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Originally posted by grannyg:
Hi Hicky Thumbs Up and all Hugs
I tried your jelly babies smothered in
Chocolate today and they were Yummy Thumbs Up
Two of my Grandchildren were here and they loved them too. I've enjoyed the updates Nod
thanks. Sorry I never got here earlier and missed Suzie and Mollie but I'll leave them a hug Hug Hug

I'm going to get the curry recipe now yeeah Big Grin

I made some more Choc coated Jelly Babies.
You really need the Belgium Milk Choc though.

I had some Choc over so I mixed in some 'Nut Crunch' flakes, Wow, that is Fab when it hardens.Big Grin
Originally posted by grannyg:

Hi Suzie Hug I've had a good day with my Grandkids. Hope you've had a good day too
Inever bake at all now.. bet your scones are delicious Big Grin

It sounded like you did have a great day with the grandchildren plus chocolate Laugh

There is only 4 scones left, I only had one Laugh The only reason why there is 4 left is because Parents-in-law want some Big Grin
Oh and there 16 to start with Eeker

YO YO .....Yo Askinfking DUDE ????????

I love you lil Jesse/Kev .....bloke man Hug Valentine

you me we travelled forums an we kept there ..... Wink

I would genuinely take a bullet for my lil mate ... star
here different ,
plus he dodges Big Grin Thumbs Up

in Bandit country IRA Eeker OK

But those in Iraq cutting heads is a bit I love him ....
great lad with the ladies I hope me an him can reeel it in ....UN Role in Thumbs Up Wink

Its like a mate years ago
she dived in VSO ...

Serro Loene

being gun shot at a whitey /honkey !!!!!!!
Jim Davidson...
he was right

and no UN BLUE HATs ...Frowner Frowner ;(

I think a British Infantry regt were going in ...
til til Queens Lancs Rgt an we went in ...

Queen Vic time an took Africa back then

we are not called that now but same sons and those guys an we are goiging to save yuor black hides
dont get picky ...lols
I will send my lil mate /fwend in
Mike Strutter
Good Morning Everyone.wavey

Some post that Mike.wavey
Potent Brasso that was.
Needs a bit of translaterisation I think.Big Grin

Morning Suzie.wavey
Have a nice day.

I'll go get any news from last night.
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Good Morning Everyone *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Hope most of you are all *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Hope Tatty gets well soon *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Nice and dry here today *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Happy Monday to you All *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
Last night in the BB house, Day 60/61.
03.10 A lonesome Marcus finally goes to bed,

02.57 Freddie leans over, says sorry, rolls out of bed, then into bed again.

02.53 Halfwit says sorry for embarrassing Bea.

She turns over and tries to sleep.

Bea apologises for saying 'that word'.

Bea has a go at him and says she's not enjoying the conversation. "If I've given you the wrong impression by being your friend and being affectionate," she says. She asks what the expectation is and does he fancy her.

She turns over again. He just says he just likes talking.

02.48 Marcus is sleeping under his duvet, on his own, outside.

02.40 They're giggling that they had a really nice day.

02.35 Rodrigo and Charlie have the giggles in bed. Can't hear what they are whispering about though.

02.28 Bea goes and kisses Marcus goodnight leaving him alone on the sofas.

02.27 It looks like Bea is getting ready for bed - while Marcus is waiting for her to return outside.

02.22 Charlie and Rodrigo are whispering in bed. Can't hear what they're saying though.

02.14 Tigers are dying out because they're bored - Marcus educates Bea. "They don't want to mate," he tells her

02.13 "Are breast implants a stage of evolution?" Marcus asks Bea. Bea says a woman with big boobs will be a good feeder for children and someone with a big a**e would last longer.

02.11 Bea starts on about WWII. "Get people when they're scared they don't know what to do," she says.

Marcus says every creature on the planet strives to be the master race.

02.06 Marcus and Bea agree that the government are distracting people.

02.03 They says Hira is used to being an outsider and most people want to be part of a pack.

02.00 Who's the most aloof person in the house Marcus asks her. Think the answer must have been Hira. Bea says she is not a pack animal and is not easily led.

She thinks Hira is the most independent and is a separate entity.

01.58 Bea says she sounds like a conspiracy theorist.

01.57 Bea says Lisa takes vulnerable people under her wing and controls them.

01.55 Charlie interrupts this fascinating discussion with an important issue - spots!

01.54 Now Bea is bleating on about letter writing and her gran getting her friends and going out instead of logging on and living in a virtual world.

01.51 Marcus agrees with her on the romance front.

01.50 Bea blames sci-fi and Google for the fact that people are lying dead in their houses for days without people knowing!

Erm, yes!

01.46 Marcus tells her people buy papers for the news. He says they don't read the headlines. "You can't escape news, it's everywhere you look," Marcus says.

Bea tells how her granny wanted her to go out and play rather than sitting and watching TV. If people went and looked out for a romance instead of watching romance on TV we'd have a happier world, she says.

01.41 Bea blames technology for the fact we don't sit down and talk anymore. Marcus says we're born to grow and succeed and must look further than the things in front of us.

She declares we shouldn't hold the planet back but on a social level we should all be more aware.

01.39 Bea boasts she knows everybody on her street.

01.36 The first noise from a creature on earth was from a mudskipper, Marcus tells her. They were the first thing that came out of the ocean to be on land, he tells her.

There's no such thing as aliens, Bea tells them She doesn't think people have ever been to the moon either because the American flag blew in the wind and she says there is no wind on the moon.

Science fiction is a resident evil that breaks families down and is a complete indulgence she states.

01.34 Marcus does like Star Wars - but he doesn't dress up. "I don't like space," Bea says.

Bea continues she doesn't like the big deep sea either because it makes her feel safe. We should concentrate on this planet and people we know, she carries on. "We should know our place," Bea says.

01.33 By the way, if you were wondering, she does like trousers, because they exist.

Bea says we should concentrate on dilemmas in this country instead of looking for aliens.

Bea says she doesn't like thinking about very big things and very small things.

01.32 Bea doesn't like most fiction she says. She doesn't like science fiction 'cos it doesn't exist. Marcus then asks if she likes trousers.


01.30 Marcus asks if they know who they're nominating yet. Bea says she knows.

Could there be repercussions for this nomination chat?

01.27 "What are we going to do when we get out of here?" Bea asks Rodrigo.

"We're going to write a letter to the Queen," he replies.

Bea says she's going to sort it so Rodrigo gets to meet the Queen.

Ah, how sweet!

01.25 Bea say they could do it: "We could swallow them like tablets.

"It would be worth it. Better than lentils," she adds.

Bea asks Marcus to go to the Diary Room and ask BB if they could eat them all and get the same dinner every night for the whole week as a reward.

Marcus refuses saying he couldn't eat any. Siavash agrees as he felt ill after eating one snake.

01.23 Bea asks if we they could eat all the jellies then would BB give them the same meal tomorrow.

Marcus said they could never eat all the sweets.

01.06 Siavash begs Sophie to stop eating as she'll be sick. She says she is f*rting. They smell of egg and you'll smell them in a minute, she tells the poor guy who is rolling on the floor.

Sophie tells David she has picked all the snails out for him. He declares he can't eat them and they're really hard to get down.

01.05 Bea goes to Dairy Room.

My agent will say I have to lose weight, Sophie tells Siavash. But she continues to eat sweets

00.58 Bea is worried she will choke as she, Charlie and Siavash race to eat a long jelly snake.

00.48 Charlie says he's single now. Sounds like he's had some bad news from Big Brother.

00.47 Rodrigo is putting on an accent. Sophie is impressed he sounds so British.

00.45 Rodrigo tells Sophie she looks nice in her dress.

00.41 David stuffs his face with sweets. Sophie tells him to stop it. "It's not even funny," she says, chuckling away.

She's right though!

00.37 Rodrigo gives 'fish to the penguin'. It's a 'jelly' fish - and he feeds David, who belches.

Someone - well Rodrigo - cackles like a witch. Delightful.

00.36 Sophie says she's looking pregnant.

Rodrigo says she doesn't need to say anything about herself. "She doesn't need more boobs," Rodrigo says.

David says she may want them bigger for her career in years to come.

00.33 Halfwit and Bea are at the bus-stop. Bea says she's well known in the circles she's in.

"What circles are you in?" asks Halfwit.

"Well, recruitment," she says. Then goes on about how well she's known on the festival and music circuit and how she knows everyone on her street, in Ibiza etc, etc.

"Actually I am a big deal," she adds before saying. "It's all very tongue-in-cheek."

00.22 Siavash telling the group that Danielle Lloyd got booed when she left the BB house. "I like her," says Dogface.

00.15 Housemates are tucking into a feast.
Start Here.
Dogface bow-wows out

In the pink ... but Sophie's rap failed

DOGFACE ended up in the doghouse as she came last in the Most Entertaining HM comp.

The busty babe donned pink lippy, long bunches and zany specs to perform an amusing rap.

Despite her failure the gutsy lass alluded to a record contract - and had a swipe at pop princess Britney Spears.

But her ditty received a thumbs-down from David, as he voted for the winner and loser of the comp.

Here you can judge Sophie's effort for yourself :

"I'm sitting here in the Big Brother house,

"But when I first entered I thought it was a crazy house.

"I saw Freddie standing there in his furry hat,

"It was so hairy scary I thought it was a pussy cat.

"I can't remember much about that night,

"But I remember that I had a b****y fright.

"My name is Sophie and I'm a northern lass.

"I've got big boobs and a mighty big a*s.

"I love going out and getting p*ssed with my friends.

"My favourite car is a Mercedes Benz.

"So there you have it, there's a bit about me,

"And there's no need to tell me I can sing brilliantly in key.

"I already know that I have a recording contract waiting outside for me,

"'Cos I wrote this rhythm and I wrote this rap,

"So look out Britney, you best watch you back."
Last edited {1}
Good morning all wavey

Eeker Mike... as Hicky says, was some powerful brasso to give us a post like that. Laugh Hope the visit to the dentist goes ok.

Hicky... thanks for the BB news.I wonder if it will be normal noms?

Suzy..enjoy your day off today.

KingKev..hope your connection is ok now you have found the phones were the problem.

My dog was sick again last night, so have to take her to vets later today, she hasnt eaten since Friday. Frowner

Are you walking your cicuit today Suzy?
I havent done any walking whilst dog not well.
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Good morning all wavey

Eeker Mike... as Hicky says, was some powerful brasso to give us a post like that. Laugh Hope the visit to the dentist goes ok.

Hicky... thanks for the BB news.I wonder if it will be normal noms?

Suzy..enjoy your day off today.

KingKev..hope your connection is ok now you have found the phones were the problem.

My dog was sick again last night, so have to take her to vets later today, she hasnt eaten since Friday. Frowner

Are you walking your cicuit today Suzy?
I havent done any walking whilst dog not well.

Good Morning Mollie.wavey

You are of course most Welcome.
O/H has sorted the Turkey out, a local Butcher will get her one.
Going to sort the table extension out so that we can seat 8 or 10 around it.
It's just an oval sheet of heavy board (8x4) that fits over the existing table, but it used to work fine.
You just alter the batons on the underside to fit a particular table, to hold it central.

About Noms.
Siavash asked BB to put him up every week and he said he won't be nominating any more.
He told them to put everyone up and let the public decide.
(I tend to agree with him)
Found this in the paper.
Think they must be going out of their mind.
They can't even get the names of the HM's right when they do a story.
Have you ever heard anything so funny.
Considering Bea hates Lisa anyway.
Big Grin
Lisa: Will you Bea mine

Hand-some couple ... Lisa with Bea

LISA Wallace and Bea Hamill strolled hand-in-hand in the garden as the bohemian housemate told how they flirted with each other.

The duo made a charming couple as Rodrigo looked on.

And Bea told Big brother: "She started flirting with me. I try to flirt back and try to make something funny.

"That's our little bit of common ground.

"She flirts with me and I flirt back."

But she may have rivals as Lisa also strolled arm-in-arm with David and Rodrigo.
Bea alien-ates Marcus

It's a fact ... Bea doesn't like fiction

BEA waged war on imagination last night as she declared science fiction to be 'a resident evil'.

The 24-year-old told Marcus that she did not like fiction - especially science fiction as it didn't exist.

And she waged war on space and the deep sea too.

She told the Star Wars fan that the government should concentrate on sorting out the country's problems instead of trying to find aliens.

Bea said: "Science fiction is a resident evil that breaks families down and is a complete indulgence."

She added: "There is no such thing as aliens."

Following on from this she slammed the moon-landings saying they too were fiction as wind had blown the American flag.

The 24-year-old continued by saying technology was part of the problem because people sat in front of games and computers instead of talking to each other.


"I know everyone in my street," she proudly told him.

Marcus tried to interrupt the Bristol lass by talking about evolution.

He told her that mudskippers were the first creature to go from sea to land before asking: "Are breast implants a stage of evolution?"

Bea replied that a woman with big boobs will be a good feeder for children and someone with a big a**e would last longer.

No-one would choose a skinny one like her, she added.
Good afternoon everybody...

Weather not bad here, sunny but with a few black clouds so, I think after watching my soaps, I shall go and do a bit of window shopping and maybe get something nice for pudding.

Hicky thank you for your advice yesterday, but what I really need is a total walkthrough how to do it as I just don't understand how I can keep windows open etc..... I'm just really thick when it comes to the computer, I've looked on the help pages and it justs says cut and thats it. I don't know how to move the text from one box to another or even how to open the boxes, I'm hopeless, I can just about manage to upload my music onto the computer, and picutres when I get the cord thingy to connect my memory card to the computer and as for mobiles..... well I can text on them and take pictures and that is it!!

Tatty, if you are reading this, get well soon and hope you now have your anti virals, they will help but you will feel poorly for a while, take care and drink as much water as you can to flush out your system. Hug for Tatty.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
Good afternoon everybody...

Weather not bad here, sunny but with a few black clouds so, I think after watching my soaps, I shall go and do a bit of window shopping and maybe get something nice for pudding.

Hicky thank you for your advice yesterday, but what I really need is a total walkthrough how to do it as I just don't understand how I can keep windows open etc..... I'm just really thick when it comes to the computer, I've looked on the help pages and it justs says cut and thats it. I don't know how to move the text from one box to another or even how to open the boxes, I'm hopeless, I can just about manage to upload my music onto the computer, and picutres when I get the cord thingy to connect my memory card to the computer and as for mobiles..... well I can text on them and take pictures and that is it!!

Tatty, if you are reading this, get well soon and hope you now have your anti virals, they will help but you will feel poorly for a while, take care and drink as much water as you can to flush out your system. Hug for Tatty.

Hi PinkBabe.wavey
I'm not too sure what you are trying to do, or what it is you can't do.
You've done your Avatar ok, assuming you did it yourself.
And your Signature is done.
What are you trying to do?
I don't understand what you mean about keeping Windows open, they stay open until you close them, they may be hidden by another page in front but all that's open will be shown along the bottom of the screen, just click on a minimised box on the task bar and it will be put in front of other open pages.
To transfer text of anything from one place to another, just highlight it and copy it or cut it if you want to delete it from it's original place, that's assuming you have the right to delete it.
But it's usually best just to copy it, that way if you mess up it's still there if you have to go back and try again.

I'm not sure what you mean when you say you don't know how to open boxes, what boxes do you mean?
Hello Wave Smiler.

It's sunny here, so it's nominations day today I really hope Bea is up my opinion is 50/50 on her and is more towards the dislike side at the moment, due to her treatment of Freddie and her fakeness she's playing the game and BB is a gameshow after all so good on her, but not when it hurts peoples feelings.

Marcus is being hilarious as usual Big Grin Laugh, I so hope he's not up I want to watch him even more he's so entertaining.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Noirin: 'I've kissed Kanye and Nelly'
Day 61, 10:33 BST
By Catriona Wightman

Noirin has revealed that she has kissed several A-list celebrities.

In an interview for the Daily Star Sunday, the former housemate confessed that she has kissed Kanye West, Russell Brand and Nelly.

"I do seem to be able to wrap men around my finger," Noirin said. "I don't even do it on purpose, it just seems to happen."

The retail manager explained that she kissed Brand at a concert when she was 16, but didn't sleep with him because she had a curfew. Meanwhile, Kanye West invited her backstage.

"I was chatting to his mum for ages and then we ended up kissing, but I had to leave as I was with my ex-boyfriend at the time and he was waiting outside for me," she claimed.

Noirin also admitted that she fancied Tom in the house and "would have probably slept with him", but described Siavash as "nothing more than a friend".

She added: "Marcus on the other hand I can't stand at all. He was a good friend in the house for a long time but I can't even bear to look at him now.

"He makes my skin crawl."
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Hello Wave Smiler.

It's sunny here, so it's nominations day today I really hope Bea is up my opinion is 50/50 on her and is more towards the dislike side at the moment, due to her treatment of Freddie and her fakeness she's playing the game and BB is a gameshow after all so good on her, but not when it hurts peoples feelings.

Marcus is being hilarious as usual Big Grin Laugh, I so hope he's not up I want to watch him even more he's so entertaining.

Hiya Darloboy.Wave

It's lovely here too, a bit of wind though, might just be the beans.Big Grin
Can't quite understand Bea, she is a strange one, wil;l reserve judgement for now.

I think Marcus is far too deep, he's in a fiction dream world isn't he, don't think he knows what reality is at all.
Sophie: 'Marcus annoys me to death'
Day 61, 10:01 BST
By Catriona Wightman

David, Sophie and Lisa chatted about Marcus yesterday.

As they sat in the living area, Lisa began the discussion by complaining about the window-fitter.

"He's so annoying," Sophie agreed. "He annoys me to death. I can't bear to sit next to him."

David revealed that he "can't stand the man", while Sophie added that the 35-year-old had sat outside with some of the group but had not said anything.

Lisa then remarked that Marcus was taking over, but the conversation was disrupted when he entered the living area to say that Big Brother would not give them a vacuum cleaner.

When he had left again, the trio argued that Marcus took credit when the group was given a task or a hamper.

"He thinks everything's his idea," Sophie grumbled, while David was annoyed that Marcus had said he wanted to leave.

"He don't wanna go," Sophie replied dismissively. "When he was up on that roof and they told him to get down or he'd get thrown out, he jumped down so fast, honestly."

She concluded incredulously: "I think he thinks he's really liked."
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Hello Wave Smiler.

It's sunny here, so it's nominations day today I really hope Bea is up my opinion is 50/50 on her and is more towards the dislike side at the moment, due to her treatment of Freddie and her fakeness she's playing the game and BB is a gameshow after all so good on her, but not when it hurts peoples feelings.

Marcus is being hilarious as usual Big Grin Laugh, I so hope he's not up I want to watch him even more he's so entertaining.

Hiya Darloboy.Wave

It's lovely here too, a bit of wind though, might just be the beans.Big Grin
Can't quite understand Bea, she is a strange one, wil;l reserve judgement for now.

I think Marcus is far too deep, he's in a fiction dream world isn't he, don't think he knows what reality is at all.

Laugh lol.

Bea could be up against Lisa, Marcus or David her odds with the bookies and her popularity on the forums/polls is going down. I would rather her stay if against Lisa or David, but against Marcus then I hope she would go.

Marcus is back to how he was at the start, he's more relaxed now Noirin has gone.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Bea cuddles up to Marcus

BEA nuzzled into Marcus's hairy chest for comfort after she ruffled more feathers in the house.

The fiery blonde climbed into the window fitter's bed last night after having fall-outs with both David and Halfwit.

Bea, who also had a huge barny with Irish beauty Noirin before she left the house on Friday, left David in tears after she branded him a "bully".

While cuddling up to Marcus she told him: "Oh Marcus, he's horrible! Who the hell does he think he is? I find David fake. Really fake!"

Marcus then promised to stand by flirty Bea and said he'd deal with David if it came to it.

He said: "I'll have a word with him. If he gets lairy, I'll shout at him and make him turn white!"
Marcus explains "Dark Horse" philosophy
Day 61, 09:19 BST
By Catriona Wightman

Marcus chatted about being "the Irrepressible Dark Horse" yesterday.

As he talked in the Diary Room, Marcus elaborated on the persona he had mentioned in earlier discussions.

"The Irrepressible Dark Horse does his best work in any situation," Marcus explained. "The Irrepressible Dark Horse is a way of life. It's the spirit of not being repressed, restrained or controlled by anyone. That is me."

Marcus went on to describe the "philosophy" of the Irrepressible Dark Horse.

"One: try harder," he began. "No matter what you do, always do one more. Do more and that will spread. Two: always be yourself. And three, you know, try your hardest. And don't be a tit."

The window-fitter declared that the "intangible aspects" of the Dark Horse were "intrinsic" to him and couldn't be explained.

"You have to see it, live it and love it," he announced. "And then you can understand and respect what it is to be the good old Irrepressible Dark Horse."

When Big Brother suggested that he could "try harder" to explain, Marcus replied: "But that would ruin the magic. You have to see it in the flesh."
Brian Belo tells us who he wants to WIN Big Brother
Posted by heatworld on Monday 03 Aug 2009

What annoys ex-housemates the most of all about Big Brother? People walking out, of course. Brian Belo tells us how he feels about Isaac's rather pathetic exit, how the house is dividing, and who he wants to win the show...

The Curse of Week 8

We have now reached the start of week nine; the housemates have sprinted past the halfway line, and all eyes seem to be on the glorious diamond-encrusted winner's crown – even though we’ve still got more than a month left. Yes, I hear you gasp, a whole entire month! The most popular housemate with the public would have to be Halfwit, although when it comes to it, the lad lives in a stately manor home – he is so wealthy it would be a crime for him to win a ÂĢ100,000 prize fund.

The next man in the race is put-upon Siavash. At this moment in time, I do not know what to think of Siavash. I think he was just as much to blame as Noirin when it came to betraying Marcus, and I think he got a taste of his own medicine when she dumped him for Isaac. I can see how people like him, because he is mildly endearing, but I do think he is a pot stirrer. Last night he was in the Diary Room telling BB he isn’t nominating anymore, and that the big man should put him up for eviction every week until his eviction. It really annoys me when housemates don’t play by the fundamental rules of Big Bro. Nominating is the main part of living in that house, you’re explained that throughout the audition process. In my auditions I was nominated and evicted from the group straight away. So, for Mr Siavash to try to bend the rules because he is feeling sorry for himself frustrates me. At the end of the day, Big Brother will just end up punishing the whole house for his behaviour and that will have even more of a negative time on his stay in the house.

I’m disappointed that Isaac left the house. That house is in desperate need of a strong Alpha male and, regardless of him being Noirin’s other half, he would have made a great addition to that house. Who could not love the amusing but slightly creepy “Daddy’s back” quote he said to his beautiful missus as he won her heart back.

She trampled over many hearts and used her beauty to manipulate and scheme, but on Friday the public showed her the door and Noirin made like a rabbit and bunny-hopped out of the house. Do you see what I did there after "rabbit-gate" in week five? I’ve said this before, and this year I stand corrected; there is such thing as the curse of week 8. The season's big characters always go in the eighth week; Nikki Grahame, Charley Uchea, Luke Marsden and now Noirin the heart-stealer woman.

It’s going to be interesting to see how the house gets on without her. Already we've had the talent contest, with Charlie as the scary clown, whose laugh scared me as much as Dogface’s rap. I really want her to win. I think she’s a sweet girl, and yes, she is just in there to be a glamour model but at least she’s honest about it.

Bea is turning into quite a fine housemate. I never know quite where she stands on an argument and she can’t keep one bit of information to herself, but she is making great television. I find it interesting that the old housemates have not stuck together against the new blood. In my house, us originals rallied together. In this house, the group is divided with Lisa on one side stealing David, and Halfwit on the other side trying to get Bea. Halfwit’s ears must be burning because everytime he's not in the room, Bea is slating him – she just needs to be honest with him and tell him she needs her space. How could you not love him serenading her last night in front of the whole group – David-Brent-like reality TV gold!

Brian xx
Afternoon Peeps

Have just got back from St Austel, a long way to go shopping Roll Eyes but he thought I could do with a change Laugh Forgot to pick up my purse Roll Eyes but that was a good thing as there were loads of clothes down there I would have bought Laugh

Hope everyone is fit and well Hug

Tatty Valentine
I hope the medication has turned up and you aren't feeling too rough today

Hicky Hug
Thanks for the the updates I will have a read in a mo Big Grin

Mike Valentine
Hope all went well at the dentist and you are having another great day Big Grin

Mollie Hug
Will see about that circuit as it's raining quite heavily today down here it may only be up to the shops and back
Hope you poor little dog gets well soon Hug
Originally posted by Hicky:
Dogface bow-wows out

In the pink ... but Sophie's rap failed

DOGFACE ended up in the doghouse as she came last in the Most Entertaining HM comp.

The busty babe donned pink lippy, long bunches and zany specs to perform an amusing rap.

Despite her failure the gutsy lass alluded to a record contract - and had a swipe at pop princess Britney Spears.

But her ditty received a thumbs-down from David, as he voted for the winner and loser of the comp.

Here you can judge Sophie's effort for yourself :

"I'm sitting here in the Big Brother house,

"But when I first entered I thought it was a crazy house.

"I saw Freddie standing there in his furry hat,

"It was so hairy scary I thought it was a pussy cat.

"I can't remember much about that night,

"But I remember that I had a b****y fright.

"My name is Sophie and I'm a northern lass.

"I've got big boobs and a mighty big a*s.

"I love going out and getting p*ssed with my friends.

"My favourite car is a Mercedes Benz.

"So there you have it, there's a bit about me,

"And there's no need to tell me I can sing brilliantly in key.

"I already know that I have a recording contract waiting outside for me,

"'Cos I wrote this rhythm and I wrote this rap,

"So look out Britney, you best watch you back."

Thanks for the updates and news features, Hicky!

The talent show picture of Sophie above brings a smile to my face. Thumbs Up
Cold Sweat
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Originally posted by Suzie Fairy:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Hi Suzie Hug Wave.

Sounds like you've had lots of fun shopping Laugh.

Hiya Darloboy Hug

Oh yes can't you tell how excited I am about it Laugh

Have you had a good day today Big Grin

You shoppaholic Big Grin.

Yeah it's been an alright day, sunny here Smiler.

Maybe when I was rich Darloboy I was a shopoholic but now the only shopping that gets done is the food shopping Laugh

Glad you have the sunshine to have fun in I feel sorry for the Peeps that have come down here for their holidays this week as it's been quite a grey one down here so far Frowner
Right I'll try and explain what I want to do. I have an standard atavar, I have seen one that I would really like, have read all the help and advice, had a go for 2 hours on Saturday night and still can't do the dratted thing.

I opened the page with the image on, then opened the page with my details on to change them and when I highlighted the details of the atavar, then reopened the box to put in the details of the atavar, the highlighting disappeared, when I highlight it again, the box to put the weblink disappears.

The same thing happens when I try to change the colours of my sig. I don't understand how to keep the various webpages open to transfer the infomation or once having the information that I want, how I transfer it to where I want it to be, if you can understand my meaning.

I am going to have another go at it, but I don't really know what I am doing and any advice that people could give me how I can keep the various pages that I am using visible on my browser would really be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Hello folks .... Wave

I went dentist today ....
I need three fillings *ring of bright confidence* for me today

I said are you gonna do them now Oh No I got to go back three times talk about fiddling the NHS budget ...hahaha
I said so as well then regretted as I thought about that film *Marathon Man *

I then went my lil frwends and we watched Jezza Kyle as we slagged it off together ..
then went up my club with her ...Wink

Suzie Angel

You been buying me some nice stuff matey ...???
hope you enjoyed your spending spree
*thinks has she secretly won Lotto*

I will let you into a secret if you get a loaf of bread and cut the end crusts off
then stand it on end over a pyrex jug,
and then pour the brasso down througfh the loaf you are left with neat alcohol .... Thumbs Up
*taps nose alkie top tip* hahahaha

or so I was told Blush
Mike Strutter

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