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Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by Tatty:
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by Suzie Fairy:
Originally posted by Tatty:

yeeesss Laugh see you in a mo

Nope that didn't work I still can't see Hicky's avatar Frowner

A lot of the Avatars come from outside sources, ie: other web sites, so the availability at any one time is controlled by the speed of that web site and not controlled by gaga.

what?? from whence it came from??

It came from here.:

yes tried that link ... its says broken.

but, to say that an avatar, is controlled by the source it came from once loaded to a forum?? never heard of it, and i used to run a forum. you could load anything there, as long as you did not change the original 'file extension'
Nighty Pinkbabe. Wave

Tatty it's amazing how much pharmacists know (I've heard). For advice about meds it's always best to ask them.
Last time I went my GP's (for injections for egypt holiday) she was amazed at how small my...
file was lol.
I never go the docs even when ill. I hate waiting rooms so much. The dentist is lucky to see me too. Lucky I don't need to go that much. Doesn't help me that my dentist has a realy good car with their name on the personalised reg plate. Ninja

Suzie hope your lappy is ok, you haven't sneezed on it have you?

Hick I never have fruit after a meal, or any sweet till it's digested.
I even eat my food in order of digestability lol. Protein always last. I never been told to do this or heard it's better, it may not be, I just do it. Eating before bed just gives me awful heartburn in the night so that's a nono.
Thanks for the others though. Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Tatty:
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by Tatty:
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by Suzie Fairy:
Originally posted by Tatty:

yeeesss Laugh see you in a mo

Nope that didn't work I still can't see Hicky's avatar Frowner

A lot of the Avatars come from outside sources, ie: other web sites, so the availability at any one time is controlled by the speed of that web site and not controlled by gaga.

what?? from whence it came from??

It came from here.:

yes tried that link ... its says broken.

but, to say that an avatar, is controlled by the source it came from once loaded to a forum?? never heard of it, and i used to run a forum. you could load anything there, as long as you did not change the original 'file extension'

Well I just clicked on the link and it went straight to my Avatar on it's original site.

My avatar isn't loaded onto Gaga, it's just a link to the original source.
Originally posted by King Kev:
Nighty Pinkbabe. Wave

Tatty it's amazing how much pharmacists know (I've heard). For advice about meds it's always best to ask them.
Last time I went my GP's (for injections for egypt holiday) she was amazed at how small my...
file was lol.
I never go the docs even when ill. I hate waiting rooms so much. The dentist is lucky to see me too. Lucky I don't need to go that much. Doesn't help me that my dentist has a realy good car with their name on the personalised reg plate. Ninja

Suzie hope your lappy is ok, you haven't sneezed on it have you?

Hick I never have fruit after a meal, or any sweet till it's digested.
I even eat my food in order of digestability lol. Protein always last. I never been told to do this or heard it's better, it may not be, I just do it. Eating before bed just gives me awful heartburn in the night so that's a nono.
Thanks for the others though. Thumbs Up

i have a massive problem kev, so between my GP and pharmacist they know how to treat me, thats why andrew was soo shocked to see me there, and that i managed to get there under my own steam.
so will see how i feel in the morning.
oh and i never eat after a certain time at night, 7pm reeeealy not good for you Razzer
Sorry Tatty.

Re eating after 7pm...depends when you wake up. Razzer
When I ate really healthy I ate a big breakfast and 5 other seperate smaller meals throughout the day and by 6-7pm I couldn't eat anything else.
I miss those days when my body had hope. Frowner
Oh god I'm only 26 get a grip kev lol.

Suzie my lappy gets really hot. Sometimes I have to open my windowns it gets that bad. I use 90% of my space to download stuff though and quickly transfer it onto an external harddrive to keep. As long as you keep your stuff safe it's ok.
Originally posted by Tatty:
yes i know, 7pm is for ME Laugh

OMG issac is out already Eeker right after norboreen Laugh

I think CH4 are trying to p*** Endemol off and get rid of BB this year. Dunno why tho.
Maybe they don't want to be seen as a sell out channel anymore, yet I can't see how they can become what they once were with all the digi channels with the amateur video's.
I used to love it in my insomniac early teenage years staying up till 3am watching the late night amateur cartoon shorts on CH4
Originally posted by Suzie Fairy:
Thanks Kev
But I don't have an external HDD or USB memory stick, it'll be fine, it's just annoying when you're in the middle of something and the stupid thing shut's down Laugh

This is what I have Suzie.
Toshiba Hard Drive

Cheap when you think about how much it holds. It's not let me down once in 7 months. There'scheaper ones out there tho.
I bet if you and Hicky put your heads together you could create you're own from scratch. Or at least enter Robot Wars and win. Laugh
Originally posted by King Kev:
Originally posted by Suzie Fairy:
Thanks Kev
But I don't have an external HDD or USB memory stick, it'll be fine, it's just annoying when you're in the middle of something and the stupid thing shut's down Laugh

This is what I have Suzie.
Toshiba Hard Drive

Cheap when you think about how much it holds. It's not let me down once in 7 months. There'scheaper ones out there tho.
I bet if you and Hicky put your heads together you could create you're own from scratch. Or at least enter Robot Wars and win. Laugh

I use an external usb hard drive as backup, Im running Windows Live Onecare and it does the backup for me.

Kev, can you put a line break in your Signature, it's stretching the page because a signature can't or isn't set to 'Word Wrap'.
Big Brother Obituary: Noirin Kelly
Friday, July 31 2009, 23:16 BST
By Alex Fletcher, Senior Entertainment Reporter

Retail manager Noirin Kelly became the seventh housemate to be evicted from Big Brother 10 on Day 58.

The Dubliner lost out to Marcus in the public vote, after being put up for eviction by Charlie, David, Lisa, Marcus and Rodrigo.

Noirin was embroiled at the centre of most dramas in the house, with numerous romantic suitors, both male and female, chasing her attention.

On Day 1, she joined Rodrigo in becoming one of the first official housemates, by allowing him to shave her eyebrows and draw a moustache and glasses on her face with a marker pen. Afterwards, the pair were allowed into the bedroom with some luxury champagne, but Noirin was informed that she would have to keep applying her drawn-on glasses and moustache every morning until Big Brother told her otherwise.

During her early days in the compound, the former All Ireland Athletics champion remained on the outskirts of the house activities, but she did open up a discussion about masturbation, where she revealed that she hadn't had sex for six months. Meanwhile, she also teased Marcus and Siavash with the information that her nipples were big enough to balance coat hangers off. She then gave Lisa a peak underneath her top to prove it.

On Day 11, she sparked the first major row in the house, when she contemplated going on hunger strike unless Big Brother allowed her to stop drawing on her moustache and glasses. Halfwit and Angel said that they would support her in any campaign, but Lisa was angered by the hunger strike proposal. Marcus then accused Lisa of bullying the other housemates.

Sree declared his "love" for Noirin as early as Day 13 and he continued to pursue her on and off until he was evicted in Week 5. "Your inner beauty is platinum, and your laugh makes the sun shine. What I'm going to say, you keep to yourself. I'm in love with you," he told her. Marcus and Kris also commented on the Dubliner's looks, pert bottom and sexiness early on in the series.

Noirin and Sree remained close friends for a brief period, but she then began to complain that he was smothering her with attention. She developed a bond with Marcus and the pair would often pretend to flirt in an attempt to annoy and put off Sree from making further romantic advances.

As Sree and Noirin's relationship in the house soured, she grew closer to Marcus, even hinting in a conversation with Lisa that she would consider kissing him. Meanwhile, Angel also revealed in the Diary Room that she had "deep feelings" for Noirin and later admitted that she was impressed by a drunken kiss that she had with the 25-year-old. When she discovered that Noirin was one of the housemates who voted her out of the house in week four, she described it as being like getting "stabbed in the heart".

Noirin's continuing dominant role in the house was highlighted when she became a team captain in the sports day task. Noirin's team won the challenge and they were joined by referee Marcus at a school disco party.

Lisa became the latest housemate to show an interest in Noirin on Day 30, when she admitted that she would be open to the idea of a sexual relationship with the Dubliner if she fancied it. She also warned Noirin against getting any closer to Marcus in the house. Meanwhile, Sree insisted that Marcus had no chance of wooing the Irish housemate when he was evicted.

She attempted to cool her relationship with Marcus and held several discussions with him about their friendship status, and apologised for flirting and leading him on to believe they could ever become a couple. However, her comments failed to deter Marcus, who told her on Day 39 that he still believed he could win her over into a more serious relationship.

Noirin was at the centre of her second major row on Day 36, when she was informed by Siavash that some of the housemates were describing her as a "rabbit" going between the different groups in the compound. She confronted Kris and Karly about the comments, but they denied ever making the remarks. Siavash claimed that he never mentioned Kris and Karly directly, and insisted that he never intended to stir, but then Noirin was angered further, arguing that he should stand by his earlier comments. After the row died down, Noirin expressed feelings of paranoia and claimed that she didn't have any real friends on the show.

On Day 40, Noirin was put up for eviction for the first time alongside Karly, Siavash and Dogface. She would survive the public vote, with Karly chosen for the boot instead.

When Tom joined the house, many of the contestants speculated that he might prove a rival to Marcus for Noirin's attention. However, she ruled out anything happening with the chartered surveyor, describing him as a "player". However, her feelings for Tom were never fully clear, with Bea hinting on occasions that she had held discussions with Noirin about her fancying him.

On Day 51, Siavash became the latest housemate to begin wooing Noirin, despite him having a girlfriend on the outside. They shared a kiss when Marcus was in prison as punishment for breaking house rules. Their fling came as a surprise to the majority of the housemates, who claimed that they hadn't seen it coming. Marcus reacted angrily and isolated himself from the pair, who had been his best friends up until that point. Freddie, Rodrigo and Bea all expressed scepticism at her relationship with Siavash.

On Day 55, Marcus and Noirin were both put up for eviction and the Dubliner began expressing concerns at how her various romances may be portrayed to the outside world. However, romantic relations became even more complex for her on Day 56 when she was shocked by the arrival of her ex-lover Isaac.

Noirin instantly aligned herself with her former American boyfriend and dumped Siavash. Her behaviour to the Iranian-born events organiser prompted criticism from her rival contestants, but she insisted that she was "in love" with Isaac. Unhappy with how he had been treated, Siavash told Noirin that she should leave the house. Bea also confronted her about her behaviour during the week, which sparked a furious row between the pair. "You get into other people's business all the time because you're just a nosy little cow, so f**k off," Noirin told the 24-year-old recruitment consultant.
Evening. Smiler
It was a nice dry day till about 6pm, so I got a lot done. Only got a few jobs to get caught up with now.

Well Noirin's gone and Isaac followed her out, which I guess is kinda nice? Makes it easier for the others anyway.
I was almost feeling sorry for her at the end with everybody ganging up on her.

Bea can be very harsh. Eeker

Sorry you're not feeling well Tatty. Frowner

And I'm glad your elbow is improving Hicky. Smiler
I can't bring up that website that your avi is hosted on, so they must be having problems?

Thanks for posting all the news. I see there's a BBLB feature on Karly and Kenneth, so I'll look forward to the Karly part of that. Big Grin

Hi Kev. Your sig looks OK to me. Cool
At least you've chosen a different font, so it's easy to see which is the post and which is the sig. Big Grin
Good Morning Peeps Hug

Thanks Hicky Hug
I'll alter my circuit to approx 4 miles then Thumbs Up at least I know I can actually do 6 miles after yesterday Laugh

Emptybox Hug

I'm Pleased to hear your catching up on your work

Tatty Valentine
I hope you're feeling better today

Mollie Hug

Kev Hug

Mike Valentine
Hope you have a great day at the club if you're going. Will you be having Bacon Butties today Big Grin

PinkBabe Hug
Hope you had a good sleep last night

Cold Sweat Hug

Darloboy Hug
Hope you having fun on your summer holidays

Any one I've missed sorry Hug

Hope you all are going to have a great day Big Grin
Originally posted by King Kev:
Hicky how's my sig now?
I must have a wider screen, laptops usually do don't they?

Hi Kev.Wave
The problem had nothing to do with the screen size.
I have a massive screen, but I have 2 web pages side by side, but because you typed your Sig all on one line it couldn't be wrapped round like normal text so it forced the page width to to width of your text.

Your post is wider than the rest on my screen, so I have to horizontal scroll the page to get to your 'Reply with Quote' button.
The width of the normal text ends where your word 'any' is.
The report of the live feed last night, Day 58/59.
02:55 The hairy shadow of Marcus just fell over Bea's bed, so I guess he wasn't in bed. He is now. All quiet.

02:26 Sounds as though Marcus just came into the bedroom and got into bed.

02:08 Marcus is still in the diary room, but it looks as if the rest of the HMs are in bed.

02:04 David just got into bed and found Charlie hiding under his duvet. "Charlie! I nearly s*** my pants." He's a little tinker, that Charlie.

02:02 David's glad BB didn't give the HMs any alcohol tonight. Things could have gone pear-shaped.

01:58 David and Lisa are having a smoke in the garden - and having a dig at Marcus. David thinks it's disgusting, the way he talks to BB.

01:49 Bea's asking Charlie whether he thinks Rodrigo fancies him. Charlie says he doesn't know. "Do you fancy him?" says Bea. "No, he's just a mate."

01:40 Marcus is heading for the diary room. He tells Bea that he would never walk out of the house "I wouldn't bite the hand that feeds me," he says.

01:28 Charlie's in the living room, talking to Marcus, David and Lisa. He's upset that Noirin's gone. Lisa and David are telling him she was a bitch. It came out this morning that Charlie blabbed about the HMs going into the diary room to make a case for Marcus.

01:18 Freddy's talking to Bea in the garden. He says the house is now more or less free from paranoia and scheming, which means he's free to get on with things he enjoys.

01:15 David says he doesn't understand Noirin. If everyone in the house turned on him, it would really upset him. And he wouldn't want to leave the house with his family being ashamed of him.

01:12 Freddy's telling Hira that there are bound to be more twists and turns in the BB story.
Start Here.
Originally posted by Cold Sweat:
Cheers for the overnight update, Hicky! Wave

The housemates attempted to get booze but BB refused their requests.

Hi Cold Sweatwavey

You are most Welcome.

I wonder why they didn't get Drink.

That's serious that is, they must have been scared of the reaction of certain HM', I think Marcus.
Plus I think BB thought that they would revolt and go over the wall.

That's how bad things are in the house.
Originally posted by Suzie Fairy:
Hiya Cold Sweat Hug

Hiya Hicky Hug

Thanks for the overnight updates Big Grin
You must be getting board to collect all our avatars Laugh
Have you anything planned for today?

Hi Suzie.wavey

I'm going to coat a load of Jelly Babies with Belgium Milk Chocolate.

A friend on another Forum had some when she went to Cadbury World, and she said they are lovely, she didn't wait for the Chocolate to dry though.Big Grin

I've got one of my lads coming later with his little ones, I can test them on them.

Just going to get some Brekkie.
Have got a dressed crab for later, plus a gammon Shank and a ready cooked Chicken.
Plus 2 massive strawberry & cream Meringue's.
Originally posted by Hicky:

Hi Suzie.wavey

I'm going to coat a load of Jelly Babies with Belgium Milk Chocolate.

A friend on another Forum had some when she went to Cadbury World, and she said they are lovely, she didn't wait for the Chocolate to dry though.Big Grin

I've got one of my lads coming later with his little ones, I can test them on them.

Just going to get some Brekkie.
Have got a dressed crab for later, plus a gammon Shank and a ready cooked Chicken.
Plus 2 massive strawberry & cream Meringue's.

Those jelly babies sound interesting. I'm not a lover of sweet things especially Belgian chocolate. I do like jelly babies though, I wonder what they would taste like with some Green and Black dark 80% chocolate Big Grin

You will have some good company today then Big Grin

Your meal for later sounds really nice and I'm sure it will be greatly appreciated Big Grin
I'll probably be having the other half to my fish pie tonight as I'm the only one that eats fish in my family Laugh
I hope to get to make some scones later as OH wants some cheese ones done so may make a batch of plain ones for a Cornish tea
Your dessert was what I had a craving for when I was pregnant with my daughter Laugh Not easy for my OH to get when craving in the night times and no 24hr shops then Laugh
Originally posted by Suzie Fairy:
Originally posted by Hicky:

Hi Suzie.wavey

I'm going to coat a load of Jelly Babies with Belgium Milk Chocolate.

A friend on another Forum had some when she went to Cadbury World, and she said they are lovely, she didn't wait for the Chocolate to dry though.Big Grin

I've got one of my lads coming later with his little ones, I can test them on them.

Just going to get some Brekkie.
Have got a dressed crab for later, plus a gammon Shank and a ready cooked Chicken.
Plus 2 massive strawberry & cream Meringue's.

Those jelly babies sound interesting. I'm not a lover of sweet things especially Belgian chocolate. I do like jelly babies though, I wonder what they would taste like with some Green and Black dark 80% chocolate Big Grin

You will have some good company today then Big Grin

Your meal for later sounds really nice and I'm sure it will be greatly appreciated Big Grin
I'll probably be having the other half to my fish pie tonight as I'm the only one that eats fish in my family Laugh
I hope to get to make some scones later as OH wants some cheese ones done so may make a batch of plain ones for a Cornish tea
Your dessert was what I had a craving for when I was pregnant with my daughter Laugh Not easy for my OH to get when craving in the night times and no 24hr shops then Laugh

Hi Suzie.Wave
I love the dark chocolate but very few people do.
I love any fish myself, but shell fish is my favourite.
I love Jellied Eel, but can't get it here, I used to get it in London on a Sunday when I was doing a job at Dagenham in the car plant and the van used to come around at the weekend.
Yum Yum.
Originally posted by Hicky:

Hi Suzie.Wave
I love the dark chocolate but very few people do.
I love any fish myself, but shell fish is my favourite.
I love Jellied Eel, but can't get it here, I used to get it in London on a Sunday when I was doing a job at Dagenham in the car plant and the van used to come around at the weekend.
Yum Yum.

I think the only shell fish I've tried is prawns Laugh I'm not very adventurous in my foods as I'm quite a fussy eater, so I'm a nightmare when it comes to being a dinner guest or being taken out for a meal Blush
Most of the time I try to get out of going to these type of functions to save embarrassment all round. I suppose also my size has a lot to do with it as everyone assumes you eat loads and piles loads of food on your plate Roll Eyes
Will have to try crab, oysters, and lobster though but will find some recipes in my many cook books and cook them at home Laugh
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
wavey Good afternoon all.

Hicky.. I cant see your pic either today.How is the elbow today? Sounds like you have some nice food to look forward to today.

enjoy your baking today Suzy.

I have bought a fresh baked granary loaf from asda, and will have some brie cheese, redcurrant jelly, and grapes on it. Smiler

Hope Mike enjoys his club today.

Hiya Mollie Hug

Thanks I will enjoy the baking as scones are so easy and quick to make Laugh

I have a tiger loaf apparently on it's way as OH has been out all morning with his Dad looking for a HD TV. Will look forward to when it gets here as I haven't eaten yet today Laugh

You got any nice plans for today or is the plan to chillax (to use Darloboy's brilliant word) Big Grin

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