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Originally posted by emptybox:
It was a lovely day here, so I worked till about 2pm, then went to visit my Dad.
He's getting weaker every day, and his breathing worse. He's on an oxygen mask, and has all sorts of drips and tubes to try to relieve some of his symptoms.
He's still able to talk though.
The staff won't commit themselves obviously, but I get the impression that he hasn't long.

Emptybox thinking of you today. Hug
So very upsetting for you, seeing him like this. Frowner
I hope the hospital have been able to make him confortable.
Originally posted by boldjohn:
I've heard rumours that I snore too, but no evidence has been produced. It's a nice night in Derby. i've had a barbecue. I did a few jobs whilst listening to footie and cricket. I'm on my second baseball game of the evening on ESPN. Couch potato. I should be ill I suppose.

wavey Boldjohn
well if no evidence has been produced, it cant be true, can it? Wink
hope you enjoyed your BBQ.

what a lovely weekend it has been weather wise. Smiler
Good afternoon all wavey

Hicky wavey thanks for the BB stuff. Smiler Hope you are having a good Sunday. Are the family over today?

Suzy.. Well done to your daugther getting her letter from college for next year. Hope she passes her exams ok. My son had his letter on Saturday too. Glad to hear you have been out in the garden , I have been too. They reckon Vitamin D is good resistance to colds and flu, so I thought I'd grab a few rays, but not too long, didnt want to burn.

Pinkbabe... glad your wrist is better, those insect bites are a damn nuisance. Those book deals in Tesco are really good. SmilerHope you enjoy them all.
I am currently reading a book called "How I caused the Credit Crunch" by Tetsuya Ishikawa, an ex banker for Goldman Sachs. I wanted to understand the credit crunch, and it has taught me loads. I am no longer in the dark on LIBOR, MBS's etc. Big Grin And I just finished Fern Britton's autobiography. I enjoyed that too. Suzy... have you read Ferns biography? I got mine from the library.

wavey Darloboy... I dont like Charlie either. So annoying, always trying to say the right ame thing to make the public like him. Sly I think.

My doggie is home at last. Smiler But still not well yet. Frowner But the vet said she was getting frettfull stuck in the animal hospital, and he thought we'd stand more chance of getting her to eat at home. Her kidneys are still not right, so we have to try and get her to eat bland food, and give her water, and take her back Wednesday for another blood test, and hope she has improved.
Afternoon. Smiler
Thanks for all the good wishes. Smiler

Glad your doggie's home Mollie. You'll be much happier. Smiler
And glad your wrist is improving Pinkbabe, but you could have done without the insect bite. Nod

Got a couple of visitors arriving shortly, a couple of cousins from Norfolk. They are going to stay the night, and visit their favourite Uncle, then go back down to Norfolk tomorrow.
They only phoned this morning to say they would be dashing up by car, so I don't think I've much food in? Eeker

Dad's just the same as yesterday.
Hello to Cold Sweat, PinkBabe, Darloboy, Suzie, Mollie & Grannyg.wavey

Had 3 of my Lads here at midday with loads of little ones.

You are all most Welcome to the Updates.
Glad your Wrist is getting better PinkBabe.

Yes, Darloboy, Charlie just does his annoying things for the camera's, he's not soft, he knows what he is doing.

Enjoy the garden Suzie, I was doing the same earlier.

Hope you've had a good day Mollie, we went to the super market this afternoon for a bit of fresh stuff.
Have just eaten a fresh seafood salad, just having a Root Veg packet of crisps.
Have got a piece of meat for tonight, have some Spuds and carrots from the garden.

Hope you are well Grannyg, it's been glorious here.
Originally posted by emptybox:
Afternoon. Smiler
Thanks for all the good wishes. Smiler

Glad your doggie's home Mollie. You'll be much happier. Smiler
And glad your wrist is improving Pinkbabe, but you could have done without the insect bite. Nod

Got a couple of visitors arriving shortly, a couple of cousins from Norfolk. They are going to stay the night, and visit their favourite Uncle, then go back down to Norfolk tomorrow.
They only phoned this morning to say they would be dashing up by car, so I don't think I've much food in? Eeker

Dad's just the same as yesterday.

Hi Emptybox.wavey

Hope you've got some Tea and coffee in for when your visitors arrive, not much notice that is it.
They will jusy make your Dad comfortable and painfree, not a lot else they can do.
It's very hard to watch a person decline in health, and it's hard to prepare for it really.

Stay strong, it will be good to have company at this stressful time.
Originally posted by emptybox:
Afternoon. Smiler
Got a couple of visitors arriving shortly, a couple of cousins from Norfolk. They are going to stay the night, and visit their favourite Uncle, then go back down to Norfolk tomorrow.
They only phoned this morning to say they would be dashing up by car, so I don't think I've much food in? Eeker

Dad's just the same as yesterday.

wavey Emptybox
Glad you have some family company, who are fond of your father. Hug
I am sure the last thing they will worry about is what food you have in. You could always look up a take away delivery online. And all of the big supermarkets seem to do a cheap brekkie.

What a long journey for them to do with no notice, but good of them to do it to see your father.

take care Emptybox. xx
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Grrrr that Charlie Drummond Angry, he's a nasty piece of work but I doubt BB will show much of his unpleasant side like he shown on the LF again yesterday because he's their golden boy and will edit it so Marcus and Freddie look the bad guys Mad.

I think you are right there Darloboy.

On Friday I just couldnt understand why Charlie had so many cheers.

It must be all the good editing her gets. Mad

All I see is an annoying, tell tale, who constantly stirs trouble, and is just SO DESPERATE to win... Mad
Originally posted by *Mollie*:

I am currently reading a book called "How I caused the Credit Crunch" by Tetsuya Ishikawa, an ex banker for Goldman Sachs. I wanted to understand the credit crunch, and it has taught me loads. I am no longer in the dark on LIBOR, MBS's etc. Big Grin

I would read that Mollie but would probably have me ripping my hair out in anger. Laugh
Hi everyone wavey
I ended up staying up last night listening to Dylan Avery on Taklksport till 4am. He's the maker of Loose Change, the 9-11 video exploring alternate explanations for the twin towers coming down. Amazingly it's had 200 million people watch it. Eeker

emptybox hope your dad has a good visit off the family. Hug
Mollie I'm glad doggie is back and hope he/she is better very soon. Hug
Mike, don't stay up too late, or it's spanked bottoms. Big Grin
Originally posted by King Kev:
Tatty don't you think Charlie is the biggest acter in there?
Freddie is correct when he says he expresses his observations imo, though he doesn't comeacross very well when he does it. Laugh

Oh sorry, hello Tatty. Wave Big Grin

no i dont think he the biggest actor in there, he is gay is all, emphasizing is what he is doing so well Laugh
charlie was right in what he said, but yes freddie does express his observations, then slaggs them off behind their back anyway!! freddie naming a couple of others who HE says have a massive gameplan and himself not, is total rubbish Laugh

freddie has stitched himself up as far as i am concerned after what he did the other night, and he has done it yet again, bringing uop the fact that he has been saved 'x' amount of times then laughing sarcastically ... the only reason why he was saved was it was the beginning of the show, he was sort of victimised and seemed an easy target but that card has well and truly gone out of the window.

even in the DR in tonights HL show, he called charlie selfish cos he does not like his things being touched, that is nothing but total dribble, i dont like my things being touched, i am not selfish, i dont like someone elses grubby hands on my stuff is all Laugh and i certainly would not want halfwits grubby paws on anything of mine, so i agree with charlie on that one, it is not being selfish, halfwot obviously does not know the meaning of the word
Originally posted by Suzie Fairy:
Sorry I haven't been about Peeps Hug

I can see almost everyone has had a good day today

Emtybox HugHug

I've been invited out for a meal and been frantically trying to find something smart enough to wear Eeker not easy with the clothes I have Blush
Also back to work tomorrow Big Grin

Hope you all have a great day tomorrow Hug

Night Night Sweet Dreams everyone ValentineHug

you are going out for a meal at this time of night???

nightnight see you tomorrow xxx Valentine Hug
Originally posted by Tatty:
Laugh hahah marcus has been outed ... yay if that had been anyone hoarding soemthing he would have crucified them, so makes his argument redundant dont it

charlie has outed halfwit .. yay

bea still the drama queen and still lying!! ... hahaha Laugh

Marcus is just crafty, but nicking those ciggies wasn't nice at all, he didn't have any right to them did he.

And Charlie gets everything wrong, he only hears half a story.

Oh, Stavros just came on the TV with his lad, Peter Andre was on as well.
Originally posted by Suzie Fairy:
Sorry I haven't been about Peeps Hug

I can see almost everyone has had a good day today

Emtybox HugHug

I've been invited out for a meal and been frantically trying to find something smart enough to wear Eeker not easy with the clothes I have Blush
Also back to work tomorrow Big Grin

Hope you all have a great day tomorrow Hug

Night Night Sweet Dreams everyone ValentineHug

Nighty Night Suzie.wavey

It sounds like a Pyjama party your going to at this time of night.
Hope they are warm enough.Big Grin
Have a good night and a good day tomorrow at work.
Originally posted by King Kev:
Originally posted by *Mollie*:

I am currently reading a book called "How I caused the Credit Crunch" by Tetsuya Ishikawa, an ex banker for Goldman Sachs. I wanted to understand the credit crunch, and it has taught me loads. I am no longer in the dark on LIBOR, MBS's etc. Big Grin

I would read that Mollie but would probably have me ripping my hair out in anger. Laugh

Yes I am sure it would. It is making me mad as I read it.
Can't believe the sheer greed, and the hype of it all. This mess in the banks is being hidden, so is far from over imo. Like bbc told us last week that rbs has made a few million profit, but what they didnt make so obvious was that they were also ÂĢ1billion down! What a bargain for the tax payer. Roll Eyes

Hope you have had a good weekend KingKev. xx
Suzy...hope you 1st day back at work goes ok tommorrow.

Tatty... hope you are nearly over that swine flu now.

I agree with KingKev, I think Charlie is the biggest actor in there, I have now decided I want him out even more than I want Lisa out, and I cant stand her either. Sophie was a stirrer tonight, but unilie Charlie, at least she realised she was, and regretted it.

Goodight all. wavey

I am exhausted, we have to keep giving little doggie water off a syringe because she is too weak to drink it herself, but I'd do anything for her to make her better.

Sending out Hug to Emptybox. thinking of you Emptybox. xxx
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by Tatty:
Laugh hahah marcus has been outed ... yay if that had been anyone hoarding soemthing he would have crucified them, so makes his argument redundant dont it

charlie has outed halfwit .. yay

bea still the drama queen and still lying!! ... hahaha Laugh

Marcus is just crafty, but nicking those ciggies wasn't nice at all, he didn't have any right to them did he.

And Charlie gets everything wrong, he only hears half a story.

Oh, Stavros just came on the TV with his lad, Peter Andre was on as well.

that was hillarious on chatty man Laugh love the stavros flatley's Laugh
Good Morning Peeps Hug

I guess I didn't explain myself very well last night Laugh
The meal is straight after work today Big Grin Have found something to wear and hope it's smart enough Laugh

Hope everyone has a great day today Big Grin

Emptybox Hug

You and your family are still in my thoughts Hug

Hope to get back in here tonight after the meal so hopefully see you all later Wave
Good Morning Everyone.Wave

Hope Doggie pulls through Mollie, it's a tough time.

A bit dull and damp here but no wind.

Yes Suzie we read your post wrong, well it seemed like a late night do.Big Grin

A tough time for Emptybox and Family, my thoughts are with you at this awful time.Hug

Will just get any news from the house.
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Good Morning Everyone *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Hope you are all well*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Not Sunny here today *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Happy Monday to you All *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
The BB news from the house, Day 67/68.
Not a lot going on, it seems.
02.53: All the housemates are sleeping peacefully.

02.06: The housemates are all in bed. Zzzzzzzzz

01.51: Marcus is sleeping out in the garden.

01.38: David and Lisa go to the bedroom.

01.35: The smokers talk about all that they have done in the short time they have been in the house. They head back in to the house.

Charlie: "Good night. Don't stay up too late. I don't want you sleeping through any alarms."

01.25: Bea is in the kitchen with Lisa, David and Charlie. They are eating toast and, you guessed it, moaning about Freddie.

Bea says: "I wouldn't say I am an argumentative person... generally."

As they leave the kitchen Bea turns to the others and says: "He'll say I've been bitching now because you've all left the bedroom."

He would be correct...

01.10: Bea: "Saying the whole house is getting bored of my negativity is a low blow. You were wrong about that, you were completely off the mark. I think you need to think about why you are thinking negative things and being a negative s***."

01.09: The camera looks to Lisa and Dave who are smiling smuggly in bed pretending to be asleep.

01.04: Bea is still ranting at Freddie. Siavash walks in to the bedroom.

"I'm not interested in listening to you being negative, that you have no justification for. I'm not having it. If you had one thing to back up what you were saying I'd be interested but you don't."

00.51: Freddie has got in to bed with Bea.

Freddie says: "It's an intense situation."

Bea: "Is that how you want to be? Cast judgments on people and then be light-hearted."

Freddie: "Basically my options are talk about it and rehash things or draw a line under it. We can talk about it more tomorrow if you want?"

Bea: "No, I don't want to talk about it anymore, I'm bored of it. Don't come knocking on my door unless you want it opened. When you feel like having a go, don't come to me. Marcus told you it wasn't necessary for you to be mediating so why you felt like you had to get involved is beyond me. You've opened an unnecessary can of worms. I am deeply offended by what you said to me."

00.49: Bea is now talking to the others in the bedroom. "It is so unnecessary. He's not Prime Minister yet..."

Lisa: "He'll never be Prime Minister."

Bea: "He's just misplacing things at the moment." She sounds angry...

00.48: Rodrigo heads to the Diary Room but Marcus tells him that Siavash is in there.

00.46: Marcus is talking to Freddie at the dining table talking about Bea's influence over Freddie. Marcus says: "I said it is to be expected if you hang around with someone."

They can be heard talking in the bedroom.

00.45: David is in bed. He turns over.
Start Here
Emptybox you and your family in my thoughts Hug.

Bea was so vile yesterday towards Freddie, she was so rude and patronising he looked close to tears all because he had heard her bitching about him and Siavash apparently. Siavash and Marcus told him what she's like and he confronted her where they disagreed so it looks like he's seen the light. Bea then goes and bitches about him with vile Charlie and Lisa and their lapdog David grrr Angry.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Emptybox you and your family in my thoughts Hug.

Bea was so vile yesterday towards Freddie, she was so rude and patronising he looked close to tears all because he had heard her bitching about him and Siavash apparently. Siavash and Marcus told him what she's like and he confronted her where they disagreed so it looks like he's seen the light. Bea then goes and bitches about him with vile Charlie and Lisa and their lapdog David grrr Angry.

Hi Darloboy.wavey

The house is collapsing around them.
They are all getting very touchy about what is said lately.

They try to read too much into things, as long as Sophie stays in for now i'm not bothered about the others.

What happened for them to lose all their luxury food.
It says something about Freddiee, Marcus and Siavash rule breaking, what was it?
I must have missed that somehow.

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