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Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by *Mollie*:

Suzie... a week off for you. Smiler Hope you have fun, whatever mischief you get up to.

I had to take it as the owners wife told me off for not taking any holiday yet Eeker
I plan to have lots of fun but not sure what yet Big Grin

good for the owners wife. Smiler

And hope you enjoy your week.
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Originally posted by King Kev:
I love the Miyazaki films, you cant say you are a film lover until you've seen Princess Mononoke or Grave of The Fireflies.

Good on your kids for wanting to learn another language. Thumbs Up

Are the books printed in Japanese?
Is that why they're reading them backwards? Confused

I've been trying a bit of Japanese language myself.
I use this,
Byki-Learn Japanese
There's lots of other languages to learn from there too, and it's free.

The books are printed in English, but are still read backwards. They get them from Forbidden Planet or off Amazon. They did have one once that a friend bought them from Tokyo, and that one looked the same as the ones you can get from here, but it was in Japanese.

Enjoy your film tonight. Smiler

Hug thanks for the link, I will definately pass on that to my family. Smiler

No good for Crime stories though, because you know who did it if you read from the back first.Big Grin
Evening all. Smiler
And goodnight mollie.

Another beautiful day here. A bit breezier than yesterday, but warmer too, so I was glad of the breeze.

Yes good luck to your daughter tomorrow mollie. Smiler

We are supposed to be getting our loft insulated tomorrow morning. the guy said they would put in up to 10" of stuff, so it should make a difference.
It's for free anyway, so makes no odds really. Big Grin

Also my brother is having an operation on his knee tomorrow.
He fell skiing a few weeks ago and dislocated his knee, and damaged his cruciate ligament. He's had to wear a brace on it since.
I think they take a bit of his achilles tendon to mend the cruciate ligament?
All sounds very complicated anyway.
Luckily he doesn't have a manual job, so he shouldn't have to take too much time off.

About the avatar mollie. The software on here will reduce the size automatically, but it might not do a very good job.
I did that with me wee penguin, and he looked 'orrible, so I reduced it to 48 x 48 (approx) in an image editor on my computer and uploaded it again, and he looked much better.
I used 'The Gimp', but any one will do, as long as it can deal with an animated GIF.
Try the automatic way first though. It might look OK. Smiler
Night Hicky. Smiler

I haven't spoken to my brother since his accident, so I don't know if he is sore? Blush
But the expression "ex-cruciating" must have come from somewhere? Glance

I think without the operation skiing and suchlike would be out of the question, and he does enjoy skiing. Smiler

It was a fairly disasterous holiday all round because my sister-in-law fell down some stairs and twisted her ankle, and when they got on the plane home they discovered my nephew had left his Nintendo and all his games on the airport bus. Roll Eyes
Oh well. Disappointed
Good Morning Peeps Valentine

The weekend is nearly here Big Grin

Hope you all have a great day today Hug

Yogi Hug I'm so sorry about your dog Crying We're here if you need us Hug

Emptybox Hug Good luck to your brother and I hope he gets well soon Hug

Mollie Hug Good luck to your daughter and her Japanese exam Hug

Hicky Hug Hope you get thet lovely weather today

King Kev Hug Found a sign language course now need to see if I can find the money Big Grin

Darloboy Hug Next time I'm on, no doubt you'll be in the 6000s Laugh

Mike ValentineHug Have fun Big Grin

Anyone I've forgotten Hug Wouldn't want you to miss out on the hugs Laugh

Time for work now so see you later Wave
Hi Suzie.Wave
Weather awful, but i'm at work anyway, never mind.

Sounded like a Holiday from Hell Emptybox, and for you nephew to lose his Nintendo, that was the last straw.

▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* ------ Good Morning Everyone -------*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* I hope you are all well this Morning *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* ------ It's pouring with rain here -------- *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* ------ It's Happy Friday again -----*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
Hiya Peeps Valentine

It's been drizzly and very windy down here today Nod

Now know what it's like for the animals in the zoo Big Grin While I was in my room at work, two horses decided to poke their heads over the fence and watch me. They were there for ages just watching me, it felt really weird Laugh

Hope work/school went well for everyone but now it's the weekend and time for playing Big Grin
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Hi all wavey. It rained here in the day, thankfully no thunder that was at night thank god lol. Had a good day at College, found out when my exams start so started a bit of Revision theres some stuff to remember but most of the information is provided so just need to put it in my own words but some stuff I got to remember Smiler.

Hiya Darloboy Hug

I take it you don't like thunder Big Grin

So when do they start and do you have enough time to get your revision in ?
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
They start the first week in June, just got to remember some stuff but as I said most of the info will be provided in the exam paper Smiler.

Oh that's not too bad then. All you can do is your best and I'm sure you'll sail through it Hug

I'll do my best Nod, it's just a case of taking the info that is provided and putting it in the best way that I can. Hows your daughter doing with her studies?. I loved Geography at school Blush.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by darloboy07:

I'll do my best Nod, it's just a case of taking the info that is provided and putting it in the best way that I can. Hows your daughter doing with her studies?. I loved Geography at school Blush.

I haven't seen her all week she is staying round her boyfriends house Roll Eyes
She has got 2 more exams to do which I think are being done the 1st week in june. 1 is Media the other is environmental science all of these are AS level. So I hope she is revising while she is over his house Big Grin
Originally posted by darloboy07:
She will do if she wants to pass which i'm sure she does Smiler. Good luck to her Thumbs Up.

If she wants to be a teacher she'll need to work hard and knuckle down. But rosy coloured glasses is really clouding her priorities at the moment. I'll just have to hope and pray she pulls through. Will send on your good wishes to her and the very best of luck to you too. Hug
Originally posted by darloboy07:
I dunno yet, always a full house here Big Grin. Yes i'm looking forward to the match I hope United win and we get to be champions again Devil. Yeah plenty of teasing if United win lmao Laugh.

Sounds like your home was very much like I had when I lived with my parents. Never had a moment to be bored Laugh

If Man UTD win I think I might be in for a quiet couple of days as he won't be talking to me for teasing him Laugh
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Never a dull moment here Laugh, lol we'll see he must be really disappointed this season with the way everything has gone for the Gunners.

I bet there isn't a dull moment and loads of things to chat about Big Grin
He says it's due to the newer players and they need to gain experience Roll Eyes Excuses excuses Laugh
Good evening all wavey
Weekend is here at last. Smiler

Emptybox..thanks for the hints about the avatar, will try and work it out when I have time. Sorry to hear about your brother. Not a very good holiday all round for them. Eeker I bet your nephew was gutted about losing his games machine and games, they cost a fortune to replace. My daughter was in tears onces when she lost all hers.

Good luck to Darloby and Suzie's daughter with their end of year studies.

Suzie.. that is good that she has decided what she wants to do jobwise, it will give her incentive with her studies. My daughter was not very happy with her exam today, but I did tell her that trying to take a Japanese gcse after studying it for only one college year was never going to be easy. She has part 2 of it next week, so I hope she will be more happy with that part.

Hicky..was it a work day today? Let's hope for good weather this weekend for you to do your veggies.

I a looking forward to Coronation Street tonight because Andrew Sachs (Manuel from Faulty Towers) is joining the show. Smiler

I saw Katie and Peter last night. I am afraid I found it very disturbing. I really think Katie has got issues. The poor little boy is only 3 and he was playing happily with 2 snails, and talking to them and pretending they were his pets. Katie came up to him, picked up his snails and said she was going to eat one of them. She actually carried on for ages pretending to eat one of them, and it was just plain nasty for the little boy, He started crying, more and more, and still she didnt stop. He got to the point where he was so upset he was lying on the ground kicking and screaming, then he eventually ran off indoors crying for his dad. Poor little fella. I think those kiddies are not in for an easy life, despite an abbundance of money.

Smiler at Darloboy...and his busy family house ... sounds like our house too , always busy and something going on with 5 of us , and the pets. But I dont think I would like living in a quiet family home at all now, I am used to this, even if it is tiring at times. Big Grin
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Good evening all wavey
Weekend is here at last. Smiler

Good luck to Darloby and Suzie's daughter with their end of year studies.

Suzie.. that is good that she has decided what she wants to do jobwise, it will give her incentive with her studies. My daughter was not very happy with her exam today, but I did tell her that trying to take a Japanese gcse after studying it for only one college year was never going to be easy. She has part 2 of it next week, so I hope she will be more happy with that part.

Hiya Mollie Hug

I hope your daughter has done the same as mine and has done alot better than she thinks she has. That certainly isn't a lot of time to learn a language. Maybe she will feel more confident about the 2nd part of her exam Hug

Hope you've had a good day and have plenty of fun planned for the weekend Big Grin
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Hiya Mollie Hug

I hope your daughter has done the same as mine and has done alot better than she thinks she has. That certainly isn't a lot of time to learn a language. Maybe she will feel more confident about the 2nd part of her exam Hug

Hope you've had a good day and have plenty of fun planned for the weekend Big Grin

I had a nice day thanks Suzie, hope you did too. We went out for tea after I picked up daughter from college today. We went to the carvary because you get a special deal early evening. The dog enjoyed her turkey I bought home for her too.

I think we may go to Cardiff this weekend for a browse. Do you have anything planned Suzie ?
Originally posted by *Mollie*:

I had a nice day thanks Suzie, hope you did too. We went out for tea after I picked up daughter from college today. We went to the carvary because you get a special deal early evening. The dog enjoyed her turkey I bought home for her too.

I think we may go to Cardiff this weekend for a browse. Do you have anything planned Suzie ?

Glad to hear you had a nice day and what a lovely way to spend your tea time Big Grin
Sounds like a nice plan as long as you don't end up spending too much money Laugh

I had a very busy day at work as we had alot of orders to dispatch. I have nothing planned but hope to get down to Looe so I can have a wander along the beach Big Grin

I really feel for Yogi Frowner She is so heart broken but I think she knows we are all here for her to help her through this. I thought it was a lovely idea to have the ashes scattered at the river though.
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Never a dull moment here Laugh, lol we'll see he must be really disappointed this season with the way everything has gone for the Gunners.

I bet there isn't a dull moment and loads of things to chat about Big Grin
He says it's due to the newer players and they need to gain experience Roll Eyes Excuses excuses Laugh

Big Grin, always drama every day but I wouldn't have it any other way lol. Sometimes you got to kake up excuses if things not going well
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by darloboy07:

Big Grin, always drama every day but I wouldn't have it any other way lol. Sometimes you got to kake up excuses if things not going well

I remember one day was particularly busy in our house there were 52 people there Big Grin Had a brilliant night that night Nod

Well I'll just let him make up all the excuses he wants Big Grin It won't stop me getting up to mischief with teasing him Laugh
Originally posted by darloboy07:
52 people Eeker, blimey that must have been lots of mess to clean up Big Grin. Lol he'll have to come up with some excuse tomorrow when United hopefully win or draw and become champions, Arsenal will have to sort themselves out for next season or you'll have more to put up with Wink.

It did take a while to clean up but some of them did come back the next morning to help out. I didn't mind because it created one really large happy memory Big Grin
I can't wait to hear the excuse it should be a corker Laugh Although I have to say the women's Arsenal team are doing incredibly well as usual Big Grin
Originally posted by fairy_suzie:
I had a very busy day at work as we had alot of orders to dispatch. I have nothing planned but hope to get down to Looe so I can have a wander along the beach Big Grin

That sounds just the job, a nice walk on the beach, after a busy working week. Smiler

We love going walking on the beaches round here at the weekends too.

right time to get sorted for a bit of tv viewng for me, I am watching my fave soup Corrie tonight. Smiler wavey

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