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Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Originally posted by Hicky:
I'm just eating another Seafood Salad, Wow how nice are they, from Sainsbury's, had one yesterday as well.
It's only Squid, Prawn and Mussels but with Lemon Juice, Vinegar, salt & pepper on it's so nice.

Just been to see my Lad and his G/F, but the little lad cry's when I leave.

I bet your rice and chicken would be good enough to eat, you'll have to make extra next time.Big Grin
Hope Doggie enjoys it anyway.

Glad to hear you enjoyed your seafood salad. Smiler
The dog did not eat the chicken and rice, but she did eat some nice fresh fish from the deli that OH steamed for her. Smiler So hopefully she will feel a lot better for that.

AAwww that dear little boy must love your company if he is upset when you go, how sweet. Hug

Strange your Doggie didn't fancy the chicken and rice, but good that she fancied the fish, any food is better then nothing though.
Originally posted by Tatty:
marcus .. did i hear him right again say he is too intelligent to let all that stuff go into his head?? more like not enough and does not understand taking other peoples feelings into consideration, what a 87pypf1ep8dedegoug!!!!

that bloke is worse than mario(n) last year and that is stretching it. pft

It is hard to understand how those 3 are getting away with it, but not sure how they can punish the ones responsible without giving them what they want.

Don't like them all getting punished though, that only works when the ones responsible have a conscience.
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Originally posted by Hicky:
I'm just eating another Seafood Salad, Wow how nice are they, from Sainsbury's, had one yesterday as well.
It's only Squid, Prawn and Mussels but with Lemon Juice, Vinegar, salt & pepper on it's so nice.

Just been to see my Lad and his G/F, but the little lad cry's when I leave.

I bet your rice and chicken would be good enough to eat, you'll have to make extra next time.Big Grin
Hope Doggie enjoys it anyway.

Glad to hear you enjoyed your seafood salad. Smiler
The dog did not eat the chicken and rice, but she did eat some nice fresh fish from the deli that OH steamed for her. Smiler So hopefully she will feel a lot better for that.

AAwww that dear little boy must love your company if he is upset when you go, how sweet. Hug

Strange your Doggie didn't fancy the chicken and rice, but good that she fancied the fish, any food is better then nothing though.

yes strange, all we could think of is that the chicken and rice reminded her of being in the hospital, so turned her off it.
OH said the fish was lovely, moist and flaky.

goodnight Hicky. wavey
dont stay up too late.

Sophie made me laugh, when she was sitting at the table and they took the food away, and she said that it was a good job she had her meal. Big Grin She does like her food.
Gone right off Bea, but do still like Freddie.
Just popped in to say hello and show off my new coloured sig, I've finally got the hang of this cutting and pasting lark, now the only problem I have is I have downloaded a lovely image to my all new singing and dancing photobucket account and I have cut and pasted it onto this this forum and it doesnt appear. Anyone has any ideas on this one please?

Hope everybody has had a good day, just got back from speedway with my hubby and nephew, it was his first time and he loved it, wants to know when we can go again!

Getting through my books nicely, read most of the Candace Bushnell one and thoroughly enjoying it, saving the Maeve Binchy til last though as she is my second favourite author after Penny Vincenzi.

Suzie, I read practically anything and enjoy a good biography myself. TBH, the one genre of books I can't really take to is sci fi.

Emptybox Hug hope all is as good as can be with you.

Mollie, glad to hear that your dog is eating, must admit that the boiled fish sounded really nice, wouldn't mind some of that myself!

Hicky thanks for the updates, BB was dropped a clanger for me with allowing noms talk, unless one almighty twist is coming.

Tatty, hows you? Over that awful swine flu I hope? Leaves you feeling very weak, I've been taking vitamins now for a week to try and help and I feel slightly better, don't know if that would help you as well.

Mike, keep missing you. Hope you are ok as well, the punk weekend sounded good, saw a punk guy at the speedway tonight and my hubby was amazed by his hair, told him now it was gel, but I remember a lad I went to school with being a punk back in the '70's and having to use soap to spike his hair,no gel then!!

Take care all, sorry for long post but lots to get through
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Good Morning Peeps Hug

Mollie Hug
Yes you are right It was fish, haddock with tarragon and mustard topping, mash potatoes and chardonnay sauce with mixed vegetable, delicious Big Grin
Hope your dog is showing some improvement Hug

PinkBabe Hug
I can't really get into sci fi books either lol, although I love watching it Laugh

Hope everyone is going to have a great day today Big Grin

See you all later Wave
Good Morning Everyone.wavey

Glad you sorted your Sig PinkBabe, I can see you've got that licked.Big Grin
You were up late.

Have a good day Suzie, catch you tonight then.

I'll go get any news from the house.
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* ------ Good Morning Everyone -------*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* I hope you are all well this Morning *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* ------Well it's not raining anyway --------- *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* ------ But it's Happy Tuesday again -------*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
News from the BB house, Day 68/69.
Not much of it.
02:40 Quite a lot of snoring in the bedroom tonight, but no bedhopping - for a change.

02:00 Everyone's in bed.

01:32 Marcus is walking round and round the garden, as if he's a convict getting exercise in the prison yard.

01:22 Bea's just come out of the diary room (she's been in there for ages) and gone into the kitchen. Hope she doesn't go wandering around and bump into Marcus!!

01:17 Siavash and Freddie are going to bed. Marcus is going outside (with his towel) to, ahem, enjoy the night air.

01:13 Siavash and Freddie are washing up in the kitchen. Freddie says at least he hasn't been bored in the house. But he's a little sad because, until now (BEA) he's been having loads of fun. Women, eh? Blimey.

01:07 Marcus, Siavash and Freddie are now talking about sex and wondering what happens if they get out and find themselves unable to perform. At least Marcus knows his bits are still functioning, eh? In fact, I think he might be going to make sure right now.

00:50 Marcus says everyone in the house is basically boring, except them. "We're A-gamers. We do stuff that people want to watch."

00:45 Freddie and Siavash are discussing Bea. Siavash is telling Freddie not to give her any more life lessons.

00:37 Freddie's saying he might be interested in seeing Bea on the oustide, but she's too tense in the house. But he thinks it's very uncool that she's moved beds.

00:25 Bea's in the bedroom talking about Freddie and how paranoid he is. Then Freddie walks in and everyone shuts up. When Freddie leaves, Bea says: Now he's going to go in there and tell them we're all talking about him. Hmm

00:15 Marcus and Siavash are discussing nominations - Halfwit is picking his nose.
Start Here
It's been pretty obvious for a long time that Marcus is doing everything he can to get footage for BB, that's all he ever talks about and to BB about it as well.

He even says that's why BB put him in the show because they knew he would be a rebel and give them good video.

Wonder what he will think of next to help BB with the ratings.Big Grin
One things for sure he doesn't car who suffers for him to get plenty of air time.
Morning all..

I looked over at DS and more posters having a pop at me and I am not even registered there, I feel it is very unfair. yes I may have posted a lot but there are reasons that I cannot go out very much and I just feel like giving up forum land.Yes I de regged from there several times because I wanted to be allowed post without people outing me and to me thats pure bullying.

Hope all are well x
Originally posted by Eternal Life:
Morning all..

I looked over at DS and more posters having a pop at me and I am not even registered there, I feel it is very unfair. yes I may have posted a lot but there are reasons that I cannot go out very much and I just feel like giving up forum land.Yes I de regged from there several times because I wanted to be allowed post without people outing me and to me thats pure bullying.

Hope all are well x

Ah, that's awful E.L. why are they having a go at you on DS?

Well you can't say anything back if your not registered any more anyway.

Just ignore them, posting a lot isn't a crime, you are allowed to post as much as you want.

You are very welcome here and you can post to your hearts content.Hug
Marcus wants to start arguments on BB forums
Day 69, 08:23 BST
By Jen Grieves

Marcus last night revealed that one of the reasons he wants to leave early is to start arguments on the forums discuessing Big Brother.

The window fitter was sitting in the living room with Siavash and Freddie expressing his desire to leave the house before the series ends.

Despite only having a few weeks left until the final, Marcus stated that he wants to leave because it was "boring".

In answer to Siavash's protests that the trio need to stay in to "help each other out", Marcus began to reel off a list of things he wanted to do on the outside world.

He told the pair: "I want fish and chips and to have sex... and go on the internet and start arguments on the Big Brother forums and influence people's votes on other shows and just make a nuisance out of myself."

Freddie laughed at the comments, telling Marcus that he needs to stick around to take the show to another level.

"It's the fu**ing home stretch," Freddie remarked.

Marcus had spent the day willing other housemates to nominate him after Big Brother lifted the ban on discussing nominations.
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by Eternal Life:
Morning all..

I looked over at DS and more posters having a pop at me and I am not even registered there, I feel it is very unfair. yes I may have posted a lot but there are reasons that I cannot go out very much and I just feel like giving up forum land.Yes I de regged from there several times because I wanted to be allowed post without people outing me and to me thats pure bullying.

Hope all are well x

Ah, that's awful E.L. why are they having a go at you on DS?

Well you can't say anything back if your not registered any more anyway.

Just ignore them, posting a lot isn't a crime, you are allowed to post as much as you want.

You are very welcome here and you can post to your hearts content.Hug

Morning Hicky, I feel as if I have made a major crime and even though I have left, they still keep having a go.

I joined before and before I knew it, a well established member posted publically that it was me and I just said why bother staying if someone is going to do that. Why can't someone reregister and post anonymously (sp) without someone wanting to out them as a previous member. Frowner
Originally posted by Eternal Life:
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by Eternal Life:
Morning all..

I looked over at DS and more posters having a pop at me and I am not even registered there, I feel it is very unfair. yes I may have posted a lot but there are reasons that I cannot go out very much and I just feel like giving up forum land.Yes I de regged from there several times because I wanted to be allowed post without people outing me and to me thats pure bullying.

Hope all are well x

Ah, that's awful E.L. why are they having a go at you on DS?

Well you can't say anything back if your not registered any more anyway.

Just ignore them, posting a lot isn't a crime, you are allowed to post as much as you want.

You are very welcome here and you can post to your hearts content.Hug

Morning Hicky, I feel as if I have made a major crime and even though I have left, they still keep having a go.

I joined before and before I knew it, a well established member posted publically that it was me and I just said why bother staying if someone is going to do that. Why can't someone reregister and post anonymously (sp) without someone wanting to out them as a previous member. Frowner

It seems to be a bit of a game, see who you can find that has been here before.
A lot of the new members are obviously previous members but if they keep their nose clean it doesn't seem a problem.

But the FM's are always on the lookout for re-registered FM's, it's like a challenge to them.
ou just need to be careful what name you go under, but some new members are too clued up to be new.

But don't let it put you off, just be careful who you let in on the fact.
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by Eternal Life:
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by Eternal Life:
Morning all..

I looked over at DS and more posters having a pop at me and I am not even registered there, I feel it is very unfair. yes I may have posted a lot but there are reasons that I cannot go out very much and I just feel like giving up forum land.Yes I de regged from there several times because I wanted to be allowed post without people outing me and to me thats pure bullying.

Hope all are well x

Ah, that's awful E.L. why are they having a go at you on DS?

Well you can't say anything back if your not registered any more anyway.

Just ignore them, posting a lot isn't a crime, you are allowed to post as much as you want.

You are very welcome here and you can post to your hearts content.Hug

Morning Hicky, I feel as if I have made a major crime and even though I have left, they still keep having a go.

I joined before and before I knew it, a well established member posted publically that it was me and I just said why bother staying if someone is going to do that. Why can't someone reregister and post anonymously (sp) without someone wanting to out them as a previous member. Frowner

It seems to be a bit of a game, see who you can find that has been here before.
A lot of the new members are obviously previous members but if they keep their nose clean it doesn't seem a problem.

But the FM's are always on the lookout for re-registered FM's, it's like a challenge to them.
ou just need to be careful what name you go under, but some new members are too clued up to be new.

But don't let it put you off, just be careful who you let in on the fact.

Thats the thing Hicky, it got to the stage where I was afraid to post and I told noone who I was Frowner It isn't fun and it isn't nice Frowner
Sophie: 'Marcus will steal my knickers'
Day 69, 10:06 BST
By Matthew Reynolds, Gaming Reporter

Sophie provided a list of reasons why she might have nominated Marcus yesterday afternoon.

The pair were chatting in the living room when Marcus jokingly asked why she voted for him.

"Did you vote for me, Sophie?" he said. "What did you say, and what were your reasons?"

"Marcus does my head in," she began. "He nicks fags..."

"I'm going to nick stuff from your drawer this week," he interrupted. "You've been in my drawer plenty this week, haven't you?"

"No! You nicked my brush!" Sophie replied. When Marcus protested, she said: "It accidentally fell down, did it, eh? You didn't put it there?"

She continued: "Nicked my brush, nicked some fags, what else, Marcus, nicking my knickers next? I'm surprised he hasn't done that already!"

"I've never nominated you once for sniffing my boxer shorts in the middle of the night," he said.
Big Brother star Charlie Drummond's dad's pride
Aug 11 2009 by Kim Carmichael, Evening Chronicle

Fun-loving Charlie has captured the hearts of the nation during his weeks in the Channel Four house.

But his dad, Charlie senior, has revealed how his 22-year-old son was once left too afraid to leave the house.

From his home in Heaton, Newcastle, the former Mr Gay UK finalist’s dad, said: “Charlie’s really outgoing and confident in the house but he’s been through some bad times.

“He was at a Metro station three years-ago when some lads asked him for a cigarette.

“He said he didn’t smoke and then the next thing one of them was holding a knife to his back while the other took all the gold jewellery he had just been given by his mam for Christmas.

“He was very shaken up, but didn’t want to go to the police and be seen as a grass. At one point he was too scared to go out.

“I’m glad he’s living his dream now though. He’s a lovely lad and really deserves it.”

Ex-model Charlie, who works as a customer adviser for the JobCentre, is now among the bookies’ favourites to win.

And proud dad Charlie, 48, can’t wait to put a bet on his son .

“I think it’s going to be between Charlie and Lisa for the final, hopefully with Charlie winning,” he said.

“I’ve been staying up all hours of the night watching him.

“It’s strange cause you feel like you know the people in the house.

“He’s been totally down-to-earth and acted just like himself all the way through, although a few times I’ve been cringing and thought to myself ‘come on son, you’ve had a drink, just go to bed’.”

Charlie senior, who was in London supporting his son at the weekend and intends to go back, also spoke of his family’s love for Newcastle United.

“Someone posted something on the internet saying that my son’s not a proper Geordie,” he added.

“Well I’m saying that he is. He’s a big Toon fan and always will be.

“I went to St James’s Park to pay my respects to Sir Bobby and I signed Charlie’s name in the book so I know he’ll be happy about that when he gets out.

“Aside from that though, the support from people has been fantastic.

“I’ve been stopped in the street a few times and everyone has been saying that they’re going to vote for him.

“I hope they do because he really deserves to win.”

The programme, the 10th Big Brother, ends on September 5.
I think his Dad must have been watching a different BB, Lisa is at the back of the queue and Charlie isn't at the front either.
Good afternoon all wavey

Hicky... thanks for the BB news.

It is a lovely day here today.

Suzy...your meal out sounded like a lovely treat, and of course, no clearing up to do after, makes it even better. Big Grin

Lovely day here too today.
what are you up to today Hicky?

I have been very busy with doggie nursing her till she goes back to vet tommorrow for blood test. She ate some chicken and rice today, so I am pleased with that. I hate having to force her mouth open and shove the tablet down the back of her throat though. Needs must though.

wavey Eternal Life
sorry to hear ds is bothering you. Hug I'd advise you to keep well away. If you have now de-registered, you have a good reason to keep well away. I have never liked the look of that place, people far too serious there and argumentative, but didnt realise posters could be that nasty. Glad I never considered joining such a place.
Stick to Hicky's place here, they are a nice bunch. Smiler

Mike Wave
hope you are well, Are you off to the gym today?

I have loads of washing all drying nicely in the sun and breeze... now I need to do some accounts work. wavey
Originally posted by Cold Sweat:
Good afternoon, Hicky!

Cheers for the news and updates. Wave

Good Afternoon Cold Sweat & Mollie.wavey

Hope you are both well.

You are of course most Welcome to any news, not a lot about, and even less is interesting.

Glad Doggie is taking a little food Mollie, that will keep him going for now.
It all depends on her next blood test I suppose.
Big Brother 10 housemates to celebrate the best of British in new task - including bog snorkelling
By Jody Thompson, 11/08/2009

Big Brother housemates have been given a UK themed task - which involves bog snorkelling, bagpipe playing, betting on horseracing and brushing up their etiquette skills this morning.

In a twist on the usual rules, rather than simply being awarded a pass or fail for the entire task this week, each part of the task carries a reward of ÂĢ80 toward the house’s weekly shopping if passed, or ÂĢ25 if failed. B

Bog snorkelling will see three housemates don flippers, goggles and a snorkel every time they hear the song We'll Keep A Welcome In The Hillside, before diving into murky waters.

The housemate learning Scottish instrument the bagpipes will have to master squeezing out one continuous note for a whole 30 seconds by tomorrow.

The gambling experts will be tasked with learning all the complexities of betting and then place wagers on a number of horse races. The gamblers will have a stake of forty pounds, and any winnings will be put toward the house food budget.

Big Brother also specifically picked Rodrigo as one of the three housemates who will take part in the etiquette section of the task - more details of which will be revealed tomorrow.

Freddie (Halfwit) told Big Brother he was in a good mood earlier today because of the task.

He said: "We’ve got a task today and hopefully that'll be fun and I'll get to do some singing."

Meanwhile, Sophie is more preoccupied with worries that Marcus is about to steal her underwear.

The glamour model cited her housemate’s apparent habits of stealing and hoarding as reasons she may have chosen him in yesterday’s open round of voting for eviction.

The Billy Ray Cyrus-alike - who had requested the others nominate him - asked her: "Did you vote for me, Sophie? What were your reasons?"

Referring to an incident which happened last week when she discovered non-smoker Marcus had a pack of cigarettes, Sophie (Dogface) said: "Marcus does my head in. He nicks fags."

He then interrupted, telling her: "I'm going to nick stuff from your drawer - you've been in my drawer plenty this week, haven't you?"

Nearly laughing, Sophie fought back: "No! You nicked my brush - oh, it accidentally fell down, did it, eh? You didn't put it there?

"Anyway - nicked my brush, nicked some fags, what else, Marcus, nicking my knickers next? I'm surprised he hasn't done that already!"

Marcus replied with an equally jokey quip, saying: "I've never nominated you once for sniffing my boxer shorts in the middle of the night."

Meanwhile Siavash has been moaning as he thinks he and self-styled reality TV rebels Marcus and Freddie (Halfwit) are being given "more s**t" by Big Brother than the other housemates.

Marcus told him: "Yeah, because we don't care. If you care then you're easier to control. We're easy to manipulate if they want us to break the rules, because we always will."
That is not what I wanted!!!

Afternoon all.

Regarding DS, I find it tough over there, but do post in the soaps and cult threads as they can be interesting. Don't know how people can "out" you though, if you change your user name and keep your head down, I changed mine after not having the computer for a while and didn't really have any problems - maybe I have been lucky. Some of the threads on there would be in the Troll Tank and locked here soooo fast, it would make your head spin!

Generally a nicer set of people over here, though as in life, not all.

Blue sky here again, hope it's like this tomorrow as it's the start of hubby's days off and we can go out. Currently multi tasking as I am on here and watching an old episode of "Upstairs Downstairs" on Sky.

Hope everybody is ok and will probably be back later.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Housemates tested on British etiquette
Day 69, 14:22 BST
By Jenni Marsh, Bollywood Reporter

The housemates will have to prove that they can become accustomed to British etiquette in order to complete this week's task.

Rodrigo plus two housemates of his choice will take part in the etiquette challenge, to receive ÂĢ80 towards their shopping budget.

Housemates have not yet been told the exact details of the challenge, but it is part of the Best of British task, which will see them playing the bagpipes and taking part in the "annual" Welsh Bog Snorkeling competition.

Whenever they hear 'We'll Keep a Welcome in the Hillside' performed by The Treorchy Male Voice Choir, two contestants will have to don their goggles, flippers and snorkel to wade through the bog to the finish line.

Meanwhile, the bagpipe challenge will see one person master the instrument today before performing one 30-second note with no breaks in sound later this afternoon or evening.

There is also a horse-racing component to the task, which will see three housemates become jockeys and bet with a ÂĢ40 stake.
Well if it's Marcus and Freddie nominated this week then I can't really see Marcus surviving.
Freddie has had a good following all the way through so I don't expect a lot to have been lost lately.

Where-as Marcus thinks he was put in the house by BB just to cause trouble and to stir things up and break the rules to get air time for the shows on the TV.

But maybe the public have had enough of his crusade.
He seems a nasty man, I'm glad he doesn't live by me anyway.
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Marcus and Freddie are up for eviction confirmed Frowner Frowner Disappointed.

OOHHH POOH!!! Shake Head you ask for something to happen, then you get two at the same time, bit like busses .. now it's a 'toss-up' which of these two 'self-obsessed-opinionated-uptheirownarseboringpillocks' i would rather go first Laugh

coooeeee wavey Hug just a quick visit, will be back later Big Grin
Hi in here Wave Smiler.

Bea - Marcus & David
Charlie - Halfwit & Marcus
David - Halfwit & Marcus
Dogface - Marcus & Halfwit
Halfwit - Marcus & David
Lisa - Halfwit & Marcus
Marcus - David & Lisa
Rodrigo - Halfwit & Marcus
Siavash - Bea & David

As regard to Freddies nomination of Marcus, Marcus told him to do so.

Who nominated who Wink. Read the transcript for tonights show and it sounds good indeed but awwww Freddie is all I say Frowner, Bea being vile Mad.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Hi in here Wave Smiler.

Bea - Marcus & David
Charlie - Halfwit & Marcus
David - Halfwit & Marcus
Dogface - Marcus & Halfwit
Halfwit - Marcus & David
Lisa - Halfwit & Marcus
Marcus - David & Lisa
Rodrigo - Halfwit & Marcus
Siavash - Bea & David

As regard to Freddies nomination of Marcus, Marcus told him to do so.

Who nominated who Wink. Read the transcript for tonights show and it sounds good indeed but awwww Freddie is all I say Frowner, Bea being vile Mad.

I suppose Marcus and Freddie put themselves forward in more ways that one so it was expected they would become the scape-goat, they were on all the HM's tip of their tongue.
Originally posted by Suzie Fairy:
Evening Peeps Hug

Hope everyone has had a good day today Big Grin

Hicky Hug

Thanks for all the lovely updates and insights Big Grin

Good Evening Suzie.wavey
You are most Welcome of course.

I've had a great day, hope you have as well.

BB on at 9pm tonight as well.

Just had Chips beans cocktail sausages and egg, yummy yum.Big Grin
(we use the cocktail sausages a lot because they cook pretty quick and don't need any oil in the pan).
Originally posted by Tatty:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Marcus and Freddie are up for eviction confirmed Frowner Frowner Disappointed.

OOHHH POOH!!! Shake Head you ask for something to happen, then you get two at the same time, bit like busses .. now it's a 'toss-up' which of these two 'self-obsessed-opinionated-uptheirownarseboringpillocks' i would rather go first Laugh

coooeeee wavey Hug just a quick visit, will be back later Big Grin

Hi Tatty.wavey

It's hard to say who may survive this week, a lot of Freddie's support has waned I think.

But I'm not bothered any more.
As long as Sophie is OK for now that will do me.

See you later then.

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