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Group given human spinning tops task
Day 66, 19:05 BST
By Polly Taylor

The housemates will become human spinning tops for today's task.

Bea was called to the Diary Room this afternoon and returned with instructions for the group.

She was given the role of referee, while David, Dogface, Siavash and Charlie were told that they would become spinning tops.

The tops must spin to music on the discs that are located in the garden. When the music stops, they are required to place a coloured building block into the corresponding slot situated across the garden within ten seconds.

Each spinner that completes the task will win one token for the group.
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by Tatty:
Originally posted by Hicky:
Hi Tatty.wavey

I reckon Bea likes her fellers, can't be blamed for that, she doesn't seem to have done too badly on it so far.

Hi E.L.wavey

A lot seem to have a Gazebo around here, I suppose a heater will be handy as it gets a bit cooler later on.

A bit of a shock about Chanelle, she just can't find the right feller can she.

Hi Darloboy.wavey

I didn't realise there was that much to talk about in BB10, we only see them after midnight, what goes on all day is kept secret.

each to their own hicky, what i dont like is the hypocritical way of how she went about it all after preaching like she did!!
she should have kept her big shite stirring mouth shut and then she would have been better off .. nothing worse than a woman like bea Shake Head

rant over hahahahaha Laugh

I take it you don't like her.
Well whether I like her or not I enjoy watching her in the program, there would be nothing much to watch without her.

And if Hira hadn't gone it would have been Lisa anyway.

I'm beginning to care less and less who wins now, the result will probably be a sort of fiddle like last year, I still can't believe that final was right.

last year was the first one i had seen the very first BB .. i am amazed that people would treat each other this way for 100,000??? WTF is all that about.

i did not have a fav last year do not this year, but i do have dislikes .. bea is one of them, i think if i came across her in RL i would have to give her a very wide berth Laugh

and her answers just now as to why she should stay ... PUH-LEASE!!! Laugh
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
wavey Eternal Life.
I hope you are having a good weekend. xx

wavey Tatty
are you feeling any better yet? Hope so. xx

i think i am falling to bits mollie Laugh

hows you little doggie?, i have read back earlier, the way you have to look at it is, she got over the worse, it will take her a while to get back to her normal self, as she has been through a terrible ordeal, so each day at a time, and lots of loves and cuddles as i am sure you will be giving her Hug
Originally posted by Tatty:
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
wavey Eternal Life.
I hope you are having a good weekend. xx

wavey Tatty
are you feeling any better yet? Hope so. xx

i think i am falling to bits mollie Laugh

hows you little doggie?, i have read back earlier, the way you have to look at it is, she got over the worse, it will take her a while to get back to her normal self, as she has been through a terrible ordeal, so each day at a time, and lots of loves and cuddles as i am sure you will be giving her Hug

Oh heck Tatty, falling to bits does not sound too much fun, hope you have something to help put you back together again. Hug

Yes I gave doggie lots of cuddles when I visited her in the doggie ward of the hospital today, and she kept showing me her paw with the bandage with the IV on it, and crying. Frowner
I hope she improves soon , so she can come home.

BB so boring so far tonight...
Originally posted by Suzie Fairy:
Originally posted by *Mollie*:

wavey Suzy Hug
I was just wondering where you were and what you were up to, and up you popped... Laugh

Spent most of my day on two farms today Laugh Oh and I went for my walk, It's really nice will look forward to that every week now Big Grin

Glad to hear you got your walk in today. Smiler It was a nice day to do so.
did you walk to a farm?
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Originally posted by Tatty:
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
wavey Eternal Life.
I hope you are having a good weekend. xx

wavey Tatty
are you feeling any better yet? Hope so. xx

i think i am falling to bits mollie Laugh

hows you little doggie?, i have read back earlier, the way you have to look at it is, she got over the worse, it will take her a while to get back to her normal self, as she has been through a terrible ordeal, so each day at a time, and lots of loves and cuddles as i am sure you will be giving her Hug

Oh heck Tatty, falling to bits does not sound too much fun, hope you have something to help put you back together again. Hug

Yes I gave doggie lots of cuddles when I visited her in the doggie ward of the hospital today, and she kept showing me her paw with the bandage with the IV on it, and crying. Frowner
I hope she improves soon , so she can come home.

BB so boring so far tonight...

awwww poor little thing Disappointed Hug hug from me ..

well soo far i have a shed load of titanium in my neck holding that together .. i have made up my mind thats the last op, i cant do this anymore, so will keep laughing instead Laugh
Originally posted by boldjohn:
Originally posted by Tatty:
helloo boldjohn wavey Big Grin

Hi Tatty,
I understand you haven't been well.

ahh no, but i am getting over the 'S' flu thank goodness. the rest is just falling to bits Laugh

how you doing on this hot saturday night? its really close here in the south .. looks like the windows will be left open again all night .. oh dear poor neighbours and my snoring Laugh
Originally posted by Tatty:
Originally posted by boldjohn:
Originally posted by Tatty:
helloo boldjohn wavey Big Grin

Hi Tatty,
I understand you haven't been well.

ahh no, but i am getting over the 'S' flu thank goodness. the rest is just falling to bits Laugh

how you doing on this hot saturday night? its really close here in the south .. looks like the windows will be left open again all night .. oh dear poor neighbours and my snoring Laugh

I've heard rumours that I snore too, but no evidence has been produced. It's a nice night in Derby. i've had a barbecue. I did a few jobs whilst listening to footie and cricket. I'm on my second baseball game of the evening on ESPN. Couch potato. I should be ill I suppose.
Evening, and Hi to boldjohn, Tatty and Kev, and anyone still up. Smiler

Hope your dog continues to improve Mollie. Smiler

And have fun with your gazebo Hicky. Big Grin
Not sure what you feed them on, but I believe they take a bit of taking care of? Crazy

It was a lovely day here, so I worked till about 2pm, then went to visit my Dad.
He's getting weaker every day, and his breathing worse. He's on an oxygen mask, and has all sorts of drips and tubes to try to relieve some of his symptoms.
He's still able to talk though.
The staff won't commit themselves obviously, but I get the impression that he hasn't long.
Good Morning Everyone.wavey

Sorry to hear about your Dad Emptybox, hope he isn't in any pain, it does look like he may have to stay where he is then.
They usually move you to a hospice when you are comfortable.

And Poor Tatty, as if the Flu isn't bad enough without falling to bits, hope they have more luck than they did with Humpty Dumpty.

I'll go and fetch the news, if any.
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Good Morning Everyone *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Hope you are all well*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Nice and Sunny here today *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Happy Sunday to you All *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
Last Night in the BB house, Day 66/67.
05.31: All housemates are sound asleep and there is pace and quiet in the BB house. For a change.

05.10: All is quiet in the Big Brother house.

05.00: Freddie wriggles around in bed and rolls over closer to Bea.

04.48: Housemates are all sleeping.

04.30: Someone is snoring loudly in the bedroom - possibly Freddie.

04.19: Marcus goes into the Diary Room.

04.17: Siavash heads off to bed while Marcus pushes the Diary Room buzzer and then goes off to the toilet.

04.12: Marcus tells Siavash that he wants to go home and see people on TV. He says: "I hope people aren't just keeping me in here to wind me up."

03.57: Siavash tells Marcus that he thinks it would be really funny if there was no prize money at the end of the show. He adds that he doesn't think Lisa will change this week but will still row with people.

Marcus asks: "Do you think it was a s***** thing to do to take those fags?"

Siavash tells him not to worry about it.

03.46: Freddie gets into bed, brushes the hair out of Bea's face and kisses her forehead to say goodnight. Bless.

03.41: Bea heads to bed. She returns and gives Marcus a hug to make the peace. He says: "I do like you Bea, sometimes I think we're just too clever for ourselves."

She laughs and says: "Flattery will get you everywhere." She goes back into the bedroom.

03.38: Bea returns and says: "I have never had to justify my facial expression until three o'clock in the morning, it's ridiculous." Marcus apologises. Bea replies: "Well it's half three in the morning now, I wish I would have had more of the benefit of the doubt."

She says she is going to get a cup of tea.

03.35: Bea storms off annoyed at Marcus and rings the buzzer for the Diary Room.

03.32: Charlie is sleeping in the bedroom. Siavash is now chatting with Bea, Marcus and Freddie in the living room.

03.27: Marcus tells Bea that she talks over people to make sure she is heard rather than other people.

03.21: Marcus says he had no negative intentions by taking the cigarettes.

"I did it for the good of the group," he says. Bea replies: "And how did you think people would react when these cigarettes were suddenly produced?"

03.20: Marcus is still trying to defend his actions. He can't accept that the look on Freddie and Bea's faces when they heard he had cigarettes was shock and nothing more. He says they looked 'horrified'.

03.14: Siavash is having a shower and exposing a little bit more than perhaps he realises. Marcus, Bea and Freddie are going round in circles discussing 'cig-gate' in the living room.

03.04: Bea has joined in with Marcus and Freddie's conversation. She tells Marcus: "I think I'm a lot more chilled out than you give me credit for."

03.02: Rodrigo and Sophie are chatting in bed.

02.55: Sophie says she is going for food. She tells Siavash that she will date Travis McCoy when she leaves the house.

02.52: Siavash says that he has a verucca. Sophie says she will kill him if she gets any.

02.49: Sophie tells Siavash: "I'm better looking than Katy Perry, I am."

02.47: Sophie, Bea and Siavash are chatting in the bathroom. Siavash says everyone should kiss and make up. Bea and Sophie say they are breaking out in spots because of the stress of it all.

02.40: Rodrigo is trying to sleep in the bedroom. Marcus and Freddie are still talking in the living room. Marcus says that Bea's worries are starting to chip away at Freddie. He says Freddie shouldn't get so involved.

02.31: Charlie, Rodrigo and Sophie are talking about Freddie in the bedroom.

02.30: Lisa, Bea and David all finish their cigarettes and head to bed.

02.26: Lisa, Bea and David are having a final cigarette in the garden before bed. They are talking about Sophie. Lisa says: "She's done nothing wrong." Bea agrees. She says: "Whether Marcus likes it or not it's a bit odd that he had cigarettes in his drawer."

02.23: Freddie is now talking to Marcus about 'cig-gate'. Marcus says: "Anything to do with addiction is always going to bring out the worst in people."

Freddie says: "It is perfectly reasonable for friends to express shock when they experience something they didn't expect."

02.20: Charlie says to Freddie: "Don't speak about it anymore you have taken enough time out of my night. My brain is fried so no more words about this tonight."

02.11: Freddie and Charlie are still having a discussion in the house about Freddie talking about Lisa. Charlie says: "I just don't know why you have to get involved." Freddie says he just starts debates, he doesn't bitch about people.

Charlie is accusing him of plotting and spreading "conspiracy theories". He tells Freddie: "It's always you, you have to get involved. You're always behind it all."

02.08: Freddie admits to saying things about Lisa but says that he has never said anything sneakily behind her back. He says: "I was sure Lisa was going to go this week and I still think she will when she goes up. I was annoyed because she was overjoyed when Bea and Marcus' names were read out."

02.05: Charlie leaves the Diary Room. Freddie tells him: "You have got me completely wrong."

02.04: David says everyone should abide by Big Brother's rules. He says it isn't fair for everyone to go up every week.

02.02: Rodrigo is talking to David and Lisa about Marcus and Sophie. David is annoyed that Sophie has been breaking rules by talking about nominations.

01.59: Bea says: "Being objective, Marcus barters more than he gifts."

01.54: Sophie says to Marcus: "If I go I go, I don't care, like you say it's just a game." Sophie says she thinks it will be her v Marcus this week. she says: "I know I'm going this week, believe me. I don't care."

She adds: "I think me Marcus and maybe Freddie."

Siavash says: "If you go up i'll pull my leg off."

01.51: David bids people goodnight and heads to bed.

01.49: Bea says that she doesn't like the fact that she was implicated as the cigarettes were supposed to be a 'present' for her.

01.48: Siavash is still defending his pal saying that other people have done a similar thing before. Bea says that Marcus is upset with her for looking shocked. She says: "I can't help my natural rection, I was shocked."

01.46: Sophie is repeatedly saying she wants to go up for nomination. Siavash has gone into the garden to talk to Freddie, Lisa and Bea. Bea says no-one can blame Sophie for her immediate reaction to seeing cigarettes under his bed. She says: "He had something he shouldn't have had, you can't blame her for that."

01.44: Bea and Freddie are chatting in the garden and having a cigarette. Charlie goes into the Diary Room with a token.

01.39: Sophie says that communal things in the house should be shared equally between the people who need them. Marcus says she is talking rubbish.

01.37: Sophie tells Marcus: "I just don't think you have done yourself any favours."

She adds: "I want to go up against you this week, me and you. I feel like a b**** against you, but if you hadn't taken the cigarettes this would never have happened, that's why I'm annoyed."

01.35: Sophie tells Marcus that everyone else thinks the same as she does. Marcus disagrees. Sophie says that the cigarettes should have been left on the table at the tea party.

01.34: Marcus insists that he is entitled to the cigarettes as they were off Big Brother, despite the fact he doesn't smoke.

01.33: Siavash says: "I don't see why things become a big deal in this house." Sophie looks annoyed.

She says: "Marcus if you'd have just left them there would have been no arguments."

Marcus replies: "You are the least qualified person to say that Sophie."

"What have I ever taken more than I should have. I've had one sip of Bea's drink and that's it," says Sophie.

01.32: Marcus says Sophie has cereal in the middle of the night.

"I've never had cereal in the middle of the night, I've never had any food more than I should have to be honest," says Sophie. "That's an outrageous lie."

Marcus says: "We all know what goes on here."

01.31: Bea says she has never taken anything that doesn't belong to her in the house.

Marcus says: "No-one is going to tell me I've taken something of someone elses, that's b*******. They didn't have anybody's name on it."

01.27: Marcus and Sophie are talking in the living room. Marcus says that the fags didn't have anyone's name on them so he was entitled to take them. Sophie says: "If it was me I would have given them to the smokers to share between them."

Marcus says he was keeping them to give to the smokers when they had run out.

Siavash sticks up for Marcus saying that everyone in the house has taken things that don't belong to them.

01.26: Bea tells Charlie that Marcus had intended to give her a packet of cigarettes as a present.

01.24: Charlie and Bea are chatting in the garden. Bea says: "I would not have a bad word said about you, I really wouldn't." Charlie says he isn't trying to make trouble. He says: "I don't think bad of Freddie I like him, I just thing the whole thing with Lisa is wrong."

Bea says she doesn't want to be dragged into it.

01.23: Charlie tells Lisa that he doesn't listen to other people, he does what he wants to. "I listen to Charlie Drummond," he says.

He adds to Lisa: "He's always trying to turn people against you, he's singled you out. If that's not a game plan I don't know what is.

"He's a little informer, a little snitch."

Charlie says: "If Freddie does say anything about me can you just tell him to say it to my face."

Bea goes into the garden and gives Charlie a hug.

01.19: Bea goes into the kitchen. She says she was shocked that Marcus had cigarettes under his bed. Sophie says: "I could have taken a packet for myself, but he should have left them. I could have stole a teapot and put it in the bedroom but I'd never, and I'd never think of taking the cigarettes from you."

Charlie is chatting to David and Lisa in the garden. Charlie says: "He's trying to turn me against Lisa and he's trying to turn Sophie against Lisa."

He is talking about Freddie.

01.16: Sophie says she told Lisa that Marcus had the cigarettes to trade for food. Siavash is trying to stick up for Marcus but Sophie says Marcus has never given her anything for nothing, he will only trade her.

01.13: Sophie tells Siavash and Freddie that she doesn't mind if she goes up against Marcus for eviction this week as the public will "see what happened and know that I didn't do it on purpose". Oooo, an argument has obviously just finished ... or begun.

Sophie says she told housemates that Marcus had hidden some cigarettes.

Sophie tells them to vote for her this week. Breaking rules again, Soph?
Start Here
Nominate me for eviction

IT seems that housemates still haven't learnt that there are consequences to breaking Big Brother rules.

Sophie Reade was the latest housemate to cross over to the dark side last night as she told house pals to nominate her for eviction.

After a row with Marcus over hoarding cigarettes the glamour model told him: "I want to go up against you this week, me and you. I feel like a b**** against you, but if you hadn't taken the cigarettes this would never have happened, that's why I'm annoyed."

She also told pals: "I want to be up for eviction this week, so you should put me up. I don't care anymore."

But her words made her unpopular with her fellow housemates who thought Big Brother could punish the whole house by putting everyone up for eviction for the second week in a row.

David told Lisa and Rodrigo: "People need to stop breaking rules. I came in here for a life-changing experience and I agreed to abide by the rules and I have. It's not fair when everyone suffers."
David upset by rule-breakers
Day 67, 05:25 BST
By Jen Grieves

David last night expressed his upset at those blatantly breaking the house rules as part of what he considered a game plan.

Speaking principally about Marcus following the discovery of hidden cigarettes under his bed, David bemoaned the fact that his consistent rule-breaking meant that "innocent people" were getting evicted.

The clothes-sorter voiced his concerns that everyone would again be up, following Hira's shock departure last week after the entire house was put to the public vote as punishment for rule-breaking by Marcus and Siavash.

"I came on this show for the experience of my life," David told Rodrigo as they prepared for bed.

"When we broke the rules, everybody went up, and now it's happened again. If that's not a game plan I don't know what is," he remarked.

Rodrigo had revealed that Marcus had made Sophie swap a large amount of her shopping for one can of cider. The food she swapped included sausages, crisps, bacon and fish.

Lisa said in response: "He shouldn't have taken it off her."

Meanwhile, David continued: "When I came in here I got told the rules and I abide by them. Now everyone's going up for eviction for his rule-breaking and innocent people are going."

There was a murmur of agreement as he stated that people were trying to "spoil" the Big Brother experience.
Hi all

Haven't been ignoring you all the past few days, only weather here has been good and I have been out and about doing things and finishing off my book I was reading, because on Wednesday my husband brought me three new books that I wanted to read, so I have had my nose stuck in them.
They are the new Candace Bushnell (she wrote "Sex and the City"), the new Maeve Binchy and the new Wendy Holden, all in paperback and cost just under 10.00 for the three in our local Tescos.

So if I am not about much for the next few days, that is why, weather is good and I am reading!

Wrist is coming on really well, only aches a little now when I take the brace off at night, but went to a barbeque on Wednesday night and got bitten by some insect and currently have it covered over because it is itching so much!

Have had a lovely day so far, got up early and watch the "Emmerdale" Omilbus and soaked my feet while doing that, then gave myself a pedicure, difficult though with the brace on and then did my eyebrows, so feel very relaxed and my feet feel lovely.

Dinner cooking, so spending a couple of hours on here, may be on later, if I don't get stuck into my book again, so enjoy your sunny Sunday.

Emptybox - sorry hun, about your posts yesterday, Hug thinking of you
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Hiya Peeps Big Grin

Hicky Hug

Forgot to say thanks for the updates Eeker Hug
It's lovely and sunny down here and am sat out in the garden most of the time Laugh

Hiya PinkBabe Hug

Glad to hear your wrist is feeling better Hug
I love reading too but like the fantasy novels myself or a good biography Thumbs Up

Hiya Darloboy Hug

Hope you're still having great fun on your summer holidays Big Grin
Daughter has had a letter to say they'll accept her next year for her A2 levels so let's hope she has passed her AS ones *fingers crossed*

Emptybox HugHug

Still in my thoughts and hope that you know we're here if you need us Hug

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