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Originally posted by Tatty:
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by Tatty:
OH SHUT UP MARCUS, that photo is the dead spit of you!!!! with no neck, stubby, curly bit sticking out ... yes you look like a knob Laugh

I couldn't believe all that moaning from Marcus because of a picture.

What a loon, he really is on a different planet.

I KNOW Sick i dread to think who he thinks he looks like??? i know we all take a bad pic sometimes, but i would never say it looked like someone else Roll Eyes

Fancy telling BB they should have edited it, wonder how he thinks it's going to harm him, he was saying it will be all over the world now like that.
What an idiot.
Originally posted by Tatty:
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Originally posted by Tatty:
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
hope you are all better now. Hug

PinkBabe...I know what you mean about TalkSport not being so good now. I was so mad when Mike Mendoza left, he was one of my fave night presenters. I know why you chose red, I never would of thought of it being a football reason. Big Grin

as you can probably tell mollie i am getting back to my true self Laugh

hows your little doggie today?, i keep hoping better than the day before Hug

Laugh glad to hear you are back to your true self.

doggie seems happier today, she had her blood test at vets tonight, and we have to wait for results now.

i am sure they will say that you little doggie is on the mend Thumbs Up i did say that now you have her home she will get much better quicker, she is not fretting anymore, and home where she is loved Hug

I hope they do say her blood count is on the mend. Yes she is indeed loved here. Smiler
Like you say, the vets said it was unlikely they would be able to get her to eat in the doggie hosptial because she was so homesick.
We used to go to Blackpool on a Sunday in the Summer when I was pretty young, we all had Motor Bikes then, I was probably about 18.

I am sure we went on the Wall of Death on the Sea Front and I was sick for the rest of the day, and it really spoilt my day, never went on it again.

Don't know if Mike would remember that one.
Don't think they still have it, might be a health and safety issue now.
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by Tatty:
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by Tatty:
OH SHUT UP MARCUS, that photo is the dead spit of you!!!! with no neck, stubby, curly bit sticking out ... yes you look like a knob Laugh

I couldn't believe all that moaning from Marcus because of a picture.

What a loon, he really is on a different planet.

I KNOW Sick i dread to think who he thinks he looks like??? i know we all take a bad pic sometimes, but i would never say it looked like someone else Roll Eyes

Fancy telling BB they should have edited it, wonder how he thinks it's going to harm him, he was saying it will be all over the world now like that.
What an idiot.

Laugh i know!!! i think there are only a few thousand watching the show at the moment abyway, how well does he thinks it is doing? actually he alone has killed BB10 Laugh Clapping

as i said soo far up his own arse Roll Eyes

errmmm i could actually photo edit that pic Laugh i have a really good program for it Thumbs Up

i really he goes friday, but then again, he will say his 'fans' voted him out cos they knew he wanted to go Laugh Roll Eyes
Laugh Hicky, Yes they did look ridiculous on that snorkling task, and I can assure you that even though I live in Wales, I have never done that. Big Grin

I remember those walls of death, I bet you are right and there are too many health and safety things now to have them. Eeker No wonder you only went on one of those things once.

Goodnight Suzy.. Wave Sleep well. xx
Must go, work in the Morning.
Sleep Tight Everyone.Wave
...........Nighty Night Everyone
...........I'm off to bed now
..........Thursday tomorrow
...........Have a nice night.
Originally posted by King Kev:
wavey Hi all.
The illuminations are switched on at the 4th September.
Blackpool Illuminations.

Sorry for the bad news emptybox. Hug

KingKev... Hug
just seen your post before I go.

Is your connection ok tonight? Hope so.

Thanks for the info about Blackpool. Smiler

and I clicked on the homelss animals. What a good idea. Smiler

As we were talking about it yesterday, I read today that the bankers may be getting 100% salary increases. Roll Eyes what a great use of our taxes.
Originally posted by King Kev:
My fist is shaking at the banks as I type Mollie. Laugh
What annoys me is how the whole money system works, we will always have very poor people and very rich people the way it is now.

i have put the animals site on my bookmark bar kev Thumbs Up so everyday when i open my lappy i will see it and go there right away and click it Big Grin
Originally posted by emptybox:
Thanks for all the messages guys. Smiler
I'm soldiering on.

BB has gone by the board a bit for me, but I did catch a bit yesterday, and Bea seems to have become public enemy number one?
Very strange? Confused
Don't worry about us or BB, you have enough to do.
Stay strong, it isn't easy, we are all thinking of you at this awful time.
Great news that your dog is improving Mollie. Cool
Originally posted by Suzie Fairy:
Good Morning Peeps Hug

Hope you all have great day and don't work too hard Laugh

See you all later Wave

Good Morning Suzie.wavey

Have a good day, catch you later.

Just going to see if there's any info from the house last night.
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* ------ Good Morning Everyone -------*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* I hope you are all well this Morning *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* ------Well it might be a nice day --------- *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* ------ But it's Happy Thursday again -------*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
Last night in the BB house, Day 70/71.
04:00 Charlie has stepped in and told Marcus and Bea that he doesn't want to hear another word about it. Howay the lad.

03:52 Now Bea's come back in for some more argument from Marcus.

03:37 Freddie's got up. Charlie's telling him to go back to bed.

03:34 Bea: "If you can't take it, don't give it out." That got Freddie chuckling in the bedroom and Charlie's told him to shut up.

03:32 Now Bea's in tears. She says she's going to the diary room. But she hasn't stopped talking.

03:15 Bea is talking about classic victimisation. She says she doesn't want to get dragged into it, then off she goes with Marcus.

03:00 It's amazing. Bea comes out of the diary room and the fun conversation that Marcus was having with Charlie turns into an argument about who's being negative. Get off it, people!

02:30 Be's gone into the diary room.

02:25 It must be rant night. Marcus is now droning on about seeing Guns N' Roses.

02:12 Bea and Charlie have gone into the garden. They've pinched a can of cider from Marcus, but it looks as though they've lost their bottle - they're talking about putting it back.

02:08 Bea's in the bedroom, rummaging around under someone's bed. What is she up to?

02:00 Bea's saying it's a shame BB didn't give them more booze. Charlie's joking about exchanging a token for a bottle of vodka.

01:55 Bea and Charlie have just been into the bedroom and come out with take-away fish and chips. Now that's something you don't often see.

01:49 Freddie's sleeping peacefully. In fact, it looks as though there's just Bea, Charlie and Marcus still up.

01:42 Marcus seems to be sleeping, but he's making strange noises. No, sorry, he's whistling. Weird.

01:40 Now Charlie's at it - talking about his ex boyfriend and how he met him in a bar when he was dead drunk and he thought he was arrogant, but he's not arrogant, he just likes to be centre of attention...

01:35 Blimey, she can talk. Charlie's had to get up cos his bum's gone numb. Not to mention his brain.

01:30 Bea's rambling on to Charlie about some bloke she met on the internet. Who'd have thought. It's like U Got Mail.

01:25 Sophie and Rodrigo are in the bedroom, chatting about Rodrigo meeting the 'queen'.

01:22 Bea's talkiing about the negative people in the house. "They can f*** off!"

01:10 Bea and Charlie are talking outside. Bea's worried that she's being seen as two-faced, cos she likes people and then she doesn't.
Start Here
I'm positive you're negative

Please Bea quiet ... Marcus Akin

ARGUMENTS about negativity were raging last night between four Big Brother housemates.

First, Marcus Akin had a row with Bea Hamill, in which she claimed that he, along with Freddie Fisher and Siavash Sabbaghpour, spent all day calling her negative.

With Charlie Drummond sitting quietly on the sofa, Bea got so worked up she broke down and had to go outside.

Then Freddie — who had been heard chuckling in the bedroom — got out of bed, claiming he was having palpitations.

Charlie turned on the Oxford graduate, accusing him of getting out of bed just to stick the knife in to Bea.

Freddie began shouting: "Charlie, you are a f****** idiot!" but Marcus stepped in and ushered him back to bed.

Finally, Bea came back in and started arguing again with Marcus.

Charlie had now had enough and he moved the pair outside and gave them both a dressing down, saying: "I'm not having this tomorrow. I don't want to hear another word."

Charlie, you're talking like a real Big Brother winner.

Howay the lad!
Originally posted by Cold Sweat:
Morning Hicky! Wave

Thanks for the update - LF came on far too late for me to watch any last night.

Good Morning Cold Sweat.wavey

I'm a bit late getting back to you, I was a bit busy that's all.

You are of course most welcome.
I'll watch last night later when I get home, it should be recorded anyway.
Rodrigo recounts 'Queen' experience
Day 71, 10:07 BST
By Jen Grieves

Rodrigo yesterday excitedly relayed his experience of having tea with the 'Queen'.

The Brazilian student met a lookalike after repeatedly discussing his wish to meet Her Majesty with other housemates. Last week, Big Brother tasked him with writing her a letter.

However, Rodrigo was left under the impression that he was meeting the real Queen as part of a secret task set for the remaining contestants.

He came out of the task room and recounted his experience to the others, telling Lisa: "I was nervous, I didn't even put sugar in my tea, I was that nervous."

Rodrigo dressed in a suit for the occasion, but the task split housemates over whether or not they should tell him it wasn't the real Queen.

"I'm willing to be dishonest for three hours to pass the task, but not three weeks. It's not fair," Bea told Lisa and David.

Lisa agreed: "We should tell him today."

Meanwhile, regal impersonator Janette Charles spoke highly of Rodrigo in the Diary Room, describing him as "the type of man that all countries need for the future".
Rodrigo finds out Her Maj, well, wasn’tâ€Ķ
August 13th, 2009 by Lynn.

Yesterday, Big Brother told Rodrigo that he was to have tea with the Queen, which sent the poor lad into paroxysms of delight. When he went off to meet Her Majesty, the other housemates were told it was up to them to convince Rodrigo he had in fact met the real Queen.

When he left his afternoon tea with the Queen – who was of course really a royal impersonator – he could barely contain his excitement as he told the rest of the group what had happened. And it appears that the group managed – childishly easily – to convince Rodrigo that his encounter had been with the real monarchâ€Ķ

However, it was then down to Big Brother to break the news that Rodrigo had in fact had tea with a Queen impersonator. The house held its collective breath, waiting for the sensitive housemate to go nuclear, but instead, he just laughed about it.

So, the housemates had passed their challenge and won a supper of fish and chips and some booze to wash it down with. They also got a special individual prize of a letter from home for every housemate. Bless ‘em.
Bitchy Bea blasts BBoys

Bitchy ... Bea Hamill

BEA was on top bitchy form last night as she laid into Freddie Fisher and Marcus Akin.

The 24-year-old psychology graduate spouted a series of insults about posh Freddie who was once her best pal.

The row began after Charlie and Bea came up with a plan to steal a can of cider from Freddie's drawer as a prank.

But Marcus took exception to the jape saying it was "not cool".

"Yeah, but Freddie's not cool," Bea shot back.

She even added that Freddie, who is up for eviction this week, was probably saving the booze for when he went home.

"I'm just saying what I think. I think Freddie is an absolute f****** tool at the moment. He's acting like a prize noddy," she continued.

Marcus tried to stick up for 24-year-old Freddie, but Bea just continued bad mouthing the lad.

"I'm having a significantly nicer time now I'm not hanging out with Little Lord Fauntleroy," she ranted.

"I don't give a s*** what you think, Marcus. I know positive things from negative things, and I'm saying negative things at the moment. I think he's a t***."

She even poked fun at Freddie's clothing labelling him a pensioner.

"He changed his opinion about me. He's puffing and panting his way around the house arguing about f*** all, dressed in his dressing gown. He's acting like a pensioner and being a complete bloody annoyance."

Marcus and Bea clashed again when he said she was being negative.

The recruitment consultant burst into tears even though Marcus said he was not having a go at her.

Storming to the Diary Room she shouted: "I'm going in here to tell them you're a f****** bully."

"You can't just do whatever the f*** you like," Marcus told her. "I'm sorry Bea. You can't just be mindlessly horrible to people and then act like this as soon as you get it back."
Marcus likely to be evicted

Marcus up for the Chop ... Marcus Akin
HAIRY housemate Marcus Akin looks set for the boot on Friday, according to the gambling odds.

The 35-year-old, who made viewers cringe by relentlessly chasing Irish beauty Noirin Kelly, looks set to be evicted over Freddie Fisher.

The window fitter faces odd of 2/9 to get the chop say William Hill, while Freddie Fisher looks set to continue his eviction-dodging trend.

The Wolverine lookalike is attracting five times the number of bets with William Hill compared to posh Freddie.

"Marcus is perhaps the most deluded contestant in Big Brother history and our customers are all but certain that the public will get rid of him on Friday night," said William Hill spokesman Rupert Adams.

According to the company, Sophie Reade now looks set to take the Big Brother crown with odds of 11/4 to win the series.

She's followed by Siavash Sabbaghpour at 3/1 and Rodrigo Lopes has nipped into third place with odds of 7/2.

Former favourite Freddie has fallen to fourth place to win the show with odds of 4/1.
Sophie's big breast dilemma

You look swell ... Sophie Reade

SOPHIE Reade reckons her boobs have grown.
The 20-year-old was startled when she spotted the size of her bosom in the house's mirror.

After pointing out herself that she has "put on a few pounds", the glamour model then cornered Rodrigo Lopes in the kitchen to show him her growing boobs.

"Do they look bigger to you?" she asked the Brazilian student.

He agreed that they did — and watched while she gave them a thorough examination.

"Look, I used to be able to put my finger in there," she told him.

And sure enough, there was noticeably less room for manoeuvre between Sophie's already enhanced assets.
Rodrigo embarrassed after meeting 'Queen'
Day 71, 14:50 BST
By Jenni Marsh, Bollywood Reporter

Rodrigo has confessed that he feels embarrassed after a lookalike fooled him into believing that the Queen had entered the house.

The Brazilian was greeted by a woman dressed as the monarch as part of the shopping task last night and did not realise that it was an impostor.

Rodrigo and the 'Queen' drank tea and ate caviar, with the monarch telling him: "You look a very likeable young man. And your English is impeccable."

However, Rodrigo confessed this morning that he was feeling sick after his experience.

"How embarrassing - I was so emotional," he said.

When asked by Siavash if the lookalike had a decent resemblance to Queen Elizabeth II, Rodrigo said that he had not dared to question her authenticity for fear of being wrong.

"The thing is, Big Brother said it was the Queen. Imagine if I'd said to her 'you are not the Queen'," he explained.

"I don't know what the Queen looks like, so I'd have believed it was the Queen," admitted Sophie.
Helen Adams backs Rodrigo to win
Day 71, 14:56 BST
By Jenni Marsh, Bollywood Reporter

Big Brother 2's Helen Adams has revealed that she wants Rodrigo to win this year's competition because he is "cute".

Talking with the show's producers, Adams answered questions about the programme written by viewers, including who her favourite and worst housemates are.

She said: "My fave is Rodrigo - he's cute and innocent, you could put him in your pocket!

"Worst - Marcus, bad hair and Bea - she's horrible."

The former housemate revealed that she still speaks to Big Brother contestants Brian and Stuart on Facebook, but not Paul Clark, whom she dated for years after leaving the show.

Adams now manages her own hairdressing salon in Bristol.
David: 'Men are bitchier this year'
Day 71, 14:44 BST
By Jenni Marsh, Bollywood Reporter

David has complained that the men in the house this year are cattier than their female counterparts.

As he took a bath, he told bikini-clad Sophie that he is fed up of being woken up in the night by the sound of Marcus, Freddie and Bea arguing.

He said: "The men this year have been more bitchy than the women.

"How many times in the last week have we heard them use the word 'negative'?"

David said that the word had been used "thousands" of times and he is "sick of it", adding that they are "immatureâ€Ķ grown men".

Leaving the bathroom, David continued the subject with Lisa, saying: "If you don't like someone, just don't talk to them."
Marcus trims hair for shoot

Freak of nature? ... The offending photo

SOFTIE Marcus Akin is getting a new official photograph after admitting his current one makes him want to cry.

The 35-year-old looked tearful this week as he explained how much he hated the shot.

Marcus told housemates he thought the picture made him look like a "freak of nature" and berated Big Brother for not using computer trickery to disguise his flaws.

"I looked at it quickly for two seconds and it's made me go like this," he moaned after catching sight of the shot. "I honestly feel like crying, I really do. After all the things in the house, I've never thought about crying. But looking at that pictures makes me wanna cry."

As a special treat, Big Brother today organised for the window fitter to get a new shot taken.

The Wolverine wannabe was so excited by the idea of a new photo he even asked Charlie Drummond if he would give his mullet a quick trim.

If we're lucky Charlie might slip with the scissors and cut his ponytail clean away...

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