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Big Brother 10: Housemates' food gets confiscated

Big Brother has confiscated all of the housemates’ food.

After Marcus, Siavash and Freddie’s jailbreak yesterday, the house has had the luxury edibles won in last week’s task taken away.

It had already been announced that, as the inmates had complained about the heat, the garden was off limits, but although they were warned a punishment for all housemates was coming, no-one knew what.

This proved too much for Lisa, who ranted: "I've had enough now, it's b******t. Why should we all be punished - I haven’t done nothing. Why? I wanna know why."

Referring to the escapees, she added: "They're obviously controlling your game now. I thought you were better than that."

Later, after the garden had been opened again, Rodrigo found the kitchen locked and came to tell the others.

David said: "We'll probably be on gruel for a month now."

Lisa was still upset, and said: "They'll take all the luxuries. If people want to disrespect Big Brother, then Big Brother will disrespect them. Big Brother are more powerful and stronger than anyone in this House."
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Anyway from BB Twitter housemates are now allowed to talk about nominations Devil, found a link on DS.

wavey Darloboy
I am so pleased they are able to talk about noms now.
I really like the fact they do on the US BB. It really shows us who the real gameplanners are, and how far they are willing to lie to other HM's, who they say are their "friends".
Good afternoon all wavey
wet here today.

thanks for the BB news. Is it a work day today? When does your gazebo come ?

my doggie has eaten a little today,(a spoonfull) which is good. She can only have white rice and chicken breast, and I cook it fresh for her.

I hope you have a good day at work and enjoy your meal out today. Glad you managed to find something nice to wear. Smiler
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Yeah to do with the Prison breakout Thumbs Up.

Anyway from BB Twitter housemates are now allowed to talk about nominations Devil, found a link on DS.

It could be another big brother trick.
You are not allowed to talk about nominations, and a verbal message by BB doesn't override the written rules, they can only be overridden in writing like all rules.

If you break the rules you will be punished.
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Good afternoon all wavey
wet here today.

thanks for the BB news. Is it a work day today? When does your gazebo come ?

my doggie has eaten a little today,(a spoonfull) which is good. She can only have white rice and chicken breast, and I cook it fresh for her.

I hope you have a good day at work and enjoy your meal out today. Glad you managed to find something nice to wear. Smiler

Hi Mollie.wavey

It's a day off today, Gazebo is due one day this week, it is being dispatched today and will be coming by a courier 'Parcelforce' but will probably take a couple of days.

That's good if your Doggie has had a little food, I suppose rice and chicken breast is easy for her to digest.
Do you boil or steam the chicken like I assume they do at the Chinese?
Originally posted by Hicky:
Hi Mollie.wavey

It's a day off today, Gazebo is due one day this week, it is being dispatched today and will be coming by a courier 'Parcelforce' but will probably take a couple of days.

That's good if your Doggie has had a little food, I suppose rice and chicken breast is easy for her to digest.
Do you boil or steam the chicken like I assume they do at the Chinese?

that is good that your gaezobo will come before you lad returns from Oz. Is it difficult for you to put up?

Yes, I boil the rice, and chicken.
When I made some to take to the vet hospital the nurse said it looked so good she fancied eating it herself. Big Grin The nurses were really nice girls, so sweet with the animals, and they have to work all sorts of hours.
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Originally posted by Hicky:
Hi Mollie.wavey

It's a day off today, Gazebo is due one day this week, it is being dispatched today and will be coming by a courier 'Parcelforce' but will probably take a couple of days.

That's good if your Doggie has had a little food, I suppose rice and chicken breast is easy for her to digest.
Do you boil or steam the chicken like I assume they do at the Chinese?

that is good that your gaezobo will come before you lad returns from Oz. Is it difficult for you to put up?

Yes, I boil the rice, and chicken.
When I made some to take to the vet hospital the nurse said it looked so good she fancied eating it herself. Big Grin The nurses were really nice girls, so sweet with the animals, and they have to work all sorts of hours.

I'm just eating another Seafood Salad, Wow how nice are they, from Sainsbury's, had one yesterday as well.
It's only Squid, Prawn and Mussels but with Lemon Juice, Vinegar, salt & pepper on it's so nice.

Just been to see my Lad and his G/F, but the little lad cry's when I leave.

I bet your rice and chicken would be good enough to eat, you'll have to make extra next time.Big Grin
Hope Doggie enjoys it anyway.
Hira Habibshah ('Big Brother 10')
Monday, August 10 2009, 15:50 BST
By Alex Fletcher, Senior Entertainment Reporter

Hira Habibshah became the eighth housemate to be evicted from the Big Brother 10 compound last Friday, after all the contestants were placed up for the public vote. The Pakistan-born fashion designer failed to make an impact on viewers, despite her efforts in the Alice In Wonderland challenge and that curious singing style. We caught up with Hira at the weekend to find out whether she enjoyed her 21-day stint on the show.

What was your motivation for entering the Big Brother house?
"I feel there's a lot of ignorance about the difference between Pakistani and Indian girls. When I walk down the street in Dublin, people always presume I'm Indian. There's a lot of negative stuff in the press about people from Pakistan and I just wanted to prove those stereotypes wrong and show that not all people from there are bad. I wanted to let people know what Pakistani girls were all about. I was also representing people from Dublin and hopefully I've done that as well."

Did you find it tough entering the house halfway through when a lot of friendships had already formed?
"Not at all. With each other they were always fighting, but with me they were always utterly polite and kind to me. They never gave me a chance to have any negative feelings about any of them. Even the most domineering characters never gave me a hard time, so no I don't feel like I had any trouble fitting in whatsoever."

Were you never tempted to take sides during one of the big arguments in the house?
"I knew from the day I entered the house, I didn't like the divide and I wanted to be with everybody. With me, what I did was try to be friends with everybody. And I'm happy that I achieved that."

Did you ever feel uncomfortable with all the drinking that went on in the house?
"I felt funny and I found it hilarious. It just made me really happy that I didn't drink because I saw people doing the weirdest things. Honestly, the one thing that I did learn in the house was that I'm glad that I don't drink or smoke. I saw what happens to people when they run out of tobacco and it affects their moods and brings people down. The minute they got some more delivered they would always be happy again, but the change from the melancholy and being really upset was ridiculous. People just started fighting and bickering over silly things like cigarettes, cider, lager and Frosties! Frosties was the funniest!"

You nominated Siavash in your first week. What did you make of his relationship with Noirin?
"After Isaac came in, I felt bad and sympathised with Siavash. Initially when I went in, I believed it was Siavash leading the relationship and that was why I nominated him. I ended up just nominating him for that reason and afterwards I felt bad because of Isaac's arrival. I began to sympathise with him after that and still do. I wouldn't say that I hate Noirin, she was a good friend to me inside the house, but I don't think I was a good judge of character with that one."

Was there anyone you didn't get on with in the house?
"They were all so nice, so no, not at all. They were fighting with each other, but they always just came to me and spoke kindly. They would come to me after the fights and complain about each other. The only person who said anything negative about me was Noirin, but I can't remember exactly what it was. However, all the other housemates quickly came and reassured me that they didn't buy into what she was saying, so they never made me ever feel unhappy or disliked."

Freddie and Marcus suggested you had a gameplan in being nice to everyone. Was that true?
"I don't know why they said that. When I was in there, I never thought of that. Honestly speaking, I wasn't thinking like that all all. I don't know why people in there would be mean, just for the sake of being domineering and taking control. I was like, 'What are they doing?' I was learning so many bad things in there and wondered why people would say and do things to each other. It was astonishing to watch in close quarters."

Will you ever be able to eat a cupcake again after that Alice In Wonderland challenge?
"Honestly speaking, I'm not sure if can eat another cupcake. Even at the party Big Brother threw us, I didn't have a cupcake. I had chocolate cake and everything else, but not a cupcake. Just looking at them reminded me of the huge one. I was like, 'No way, not again'. Then all the housemates stole them and sneaked them out and they were eating them all at midnight. I said, 'Guys, could you not have stolen something other than cupcakes!'"

What was with all that awful singing?
"I knew it was funny and therefore I just did it more and more. As Rodrigo said, 'It's just for fun!' I don't think I'm a good singer. Everyone I've met since leaving the house, says, 'Please sing, please sing', but I know I'm bad. On Big Mouth one of the production team said, 'Oh, you're really good, go for it!' But I just laughed and said, 'I know I'm no good, so you don't have to lie. I will still sing for a laugh.'"
(Could this be a trick by BB, because talking about Noms is a rule, you can't, so they can't tell you that you can.)
And if you break the rule you could be all up.
But Rodrigo won't talk about Noms.

Big Brother 10: Housemates discuss nominations
By 10/08/2009

The β€˜Big Brother’ housemates have been told they can discuss nominations.

The reality show’s contestants were gathered in the living room earlier this afternoon and told they are now aloud to discuss nominations "past, present and future" - ahead of today’s round of in-house voting - to see who will be up to leave the show on Friday.

Happy to oblige, the house quickly descended into a huge discussion of who had nominated who - apart from Rodrigo, who refused and sulked off to the diary room.

Bea and Lisa were first to divulge, revealing they had both nominated each other last week. Sophie (Dogface) and Siavash both told Charlie they had voted for him once.

Sophie laughed: "I nominated you the first week cos I didn't think you liked me."

She also happily told Marcus: "I’ve nominated you two or three times."

Siavash and Marcus then gave each other a detailed account of everyone they had nominated, in order.

Siavash said: "I nominated Freddie on the first week. I've nominated Lisa a few times and I've nominated Charlie a few times."

Meanwhile Bea told Freddie - the most nominated housemate in Big Brother history, who survived four consecutive evictions at the beginning of the show - that by rights she should vote for him.

Dismissing the idea of voting for David, she said: "I think I'd be more inclined to vote for you Freddie, but I wouldn't because we've had three weeks of being friends."

Lisa was first to realise Rodrigo was the only one refusing to talk over his nominations.

She asked Sophie and Charlie: "Where’s Rodrigo? Go and get Rodrigo I want to see if he’s nominated me.

Sophie replied: "He’s in the Diary Room, he won’t speak about it."

Lisa said: "Oh, he’s upset then."
Siavash's nomination boycott fails
Day 68, 19:04 BST
By Rebecca Routledge

Siavash has failed to convince the other housemates to boycott today's nominations.

The Iranian spent much of the afternoon encouraging the rest of the group to refuse to vote.

At one point, he seemed to have the support of at least five other contestants.

However, when the time came for Big Brother to call them to the Diary Room, everyone did as they were asked and revealed their nominations.

As Siavash sat by the pool waiting to be summoned, Freddie went to talk to him. "You alright?" he asked.

"No, but you gotta do what you gotta do," he replied.

"You're going to nominate?" asked Freddie.

"We're supposed to and I'm not going to break the fu**ing rules, am I?" said Siavash.

"Good to hear you respect the rules, Siavash," joked Freddie.
Originally posted by Mike Strutter:

Oh thats nice of you to say ...
I thought you were all whispering about me in pms ... Crazy

an around the time this place goes quiet ...
I usually ring my phone frwend ..Allison at

Its very quiet tonight in here Hicks ..?

No Mike, I don't use PM's for chatting, and we don't talk about other FM's behind their backs.
It has been quiet, but it's the Holiday period these next few weeks, plus all the Children are off school.

And there's very little of interest going on in the BB house.
Originally posted by Suzie Fairy:
Good Morning Peeps Hug

I guess I didn't explain myself very well last night Laugh
The meal is straight after work today Big Grin Have found something to wear and hope it's smart enough Laugh

Hope everyone has a great day today Big Grin

Emptybox Hug

You and your family are still in my thoughts Hug

Hope to get back in here tonight after the meal so hopefully see you all later Wave

yes yuo should make yourself very clear, or you know how things get misconstrude Roll Eyes not by me of course, it the others Razzer

hope you have a lovely time sweetie Hug

evenink everyone wavey Hug
Originally posted by Tatty:
Originally posted by Suzie Fairy:
Good Morning Peeps Hug

I guess I didn't explain myself very well last night Laugh
The meal is straight after work today Big Grin Have found something to wear and hope it's smart enough Laugh

Hope everyone has a great day today Big Grin

Emptybox Hug

You and your family are still in my thoughts Hug

Hope to get back in here tonight after the meal so hopefully see you all later Wave

yes yuo should make yourself very clear, or you know how things get misconstrude Roll Eyes not by me of course, it the others Razzer

hope you have a lovely time sweetie Hug

evenink everyone wavey Hug

Good Evening Tatty.wavey

Hope you are well, what are you up to?
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by Tatty:
Originally posted by Suzie Fairy:
Good Morning Peeps Hug

I guess I didn't explain myself very well last night Laugh
The meal is straight after work today Big Grin Have found something to wear and hope it's smart enough Laugh

Hope everyone has a great day today Big Grin

Emptybox Hug

You and your family are still in my thoughts Hug

Hope to get back in here tonight after the meal so hopefully see you all later Wave

yes yuo should make yourself very clear, or you know how things get misconstrude Roll Eyes not by me of course, it the others Razzer

hope you have a lovely time sweetie Hug

evenink everyone wavey Hug

Good Evening Tatty.wavey

Hope you are well, what are you up to?

hiya hicky Hug hope you are well, and thanks i am ok, thanks

i have been, adopting more kittens Roll Eyes making bread, cleaning my kitchen as my monthly shopping will be delivered to morrow, well my kitchen is clean but you know what i mean Laugh
also been looking at new freezers, my one is f**ked Razzer
ermm other bits and bobs, catching up for the last 2 weeks while i have not been feeling too good really.
Originally posted by Suzie Fairy:
Originally posted by Tatty:

yes yuo should make yourself very clear, or you know how things get misconstrude Roll Eyes not by me of course, it the others Razzer

hope you have a lovely time sweetie Hug

evenink everyone wavey Hug

I'll consider myself told off Laugh

The meal was lively thanks Big Grin

Any chance of Mollie coming to harvest for me Please Big Grin

Glad you enjoyed yourself Suzie, forgot it was stright after work as well.
Hope you had a good day at work.
Originally posted by Tatty:

hiya hicky Hug hope you are well, and thanks i am ok, thanks

i have been, adopting more kittens Roll Eyes making bread, cleaning my kitchen as my monthly shopping will be delivered to morrow, well my kitchen is clean but you know what i mean Laugh
also been looking at new freezers, my one is f**ked Razzer
ermm other bits and bobs, catching up for the last 2 weeks while i have not been feeling too good really.

Hi Tatty.wavey
Didn't realise you made your own bread, don't you find it's more expensive than buying it?

Chest Freezers are best if you have the room, for many reasons, but best kept in a garage or shed if your short of room in the kitchen.

I have 1 chest and 3 normal freezers, and a full length fridge, you can never have too many.Big Grin
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by Tatty:

hiya hicky Hug hope you are well, and thanks i am ok, thanks

i have been, adopting more kittens Roll Eyes making bread, cleaning my kitchen as my monthly shopping will be delivered to morrow, well my kitchen is clean but you know what i mean Laugh
also been looking at new freezers, my one is f**ked Razzer
ermm other bits and bobs, catching up for the last 2 weeks while i have not been feeling too good really.

Hi Tatty.wavey
Didn't realise you made your own bread, don't you find it's more expensive than buying it?

Chest Freezers are best if you have the room, for many reasons, but best kept in a garage or shed if your short of room in the kitchen.

I have 1 chest and 3 normal freezers, and a full length fridge, you can never have too many.Big Grin

nooo making my own bread is half the cost .. i make wholemeal and white Big Grin

well i live in a flat .. so anything else is out of the question Laugh have lived here since i came back from Turkey, so dont want to move, i am happy no gardening that i cant do anymore anyway Razzer

anyhoo so am limited on what sort of freezer i can get Frowner
Originally posted by Hicky:
I'm just eating another Seafood Salad, Wow how nice are they, from Sainsbury's, had one yesterday as well.
It's only Squid, Prawn and Mussels but with Lemon Juice, Vinegar, salt & pepper on it's so nice.

Just been to see my Lad and his G/F, but the little lad cry's when I leave.

I bet your rice and chicken would be good enough to eat, you'll have to make extra next time.Big Grin
Hope Doggie enjoys it anyway.

Glad to hear you enjoyed your seafood salad. Smiler
The dog did not eat the chicken and rice, but she did eat some nice fresh fish from the deli that OH steamed for her. Smiler So hopefully she will feel a lot better for that.

AAwww that dear little boy must love your company if he is upset when you go, how sweet. Hug
Originally posted by Suzie Fairy:
Good grief bedtime already Eeker

Okay peeps Night Night Sweet Dreams HugValentine

See you all tomorrow Wave

Suzy...oh no, I missed speaking to you today. I have been busy tonight giving doggie her water by syringe, and her tablets.

But I am glad you enjoyed your meal. Wonder what you had ? Fish and something I guess?

Hope you were not too tired on your first day back at work.

goodnight , sweet dreams. xx
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
wavey Yogi
hope you are well. xx

wavey Tatty
are you all over that flu now? Hope so. xx

My OH likes making bread in a breadmaker he has. Today I had some of his granary one, really yummy. Smiler

yes i have a bread maker, i love it!!! Laugh bread is soo much nicer with no crap in it Big Grin

yes i am slowly getting better thanks mollie, i still feel drained and get tired easy, but i will get there.

i am really happy to hear your little doggie is on the mend, give her a fews days to settle back in and you will not know she has been ill at all Hug

i tell you what watching BB is a load of crap, them 3 need to be chucked out of that house, or all the others send them to coventry, 3 of them are tossers Laugh sorry about the langauage Roll Eyes but they are!

halfwit defo showing his true colours, admitting to rodreigo he has not changed, no he was acting at the beginning of the show ... not now though!

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