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Molli, goodnight and I'm got fingers crossed about your dog. It's awful to lose a pet, I remember my beloved cat in my sig, he was with me all through my teenage years, lying on my bed, listening to my music and having loads of teenage girls cuddling him.

He was my confidant, I used to talk to him like he was human, well he understood me, and when I moved out for the first time at the age of 19, I really missed him. I wasn't able to take him with me because my ex didn't like cats. I should have know he would be awful because of that!!

At least when I went back to live with my mom, Ihad the last couple of years of his life with me, and I know this is going to sound awful, but I'm glad I was at work when he died. It was a terrible shock, but he had been ill for a while and the vet had told us there was nothing could be done. So he died peacefully at home, under his favourite tree, where he is now buried.

Crying Angel My Posh.
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree!
Mollie Hug Hug Angel Angel

I hope lil lady is good tomorrow ... Clapping Thumbs Up

sorry to hear you lil *pet probs*
you must of said her name but Im awful on names... Crazy
Crazy Blush
Mollie love HugWink


How you feeling now ...??

Have you all the family looking after you ... Thumbs Up

I hope you feel ok and not frightened of a bacon barm now ... with red /brown sauce

Suzie Angel

Lets Not tempt the other fella out .. Mad
Mike Strutter
Suzie, thank you for your advice as well.

I think Cornwall is beautiful in the rain as well, some of the nicest days I can remember on holiday as a kid, was rainy days in Cornwall. It's strange how many people from my area (Black Country), used to go off down the M5 on the two week break, down to Cornwall, in fact sometimes you would hear more Brummie/Black Country accents than local!

Still I remember the days when the M5 finished at Bristol and you used then to have to drive down the A38 to get to Cornwall, it seemed to take forever, but the journey was well worth it when you got there. We mostly holidayed in and around Perranporth, but travelled about, loved it, just loved there.

Haven't been since 2003, but we are hoping to have a least a week down there next summer, can't wait!!
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree!
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
Suzie, thank you for your advice as well.

I think Cornwall is beautiful in the rain as well, some of the nicest days I can remember on holiday as a kid, was rainy days in Cornwall. It's strange how many people from my area (Black Country), used to go off down the M5 on the two week break, down to Cornwall, in fact sometimes you would hear more Brummie/Black Country accents than local!

Still I remember the days when the M5 finished at Bristol and you used then to have to drive down the A38 to get to Cornwall, it seemed to take forever, but the journey was well worth it when you got there. We mostly holidayed in and around Perranporth, but travelled about, loved it, just loved there.

Haven't been since 2003, but we are hoping to have a least a week down there next summer, can't wait!!

I'm just glad to see that Hicky managed to sort you out in the end and you got to choose which avatar you wanted Big Grin

It is a long journey for you isn't it. Perranporth is one of our favourite beaches and daughter loves going there to body board with friends. Obviously Newquay is best for the surf but Perranporth, Looe and St Michael's Mount are all a lot quieter but have good surf. My favourite place in Cornwall to visit is Tintagel and King Arthur's Camelot Castle, It is truly spectacular Thumbs Up

thinks about parking fine ...
well he aint a bad lad ...

Roll Eyes <cheeky joke Wink

he loves you ... hahahahahahahahaThumbs Up Wink

have good day and take you daft women weeklies mags to read

*I killed the alien who ate my baby*


jezza kyle has a daft chav scum audience who think our lifes arent as bad ...?????
Mike Strutter
Wave #+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+#Wave
.........Good Night Everyone.Smiler
.........It's Tuesday TomorrowSmiler
.........Hope you all have a good sleep.
.........Wake up all refreshed.
.........Just hope it's a nice day
Wave #+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+#Wave
Originally posted by Hicky:
Wave #+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+#Wave
.........Good Night Everyone.Smiler
.........It's Tuesday TomorrowSmiler
.........Hope you all have a good sleep.
.........Wake up all refreshed.
.........Just hope it's a nice day
Wave #+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+#Wave

Night Night Sweet Dreams Hicky HugValentine

See you tomorrow Wave
Evening. Smiler
Another lovely day here.

Sorry to hear about your dog Mollie. Frowner
Hope she recovers.

Hicky, sounds like you'll be very busy later in the month, when your son gets back. Cool

Glad you got your avi sorted Pinkbabe. If only your wrist could be sorted so easily.

Hi Suzie and Mike. Wave
Originally posted by Mike Strutter:

thinks about parking fine ...
well he aint a bad lad ...

Roll Eyes <cheeky joke Wink

he loves you ... hahahahahahahahaThumbs Up Wink

have good day and take you daft women weeklies mags to read

*I killed the alien who ate my baby*


jezza kyle has a daft chav scum audience who think our lifes arent as bad ...?????

I had to go with my husband to our local A+E a few months back and they were playing a tape of Jezza, it took his mind off his bad leg!!

I shall take a book to read and people watch, I always do that, suppose I'm just nosy!!
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree!
Originally posted by Hicky:
Wave #+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+#Wave
.........Good Night Everyone.Smiler
.........It's Tuesday TomorrowSmiler
.........Hope you all have a good sleep.
.........Wake up all refreshed.
.........Just hope it's a nice day
Wave #+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+#Wave

Goodnight Hicky and thanks again xx
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree!
The rumours are that it is Bea, David and Lisa that are up.

If so, then I'd be torn, cos although I don't like Bea at all, I think David would be less of a loss to the house.

Another non voting week for me, I think? Big Grin
Originally posted by Suzie Fairy:
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
Suzie, thank you for your advice as well.

I think Cornwall is beautiful in the rain as well, some of the nicest days I can remember on holiday as a kid, was rainy days in Cornwall. It's strange how many people from my area (Black Country), used to go off down the M5 on the two week break, down to Cornwall, in fact sometimes you would hear more Brummie/Black Country accents than local!

Still I remember the days when the M5 finished at Bristol and you used then to have to drive down the A38 to get to Cornwall, it seemed to take forever, but the journey was well worth it when you got there. We mostly holidayed in and around Perranporth, but travelled about, loved it, just loved there.

Haven't been since 2003, but we are hoping to have a least a week down there next summer, can't wait!!

I'm just glad to see that Hicky managed to sort you out in the end and you got to choose which avatar you wanted Big Grin

It is a long journey for you isn't it. Perranporth is one of our favourite beaches and daughter loves going there to body board with friends. Obviously Newquay is best for the surf but Perranporth, Looe and St Michael's Mount are all a lot quieter but have good surf. My favourite place in Cornwall to visit is Tintagel and King Arthur's Camelot Castle, It is truly spectacular Thumbs Up

It's an 8 hour journey for us as I don't travel long distances very well. My husband does most of the motorway driving as he is used to it and I hate motorway driving and I usually take over at Exeter, suffer the last bit of the M5 and do the rest of the way on the A30.

I love the places you mentioned especially Tintagel. That is a magical place I think. I also love Boscastle, we were there in '03 and when I saw the flooding it shocked me so much, the one shot showed the water rushing past the car park we had parked in, the cafe I had a cream tea in and the road we walked down to the harbour. Don't think I would want to go back and see it now after seeing those pictures, I prefer the memories I had of it.

My other favourite places in Cornwall are Mevagissey and Mousehole, I once was at Mevagissey as a little girl (about 7/8), when the fishermen brought the catch back and will never forget the shark one had brought back, it was a big as my living room door!!

Next time we are in Cornwall we are going to Mevagissey when the fishermen come back as I keep telling my husband about this, mind you he said when we were on holiday there, it was his favourite place after Perranporth where we stayed.

I remember as a child a lot of the pubs in Cornwall were M&B, suppose that was because so many Midlanders holidayed there. Is that still the same?

Good night to you have sweet dreams.
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree!
Hi Emptybox, yes I'm hoping they can sort it out for me, prehaps the plaster needs to be changed or hopefully I can just have a tubigrip bandage on it, but the sudden pain in my thumb is a bit worrying as I haven't knocked my thumb.
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree!
Here's BB's strange message.
Not sure what it's saying, but it looks like they are wondering what to do because Siavash won't nominate anymore.
Has Someone Failed To Nominate?

Fans are probably wondering why we haven't announced the nominees early like we normally do. Well, in our vaguest article in long time, we're (not) going to tell you!

Let's just say that according to our Endemole, or we could have just made this up for effect, something might have happened at the nominations earlier today, or it might not have done, we can't say.

So, someone, perhaps the last person to nominate, or perhaps the first to nominate, could have done something to mess-up the proceedings. They may not have done though, we can't say for sure.

And if that housemate, it could have been a male, or it could have been a female, had done something that would lead them to break a rule which would normally mean they automatically
face eviction, that person might be quite happy about it.

If that had happened though, and we're not saying that it has, Big Brother would probably be rather annoyed and would currently be thinking about ways to scupper that housemate's
pointless ploy.

But what would you do if you were Big Brother?

For instance, and don't forget that this is just an example and isn't connected in any way to the above speculation, "siavash-vows-never-to-nominate-again." recently to never nominate again, in a bid to get himself put up for eviction every week.

So, if he'd gone ahead with his plan, Big Brother might be tempted to put everyone else up instead, just to send Siavash the message that his plan had backfired. But if the entity
did that, all of Siavash's peers would almost certainly nominate him the following week, thereby giving him precisely what he wants.

It's an interesting dilemma for Big Brother to be in... erm, we mean, it would be an interesting dilemma for Big Brother to be in, if that were to actually happen. But we're not saying that it has. And we're not saying they are definitely all up either, before you jump to conclusions.
We'll give you more information when we get it. Or maybe we won't ;-)
Just remember, we never said nuffin', which is actually a double negative so we'll slap our own wrists! (because it effectively means we told you everything, which we did if you're intelligent enough to put two-and-two together).
Good Morning Everyone.wavey

Just going to get the overnight news, doesn't look like much though.
It seems BB is as washed out as the Summer has been so far.
►*♥*♥* ------ Good Morning Everyone -------*♥*♥*◄
►*♥*♥* I hope you are all well this Morning *♥*♥*◄
►*♥*♥* ------Well it's not so nice here today --------- *♥*♥*◄
►*♥*♥* ------ It's Happy Tuesday again -------*♥*♥*◄
Last night in the BB house, Day 61/62.
02.25: Someone is still snoring the bedroom.

02.11: The camera is still focused on the Rodrigo and Charlie sleeping side-by-side.

01.21: Someone in the bedroom is snoring loudly. Rodrigo gets up to have a drink. Freddie is seen walking across the room.

01.10: Marcus heads to the bathroom. Charlie gets back into bed.

01.08: Charlie gets out of bed to let Marcus free from prison.

01.02: The bedroom is silent.

00.53: Charlie and Rodrigo seem to agree they should go out in Newscastle after the show, get wrecked and see what happens.

00.44: Rodrigo starts whispering again.

00.43: The bedroom falls silent.

00.40: Charlie is whispering to Rodrigo in the bedroom. You cannot hear what is being said. Another housemate is snoring.

00.32: Marcus says BB should give them a Star Wars task to "p*** Bea" off.

Siavash: "I can't believe they haven't listened to my aliens idea."

Marcus: "Or send one of us to America and do a swap."

Marcus: "BB w****** take me to America please, I will be ready in a few minutes."

00.20: Siavash and Marcus are in the garden. Marcus is in prison. Marcus is talking about one of the female housemate's attitude to sex.

Siavash tells BB employees behind the scenes to keep their voices down. "You're ruining the illusion."
I'm scraping the barrel for news, I'll be making it up soon.Big Grin
Bea tells Freddie to back off

Love-sick ... Freddie

BEA has given Freddie the brush-off, telling him that she does not fancy him even though they have been cuddling up.
She broke the news to him after deciding that him trying to tell her how much he liked her while they were in bed was the final straw.

Freddie was left heart-broken when he tried to confess to Bea that he had feelings for her late last night, but she stopped him in his tracks.

Bea said: "I think I've made you quite aware of my mindset and my attitude. So I was like, surely he's not asking me that. And you were!"

The blonde told Oxford-educated toff Freddie that "having the lights off, in bed" was not the right time for him to proposition her.

Even though the bohemian was trying to go into the bathroom to have a soak in the tub, cheeky Freddie tried to take the conversation further.

"I don't want to have this talk again. It all feels a bit intense," she said.
Battle of the bullies

Tears ... Bea Hamill

MORNING breaks on Big Brother and two of the housemates clearly got out of the wrong side of the bed.
Joining David Ramsden in the kitchen, Bea, 24, asked her fellow housemate: "Why do I feel like we don't talk anymore?"

A brutally honest David, 28, replied: "Well, I was a bit upset with you cos I felt like you were accusing me of stealing butter yesterday. If you accuse someone you need to get your facts straight first."

Taken aback, Bea explained: "It's good you have told me now. But instead of getting things out in the open you have been snappy with me. When I asked you before if something was wrong you said 'no'."

The bitchy eBay seller retorted: "If there was something wrong you would be the last person I would tell."

When a tearful Bea asked David why he was being 'horrible' she was met with a defiant denial of his behaviour. As Lisa Wallace joined them in the kitchen, Bea spluttered: "I'm really shocked and upset".

David replied: "Good, I'm glad you feel like that."

Bea - resigned to the fact she was getting nowhere with David - left the room uttering that he was a 'bully'.

In true bitchy style, 41-year-old Lisa, sang mockingly: "Girls, girls, girls."

The argument continued throughout the day with various conversations between the housemates giving their opinions on Bea and David. It took the shopping task for the housemates to come to their senses and make-up.
PinkBabe Hug

That is a long journey 8hrs that's quite a hike. I think you probably have the nicest bit to drive though Big Grin
Tintagel is magical, have you dared to go in Merlin's cave yet Laugh
Boscastle was shocking to the whole of the Cornish community and we all did our bit to help out. Especially with clothes and belongings, there was loads of centres set up for us to go to and volunteer whatever help we could give. Boscastle is almost fully restore, obviously with such devastation it's bound to take time. Business' are all open for business and it's thriving again thank goodness.
We are still indeed overrun by pubs and B&Bs. But without them down here we would all be lousy at giving directions as it's done pub to pub Laugh Where ever I have moved I've always had a pub within crawling distance and a B&B nearby Nod I see you've mention the cream teas, have you tried the pasties, they are made differently to the ones you have up there. Ours don't have swede in them as down here for some unknown reason if you say swede down here you'll get a turnip Laugh Oh and you must've tried the Scrumpy and been knocked of your feet Laugh

Hope the hospital appointment goes well and you will soon be out of pain Hug
Good Morning Suzie & Grannyg.wavey

It seems to be all over this morning.

Hope everything goes OK with your Bathroom Grannyg, it's hard to do without it, but it will be worth it in the end.

Have a lovely day both of you, catch you later.
Hiya GrannyG Hug

Good luck with that bathroom and yes they do look lovely when they are finished Laugh

Hiya Hicky Hug

Thanks for the updates Big Grin
I'm supposed to be getting ready to go out but really don't want to. Oh well never mind will see you all later when I get back Laugh Wave
Siavash's ex-girlfriend says she'll never speak to him again
By 4/08/2009

Siavash’s ex-girlfriend has vowed never to speak to him again.

Laura Cogoni – who was going out with the Iranian party planner for four months before he entered the ‘Big Brother’ house – said she will never forgive him for his kiss with fellow housemate Noirin.

Artist Laura – who had previously pledged support for Siavash in the house - said: "He’s not the guy I thought he was.

"Even if he crawled to me on his hands and knees in the pouring rain, it wouldn’t make any difference. He has disrespected our relationship and it’s finished."

Laura also blasted Irish beauty Noirin, who flirted with several housemates before kissing Siavash, only to dump him the next day, saying she fancied housemate Tom.

Less than a week later she was joined in the house by her ex-boyfriend, Issac Stout, who followed her out of the house when she was evicted two days later.

Laura told Britain’s New magazine: "She’s pretty but she lacks integrity and substance. She’s insecure and needs the validation of a man.

"She doesn’t care about what she’s done and Siavash didn’t help things by pretending I didn’t exist. He should’ve thought about the consequences – they’re both as bad as each other.

"Noirin has thrown it all back in Siavash’s face. He’s had his comeuppance - what goes around comes around."

Laura also revealed she fully trusted her ex-boyfriend to be faithful when he joined the show.

She said: "All he said was, ‘Don’t worry Babes, I know I can trust you and you can trust me 100 per cent.’ I never thought he would cheat on me."
Originally posted by Suzie Fairy:
Hiya GrannyG Hug

Good luck with that bathroom and yes they do look lovely when they are finished Laugh

Hiya Hicky Hug

Thanks for the updates Big Grin
I'm supposed to be getting ready to go out but really don't want to. Oh well never mind will see you all later when I get back Laugh Wave

You are most Welcome, not a lot of news these days.
It must be the rundown towards the end, mind you, it never ran up really.Big Grin
See you later, don't get wet now.
Big Brother 10: Marcus spends night in jail
By 4/08/2009

Marcus spent the night in jail.

The hairy Big Brother contestant was jailed for removing a mirror in the reality TV house, and spent most of last night locked up.

The grumpy housemate said: "Poxy house. I was just showing them lot how to do some good work. It’s so rude. I just did it a minute ago to show Freddie and Bea how to style."

Referring to his mysterious assumed alter ego as he angrily arranged a duvet in the cell, he added: "They still do not realise that the very nature of the Irrepressible Dark Horse just is… Irrepressible."

The window fitter – who has previously been jailed for his behaviour in the house - then spent most of the evening talking with party planner Siavash, moaning about the house’s tasks.

He said: "They can't keep giving us the same costumes and just swapping them around. It's boring."

The long-haired rocker decided he would ideally like to travel to a new country as part of his time on the show – echoing the fourth series of Big Brother, which saw contestant Cameron Stout swapped with a housemate on the South African version of the show.

He added: "They could send us to America or Australia and do a swap with their Big Brother house. It's do-able."

'Big Brother' housemate Siavash's ex-girlfriend has vowed never to speak to him again and will not forgive him for kissing Noirin.

Siavash's ex-girlfriend has vowed never to speak to him again.

Laura Cogoni - who was going out with the Iranian party planner for four months before he entered the 'Big Brother' house - said she will never forgive him for his kiss with fellow housemate Noirin.

Artist Laura - who had previously pledged support for Siavash in the house - said: "He's not the guy I thought he was.

"Even if he crawled to me on his hands and knees in the pouring rain, it wouldn't make any difference. He has disrespected our relationship and it's finished."

Laura also blasted Irish beauty Noirin, who flirted with several housemates before kissing Siavash, only to dump him the next day, saying she fancied housemate Tom.

Less than a week later she was joined in the house by her ex-boyfriend, Issac Stout, who followed her out of the house when she was evicted two days later.

Laura told Britain's New magazine: "She's pretty but she lacks integrity and substance. She's insecure and needs the validation of a man."

"She doesn't care about what she's done and Siavash didn't help things by pretending I didn't exist. He should've thought about the consequences - they're both as bad as each other.

"Noirin has thrown it all back in Siavash's face. He's had his comeuppance - what goes around comes around."

Laura also revealed she fully trusted her ex-boyfriend to be faithful when he joined the show.

She said: "All he said was, 'Don't worry Babes, I know I can trust you and you can trust me 100 per cent.' I never thought he would cheat on me."

04 August 2009 10:49:37 AM
Originally posted by boldjohn:
Hi everyone,
Thanks to Hicky for the updates and links about BB10. They're especially good for me because I don't watch these days. It seems to be getting interesting.

Hi Boldjohn.wavey

You are most welcome.
There's so little live feed there's hardly any news anyway.
I think a few news stations have got a live feed but not a lot seems to get released.

We really have been sold short this year.
Can't believe we don't see anything from 6.30 am till after midnight.
It's a nightmare.Big Grin
Never had so much sleep during the summer.

Rule breaker ... Siavash

BIG Brother has vowed to punish housemates after Siavash Sabbaghpour refused to nominate.

The 23-year-old events organiser failed to nominate yesterday because he wants to be up for eviction.

The heartbroken housemate has been depressed ever since he was dumped by evicted Irish beauty Noirin.

He confided in Bea Hamill that he was taking himself out of the game.

But rather than quit he wants to be evicted by the public.

Big Brother has said the entire house will be punished for Siavash's rule-breaking but has yet to announce how they will be disciplined.
Aaargh! BB's Marcus has been discussing his willy!
Posted by heatworld on Tuesday 04 Aug 2009

Sexual frustration is something many a Big Brother housemate has moaned about, and some have even taken matters into their own, erm, hands (who could forget Ray from BB4's energetic duvet action?). Yesterday Marcus started discussing this very problem with Halfwit and Bea, telling them frankly, "I'm going to do my nominations, then channel some sexual energy." When asked what he meant, Marcus smirked and replied, "I will show you. I'll show you that my way is heroic. Come on, let's get the duvet and I'll show you." he then led Bea and Halfwit to one of the toilets, before telling them, "I've got a very attractive penis, thank you for asking." Um, NO ONE asked. He then attempted to wrestle the mirror off the wall, only to be told off by Big Brother. Defeated, Marcus then threw the duvet over his head and started doing, ahem, movements underneath it. Vom, vom, vomit. What a thought. Anyway, BB later jailed him for removing the mirror. Ha harrr. Are you a Marcus fan, or does he make your flesh creep off and run to hide in a corner?
Freddie admits he's a halfwit

Heartbroken ... Freddie Fisher

FREDDIE Fisher says he made a "t**" of himself by asking Bea Hamill if she fancied him.

The lovelorn housemate thought bohemian Bea had the hots for him even boasting he would have bedded her if they were not in the house.

But the 24-year-old psychology graduate burst his bubble when he asked her if she fancied him.

She told him in no uncertain terms she was not interested.

Yesterday evening posh Freddie, who was forced to legally change his name to Halfwit to join the show, poured his heart out in the Diary Room.

Freddie told Big Brother he "made a t** of himself" by quizzing Bea on her feelings.

But he explained his friendship was back on track after they talked things through last night.
Latest task- Alice in Wonderland Big Grin Laugh.

Housemates are going through the looking glass for this week's Task, as they take on the characters from Lewis Caroll's famous story.

One housemate has been called to the Diary Room to collect a laminate to read to the group. The laminate lists the following roles, which the housemates must assign to themselves:

Queen Of Hearts
Knave Of Hearts
The White Rabbit
The Cheshire Cat
Playing Cards x 4
Mad Hatter

Housemates will have the following Tasks to do:

On Day One of the Task, Alice will be called to the Diary Room where there will be a bottle saying “DRINK ME”. She must drink the contents then go through to the Small Task Room where everything will be disproportionately large, including a huge cup cake, which will have a label saying “EAT ME”. She must then eat the cake, using only her mouth, until she reaches a key, which she must use to get back into the Diary Room. Once back in the Diary Room, everything will have “shrunk”, including the Diary Room chair. Big Brother will tell Alice that, in order to leave the Diary Room, she must produce real tears. To help her do this, Big Brother will recite sad stories, such as The Little Match Girl and Bambi, to a background of sad music like Adagio for Strings.

Queen Of Hearts & Knave Of Hearts
On Day Two, the Queen and Knave of Hearts will be told that they must bake and present Big Brother with a selection of tarts, which the Playing Cards must eat. These tarts will all contain unusual and disgusting tart fillings.

Cheshire Cat
The Cheshire Cat is famed for his very broad grin. For the duration of the Task, whenever a music track with 'smile' in the title is played into the House, the Cheshire Cat must sit on their tree, behind a magnifying glass, and hold a cheery grin for the duration of the song. If the Cheshire Cat fails to smile like he means it, he will fail his part of the Task. However, if the Cat stands and smiles when a song NOT related to smiling is played, he will also incur a fail.

White Rabbit
The White Rabbit is obsessed with being on time; he has a pocket watch which, in order to keep the right time, must be wound up every hour. Throughout the two days, Big Brother will tell the White Rabbit the time of their next appointment, when they should be at the rabbit hutch in the Garden. The White Rabbit must ensure that their pocket watch is consistently wound up so that they meet their appointments. The White Rabbit may be up to five minutes early for each appointment, but never late.

Playing Cards
4 Housemates will become playing cards; they must eat all of the tasty tarts made by the Queen and Knave.

Mad Hatter
The Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland was forever enjoying afternoon tea. The Mad Hatter Housemate must become a tea tasting expert and must learn to identify 25 different teas. On the second day of the Task, they will be tested on their newly-gained knowledge of tea.

Day Two of the Task will culminate with a tea party in the large Task Room, complete with booze in tea pots, fingers sandwiches and a selection of cakes.

Let the wonderment begin...

The housemates have allocated their roles for the Task and by the look of things, it's going to be a particularly stunning representation of Alice in her wonderland.

Taking on the role of Alice is Hira, the Madhatter is Dogface, Charlie is the Queen of Hearts, Marcus the Naive of Hearts, while Lisa, David, Bea and Halfwit are the Playing Cards. That leaves Rodrigo as the Cheshire Cat and Siavash as the White Rabbit.

"It's likely the Rabbit will have to be out there 24 hours, so I don't mind doing it," volunteered Siavash, and no-one put up any objections to this one. Guess he can't wait to sleep under the stars.

"I want to be the Queen of Hearts!" shouted Charlie, and everyone agreed. So far, so easy.

"I want to be the ace of spades," said David, fixing his eye on a playing card.

As the rest of the housemates ruminated as to what the task might actually entail, Siavash had one thing on his mind. "I wonder how many carrots there are?" he asked.

Sadly none, as the Rabbit is concerned only with time-keeping. Wonder if he'll be a happy bunny?
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Chess board appears in BB garden
Day 62, 14:50 BST
By Jenni Marsh, Bollywood Reporter

The housemates were surprised to wake up to find a giant chess board in the garden this morning.

Alongside the game board were some enormous flowers and a giant spoon, prompting speculation as to what task Big Brother was planning to set.

Freddie said: "I want them to leave the garden like this for the rest of the show. It's really nice.

"The mushroom is so much better than the cactus."

Marcus and Freddie proceeded to play a game of chess, with the former taking the white pieces.

However, Rodrigo was unimpressed with Marcus's decision to play as he wanted him to do his washing up.

Lisa revealed that she is better at draughts than chess, while David confessed that Connect4 and Guess Who? are his preferred games.
Originally posted by Cold Sweat:
Good afternoon, Hicky.

Thanks for the overnight update and news items! Wave

Only another 5 weeks to go! Big Grin

Good Afternoon Cold Sweat.wavey

You are of course most Welcome.
Is it 5 weeks, didn't think it was as long as that.
It's gone pretty quick then considering so little going on.

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