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Originally posted by Hicky:
Some of the betting has Marcus and Noirin level pegging so it may be a close thing Friday, you never can tell.

Oh well, bed time, working tomorrow instead of Friday.

...........Nighty Night Everyone
...........I'm off to bed now
..........Thursday tomorrow
...........Have a nice night.

Night Night Sweet dreams Hicky HugValentine

See you tomorrow Wave
Evening all. I hope the saga of the elbow can come to a good end soon Hicky. I hope the BB diehards are enjoying BB10. I've struggled to catch up with the blogs and forum news. From what I've read, it doesn't seem as good as last year, but what do I know? It does seem a bit nasty to throw in an ex, but I wouldn't expect anything else.
Shame about Siavash. Could see it coming though. Roll Eyes
I hope Marcus stays, he seems really happy tonight, and getting on like a house on fire with Isaac 'Hunt' Stout (Garage Joe in the BB forum made that joke lol)
I'm undecided about Isaac as yet. Seems ok though.
Can't wait to see Noirin's face when her "ex" arrives on the HL's show, She seems really guilty about something...can't think what though. Big Grin
Good Morning Everyone.wavey

Just going to get the overnight news from the house, Day 56/57.
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* ------ Good Morning Everyone -------*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* I hope you are all well this Morning *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* ------Well it's nice and Sunny again --------- *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* ------ It's Happy Thursday again -------*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
Last Night in the BB house, Day56/57.
A bit more than usual for a change.
03.18 Freddie, Bea and Charlie are awake again.

03.17 "Why did you come on this show?" Noirin asks Isaac.

"I missed you and I wanted to see you. And I wanted $100,000," says Isaac.

03.15 "I'm always looking for the next buzz," says Noirin.

"On the outside world everyone finds me hilarious."

03.13 Isaac says he thought the house would be a lot smaller than it is.

03.12 "Look at that little booty," says Isaac as Noirin walks to the kitchen.

03.06 "I think it's gonna be the s******* Big Brother ever," Marcus tells Siavash.

03.05 "The only thing I want now, apart from you, is a video from my family," says Noirin.

So demanding!

03.04 "You're really making me feel like a made a big decision coming out here," says Isaac.

03.03 Isaac gives Noirin a big hug. Noirin says she's learned so much in the house.

03.02 "I've been very paranoid in this house," says Noirin.

03.01 Noirin is telling Isaac about her time in the house.

02.57 "I felt like I was a bit of a train wreck the last week," says Noirin.

"Now that I have you in here I'm good."

02.52 Sophie is sitting on Rodrigo in bed and Rodrigo is laughing loudly.

02.50 "I feel sad for her because she's a nice girl and she just keeps on doing stupid things," says Siavash.

"If Noirin was to go on Friday it would make things a lot easier for me in the house."

02.46 Bea says, "I was just joking with Siavash but after the party she said 'Siavash I don't like you flirting with Bea.'"

02.44 "One fake romance in the house is enough for me," says Siavash.

02.42 "She's really paranoid," says Freddie.

02.39 "It doesn't occur to her that other people think differently or don't agree with what she thinks," says Marcus.

02.37 "I think that she only moved things on with you because of Bea flirting," Marcus tells Siavash.

02.34 "I think she thinks that she'll stay on Friday," says Sophie.

"I really hope Marcus stays," says Freddie.

"Yeah, me too," says Sophie.

02.32 "It just doesn't seem likes she's [Noirin] in any kind of dilemma," Bea says to Sophie.

02.29 "I do need to stop talking about you as much as I talk about you," Noirin says to Isaac.

"I'm glad to be here with you. I hope it's for longer than for shorter," Isaac says.

02.28 Marcus says he doesn't care whether he stays or goes on Friday.

"I'll still have a month left to watch you lot on telly."

02.27 "It was not meant to turn out this way," says Siavash.

"I still can't believe this whole thing happened."

02.25 "I'm not gonna judge him [Isaac] because of something that is not his fault," says Siavash.

02.23 Siavash is still on his own in the sitting room. Marcus joins him now.

02.22 Freddie and Bea are lying really close together in bed. Freddie has his hand on her shoulder.

02.20 Now Noirin is explaining the eviction process.

02.17 Noirin is explaining about Kenny's time in the house.

02.16 Isaac can't talk about the outside world so housemates talk about plants instead.

02.15 Noirin is stroking Isaac's arm.

02.14 Isaac is out of the Diary Room. Big Brother told him he shouldn't mention things about the outside world.

02.13 Charlie says he just needs to cry.

02.12 Freddie tries to stroke Bea's sweaty hands.

02.09 Isaac seems to be in trouble for talknig about the outside world.

He said the papers have been calling him up, asking for a story about Noirin.

02.08 "Good night and good luck," says Rodrigo.

02.07 Siavash is surprised that Isaac is only 23 years old.

02.03 "It was fun though. It was nice for a couple weeks," says Siavash.

02.01 The housemates are talking about Russell Brand.

Isaac thinks he's funny.

01.59 "I just wanna drink some alcohol," says Siavash.

"You don't need to drink to forget," says Rodrigo.

01.58 Bea and Freddie are having there nightly bedroom chat.

"I'm here to learn," says Freddie.

01.55 Rodrigo tells Siavash to go to bed, but Siavash wants to stay in the sitting room.

He doesn't want to be near Noirin and Isaac.

01.54 "Everyone in the house likes you," says Rodrigo.

"I'm really upset that because me and Noirin were really good friends," says Siavash.

01.52 "I just can't help being upset," says Siavash.

01.50 Charlie says the only time he's been to America is to go to Disneyland in Florida.

Isaac tells him to go to Las Vegas.

01.47 "Funny how things change," says Siavash.

"He [Isaac] seems like a nice guy."

01.46 Rodrigo goes to talk to Siavash.

01.42 Noirin is in the shower.

01.40 "Don't worry what I think. I want to say what I think," says Rodrigo.

"I'm not trying to do it to hurt anyone's feelings," says Noirin.

01.39 Rodrigo and Noirin are now arguing.

"You think I'm a bad person, don't you?" says Noirin.

01.38 Marcus is trying to trade stuff with Charlie.

01.36 Rodrigo is talking to Noirin.

"I'm still in love with my ex-boyfriend. I love my boyfriend ... I mean ex-boyfriend," says Noirin.

01.32 Siavash is out of the Diary Room. He does a Marcus and takes his duvet to the sitting room to sit on his own.

01.30 Isaac asks if biscuits are cookies.

01.28 Isaac is chatting with Marcus, Charlie and Sophie.

They are talking about wheeling and dealing items in the house.

01.24 Bea hugs Isaac and Noirin before heading to bed.

"She seems nice," says Isaac.

Isaac is running is hands down Noirin's back and legs and Noirin leans in to give him a little kiss on the lips.

01.23 Isaac had said he wasn't going to do any more reality TV shows.

01.22 Rodrigo, David and Lisa are whispering in the bedroom.

01.21 Isaac says he has been on reality TV shows in America.

01.20 "In the end do what the f*** what you wanna do and if your intentions are good then people will see that," says Isaac.

01.19 Isaac says he likes Freddie.

01.18 "You're completely affection starved," says Bea.

01.15 "He just feel embarassed," says Bea about Siavash.

"He feels like he sacrificed a lot for nothing."

01.14 "I honestly do think that Isaac and him [Siavash] will get on really well," says Noirin.

01.12 "I'm here to make friends with anybody," says Isaac.

He's upset about Bea talking about Siavash and Noirin in front of him, saying it was "disrespectful".

01.11 Bea says she's "shocked" about the whole situation.

01.10 Noirin says she knows that Isaac feels sorry about everything that has happened to Siavash, but she will talk to him about it.
Start Here.
Housemates turn on Noirin

Unpopular ... Noirin

HOUSEMATES are unimpressed with Noirin's actions after her former flame Isaac Stout entered the Big Brother house.

As soon as Isaac, 23, entered the house, Noirin seemed to forget about her romance with fellow housemate Siavash and went straight to Isaac's side.

Noirin had earlier told Rodrigo, "I'm still in love with my ex-boyfriend. I love my boyfriend ... I mean ex-boyfriend."

But housemates are upset that she was so fast to ditch Iranian Siavash.

In a late night chat, Bea said, "It just doesn't seem like she's in any kind of dilemma."

Sophie said, "I think she [Noirin] thinks she'll stay on Friday."

Freddie said, "I really hope Marcus stays."

Sophie agreed, "Yeah. Me too."

Wolverine-lookalike Marcus tried to comfort Siavash, who had been avoiding Noirin and Isaac all night.

Marcus said about Noirin, "It doesn't occur to her that other people think differently or don't agree with what she thinks."

A dejected Siavash said, "I feel sad for her because she's a nice girl and she just keeps on doing stupid things.

"If Noirin was to go on Friday it would make things a lot easier for me in the house."
Noirin delight at Isaac arrival

Delivery ... Isaac Stout

ISAAC Stout made his grand entry into the Big Brother house - delivering fish and chips for the housemates.

He walked into the house in a helmet, before he slowly took it off to reveal his identity to the house.

Noirin shrieked when she saw her former flame. The pair shared a passionate hug before having a heart to heart conversation while walking arm in arm.

Isaac said he wanted some answers about Noirin's romances in the Big Brother house.

Noirin apologised to him for kissing on national TV saying, "I'm sorry."

In reply, Isaac said, "Daddy's back!"

The Irish beauty then told Isaac that what happened between her and Siavash was only a "drunken kiss".

She denied having any recollection of the night they first kissed, even though the couple have kissed countless times since then.
Big Brother 10: Noirin's ex enters the house... but can he win her back?
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 7:53 AM on 30th July 2009

She's won the hearts of practically all the male housemates in the Big brother house - single or otherwise.

But the Noirin Kelly saga is about to get even more complicated, with the addition of a new housemate - her ex-boyfriend Isaac.

The Irish temptress is currently the object of Marcus' affections, and is busy sneaking passionate kisses from Siavash.

Can he win her back? Stirring up things in the Big Brother house, Issac has gone in to try and charm his ex-love Noirin
Welcome: Noirin was delighted when her ex-love Isaac entered the Big Brother house last night

Welcome: Noirin was delighted when her ex-love Isaac entered the Big Brother house last night

Isaac met Noirin in Australia

Previously Sree fell for Noirin's charms, followed by Angel, then Tom. The three have now left the house.

But, despite her flirtation with Siavash, Noirin has frequently mentioned her ex-love Isaac, who is from Ohio and two years ago appeared on the reality show The Real World: Sydney.

During the filming of the show Isaac met and started a relationship with Big Noirin who was travelling in Australia at the time.

Now the 23-year-old is in the house, having entered last night, and is determined to win back Noirin's heart.

He has admitted he is still in love with Noirin and has not found love since.

But how Siavash and Marcus react to the bar owner is yet to be seen.

Last night Siavash was seen desperately trying to make friends with Marcus again, but the pony-tailed carpenter refused to forgive him for scuppering his plans with Noirin.
What a charmer: Noirin has a shower before bed

What a charmer: Noirin has a shower before bed

The formerly close friends fell out after Siavash and Noirin began a fling last week, although both knew Marcus fancied her.

Siavash attempted to pull Marcus out of his incredible sulk after kissing and cuddling Noirin in bed.

The events organiser then went into the lounge to try and put an end to their squabbling - but faced a stony silence
Siavash tries to talk to Marcus again

Siavash tries to talk to Marcus again, but is once more given the cold shoulder
Marcus sits stony-faced through Siavash's attempt at an apology for starting a fling with Noirin

Marcus sits stony-faced through Siavash's attempt at an apology for starting a fling with Noirin

Marcus, was sitting stony-faced by the window after discovering that either he or Noirin would be leaving in this week's eviction.

As Siavash attempted to strike up conversation, Marcus refused to meet his eye and told him he was not just annoyed about the fling with Noirin, but 'everything just coming to a point'.

His former friend looked uncomfortable as they both danced around the issue, with neither of them mentioning Noirin by name.

Siavash answered: 'Sorry...Uh... stuff just happened. I consider you one of my closest friends in the house and I'm really, really, really sorry for upsetting you.
Siavash streeses out in the bathroom after the nominations

Siavash gets some alone time as he stresses out in the bathroom after hearing that either Marcus or Noirin will be leaving on Friday

'I just want you to know whatever happens i can completely understand you, if you're not cool any more. I'll still be your friend and on your side all the way.'

Marcus replied: 'Well thanks for saying that. But, you know, we're here now aren't we so we just have to get on with things.'

Before nominations, Noirin had been attempting to patch things up with Marcus, and told him: 'Me and Siavash are just friends. What do you think about it?'

He told her: You don't want to know. Isn't he meant to have a girlfriend on the outside, who he says he loves so much?'
Bea despairs as freddie Halfwits beginning to annoy her

Bea despairs as Halfwit begins to annoy her

They later argued in the lounge, with Noirin accusing him of lecturing her, and storming out 'to be happy somewhere else'.

They were not the only housemates having problems with their relationships.

Bea teased Siavash that he should date her instead of Noirin, as she attempted to shake Halfwit off her back.

'If only you'd come in from the start, Bea,' Siavash joked. 'But you have Freddie and I have Noirin. And we have this friendship forever. Oh God, let's stop this joking. They can make it look like we are talking seriously.'
Housemates practice for the puppet task

Housemates practice for the Girls Aloud puppet task

'I am talking seriously,' Bea replied. 'I've never been so certain in all my life.'

She later admitted she found Freddie overwhelming and that she wanted him to back off.

'He's a drama queen and gets involved with everything.

'Every time I go for a cigarette he's there. I'd just like a little bit of space.'

Meanwhile, the house were given their weekly task. They have to perform as human puppets in two groups, one to Girls Aloud and the other to Take That songs.

One person performs as the head and legs, with another housemate standing behind them being the arms.

They have already succeeding in breaking Big Brother's DVD player after Charlie knocked it off a table during rehearsals.
Housemates practice for the puppet task

The Take That team practice their moves to Could It Be Magic
Housemates practice for the puppet task and break the DVD player

Punishment time? Housemates practice for the puppet task and knock the DVD player off the table

Originally posted by Hicky:

Good Morning Suzie.wavey

You are most Welcome.
A bit more going on with Isaac going in the house.

You have a nice day to. Hug

Good Morning Hicky Hug

It seems I missed Isaac going into the house Eeker OH was watching something else and I didn't realise the time Roll Eyes
Will have to watch one of the repeats or maybe I can get it on demand and watch it while OH is out Laugh

I see Noirin has changed her mind again. That girl has got no loyalty, changes her mind like the wind Roll Eyes I wonder if she realises what a dangerous game she's playing Eeker
Originally posted by Suzie Fairy:
Originally posted by Hicky:

Good Morning Suzie.wavey

You are most Welcome.
A bit more going on with Isaac going in the house.

You have a nice day to. Hug

Good Morning Hicky Hug

It seems I missed Isaac going into the house Eeker OH was watching something else and I didn't realise the time Roll Eyes
Will have to watch one of the repeats or maybe I can get it on demand and watch it while OH is out Laugh

I see Noirin has changed her mind again. That girl has got no loyalty, changes her mind like the wind Roll Eyes I wonder if she realises what a dangerous game she's playing Eeker

I haven't seen last nights live feed yet, will watch it when I get home.

I still like Noirin though, after all she is a female, and they always change their mind.
Originally posted by Suzie Fairy:
Originally posted by Hicky:

I haven't seen last nights live feed yet, will watch it when I get home.

I still like Noirin though, after all she is a female, and they always change their mind.

Oh thanks Hicky nice to know you tar us all with same brush brush Laugh

Hope you're not working too hard and hope your elbow is okay Hug

I've been getting to know females for 70 yrs, still don't really understand them, wouldn't blame Noirin for anything.
If thats the way she is then so be it.
No 2 people are ever the same so why should Noirin be supposed to fit into a typical type.

She's always been the same and hasn't done to bad, when she finds the right one, that will be the end of her flirting because she will have what she's looking for.
In Theory anyway.Big Grin

But I still would never vote her out.

Haven't looked at my elbow today, was a bit scared to this morning coming to work, will look tonight.

Been a bit busy, I just got lumbered with doing all the BACS payment remittance sheets and faxing them ogg to the company's that we have just paid.
As if I haven't got enough to do.Big Grin
Originally posted by Hicky:

I've been getting to know females for 70 yrs, still don't really understand them, wouldn't blame Noirin for anything.
If thats the way she is then so be it.
No 2 people are ever the same so why should Noirin be supposed to fit into a typical type.

She's always been the same and hasn't done to bad, when she finds the right one, that will be the end of her flirting because she will have what she's looking for.
In Theory anyway.Big Grin

But I still would never vote her out.

Haven't looked at my elbow today, was a bit scared to this morning coming to work, will look tonight.

Been a bit busy, I just got lumbered with doing all the BACS payment remittance sheets and faxing them ogg to the company's that we have just paid.
As if I haven't got enough to do.Big Grin

I think you got it in one there that she still hasn't found the right one yet or she wouldn't still be looking
This elbow problem must be really worrying and frustrating for you Hug I hope they find out what's causing it so that they can then put it right. The penicillin doesn't seem to be working as fast as it usually does in infected cases.
It's amazing that management always know who can be lumbered with tasks they don't want to do Laugh Hope you have a relaxing evening planed if your busy at work Hug
Originally posted by Suzie Fairy:
Originally posted by Hicky:

I've been getting to know females for 70 yrs, still don't really understand them, wouldn't blame Noirin for anything.
If thats the way she is then so be it.
No 2 people are ever the same so why should Noirin be supposed to fit into a typical type.

She's always been the same and hasn't done to bad, when she finds the right one, that will be the end of her flirting because she will have what she's looking for.
In Theory anyway.Big Grin

But I still would never vote her out.

Haven't looked at my elbow today, was a bit scared to this morning coming to work, will look tonight.

Been a bit busy, I just got lumbered with doing all the BACS payment remittance sheets and faxing them ogg to the company's that we have just paid.
As if I haven't got enough to do.Big Grin

I think you got it in one there that she still hasn't found the right one yet or she wouldn't still be looking
This elbow problem must be really worrying and frustrating for you Hug I hope they find out what's causing it so that they can then put it right. The penicillin doesn't seem to be working as fast as it usually does in infected cases.
It's amazing that management always know who can be lumbered with tasks they don't want to do Laugh Hope you have a relaxing evening planed if your busy at work Hug

Hi Suzie.Wave

I have a feeling my elbow swelling may have burst in the night, haven't looked yet, will look later.
It started out as the lubricant of the elbow that was being over produced.
Then it got infected.

Got to go, see you later.
Originally posted by Hicky:

Hi Suzie.Wave

I have a feeling my elbow swelling may have burst in the night, haven't looked yet, will look later.
It started out as the lubricant of the elbow that was being over produced.
Then it got infected.

Got to go, see you later.

Yuck that does sound very nice. Will you get OH to look at it for you?
Oh right I thought it would be something like tennis elbow Laugh
I hope all is alright when you look at it later and I suppose the bursting is a good thing, to get rid of the pussy stuff Sick Sorry I'm extremely squeamish when it come to RL wounds Laugh
Originally posted by Suzie Fairy:
Originally posted by Hicky:

I've been getting to know females for 70 yrs, still don't really understand them, wouldn't blame Noirin for anything.
If thats the way she is then so be it.
No 2 people are ever the same so why should Noirin be supposed to fit into a typical type.

She's always been the same and hasn't done to bad, when she finds the right one, that will be the end of her flirting because she will have what she's looking for.
In Theory anyway.Big Grin

But I still would never vote her out.

Haven't looked at my elbow today, was a bit scared to this morning coming to work, will look tonight.

Been a bit busy, I just got lumbered with doing all the BACS payment remittance sheets and faxing them ogg to the company's that we have just paid.
As if I haven't got enough to do.Big Grin

I think you got it in one there that she still hasn't found the right one yet or she wouldn't still be looking
This elbow problem must be really worrying and frustrating for you Hug I hope they find out what's causing it so that they can then put it right. The penicillin doesn't seem to be working as fast as it usually does in infected cases.
It's amazing that management always know who can be lumbered with tasks they don't want to do Laugh Hope you have a relaxing evening planed if your busy at work Hug

I've not been Here before so Hi Hicky and all
Wave I so agree with you and Suzie I couldn't vote Noirin out either and I do hope she meets the right one soon as I think she'll
be happier.
I do hope your elbow gets better soon Thumbs Up
Originally posted by grannyg:

I've not been Here before so Hi Hicky and all
Wave I so agree with you and Suzie I couldn't vote Noirin out either and I do hope she meets the right one soon as I think she'll
be happier.
I do hope your elbow gets better soon Thumbs Up

Hiya GrannyG Wave

Welcome to Hicky's thread and very nice to meet you Big Grin
Hope you are having a great day so far Thumbs Up
Hi to Suzie & GrannyG.wavey

I'm back home now.

Welcome GrannyG.wavey
Always lovely to see another face.
Like your Avatar.
I'll see if it will be bigger as a picture, can't see what the kitten is doing.

Hi Suzie.wavey
I've had a look at the elbow, it has gone down a lot, only saw a bit of puss but it an awful lot flatter, very pleased with it anyway, with leave the dressings off untill later tonight, will put it on for bed and will probably leave it on till I go to the clinic tomorrow.

Will have to go and put the recordings from last nights live feed on, then I can watch it while i'm on the Puter.
Originally posted by Hicky:

Hi Suzie.wavey
I've had a look at the elbow, it has gone down a lot, only saw a bit of puss but it an awful lot flatter, very pleased with it anyway, with leave the dressings off untill later tonight, will put it on for bed and will probably leave it on till I go to the clinic tomorrow.

Will have to go and put the recordings from last nights live feed on, then I can watch it while i'm on the Puter.

Another work day finished Big Grin
That's really good news about your elbow. Let's hope it will now be able to recover a lot better now the infection has some way of being chucked out of the body.
Enjoy watching the live feed Big Grin
Look! Siavash is letting his clothes do the talking
Posted on Thursday 30 Jul 2009

Siavash is letting his clothes do the talking

When he wrapped himself up in the dreaded duvet last night and refused to sleep in the bedroom, we feared Siavash was going to turn into a slightly hairer, slightly less scary Marcus – but thankfully he's managed to pull himself together, and is now doing his best to get all the attention. Yes, Siavash has gone back to doing what he does best...dressing. He's been strutting around in his very favourite red military jacket today, and later on he emerged from the bedroom in a purple poncho and hat. He's just like a peacock. We love it! We were getting very bored of those pyjama bottoms he seemed to have surgically attached for the past few days. He's also still refusing to be nice to Noirin, telling her just now, "Count me out of your friend group. I can't be talking to you, I just can't. I've no regrets." Marcus, we might add, can barely contain his glee about the whole messy situation, and the same can be said for Lisa, who's really enjoying Noirin's discomfort. Whatever will happen next?
You HAVE to hear what Isaac said about Siavash!
Posted on Thursday 30 Jul 2009

With all the hoo-ha over Noirin and Siavash, we've been ignoring possibly the most interesting development to happen in the house – and that is of course the brand new housemate Isaac. Now, we haven't seen much of this man yet, but he did record a video message before going into the BB house last night, where he said some rather mean things about Siavash. Talking about the first time he watched Big Brother, Isaac said, "I had to watch her [Noirin] sucking face with some f*** from Pirates Of The Caribbean!" Roo-ude. When asked if he sees Siavash as serious competition, he replied, "Noooo" in a very sarcastic tone. This man means business. He also said, "I will always love Noirin. Till the day I die. I just gotta roll up there and let her know daddy's home." Sucking face? Daddy? Oh dear GOD. Noirin clearly feels the same, though, telling Big Brother in the Diary Room earlier, "The whole house obviously thinks I am a bad person for choosing my ex-boyfriend over Siavash, because I've been kissing Siavash for the past few days. But I'm in love with my ex-boyfriend. From the way I've been talking about him, if no-one can tell that I'm head over heels with him they're very silly. I can understand how he [Siavash] might feel embarrassed and hurt over the situation, but it's not like I asked you guys to bring Isaac in people. Obviously I'm gonna choose the person I love over a person I just fancy. I don't wanna hurt anyone's feelings." Sounds remorseful, doesn't she? Ahem. Whatever you do, do NOT miss Big Brother tonight (Channel 4, 10pm). It's going to be one THE best episodes, like, EVER.
'I'm head over heels for Isaac'

NOIRIN Kelly has told Big Brother she is in love with her ex Isaac Stout.

The Dublin looker and the US musician wasted no time before launching into a smooching session when he unexpectedly arrived in the house yesterday evening.

Despite having spent the last few days canoodling with original housemate Siavash Sabbaghpour she leapt on her ex as soon as he joined the show.

Speaking in the diary room this morning she told Big Brother she wanted to make the most of her time in the house in case she gets evicted tomorrow.

She faces Marcus Akin, 35, in the public vote and she is the bookies' favourite for the chop.

"I'm excited, full of energy and ready for a good day," she told Big Brother. "I just want to have as much fun as I can before tomorrow in case anything bad happens."

The 25-year-old added: "The whole house obviously thinks I am a bad person for choosing my ex-boyfriend over Siavash, because I've been kissing Siavash for the past few days.

"But I'm in love with my ex-boyfriend. From the way I've been talking about him, if no one can tell that I'm head over heels with him they're very silly people."

Despite the tension in the house Noirin explained she wanted Siavash and Isaac to be pals.

"I really hope they can be friends they have a lot in common. Obviously I'm gonna choose the person I love over a person I just fancy."
My attention was diverted to a holidaymaker who was wearing a very low cut top and huge cleavage.....
Oh I shouldnt write that you will all think Im a perve now ... Blush

anyway Sharks were amazing and touching the dog fish were coolies as they popped their faces out the water ....
Of course there was a sign saying dont touch fish ....but thats like a dare to do it

Hiya GrannyG Wave
hope you have fun here and enjoy your time with us nutters ... Big Grin
Mike Strutter
Originally posted by Mike Strutter:
Suzie Angel

pussy stuff .....

I love any kind of that stuff ...*sniggering naughtily *

I went swimming with sharks today at the sealife centre

I hope everyones fit and well here ....???

Mike Valentine

trust you to take the other meaning on board Laugh

That day out would have to be really good Big Grin I've been to the Newquay one and was fascinated by it all including stroking the fish Laugh

I'm okay thanks Big Grin
Originally posted by King Kev:
Hi all. wavey
Not been here much lately but hope you're all great.
Sounds good mike. Thumbs Up
Fish and chips tonight for you I bet lol.
I wonder what the chippy would say if you took a Dogfish in and asked them to batter it. Laugh

Off to football now. Wave

Hiya Kev Hug

Dogfish is Huss isn't it ? which I love eating when I can get it Big Grin
Wondered what had happened to you, I hope all is okay in your world Hug

Enjoy your football
Good evening all wavey

I thought my lappy had had it today.

I connected to the net, and the red norton warning came on, then my lappy turned off, and when I tried to switch it on, it said I had a windows problem and other funny stuff, and a blue screen.. Eeker
so I turned it off for day... luckily OH and son managed to fix it though. Smiler

Hope you have all had a good day.

Hicky..that is good news about the elbow bursting, I know when you get a blister, once it bursts it usually heals fast. Fingers crossed they are happy with it when you got for your appoinmtent tommorrow. Hug

Suzy hope you are enjoying your summer hols. Hug And that you are managing well without your car.

Mike.. what a fun day out that sounds. Hug

Kingkev...hope you have fun playing footite tonight.

Emptybox..glad to hear you didn't get a soaking yesterday, hope you didnt today either, so you can catch up a little.

Welcome to Grannyg wavey
Hi all of you Wave

I have been a lurker on these pages for a while and have decided to say hello because you all seem so friendly, and I am not enjoying the main forum at the mo.

Hicky, been reading about your poor elbow, sounds awful, glad to hear it's slightly better and thank you for your impartial Big Brother news, it's a really good read.

Well, will post later, after good tv programmes!
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!

Hiya babes
Hope you have loads of fun here and here have a Hug Valentine Thumbs Up

I love cats too ..Wink

Kev lad
Glad you reported in ...
enjoy footie and dont let those big boys bully you ok Wink
or else they will have me with a axe too deal with like Jack Nicholson in the Shining Thumbs Up

Suzie Angel
regarding eyeing the women ...
Im so sad and predictable its quite embarrassing isnt it

Hows the poorly car going on ????
Mike Strutter
Originally posted by Mike Strutter:
My attention was diverted to a holidaymaker who was wearing a very low cut top and huge cleavage.....
Oh I shouldnt write that you will all think Im a perve now ... Blush

anyway Sharks were amazing and touching the dog fish were coolies as they popped their faces out the water ....
Of course there was a sign saying dont touch fish ....but thats like a dare to do it

Hiya GrannyG Wave
hope you have fun here and enjoy your time with us nutters ... Big Grin

I've caught a few Dogfish when I was younger, they are a shark aren't they, only about 4 ft ones though, had them slung over my shoulder when I got off the boat, had only been out for the day, didn't really want them but that's what was swimming around the wreck.

They are very tasty, with a lovely white flesh.
The only problem is you have to get the skin off and you can't really cut through it with a knife, it comes off easy when the fish is cooked.
Think they were only about 4 or 5 kilo each.
You can steak them like you would with a whole salmon, instead of filleting it.

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