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I don't want Tom to go now. Laugh
I'm surprised at that.

Hicky even the way Noirin treated Marcus as a friend wasn't very nice, I don't think she sees that what she says is different to what she thinks, and she needs to act according to both if she isn't being truthful in either. She seems to be acting her feelings one day and then acting on her thoughts the next.
Sorry if that doesn't make does to me lol. Big Grin
Emptybox won't agree with me here now, but after watching tonight and BBLB today, I have decided I quite liked Tom, even though he was a bit arrogant. Wink

ps.... the fact I like looking at those gorge manly broad shoulders of his, has nothing to do with my liking warching him tonight in the house. Laugh

Hicky... I don't dislike Noirin, but I do think she knows she is leading the fellas on, and giving them wrong idea, that they all stand a chance with her. Surely a young woman does not invite a fella into her bed for a cuddle if she REALLY wants to give him the brush off ? Confused She must wear some some special perfume or something to get everyone adoring her, and chasing her round like they do. Big Grin

I do think that Tom was quite correct when he said that Noirin never takes her eye off the ball as far as the game is concerned. Not that I mind a good game player, it is what BB is about.
Originally posted by King Kev:
I don't want Tom to go now. Laugh
I'm surprised at that.

And I didn't want to see him go, he had potential to be a good HM.

Bedtime for me now.

goodnight all wavey

Hope the elbow is alright tonight Hicky. xx

no beer tonight eh, Kingkev?

wonder who is on the 10-1am Talksport slot tonight? I will find out now, it is usually Ian Collins, I think.

Goodnight wavey
Good Morning Suzie.

Lovely to have you back.

Just looking at your new Avatar

▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Good Morning Everyone *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Hope you are all well today. *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Welcome back Lovely Suzie *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Happy Monday to you All *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
Just go and get the overnight news.
News from the BB house last night, Day 53/54.
02.39 Now Siavash heads to his own bed.

02.38 Siavash comes into the bedroom and goes to sit on Noirin's bed.

02.35 Sophie did a really loud fart in the bedroom. Freddie, Bea and Rodrigo are laughing a lot.

02.34 Now Rodrigo is talking to Sophie.

02.33 Siavash goes to the toilet.

02.29 The pair stop whispering and go to bed.

02.23 Noirin has gone to bed and is whispering to Rodrigo again.

02.18 Noirin says she doesn't want Siavash to feel lonely.

02.17 Charlie says he thought there was no way Noirin would have kissed Siavash because he has a girlfriend.

02.10 Charlie has left the Diary Room, saying Big Brother wants the elephant balloon.

02.07 Noirin has joined Marcus in the living room.

02.05 Marcus is sitting by himself in the living room.

01.52 Noirin is stroking Rodrigo's hair in the bedroom. The two of them are whispering but I can't hear anything they are saying.

01.48 Rodrigo jokes about popping Sophie's silicon implant.

01.47 Sophie said she's farted a lot in the house.

01.46 Now Bea and Freddie are cuddling up in bed!

01.37 Noirin and Siavash kiss on the couch before heading back into the house.

01.34 "Nothing like that would happen until I know where I stand with you," says Siavash.

"Are you f****** taking the p***," replies Noirin.

01.33 Noirin says her and Siavash can be "friends with benefits".

01.32 Noirin says she's going to avoid the diary room from now on.

01.29 Marcus says he is still a bit upset about the task.

01.26 Charlie has gone to the Diary Room with what looks like a crocodile on his foot.

01.25 "Do you think your parents would like me?" asks Siavash.

"Yeah," Noirin replies.

01.24 Lisa and David are talking in bed.

01.22 "Am I really flirty," asks Noirin.

"Not really," says Siavash.

01.20 Siavash is saying, "We're safe under covers."

What's going on?

01.19 Charlie has let the balloons fly away in the garden.

01.14 Siavash tells Noirin to turn over and face him.

He wants to know stuff about Noirin like, "What is your life dream?"


01.04 Noirin and Siavash are cuddling under the covers on the couch.

"This is so confusing," says Noirin.

00.59 David says he wants to marry someone who is a bit older and more mature than he is.

00.57 David joins Noirin and Siavash and asks if they're alright.

"Just planning our wedding," Noirin jokes.

00.55 "I do think I'm on self-destruct mode though everyday I'm in here," says Norin.

00.49 "I'm going into hiding after this show and never coming to England ever again," says Noirin.

00.46 Bea asks if there's something going funny with the wavelengths because she has got a buzzing noise in her ear.

00.41 Marcus says he's missing hugging.

00.39 Freddie thinks he won, but only by a couple of minutes.

00.37 Bea thinks that Sophie is homesick.

Freddie said he set Sophie a secret task earlier. She had to find a man and cuddle a man for ten minutes. Sophie set Freddie the same task.

00.35 Freddie is talking about Sophie and how she is finding it hard to fit in with the other housemates.

00.28 "I dunno if I just wanna leave this house and disappear," says Noirin.

00.27 Noirin says, "The reason why i don't get into relationships is have to be in the right frame of mind."

"In this house I don't think you're ever going to be in the right frame of mind."

00.24 Freddie is eating what looks like some takeaway food.

00.23 "We do act like kids in this house," says Siavash.

00.20 Marcus, Bea and Freddie are sitting at the bus stop.

00.19 Noirin says the "facial kiss, kiss, kiss" gave the two of them away.

00.17 Bea says her mum was "a proper original hippy".

00.16 "Can't really say what you want to say in this house," says Noirin.

00.14 Siavash and Noirin are talking about their relationship.

Siavash doesn't just want it to be something that happened in the house.
Start Here.
Noirin and Siavash take their relationship to the next level
Posted on Monday 27 Jul 2009

Wow! What a weekend it's been in the Big Brother house. As if Noirin and Siavash getting it on wasn't exciting enough, there was drama when yet another housemate walked out (bye bye Topless Tom), and then of course there's Marcus, who handled the whole snogging revelation really well. NOT. Seriously, how deluded is Marcus? Does he really think anyone was going to believe he was annoyed because Siavash had a girlfriend, and not because he wanted Noirin all for himself. His treatment of the both of them has been pathetic at best. Luckily for us, though, Noirin and Siavash aren't letting Marcus' mammoth sulk get in the way of their burgeoning relationship, and last night they snuggled up under a duvet together with Siavash suggestively telling her, "We're safe under covers." They've also been kissing in full view of the other housemates. However, both are worried about the affect their fling is having on the outside world, with Noirin admitting last night, "I'm going into hiding after this show and never come to England ever again!" We're also not convinced that it's true love between the pair, either, after Noirin told her man last night that they could be "friends with benefits". How romantic.
Originally posted by Suzie Fairy:
Good Morning Hicky Hug

It's good to be back and hope I will be stronger next time someone attacks my good name Roll Eyes

I like my new avatar too Big Grin

Thanks for the overnight update Hug

Hi Suzie.wavey
We will always support you in here, if we know what the problem seems to be and what the answer is, then we will do whatever it takes to settle the problem.

It's not nice for any FM to feel that they have been unfairly treated or had things said against them.

We all have differing opinions about the outside world and those in it but it is only our own opinion and right or wrong it isn't going to be approved by everyone.
Odds that BB will be cancelled slashed
Day 54, 09:54 BST
By Catriona Wightman

The odds that Big Brother will be cancelled before the end of its run have been slashed.

Following Tom's departure on Saturday, the odds that the show will be removed from its Channel 4 slot have gone from 5/1 to 2/1, according to The Sun.

Tom is the third housemate to walk, after Saffia left on day eight and Kenneth escaped last week.

Coral bookmakers spokesman Gary Burton told the newspaper: "This series has been awful, turnover is at an absolute minimum.

"With new entries and three walkouts already it has been a nightmare to bet on. By lumping on the show to be removed, punters have obviously had enough."
Sophie decides not to leave the house
Day 54, 08:22 BST
By Catriona Wightman

Sophie has decided not to leave the Big Brother house, she revealed last night.

As she chatted to Marcus in the living area, the model explained that she had felt like quitting on Saturday night before Tom walked out of the house.

"You don't really want to go, do you?" asked Marcus.

"They asked me in the Diary Room if I was finding it hard and I said, 'Yeah'," Sophie replied. "We're not doing anything and I'm kind of bored sitting here, and when I'm bored I think about the outside world. I could do this, I could do that."

She added: "In the outside if there's a situation you don't like, you can walk away."

However, Sophie announced that she had decided to remain in the house. "I just thought, 'Eventually I'm going to be out so I'll enjoy my time here'," she remarked.

"In a way, I don't want to go out. I don't want to face everything."
Noirin: 'Marcus won't be my friend'
Day 54, 08:25 BST
By Catriona Wightman

Noirin worried that Marcus didn't want to be her friend last night.

Noirin joined the window fitter in the living area for a chat, but when she asked if she could do anything to help him, he replied: "I think you've done enough already."

After he had gone to the Diary Room, Noirin told Charlie: "I can't talk to Marcus. He doesn't want to be my friend."

Charlie suggested that he was just "really upset", and advised: "Leave it for a bit, he'll be fine. He's just a bit raw at the minute."

Noirin said that she didn't want anyone in the house to be "lonely", but added: "It's not like [Siavash and I] are getting married, so what's the problem?"

"He's just a bit upset because he really likes you," Charlie explained. "He needs his space to get his head together. He likes his own company at times. He's just a little bit hurt by it all. Siavash is one of his best mates and stuff. It's probably hard for him."

Noirin soon headed for the bedroom, where she whispered to Rodrigo: "He doesn't want to talk to me. Why doesn't he want to be my friend?"
Freddie gives Sophie "secret task"
Day 54, 08:20 BST
By Catriona Wightman

Freddie tried to cheer up Sophie yesterday by giving her a "secret task".

Sitting in the living area last night with Marcus and Bea, he remarked that there were "a million trillion per cent of things to do" to be nice to people.

Referring to Sophie, he noted: "She just wants to be close to people. It's hard to have involved chats with her or even chats about social dynamics, so even in a group conversation she'll feel a bit on her own."

Freddie then revealed that he had set the model a mission. "About an hour and a half ago I set Sophie a secret task to find a man and cuddle him for ten minutes, or more if she wanted," he confessed. "She said, 'People might think this and that', so I said, 'In that case, find a gay man and cuddle him for ten minutes'."

He added that Sophie had agreed to the task, but had challenged Freddie to find a man to hug as well.

The Oxford graduate explained that they had ended up cuddling Rodrigo together and had been joined by Noirin and Charlie. "We just lay there, it must have been an hour or something," he enthused. "Just chilling, just feeling the closeness."

Bea was impressed and suggested a regime of "enforced hugging" for an hour every day.
Big Brother 10: Marcus to face punishment for destroying part of Diary Room
By 27/07/2009

Marcus destroyed part of the Diary Room and swore at Big Brother yesterday.

The hairy housemate’s worryingly erratic, sulky behaviour led him to lose three tokens which he had just won for the house in a Big Brother ‘Mathematical Sense or Mathematical Nonsense’ quiz.

The housemates were gathered around a screen in the kitchen and watched as Marcus was introduced to the quiz.

Big Brother told him: "Housemates do not seem to understand the concept of percentages. All too often housemates make outlandish statements which make no mathematical sense whatsoever.

The Wolverine look-a-like was then given examples from conversations between housemates and asked to decide if their statements made mathematical sense or nonsense.

After incorrectly guessing Freddie (Halfwit) saying he was "95 per cent certain" how to make hummus, he correctly guessed his own statement that he was "a million billion percent" sure he would have an "awesome photo" making him "look like a complete top boy" was nonsense.

As Big Brother then announced to the grumpy looking housemate he had passed the challenge and won three tokens - redeemable for a host of goods and hot water for the house - he proceeded to knock over the quiz stand and said "here’s some rock n roll for you."

He was told his behaviour meant he would forfeit the tokens, to which he replied with a torrent of swearwords at Big Brother.

This led to him being told he would face further punishment later for his disrespect.
Originally posted by Hicky:
Hi Suzie.wavey
We will always support you in here, if we know what the problem seems to be and what the answer is, then we will do whatever it takes to settle the problem.

It's not nice for any FM to feel that they have been unfairly treated or had things said against them.

We all have differing opinions about the outside world and those in it but it is only our own opinion and right or wrong it isn't going to be approved by everyone.

Thanks Hicky HugValentine

I will try to be a bit more of a fighter in future as I knew I hadn't done anything wrong, but maybe I'm a bit too sweet for some people to cope with Laugh
My friend has taking it extremely hard though and thinks everyone will hate them for hurting me even though I've told them it wasn't their fault Frowner

I hope that this will all be behind us very soon so everyone can move on Nod
27th July 2009
By Peter Dyke

HALF the Big Brother housemates want to quit and follow yacht broker Tom Oliver out the door.

The muscleman walked yesterday saying he was 'bored' with the wannabes, adding: 'They only can in to be famous."

His departure has prompted Siavash, 23, Marcus 35, Noirin, 25, and Sophie, 20, to threaten to leave too.

Bosses want Noirin - caught in BB's biggst ever love tangle - to stay as they plan to send her ex boyfriend Isaac Stout, 23, into the house this week to propose to her.
Originally posted by Cold Sweat:
Morning Hicky!

Cheers for the updates and news stories. Wave

Sounds as if it was quite a subdued night in the BB house last night.

Hi Cold Sweat.wavey

You are most Welcome.
I think a lot of them are so bored and fed up and home sick that they are wondering why they are sticking it out.

When you have such undesirable living conditions as they supply in the BB house then I don't wonder they want out.
Originally posted by Suzie Fairy:
Originally posted by Hicky:
Hi Suzie.wavey
We will always support you in here, if we know what the problem seems to be and what the answer is, then we will do whatever it takes to settle the problem.

It's not nice for any FM to feel that they have been unfairly treated or had things said against them.

We all have differing opinions about the outside world and those in it but it is only our own opinion and right or wrong it isn't going to be approved by everyone.

Thanks Hicky HugValentine

I will try to be a bit more of a fighter in future as I knew I hadn't done anything wrong, but maybe I'm a bit too sweet for some people to cope with Laugh
My friend has taking it extremely hard though and thinks everyone will hate them for hurting me even though I've told them it wasn't their fault Frowner

I hope that this will all be behind us very soon so everyone can move on Nod

Hi Suzie.wavey
Forget about what happened.
Start afresh, as you say put it all behind you.

Things said are often misunderstood or taken the wrong way, that can't be helped but it usually all comes out in the wash.
I'm just watching my recording of last night in the BB house.

Noirin and Siavash under the cover in the lounge, they seem very happy.
They are a bit worried about Marcus though.

Marcus seems to be in a bit of a state, I think his time is over, can't see him recovering now.

Sophie is sad, she doesn't know where she stands with Kris, she has had a lot of warnings about him.

She's scared of staying in and scared of going out as well.

Freddie and Bea are quite happy now as they can keep each other company.

Lisa seems to hand around with David.

Rodrigo is a bit lost.
Charlie is keeping a low profile to stay in the house but all his mates have gone so he has no-one to act the fool with.

Hira, what can I say, she may as well be a picture on the wall, and I like her as well.
Good afernoon all wavey

Suzie Hug
nice to see you back again. Smiler We missed you round here yesterday. I hope you have an enjoyable break from work now. Do you have any plans? Were you achy after all that gardening?

Hicky.. Hug
thanks for the BB news. The problems with this series seem to be continuing, with the HM's just as tired of it all, as we are. Not another proposal? Roll Eyes This was all done last year, and was and is, chessy, staged and uninteresting imo.

How is your elbow today? Has it dried up at all? Let's hope it has improved by the time you go back to the hospital on Friday.

Nice drying day for all my washing today, after a whole day of rain yesterday.

Is it a work day today Hicky?
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Good afernoon all wavey

Suzie Hug
nice to see you back again. Smiler We missed you round here yesterday. I hope you have an enjoyable break from work now. Do you have any plans? Were you achy after all that gardening?

Hicky.. Hug
thanks for the BB news. The problems with this series seem to be continuing, with the HM's just as tired of it all, as we are. Not another proposal? Roll Eyes This was all done last year, and was and is, chessy, staged and uninteresting imo.

How is your elbow today? Has it dried up at all? Let's hope it has improved by the time you go back to the hospital on Friday.

Nice drying day for all my washing today, after a whole day of rain yesterday.

Is it a work day today Hicky?

Good Afternoon Mollie.wavey

You are of course most Welcome to any news, it seems to be getting less and less interesting as time goes by.

If Noirin's ex goes in we will have, Marcus & Siavash as 2 lost souls.

Plus it's not really good to try have a relationship in the house.

My elbow is still swollen, it's not hurting or anything, it's hard to tell if it's healing or not, but it doesn't look so fierce.

It's lovely outside, good drying weather here as well.

Work tomorrow for me.

It was funny the last couple of days with this dressing material the Nurse from the Hospital gave me.
She had put a piece of special Gauze on with a silver padded piece over it then a bandage over the top.

When we started putting the dressing on Sunday we opened the sealed packs and one was like a dressing coated in a type of oil, it was a thick plastic type of material.
it was very itchy and uncomfortable in the night.

We redid it again last night but late on I said to my O/H, this is hurting a bit, the plastic was like sticking in my arm.
I took the bandage off and the plastic thing fell of and the silver part was still on the swelling, as I picked the plastic piece off the floor I saw that it separated slightly into 2 pieces, I then realised that the plastic sheets were the cover of a thin piece of special Gauze, no wonder it was uncomfortable, we had put the wrapping on my elbow.
Although the plastic had been in another sealed bag anyway, that's why we never thought the inner piece was to be opened again.
You live and learn.Big Grin

It's a lot more comfy now though.
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Good afernoon all wavey

Suzie Hug
nice to see you back again. Smiler We missed you round here yesterday. I hope you have an enjoyable break from work now. Do you have any plans? Were you achy after all that gardening?

Hiya Mollie Hug

Thanks it's good to be back. I have already started on the garden and am not too achy thanks. I have no plans as yet but will watch the weather reports for days out, the rainy weather will be spent doing more to the house and reading I expect Big Grin

Hope your weather stays nice for your washing and you have a great day Big Grin
Originally posted by Suzie Fairy:
Hicky Hug

Finally got through all your updates thanks Big Grin
It seems that a lot of people are feeling homesick or bored in there. Is it really worth putting anyone else in Eeker

Hi Suzie.wavey

Something needs to happen, if they get any more bored they will walk.
I don't think putting Noirin's ex in will solve the problem, they would both probably walk as they couldn't have a relationship in the house.

If she saw him propose from outside she would walk as well.

They are all set in their ways now so nothing more is going to happen to spice things up, they are all waiting for the end.

Charlie spends all his time now working out how many people will be in the last week and who came and went each week.

I still think he thinks he will win and is just so excited about the final.
He really is in a world of his own, bless him.
Originally posted by Hicky:

Hi Suzie.wavey

Something needs to happen, if they get any more bored they will walk.
I don't think putting Noirin's ex in will solve the problem, they would both probably walk as they couldn't have a relationship in the house.

If she saw him propose from outside she would walk as well.

They are all set in their ways now so nothing more is going to happen to spice things up, they are all waiting for the end.

Charlie spends all his time now working out how many people will be in the last week and who came and went each week.

I still think he thinks he will win and is just so excited about the final.
He really is in a world of his own, bless him.

The tasks seem to be few and far between and they don't seem to have a person that is capable of making up games or creating things for them to do. All thing love/infatuation stuff has left quite a few peeps feeling awkward so I am expecting more HMs to leave and I do agree that putting in Noirin's ex is a really stupid idea as there will be a mass exodus I think. He's an ex for a reason I would have thought and now BB just want to stir it up Roll Eyes
Charley is definitely an excitable character and funny to watch but as for a winner, I don't think so some how. I still love watching Freddie and it's even more interesting with his friend Bea Big Grin
Bea and Freddie were cuddling in bed on the LF last night Eeker Big Grin. There is this feeling by some that Bea will be his downfall I think in a way she is playing a game because he's popular outside she knows that, then I think they just have lots in common and what is she supposed to do just ignore him because he's popular she can't do right for doing wrong then would get called fake. I still don't trust Bea though.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Bea and Freddie were cuddling in bed on the LF last night Eeker Big Grin. There is this feeling by some that Bea will be his downfall I think in a way she is playing a game because he's popular outside she knows that, then I think they just have lots in common and what is she supposed to do just ignore him because he's popular she can't do right for doing wrong then would get called fake. I still don't trust Bea though.

Hiya Darloboy Hug

She probably is playing the game but we can always live in hope that the feelings she has for Freddie are real, there's got to be one true romance in this house Laugh
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Hello Suzie Wave Hug. I don't think they will get togehter but who knows?. The Freddie and Angel kiss was way more passionate then anything Kris and Sophie or Noirvash have done Big Grin. Angel is on BBLB tonight singing a song about Freddie lol. His odds are going up all the time he is way out in front, you want a link?.

Hiya Darloboy Hug

I agree that Freddie and Angels kiss has been the hottest we've seen so far Laugh
Will look forward to Angel's entertainment Laugh
Freddie certainly has got the best position to win at the moment, I thought Siavash could have been healthy competition till he fell into Noirin's trap Roll Eyes

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