do.
My hubby is lovely with me too, and helps me chose what suits me. Smiler

Leggings are one fashion I am pleased to see back from the 80's, comfy, but looks good with a nice top.

Hope you have a great evening. xx
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Good afternoon all wavey

Hicky... do you have visitors today? Hope the gazebo gets used. Smiler

Had a nice brekkie in Asda this morning, then did some shopping for my mom. Bought a new bathing costume in the sale for ÂĢ2. Smiler I have decided to go swimming a lot more now. I like swimming because I dont like getting hot and sweaty the way you do with other sports.

Oh and I couldnt resist buying this lovely red/black check dress in Asda, with silver threads in it,, and a frill round the bottom, will wear it with leggings, because at my age dont want to show too much leg. Big Grin

Hi Mollie.wavey

Have had 1 of my lads here with 3 little ones, he'll be back later as they all stay the night.

Went to Gordale (Garden Center)this afternoon and got an ice cream and a few bits.

Called in at one of my lads places to see his new fence, and was playing with the little lad.

It's been raining here, haven't got any floor covering for the Gazebo yet, think you need it really.

Have to go and find some food in a freezer, I remember seeing some Duck breasts, they are nice with a few chips.
I'll go and sort that out.

That's a good price for a swimming costume, and your dress sounds lovely as well.
Karly backs Sophie, Kenneth backs Lisa
Day 73, 15:49 BST
By Jen Grieves

Karly and Kenneth have revealed who they each want to win the show.

The former housemates showed a difference of opinion on their Twitter page. While Karly is backing Sophie, Kenneth is backing Lisa.

Kenneth bonded with Lisa following Karly's eviction just moments after he entered the house.

He posted: "I am biased as Lisa is my friend, but the money would really make a difference to her, she is doing the show for her girlfriend."

Karly, however, is backing Sophie. The pair formed a close friendship in the house, and the 21-year-old tweeted: "Although I really like Charlie, I really want Dogface to win."

The pair opened their Twitter account last week, since signing with PR guru Max Clifford. They have been posting frequently about their lives in London after Big Brother.
Karly and Kenneth sign with Max Clifford
Day 73, 15:38 BST
By Jen Grieves

Former housemates Karly and Kenneth are now being represented by Max Clifford Associates.

Karly announced the news on her Facebook fan page, since shutting down her website and taking up a Twitter account called KarlyAndKenneth.

Max Clifford is the UK's best known publicist, and represented Jade Goody until her death earlier this year.

Karly has spoken frequently of her acting, singing and modelling ambitions, and the couple have now taken up permanent residence in a "wonderful suite off Mayfair", according to their Twitter account.

Both housemates have been tweeting regularly, speaking about magazine appearances and their plans to go to America, and state that they are also "considering a few movie roles".

They have also posted pictures of their time in London in a bid to raise their profiles.

Karly was evicted from the house minutes after boyfriend Kenneth entered as a new housemate.

Kenneth escaped after just six days in the house by climbing over the wall, consumed by his worries about what Karly was doing in the outside world.
Bookies' delight at Freddie eviction
Day 73, 15:27 BST
By Jen Grieves

Bookies have cleaned up after Marcus was saved from eviction last night.

Marcus had been the hot favourite to get the boot since nominations were announced earlier this week.

But last night saw Freddie become the ninth official housemate to be evicted from the house.

William Hill have now said they see Marcus as a "contender" to win the show.

Spokesman Rupert Adams said: "We see a lot of money for Marcus to go but Freddie got the boot in a close-run race."

"We are now sitting on a decent profit," he added.

The odds for the front runners are close. Siavash is the current favourite at 5/2, followed by Rodrigo at 11/4 and Sophie at 3/1.

Following being saved by the public, Marcus is now at odds of 5/1, which is level with Charlie.
This news story made me laugh today.

A ROOKIE cop picked up music legend Bob Dylan after reports of "a scruffy man acting suspiciously" - and had no idea who he was.

Locals in the Latin quarter of Long Branch, New Jersey, called police when they saw the craggy star walking with his family.

They said they were suspicious because the man "did not fit in".

A 22-year-old policewoman sent to investigate then confronted the Sixties superstar - in town to perform with Willie Nelson and John Mellencamp.

She asked for ID, and was left completely clueless when 68-year-old Dylan tried to explain who he was.

The cop insisted she escort him to his hotel. She then phoned colleagues to ask if they had heard of Bob Dylan - and was met with howls of laughter.

Dylan famously sang It Ain't Me Babe and Like A Rolling Stone - with the lyrics: "How does it feel, To be without a home, Like a complete unknown."

A cop pal of the girl said: "Bob Dylan was on a walkabout but the woman officer wasn't entirely convinced of his innocence. She took him back to the hotel to check his papers, then called us. We all fell about laughing."
From The Sun
Originally posted by Hicky:
It was pretty close last night, still don't know why Freddie went.
The voting figures are here.
Freddie became the 10th person to be evicted after receiving 53.6% of the public vote.

looks like the two votes i did tipped the balance to get him out Laugh

i never usually vote but if he had stayed his head would have swelled unbearably Laugh
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
Just an little update. Had aphone call about an hour ago, the party is off due to my cousin in law coming down with swine flu. Poor thing, so a quiet night at home for us tonight.

oh no Pinkbabe Frowner ...what a shame. Hug

Hope your cousin is better soon, and hope you get to go somewhere else nice soon, to wear your new shoes.
Originally posted by Hicky:
Hi Mollie.wavey

Have had 1 of my lads here with 3 little ones, he'll be back later as they all stay the night.

Went to Gordale (Garden Center)this afternoon and got an ice cream and a few bits.

Called in at one of my lads places to see his new fence, and was playing with the little lad.

It's been raining here, haven't got any floor covering for the Gazebo yet, think you need it really.

Have to go and find some food in a freezer, I remember seeing some Duck breasts, they are nice with a few chips.
I'll go and sort that out.

That's a good price for a swimming costume, and your dress sounds lovely as well.

wavey Hicky

that is nice that you have some visitors again, and they will stay for the night too.

Glad you enjoyed your dinner tonight. Smiler

I had tiger bread with brie, recurrant jelly, grapes and moyo, and some of those Sensations crisps. They are so yummy. Smiler Oh and a glass of rose. I can only drink one glass of wine, because it goes to my head. Laugh

Did you buy anthing from the garden centre, or did you just go for an afternoon out?

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