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Originally posted by darloboy07:
Hope your elbow gets better Hicky Smiler, did you hear about Chanelle getting beaten up. I couldn't stand her in BB and don't like her as a person but she doesn't deserve something like that Shake Head.

wavey Darloboy
I didn't like her at all on BB either, too foul mouthed and bad tempererd for my liking, but Eeker no-one deserves that sort of treatment.
That is appalling. Mad
Hope she is ok.
Originally posted by Hicky:

Elbow still swollen, it's like having half a golf ball under a bandage.
That's the size of it, but can move arm fine.

Go back to clinic next Friday to see how it's going, will be taking the Oral tablets for 7 days, 3 a day.

I'm glad you still have the mobility in your elbow and hope all this penicillin is doing some good Hug
I would have been dead by now if that was me Laugh I'm highly allergic to penicillin Nod
Good evening all wavey

Hicky.. wavey
So glad to hear they are going to stop this IV stuff at last. I hope the pills clear up that swelling for you now. Hug I guessed your poor arm would be feeling the worse for wear, with all those holes in it by now. Frowner

Mike... good luck with the career choice. Hope they dont leave you too long waiting for the interview. xx it 2 weeks you are off for now?

I too hope the new HM is not Norin's ex. I would prefer it to be someone with no HM connectiosn, I just hate this couples thing.

Darloyboy is right about BB getting more interest now. On 2 shows on Radio 1 today (Chris moyles, and someone else's), I heard them discussing the HM's , and they haven't been, up till now this series.
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Hope your elbow gets better Hicky Smiler, did you hear about Chanelle getting beaten up. I couldn't stand her in BB and don't like her as a person but she doesn't deserve something like that Shake Head.

I read about it on the DS CAT thread.
One of the hazzards of being well known.

I have always liked her, and she has a nice footballer boyfriend now as well.
She's made enough money in the last 2 years to buy a house in the country and not have to worry about money for the rest of her life.
So BB did her a very big favour really.
Originally posted by King Kev:
Did anyone see the Steven Gerrard verdict on the news. Eeker
Not Guilty...self defense. Red Face
Wish I could afford his solicitor, not that I need him/her though. Big Grin

We know what would've happened if Gerrard was on the receiving end instead of dishing it out. Roll Eyes

Steven didn't start the fight, so it had to be self defence.
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Good evening all wavey

Hicky.. wavey
So glad to hear they are going to stop this IV stuff at last. I hope the pills clear up that swelling for you now. Hug I guessed your poor arm would be feeling the worse for wear, with all those holes in it by now. Frowner

I think a lot of the swelling that is left is the excess elbow joint lubricant.

I treated myself to a box of Ferrero Rocher tp celebrate coming of the IV sessions.

Oh, BB on now.Big Grin
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Hug Wave Mollie, this BB must have been a slow burner then for all the interest now. Only thing that is not so good is lack of Live Feed and the lack of twists.

Yes big shame the lack of livefeed, I think we would of got a lot out of it this series.

Time to watch tonight's show.

Enjoy the show all. Wave
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by King Kev:
Did anyone see the Steven Gerrard verdict on the news. Eeker
Not Guilty...self defense. Red Face
Wish I could afford his solicitor, not that I need him/her though. Big Grin

We know what would've happened if Gerrard was on the receiving end instead of dishing it out. Roll Eyes

Steven didn't start the fight, so it had to be self defence.

His mate started it though, by elbowing the dj.
I don't recall seeing the dj do anything other than square up to him. Confused

Lucky it wasn't in Wigan. You get a good hiding whether yoy start it or not. Doormen or Police.
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Good evening all wavey

Hicky.. wavey
So glad to hear they are going to stop this IV stuff at last. I hope the pills clear up that swelling for you now. Hug I guessed your poor arm would be feeling the worse for wear, with all those holes in it by now. Frowner

I think a lot of the swelling that is left is the excess elbow joint lubricant.

I treated myself to a box of Ferrero Rocher tp celebrate coming of the IV sessions.

Oh, BB on now.Big Grin

Aaaww good for you Hicky.
Enjoy them. Hug

My OH loves those too, I always buy some for him on special occasions.
Originally posted by King Kev:
I have a bit of a headache cos someone lit a fire near me, they must've put something bad on it, and the smoke was everywhere like fog. Eeker

I don't know where you hang out but where on earth where you for them to be able to light a fire by you?
Never mind what they put on it, but burning plastic is pretty poisonous and very nasty.
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by King Kev:
I have a bit of a headache cos someone lit a fire near me, they must've put something bad on it, and the smoke was everywhere like fog. Eeker

I don't know where you hang out but where on earth where you for them to be able to light a fire by you?
Never mind what they put on it, but burning plastic is pretty poisonous and very nasty.

yess someone did that in turkey one night, while i was living there ... OMG Eeker they have NOOOO sense of anything bad there, seriously!!
asbestos .. that as well ... oh yes Eeker


.......Nighty Night Everyone, I'm off to bed.
..See you in the Morning, Saturday again
Originally posted by Hicky:


.......Nighty Night Everyone, I'm off to bed.
..See you in the Morning, Saturday again

Night Night Sweet Dreams Hicky HugValentine

See you tomorrow Wave
Originally posted by Hicky:


.......Nighty Night Everyone, I'm off to bed.
..See you in the Morning, Saturday again

night hicks hoping you are feeling better Hug
Evening. Smiler

Not too bad morning, but a wet finish to the afternoon.

I've got my computer up and running again anyway, ready for my Dad when he gets back. It's him that uses that one mostly. I haven't heard a peep from him, so I assume he's enjoying the break. Big Grin

Kenny came over very badly I thought. he was just saying what he thought he should.
I think it's significant that he's good friends with Rex. Roll Eyes

Karly? Well I think she'd be better off without him, but it won't put me off her.

BTW Any fans of Kylie Minogue who are planning to watch BBLB on Sunday, might like to invest in a set of earplugs.
Aisleyne is going to be attempting 'I Should Be So Lucky', with the house band, at the end of the show. Big Grin
I hear she's got a 1940s style outfit planned. Cool

Night all. Smiler
Good Morning Everyone.wavey

Reply to latecomers last night first.

Hi Emptybox.Wave
Glad your Dad is enjoying his break away.
Kenny just puts a front on, lurking behind is another story, we won't go into that.

Karly is just a short term toy, can't see any future in it for her.

BBLB should be interesting Sunday then.

Hi Mikewavey
If you fight the Police with a weapon then they will have the right of self defence, which mean you will probably lose.
Today they would have Tazared you.

Hi Suzie.wavey
It's lovey Sunshine here anyway, still a bit of wind (outside).

Will just go and get the overnight news if there is any.
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Good Morning Everyone *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Hope you are all well today. *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* A very Sunny day here *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Happy Saturday to you All *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
Last night in the BB house, Day 51/52.
05:15 A very unhappy Marcus looks to be the last HM out of bed. He's washing up.

05:10 Big Brother has let Tom out of jail.

05:00 Noirin has told Marcus about her kiss with Siavash. He's not impressed. He says she's been dishonest and she fancied him from the start. He also says she'll get it on with Tom before long. He could be right there.

04:22 Noirin is saying to Siavash that they should stop their relationship right now and pick it up on the outsdie, if they want to. She's not mentioned that she fancies Tom, of course.

04:19 Noirin has woken Siavash up for a chat.

04:13 Bea is in the kitchen with Sophie and Noirin. Noirin's told Bea that she fancies Siavash AND Tom, and wants to know what she should do. Bea says she should forget about Tom and tell everyone about her and Siavash. Wow!!

03:50 Tom has been allowed out of jail for 15 minutes to get some food.

03:20 Siavash is telling Sophie that he regrets saying he had a girlfriend. Your girlfriend won't like that, Si.

03:09 Sophie's told Siavash that Karly never called Noirin a rabbit. Siavash has realised that he was probably wrong on that. Now he's saying that the public probably hates him and he deserves it. Don't worry, son, you're the new favourite to win.

03:00 Sophie hasn't been this wide awake at 3am before. She's loving it. She's told Siavash that she knows the score about him and Noirin. She's saying Marcus should be told, otherwise it'll lead to trouble. Like, there won't be any trouble if you tell him, will there, Soph?

02:48 Now Sophie's in the garden talking to Tom. Everyone's joining in with slagging off Marcus. And why not?

02:40 Now Sophie and Noirin have come into the kitchen - very giggly. Siavash does not look comfortable AT ALL.

02:37 Bea's now in the kitchen, telling Siavash that there's a total f***** negative vibe.

02:33 Now Marcus is talking to Siavash. Little does he know the Benedict Arnold is right before his eyes.

02:29 Marcus and Freddie are now talking in the living room. The good news is, Marcus isn't talking about Noirin. Looks like Tom's become his favourite topic of conversation. Trouble is, talking about Tom does make him pull some very nasty bulldog faces.

02:22 Bizarrely, Bea and Tom are telling each other what a strange place they're in, as if they're surprised. Yes, people it's BB, not a B&B.

02:20 Tom is saying to Bea that anything he has said to Marcus (ie that Bea is a drama queen) he would say to her face.

02:15 Bea and Freddie are out in the garden, talking to Tom. Bea is telling Tom what Marcus has been saying about him.

02:05 Marcus is telling Charlie that he thinks Noirin likes Tom. He obviously hasn't got a clue about Noirin and Siavash.

01:55 Marcus is in the kitchen now, telling tales about Tom to Charlie.

01:48 Tom's basically telling Marcus he's boring and he should leave Noirin alone. Funnily enough, it's not really sinking in.

01:38 Tom says Noirin wants to talk to him and Marcus is always there, trying to get between them.

01:30 Tom's in the garden (in jail) with Marcus. He's telling Marcus that if he keeps chasing Noirin around, he's just being a pervy weirdo.
Start Here
Charlie worries about job prospects
Day 52, 10:04 BST
By Jen Grieves

Charlie revealed his worrries about getting a new job after being on Big Brother to Sophie last night.

The former Mr Gay Newcastle entered the house as a customer service advisor, but will need to get a new job when he leaves.

He told Sophie that it would be nice if Big Brother had given him better job prospects, but was doubtful of his chances.

"I'd rather just stay in here," he said, despite bemoaning moments earlier that he was bored and hungry.

Sophie then assured him that he would easily get a job on the outside, and told him he would "make a good kids' TV presenter".

David added that he would like to have a go at presenting on the radio, while Sophie offered advice about getting someone to represent Charlie when he leaves the house, who would help him get work.

"There will be loads of people for you. You'll get paid to go to clubs and there's free alcohol all night," the glamour model said.

Charlie asked her: "Do they sort you out? Because I wouldn't have a clue what to do."

"Yes," she replied, telling him: "They sort it out and just take like a 20% cut."

The pair then got told off by Big Brother for discussing the work that previous housemates had secured after their time on the show.
Sophie: 'I'm proper in debt'
Day 52, 10:07 BST
By Jen Grieves

Sophie has told Charlie and David that glamour modelling is in fact not so glamorous, and that she is in debt from her spending and lack of income.

The three housemates were sitting in the living room talking about their ideal jobs.

This prompted Sophie to reveal that she was in a lot of debt following her ÂĢ5,000 boob job and other spending habits like clothes shopping.

"My mum's been helping me out. I'm proper in debt," she told the others, smiling.

She continued: "I've got loads of stuff to pay off... my boob job's on finance."

David then began asking questions about her surgery.

When she revealed that her natural boobs were an F-cup before the operation, he responded: "Wow, so you were quite big before then?"

"Yeah, I just wanted more up top," she replied, adding: "I want them done again when I get out. I want the false look."

Charlie immediately reacted by saying: "Don't you dare. I like that yours move, they're natural." David agreed, telling her they would look like "footballs".

Sophie told the pair that she hoped it would help her get more work. "The money's crap," she said of her career, before listing how much she would get paid for various glamour jobs.
Rodrigo discusses move to England
Day 52, 09:59 BST
By Jen Grieves

Rodrigo has talked openly to David about why he wanted to leave Brazil as a teenager and start a new life in England.

The pair were sitting with Sophie in the living room dscussing ambition. David revealed that he "admired" those who didn't want to sit at home all their life.

Rodrigo responded by saying: "If I didn't have ambition I wouldn't be here [in the house]. I would still be in Brazil."

David then prompted the student to tell him more, asking him about why he wanted to move to England.

"I wasn't happy with my life in Brazil, no opportunity," he revealed, adding: "Not what I want for my future."

Rodrigo said that he could see that he wouldn't get work, and first came over to England when he was just 16.

"I came to start a whole new life. Not one month, not two, or three, four. A whole new future," he told David and Sophie.

Rodrigo, who now lives in Leeds and attends university in Bradford, also said that they needed to "enjoy every moment" in the house, and make the most of the opportunity that they had been given.
Noirin: You see, it's like this...
Published: Today

NOIRIN Kelly tried to explain her feelings about Siavash to confused new girl, Bea.

"When I first came in here I met Siavash and thought he was cute.

"We were flirting for a few weeks, but then he started pushing me away and being a d*** head.

"Then there was the rabbit thng. No I don't think he's a dickhead.

"We had a conversation about how we both liked each other

But it was OK, cos I thought he was going to go, or I would.

"Obviously, we both stayed.

"And then Tom came in and I fancy him.

"Then we (Noirin and Siavash) started flirting again and touching.

"And last night we had a kiss in bed together.

"Then I realised that I actually do fancy Tom.

"But I don't.

"The public are going to hate me

"They will f**** annihilate me."

Possibly, Noirin. Possibly.
Sex, lies and BB videotape
Published: Today

DAY 51 turned out to be a real emotional rollercoaster in the Big Brother house.

initially, Irish beauty Noirin Kelly spilt the beans to fellow housemate Sophie Reade about her bedtime snog with Siavash Sabbaghpour.

Noirin and Sophie then broke the news to Bea, but Noirin also revealed to her that she fancied new housemate Tom.

Bea advised Noirin to forget about beginning any relationship with the posh muscleman, and Noirin reluctantly agreed she wouldn't.

Noirin then woke Siavash to tell him they should end their brief relationship, before breaking the news of her illicit snogfest to lovelorn Marcus Akin.

An upset Marcus told Noirin she had been dishonest with him about her feelings for Siavash for many weeks.

He then quizzed her about her feelings for Tom, and Noirin weakly denied she wanted a relationship with him.

The confused Dubliner — with a lot of love to give, but not to Marcus — claimed that all she really wanted was to get back with her ex-boyfriend.

"I'm a human being, I made a mistake," she said. "That's what human beings do, they make mistakes."

With well over a month of the show to run, there's plenty of time for Noirin to make a lot more mistakes — and the Big Brother bosses will be praying that Noirin remains in the house to make them.
Originally posted by Cold Sweat:
Thanks for the update and news stories, Hicky! Thumbs Up

Phew - what a night in the BB house! Big Grin

Hiya Cold Sweat.wavey

You are most Welcome.
Haven't found out yet why Tom is in the Jail.

I like Noirin, what a position to be in with all this choice of fellers, you can't blame her for testing the waters.

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