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Originally posted by Tatty:
coooeeee everybody, bit late Laugh

just a quick call in, yes i agree with you hicky on marcus, there is something about him, that does not sit well with me, i do not know what he see's when he looks in the mirror, or what goes on in his brain, i would put him in the 'stalker' catagory, REALLY fully in there Shake Head

Hi Tatty, He has been looking pretty scary for some time, the way he used to sit and watch Noirin wasn't as it should be.

The problem is now, after all this he may try to harm her, hope BB is watching him.


.Nighty Night Everyone, I'm off to bed.
.....See you in the Morning ....
Originally posted by Hicky:


.......Nighty Night Everyone, I'm off to bed.
...........See you in the Morning ....

yes me too, and acts quick if he does try anything ... nightnight hicks Valentine
Hi guys. Smiler
Been working today trying to catch up. Probably take a week of dry weather before I'm back on track.

Good luck with your garden Suzie. Rather you than me. Oh hang on, what am I saying? Big Grin

Glad you're off the drip Hicky. Hope the elbow cures quickly.

I didn't know you went in for fake tan mollie?
It'll be hair extensions next. Razzer

Boldjohn? Boldjohn? Nuh! Ah cannae mind ee at a'? Razzer
I've got one piece of advice for you boy.
Buy another computer. Big Grin

Hi to Mike, darlo and Kev and Tatty. Thumbs Up

I don't think Noirin comes out of this well at all, and I think if the ex-boyfriend goes in then someone will walk.
Not sure if that will be Noirin, Marcus, Siavash or Hira.
(I just threw the last one in there, cos she's got to do something. Big Grin)
Last edited {1}
I think Marcus is the most level headed and socially aware person in there.*
No way would he lose his cool and harm anyone in there.
Noirin has gone from Sree, to Marcus, to Siavash now to Tom. Maybe her ex is next. Ninja
*Freddie is level headed and calm/cool headed, but he isn't as socially aware as marcus cos he didn't realise how he was annoying everyone. Maybe he didn't realise because he was nervous, he's really calmed down now, you can tell with the lack of nervous habits (most people have very mild tourettes we just don't know it Wink ) when he's talking.
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Tom might be leaving the Big Bro house Eeker. He said most of the housemates apart from Freddie, Marcus and Rodrigo are there just to be famous and for the wrong reasons, he has his best mates wedding and is bored. When you go on BB you know what you are in for, but he said it was just a challenge to get in the house.

I hope he goes. i don't particulary like him.

He's just come out of the DR on LF.
I think if I was in there I would do a Sandy and Kenneth and scale the wall.
And when they say the roof isn't designed for taking peoples weight. Roll Eyes
How did they think it was built, or will be demolished. Those nails don't hammer themselves in lol.
Good morning all wavey

Suzy...aawww glad your daughter is home and enjoying a cuddle with her mom. Are you gardening again today? Hope you are not aching after all your strenuous work yesterday.

Hicky...hope the elbow has improved a little.

Emptybox..glad you have caught up a bit work wise now. Yes, my chav period of fake tan is now over. Laugh I only started doing it because we had a wedding to go to, but I cant be bothered to carry on any more, cant stand the smell or the streakyness of faking it. And no I certainly would not be going for the hair extensions, Big Grin how awful do they look on Sophie? She looks balding on many shots I see of her.
I bet you have a good tan from all that outdoor work you do, dont you?

Mike... hope you did not overdo the Stella last night, and have a hangover?
Originally posted by King Kev:
No way would Marcus lose his cool and harm anyone in there.
Noirin has gone from Sree, to Marcus, to Siavash now to Tom. Maybe her ex is next. Ninja

I agree, I dont think Marcus would lose his cool and ever harm anyone, he is silly, but not that silly.

Hope you do not have a hangover today.
Were you on the Stella, like Mike?
Good Morning Everyone.Wave

Lovely to have a Li-in again without Nurses coming.

So Tom has left, didn't do anything for me anyway.

I'll go and get the news.
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Good Morning Everyone *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Hope you are all well today. *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* A very rainy day here *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Happy Sunday to you All *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
Last Night in the BB house, Day 52/53.
03:38 Sophie and Noirin are going to bed. No, not together. Not tonight. Night night.

03:36 Noirin's words, by the way - not mine.

03:35 "Every time I'm around Marcus he talks about death and killing people - and his breath stinks!"

03:30 Noirin's decided she doesn't actually like Marcus and he's not a nice person.

03:20 The girls are talking the talk about leaving the house, but can they walk the walk? Don't think so. Let's not forget there's ÂĢ100k at stake here, ladies.

03:09 Noirin and Sophie are getting paranoid about being seen as boring airheads. "They won't even give us beer," says Sophie.

03:00 Sophie's worried about looking like an idiot when she leaves, for being naive about Kris.

02:50 Now Sophie and Noirin are saying they're not enjoying BB any more and they are discussing leaving.

02:38 Sophie and Noirin are talking in the kitchen about Kris. Sophie wants to know what he's done to make Tom warn her off. David has come in and is telling Sophie to ignore what Tom said.

02:28 Tom's gone into the diary room. Probably because he started telling Sophie she'd be better off without Kris. Now all the HMs are talking about walking out. All a bit depressing.

02:08 Tom has packed his case and is waiting for Big Brother to open the door and let him out. He's definitely going.

01:58 Now Tom's saying goodbye. Looks like he really is leaving. "We're all wired up differently," he's saying.

01:56 Tom's just come out of the diary room. The HMs are asking him whether he's going to leave the house. "Just having a chat," he says.

01:54 David's saying it's disrespectful when people walk out. "I cried when they picked me," he's saying.

01:50 Now the HMs are pondering whether the show's any good. "Maybe this is the worst Big Brother ever." Marcus heads for the toilet, saying: "Maybe they've taken us off air and no one's watching."

01:45 Charlie's saying he wants to visit everyone when the show is over.

01:40 Siavash, Noirin, Charlie, Rodrigo, Marcus and David seem to be talking about Kenneth, and why he left.
Start Here.
Muscle man Tom walks

After a long chat in the diary room, Tom stunned the Big Brother housemates by telling them he was leaving immediately.

As he prepared to leave, Noirin said: "I thought you were stronger than that."

Tom replied: "We're all wired up differently."

Siavash tried to persuade Tom to stay, telling him he could change his mind at any time.

Tom said he had no desire to stay.

"I knew I was going to go two days ago," he said.
Tom warns Sophie about Kris

AFTER telling the housemates he was leaving, Tom told Sophie Reade she should steer clear of her BB lover Kris Donnelly.

"I think you'd be better off on your own," he said to her as he packed his bags.

Sophie asked him what he meant.

He said: "When you asked me the other night, I said draw your own conclusions.

"You know, really, you're not stupid."

And he continued: "You never know in here what people's little plans are — that they're trying to get out of a situation."
Sophie Reade’s school of love

GLAMOUR babe Sophie Reade gave new boy Tom some advice on how to get close to Irish beauty Noirin Kelly.

"I can see it," she said. "Attraction between the two of you.

"I'm good at these thngs."

Tom seemed unsure, saying: "She's not that forthcoming. I don't think she fancies me at all."

But Sophie put him straight, telling him: "She might want you to come to her.

"Personally, I think she does."
Housemates consider mass quitting
Day 53, 10:38 BST
By Jen Grieves

The housemates last night considered quitting the show together after seeing how easy it was for Tom to pack up and leave after just seven days in the house.

Most of the housemates were sat in the living room in shock following Tom's swift exit through the Diary Room. They all agreed that it seemed like Big Brother had "given up" on them.

Marcus stated: "I think this is just a shit Big Brother," as housemates commented that the boredom was making them depressed.

"It's been like this for a fu**ing month," said Noirin. Charlie, Sophie and Siavash all agreed that they were all considering leaving because it looked so easy.

"We need someone to spice things up," suggested Charlie, while David commented that they needed "more tasks".

He had earlier tried to boost morale in the group, telling them: "You've done amazingly well, just keep going." Rodrigo backed him up, adding that they must "enjoy the opportunity".

Siavash then considered: "It would be the coolest thing that's ever happened on telly if we all just walked out."

The housemates agreed and laughed as Marcus joked: "[Big Brother] might have been taken off the telly already, and we're all just in here while they've fu**ed off home."

Many of the housemates stayed up to consider their place in the house, worrying that Tom had known something about the current series that made him want to leave.
Morning. Smiler

I think Tom was quite nasty, stirring up things by what he said to Sophie. She's going to be worried all the rest of her time in there now.
He was an extremely negative person all round.

I'm annoyed at his going for another reason as well, because Aisleyne's little bit on BBLB has been cancelled because presumably they are going to interview Tom instead. Mad

The housemates are nearly right when they say that BB has just about given up. Roll Eyes

Mollie, glad to hear you've given up on the fake tan. Big Grin I don't really have a tan, because if I don't wear sunblock I burn. I get a bit of a tan on my forearms, but that's about it. Frowner
How Noirin met Isaac in Oz.
I will leave all the pics out.
Noirin Kelly was in Real World Sydney!
Although this blog is about the Sims BB10, I couldn’t resist inserting the stuff I just discovered watching The Real World Sydney. Noirin is in it!!! Not as a housemate but happens to meet them in the streets of Sydney. I wonder if that experience inspired her to try for Big Brother?

Isaac meets Noirin and chats her up on the street. They later go to the Real World house and snog in the hot tub, later retreating to the private bedroom for some hot sex. Seems Noirin isn’t shy about getting right down to business when she meets a man she fancies! She did say on Big Brother one time that “Believe me, you’ll notice when I like someone” or something along those lines.

Isaac and the other males housemates are walking around in Chinatown. Isaac stops in his tracks when he sees Noirin and stops to chat to her.

Noirin meets Real world cast member Isaac on the streets of Sydney

Isaac: You really didn’t want to have a drink with me?

Noirin: Where are ye’s from?

Isaac: America

Noirin: Americanâ€Ķ We’re Irish

Isaac: Really?

Noirin and her friend: Yeah!

Isaac: I’m Isaac, nice to meet you (shaking hands)

Isaac’s commentary: I meet Noirin on the streets of Chinatown. Funny place for an Irish black person to be.

After some more chatter, they talk about meeting up later that night.

Isaac: Bondi’s? (couldn’t make out the name but he’s referring to the bar the housemates are going to in the evening)

Noirin: Yeah (she is apparently going there too that night)

Isaac: That’s what we’re doing

Noirin: Beach Road Hotel

Isaac: That is absolutely what we’re doing

Noirin: So do you want us to give you our number and we’ll come over

Isaac: Yeahâ€Ķ Somebody got a pen or somethin’? Anybody got a pen? Pen for the love of god?

They find a pen and Noirin starts to write her number along his arm.

Isaac: This is an Australian number I might have to have longer arms!

Noirin: (laughs and walks away with her friend) Bye!

Isaac continues on with his buddies.

Isaac: It’s funny that the sexiest girl we’ve seen so far in Australia is from Ireland.

Later that night the housemates hit the town and go to Bondi’s.

Isaac arrives at Bondi’s at the Beach Road Hotel where Noirin is already dancing in the crowd. Isaac is looking for Noirin with almost desperation in his eyes since they are late arriving. (due to the female housemates gussying up so much)

Noirin and Isaac hit it off at the bar

Isaac and Noirin spot each other, breaking out into big smiles.

Isaac: I haven’t seen one sexy ass Australian girl. After we talked to you, me Dunbar and Buddy walked home and I was like: “How come the first sexy ass girl I meet in Australia is Irish?”

Isaac’s commentary: Noirin’s real cool, luck of the Irish.
Isaac: You gotta stop making me smile like a jackassâ€Ķ

Isaac’s commentary: It’s nice to hang out with a real chilled girlâ€Ķ it’s a good thing to have in another country.

Noirin and Isaac kissing passionately

Noirin is used to men falling in love with her, so why would this be any different?

Noirin: I think you’re in love.

Isaac: I think you’re in love.

Noirin: I think we’re both in love.

Isaac: We better go, we better go sleep it off.

Noirin: Two dates.. days? (couldn’t make out what she said really)

Later on, back at the house Isaac and Noirin are in the hot tub making out.

Isaac: You ready to get out?

Noirin: Yep.

Noirin and Isaac saunter off to the private droom

Noirin removes her shirt and dives under the covers

Noirin spends the night and the next morningâ€Ķ

A good morning kiss between Isaac and Noirin

Isaac’s commentary: I don’t know if I’m going to see Noirin again. Let’s just assume that I will. At this point I’m out of sorts ’cause of you know, new experience, new peoplein the house and so to have an outside friend whose level headed and cool, would make me very excited.

Noirin leaves and they exchange goodbyes.

Noirin makes her exit

Isaac is blown away by Noirin

Dunbar: I didn’t see any breasts last night.

Isaac: Oh my goodnessâ€Ķ

Dunbar: The Irish good looks, she had ‘em.

Isaac: Wooooooowwwwwâ€Ķ. yeaaahhhhâ€Ķ (rubbing face in amazement)

Dunbar: I feared that.

Isaac: Yeaaahhhâ€Ķ they were absolutely a sight to beholdâ€Ķ (Noirin’s breasts)

Dunbar: Ooh manâ€Ķ

Isaac: And to be held.

Dunbar: Were they firm? (makes groping gesture)

Isaac: They were very firm.

Dunbar: Hmmm (as if he regrets that he wasn’t the one in his shoes)

Isaac takes hold of the fridge handles arching back and yells out.

Isaac: Ice my penis down.

Originally posted by emptybox:
Morning. Smiler

I think Tom was quite nasty, stirring up things by what he said to Sophie. She's going to be worried all the rest of her time in there now.
He was an extremely negative person all round.

I'm annoyed at his going for another reason as well, because Aisleyne's little bit on BBLB has been cancelled because presumably they are going to interview Tom instead. Mad

The housemates are nearly right when they say that BB has just about given up. Roll Eyes

Mollie, glad to hear you've given up on the fake tan. Big Grin I don't really have a tan, because if I don't wear sunblock I burn. I get a bit of a tan on my forearms, but that's about it. Frowner

Hi Emptybox.wavey

Not sure why Tom said that to Sophie, maybe he just doesn't like Kris.

Tom won't be missed anyway.

They are all bored out of their minds, that's always been the biggest problem.

Could never understand why they don't give them games to play like BB USA.
Originally posted by Cold Sweat:
Cheers for the news and updates, Hicky! Wave

It's a bit of a concern watching several housemates talking about quitting. There does seem to be an awful lot of pessimism - evident from the way they happily put themselves up for eviction last week.

Hi Cold Sweat.Wave
You are more than Welcome.

They are bored to death.

Can't see what there is to stay in for, if they aren't going to win then they are better off out.

BB only want to humiliate them, that's why they are in there.
Originally posted by emptybox:
Morning. Smiler

I think Tom was quite nasty, stirring up things by what he said to Sophie. She's going to be worried all the rest of her time in there now.
He was an extremely negative person all round.

I'm annoyed at his going for another reason as well, because Aisleyne's little bit on BBLB has been cancelled because presumably they are going to interview Tom instead. Mad

The housemates are nearly right when they say that BB has just about given up. Roll Eyes

Mollie, glad to hear you've given up on the fake tan. Big Grin I don't really have a tan, because if I don't wear sunblock I burn. I get a bit of a tan on my forearms, but that's about it. Frowner

Wave Emptybox
shame you dont pick up a tan whilst you are gardening, but if you burn , it is best to protect.

I do not think Tom meant to be nasty warning Sophie.

For the 1st time ever this series I have tuned into BBLB to see Tom , and he said he liked Sophie, and she deserves better, which I agree. Tom will of known that Kris was not a popular HM, Sophie's parents wrote in the press, that they did not approve of Kris, and that Kris had said he had ditched Sophie when he left the house. So imo it is best for Sophie to be forearmed about what Kris is really like, so she thinks first before falling into Kris's arms on leaving the house, especially if she has comes out in the top 3. I think she will do better career wise if she isn't tied to Kris, who was an unpopular HM.

Yes the HM's must of picked up from the newbies that BB has given up on them, and that this series is not very popular, and will therefore not have the earning power for them that it used to in other series.
Originally posted by Hicky:
Could never understand why they don't give them games to play like BB USA.

wavey Hicky

I agree Hicky, I wish we could see more of the US type endurance games on our BB, instead of the cheaply made rubbish we get offered now and again.

Glad to hear you were able to enjoy a lie in at last. Smiler

How was the elbow this morning? Was it still weeping?

No Suzy yet? I wonder if she is busy in her garden again?
Originally posted by Hicky:

Suzie, Suzie, Suzie.
Please come back, we miss you, you're safe here.
We never Biatch or Blame anyone for anything.
Come back as soon as you can.

Suzy Hug

I agree with Hicky.
Just come back in here, you are safe here. We will look after you if anyone is mean to you.

We know you are lovely, and we miss you. Frowner Hug
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Originally posted by Tatty:
helloo all, there is a reason Suzie is not here, i opened a thread about it, at 12.14 Disappointed

OMG just had a look Eeker Frowner, hope she comes back.

at the moment, i dont know mollie, cos the person who stirred this, has no reason too Shake Head
i do know that the person who she is 'supposed' to have 'bitched' about has spoken to her and said sorry.
but i want the person who started it to PM me, and i will tell them what a mistake they have made by doing this to Suzie, cos she is not that sort of person, and a lot of people know that.

on that subject, i think the one who spoke to suzie earlier should also tell me or suzie who the person is, after all it nearly caused one big hell of a mess FOR YOU!
Originally posted by Hicky:

Suzie, Suzie, Suzie.
Please come back, we miss you, you're safe here.
We never Biatch or Blame anyone for anything.
Come back as soon as you can.

but someone did hick Crying and this is the problem Disappointed
i am not saying this thread but on this forum did.

hope you are feeling better today Hug

sorry Mollie i forgot this Hug
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Originally posted by Hicky:
Could never understand why they don't give them games to play like BB USA.

wavey Hicky

I agree Hicky, I wish we could see more of the US type endurance games on our BB, instead of the cheaply made rubbish we get offered now and again.

Glad to hear you were able to enjoy a lie in at last. Smiler

How was the elbow this morning? Was it still weeping?

No Suzy yet? I wonder if she is busy in her garden again?

Hi Mollie.wavey
My Elbow was a bit weepy, am leaving the bandage off for a while to let it dry up a bit.

Been watching the overnight LF.
They are all so sick of the place.

Can't understand why they don't do it like the US BB, why give them no food, why give then tokens for water, why not give them a washing machine, why not give them a games table and cards and a compendium of games.

There's nothing they can do.
Why can't they have music.
They haven't even got anywhere to dry their clothes.
Why can't they talk about previous BB's?

The program is grinding to a halt.
They have messed up good time.
Originally posted by Tatty:
Originally posted by Hicky:

Suzie, Suzie, Suzie.
Please come back, we miss you, you're safe here.
We never Biatch or Blame anyone for anything.
Come back as soon as you can.

but someone did hick Crying and this is the problem Disappointed
i am not saying this thread but on this forum did.

hope you are feeling better today Hug

sorry Mollie i forgot this Hug

Hug Tatty
poor Suzy Frowner

Hicky is right that we don't biatch or blame in this thread, but most of us in here do not know what goes on within this forum, outside of this thread. ( I know I don't anyway).

But all I know, is that Suzy has been a lovely poster in this thread, and it is a shame if she leaves, because she is safe in here, and as a valued poster, I know all of us in here enjoy posting with her.
Originally posted by Hicky:
Hi Mollie.wavey
My Elbow was a bit weepy, am leaving the bandage off for a while to let it dry up a bit.

Been watching the overnight LF.
They are all so sick of the place.

Can't understand why they don't do it like the US BB, why give them no food, why give then tokens for water, why not give them a washing machine, why not give them a games table and cards and a compendium of games.

There's nothing they can do.
Why can't they have music.
They haven't even got anywhere to dry their clothes.
Why can't they talk about previous BB's?

The program is grinding to a halt.
They have messed up good time.

Hi Hicky
I hope the air getting to that elbow helps dry it up a little. Hug

Yes BB is indeed grinding to a halt now. The HM's aren't interested, the media aren't interested in reporting on it, and even us, as fans, are tiring of it now.
Oh well, I guess it was a success for 10 years, which is pretty good going.
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Hello Hicky and Mollie Wave.

Hope your elbow gets better soon Hicky Smiler.

Awww poor Suzie Frowner, she's so friendly and wouldn't bitch about anyone.

Hi Darloboy Hug

hope you are having a good weekend.

Yes I too find Suzy a lovely frienly poster. Shame someone has upset her.

Do you think there is any hope of rescuing BB this year? It is not due to finish for a long time yet, so do you think they can do anything to rescue it, or do you think C4 have given up on it?
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Originally posted by Hicky:
Hi Mollie.wavey
My Elbow was a bit weepy, am leaving the bandage off for a while to let it dry up a bit.

Been watching the overnight LF.
They are all so sick of the place.

Can't understand why they don't do it like the US BB, why give them no food, why give then tokens for water, why not give them a washing machine, why not give them a games table and cards and a compendium of games.

There's nothing they can do.
Why can't they have music.
They haven't even got anywhere to dry their clothes.
Why can't they talk about previous BB's?

The program is grinding to a halt.
They have messed up good time.

Hi Hicky
I hope the air getting to that elbow helps dry it up a little. Hug

Yes BB is indeed grinding to a halt now. The HM's aren't interested, the media aren't interested in reporting on it, and even us, as fans, are tiring of it now.
Oh well, I guess it was a success for 10 years, which is pretty good going.

My Elbow is drying up, will probably put a bandage on to protect it overnight.

I've never been so disappointed in a show.
If Tom got out it shows how bad things are inside the house.

I think Noirin & Sophie aren't far from quitting either, they are just so bored with having nothing to do.

You Avatar isn't coming up on my page.
What's up with it?
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Hello Hicky and Mollie Wave.

Hope your elbow gets better soon Hicky Smiler.

Awww poor Suzie Frowner, she's so friendly and wouldn't bitch about anyone.

Hi Darloboy Hug

hope you are having a good weekend.

Yes I too find Suzy a lovely frienly poster. Shame someone has upset her.

Do you think there is any hope of rescuing BB this year? It is not due to finish for a long time yet, so do you think they can do anything to rescue it, or do you think C4 have given up on it?

I'm having a good weekend Smiler.

I think there is hope of saving BB when it's contract with C4 runs out. C4 are jsut destroying the show and Endemol clearly aren't happy with them about it and also over the LF situation also. I hope that it goes to another channel but theres a chance it could finally be axed Frowner Frowner.
darloboy (Play The Game!)

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